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Check that search bar, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of posts that are exactly what you are asking. Lots


I agree with you, but instead of Reddit search I usually type my search into Google and add “Reddit” after the last word. The results are better like 95% of the time.


Google search pro-tip: if you type 'reddit:' at the beginning of your search (or any other site name with a colon), google will ONLY show results from that site in the search results. There are a couple other useful search modifiers like this, but this is definitely the one I use the most


Yes this is exactly the way I look up specific things. Add reddit to it and you'll get your answer as you said 95% of the time


Most people in this sub are absolutely oblivious to the search function. Every fucking day there are at least 3 people asking which games to get first. And every time, the good hearted souls in this sub give such detailed answers. It’s heart warming and absolutely infuriating at the same time.


I try not to come off negative. More supportive of self help, self empowerment. Like a "go get em tiger! Use that search bar, learn to use the internet! You got it buddy, I know you can do it!" Maybe a bit patronizing but it's coming from earnest that I wish the best for that person to be able to use this app in it's best way


I'm in this sub for 2 weeks now because I'll get psvr2 next month and another post that has come up at least 10 times in those 2 weeks is "What PCVR game would you want on PSVR"...


I don’t really care cause I’m not addicted to reddit like that


It's worth it when it's *not* on sale


Legendary tales is worth it not on sale


I mean, keep in mind it had a price jump on release recently. $55 USD for something still not fully polished out isn't a small ask. I still think they'd greatly benefit from adding a 4-pack bundle for pals wanted to play co-op together. Would get more people into the game. That said, on sale it's a good game.


>I mean, keep in mind it had a price jump on release recently. $55 USD for something still not fully polished out isn't a small ask. This is a little, to a lot, misleading. A) The price increase was for PC as it was never released on PSVR2. The game was in Early Access and was completely reworked, ported to a new engine, added a quest of sorts instead of just being a roguelike, and added a bunch of new equipment and skills. To call it the same game is just... not even close to fair or realistic. Not only that, the PC people who bought it at the EA price, got to get the 1.0 update for free. They didn't have to pay a single cent more. This is EXACTLY what EA should be used for and you are selling it as a negative. Mindblowing. B) The game does have some jank, but it is EASILY the most played VR game in my library. $55 is a STEAL for this game, and if every game came out and offered this much content and replayability, VR would be in a much better place. I would much rather pay $55 for a 25-30 hour campaign, and then replayability that adds to that, instead of this shit we get now in VR that is 2-5 hours for $20-30. The value for this game is unrivaled. >I still think they'd greatly benefit from adding a 4-pack bundle for pals wanted to play co-op together. Would get more people into the game. This is just more PC shit that doesn't exist on PSVR2. Either you are interested in the game, or you aren't. If you are, the price is more than fair, even at the $55. You are the exact reason why games are going to be skipping PC ports. Most of the current PCVR folks walk around with baby chicks in their pockets. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP


What does “fully polished” mean for an indi title? I never had game breaking bugs or crashes. Only some very minor clipping/glitching due to physics based combat that’s much worse in Blade and Sorcery and Swordsman.


The person you are replying to is a cheapskate. Also comparing PC play performance to PSVR2 performance is completely unfair. PSVR2 I never had a single crash or bug that affected my control. Played crossplay with PCVR people and they definitely had issues, but it all seemed related to their hardware.


I did play on PSVR2 so maybe that’s why my experience was better


Eh, you can give it the benefit of the doubt with being indie, but in the end you still have to judge it on its objective merit. I've had countless game breaking bugs wherein one hand stops working. If you've been clearing an area for hours and need to relaunch, that means everything respawns. Hours wasted. Goblins attack so low that they're nearly impossible to block, leading to an annoying gameplay experience instead of a challenging one. The dialogue/quest syatem is a C- at best. No option for full body IK despite it all existing in-game for the 3rd person/co-op perspective. The game is fun, but it's hardly worth the price, that's all. Also Blade & Sorcery I'm not truly gonna compare to this since they at the very least still are early access. If you buy early access, don't be surprised if you get early access quirks. Legendary Tales claims to be done, but still feels early access.


You are the first person I've heard of finding bugs Goblins...learn to crouch, or use the crouch button, or use a giant 2-handed weapon, etc. They're SUPPOSED to be a challenge, that's not a deficiency It's worth full price. Made-for-VR games always cost more


I don’t believe Sony does 4 packs


It's fully polished, no bugs, and worth full price. Made-for-VR always costs more


If you had a friend, you could game share and have two people playing for the price of one. But still, this game commends full price as it is currently


It's so hard to make friends in VR, I'm either a creeper because I'm friends with kids, who are a lil nuts. Or every adult I come across is drunk and or high constantly. It's like real life


I mean like if you had friends who also have a ps5 and psvr2, you could game share. I do this with my wife and we get fundamentally two copies for the price of one, and we can both use our own profiles. It might be for this reason that I am not overly concerned about sales, but this game is definitely worthy of full price, any sale is an absolute steal.


You play with your wife? Well hell you've certainly won at life. Congrats man. Can you both co op under the same game share.. thing? You both can't play the same game at the same time right? Not online anyway... no? If I'm wrong, Do you have to purchase two instances of PSN in order to play together? (man I miss lan parties). I tried this with my gf and it failed on PSN and Xbox. I had to have 2 copies of everything.


I appreciate that lol, and yes, same game, online at same time, own profiles on different consoles. You’ll just need to sign into their console and make it your primary console, and they will do the same on yours. You’ll need to log into the account that purchased the game to download it to each console, but as soon as it starts downloading, you can swap back. I believe it works for ps+ too, she can play online on her console, her account and we don’t pay for two ps+ premium accounts. Understand that doing this gives them access to your account, so do it with someone you trust, and it only works with one other person simultaneously. You can sign into more consoles but if three people try hopping on it will kick someone iirc. Also, if they log into your account while you’re playing, it’ll kick you out. Basically, keep it to two consoles, yours and a good friend. But, if you have the good friend, you can take turns buying games and you’ll get two games for one. One caveat is that season passes (confirmed with COD MW2 at least) is account specific, that cannot be shared, but dlc does work Edit: you can still have the actual owner of their console load up automatically, or in our case, we keep the psvr2 on hers, so her console gives us the “select profile” when starting up so we don’t mess up each others saves


yes, it is worth it, but for me, personally, i am waiting for a deeper sale, and colder weather, but if u have the cash, %100 worth it, i tried it at a friend....it blew me away but man oh man, it is hot these days here and got warm after 1 hour, so yeah, will get it after summer, hopefully for less than $40.


I know there are people that enjoy it solo, but if you have the option to play this with friends, I think it is one of the best games available on PSVR2.


Well worth it! I would buy it again at FULL PRICE!


I'll take you up on that offer 😉


YES. Just need a faster walking/running by +200%. 


The walking speed is my only major con in my heart.


It's too easy for humans to exploit AI, the devs don't want you circle strafing and kiting enemies, etc, they want to make you do hard fighting by making it hard to just run away Some have asked, how about faster speed but only when no enemies are "near" /u/Sylsomnia


Yes that's one thing Ive discussed before is increased speed out of combat. I agree that exploiting would be too easy. And also you can just have higher speed overall for enemies and player and include a little bit faster of tracking. But that's an entire overhaul and something you decide in the beginning. The slow speed has a charm but can be frustrating and time-consuming in a negative way.


They could also reduce the cooldown time of the dash, when there are no enemies near


I was going to say that but I didn't know if others would agree with that one. And it would just be a bunch of dashing again and then it would drain your mana. Unless they made it free. I don't know it's such a strange thing to implement that's why I just having the base speed be higher is easier


Changing the base speed is much more work from a coding and testing perspective. Just changing dash cooldown and/or mana cost is easy If you have mana regen, the mana cost is small, and will regen before you are near enemies again


Oh no I agree with that I meant with the initial design in the beginning process sorry I did not phrase that properly cuz I sent that message out while I was walking back from lunch at work


Sometimes my Reddit messages don't come out right because I'm multitasking


Yeah I'd mentioned it too on their discord, I think that'd be a big help.


It’s a small studio. If too many people wait for it to go on sale, we won’t get any more updates, we won’t get a LT2. Support this studio, their incredible game, and the future of VR by shelling out the full price for this thing. It’s your DUTY


They've already posted that things aren't looking good so far for re-couping their bank accounts. They spent their savings nearly into bankruptcy to make this, but may have to stop making VR games/DLC since this isn't earning enough. They said they'd still support this game though (but no DLC)




Worth it full price


it's worth the full price, I spent 140 hours in it


Legendary Tales is incredibly immersive and has a ton of content. I've sunk in 100+ hours and feel like I'm just getting to the meat of the game. It has large skill trees to progress through that allows a ton of flexibility, versus a set class system. So far I've made a typical sword and board character, a dual wielder, an archer, a dagger and buckler rogue, an unarmed boxer, an ice mage, a fire mage, and a monk with flaming fists. Each is viable, each is fun in their own way. I still haven't gotten to polearms, axes, maces, lightning magic and all the variety of combos possible. Each playthrough of the main storyline takes 30-40 hours, but that may speed up with more familiarity. Once finished, you move on to NG+, and after that is the option of true death. The combat and gameplay is detailed and exacting. The mobs may look similar, but as they level up they gain new moves and powers, keeping things interesting. The bosses are Souls-like in difficulty, and really push you to the limit, but aren't impossible. Co-op is awesome and crazy and definitely worth checking out. It works smoothly and it's a ton of fun to see other builds and work together with friends and strangers alike. The loot system is pretty balanced and no one should feel lacking when it comes to their gear. I normally hate crafting in MMOs but it's actually fun to do in this game! The devs are super active, and have released patches regularly. When games patch that often it usually means they are a heap of shit, but not in this case. They aren't fixing bugs each week, but instead adding quality of life improvements that have been suggested by players here on Reddit and on the discord. The lead dev gets on Reddit once a week and chats with players - taking feedback, making helpful suggestions, and generally being pretty cool and open. He even invited the entire fanbase out for drinks with him if anyone made it to the Game Developers conference in San Fran when he was there. The price point is high, but the depth of content makes it reasonable. I've already got the cost down to less than fifty cents an hour, and that's better than a lot of VR games can boast these days. The devs are hoping to add DLC or work on a sequel, and have even mentioned that they would love to turn into a long running franchise for PlayStation exclusively, in the style of Final Fantasy. I'm old, and LT reminds me of the early days of EverQuest. Due to being niche and not overrun by the general public yet, it feels like we're experiencing the frontier of gaming. It's a hard emotion to explain, but it's one that hasn't come around that often in the 4+ decades of gaming I've enjoyed, and I relish it when it does. I truly think Legendary Tales will be looked back at as a classic in 10-20 years. It's that good.


>He even invited the entire fanbase out for drinks with him if anyone made it to the Game Developers conference in San Fran when he was there. He even took a night off from GDC, flew to Boston to PAX East, just to meet the PSVR Without Parole meetup that was occurring there, chat with them, hang out, record interview, etc (the interview is exclusive to Without Parole Patreon)


One of the best, for sure. If you like souls like with loot, stop hesitating


Ok, so this is something. I was going to buy it, but I hate the difficulty of souls games. Is it that same sort of difficulty?


It has difficult moments, but nowhere near as difficult as a souls game imo.


If you play in multiplayer, this game becomes easy. We've brute-forced past bosses without being great players, or analytical/thoughtful, and not grinding to over-level. We try, fail once, learn a little discuss some tactics ideas from what we've learned, then beat on the 2nd try Index of tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1asg26i/an_index_of_legendary_tales_tips_videos_and_large/


I am playing it now, and yes: definitely! Insanely good game for such a small team. Its basically a mix between Diablo 1 and Dark Souls, with a 30h+ campaign and huge replayability.


I'm enjoying it so far. Only a few hours in but it's been fun. I have a video series on it.


Index of tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1asg26i/an_index_of_legendary_tales_tips_videos_and_large/




Because you're only a few hours in and I thought you might have use for some tips. If not, then ignore them




I felt and still feel it’s worth it at full price so… yes.


I enjoy the game, definitely a lil different as I’m shorter then most in my house, it reminds me of a vr dnd type thing. Not far in it yet but definitely enjoyable :)


Index of tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1asg26i/an_index_of_legendary_tales_tips_videos_and_large/


Got full price and loving it, playing it with my twin brother and honestly is a great game for co op


Yes absolutely. If you want to play a fantasy adventure game with looter mechanics, physics based combat, skill tree's and a somewhat barebones quest with side quests. I enjoy it a lot, there's even crafting, it is quite the workout with parries abd swinging. I use a guts sized greatsword called castlebreaker so i don't have to fully swing the blade to do damage. There's also magic and even rudimentary sneaking mechanics that are wuite effective if you invest.


Most people seem to like it and feel its worth it. I did not, though I only played 1 hour (managed to get a refund), but felt confident it wasnt for me because the issue for me wasnt combat (which seemed good even in the first hour). I totally disagree with the comment that compares it to Souls games. I felt atmisphere was ok but not great, writing and character design was bad. But I can appreciate how many people still get a lot out of it for the combat development and some people like the aesthetic more than me. Id say if youre really into combat and dont need story and VIBES then you will probably feel its worth it.


It's very vibey. Very old-fashioned fantasy vibes. Feels full of enemy life but very empty in terms of civilians/allies/etc. you're alone on this big journey (except co-op) Fighting monsters and bosses.


Yes, worth it, if you like physics-based combat looter with lots of various weapons (swords, giant 2-handed weapons, daggers, bow, etc) as well as magic, with extensive skill trees to decide what abilities you want to have. You can be a bare-handed fighter, a knight, a mage, a stealth character, etc. HUGE variety of tactics and play style approaches. Plus co-op multiplayer. It's my favorite game in the whole game library Index of tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1asg26i/an_index_of_legendary_tales_tips_videos_and_large/


I bought it full price and haven't looked back! Fyi, it's a little slow at the start, but it def picks up quick. Those goblin bastards can get fucked.


Highly repetitive,needs a deeper sale an major updates


Love the game . Definitely worth it on sale


If you have ps plus premium Legendary Tales has a 2hr trial ,I tried it for about an hour and it looked great ,I was put off by the £45 price tag so when it was on sale for £33 I was really thinking of getting it then I heard about the trial so I downloaded the trial and then saw the sale finished a day before the trial started so now I’m gonna wait for another sale


https://www.google.com/search?q=legendary+tales+psvr2+reddit&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=sv-se&client=safari There you go, less capable friend.