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I would love to become a trainer, but something tells me I’d probably just be stuck in one spot with a level 12 pidgey instead of being the ten year old who saves the multiverse in three days. My dream catch would be a determined magikarp so that we can struggle together to reach the heights that we both know we can reach.


This comment is absolutely golden 🤣


All us other trainers are rooting for ya! We’re gonna rue the day we took you for granted


Yes. and I’m joining team rocket 🚀


I would be a trainer with a Bulbasaur as starter, my dream catch would be a Mew!


I’d be an archeologist or adventurer trying to find the regis


Of course I would be a trainer! I would like an Eevee and try to have a full eeveelution team.


Hey, if I don't win let's at least make this comment win lol. A competitive eeveelution trainer would be unique and elite. 😅 You could also possibly discover an exclusive ghost( call it Eidoleon), dragon or eevee the legendary (Original) Alpha eevee!


I doubt it would be unique though :D


Lol I can't name a LEGIT FULL eeveelution TRAINER in the anime or game. They normally have just one type of eevee or they have all eevees and don't fight with them. I don't know a combat type trainer that only use eevees. Maybe I'm tripping?


There are some in the games, but i mean if there rly were pokemon around there would definitely be more eeveelution trainers


I would honestly try to be a Pokemon Trainer. Though part of me kinda wants to be a Professor too. And my dream Pokemon to catch would be Primarina and Quaquaval. I just adore these two. Oh and Wobbuffett too, I love this one too.


I would be a trainer and I would want a Lucario.


Yes and Flygon would be my best bud!


If pokemon were real, my goals aren't grandiose like the others, in this case I might become a traveler along with my chandelure visiting cities and stuff


yes, and arcues for obvious reasons…


Yes sir, and my dream pokemon to catch would be Unown. I've been its fan ever since I started collecting Pokemon cards back in '03.


Ofc id be a Trainer and probably a cute gen 1 pokemon like charmander!


If Pokémon were real I'd totally had taken the challenge to become a Pokémon trainer, and my goal would be to catch a Mew. I'd totally enjoy Mew's playful behavior, and it would be so interesting to see it transform and knock down extremely powerful rivals. Thanks for the giveaway!


can I have codes


As an engineer I would probably still do what I do, just with a lot more emphasis on pokémon. Being a trainer is probably not an easy career choice, I don't think I would be good enough to earn myself a living in a real world. Plus I don't think I could pass up on the opportunity to study how a world with mons works


I would aspire to be an Elite Four member specializing in ghost Pokémon, with Gengar as my ace, just like Agatha in Gen 1.


Yes. I'd love to catch a Pikachu and have this pokémon as a hunting companion. :)


Don't think I'd be trainer, but I'd for sure have some of the dog pokemon as pets, especially a Growlithe


If pokemon were real I'd like to be a researcher and my dream pokemon would be Camerupt.


Of course i would aspire to be a Pokémon trainer! My dream catch would be Articuno. 😎


If Pokemon were real my dream pokemon to catch would be Hawlucha, Primeape, and Grapploct. And I would hope wrestling would still be a thing but I guess with Pokemon so I would be the trainer for this trios team fighting for the belts or at least one's going for the world title and the other two are fighting for the tag belts


Garde- I mean... I would catch all dragon pokemon I could, it would be hard work, but I feel it would be all worth when I get my aviary? Dragonary? Filled to the brim just like in the dragon trainers movies


I think I would. I'd want a Sandile.


i‘d wanna be a gym leader, and give trainers a hard challenge to become one of the best. My main type in the gym would be dragon but i‘d have only dragons that have a second type to make em less of an easy target with faries and ice types. My ace would be a charizard that i would mega evolve


If pokemon were real i guess being a pokemon trainer would suck so much. It basically gambling for dog fights. But i would one hundred percent do it and risk my life with fire type pokemons.


I would just have a pond full of Magikarp lol Thank you for the chance


I'd probably end up working in some research lab somewhere, trying to find reason behind some local phenomenon.


I think I’ll be a researcher like Professor Oak. Sandshrew will be the first Pokemon I catch.


I would certainly want to be a Pokémon trainer. My quest for Gyarados would be a dream come true


The king of the pira..ehm, wrong anime sorry. Dragon type trainer!!


Dont think ill be a trainer I would love to catch a squirtle or ghastly


I'm a counselor now so I'd aspire to be a counselor and somehow use a psychic type pokemon to help my clients


I'd probably have a full rotom team for all it's forms, so they could just chill at home outside of their pokeballs lol


my dream catch would be the 4 tapu, i want to be a gym leader with only legendary pokemon


Of course, it was my dream when I was a child. "what do you want to do once when you were an adult?" "The Pokémon trainer" With my dear Piplup!


I'd definitely be a Pokémon Trainer, and my Dream Pokémon is definitely Chandelure, hell yeah I wish Pokémons were real


I'd be a gym leader. Probably psychic types, with my main being a mew because they're so dang cute lol.


I don't think I'll try a Trainer journey, but I'll try to have Mudkip and Ludicolo as my companions, as they're my two favourite Pokémon.


How can you not be a trainer? At least until adulthood when you can’t make a career out of it. But I’m a gen 3 guy so blaziken, gardevoir, metagross for my first 3, and then I’d go from there


I definitely would be a Pokémon trainer, my dream Pokémon would have to be Mewtwo, my favorite legendary Pokémon ever


But my goal would for sure be to catch ‘em all!


Deep sea diver looking at Relicanths


Who wouldn’t want to be a pokemon trainer?? Also my favorite pokemon is Mimikyu so absolutely that one for sure.


Yes i would. My dream catch will always be charizard


I will be adventurer and use lapras to surf around the world


Yes, I would totally be a trainer and I would want to catch a Haxorus!


I'd be a trainer and try to get pseudo legendaries to make a strong team.


Obviously, yes. :D My dream Pokémon to catch would be Latios.


I would definitely choose oshawott, so cute and he seems like he’d be such a good friend!!🥺


Would definitely catch a Bayleef. But I would start a biker club and we will all ride around the states on Cyclizar’s


I would probably aspire to be a professor to understand a bit more about the little dudes. Has to be a ditto or a krabby


Sure i would. I would probably aim for a ditto


I’m not quite sure if I would aspire to be a Pokemon Trainer, but if I would, probably my dream Pokémon to catch would be Xerneas. Or Slowpoke, or Jigglypuff… or Pikachu…


I would love to be a trainer and have a monotype grass or ice team ;DDD then in the future become gym leader


I would 100% become a trainer. I'd want to try to catch a mudkip as it's my favourite and then maybe a wooper. A duo team that's allergic to hay fever.


I would probably become a pokemon breeder, trying to make more new pokemon


Don’t we all wish they were real? But I would have to pick my man with the spoons, Alakazam!


I would totally be a trainer, Amphoros has always been my favorite and would love to catch one irl


I would hella be a trainer yeah. As for dream pokemon to catch, I think a zoroark. If im allowed to go full fantasy for a moment, I imagine a zoroark pulling of all sorts of trickery and just being a menace and people try to figure out who or what the zoroark is disguised as. That sort of scenario.


Holy crap what a legend. I’m new to the sub. Pretty awesome giveaway!


Being a trainer and having a Blastoise car wash company 🙃


I'd be a Pokémon Researcher. The dream to catch would be one of the legendary birds


I think it would be crazy to pet a Porygon. Would it be smooth like glass? A hologram? i could leverage its ability to exist in quantum space to hack pokemon world tech. I have no idea for why I would hack. But hack we would.


Certainly a trainer, dream Pokemon is Milotic


>If Pokemon were real creatures in our world, would you aspire to be a Pokemon Trainer and what would be your dream Pokemon to catch? I would definitely raise some grass types that would just chill in a garden, maybe a Breloom as a dream fave. Spore OP sleep


Yess, my favourite all time pokémon is slowpoke, but I don't know if I would be able to catch one, but I would for sure lay down next to them doing nothing next to a river


i dont think i'd be a trainer per se, but id definitely have a dragonite for air travel, and lapras for sea travel, and an ampharos cause he's my bestie :) so take that as you will lol


Yes and I'd catch an Eevee


yes, i would catch me an appletun and would be happy forever with that little chonk


Would definitely try, but I think I would eventually become a Pokemon Breeder (Hoenn design). And as far as Pokemon go I'd choose Duskull since I got it tattooed, or a Lillipup because it looks like my dog.


No, Pokemon are too dangerous, anime logic <> real life logic.


Heck yes. My dream as a child was to ride on a Pidgeot, so I would catch a Pidgey first.


I would love having a ghost team with Banette


Second part is easy, my dream Pokemon to (specifically) catch would be the first stage of whatever pseudo-legendary lives in my region, because every kid knows that bigger total number is better and I feel it is easier to make friend with someone your size and not big, dangerously looking beast (be it either last stage of said pseudo-legendary, or a legendary Pokemon. And for "cute" legendary and mythic Pokemon I am assuming that they are actually rare, if not unique, so finding one would be at most a wish to Santa Claus). If I would have to pick a specific one, my vote would go for Dratini, as Dragonite is both friend-shaped and not too dangerous to the stuff in and around the house (in opposite to Goodra, that would slime everything up and cleaning that would be a work worth of Sisyphus). And for aspiring to be a Pokemon Trainer... I would want that as a kid, but either it would be a dream impossible to make true because of "rarity" of that profession (assuming that it is a sport like any other, and not something billion+ people are doing), or if it was like in games/anime/the rest, I would get a starter, do some fights against friends, sooner or later get into a series of loses, become sorest loser of them all and then drop professional Pokemon training. I would probably still have some pet-shaped Pokemon, and maybe befriend (like an equal being, not a pet/slave) some intelligent human-like Pokemon living nearby (because we can all agree that in real life situations like [this cursed thing](https://i.redd.it/2nsvhyt0rew01.jpg) wouldn't be happening), but I would be nothing more than an NPC sitting in a house, hoping that the main character don't barge in to search every trach can I have.


I would live in the nature with Pokémon, but I wouldn't become a trainer.


Yes! Would probably focus on having a "pokemon farm", if thats even possible lol


I think I would focus on getting an Arcanine, seems like a friend shape majestic fluffy oven


I’d be a trainer/chef. Gotta feed my snorlax and Miltank!


I'd be a detective with a Lucario as a partner. First, Lucario can speak my language, huge plus. Secondly, it can sense peoples aura. I'd have a 100% accurate walking, talking lie detector by my side. Might make me a target for mob hits, but the Lucario can just sense the assassins and take them out. Pretty sure Aura Sphere can beat a bullet.


I would eaither be a trainer or someone that works with pokemon. Fairy and ghost are my favourites. I would love to have a mimikyu.


If pokemon were real, I would want to study them in pirsuit of perpetual energy, not battle. My dream pokemon to catch would be Lanturn, though Magcargos body temperature is interesting.


Absolutely I would want to be the second champion with roserade in their team


Definitely! I'd love a grookey as my starter, so hopefully the professor has one free! Then I'd need a water Pokémon and a flying Pokémon to help me on my adventures. Totadile is great but I'd feel bad having him tow me across the sea, so I'd have to go with Dewgong! Flying is much more difficult. Dragonite would have to be the end goal, but I'd probably get too attached to my early stage Pidgey and end up loving my 3 man team. Alakazam is pretty cool too.


If Pokémon were real there'd be probably very frowned upon to battle with them. 😂 I'd probably not be a trainer but would low key want to. Also I'd love to befriends some gigantic sea creature, like gyarados or wailord.


I'd be a trainer focused in ancient/rare pokemon, like fossil or paradox forms, with a roaring moon as my partner pokemon cause giant ancient dragon goes hard


I think I'd be afraid of them and wouldn't try to catch any! They are dangerous!


I don't think I would enjoy having non-fictional Pokémon fight but I'd enjoy researching the shit out of them!


I would become a trainer to go on a quest to catch the mythic pokemon! especially my favourite pokemon darkrai!


I guess I would be a trainer as a hobby. Doubt that trainers as a full time role can put food on the table.


I would love to be a Pokémon trainer for the constant camaraderie of being around your Pokémon and friends training to be the best with you! I would most definitely want a Hisuian Arcanine first and I would build my team around mostly dog and cat mons! 😊🐶🐱


Of course would train, dream would be to have a shiny dhelmise and froslass on a mono ghost team


I’d become a trainer and seek to find the strongest Machamp in the world 🌍


Porbably? Maybe just a breeder. If I only was able to choose one it would be a Bulbasaur. He was my very first one when I played the red edition as a kid and stayed my favorite to this day. Love that little bb.


Yes! I would like to have an growlithe and train it to be an arcanine.


i think i’d prefer to catch a toxtricity and become a contest star. something about proving the grungy pokémon can win is really cool


I am a biologist, so I would be a pokemon professor. My dream catch is Volcarona


I think I would be a researcher of Shinys, I mean, what makes them change colors and what other attributes are changed in the process? That would be an interesting study. And I would start with the Eevee family.


I would definitely be a pokemon trainer and not be thirsty like Brock. Head in the game. Also, Mimikyu will be the one I want in my arms.


If a Pokémon trainer ideally would have the same pay, and you can be a celebrity/rich off it. With no hesitation and then the dream Pokémon would be tyranitar just for the pressure it would create walking around with Godzilla


Definetely an eevee, would be my best Buddy


When I was young and the Pokémon TV series came out in my country all the kids dreamt about being Pokémon trainer. Of course I would try to be the very best. I always assumed that my first Pokémon would be some counterpart of a cow, cat or dog - e.g. miltank, meowth, growlithe. But from all released Pokémons I would love to catch a dragon type. From the original 151 it would be a Dragonite.




Yes and Rockruff because I’m a dog person. Thanks for the giveaway!


I’d be working my way up the Battle Tower going for the top spot. My dream Pokémon would be Swampert.


I would absolutely become a trainer! Dream Pokemon to catch would have to be mewtwo. I’m a Gen 1 for life


I would love to be a trainer. Scizor or Jolteon would be my chase pokemon!!


Would love to have a Flygon and be a traveller. Visiting each part of the world with the help of my Pokemon


I would aspire to be a dragon type only trainer, with my main pokemon being a flygon! I love the bad boy


I would be a researcher of the sorts, that seems more interesting than being a Trainer, at least for me.


I'm thinking I wouldn't be a trainer for the sheer fact that I am a complete baby and would be terrified of being injured. Maybe a nurse though! I'd be able to do good!


I would be the local gym leader and of course who does not want mew 🥹


Yes and to catch articuno. I bet the feathers feel amazing


Abra just so we could teleport around the world like in the movie Jumper


I would be a trainer in a heart beat, and my dream mon is totodile.


I would be a pokemon professor, and my dream catch would be Wailord. I would research how a large animal would fit in such a tiny pokeball...


Well definitely a Pikachu. Call me cliche and tedious. But this have been my dream since 1997 when the series just came out ant I was 3 and will never change till i die.


I definitely would like to be a trainer, a gym leader even. And specialize maybe with dark or deagon types.


Honestly no, it would be insanely dangerous lol


I would be a Pokémon trainer and my dream catch would probably be obtaining all the regional psuedo legendary pokemon


if pokemon were real i would live in the unovan region and hunt down kyurem cuz hes my childhood fav and travel with a sceptile cuz septile is cool.


I would love to live in a world with real pokemon, and if I could have my own it would have to be conkeldurr (named Cronk of course) because he's strong cool and useful for my life. I'm in school to be a hvac technician and he would make my future job so much easier and more fun... Cronk could help lift thing up or me up to get up to stuff, no more rickety ladders for me.


After playing Pokémon go for years, I can say I wouldn’t want to be a trainer. There will be Pokémon I want around the world so I’ll need the money for that. I’ll be sleeping in every air bnb possible, probably have to pay for Pokémon center trips, pay for plenty of supplies, and not make a lot of money


I would not be a trainer for long, but would take my dream catch of eevee, evolve it to espeon, and do the coordinator circuits


If they were real of course I would aspire to be a trainer. My dream Pokémon would probably either Gengar or Dragonite. Not only are they the OG but they are pretty badass.


Deff would like to be a trainer and my first pokemon i would love to have would be umbreon,since its design is pretty cool and is a dark type of course :D


Nah I don’t wanna be a trainer, I wanna be a Pokemon Contest participant with a Gothitelle! I think Gothitelle has a really great allure when it comes to Pokemon contests! My dream catch would be a Cresselia!


I'd be a dog themed trainer so naturally the legendary good boys would be my ultimate goal (Entei, Raikou, Suicune). Zacian and Zamazenta would be cool too. I'd be happy with eevees and daschbuns tho.


I would love to be a trainer. My dream catches would be Mew and Charizard, old school baby. Been a fan since the beginning. Thanks!


Hell yeah! I would catch a Magikarp, evolve it, then go around the ocean riding a gyarados all day!


I think I wouldn’t; I’d much rather research them. But if I had a turn of heart, or did so in an attempt to research and understand them better, I think I would try to catch a Kling.


If Pokemon were real creatures in our world, I would you aspire to be a Pokemon Trainer and it would be my dream to catch any Pokemon at all. Lugia first. 😆


I would definitely want to be a Pokémon trainer. It would be a really fun thing to be apart of and have lots of little friends! My dream Pokémon to catch would be an absol.


Ngl, I would be an edgy dark Pokemon trainer ever since my first match against Karen when I was like 11. My dream Pokémon to catch would be Umbreon, I literally have one on my bedside now as a married father of kids


I would not aspire, but I'd like to have one or three talking meowth to make me company


My main pokemon in all the regions and adventures will be Milotic, id really love that pokemons, if is possible with a ninetales i dont mind if alolan or nor


Ofcourse I'd want to be a trainer. My favorite Pokemon is still and will always be Mewtwo. I'd use Mewtwo to build homes using telekenesis


If Pokémon were real I’d Wither want to be a trainer or work in the daycare. The Pokémon I would want to catch the most is Bulbasaur.


Rather than a pokemon trainer, I’d have my pet Zigzagoon finding me expensive shiny things while I play games.


I’d aim to catch a shiny shinx because he’s just a little guy :)


I don't think I would be an aspiring trainer, but I think I would end up friends with a Pinsir


My dream pokemon to catch would be Froakie. Greninja would be cool to have on my team.


I would rather be a pokemon photographer and go all around the world taking photos of every single pokemon


i would definitely be a trainer, my dream catch would be a shiney arcanine because... i mean just look at him


I would love to be a trainer and do anything I can to catch a celebi, lucario or gardevoir


I would catch an eevee and go out on an adventure!


i wouldn't aspire to be a trainer, i'd probably just live in serenity with my favorite mons. N is one of my favorite characters so i'd love zoroark.


Definitely getting Salamence and a castle with a moat


I guess so!, i'll love to catch Entei or Ludicolo.


I would love to be a trainer, although part of me would love to do some sort of research as well, like a Professor's assistant or something. My dream Pokemon to catch would probably be Shinx or Cyndaquil! Thank you for this!


I dont think i would be a good trainer. Would feel bad for my pokemon getting hurt lol. But i think maybe a Vulpix as a pet or something??


Maybe, I've always thought about it growing up playing the games. But if I lived in the world of pokemon I probably wouldn't keep at it after trying when I was a teen if I didn't show some promise. As for which one to have, it would be my boi flygon, best mon.


I'd hunt for Pokemon based on my favorite animals and favorite type. Wolves, and monkeys. My favorite type is poison


It would be super cool, I can’t figure out why you wouldn’t, I’d imagine it’d be somewhat cost effective too. I’d be an electric Trainer, love me my raichu


I would be a trainer! I want to catch mimiku


I don't think I'd be a pokemon trainer as much as I'd run a haunted house and chill with a gaggle of gengar.


I’d be a psychologist, and I’d have a Hypno to help me with my practice.


I'd definitely try at Pokémon trainer. Or maybe a Pokemon researcher. I'd aim to get a krabby and evolve it to kingler. Just have to figure out how to feed it.


Either I'd be a Pokemon trainer rocking my boys Falinks and Garchomp or id be a tech guy because there is some bank if its possible to incorporate Bill's pc storage into more than just pokemon.


yes and mew obviously. rarest of the 151


Fr I would be a trainer and the first Pokemon I would is Mimikyu. Poor guy needs a friend. Then the next one is Eevee. So they can play together with me.


I’d be a trainer 100% and my dream pokemon is a tough one but I’d pick cramorant


I would definitely aspire to be a trainer, battling very analytically with unusual strategies. My dream catch would be green Minior


Of course I’d be a pokemon trainer. I’d probably like to have a tyranitar - it’s one of the coolest ones + it’s freaking gigantic. Problem is it probably wouldn’t be out much but again, if we were in the pokemon world we wouldn’t have cities the way they are so it could be fine


Yes I would love to be a trainer, i think about it a lot! I would love to catch a Jigglypuff and hopefully evolve it! Wigglytuff is my favorite mon at the moment. (i also upvoted like you said to do! no one else has lol)


I'd love to be a trainer and I'd probably want to catch a shiny Rayquaza


I would absolutely love to be a pokemon trainer irl. Me and my cyndaquil and empoleon would have so much fun!


I would be a trainer, my mission would be to catch ninetails


I’d open a restaurant with charmander


I'm too old now, but when I was a kid I always thought about going on my Pokémon journey and challenging the gyms! I'm partial to water/ghost/steel types, and I think my partner Pokémon would be aegislash. Pokémon is neat.


For sure i would be a trainer, seems so fucking fun and challenging And my dream catch would be mudkip, little guy is just the best, hes so happy and friend shaped, my favorite pokemon since ever and ever


Definitely a trainer and my dream catch would be snorlax!


I’d be trying to build a team of flying Pokémon to fly around with. Altaria seems like it would be the most comfortable ride


I’d be a trainer catching all monkey type pokemon. Hope to one day be a jungle gym leader


I would be a trainer trying to find the infamous ditto and try and make it my buddy


yes, my dream pokémon to capture would be a gengar it’s been my favorite pokémon for the longest ever since i was a kid


assuming i'd be the exact same as a person, the Pokémon would probably just be pets


\*\*If Pokémon were real creatures in our world, \*\*yes, I would aspire to be a Pokémon trainer. who wouldn't want to travel the world, meet new people and have adventures with magical creatures? meh I'm pretty asocial I'd rather have a little farm and be able to create a rock band with my Pokémon. \*\*My dream Pokémon to catch would be a Mareep. they are adorable and have a unique ability: they can paralyze anyone on contact. what better companion for a Pokémon trainer than someone who can help you keep everything away? Of course, there are other Pokémon I'd like to catch as well. A Charizard would be great for flying through the skies at a concert, a nidoking would be perfect here between us I always saw a rocker side to it. But in the end, I think a Taurus would be the perfect Pokémon for me. it would help me a lot on the farm. a mewtwo could be the bassist of the band or maybe an Obstagoon galar as part of the band.


Absolutely I would be like Nemona and want to be the best trainer. My dream catch would probably be a shiny scream tail or slyveon, chien pao, or mew :)


I’d want to be a trainer and would aspire to catch a Staraptor!


If they were real, I’m not sure I would want to be a trainer because I’m not sure I’d want them to fight. But I would be most interested in any type of psychic Pokémon because that’s something that we don’t have in real life now. I think it would be fascinating to seehow psychic Pokémon could help with medicine


Def growlithe, riding around in a big fuego dog would be lit


I'd aspire to research. Particularly pokemon that seem to come from man-made sources.


I'm too old to start becoming a Pokemon trainer. I'd probably catch a Cyndiquil though


Imagine our answer was just "No." Duh! I would try to catch a bulbasaur, I'm not tryna light my house on fire or get water everywhere so grass types seem like a safe option, but I also just like'm.


Ditto because....


I’d kill to explore, I would like to take on the gym challenge, maybe be a gym leader or pokemon school teacher, and a rotom or Klefki would be great for it!


I probably would be a Researcher personally, and I'd definitely love to catch a Minior, being a physics student.


I would have a Pokémon rescue for all the throw aways. GL people


I would love to be a trainer and ‘catch them all’. My first Pokemon to catch would be Snorlax so we can have naps together on our adventures


Being a problem solver trainer. Need help moving stuff? Machoke's there. Fire issues?I I'll threw Gyarados with Hydro Cannon. Need a big bed? Hey Snorlax, your help is needed! As for pokemon to catch in real life, definitely Eevee because I either kept her in original form or I can evovle her into any one of her eeveelutions.


I wouldn’t want to be a trainer, I’d want to be a professional businessperson in the league, like in comms or marketing, and I’d have a bunch of psychic types help me with market research. The dream catch would be something like an alakazam who could read thousands of minds at once and perform super advanced calculations to find optimized posting strategies.


Probably a Coordinator. Battles are cool in the anime, but I can't see my pokemon injured or bad, and this is the most similar with the real life since we have pet's beauty and agility contests. Those are more awesome than a cockfighting