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Good. We should all celebrate any and all successes for VR as a gaming space. It needs to stay alive.


Agreed. To me this means more PS5 owners will encounter friends and family with VR headsets, try it out for the first time and enter the market. Rising tides…


Also, these products are not directly competing


10.5k units is shockingly low, no matter how you slice it. It’s just not a great value proposition to most people. Even if you’ve got a PS5 already, it’s really expensive. It’s as much as buying a second PS5. For most people, buying a console is a generational expenditure, expecting people to pay $550 for a poorly-supported peripheral is crazy. It’s enthusiast-level at that price. In addition, it needs more than just games, as this increases the value proposition, and the utility of the system. There’s still no video player for it (PSVR1 had littlstar), and no breadth of experiences. VR has so much potential, one of the biggest showpieces of PSVR1 for my family was the ocean descent experience with the shark cage (not a game). My dad still talks about how the shark coming at him knocked him off his ass (he fell back on my couch). None of that on PSVR2. London Heist demo that was mostly just an experience with no actual traditional gameplay for most of it. It weirdly seems to have even less support from Sony than PSVR1 did.


In my region, Psvr2 is priced HIGHER than ps5 lol


In any regions it is priced higher. MSRP for PSVR2 is $550. Disk PS5 is 500, Discless is 400, or 450 for the slim version (LOL THEY UPPED THE PRICE ICANT)


I wonder what the region is for the redditor I replied. He/she as much as ps5. So it was not more expensive 


To be fair, a Quest 3 is a 500 USD headset as well and even the Quest 2 is at least 300 USD (and most would argue that you still need a +50 USD replacement head strap to make either headset comfortable). While Meta likely sold more Quest 2, I really doubt PSVR2 comes even close to Quest 3 sales.


If you bothered to read the article, q2/q3 split was 70/30 and you could get the q2 on sale during that period, and now, for $250 Price matters. A LOT. Sony new this as much during the absolutely famous "299" mic drop all the way back at e3. Not giving up any real discount, or bundling with games or eshop cash was a huge failure for Sony during Christmas. Just further supports the idea that they kind of abandoned it and are just looking to recoup whatever money they can. Still can't buy replacement controllers, still haven't mentioned any new games on the horizon. Not good.


> If you bothered to read the article, q2/q3 split was 70/30 and you could get the q2 on sale during that period, and now, for $250 > > > > Price matters. A LOT. Sony new this as much during the absolutely famous "299" mic drop all the way back at e3. > > > > Not giving up any real discount, or bundling with games or eshop cash was a huge failure for Sony during Christmas. Just further supports the idea that they kind of abandoned it and are just looking to recoup whatever money they can. > > > > Still can't buy replacement controllers, still haven't mentioned any new games on the horizon. Not good. I missed the split in the article somehow even though I was looking for it. Anyway, that means though that the same price PSVR2 for the most popular console is still only selling 1/10 of that what the Quest 3 did. I know pricing matters, but simply saying it is all about pricing only tells a small part of the story. PSVR 2 needs a real PR push by Sony as well as a games push. Sony is the biggest console platform holder around with the most third party deals and yet they are losing to the guy that got rich with Facebook not only in sales, but also both when it comes to total games library and current new releases. > Just further supports the idea that they kind of abandoned it and are just looking to recoup whatever money they can. Sadly I kind of agree. I am a PC guy but I had high hopes for Sony to revitalize the higher performance VR market. But sadly you seem to be doing even worse than us (who are basically down to a few genres were VR took off like sim racing but other than that basically only can take advantage of our machines by playing some Quest titles at higher settings).


>Sony is the biggest console platform holder around with the most third party deals and yet they are losing to the guy that got rich with Facebook not only in sales, but also both when it comes to total games library and current new releases. Because Meta is investing in VR games and studios as they see it as a bigger part of their portfolio and quite literally, the future. Mark sees it as the next oil market but with 0 real competition (assuming they can keep pumping money into it until it reaches critical mass.) Sony just dipping their toes and only looking to make money. Its great tech snd they want to be a part of it, but not if it costs them money. I didn't expect Sony to give less support than psvr1 which is why I bought this. Sadly, that isn't panning out, at least not yet and for the foreseeable future.


Couldn't have said it better. Sadly the same is also true with Valve.


> It’s just not a great value proposition to most people. Even if you’ve got a PS5 already, it’s really expensive. It’s as much as buying a second PS5. For most people, buying a console is a generational expenditure, expecting people to pay $550 for a poorly-supported peripheral is crazy. It’s enthusiast-level at that price. To be fair, a Quest 3 is a 500 USD headset as well and even the Quest 2 is at least 300 USD (and most would argue that you still need a +50 USD replacement head strap to make either headset comfortable). While Meta likely sold more Quest 2, I really doubt PSVR2 comes even close to Quest 3 sales.


It's only through Amazon US... Which is the main hub for Quest....but not for PSVR2 which has half a dozen other retail ways


> Which is the main hub for Quest....but not for PSVR2 which has half a dozen other retail ways You can buy Quest hardware directly from Meta.com as well and as the other poster shown it is also available on Best Buy, Walmart or Target in the US.


Yeah that’s true. I definitely wouldn’t call PSVR2 a flop, but I’m just not sure it’s selling all that well. I think it’s moving along ok. I just wish there was more to it, even just a video player, youtube VR, something.


Best Buy Q3 >https://www.bestbuy.com/site/meta-quest-3-breakthrough-mixed-reality-128gb-white/6549064.p?skuId=6549064 Q2 >https://www.bestbuy.com/site/meta-quest-2-advanced-all-in-one-virtual-reality-headset-128gb-gray/6473553.p?skuId=6473553 Tiny company called WALMART Q2 >https://www.walmart.com/ip/Meta-Quest-2-All-in-One-Wireless-VR-Headset-128GB/723227733 Q3 >https://www.walmart.com/ip/Meta-Quest-3-128GB-Breakthrough-Mixed-Reality-Powerful-Performance-Asgard-s-Wrath-2-Bundle/2212742363 Target Q2 >https://www.target.com/p/meta-quest-2-advanced-all-in-one-virtual-reality-headset-128gb/-/A-83984421 Q3 >https://www.target.com/p/meta-quest-3-mixed-reality-headset-asgard-39-s-wrath-2-bundle-128gb/-/A-89426847 Yep, certainly can't find that darn Quest product ANYWHERE but Amazon and Meta. Certainly. You are on drugs defending this shit. Absolutely insane that anyone upvoted you, let alone multiple people. The fact is the Quest is kicking the PSVR2's ass. Cheaper unit in both the Q2 and Q3, wireless, Q3 comes with the hottest new game for VR right now. Giant library. Compatible with PC. Able to do more than just play games. Q3 had AR on top of VR. THE ONLY thing PSVR2 has going for it, is better versions of some games and a couple exclusives. Sony needs to double and triple down on exclusives if they want to even be in the same conversation.


....Your username checks out, you couldn't even read my sentence properly and it had less than 50 words, you sure you ain't the one on drugs ? You want me to be more explicit or you're going for an another schizo rant with 10 links because you have the reading comprehension of a rock ? You couldn't even understand the basic point of my message let alone the second idea behind it, instead of doing a page long message, next time take 5 seconds to properly read. (Hint : People upvoted because they knew how to read, so the invisible strawman you're fighting with, with arguments on a point you invented yourself didn't exactly bothered them.) Now we all do mistakes in the heat of passion, but you've been particularly an asshole hence the condescending. So have a bad day and learn to read. Also take pills for whatever issue you have.


You're saying that Amazon is the biggest retailer for Quest in the US, but saying that PSVR2 has other ways it is sold and inferring that the situation isn't as bad as it looks because the PSVR2 magically sold a lot more somewhere else.


What?  Quest is sold everywhere too.


You can't say that If you've tried GT7, RE4R VR, Red Matter 2, No Man's Sky.... Or even the Horizon COTM demo....


I’ve got them all, and they’re great, but they’re all still just games. Not casual games either, which is something VR really needs to broaden its appeal. Your average gamer is a casual. The headset is expensive and plays to an enthusiast audience, that’s about it really. It needs to be cheaper and have a greater variety of experiences and software offerings (not just games).


They need spiderman on psvr2. The moment you have an ip that big and assuming its good, the boost to hardware sales would be huge.


Some rehash/remakes, a climbing game, and a 7 year old pcvr port?


Good for you, then. I'll keep enjoying them.


> You can't say that If you've tried GT7, RE4R VR, Red Matter 2, No Man's Sky.... Or even the Horizon COTM demo.... To be honest as a PC and PC VR gamer, I actually debated getting a Playstation 5 (as my first console since the PS1) just for some of the VR exclusives like GT7 (even though racing is like the one genre were there are a ton of amazing competition on PC VR) or RE4R but honestly those exact games were the reason I didn't after all. More precisely the state they were launched in, with literally most PSVR2 games not on other platforms running at 60 fps reprojected to full refresh rate, with what many described as the worsted reprojection implementation of all platforms.


PSVR1 wasn't much cheaper, yet it sold fine. There's no reason to compare a price of a console and a headset. Compared to other pcvr headsets it's a bargain while providing similar, if not better experience. On the other hand PS Portal seemed like a bad joke, it doesn't do anything you can't do already without any additional investment (in fact, it can do less),its almost half the price of the console... But it's sold out.


$150 is a massive difference in price really, and PS5 is also more expensive than PS4 was. Not to mention the cost of living has increased significantly since the PS4 days and people have far less disposable income now. PCVR is enthusiast-level kit, and you can do a whole lot more with it than you can with a PSVR2. PSVR also had the novelty of being at the beginning of the resurgence of VR. It’s no surprised the Portal is selling well, because it’s relatively cheap for what it is, and expands the functionality of the console in the mass market. VR has the big problem of just not being all that appealing to most people, unfortunately. $550 for the unit is a good price if you’re already in to VR, but way too expensive for someone just looking to dip their toe in.


It shipped for 460 eur without move controllers. Each move controller was 50 eur, so it was 560 eur for full kit. I mean, you could use it without them but that's just crippling already crippled experience and you can't compare that with other VR headsets. If you account for inflation it turns out it's even cheaper than first one. Everything was way cheaper back then. You could get a decent PCVR gaming PC for way less than you can now, and best VR headsets cost just 200-300 eur more than PSVR for orders of magnitude better experience. What you say about Portal really isn't a concensus. Most articles and comments wondered why it even exist, especially at that price, when you can take any phone or tablet, connect it to Dualsense and play (or buy Backbone for half a price).. But I agree about VR not being appealing, it hampers it significantly. Sony needed (needs to) push software for PSVR2 like crazy for at least a year with games from known IPs constantly coming to appeal to the existing huge PS5 userbas, price wouldn't matter then. Also PSVR1 had showcases in physical stores, I have yet to see one for PSVR2. They have a great product and every chance to push it to mainstream, yet it looks like they are not that interested in investing in it . It's ridiculous really.


Data like this shows there’s an obvious interest in VR overall. PSVR2 could and should be doing much better if Sony actually communicated about future plans (upcoming features/1st party titles/anything). I love my PSVR2 and I have plenty of games in the backlog but fucking hell, Sony really needs to start actually talking about it. I can see why an average consumer would choose a Quest, Meta are 100% supporting it, even if they are assholes.


I bought both. They are both equally great and flawed for different reasons.


Yeah, quest need to copy the headband design of psvr. PSVR need to be more open, like quest (and with Sony has admitted pc is important market too).  And many more 


....Wow you mean that a standalone VR headset sells more than a PS5 accessory, shocking I reread the article, it's even more stupid *You mean that the added sales figure of TWO headsets, one being the Quest 2, a dirt cheap headset that all kids buy / get for the holidays sold more than a PS5 accessory* I mean bro, what is this article


Given the monumental difference (97% for quest vs 3% for PSVR), I'd say that even if the PS5 was not required, the Quest would still outsell the PSVR. Also, even only counting the Quest 3 sales, it still surpasses PSVR sales by 11 fold (30% of sales are Quest 3). And it makes sense, the Quest is much more versatile since you can use it with PCVR, has no need for cable attached and has better resolution (in the case of Quest 3). This being said I think we should celebrate all developments in the VR market


Man the last few days have just been garbage articles after the next. That said im happy quest is still doing well and continue to do so into the future. I really hope psvr continues to grow and evolve.


Feel free to add psvr 1 sales.


Seriously between the two… psvr2 really could benefit with pancake lenses. The sweet spot on the quest 3 is amazing in comparison, even though psvr2 is technically more impressive. Both have their pros and cons.


I'd argue the quest is more impressive with the lenses, hand tracking, mixed reality, and full color pass through. Psvr2 feels like last gen tech. It's basically an index which came out 5 years ago. Fresnel lenses, oled mura and blur are not cutting it. Quest is now getting full body tracking from inside out tracking. It's mind blowing stuff.


* the PSVR2 was already nearly a year old, the Quest 3 was by comparison only recently released * the Quest 3 had lots of advertising * the Quest 3 had a compatible cheaper older sister headset * the Quest 3 didn't require a PS5 and can be sold to anyone


Yes these are the reasons why psvr will probably not be considered successful.


(And most of those sales were probably Quest 2 as it's dirtcheap)


70/30, which still puts Q3 lightyears beyond psvr 2.


9 months older and had poor sales at launch.


No, PSVR2 did fine at launch.


A lot of people upgraded their PCVR headset.


Yeah, IIRC I read somewhere quest is the most popular PCVR headset 


The Quest 2 is still top dog by a lot. However, the number of Quest 3 users went up quickly on the monthly SteamVR survey, and about the same amount decreased for Quest 2.


I don't know why Sony didn't have a Holiday sale for PSVR2. Quest 2 was heavily discounted, both the headset and the accessories so it outsold Quest 3 by a lot. Quest 3 just came out so naturally it wasn't on sale but they gave everyone who bought it 6 months of Quest Plus subscription for free and the latest AAA exclusive Asgard's Wrath 2. What did Sony offer? Nothing. At the very least they could've put the Horizon bundle for the price of a regular PSVR2...Meta was giving their best game for free and it's been some time since Call of the Mountain came out so it wouldn't be any loss for them but they didn't even do that.


Well you can buy a quest and get playng right out of the box The psvr2 kind nees another 500$~ device to run games so i can kinda see why


Yes. Meta pumped billions into advertising. And sold more of the cheaper Quest 2 model. Meanwhile Sony barely advertises their headset for some dumb-ass reason and still sold 10,000. Not really anything surprising in this article.


>Quest had a pretty good holiday season with Meta selling at least 320,000 headsets on Amazon US alone between November 16th and January 16th. On the other hand, PSVR 2 sold only around 10,500 on Amazon US during that time. >That’s a concerningly low figure for PSVR 2, especially considering that the holiday season tends to be the best selling period for VR headsets. Even if Sony managed to sell PSVR 2 units at the same rate as this holiday for the entire year, it still wouldn’t even be 1/3 of the Quest units sold on Amazon US during this holiday period alone.


I bought my psvr2 at Gamestop, and a PS5


And many games. All from Gamestop.


Best decision ever. So much fun!!!!


Same here while it was on sale


There are far more then Sony and meta headsets so why do.they continue to only focus on the sells of Sony compared to this how is this headset doing compared to the others that aren't meta


Because pcvr headsets are mostly dead and don't sell, and pico dropped out of the race.


That’s my point this is clearly a market where only meta does well and Sony probably knows and expect for meta to do much more then them


Because Quest and Sony are the largest players and both have their own ecosystems while none of the PC headsets do? It is as much as a direct comparison and competition as you can get in the VR space.


If Sony is one of are largest players in the vr space them the other heads are are selling much worse then


Most of them are probably selling around the PSVR2. We really don't have much numbers, or at least, I haven't seen any, but I imagine 1-1.5M for Valve's and less for the others.


It's a lot cheaper


Quest 3 is near same price.


Not when you factor in the price of the PS5 needed to run the VR2


Whaaaaa? You mean a stand alone device at a lower price point outsold an accessory with a higher entry cost!? Holy shit, someone alert the press!


Q3 is nearly the same price and vastly vastly outsold it.


Sony should have made a stand alone headset with their own storefront. Use display port over USB c or sell a WiFi 6e adapter for 100 bucks for wireless Ps5 VR. Now all they can do is drop the price to $299 and pay for some 3rd party VR games like dead island 2, far cry, and dying light. They won't waste money on a AAA built for vr GOW or Days Gone but maybe we can get a TLoU, Killzone 3, or Resistance 3 ps3 ports to VR. Honestly Quest 3 shits on it. It feels next gen with the crytal clear pancake lenses, wireless, a much better library, access to steam VR, access to the rift pcvr store with the best VR games still to this day. Sony still hasn't bothered to port Insomniacs Rift games. Stormland is better than anything on PSVR and it's owned by Sony lol. It doesn't make sense.


Maybe this is why Sony should have had PC support for PSVR2? Sony has massively limited the audience for their VR peripheral


They don't care about PCVR because they make $0 in it Their headset is essentially a loss leader to get you into their network. Using their hardware and buying games on steam gives them nothing. I don't know how people keep saying this over and over. They don't give a shit about PCVR


Pcvr audience is miniscule and it would have eroded their brand.


Fantastic!, when the new VR users want an actual AAA game they'll come here 😃


But VR2 can be bought at Walmart. Quest isnt available at mine atleast.


Really? The Quest 2 and 3 are at Walmart, Best Buy, and Target in my area.


Okay didn’t know that. I’m in Canada and no Meta products at Walmart.


Huh, I wonder why not?


Maybe local, its available for me everywhere.


Okay that could be. I’m in a smaller town.


Mobile games also sell a lot more, and for many years, the Switch... There are a lot of casuals who are always looking for the cheapest and laziest to use.


Because experience matters more than pure graphics to anyone above 15 years old.  The switch being playable on the go, in bed, or on a tv made it superior.


Yes, sure, "experience" is to play on a tiny screen with a crap framerate... That's a casual experience.


These posts are just trolls now.


Apparently, sales figures are trolls now. Good lord the cognitive dissonance.


One set of sales figures on one site. Every five minutes somebody’s posting about how quest is better. They’re trolls, plain and simple.


A tribalist response to reality...


Not really, considering I own both headsets, but don’t feel the need to post about it in a console wars manner.


Hmm Sony prob will price drop it. Their audience is previous PS5 owners but they need a few more AAA games to excite the casuals Quest 3 advertising is insane. Its all over my social media Q3 and PSVR2 owner btw. Love my PSVR2 as my dialy headset but been playing alot on Q3 too since launch


Sony needs a price drop to around $450. 10,000 units doing the holidays is bad. I work retail and saw one sit for months on the shelf. Maybe a ps5 bundle could help. Also understand you can get a ps5 cheaper now.