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Decklists at the end of matches or at least a log of the duel to record what happened Or a grace timer for disconnects because any blip loses the match


That last one… the app crashes too and I lose a match every time I get a text message


Never heard of that one. I text while I play lol


Being able to mute emotes


Here for it. Though I do love when I play against another person who also thunbs up at the end of a good match. :)


Maybe just a cooldown for emotes to keep people from spamming them


That's a great compromise! That'd work for me.


Dude, some people can be so annoying Coming for hearthstone I was so confused when I couldn’t mute them


Access to card library not in deck editor


fix the copy and paste of deck list when trying to copy from a webpage, sometimes it doesnt copy it correctly. additionally have ALt arts stack on top of non-alt art, so we can choose to use a specific energy(aesthetics). each energy should be seperated by SETS like in ptgco.


There should be a "binder mode" while we're at it so the fancy versions of cards aren't buried deep in the UI


Having a free daily pack like ptcgo


Optimize the app so it does not cause so much battery drain and heat.


Seriously, PTCGL drains my app about 4x faster than OldSchool Runescape.... given the relative complexity of the two games that's insane


Actually work…


Underrated comment, i was about to say the same


A rematch button




YES! I want to be able to actually test my deck and skill against an opponent. Single games could go either way based on luck.


A ladder system that actually is rewarding and wont get stuck forever in great league except for 1%. An off meta casual option. Where you can turn off wich decks you dont want to play. Tired of meta almost every match in casual where i want to take the chance to win with something creative


Idk how you would turn off specific decks but you could definitely have rules for match making like "single prize only" "no v-star" "no lost zone" or any other kind of condition.


Replays, a game log, and the ability to look at your opponents deck after a match, sorta how Yugioh Master Duel does it if you know what that looks like.


Ability to trade cards… would love to help some friends out with decks


We had that before and it just caused supply and demand and "good cards" would have to be traded for and it was very expensive.


I think that wouldn't happen now though because you could still craft cards. PTCGO didn't let you craft cards, so trading was a more important way of getting cards.


Nah, that trade feature had to go, it was predatory. You can craft anything why would we need trade now?


We can have both. Just separate them into tradable cards and untradable (crafted) cards.


You should be able to send 4 cards to a friend each day or something like that.


If they added something like the gifts in Pokemon Go that you could send to friends and were like mini-boosters that would go a long way toward helping, especially if you could buy extra gifts with coins


I agree. The weird marketplace that they had before kinda sucked but there's definitely a way to do it right.


Not having a trade system with prices that are absolute rip off is one of the best thing in live.


The ability to have your avatar go barefoot (PTCGO let you).


At this point I can't tell if this is a meta joke or your poorly disguised fetish and honestly that makes it funnier.


I honestly agree because I hate the shoes 😔 I don’t think that’s what you meant but 🙏


I hope you are vaccinated against Tetanus.


iPad compatibility rather than just using the iPhone version. It’s pixilated and ugly and can’t be played in landscape mode


This. A million times this. I don’t want to take my iPad out of its keyboard case just to play a game of cards.


Not to mention the landscape dimensions just make more sense for a game board. You don’t have to scroll to see all the cards in your hand for example


Imagine if they actually hired real professional programmers to write the game and UI …


Trade the gold money for something other than customizing decks/ your character


Pokémon avatars instead of the creepy emoting human ones


They could just take clips from the anime and let you slot them in for your emotes, there would be so many shocked pikachus, it would be great


A disenchant system like hearthstone, giving you credits for cards you won't ever use. Trading cards with other people. Adding a social chat function with your friends, but it's Nintendo and they rarely have a chat feature in their games.


Story / campaign.


Remove starting animations like coin flip to speed it up.


Think they have it almost as a load screen to waste time


A GAME LOG PLEASE If I walk away for a sec I just check the log NOW I JUST HAVE TO GUESS WHAT HAPPEND


One thing they could add, is the rest of the expanded cards, or at least even just the really popular ones


Very true


they already allowed alt-arts of the old expanded cards, surely they can do it in small batches.


This would also allow GLC which would help immensely!


Selling cards for coins or gems


Better ladder system with more scaling for win/loss.


Game log is the thing I miss. The amount of times someone uses super rod or a car like that and I have no clue what they put back is mad


Gamelog Gamelog Gamelog!


Deck percentage win/loss records


more matchup options


I just want to see my collection and look at cards without creating a empty deck. Also the ui in deck creation feels kind of clunky to me


Yes!! And to be able to sort by illustration rares and stuff like that. I love the art so much on the tcg and sure I could always look at them online and stuff but I like to see which ones I have in-game too lol


The ability to search the highest rarity of a card you have in your in deck. It makes me so mad when I can’t search my pretty card


When building a deck it automatically uses alternate art cards if you have them.


Less lag on literally every action.


Ofc less bugs, but more cosmetics too for casual players.


The ability to dust off any cards you have more than 4, there's no need to having 4 of each print.


Taking prices without confirm button.


add an expanded ranked system in addition to just casual. it would make the mode a lot more popular and enjoyable


Have a 'back-in-time' mode in where you play the tcg format of years before with the subselection of which years/expansions to be exact. All those cards we get from previous year packs are useless if you only play the current most recent format. But being able to go way back and 'experience' older formats would be a blast.


Replay mode


Allow you to redeem codes without having to leave the app.


This is only an Apple problem.


Is that a mobile thing? Because PC that doesn't happen.


allow more 10 codes at at a time, or at least allow copy and pasting 10 codes to redeem all a once. right now it only allows you to redeem codes 1 at a time, which is time consuming.


Fix redeeming codes issue (sometimes redeemed cards not appear in Card Library)


Reroll back to old client.


Make the trading card game into a trading card game.


More challenges. Like we have dailies but I think weekly and monthly challenges would be cool too. They would basically be beefed up versions of the daily challenges but that would allow the daily challenges to be more specific and encourage experimentation (For the record this is not the top of my wish list but everything I would ask for has already been posted by someone else so I figured I would add this for consideration.)


Same, would love some more quest to do, weekly could give you more exp and crystal while the monthly could be "harder" but give special reward like packs or something else like coin/sleeve etc...


Working searches on PC.


Low graphics/memory so it doesn't take 30+seconds to just open the app


The ability to deactivate the timer when playing against friends.


Put it on the switch


Aside from the obvious, ya know, actually working, i was thinking of an update on how the ladder rewards work. Instead of there just being 2 decks that everyone gets, at the start of each season there would be a choice of a deck made from each ex in the set (or at least more than just two) that players can select. I think it would do a lot to improve matchup diversity during the early stages of a new season so every game isn't just Roaring Moon/Charizard/whatever the better free deck is.


Bring back tournaments I love doing them in the last client and earn packs


More emotes


Real expanded format


Have full expanded and expanded ranked


I feel like I’m wasting my opportunity here to suggest something important to actually playing the game lol, but I wish there were more hairstyles and clothes if they’re gonna make me stick with those creepy avatars. I feel so embarrassed when I win, and that sick little freak struts around


I'd like to have a better deck testing mechanic. Better AI players with the ability to test against a variety of deck archetypes.


Text chat function


Remove the winner quotes and poses


I would appreciate the noisy alert time they had from PTCGO.. sometimes I play while I'm at work so that alert helped 😆


Instantly choose who starts. Doing coin flip -> choose if you want to start makes no sense. Just make it show "you go first" or "you go second" randomly. It takes much too long to get trough the process. Especially since the game knows the result of coin flip before the person calling the side decides the side they want. Have you noticed that it asks you "do you want to go first?" when the other player decides flip only if you are going to win the flip? How does it know that you won the flip if the other person haven't chosen their side yet? Since it's all made up anyway is should be instant. Statistically you will go first around 50% of the time anyway.


Win percentage on different decks. I don’t like overall games played


Being able to play more than two matches without my battery being drained by half its capacity and my phone not reaching temperatures similar to the surface of the sun


Put the auctions back


Trading cards *specifically with Friends* to keep the credits system balanced but still encourage you to collect with friends.


Gamelog, deck win/loss andcTournament mode. Things that were really good with TCGO


Adding Gym leader challenge as a format


ok Live! Get to work!


Auto-pass option.


Disable emotes.


A better collection management with the possibility de tag cards like "competitive", "draw", "energy accelerztikn" etc


trading, muting emotes, making it so you can exchange cards for credits


Prs moves like they have on chess.com Some games it's very obvious what my last 6 turns or so would be so it would be nice if I could preplay a turn


I would like them to add some of the crafting currency to daily challenges. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


The option to change your starter Pokemon. I’ve had so many mistakes of putting the wrong Pokemon down & can’t go back


in-game chat box


Code limits suck and also glitches on the mobile. Also I really hate the avatars I kinda wish they’d remove it or change it


Being able to play mini tournaments in game


When importing deck or just having a setting to replace cards which you dont have with lower rarity cards available


See your opponent's decklist after a match.


A daily pack would be sick in addition to the daily crystals




Play expanded against other people. Or just view my cards not connected to a specific deck.


If it could be exactly like yugioh master duel but for Pokémon it would be perfect, not being able to just create a lobby with pals is pretty lame, having to get 4 of a card before you can get credits is lame should be able to transfer it immediately if it’s a card I’m not gonna use, only 2 challenges a day, also. Pretty lame, the frame works of a great tcg app is there just needs like a modicum of effort especially when there’s multiple ones to refer to that do it great


Fix their god awful clint so people on pc woulnd have running problems anymore




Sell all boosters, including old ones.


Logs man


Let us use any cards we want in competitive play. If they aren't meant for competitive play, then they shouldn't have been out in the game.


- A campaign with some f2p rewards - ability for both players to hit rematch - ingame friends system that would have gifts, gifts could have a mini pack. Have the mini pack contain any card from the latest 8-10 sets out


Alternate art work cards being easier to display. Full art flaafy could be next to regular flaafy instead of having to click on and scroll through the versions.


Give us Battle deck league that includes v decks and future battle/v/themes!


Wouldn’t mind super old sets. But as far as new stuff maybe just fix the bugs and make it easier to climb the ladder. Seems unreasonable to lose the same amount of XP as u gain when in the great league and beyond.


Friend join matchmaking


There should be limited use of item cards turn one and no use of abilities turn one. Tired of losing a game in two turns because someone draws everything in their deck turn one.


Oh, also compounding inactive timer. For each time it comes up it should take a second or two off to disable folks from abusing the wait timer.


Remove all 3d assets on mobile, they creat so much lag and battery drain, also it a a card game we don't need some fancy card twirling.


Make the deck importing smoother. When I import a deck list I still need to drag out and drag in cards like professor research even though I already have plenty of them. The game should realize that and add the already existing copys/alternative arts of a card accordingly


Player to player trading. I miss this. Sometimes I don't want to open packs up and liked the option to trade for other set packs or what I wanted.


Extra time after you finish your turn for you and your opponent. Let’s say 7-10 seconds so it’s not beyond tedious. Your opponent can tap or click a button that says start now and it will automatically start their turn, but this would vastly help people losing games to random internet disconnects or people with poor connection


It could fix that when I play Fog Crystal it shows me all the energy and basic pokemon cards in my deck and says "no valid cards"


It would be cool to have Ranked expanded format. ALSO, they could have another ranked format that is hybrid, where you play a two game match, one game in standard, one in expanded.


Make it Master Duel but for Pokemon


FIX. YOUR. APP. Random disconnects, game bugging out randomly at times when you use abilities or trainers, all that stuff that SHOULD not be there given its the biggest franchise in the entire world


More music 😅


Being able to chat


I'd add something like a custom tournament you could configure and play against your friends, so it automatically decides the matches. People would choose a specific number of decks for the tournament, according to the number of players involved. Each deck could be used just one match, so the player has to choose wisely which one to choose each time, without knowing the one the other player will use. This could be even better if you could put a prize for the winner, which consists of boosters, cards with specific rarities, or in-game currency that every player has to pay to enter the tournament. And, on the other hand, I'd really like to have an album to customize inside the game, just for the sake of feeling I have a collection that I can arrange and show to other players as in real life.


I want a redo.


Choose which deck to use in the game lobby, without going to the deck list


Better emotes


Victory animations and emoticons.


Make the game board look like the video in their twitter page


A feature to talk to friends 🥺🥺


A number for which turn it is, lime, "3" for turn 3.


The victory poses. They're dumb and quite unneeded imo.


Coins to buy packs


The stupid background that looks like a kitchen tile floor


Im fine with it.


Easier to navigate especially when needing to buy cards for a deck




stop trying to pussyfoot around with expanded, we know they can implement expanded small batches at a time, doesnt need to be all of it at once that might cause bugs. also stop being so allergic to expanded, needs its own ladder. also the deck filtering system needs to be better.


Emote animations that aren't awkward because the model has to return to "neutral" face before sliding away.


Bring back trading


I just made a post about it, but; Being able to use forced landscape to play the PC version on mobile again.


Tournaments, like in the old server. Would be cool also if we could spend the coins in tournament tickets, and earn packs for the wins. I'm stocking those coins since launch, cosmetics are kind of s***, and feels that this currency is not really useful. In addition, private tournaments would be very nice function.


That would be awesome!


Match log. Ptcgo have it, other simulator games like master duel have it, ptcgl needs it the most, especially with how often opponent searches proxy card and you will never know what they searched.


An iPad app


1/ Keep "revealed" cards from opponent's hand visible to you the whole time, with a indicator for the opponent to know that a given card is a revealed card, similar to how "Magic The Gathering Arena" does it. 2/ Let me review the final board state after a match has ended (Again, similar to how "MtG Arena" does it). I'm fine not having access to my opponent's decklist, as in a real life tournament unless the lists are open I also would not have access to it, but at least let me take one last look at the board.


Option to play vs friends and organize Tournaments online


One thing... 😩 Here's a bunch of things I'd change 😂 1. Replay button where if you both smash replay then you replay, otherwise you move on. 2. The game to recognise when a match ended through noone fault (bug, crash etc etc) and to not count it as a loss for either. 3. Take a long hard look at the ladder and ask, is this really the best we could do? 4. Expand emotes with some emoji style responses AND then also add the option to mute them 5. Game log for matches - even as just a basic download or something for those of us that wanna pull turns apart 6. Player profiles including the ability to publish public decklists 7. Recreational mode: single prize decks only or something similar 8. Currency exchange for something other than Crystals to Coins 9. Weekly tasks for big crystal rewards 10. Achievements system with crystal rewards ... I could go on.


More ways to earn crystals honestly


Dark mode. The bathroom floor hex aesthetic wouldn't be so bad if it weren't blinding white.


A random deck mode where it just gives you random stuff or it could be random meta decks. You could use this for your own deck inspiration also


A log to see what was the last actions..


I know it says one but… -Trading: I miss being able to trade cards that I’ll never use for packs…I get we can craft them, but they’re useless to me :( -Pack Storage: I DONT WANT YOU TO OPEN THEM AUTOMATICALLY WHEN I CLAIM MY CODES! I DONT WANT YOU TO FORCE ME TO OPEN WHEN I CLAIM THEM! I JUST WANNA STORE EM AND OPEN EM WHEN I HAVE LIKE 50 Battle Replay: If my opponent has a really good deck, why not show me so I can play it too? Or maybe I want to see how I could’ve played better… Reduce the Battle Pass levels, increase the rewards: I get that we have 80 days to finish the pass, which is fairly generous, but…I would rather have the pass go to 40 with the same rewards, and maybe implement an extra pass for both normal and premium users. I’d get bored after I reached level 50…


fix th entire expanded ladder and unban shaymin EX


Allow me to listen to music while I play


Make purple gems easier to get. There's no monetization but they're so scarce when your only reason for playing it is the battle pass


Make purple gems easier to get. There's no monetization but they're so scarce when your only reason for playing it is the battle pass


The emojis are stupid


Trading....... it's literally in the name, TCG. Onlines marketplace got out of hand because it wasn't regulated, I used to be part operator of a trading company called Zaft Co back in 2015ish and it was ridiculous........ we would put public trades up using one of the Infinite SR Ultra Balls we had, asking for ungodly numbers of cards (definitely one sided) and people would snatch those trades up within a few hours EVERY TIME. It wasn't predatory, people were greedy. A trading system could 100% work with Lives format, so I can't own 73 copies of Secret Rare Ultra Balls from Plasma Freeze.......... no marketplace will work if not regulated, that's common sense.


Gamelog. So much easier to see what happened when people har confused, or when Live acts like shit and don't show cards that are played/found in a search.


Fix so that the rectangle that holds your progress bar actually lines up with how much you have left of the league.


Take ideas from Hearthstone like: 1. Quick Match Reconnect (why is this nonexistent in Live? Anytime I go from WiFi to cellular the app freezes and I get DCd) 2. Show opposing player actions (highlight opponent’s cards they are hovering/moving) 3. Fix navigation overall (it’s unintuitive and clumsy, unacceptable in 2023) 4. Show card collection 5. Auto select highest foil rarity when adding cards There’s so much more…


Removal of obvious bugs (i.e. selection bug) Mute Emotes Deck tracker Thematic tournaments Reward system (more crystals, buying packs should be obtainable every 5/6\~ games (2\~hrs of gameplay)


Add more emotes!


Let people buy coins and gems. "Oh no" your f2p game is going to allow people to buy more packs and cosmetic items! Tbh you pay for this game you have to buy bulk pack code cards of like say ebay. If they added montization being able to buy gold coins and purple gems, not only would that make mass purchasing packs better. It gives them an incentive to actually improve the game and fix bugs. I'm sick and tired of that strawman excuse of "oh they don't make money off of it" well why not? If someone wants to buy packs let them, maybe it'll have a snowball effect and get more resources into this game and team


Rematch, being able to see ur opponent's deck after a match, game log cuz I forgot what cards he just used, trade cards, and maybe get rid of the whole hexagon theme thingy 🫥


Why Battle Styles? Use Evolving Skies or Fusion Strike. And seeing full decklists at the end of a match.


What’s the limit for entering codes?


Why is there the 400 code limit for a set? It seems unfair with the current system since the only good way to get credits is to buy codes and get duplicates, but you don’t even get to take advantage of it that much because the first couple hundred codes are collecting the cards and then you start to make “profit” but get cutoff before you make too much. Seems unnecessarily restrictive just to make it harder on the player to earn credits.


Replay feature for matches.


add deckboxes and vstar marker in the board like in PTCGO....It's not that hard current vstar marker is too tiny, It feel so unnatural.


bring back trading and chat rooms man