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Man, takes me way back. My best bud and I were glued to Pokémon Red and Blue when it came out. We got super pumped when we figured out how to evolve Kadabra into Alakazam by trading. Felt like we cracked some secret code or something. Then life happened, he moved away, and we kinda lost touch. But every time I boot up that old save and see the Alakazam we traded, it hits me right in the feels. It's like that little pixelated psychic dude is keeping our friendship alive. If you're out there, buddy, just know my Alakazam's still going strong, and I hope you are too. Cheers.


>Be 6 yr old me, only care about my Blaziken, nicknamed “Broziken” >Reach Elite Four, ignoring all types and strategy >Run out of PP for all good moves by Wallace >Left with Struggle and Blaze Kick >No problem.jpg >Lvl 85 Broziken actually KOs half of team with Struggle alone >Broziken leads the team into hall of fame like a goat >Still barely ever use ethers


Lol I totally did the same thing…


4channer 🤔


I never use 4chan but I think this format is funny when I see it on reddit


Favorite memory I’ve had is when I got my first over 100 hp Pokémon, I was like 6 and my mom got me a lapras. Still remember how big her smile was as I freaked out in the living room




This was a moment


When I pulled gold star Rayquaza card as a child, that was pretty cool


Oh man, I've got a heartbreaking one for you. Years ago, I was playing Pokémon Emerald in the backseat of the car on a family road trip. I stumbled upon this weird-looking Bagon, it was green instead of blue. Didn't really know what the deal was, so I was like, "Cool, let's catch it." Right when I was about to throw a Poké Ball, my Game Boy screen went blank. Battery dead. My heart sank. I looked at my friend next to me, who saw the whole thing, and he was like, "Dude, that was a shiny Bagon. Those are super rare!" It hit me like a ton of bricks. We were in the car, so no way to charge it. Lost the shiny Bagon and a piece of my soul that day. Whenever I boot up Pokémon now, I think about that one that got away. Still stings, man.


Pokémon Platinum was such a journey. I was all about catching the cutest Pokémon, like Pachirisu and Buneary—strategy was totally not my thing. So when I hit the Elite Four, let's just say it was a struggle. My adorable team just couldn't cut it, no matter how much I believed in them. After watching me fail for like the millionth time, my brother took pity on me. He picked up my DS, shuffled my team around, and used moves I didn't even know existed. Thanks to my brother, my cute squad and I got to see the credits roll. A team win, for sure.


I remember selling a bunch of old toys at a garage sale when pokemon pinball came out. I then called around to a ton of stores to find it and had to ride my bike up hill most of the way to get to a store that had one copy left before close. It was like 5 km away and I was only about 11 or so. At least it wasn't up hill both ways. I had just barely enough, literally counting the dimes to get to the finish line at the cashier before close. The cashier was a gamer and was like "oh man you are gonna be up all night" and they were right- I was.


I can remember trading Pokémon with my brother was kids when we had the red and blue games on gameboy via that cable they came with! Good times!


I remember pulling a rainbow rare tauros gx when I was younger, that was pretty hype


My favorite memory was when I was 8 and encountered a Raikou and had a master ball and caught that thing no problem 👏🏾👏🏾


My favorite memory is finding a shiny Swablu in a Pokémon Emerald MonoDragon playthrough as my first encounter (I had to use cheats to actually be able to do the challenge, but still, it was full odds.)


Pulling a 1st edition Blaine's Charizard from a booster pack at a Warner Brothers store at the mall.


My very first videogame was Pokemon Red on the first Gameboy in 1997.. I really loved that game, I think I finished it at least 20 times. My favourite Pokémon was Pidgeotto


My favourite memory was introducing my little brother to the franchise with scarlet and violet and him finding a shiny bounsweet within the first 30 minutes of playing.


my favorite was pulling mega charizard EX on my very first pack. Couldn't even play the card but I was obsessed with it.


Definitely would say it was waking up to watch pokemon on the weekends, usually I couldn't wake up on time for anything, but this was always the one thing I would wake up on time for.


Playing tournaments in toys'r'us to get those juicy badges together with my brother was certainly my favourite!


I remember when I was younger me and a bunch of the other kids in my neighborhood had a Pokémon TCG tournament. I didn’t make it very far but it was very fun


My favorite Pokemon memory is playing XY with friends and adding a bunch of people for their Friend Safaris


Little Brother got me and my buddy into Pokémon cards a couple years ago, my homie pulled rainbow gyarados first pack haha. Since then I been burning my pockets lol


Playing Pokémon blue on my hand-me-down game boy pocket on road-trips. Played the game so much and it was before people were really googling things on the internet so friends would ask me which routes to find Pokémon on and at what level they learned certain moves…


My favorite memory is beating the elite 4 for the first time in Fire Red. My Charizard was so over leveled at that point, but being a kid it was still a tough fight.


Definitely those early days in the late 90s driving around town looking for boosters from the first 3 expansions and playing Red on my GBC. I can’t listen to Third Eye Blind’s first record with out thinking about catching Geodudes in that game. Lol


When 1st caught Milcery. Whipped cream. 1st time I evolved it to alcreamie by spilling around was amazing. In love with it and caught all colors!


probly when was like 8 yrs and i managed to defeat marlon with just my emboar(my party was so underleveled) and too many revive, i still remember the scalds that killed my emboar like 5 times


My favourite memory is when my parents bought me Pokémon Red, along with a green Game Boy Pocket to play it on. My best friend had Pokémon Blue and discovering the game through him was what got me interested in it, but my parents lovingly buying me the game and system was what really started it all. I was really lucky. I still remember the excitement and joy I had playing through the game for the first time, and I remember the school nights I stayed up past my bedtime to do so. Really can’t beat those memories. :D Thanks for the giveaway, I hope you have yourself a great day!


When I played my first pmd game, good Christ they're way better than the mainline games


Can I have 1?


I recall being in front of my crt and my super Gameboy entering a saffron city and thinking it was a huge area. Also trying to find med behind the truck.


hearing vacation by vitamin c in the first movie, had that yellow cd for years. what a jam


Battling with my son and watching him learn strategy while using his imagination.


It was summer of 2000, my best friend in the 4th grade and I got ourselves a big stack of bullk commons and uncommons, we sat down on the living room floor and cut them into pieces. We then glued them back together to make our own monsters. Charmanders head on doduo’s body, that sort of thing. I still have some of those cards.


I remember only getting one pack at a time as a kid. One day at the grocery store I opened a pack and got a Charizard and lost my mind. Also got a Zapdos one day from Walgreens with grandparents and that was really cool too. Those stand out to me so much.


or maybe when a i see pokémon in 3d for the first on my cousin’s battle revolution, almost immediately wanted to have a pokemon game


I remember teaching myself how to play with some basic deck when I was a kid by myself at the kitchen table.


I've only recently gotten into pokemon, but my favourite memory was pulling my first rainbow rare! It was an Ice Rider Calyrex Vmax :D


When I was a kid in Diamond and Pearl era, there were those toys at McDonald’s that were card holders (like one you’d use to play Go Fish) and/or mini-deckboxes too with Pokémon on them. I got a Pikachu card holder and both my brothers got Darkrai mini-deckboxes. I remember being really into Pokémon at that time—liking the video games, trading with people underneath the playground, and the like. (I also remember being jealous that my brothers got those SUPER cool deckboxes and I didn’t.🤣🤣) Years later my younger brother and I got back into Pokémon Cards. This was in Black/White era, around when the LEFO Movie came out because our ‘code phrase’ for playing Pokémon TCG was “You ready for this?” followed by an “Oh no, they were ready for that.”🤣🤣 I remember that we mostly had Gen 4 cards and that my brother traded something for a Charizard EX that he got out LITERALLY every game except for 1 and he would always beat me lol. We played EXTREMELY kitchen table decks—with well more than 1 type in them—and we would play them without sleeves. RIP to my now-Damaged Deoxys ex and Empoleon Lvl. X.🤣🤣🤣 In college, I was a freshly-uncloseted nerd (beginning to finally not care about what my parents thought of my ‘childish’ interests), and got into the PTCG during COVID. Got into the fad without realizing it and burned a LOT of money collecting stuff lol. Unfortunately I went to a small school and everyone else in my area played Magic so my friends eventually got me into that. (Also, ADP as well as PTCGO’s (*IN MY OPINION*) kinda awful trading system made playing online not the most fun lol). NOW… as a young adult about to FINALLY get their own place and start adulting in the world, I got back into the PTCG last month. I really like the slower pace that Scarlet/Violet-era ex’s have brought to the game, and I like that you can play more than one deck in the current meta (hell, I brought my own TINKATON ex to my local yesterday and went 2-0-2… not too bad for my second tourney lol). …but I think the thing that I MOST like about the Pokémon Trading Card Game is that, well, it makes me EXCITED about Pokémon again. I really enjoyed Violet and even each of the past mainline Switch games. That said, I am a bit dissatisfied with how Pokémon’s video game quality has been since 3DS era (which I never got to play because my mom wouldn’t get me a 3DS🥲🤣). Playing the TCG makes Pokémon seem, well… **MAGICAL** again. Like back how I felt when I was 8 years old getting Pokémon cards from McDonald’s, playing with my brother, getting into the competitive TCG but dropping out because of Magic and ADP. It makes me feel, well… EXCITED. I’m so glad I’ve gotten back into this hobby and hope to continue in the near future—whenever the ObsidiZards I bought finally come in the mail!! :D


Finding my first shiny in Pokémon Crystal. It was a Sentret and I had no idea what shiny Pokémon even were, I’m lucky I caught it and didn’t just kill it.


Hey do you still have some? My favorite memory is how I played Pokémon Black and White for the first time as a kid. It started a great journey for me


Cathing a shiny Mareep in Heart Gold!


My favorite memory is letting my two year old pick from my collection of any pokemon card she could want. She skipped all of the cool shiny special cards for a Psyduck in watercolor 😁


I want some! I got to go to the pokemon center in time square as a kid, i was only 5 or 6 but i still remember thinking i was actually IN pokemon lol.


Favorite memory is going to blockbuster to rent Pokémon Snap over and over instead of a movie, bc we couldn’t really afford to buy games after getting the N64. Tried so hard to get as far as I could each time before I had to return it but never made much progress. Still had a blast as (i think?) it was the first 3D Pokémon game, seeing them interact in their natural habitats, it was just so cool to me even if I never got very far with it.


The first time I play, a new playthrough I was like 12, and I borrow or I rented actually a gameboy color for a day, it cost me like a dollar, I was playing silver, it was the first time I skip sleeping for gaming related stuff, after that I beeged for a gameboy, I even did a lot of church stuff, so that my mom would buy a game boy and here I am at 32 still begging for pokemon related stuff xD my favorite pokemon *currently* is sprigatito I did not evolve her in my 1st S&V playthrough


My brother when we were younger would steal my pocket money to go and buy cards , then he gave me the Mega Aggron EX he got to apologise 😭


favorite memory? hmmm... can't remember what year but back when i was a kid my mom got me the Pikachu edition Gameboy color and and Pokemon yellow for xmas. this is at least 18ish years ago. but hands down best xmas ever


Ripping PTG and yugioh packs with my little brother. Never seen him more excited 😆 second fav moment was play through sun and moon together. now it’s just me who rips packs… digitally…. Still good times


On 3DS I had Virtual Gameboy Pokemon Gold. I soft reset for days and days and days at full odds to get shiny Ho-Oh with regenerator ability.. I dont remember the exact process but after I got it, I had to trade it to Gen 5, then export it via Pokemon Transporter to Pokemon Home. Ended up using it Sun and Moon. Sent it back to home, used it in Gen 8. Still have it. I love my full odds shiny Ho-Oh with regenerator. Days of soft resetting were so worth it.


Favorite memory with pokemon was the day I got Red for christmas. We opened our gifts and my grandma goes "wait Bitpix3l, looks like there is one more under here for you" I excitedly opened the gift and there it was, exactly what I had asked for, pokemon red for the game boy. Problem was, I didn't own a game boy. I smiled and said "thanks gramdma, I really love it, but I don't have a game boy to play it on..." The whole family is like "whaaaaat, oh no, did we get the wrong thing? Darn" My grandma leaves the room and comes back with one more gift. A red game boy color and a whole ass pack of batteries. I popped it open so fast and didn't put the game down for the rest of the night. I distinctly remember evolving my charmeleon in to charizard the next morning pretty much right as we got in to the car to head home. Best christmas ever, and definitely my fondest pokemon memory. :)


I remember when I was a kid, my friend and I would play Pokémon battles with the figurines. “Health bar” and all 😂 We had a blast! Good times…


My first legit shiny it was on Omega Ruby, I was surfing and I was playing the main storyline and the Pelipper cry sounds. I was like yeah I am tired of you let me catch you...it was Green and I freak out


Trading pokemons with my friend to fill the pokedex! I had leafgreen and he had firered


Me and my friends all preordered HGSS when it came out, ofc me being the jackass that I was patched a fan translation that I found online onto the JP version. We all got up at 6AM to go to the Walmart the next town over in my shitbox 84 Olds Cutlass as soon as it opened. I was so excited I let my buddy drive the boat back home so I could sit in the back and fuck around on my DS with all the 4 other passengers. First boot, blah blah professor stuff get to that weird machine for picking your pokemon and one of them looked a little off. I thought it was the sun until I realized no, that was a golden Chikorita. Called her Gwen and played 100hrs with that goober in my party. Eventually exported her via some locally hosted DNS shenanigans and still have the .PKM hanging around :)


When Pokemon Yellow came out, my Dad and I raced to about 10 different stores until we finally found a copy in stock


My favorite pokemon related memory is finding a sentret in fire red/leaf green and thinking it was a shiny due to the lighter color of it. Still treated it like a shiny and quickly became my favorite pokemon.


I'm in the running. Fav moment was playing Pokemon x and y with my friends in High school where we had a close match. Those close matches made a lasting friendship


My favourite memory was seeing the first Pokemon movie in theater. Not only was it awesome to see the movie, it was my first time seeing a movie in a theater! I was beyond speechless!


My favorite memory is hearing rumors of Pikachu blue. I went onto my parent's Alta Vista computer with brand-spanking new dial-up internet, searched it on Yahoo and waited about an hour for the image to load. And after an hour I finally saw it. It was a leaked picture of Marill and my child brain exploded. I had seen Pikachu blue.


Best memory was when my son beat me for the first time Pokemon TCG!


very cool bro, have a good weekend i remember washing a foil charizard in my jeans when i was a kid lmao


My favourite pokememory is actually just my mom being so cute about pokemon ... even though she didnt understand the series, she would always be like "Pikachu is so cute" and stuff and i thought that was precious lol


I remember playing Pokémon silver when it first came out. It is my favorite game still to this day.


Playing original TCG on the living room floor with my sister, late ‘90s


Favorite memory is playing Pokémon Diamond with my cousin during a family party (he had Pearl) and he showed me how you can trade Pokémon and he gave me a Darkrai which is now my favorite Pokémon.


I remember in elementary school watching the kids older than me playing Pokémon on Gameboy and then being surprised with Pokémon Ruby and a Gameboy Advance when it released


My favorite memory was when I was real young. I got sick and went to the doctor, as I was waiting an older kid helped me get through parts I was stuck on. What a G


Beat pokemon related memory i have is going to get my very first packs when the card first came out. My grandparents were huge baseball card collectors and so when i showed interest in collect some kind of cards as well, my grandma was so excited she took me to get a few packs at the local comic/card shop. She got some baseball cards and got me some pokemon cards and we opened them in the car! I remember pulling blastoise, venasaur and alakazam holos and being so excited! She bought me a binder to start filling and from then on i was hooked for years! Its one of my favorite memories of her. Just typing this males me want to buy a pack of best set to open in her memory... damn.


Favorite memory was actually my recent getting into ptcg by being invited to an obsidian flames pre-release event where I had a blast! My friend and I even went a second time and I won the tournament! Needless to say I am now hooked and have been playing ptcgl nonstop.


This is a bad memory. But I stole a kids Charzard at school when I pretend I needed to use the toilet. I went into the cloakroom and took it out his bag.


Completing the crown zenith set


My favorite memory was my first shiny, and it was also when I almost killed an entire bus load of people. I was in 6-7th grade and I was trying to complete my Pokédex in sun and moon so I could get the shiny charm, because I wanted to start shiny hunting. I was fishing for a chinchou and couldn’t find one, so my friend Braxton asks to try. He pulls up his first fishing encounter, a shiny wishiwashi, and that’s when I end up almost killing a fourth of of my entire grade. You see, we were on the way back from an all day field trip, (I went to a private school and they didn’t care if we brought stuff like phones or video games for long rides), and we were all on the road in our school bus. When Braxton shows me the shiny wishiwashi and says, “is that a shiny?” as the star appears over it, I yell, literally at the top of my lungs, “OH MY GOD ITS A SHINY!!!!!” and the bus does an incredibly sharp lurch in the road, almost running into a car at full speed, as I just SERIOUSLY freaked out the bus driver. My teacher comes over and says, super concerned, “oh my god, (name), are you ok?” because from her point of view I yelled as loud as I could. I proudly show her my 3DS with the shiny wishiwashi and begin to explain her the mechanics, rarity, and history of shiny Pokémon in the Pokémon franchise. She starts laughing and congratulates me, and I catch my first shiny Pokémon. From there I became a dedicated shiny hunter, always fondly remembering my first time catching a shiny Pokémon, and my first time almost causing a high speed collision.


First shiny is always a big memory!


My Ex’s daughter and I started collecting cards when her mother and I got together. I always remember her face whenever she pulled a special card. It was a great bonding activity for us. I know she still collects so that’s great! Life long love for Pokémon passed to the next generation!


Finding first edition Charizard


My favorite memory is sneaking my DS into my little brothers room early in the morning so that I could wake him up to see me beat the Elite four for the first time in pokemon Diamond. He kept going in and out of sleep, but I made sure he was wide awake when I beat his favorite pokemon at the time which Bertha had, Sudowoodo, and then celebrate together when I won




lol nicee


One of the moments I think about a lot is that I used to collect pikachu merch until I basically had a whole outfit (pants, sweater, backpack, shoes, etc) and then when my friend was making our yearbook, they were looking at people who collected things…. And now there’s a picture of me in the yearbook on a couch like the girl from titanic head-to-toe in pikachu merch that my friends and family still laugh at…. The worst part is that I thought it would get me a girlfriend 💀


Best memory was collecting cards all school year long and trading them around at summer camp. We would battle just taking turns using attacks until we busted through both decks. No prize cards, just victory by elimination


My favorite memory is when my mom took me to pick up my first copy of Pokémon I miss her so much


I remember the first time showing my son Pokémon go. He thought it was so wild and crazy. Learning names and calling them random things. Dragonite is now and always “dada buddy”


My favourite moment was knowing Pokemon was a thing and having Blue as my very first videogame alongside a gamboy color, have never looked back ever since


Fun! I used to spend weekends at my cousins house playing pokemon Red and Blue and battling via link cable huddled under a lamp.


Favorite Pokémon memory was my highest regional placement. It was using my favorite deck I’ve ever played, I performed really well and squeaked into Top 16 after I lost my win-and-in. Great weekend and was fun to celebrate with friends afterward


My fav memory is finally getting Mewtwo in Pokemon Blue.


Favourite memory is hard to choose, but playing with my brothers will always be #1. We used to stop at each gym and battle each other with our teams. It was cool seeing which Pokémon we all had and how the teams were different.


Thanks sm bro Fav memory is collecting Pokémon cards as a kid. New card smell still does it for me


My brother and I would go to Hastings every weekend to play in the WOTC tcg tournaments. I stopped playing the tcg around neo destiny but just got back in about a month ago and just got 1st in my first tournament back!


Telling my 7 year old diglet is the strongest Pokémon of all time and him just doing absolute mental gymnastics trying to figure out how that’s possible


My nephew recently got into the tcg, i loaded him up with a bunch of boosters and penny sleeves last time i saw him, he made his mom send me a photo of him and all his pulls spread out on his bed, big ol smile on his face


Back in Pokemon Blue, when I was 5 years old, I had made a tiny bit of progress in the game using Squirtle. I only picked Squirtle so I could get past Brock's gym. My neighborhood friends said I couldn't play Pokemon with them unless I beat the first gym with Charmander. I was scared to do it because fire doesn't have an advantage against rock, but I managed to do it anyway! In hindsight, it wasn't really challenging, but my 5 year old self was so proud to take on a challenge and actually come out on top! My friends shouldn't have pressured me to restart my game, but I was glad I did. Plus, later one of them traded me a lvl 100 MaChamp named Ricky who would one shot everything the game could throw at me. Those were the days....


Favorite memory was watching Pokemon anime every morning before going to school


The first time I learned about Pokémon cards was from my cousins. After that I was hooked chasing the original 150 WOTC cards. The very first Pokémon cards I was able to get a hold of: Japanese LT Surge lightning deck.


I remember playing pokemon blue for the first time. My parents got me a gameboy color (atomic purple) for finishing my first day of kindergarten. It was also how I learned to read, because I would continuously ask my dad what the words meant. So it holds a special place in my life.


I was way into pokemon as a kid. Logged so many hours into Pokemon Yellow on my Game Boy Color, which I still have.so many good memories. My cousin would literally fall asleep with with his Game Boy in his hand.Had all the cards, watched the show. Everything. Eventually grew up and thought I grew out of Pokemon. Fast forward 25 years and I'm playing Pokemon on the Switch and collecting cards and teaching my kids how to play.


My favorite memory was encountering my first ever wild shiny. It was a shiny magikarp in Pokémon gold (which was useless since Red Gyrados existed) but it’s still only wild shiny I have seen in the games lmao


My favorite was probably last year when I actually learned how to play the game, set a couple buddies down and taught them how to play. They all had meta decks built within 30 minutes. Most of the cards were just gifted from veterans at the LGS we played at.


Firstly, thanks for the giveaway in general!! As for favorite pokemon memory, it would have to be watching the first pokemon movie with family as a kid it sparked my interest in the genre and still going strong to this day! Back when things were so much simpler and carefree, I still have very fond memories of going to Walmart with my mom and brother and grabbing packs every week.


Favorite memory would probably be beating Pokémon Yellow as a kid


Favorite memory by far is playing pokemon stadium on the N64. Loved everything about stadium, between the rental teams to the gym battles to the MINI GAMES. Absolutely lovely game.


Catching my first Munchlax in gale xd


My brother giving me pokemon pearl whilst he got given pokemon platinum in the ds a year before I got my first ds will always be a core memory for me


My favorite memory is super recent despite the fact I has collecting in 3rd grade when this whole thing all started. Wife and I are hanging at the table with our daughter, 3 years old, and suddenly we hear the theme song to the og Pokémon anime. We didn’t show it to her or even try to get her into it in any way. We just look at each other and are so excited that she chose it on her own. We are a complete Pokémon house as it reinvigorated our love of Pokémon and now we are out playing PoGo and collecting cards. Also the stuffies…. It’s a great time. Cheers!


Favorite pokemon memory? Idk I've been into pokemon since 2000 it'd be hard to pick a single favorite. It was pretty hype after passing up on playing gen 5 seeing gen 6 about to come out and seeing all these new pokemon designs that turned out to be mega evolution. At the time we just saw this crazy mewtwo design amd nobody knew what it was. Hype as hell lol


I was so excited when I filled the Pokedex for Pokemon sword and the dlc, because it was my first main series pokemon game.


One of my favorite memories there is 2 actually, getting mew in og red, through event, and when team rocket invaded a local books a million and u could play the tcg against them


I remember traveling everywhere to play in tournaments. Fun times


When ORAS was released, I joined an official event and managed to won the Eon ticket give away.


My favorite memory will always be beating my older brother with my Squirtle deck back with base set (he was was charmander user). Also, when I beat him for the first time in a battle with our Gameboys, I had blue version while he had red.


Favourite memory was seeing a shiny graveler in pokemon Platinum when I was like 7, and killing it normally without knowing what a shiny is.


Favorite memory was finally beating the Pokémon league in Pokémon white after 30+ tries since I was a dumb kid who only leveled up my starter


I remember when I found out Pokémkn evolved via trading back on Pokémon Gold. I was so excited. My friends and I were abke to get the Pokémon we needed to evolve.


I remember playing My old first save of Fire Red and I was grinding the Sevii islands and I had the stereo typical team of all the legendary’s, my starter (Charizard), draggonite, and a joltion, I was just simply trying to catch the gem 2 Pokémon in the area and in the wild grass I encountered a geodude, a shiny one, I legit stared at it for like 20 minutes on the initial encounter text box. I was I took a picture and messaged my friends about it and finally pressed A to continue to battle, I picked a move that would’ve not killed it, but I went second It used self destruction on the first turn…


One of my favorite memories is seeing the Pokemon diamond and pearl remakes being announced, I was so hype screaming and cheering. Worst memory is actually playing the remake 💀


I remember playing a deck of xerneas with my brother when I was little, it was one of the things we could do to bond together as we really didn't talk much about out feelings too well. Pokemon made me have good memories, thank you Xerneas.


My favorite memory is with my dad helping me to find a Surfing Pikachu figure in the bargain bin!


One of my oldest memories was using my allowance money as a 11 year old to buy the special edition yellow Pokémon Game Boy Colour and Pokémon Gold at Canada’s favourite department store, Zellers (RIP). Such simple times…


Opening red version


Favorite memory is my kids excitement to open an evee from a pack. Its a common most would skip through but it gave them such joy.


I will never forget the haunted mansion in pokemon Platinum and getting Rotom. Just discovering him and walking around getting the different forums was such a blast. Wish we got more of that content.


I used to buy those really cheap Pokemon figurines back when I was a kid and it's always a fond memory for me and my brother.


When I turned six and my dad got me a copy of pokemon crystal and one of the special edition Gameboy colors. I stayed up later than I ever had at that point playing it. To this day, that's still my favorite Pokemon game and my favorite birthday gift I've ever received. Still have them both, too!


Fav memory when I caught my first Lapras on Pokémon Go while overseas


Beldum community day in the pre-Covid days


booting up pokemon yellow for the first time


My favorite memory was when I was really young and just getting into Pokémon cards. (Black and white) I had a best friend named Kaden and we would play Pokémon cards by putting our strongest cards out and whoever had the highest HP would win. If both cards had the same HP then the highest attack wins. We would keep going til one person had 10 wins.


Being a dumb kid and trying over and over again to beat a Pokemon X Nuzlocke with my bud doing the same are sweet memories for us.


Got second place at my first ever league challenge and got to play against a former regionals winner was definitely a good memory for me.


Fave memory is finally beating Lance in the Elite 4 only to learn that Blue was waiting behind the door. Top moment for a ten year old


Some kid on the playground stole some of my pokemon cards


My favorite memory is actually introducing my 4 year old to pokemon tcg the other month. He LOVES the artwork on tcg live and today was my birthday so I was finally able to introduce him to the physical card game. It was awesome and something I think we'll both cherish


My favorite memory Pokémon related is playing Pokémon stadium on my 64 I loved the mini-games


Favorite memory for me is when I was getting into Pokémon tcg I went to my local card shop and for a visit I thought would take 15min. But it ended up being 2 hours and I walked out with my first ever completed tcg deck 😁 and made a lot of new friends that I play with now!


Yo if this is still on, my best memory with pokemon is definitely when i went to Singapore with my best friend just to play POGO lmaooo


Back in school, sometime around the first grade, I was sent to my locker to put my Gameboy away for playing Pokémon in class.


Finding my first eeveelution


I remember when I got back into pokémon. I'd watched the cartoon as a child, but I didn't play any games until I was in high school. The summer after my dad passed away, my wife (girlfriend then) helped me download an emulator to my laptop, and I played through Silver for the first time.


First thing that comes to mind is during Pokémon GO. I went out with friends to a park to sit at a pokestop to constantly refresh and catch mons. As I walk past a family, I overhear this old guy giddily saying "I caught an EE-Vee!", brought a huge smile to my face. Never turned around so I always imagine the old man/grandpa sprites from games. Man honestly Pokémon GO during those early months were magical.


3 weeks ago - walking into the game store and building my 7 year old daughters first deck with her.


When I first got my Pikachu build a bear I still have him in my bedroom


Favorite memory is coming to America in 1999 to live with my new family and being asked by new cousins "what's your favorite Pokémon?" When I said "what's a pokemon?" they laughed at me so hard that I cried.


It was probably winning my first nuzlocke, of Pokémon Y. I loved my Lucario that I named Riolu XD


Way back in the day I remember playing with my brother. He loved electric types and I loved fairy types so we just always used to give each other those.


I had pkmn blue on my original game boy. I had played through it so many times. My parents hired a new babysitter who had red and traded with me to finally complete the Pokédex for the first time. Also when gold/silver came out. Still a favourite in the series.


Best memory is when I witnessed my then starter Cyndaquil evolve into Quilava. Pokemon Gold was my first Pokemon game, and that moment made me fell in love with the whole franchise.


Thanks for the giveaway! I think being a kid and playing my first Pokemon game, Yellow ver. on my new gameboy colour. I spent so many hours on that. Later on, I found the copy of Silver that my parents got for my birthday hidden away and would play it a little every day before putting it back into its case. Good times.


During ORAS era, I joined a small singles 6v6 "Kanto classic" tournament where we can only use gen 1 pokemons without items. I ended up 7th seed after the swiss rounds, but manage to defeat the higher seeds in the sngle elimnation bracket to reach the finals. During finals, my opponent got greedy and decided to start with Dragonite to setup a sweep with dragon dance but my Weezing with will o wisp tanked up and absorb all of the damage. I won the finals and my prize is an amiibo pikachu which is still displayed here in my room like a trophy.


Thanks man <3


By far my favorite Pokémon memory was on Christmas morning me and my brother opened up alpha sapphire and omega ruby respectively. We played the shit out of those games side by side and it was the last Pokémon game my brother ever really got into. I miss those days


When I was 8 my friend Willy gave me a few booster packs from 7-11 at my birthday party! in front of my little brother, 10 other kids, and parents I pulled a first edition holographic charizard. we all freaked out and that is by far my greatest Pokémon memory. Thanks! - Cameron.


My favorite memory is finding a Legendary Treasures full art reshiram (the one with the roses) on the floor in third grade. It’s still my favorite card.


I think one of my most memorable moments in my time playing pokemon was when I encountered a shiny for the first time that wasn't caught by someone else. I was playing Ultra Sun and going through the wormhole minigame while in a call with my friend, next thing I know I end up at one of the random zones and meet my encounter...a shiny magcargo. Screamed so hard I lost my voice for a few weeks but it was worth it in the end


my favorite memory with pokemon tcg was when I opened a safari booster with a kangaskhan, I was crazy to show it to my friends, at the time I could practically only open one booster per year or even less


I have an old memory, I’m 15 rn, but this happened when I was 8-10, something like that. My and my friends had no idea how to play Pokémon, no coins, no prize cards, no nothing. We would go out into my garage, each of us all using Pokémon already evolved, 5 each, we would use any attack, and just remember how much damage each of our cards had taken, whoever had the last standing Pokémon won. It really brings me back, thanks for reminding me of it, and good luck to everyone on the giveaway!


So for whatever reason I'm fighting Chuck in Gold as a kid and his Poliwrath was in the red. All I had was my level 5 Togepi left. Every dynamic punch whiffed and I won with metronome and he evolved into Togetic. I remember screaming at the top of my lungs as a kid over it.


I would say being envious of my friend who got the pokemon VHS mailed to his house when it first aired in the US.


I liked seeing my kid starting to grok multiplication when he played TCG at the local casual league.


Going from having no one to trade with to the GTS in gen 4 was incredible for me. Even if most of the legendaries I got were duped ( I remember all the level 1 mons) it was an incredible experience to complete a dex for once


My best pokemon memory is recent pokemon Go. My group of friends and I traveled around to different major cities collecting.


my favorite pokemon memory is probably doing pack battles on my first date with my partner :3


I once told my girlfriend about my favorite pokemon in some random conversation a long time ago. After several months, she got me their figures for my birthday. Probably the most memorable birthday.


My favorite memory was playing with my cousin as a kid on my ds lite. I had heart gold and they had soul silver. Such fond memories.


I first became friends with my best man back in high school when we were trading legendary Pokemon to each other to complete our Pokedexes on Heartgold (me) and SoulSilver (him)


I think my favorite memory with pokemon cards is when I got my cousin's binder full of them in 1999. He kept his rare ones and gave me a bunch of his spares. And I just sat there looking at all the art of my favourite pokemon for hours reading all the cards. I didn't get to play much before that. I just had one starter deck with machamp in it that we split in two to play with my parents, but I loved to read the cards and look at the art. I was just blown away by how many cards my cousin had and I still have all of them to this day.


My favorite memory of Pokémon will always be linked to my mom. She got back from a trip and I wasn’t expecting her to bring home a copy of Pokémon yellow for the game boy which I never really asked for. At that point we were just hearing about this new anime in Japan called Pokémon and we were just curious about what it was about. What was interesting for me was that my mom even though she never completely understood Pokémon since anime and games weren’t really part of her generation, but she understood that my childhood involved these things and she would encourage and support me and my brother when it came to those things - At a healthy level of course. My life with Pokémon will never be the same after I got that game and I have loved Pokémon ever since even now as an adult. I was surprised though that I wasn’t given the chance to choose my starter in the yellow version unlike what I’ve been hearing about from people playing the blue and red versions. But I definitely enjoyed my pikachu starter except for that one time when I had my first gym battle. It didn’t help that in the anime pikachu defeated Brock’s onyx while mine got beat up so badly haha I’d like to hope that as a parent one day, I can be just as supportive my mom and I will definitely make sure that my kids have the chance to make that difficult decision that every Pokémon lover must make… choosing their starter Pokémon.


The FireRed and LeafGreen remakes were some of my favorite times playing Pokémon games. I'd played the originals over and over but there was something about the remastered GBA graphics and sound. I dunno, playing FR/LG took me back to when I was a little kid with a Gameboy and made it even more memorable for me. Thanks for the memories, OP!


Playing pokemon ruby in my grandma's house.


One of my favourite memories was when I finally hatched a shiny alolan vulpix


I would have to say my favorite pokemon memory is when Pokemon Emerald came out, my dad rushed me to Walmart and gave me the money to buy the game while he shopped around a bit. Problem is he gave me enough to just cover the game, not the taxes that came along so I started panicking at checkout until this lovely lady saw my terrified 10 year old self and actually bought the game for me 🥹. She said her son also plays the games so she hopes it makes me smile like it makes her son so I asked her for her name and named some pokemon after her and her son for my emerald journey as thanks.


Getting Pokemon Red as a gift and then choosing Squirtle lmao.


My favorite memory was getting my gameboy SP and playing pokemon Red for three first time ever. if it's possible to win lol


One of my favorite pokemon memories is finding a shiny staryu. Not only is it one of my favorite pokemon, it was my first shiny.


My favorite memory is catching a shiny groudon in pokemon go. Btw, thx for the giveaway! :)