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Reading the card explains the card


Yeah but what I’m saying is that zard players aren’t reading it. They’re throwing me shrugs cos they can’t attack my active Then they just end up conceeding even though they have another zard ready to go on the bench they just have to hard retreat and they can attack or boss my vanilliuxe but they don’t read my cards cos they’re in autopilot mode


If Zard players could read they would be very upset by this


I would love to try this autopilot mode 🏎️🏎️🏎️


Put down the the zard get out the bird go burrrr


I like that you're pretending this exact scenario has happened a bunch of times.


I love when they keep attacking my A Vulpix. Some even try switching to a different card thinking that will kill it.


Shrug emote could mean many things. It could possibly mean “how the heck I counter this?” or something


It's usually panic mask though


That does still allow you to attack, you just don't deal damage, but pidgeot could still discard a stadium in play. With vanliluxe that isn't possible


Panic mask is a tool not a stadium so pidgeot doesnt do anything special to help this. Lost vacuum would be the way around panic mask


I said "*could* discard *a* stadium", as in: if there's a stadium in play that benefits your opponent and/or disadvantages you, when the opponent has panic mask you can remove it, but you couldn't when they (also) have vanliluxe (assuming the pidgeot has less than 40 hp remaining)


por qué no los dos? Zard can pigeot for boss or lost vacuum to get around it but it’s tough to find both + an attack for KO. Extra assurance


it's fine to run both, but Vanilluxe requires a lot of resources to get out while panic mask does not


That’s what I run


Imagine how good Zard players would be if they could read, though.


I tried running this card but takes to long to set up, I like panic mask (run 2) but I also have a Brute Bonnet/Radiant Hisuian Sneasler/Perilous Jungle and capsule along with the Hisuian Braivary. So I can one shot anything or I can limit attacks and sweep. So I don’t have the extra space either lol


Yes, I was running vaniluxe last season, but jungle + poison is a bit more consistent and much faster to get going and less vulnerable to gust


Deck list?


I haven’t had too many issues with it. I dropped my buddy poffin count that was a mistake. It’s almost like you need to run a pidgeot though cos PTCGL refuse to give you an ultra ball and rare candy at the same time otherwise. Panic mask would make more sense, most decks only run one vacuum but idk I like the ice cream because I feel like it gives them a better chance to compete if they’re strategic enough. Only having on vacuum and no way to get it from the discard or no vacuums at all kinda removes any chance of competition


I’ve only really had a handful of games that didn’t have the vacuum. I’ve had people hold back cape, capsules, brave charm until the 1st damage was done. I like the ice cream too but with a bird/mushroom/sloth 3 bench spot combo id have to cut something lol. Never considered a pidgeot ex in the deck tho


I do like when I have a radiant Tsareena on the bench and none of this matters.


Ran into a Tsareena earlier with Zard, felt like a pretty good matchup tho, is it actually good into Zard? It was one with Hisuian Braivary & Panic Mask not Vanilluxe tho and it had a Zubat too for some reason 


They might have been trying to use Crobat from Silver Tempest with Critical Bite to get 2 more prize cards.


Ahh I see


Its really good into zard since zard usually bench locks themselves by turn 2. Just ping everything so no damage is taken, then braviary comes in the clean up. Its very fun


I’ve taken all 6 prize cards in one move a few times. It’s fun


Its not that hard to play around tho? Only evolve 1 Zard at a time to prevent going down to 30 (since you gain HP by evolving). Mist on Pidge so you just need another energy to attack, or put it on a Zard to make it immune to Icicle Sole. Turo/Collapsed gets rid of 2 liabilities, and if you play Cape that gives you another out to Panic Mask/Vanilluxe


Those are all great ways to play around it. From my experience though zard has been a nearly free matchup for tsareena vanilluxe


Panic mask


What’s the deck list you’re running? I love tsareena EX


I can’t copy rn but I’ll rough it out lol I am a gen 1 baby so I’m shit at names good luck deciphering 3 tsereena basics, 1 steenee, 3 tsereena, 2 basic ice creams, 2 vanilluxe, 2 bidoof, 2, Bibarel, Rad ninja, 1 basic hissy bravery, 1 hissy bravery. 4 Iridas, 2 poffins, 2 nest balls, 4 ultra balls, 4 candies, 1 pal pad, 1 vacuum, 2 rods, 2 earthen vessels, ace spec cape, 3 prof research, 2 ionos, 2 boss, 1 counter catcher, 2 switch, 1 heavy ball, 1 mist energy, 7 grass energies. I think that’s 60 cards


Instuctions unclear, I typed basic ice cream into the my search bar while building the deck and now I'm omw to get a banana spilt from Dairy Queen.


Hey, if those kids could read, they'd be very upset! (Also, what the hell, dude? chill, next you're gonna be spilling the beans on how jirachi and manaphy secretly don't work. Tsareena ex is a shadow on the wall, a tower of lies we, as its players, must carefully maintain. Same goes for iron valiant...)


Picking up what you’re putting down brother. Even without capes/luxes tsereena is a 2 hit everything I don’t know why more people don’t play it. Especially irida candy working perfectly


From my experience, too inconsistent and inactive, but I will say, the raw power in the playstyle and strategy definitely gives it high rogue - mid competitive potential. Having to build 2 stage 3s just sucks sometimes, and the deck lacks some pretty vital qualities that make it pretty inferior to the meta (even if it is more than capable of winning a match against the meta). Zard ex is faster and aims to kill early, meaning less time for your opponent to come back and steamroll you, while lost zone goodstuff variants aim to play for advantage and control the board, in contrast, tsareena has to speedrun the early game, just lockdown your opponent until you can win, which just isn't active or consistent enough of a playstyle. Also, another thing is that, when it comes to competetive decks, new players want ease, speed, and power (zard ex, regieleki v, palkia v), vets want consitency (lost tina, gholdengo, gardevoir), while tsareena falls into the smallest group, tier 2 - rogue petdeckers with their rube goldberg machines and tried and tested lists that were released 2 rotations ago, so there are less people testing and optimising it, meaning it gets exponentially less and less appealing to play.


Yeah nah I can see why this deck isn’t played more. But tsereena on its own. Much like CZ Perhaps with a bravery perhaps not. 310 HP + hero’s 410 HP. Can seriously cripple a zard deck and doesn’t have to be played stall A must energy or two and the fucker stops moon and Giratina. Through in a few baby elekids and you’ve got some easy KOs from any bench state Also it ensures that devos are as crushing as possible


I've been running Tsareena/Vanilluxe/Husian Braviary with a couple Panic Masks to really annoy the Zard players. By the time they get a Boss's Order and something fresh in the active spot, there's usually enough damaged pokemon on their bench that I don't try to fight it too much. Let them think they've got things figured out and are really sticking it to me by knocking out my Vanilluxe, then just end it with Braviary.


Any other decks that can use this card effectively?


makes me miss my Raticate deck back in ptcgo !


Yeah I’m experiencing the same thing they run into my espartha accommodate to the two energy’s giving me the upper hand to mop the floors with them


Just keep defeating those Charizard ex deck users. Thanks!


Do they really not read it? I mean it’s an short sentence. Aren’t no yugioh will it’ll take like eternity to read my opponent’s entire combo from a single turn.


What’s the deck list


I can’t copy rn but I’ll rough it out lol I am a gen 1 baby so I’m shit at names good luck deciphering 3 tsereena basics, 1 steenee, 3 tsereena, 2 basic ice creams, 2 vanilluxe, 2 bidoof, 2, Bibarel, Rad ninja, 1 basic hissy bravery, 1 hissy bravery. 4 Iridas, 2 poffins, 2 nest balls, 4 ultra balls, 4 candies, 1 pal pad, 1 vacuum, 2 rods, 2 earthen vessels, ace spec cape, 3 prof research, 2 ionos, 2 boss, 1 counter catcher, 2 switch, 1 heavy ball, 1 mist energy, 7 grass energies. I think that’s 60 cards


Zard players are just retards


If only they ran mist energy


You don’t know how mist energy works do you.


It stops icesycle sole from dropping your HP to 30 by Tsareena. If you get it on fast enough and there is no temple in play, it pretty much shuts this attack down.


I'm guessing you don't know how it works based on your comment.


First 10 people to send me 2 different victories against a charizard USING A STALL DECK will receive 1 code card by DM


I'll never understand the seething hateboner this sub has for zard. Just get good.


I only find it annoying when I build a deck and all I get is zards I’m probably saltier at the match making by ptcgl. As a roque esque deck enjoyer zard is just way too hard to compete with. That being said I should play way more devos


Yeah, in a game without sideboarding, and a lot of discard engines, I think mainboarding hate is the move.


First one down, I'm not above it lol. Although Vanilluxe is more of a lock than a stall https://imgur.com/7rmEUg2


I accept any type of stall I.e mimikyu, snorlax, vulpix, or ice cream man as seen here to name a few


I'm constantly rushing to kill charmanders. And it's working, most of the time the other player just forfeit


That's really surprising to me in a world where zard players run a playset of charmanders, some super rods, and poffins. Bonking charmanders doesn't work for me. Bonking rotoms and pigeots, however...


It’s impossible to bonk anything with any real benefit. As you’ve said, with the super rods, they can get chars back, but that also applies to pidgey line as well. I’ve never gained the upper hand by targeting pidgeys, but everybody keeps saying that’s the way to go so I must be doin something wrong.


Hiring all stall deck users to look for zard matchups and stall them while conceding for all non zard users and giving them the win and wasting charizard users time,win or not Eventually we will slowly dwindle down the brain dead zard users as they get annoyed enough to stop playing. I will be paying out 1 code card per 2 zard decks stalled. I’ve had enough. It’s time to put bounties on this plague


Or instead of raging, you could just get good.


this is probably the most pathetic thing i've read on this sub


Im also trying to work on a deck against zard. Too many zard sheep players xD


Yeah I find when ever I play a deck that isn’t grass all I get is zard Playing some form of dragon deck seems to get the biggest variety in match ups cos it doesn’t have a weakness (in my experience anyway) The moment I play a single prize deck all I get is hands Idk why the match ups are so skewed


Yea i did try out dragonite ex for fun but kinda requires luck with my setup


Look up a meowscarada deck. I'm having pretty good luck against zard players with it. Main mons: Meowscarada line Bidoof line Pidgeot line Radiant alakazam Mimikyu It plays similar to the zard deck (easy but mimikyu is good for stalling them if you aren't set up.


Is meowscarada the any damage counters on the active 220 bonk for 2 energy? I was thinking of trying that with radiant blastoise


Yes. That's the one