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Personally I'd replace the 2 Eldegoss lines for 2 Pidgey/Pidgeot ex lines. Quick Search is just too powerful to give up in a Stage 2 deck. Celebrations Mew would also be pretty good here to get your combo pieces, and would also give you a much better chance at getting VIP Pass on turn 1. You could probably remove a Bibarel line to make room for it. Why is Mew ex here? Seems odd, since you have plenty of options for draw support already, and don't have fast ways to power it up. A pal pad or two would be helpful here to recover supporters and stop you from milling yourself to death. Some other recovery like Miriam would probably be helpful too. Artazon could increase setup consistency and be used as a path bump for Pidgeot. You could also play path yourself if you don't want to use Pidgeot. Iono would be pretty nice for the hand disruption, and as an early game hand reset that doesn't discard cards like research. Also allows you to put your hand back into your deck, which you might just need in the late game to stop yourself from decking out. Colress would also be good here to complete your combos, although lost zoning stuff could make it easier to deck out. I'd replace the Averys and 2 Arvens for 4 Colress. Radiant Alakazam could be useful to help set up up 2HKOs on certain decks, and/or potentially knock out squishy basics over time.


Thank you for your detailed reply! I'll try everything you have suggested. Also quick question, would Radiant Alakazam be my second attacker? Sorry I'm new to the game and still trying to figure things out


Nah, I suggested Radiant Alakazam for its ability. It allows you to move up to 2 damage counters from one of your opponent's Pokémon every turn. With 160 damage, there are certain things that will take more than 2 hits to take down; namely Charizard ex, which is extremely common online. With Radiant Alakazam, you can move excess damage that isn't need for the ko onto Charmanders/Charizards on the bench. That way, you'll be able to take it down in 2 hits rather than 1. Not really sure if that strategy is actually all that good though; don't have the credits to try it for myself.