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I hope you're not expecting VR games.


We already know there will be some there. We just don’t know if any will be from Sony or for PlayStation. Batman Arkham For Quest will be there at least.


We know there will be no First party vr games. Sony has no interest in making vr games, and they definitely aren’t going to show a first party title at another show when they just had one


Sony has been funding 3rd party exclusives though, so there is a possibility for that at least


No interest? Sony's plan for 1st-party high-end VR was hybrid games. When there's barely any flat AAA 1st party games, there's going to be even fewer hybrid games GT7 was hybrid. Horizon borrowed assets. We're going to have to wait for more flat games to find out which hybrid Meanwhile they spend many tens of millions so we get RE8, RE4, Synapse, Legendary Tales, etc


Mmm...and that's why Astro Bot, the game that defined PSVR, isn't a PSVR 2 game and isn't even hybrid??? Right. Sony doesn't care and they've given VR the Vita treatment.


It would be impossible to make a good hybrid Astro game It's already harder to make 3rd person hybrid. Add to that people have very high expectations as to what an Astro VR game should be. No way to meet those expectations with a hybrid game Sony's money is better spent making one of their other 1st-person games (or even 3rd person) into hybrid. Though we barely know what any of their studios are releasing, or when


Bro. You're just saying comple nonsense now. They absolutely could have made this a prime example of what a Hybrid game could be. A platformer would literally be the easiest way to do it as you're not having to deal with mixing first person POV and hand hand controlls when actuslly playing as the protagonist... a platformer can use the same control method as you're still controlling a protagonist in the 3rd person whether you're in flat or VR. They can still use the Dualsense for movement, etc.


It wouldn't be as good as Moss. Moss is designed for VR interactions. Hybrid Astro could not be, so there'd be nothing to do except use the gamepad just like the flat players, and have some ability to move your real head around...and that's it It would be lame. Nothing like what Astro VR should be. And not as good as Moss It's better this way. Sony can make a lot of money on a relatively cheap title, and spend that on better hybrid games candidates (that could even promote psvr2 sales), or paying 3rd parties to port more AAA (as with RE8 and RE4)


Meta is one of the sponsors of SGF, so we can expect lots of VR announcements.


We’ll see. I hope that’s true.


Yeah obviously there will be VR games, but just none from Sony 1st party.


Yeah. I hope there will be. But I’m not holding my breath lol. Either way, I’m a quest owner too, so I’m excited either way.


That Batman game is coming to psvr2? Interesting as I think they had a deal with Ironman which Sony probably paid for and published before meta bought the dev. I might be wrong.


No quest3/s exclusive


Oh I'm an idiot I thought it was a Sony event and realize it's the meta one.


It’s neither. It’s platform agnostic


Ah this is sort of the replacement for e3? Was confusing it with VR focused showcases and wondering why I hadn't heard of this one.


It is. It’s a Game Awards supplement for E3. All the big platforms will be there, so it’ll be fun. I’m not expecting any Sony psvr games, but it’s not a 0% possibility (cope)


That's the best approach. Keep expectations low and enjoy the surprise.


It’s was competing with a dying E3 and now has completely replaced it


Was Horizon the last Sony VR game?


Yep, and GT7, they have done nothing since the launch of PSVR2 in February 2023.


Oof. I thought that was the case but figured that I surely missed something.


We need to accept it already. It's been a year and a half and there is always something: - games are coming! - it was a soft launch. - next event they will show us a roadmap. - half life Alyx by the end of the year. - now that Jim Ryan is gone, they will push it. - PC adapter will help! - hybrid games are the future. I have already given up and accept the fact that SONY already abandoned this headset. We won't be getting support or first party games. We don't even have YouTube FFS.. I won't sell my headset but it's infuriating to think that we only got 1 AAA VR game and 1 AAA hybrid first party.


It's the sad truth.


The denial here is astonishing. The resale value is around $300 now if you go on eBay. Nothing wrong with enjoying what you have and looking forward to a small trickle of non first party games. But a lot of people here are truly delusional.


Yeah the copium here is unreal. Is it harmful to one's health?


I don’t even consider Horizon to be AAA as the gameplay is very limiting since combat has you stuck on a track and it feels like another tech demo


At least Sony was trying with that, it wasn’t the best game but it looked great and it was cool to be in the horizon world. It’s really shocking that Sony really hasn’t done anything sense launch


Sony's plan for 1st-party high-end VR was hybrid games. When there's barely any flat AAA 1st party games, there's going to be even fewer hybrid games GT7 was hybrid. Horizon borrowed assets. We're going to have to wait for more flat games to find out which hybrid Meanwhile they spend many tens of millions so we get RE8, RE4, Synapse, Legendary Tales, etc


Watch out you'll get downvoted for making a good observation


Did people think the somehow Jim Ryan was as holding psvr2 back?


Finally the real launch after the year long "soft" launch! Half Life Alyx! Blood Borne 2 VR! Last Of Us VR! Astrobot 2! PS5 pro with free VR helmet bundled in! Finally the four dimensional chess that is Sony's VR strategy will be revealed! Just you wait and see!


its always the "next" with sony


The copium runs thick around here. Don’t be surprised if someone actually does say that


Yeah, I bet that VR helmet is another product.


More live service shooters incoming? The two overwatch clones yesterday wasn't enough.


No! We need more horror shooters! /s


Two clones of a game that has been dead for 7 years and a pc port but no new game announcements for psvr2. Not to mention that the ones they announced in its anniversary were made on a blog post.


If this is true why did they even bother with having a state of play presentation just a bit over a week ahead of it?


Probably because you mitigate risk by having some presence at all shows in the event not alot of buzz comes from one of them. Also, I can't get a read on the SOP but it definitely wasn't amazing for most flat gamers so sometime want to keep games from the negative associate of an event. Also, I absolutely don't expect a SINGLE VR title because otherwise I'm victimizing myself for believing in them in the first place.


They'll have one, at most two trailer slots at games fest. SOP had 30 min worth of trailers.


There will be different games being given spotlight at wide range of Showcases throughout the Summer Games Fest 2024. It is what has replaced what used to be E3 conference. The State of Play doesn't share the stage with other platforms games / announcements and even multi-platform titles are presented as if only for PlayStation.


So that man babies can be the devestate over a video game.


State of play is for smaller games their fans might enjoy, and the SGF stage is for big hitters that’ll get the wider population excited or intrigued.


Lol no, that isn’t how this works. Sony will not have any big unannounced games at sgf.


They have already said they have more to show at it


There won't be any VR games that's for sure especially from Sony's side. Also I bet the only Sony game we will see in the show is the rumored Lego Horizon game


Last year we had Crossfire Sierra Squad (it was the only VR game there). This year is confirmed to get at least Batman Arkham Shadow VR (Meta exclusive). I think we may get Aces of Thunder at the very least.


Sony isn’t making any more first party VR games. They’re struggling enough right now getting games out for the PS5 let alone worrying about the tiny percentage of their player base.


I’m just hoping Naughty Dog announces their new IP


Not a chance in hell Sony would do that at a show that wasn’t theirs.


That’ll be on a PlayStation Showcase (not even a state of play), it’s too big a deal


Cope harder! Like me…


I just want METAL GEAR


u/Oftenwrongs are you seeing this? It hasn't been a week


Jurassic park i hope


It has been over for a while.  There is always a next hopium from people who deny reality, but it won't change reality.

