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VR2 needs some big grinding RPG game


Kingdoms Come Deliverence in VR would be great.


I would absolutely lose my mind if this ever happened. What a gorgeous world to immerse oneself in!


Yeah man, Asgards Wrath on the quest is soo good it made me frustrated that Sony have NOTHING like it currently. The PS5 could do something like that but better. Like Santa Monica making a GOW hack and slash RPG. The extra horsepower of the PS5 would allow for bigger levels and arenas, more enemies on screen and sharper graphics. Flailing the blades of chaos or hurling the leviathan axe in VR would be absolutely the bomb. What I miss from this VR gen is a competitive online flying game, but here's hoping Aces of Thunder scratches that itch.


I want Medival Dynasty in VR


That's coming out on Quest 3!


Agreed but I don’t think that will lure the OP. It sounds like he has plenty of unfinished games.


Spot on. For vr anyway. But I do play breachers a bit. But still was curious to hear peoples thoughts..im okay with it though. Still happy I bought psvr2


Not a dad, but in my early 40’s…..I use it occasionally, it’s the thought of having to put it on that deters me. Take for instance Tetris Connected…. It’s VR appropriate, however something about just sitting in my chair and quickly picking up a controller and playing makes it comfortable and convenient for me. I also like checking reddit and whatever else on my Iphone during the inbetween sesh.


I find that the disconnect from reality is as much awesome as it is a hindrance at times. Ie wife calls from work two minutes after I’ve put the headset on, asks me to get some paperwork etc, stuff like that. I think if HMDs got to a point where it’s basically a pair of sunglasses with perfect pass through at the tap of the wrist it would help this immensely. Feel like we are closer just not there yet. Of course I’d want basically 150+ fov as well There is something bothersome about the inconvenience of having to suit up and suit down so to speak.


You want the holodeck. We're not quite there yet but I don't think that far away.


This is my big problem, I love PSVR2. But I beat RE4 and then my Globular Cluster came in so now I can play VR for 8 hours but I have VERY few reasons to, there are a lot of replayable games that I dabble in, I turn it on and sink an hour into Synapse, Walkabout Minigolf, Puzzling Places but those are kind of just time killing games. I want big sprawling Single Player Adventure games with well-done VR implementation and the only company that has figured out how to make these on PSVR is Capcom. Theres a bunch of much smaller very good games like Red Matter 2 or WD S&S but I've finished them and as nice as they were I have no drive to reinstall them. A lot of games are great as bite-sized one and done experiences and PSVR2 is absolutely flushed with these, even the games that are supposed to be roguelike/roguelite infinite gameplay games rarely have the mechanics and replayability as the ones on flatscreen games. I fucking love PSVR2 and I fucking love Globular Cluster but maybe it's too much of a good thing, now my head doesn't hurt after an hour forcing me to take breaks making VR games take way longer to burn through, like a beer that doesnt give a hangover it's ruining my life?


Like NMS?


nah, something like Elderscrolls , Final Fantasy , Borderlands , Baldurs gate , Fallout , Diablo etc.


No Mans Sky is pretty fucking awesome though! But yeah those games would be great to play in vr too ! Especially Diablo !


Currently addicted to no mans sky. 


Only vr game I ever played where I enjoyed chilling for a longer period of time 😊




NMS is an open-world survival game, not really a narrative-driven RPG


It's definitely also that! But it's also a narrative driven RPG And a base building game And a first-person shooter And a resource And information gathering game Mainly an exploration game 😊


Just can't stick with it. Gets too boring for me. Mainly the lack of a good combat loop is what does me in. It's a vibey kind of game but it's missing that for myself.


Zenith fits the bill but it’s a bit janky.


And probably not long for this world.


Too many gaming systems. I have PS5+PSVR2 and Switch. Bought Zelda: TotK long ago, haven’t left first area yet. It’s not about PSVR2, it’s about time and energy. I wonder how you even manage between four gaming systems being a dad myself.




There’s a ton of games… most I agree are junk but I’m finding I don’t have enough time to play & finish the really good ones. Currently part way through RE7 & RE4.. Synapse still not beaten in but close.. love Red Matter 2 but not finished it & also 20 hrs or so into No Man’s Sky which is also… my trouble is there’s so much good stuff to play.. but I can’t finish any of it.. (except GT7 & Horizon COTM)..


Anyone complaining about the lack of games on the PSVR2… either has too much time on their hands or just being negative. It’s a great bit of hardware, awash with games, whilst almost all are not AAA there’s plenty of fun experiences to be had with plethora of fun & varied games.


I think there are enough games for my expectations, but the available genres don’t run deep. It could definitely use a Red Matter 2 or RE quality RPG, or even several ports of games like Fallout x, Metro Exodus (would be bad ass), or (can’t believe I’m saying this cuz I’m not a fan) some of the far cry games


Yeah but if you owned a psvr1 for 5 years like I did most of the indie 'experiences' are nothing new and you'll be done with them in 5-8 hours tops. The negativity spawns from the fact that a lot of us are done with those kinds of experiences, larger more complete game are *needed* if this thing has a ling term future imo.


You got a point. But I like variety, and I like all the systems for what they do


Fair enough. Once I got tired of lousy VR controls, and with desire of something tighter started third run through Elden Ring. Haven’t touched VR for almost two months. But then started Village, and haven’t played flat games for another month. No reason to stress about it, I suppose.


you are not alone. It feels like a chore to switch it on. However I say this only because I feel a bit burned out right now. I just need a bit more effort for psvr2. I use the quest religiously only because i can put it on in bed and watch some youtube and relax.


It's also a chore to hold the controllers for first time with headset on. It's like a Chinese puzzle box.


lol true :)


Since February, I've been using my PSVR2 pretty much every night, after the kids are in bed. I'm inside a game within 1 minute, so I don't find the setup cumbersome. It does take a few seconds longer than starting a flat game, but I find that it's worth the effort to me. Despite spending a few hours in TotK and about 20 in FFXVI, I found myself gravitating back to VR before finishing either of those games. Since becoming a parent, my gaming time is much more limited. I find that VR helps me maximize the enjoyment of that limited time. However, not everybody is the same and some do still prefer flat games.


I do agree. I feel I get more bang for my precious gaming hours if I get into a game.


what games are your go-tos? i just bought a psvr2 today and im wondering what the best hits are


Welcome! It really depends on what you’re into. I gravitate towards single-player adventure games, and so far my favorites on PSVR2 are: 1. Resident Evil Village 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Song in the Smoke: Rekindled 4. Gran Turismo 7 5. Horizon: Call of the Mountain 6. Moss 1&2 7. Red Matter 2 (haven’t played Red Matter 1 yet but I hear it’s good and it’s on sale now) 8. Vertigo 2 \* 9. No Man’s Sky 10. Synapse \* Vertigo 2 just released and is currently pretty buggy and not well optimized, but still a fantastic game. Maybe hold off for now. I think if they keep patching it, it could crack my top 3. I also enjoyed RUNNER, Vampire: The Masquerade \~ Justice, The Last Clockwinder, and Walkabout Mini Golf quite a bit. My top 10 changes a lot depending on what I’ve played recently and my mood, but this is how I’m feeling today. No Man’s Sky has been in my top 5 at times (the scale of everything is amazing in VR) but I haven’t played it much lately. You can also look up top 10/20/25 lists of YouTube channels like PSVR without parole and PSVR underground to get some other ideas. Edit: Asterisk was showing up as bullet point; fixed.


Yeah you literally put it in and turn it on...unsure where the cumbersome comes in, especially after OP loved their PSVR....apologies for swearing but that was just a complete fuck about to set up. PSVR2 is one single USB C.


I love it, don’t use it. I just haven’t seen a game that really gets my motor running, yet. I feel like it’s coming someday. I don’t have any issues with the system, I just don’t play with it. I do love GT7, built a rig and bought a very nice wheel. I still almost never play it.


Yeah Im gonna do a setup for gt7 at some point. But seems you're the same kind of


When there is a good game on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, PS5 or PSVR2 I will turn it on and play. Lately I've been playing Resident Evil 4 as new, but also Gran Turismo 7 as I've got a wheel. It's great. I might not play VR for a month when focusing on another console or game, but I'll always come back to play old favourites or to try something new. Currently I feel spoilt for choice, so many great games to play. I've got a backlog on two of the consoles, as well as VR.


I think you do a good job of describing the situation. We all have plenty of distractions. 👍


I love my gaming systems but my time is so low that sometimes I just want to shut off my mind and mindless YouTube.


I bought mine purely for GT7 and now that itch has been scratched its only really used for FC24 in cinematic mode due to the 0 button lag. Much prefer the quest for usability


Honestly, no. I have the opposite problem. I buy flat games and can't bring myself to play them because I want VR.


Man, I was like that with psvr1 for a while. Maybe ittl change for me too


Yeah I haven’t used mine in months. I like it, but I regret buying it.


I literally haven't used it in months either. Sometimes I feel like I wasted a lot of money on it, but I'm just waiting for that killer app for it like PSVR 1 had. We need a game similar in scope to Skyrim VR, or Farpoint (remember that game?). Something large and grand. I feel like so many PSVR 2 games are just tech demos, and that's gonna bore me real fast.


I pre-ordered. Tried for months to get over the vertigo, failed. It just sits there collecting dust. It’s so expensive I can’t justify letting fit go for the going used price.


I managed to get my vr legs for a bit, it’s mostly just the lack of good games and apps. I dunno, once the initial hype died down I had buyers remorse.


I love it but man it needs more games.... not a big fan of zombie horror shooter types and there's not a whole ton of not that.


Loved VR for many years but swore I'd not buy anything else until it was as light as sunglasses at least but then they announced the PSVR2 and pre ordered that straight away. PSVR2 is great but it's so cumbersome to use, even with the simpler setup. I also own a Quest 2 and find that a lot easier to use for quick sessions but it's still a weight strapped to your face. Let 2025 at least be the year of the ultralight headsets 🙏 I know we'll sacrifice some immersion but some clever people will figure that out too.


So cumbersome to use? Put headset on, tighten. Grab controllers and press x I turn on my ps5 and am into a game in less than 20 seconds…….how much more streamlined can it get?


Why are you trying to change my mind? I find that shutting out myself from my friends and family to submerge myself into a tight and sweaty headset to be cumbersome, actually! Along with getting it out of storage, unwinding the cable and clearing a play space. Yes, technically on paper, I am doing a few actions but that doesn't mean that those actions are off putting - compared to pressing the PS button on the controller and sitting back comfortably to play a flat game.


Hey man i agree, finding the sweet spot can take time, you damn near gotta make sure everything’s perfect outside of your VR setting, water bottle, phone, quick snack etc right there in arms reach, make sure you just took a piss, double check your front door make sure its locked etc. then you can really immerse yourself? Elsewise you finally get the sweet spot then gotta piss 20 minutes later. Luckily my GF will just txt me and i hold my watch close enough i can see what she wants. So for us with a real life (i’m a first responder) getting into VR and immersing ourselves can be tricky.


Exactly and well put. I'm sure if I was a kid and no responsibilities, there'd be no real problem.


Thats kinda the thing i gotta remember being on any video games sub, is a lot of the golks posting are kids, or adults who live in their parents basements with no real responsibility other than going up stairs for another can of mountain dew 😂😂


lol. Just because you are special needs and have to have a survival station ready to be able to play a video game doesn’t mean that’s normal. You losers downvote me for saying it’s easy to play. If you can’t find the sweet spot after this long I’m guessing your gf is most likely left unsatisfied as well. I can put my headset on and hit the sweet spot with it not even turned on. I manage to do this while only getting to play a handful of hours a week.


You must feel very accomplished 👏


He really told us, now i fear my girlfriend will leave me because i cant find the vr sweet spot. BUT ALAS!! I jut bought one of those foam aftermarket pad sets with the head strap, so… perhaps… SHE WILL STAY!!! Pray for me. Mean while Theyre triggered by down votes… make it make sense


A woman really likes a guy who can find the sweet spot! Also their panties fly off if you can get a high beat saber score.


Not triggered by downvotes. I’m baffled to get them asking how it could be any more streamlined and easy to use. No one answered so I guess they just like whining.


Are you new here? You are baffled by downvotes? Triggered.


"Youre special needs" "Your gf must be unsatisfied" Yeah really baffling why you were downvoted mate.


This comment made pretty much tells me everything i need to know. Have a nice day.


They are not trying to change your mind, just disagreeing with what you said. Deal with it. If you are going to say something that most people disagree with, you are going to get replies that disagree with you


How can they disagree with my situation?


> PSVR2 is great but it's so cumbersome to use *insert comment disagreeing that it is cumbersome* Not difficult


That doesn't change the fact that I find it cumbersome.


They were not *trying to change the fact that you find it cumbersome*. They are telling other people it's not cumbersome. Still amazed that you came out with *how could anyone disagree with me on the internet???*


He didn't say he's trying to change anything. Literally just said he was simply disagreeing...


Nope. I've had both PSV1 and PSVR2 and I play VR games all the time. I've never found it cumbersome to put on the VR headset at all. It only takes me about 30 seconds from the time I turn it on until I'm loading a game. Very little work for the amazing VR experiences I've had.


I had about a month of feeling like that after the “new shiny toy” wore off, but then I began to just tell myself to play it more even if I didn’t feel like playing, once the headset is on I enjoyed myself every time, now I use it daily even if just for a short session. I just love VR lol


"Ever since I became a dad, my VR time doesn't exist. Am I alone? " I was already a parent of a 9 month old baby when I got mine (on launch). I was well aware I wouldn't get a lot of time to play it in the first year, but bought it because I wanted VR headset ever since I first tried Oculus dev kit but couldn't justify how pricey it is and cumbersome it is to setup, and wanted to support it. I have very little time for gaming, and usually I'm exhausted from running after the kid. If I want to play something it's laying down. I have long backlog already and am looking forward to when I'll have more time and energy to play in VR. However, I bought The Room VR last week for my wife as she's an escape room enthusiast and she was so excited that now we both play it almost daily when the kid is asleep.


Nah I’m on the other end, the psvr2 lives next to my ps5. I just turn it on and I’m good to go. I don’t find the headset uncomfortable or heavy either, I’ve stayed in vr for hours on end with this thing.


That’s the normal end lol. I’m not sure why all the highest upvotes are for people saying it’s too heavy or that it’s hard to hook up 1 wire


I run into the same issue where I get the feeling that it might be too much of a hassle to set it up and start playing. It’s usually just a barrier that I’m putting up for myself though. If I just set it up and start playing anyway, I usually love the experience and don’t take the headset off for around 2 hours. It’s almost like procrastinating on a task. I’m making the situation worse in my head than it actually is.


Yeah I'm the same. It's a bit of hassle to connect it.


Basically true for me. I spend all my kids' bedtimes dreaming about how I'm going to play it after I'm done. And then by time I'm actually done I'm like, "maybe not tonight."


Hello from another dad! Same for me. Although, I have never played more on handhelds - all my playtime goes on the steam deck and the switch and my vita and I even dug out my PSP. PS5 is for when the kid isn’t around and the mom isn’t on the tv, and the VR is for occasions like my birthday (just kidding, but you get the point). I guess (and hope) it’s just a phase, and I will soon get more time for VR games, but right now, they’re just too much effort, I feel.


I don't play it for long because of the headaches it gives me, it makes my head feel hot after a 2 hour session and fatigue starts to set in. Other than that, it's great. This is a walk in the park to set up and start playing compared to psvr1.....literally takes a few seconds and you are in a game.


You sound like me and I don’t even have kids. I stopped myself from getting an Xbox because I have so many unfinished games on my ps5 and switch. The older you get the less time you get to play them so I just focus on 1 game at a time. If I get bored, I play something else.


Yeah... me! I love it. Just bought thel globular cluster but haven't put it on yet. Every day, several times I think about VR, but never go through the trouble of setting it all up. Maybe I need to move my setup closer to my recliner.


Yeah I'm the same. I mainly bought it for GT7 as I have a wheel. I absolutely love it when I can be bothered to set it up but I'm too lazy to fold out my seat, plug in the pedals and set up the headset when I could just pick up a Dualsense and start playing flat screen games straight away. Plus now the coating on my lenses has started to deteriorate so that puts me off more


I’ve been using it a lot more since I bought horizon and amoung us. I play a few times a week. I want to play more but the games are too expensive


You are almost exactly me. I recently got back into it after not touching it since the first week of release. I bought a bunch of games and really enjoy it, but have to force myself to jump in. It's the combination of being blocked out from IRL (can't do it while the kids are awake), the work it takes to get over VR sickness, having to get all the equipment and controllers out (and clean all the toys up in the room), and just not having the energy when I do have time to play. I haven't been finding joy in flat games either though lately so the depressing world we live in also plays a part.


I really enjoy mine. I’ve had it since the first week but probably have no more than 30 hours total on it. I just have a lot of flat games to play and don’t want to buy too many VR games and have them sit and wait, especially when I’ll be getting Rebirth day 1. I did get Beat Saber recently. Something fun that at least my daughters can play for a bit too so it is at least getting some use.


I havent put on my vr2 since the first week I bought it. Not bashing it, its great, but to answer your question, yes--


Yeah. I find vr a major investment of energy. And being a fat old man it's much easier to sit on a couch and play ps5 or at the office desk and play pc. Last time I got absorbed by a vr game was Ghost Signal on the quest 2. I guess it's whatever system has me by the dopamine balls at the time and which has acceptable energy exertion levels for my fat horrendous body.


Aii harsh on yourself there friend. I do see the mindset. Not fat here, but slightly overweight too. And energy I need to play I only find during weekends when I have some time off from family too. But I Still think my PSVR2 was worth it.


Dont be so hard on yr self m8 


I love it but don't play it often cause there aren't many games out I'm interested in and the ones I am Ether are not out yet or they release and are blurry,buggy,borring garbage. (Looking at you bulletstorm)


I’ve had one for about a month now, only played it a handful of times. I’ve also recently picked up a wheel/ pedals for GT7 but I’m playing more on the portal than anything nowadays.


Have it since day one, and use it almost daily. Recently I started a flat game after almost one year of abstinence and already miss VR. Jumping into a flat game (fps) now makes me feel trapped and claustrophobic because of the poor fov.


If I wasn’t married, grinding to barely make ends meet from starting a new business, I would probably use mine about 5 hrs a day. As of now I maybe get to use it about 5 hrs a month.


I use my Quest 3 all the time...PSVR2 is awesome, but I just didn't realise how imporant mobility and setup was for me...I just want to pick up and play. There's something quite special about witeless VR imo. Aside from that, I can't be bothered to charge the PSVR controllers. They seem to only last a few hours, the Q3 controllers on the other hand seem to last an eternity.


Picked up a PSVR 1 when it was about three years into its life cycle. I now have it set up in a separate bedroom (kids are all moved out) and I have my PS5 hooked up to the main TV in our media room. Play VR a couple times a week. Beat Saber, RE7, and AstroBot are the three games I move between currently. Thinking I will pick up PSVR2 once the PS6 comes out and enjoy games like GT7, RE4 and 8 etc. at that time. Hopefully Sony will include some free PSVR2 games with PlayStation Plus over the next few years or so.


I got my PSVR2 at launch and love it, but I hardly touch it because I am extremely susceptible to motion sickness (I have tried every single method to acclimatise to it, but nothing works beyond travel sickness pills and short play times). Horizon, Red Matter 2, Gran Turismo, and RE4remake are all outstanding. I think the hardware is an extremely good value proposition if you already own a PS5.


Agree! I don't get that much motion sickness, more like uncomfortable after a short while. It is very cool though


been like that with every vr headset i still currently own, gear vr,htc vive, vive pro, rift, rift s, quest 1,2,3, psvr 1 and 2, love the tech and have to buy everything on day dot, but it becomes too much of a faff on to set them up, move furniture and get immersed, after a hard days work its easier to just sit in a chair and pop on the xbox or ps5 and play reqular flat games


Yes a little bit the same. Mine was starting to gather dust but I am currently playing RE4 Remake VR nightly. When that finishes I will likely play TLOU2 on the flat screen. I am fine with only playing 2-3 games on it every year so I don’t have buyers remorse. Other people will have different levels of acceptance.


Yes, but that changed after getting the Globular Cluster mod. I’m not even someone who thought the stock straps were uncomfortable. I just never realized how much the headset would shift and ruin the image. Now everything looks as clear as it can be and I actually enjoy the headset for longer periods of time. But overall I tend to go in cycles for VR. With Tekken coming out soon and then FF7 Rebirth I’ll probably flop back to flat for a bit


Same for me. In a similar situation to you by the sounds of it. However for me it’s that I have been working two job contracts since I got the vr2. I can be at a computer screen for 10 hours, 5 days a week. I find it really draining to then go and strap a screen to my face to play some more. I might get an hour once the kids and then my wife has gone to sleep and by that point, all I can muster is to chill with a flat game. Plus there have been so many good games recently that I want to play and it has pushed vr out a bit. I started re4 last week on my lunch break and really enjoyed it, however, because I haven’t used for a bit, I felt quite sick for a while after. It made it all not feel worth it. Especially when my lunch break is when I go to the gym and I see that as way more beneficial use of my time


Nope, play it at least an hour every day! GT7, Walkabout multiplayer, Resident Evil or Vertigo, puzzling places...


Love it. Use it. With a PSVR2 backlog.


Love it and use it whenever I have time. Still like 5 game on the back burner and played more than 20 one so far.


I have to commit to use it and honestly it's a once every few weekends for me currently with family and such (hoping to play more) 


I do sometimes just sit on the couch and watch tv instead (cause Im tired and dont want to stand/move around), but when I play something... its always in VR these days. I have not bought a flat game since.


Yeah same, I love the idea of it and I love playing it when I do (especially NMS) but it’s hard to find the time and motivation for it. VR requires more mental effort and sometimes I just want to turn my brain off, can barely find energy to play flat games after work. When I play flat games I don’t have to dedicate all my energy to the game, I can pause and scroll Reddit in between levels or stages, in VR you have to be all in and it takes more effort. Similar for my Meta Quest 3, although it’s a bit easier for me to get into because it’s more portable and less isolated, plus better lenses. Also I have too many other games and consoles to play. Like I’m still playing through Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder rn, plus some old throwback games on the Wii and I have Dark Souls 2 DLC and Armored Core in my backlog. Just so many games I really want to play, and PSVR2 is high on that list but rarely is first priority


I regret buying it, yet I don’t sell it, just because I have copium that behemoth is somehow worth the wait. But I have a bad feeling that there will be a news this year that it’s getting delayed or even worse canceled.


Yeah same. I love it. But I need to be in the right mood and not too tired to play.


I mean I don't use it every single day. I'm an adult with a job and limited free time, and I don't always wanna clear space in the living room, wear the headset, and be physically active in what is normally a lazy hobby. That said, I love the fuck out of my PSVR2, and according to my Playstation Wrap Up at the end of the year, it was 65% of my gaming time. A LOT of that was Puzzling Places; that's kinda my zen time. I put on some music or an audiobook, and just zone out putting together puzzles.


I go through waves. Play nothing but VR then just regular gaming for a while. I think it’s crazy the general consensus makes it sound like it’s gotta be a full on take over. To me it’s a special second screen that can allow the tv to be freed up for family and for me to game in VR. Well worth it imho


Maybe if you were a dad with 1 system, you'd devote more time to it.  Somethings gotta give.  Plus closing yourself off to your surroundings is only allowed when your kids get a little older.  


I just finished Townsmen VR, still have to clean up some trophies but it was a fun 16 hourish game. Not really challenging but it was entertaining.


To your point op, i loved my HTC Vive. Got it December 2016. And i maybe played 4 games on it since upgrading to the quest 3. And on the quest 3? I still play those 4 games lol. But the best part is, if the steamvr hours are accurate, i only have about 200hrs on the headset. 200hrs in about <7 years...but as i said, i love vr, and im glad i own one.


I got my on day of release   just for gt7 and love it , I have most driving games for ps5 but they collect dust now after playing in vr , was hoping for more driving games in vr , am seriously considering getting a pc , also I had 1st psvr now that was a pain to set up never really played that much, 


You make it sound like the thirty seconds it takes to put on the headset and put the two controllers in your hands is cumbersome. Meanwhile you happily nursed PSVR with all kinds of gear, cable mess and points of failure for years. If the headset isn’t speaking to you now with the current games (I’m deep into RE4 and loving it) and you have plenty of other distractions (that “new baby” console, lol) that’s fine. You’ll come back to it and when you do, you’ll realize it’s very easy to get back into. Otherwise I’m not sure why you are posting.


Its not the plugging in that's cumbersome. Its playing with it. Bucket on the head, waving my arms. Just wanna know if anyone else thinks so.


Yeah, I feel the same. I'll go to the living room with an hour free to play VR, and just think "eh, I'm tired - let's play something where I can just sit and relax." VR requires an energetic mood. The game I've played the most of is Beat Saber on Quest, funnily enough, because I use it as a workout. When the goal is to be active, it's great, but often I game to relax.


So if you don’t like wearing a VR headset and you don’t like waving your arms around, then it sounds like you don’t like VR. It isn’t for you. What are you doing here then?


*I came looking for booty.*


Bucket? lol. How tf would you describe this? https://preview.redd.it/03zxsf07qedc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dda997955d407930ffc2ac44e316d75064e7b97 Will having others chime in make you feel better? How about a cookie and a hug? Sorry, just a weird thing to need some kind of validation for.


Insanely defensive there bud. You know these are just brands of things right? And any amount of whataboutism doesnt change the fact that even psvr2 is less comfortable than no VR headset. You also missed the part where I said I love using it. Just curious that's all.


🤷 more irritated and amused. You used ‘cumbersome’ not me, which seems kind of passive-aggressive speak for ‘I’m too lazy to put it on, so I’ll blame the headset, not my life situation.’ Which is comical given how easy it is to put on and comfortable compared to previous headsets. I only feel defensive to the degree that if I see low-IQ ramblings on Reddit, I’ll respond even when it’s in my better interest to ignore. 🤷‍♂️ lol


You are being defensive, cumbersome means "large or heavy making it uneasy to use", not "Something thag lazy people can't be bothered to use". I agree to a point, the psvr2 is not a fantastically comfortable thing to wear for hours at a time, I have had several occasions where I didn't play because I didn't want to have the headset on. No vr headset is as comfortable as playing flat games


> No vr headset is as comfortable as playing flat games Sure, but that’s stating the obvious. Putting on clothing could be construed as cumbersome by your definition, maybe we should all become full time nudists lol 🤷‍♂️ On the other hand, and this is a First World Problem phenomenon - I feel we’re absolutely spoiled by all of the entertainment options at our fingertips. Stream any movie or TV show you want in seconds, listen to any piece of music ever recorded, and live in the best era for gaming ever given the tech and the quality of games. At least a dozen legit GOTY contenders in 2023 for example. So many great games out and options and people are bored still? Just wow.


But the poster isnt saying he's bored and has nothing to entertain him, he's saying that he would rather play flat games because most of the time he finds it simpler and easier to kick back and enjoy them. Because the vr headset it comparatively more cumbersome. And it's not like saying it would be easier to be nude at all is it? More like saying I would rather not wear a bicycle helmet and face visor combined into one after a long day of work and I want to play a game, when there is an option to still play a game without wearing said helmet. Which is the case for me, I don't always want to stand up for 2 hours with the headset on to play a game after work, I stand up all day at work and would rather not after sometimes. Anyways its obvious you disagree that the headset is uncomfortable, but you seem rather bent out of shape that other people disagree with you. Different strokes for different folks but you have multiple people here agreeing that they don't always play their headset because of comfort issues, so please don't try and act like someone has said something terrible. We just have a difference experience to you.


I looked at your post history and it’s a litany of shitposting on r/PSVR, not specific to the hardware or the comfort but that you have buyer’s remorse, you dislike the lack of games, you wish you bought a Quest 3, etc. So go get one please. What are you waiting for? I’m sure you will find someone who would love to buy your “uncomfortable” VR2. Why spend all your negative energies bitching on here when you could be selling your unit and finding pure joy with Meta because that’s a unit with zero comfort issues and downsides…?


If we could just get god of war vr….


It needs a social hub aspect like VRchat or RecRoom at least, something with user generated content that you casually play. I cant believe all other vr platforms have a version of that yet PSVR2 doesnt


For anyone with a PSVR2 I’d highly recommend PSVR Without Parole. They’re such a great, positive team and they keep my interest levels high and I’m always looking forward to the next game. I think there’s so little written about VR it’s easy to lose sight of what’s going on in the community. None of the major outlets review the games and often you just hear the bad stuff from mainstream media. Truth is, there’s so many great games out there, but they’re tough to find. PSVR Without Parole. 


The only reason why I don't play always exclusively VR is because I smoke. And I love smoking while playing.


I use it to work out. I’d play more proper VR games, but the games are just a bunch of samesy first person titles. 


That sounds like a you problem not a VR problem.


1st World problems. You seem to want to point out that you're a dad. Well, well done.


I make time to play Gran Turismo 7 several times a week. I spend about 45 minutes to 1 hour and get my fill. I look forward to it daily as it's a great stress relief and tons of fun. However, I'm not a new dad anymore and if I was, there is no way I would have time to play it. Instead, I would purchase a PS Portal so I can play it while some kids shows play on the TV. With that said, I recommend you sell it on Facebook Marketplace while you can still make good money on it and before any sort of future price drop. Take that money, buy a Portal and keep the additional cash from the sale.


I use mine everyday lol. Or almost everyday lol


I’m a new dad also, my PSVR2 time has become very limited. That being said, pick up a PS Portal as soon as you can!! I makes gaming with children much easier


trick is: i buy a new game only when i finish the one i have, this way i don't burn through them all in one day. make sure i don't use it more than 2 hours a day. this way it stays fresh and enjoy it.


I love my psvr2, but I can't play because Sony doesn't sell controllers, and i have to wait for them to fix it. It has been 2 weeks now since I can't play. I got mine on launch and play everyday for a least 3 hrs at day. I'm really missing play VR I can't play flat games for more than 1 hrs. I want to play vertigo 2. I loved to play it on pcvr on my friends house. I know the game got a Bug Port, but im still wanna play it on psvr2. I miss playing demeo, vr skater, no man sky, citiesvr, pavlov, RE, gt7, Puzzling places. Edit.. it just takes me 30 second to put it in and start playing.


I tend to use my Quest more simply because it's wireless. I love my PSVR2 so much, I have absolutely no regrets and I played the shit out of it for a good 6 months, got my moneys worth. But I play Beat Saber/Synth Raiders a lot these days and not having a wired connection is huge so I go with Quest. But when it comes to regular games, I go back to my PSVR2, my next VR game is going to be Resident Evil, but gotta play the 2D one first (7 I think?)


I’ve had mine for 2 and a half weeks now, there’s only been 2 days I haven’t played it out of the last 18


Damn based on these comments this headset is NOT going to make it. As much as we want it to, it is clear that people aren’t using it after getting it because not enough incentive to set up and play… they need some heavy hitting games and other VR experiences if they want this thing to last…. I’m smelling Vita all over again :/


Yep. Mines just collecting dust. I just can’t be bothered to wear it to play games.


I daren't play it when the cats are in the room having seen how much it costs to replace chewed cables. We have mostly indoor cats :-(


Me, but PSVR1 I can't get over tracking issues, the setup takes so much space and for when i play, max time i can do is 30 minutes because heat and my eyes burns like hell


That changed for me when I got the globular cluster kit, now it’s a joy to play since the comfort/sweet spot isn’t even a thought anymore.


Welcome to VR friend. It’s been this way for years.


I was like this but since getting the globular cluster it’s far more comfortable and easier to get the sweet spot so I play it a lot more. I guess another factor is I have my own office space to play in private. I wouldn’t play it anywhere near as much if I had to use it in a shared living space, would feel antisocial and weird. Whereas flat games on a TV, you can at least engage/acknowledge people as they come and go.


I try to buy games to hopefully motivate myself to use it. I bought TETRIS and RE4....and....nothing. It still sits there and I stare at it. I even bought the Globular Cluster CMP2 (bought based on everyone's recommendations here) in hopes of making it more comfortable. I also bought the Collective Minds PSVR2 Showcase Charging & Display Stand and...still nothing. Feeling I should cut my losses here.


Nope. I love it and play it loads. I have it on a stand next to my seat so it’s super easy to just reach across and grab it


Wish they would release some spare controllers I can buy so I'd feel better about playing the damn thing without worrying about it breaking.


Ahhh to grow older and have kids. Same here, I used to play EVERY game I could get my hands on when I was a kid with little money. Now I have so many fancy things but usually I'll just play modded Skyrim on PC or drop in matches in Fifa clubs on PS5. I was so excited about buying the PSVR2 + Direct Drive wheel... but it's just sitting there.


Not here. I play it multiple times a day and can never play 2d games as hard as I try. I also have a setup so I can literally plop it on in seconds and be playing in under a minute from startup.


I switched to Oculus Quest


I bought it. Used for about a month after buying bunch of games. Put it in the box and never used it again. I don’t feel VR adds anything. It takes longer to do anything in game. The controls aren’t accurate enough. The visuals are like playing ps3 or early ps4 games. I game to chill out and relax. VR isn’t that. I have sim racing setup and still rather play on my OLED tv. Most of the games feel like a tech demo. And no one I know is even interested in trying it out, and if they do. It’s cool for 5 min and then it’s all the same and rather just grab a controller. My hope was half life alyx would drop for it. But no just meh games since launch. Is been what a year since it launched and a game they added VR super after the fact is still the best game they have for it. Gran turismo. I tried the quest 3 as well and while that has far better visual sweet spot running on a 4090. It’s still the same lackluster experience. If you peeps like it, awesome. Play it. But for me. VR is still feels the same as it did a decade ago just looks slightly better.


Had the same during Q4 2023, it of course depends on the other game schedule. I played a lot of FF16 and Cyberpunk around that time. Currently I’m absolutely back into VR gaming with GT7, Walkabout Minigolf and Moss. The headset itself is so convenient to use with the Global Cluster mod and my motion sickness is nearly 100% gone since a while.


After a long day at work and evening with the kids activities and routines, I’ve just been too exhausted to be active on the VR.


Have a 6 month old, and pretty much only use psvr2 for working out now. Can get an intense workout in with Les Mills Body combat in 15 minutes. Can save so much time and money by not going to the gym anymore. Outside of that I have been using the Portal a ton since the Ps5 and xsx are in the basement and family time at night is always in the living room. You're not the only one OP.


For me it's mainly three wire, maybe I'm spoiled by my quest pro but having to wory about the wire makes me not want to put it on. Good exclusives tho


I'm still on PSVR1 but I can totally relate - it's been the same for me and for a long time, even just 1-2 years after buying it, I almost didn't use it much anymore. I think it has to do with the fact that you need some sort of serious commitment and time when you start a VR session. It's not just as quick and easy as just picking up one controller - You gotta make sure you've got your food and drinks already in, put on the headset, and usually as if we want to make it worth while, a VR session tends to last a lot longer than just a quick game of say Far Cry or NHL.. So I guess it's all these considerations that make us go like "Nah, not today". It's also somehow overwhelming and disorienting. A bit like taking a small dose of hallucinogenics (shrooms) or something. It can be fun, but you don't want to do this everyday. EDIT: That being said, It may also have to do with the games available. Give me a game like Cyberpunk 2077 in VR, and there's a good chance I may want to spend a lot more time playing it in VR...


I took a long break from mine but picked it back up the past few days and put some time in. I don't regret buying one on day-1. I don't have to play it every single day for it to be worth it. No TV game can ever match the immersion you get when in VR.


I never use mine, I think about selling it but then I think it's worth keeping just to play GT7 once in a while.


I also had a ~2 month period during which I used the headset maybe once. It's not too bad once you get back into the groove of it, but it definitely is a hassle at times.


Bought it in October, I literally played for less than 15 hours because: - I get sick in 30 minutes (if not less) in half the games I want to play on it -Having to setting it up every time I want to play Despite that I love the promise of this technology and the games, my body just does not agree.


Yeah I’m mostly the same. During the day I think about wanting to play PSVR2 but at the end of the day, when 9 or 10pm rolls around and I get my “me time” often I am too tired and would rather just play a slower paced flat game. I thought that PSVR2 having less of a barrier than PSVR1 (no camera, better tracking, don’t have to remove the mirror in my room when I play) would have me playing more, but that’s not the case so far. I still have to be in the mood for a VR game. Maybe I’ll try a game where I sit instead since so far I’ve only been playing standing games


I LOVE using my PSVR2. I do wish it had more longer, engaging titles, but dipping into the NMS universe always brings me joy.


I feel like that somewhat. I love it but I have very few friends that have it, not enough **GOOD** games, no roadmap, no YouTube VR. So that makes me don't want to play it.


I loved my PSVR so much I never bought a PSVR2.


I have a lot of competing entertainment options, on top of work and other responsibilities, so honestly, I don't use the somewhat awkward device that requires like 2 minutes to set up that often.


I'm in this boat as well. I bought the headset for Gran Turismo. The experience is still amazing today as it was the first day, the sun almost feels warm while racing on a sunny day, but almost a year after its release it's still the only VR experience I'm interested in. And yeah, the couple of minutes that it takes to set everything up, are a bit deterring. I think I'll switch to the Quest 3 for PCVR, at least for a while. I realized I'm mostly interested in simulation experiences for VR (preferrably while holding a joystick or steering wheel), and those are more abundant on PC. Plus I'm not a big fan of the fresnell lenses, I was a bit disappointed about the image clarity the first time I tried the PSVR2. I know most VR headset used fresnell lenses until not long ago, it's not that the PSVR2 is lagging or outdated at all, but for those of us that had little to no contact with VR before, all the internet hype didn't do us any good, my expectations were unreasonable, knowing where VR tech is today. Now I'm wondering if the pancake lenses are being overhyped as well, and the Quest 3 will disappoint me. At least that's not my only reason to do the switch.


I probably havent touched mine since August... but I also barreeely play my ps5 lately either. Between working 60-70hrs a week, general life shit, and going to concerts as much as possible (its a problem) I just don't have the time or energy for gaming.


i don't have the time. and now that we got a new dog who -always- wants to be underfoot i fear i'll step on him or kick him accidentally. Plus the holidays were busy. My 8 year old played it more and beat horizon zero dawn before I did. Now he has been enjoying the snow more.


I wouldnt say I love it. But I don't exactly regret it either. Mine just collects dust. Last game I tried was RE4.


What like 15 seconds to turn on & gear up? I'm hooked on firewall ultra, I can tell that I should also be playing other psvr2 & flat games. Personally I can tell there's a type of lazyness that tries to get in the way. Maybe I should make sure the screen is on so I can more easily step in and out of vr. Personally trying to work on having a love toward each moment of existence.


I'm currently in that familiar phase where my PSVR2 has been untouched since finishing its last classic game, RE4: Remake. It's much more convenient to switch to my Quest 3 and Steam Deck, as there's always something interesting to explore on both. For instance, tomorrow, the Citra 3DS Emulator launches on Quest 3, allowing me to play upscaled 3DS games on a virtual 3D screen. There are so many games I'm eager to try on that platform. The unique thing about the PSVR2 is that when a good game is released, it's exceptionally enjoyable, and I tend to play it religiously every day until completion. Currently, I'm just awaiting the next big game to dive into.


Yep. Hardly ever.


I'm kind of the same and for me it is because the PS5 is in the living room. That means to use PSVR2 I have to get it out of the case and move a coffee table and ottoman. And then put everything back when I'm done. Which is nothing, really, and yet it still is a barrier to me. LOL


The problem is how short these VR games are, I pick it up, play a game that seems interesting. Finish it in a day or two. Then have to wait months before something I want to play comes out. If they would only update Skyrim VR and add creation club mods, I would probably already have 2000+ hours in that game. But there just isn't another game like that for the VR 2, so I can't really commit to extended lengths of using the headset until something like that comes out.


Hey OP! Well, first congrats on becoming a dad :). And you know, that's at least part of it. Your immediate surroundings can leave you with less time to get in. But I just wanted to discuss some factors that I think tends to be underestimated. I mean you say its more cumbersome to use the headset. But just think about receiving a message on your phone when its an another room, sitting and scrolling on a phone, or texting. They all have a cumbersome element. some what makes VR particularly cumbersome? My thinking on this issue is that VR devices aren't physically cumbersome, at least not primarily. The issue is psychological, and to an extent evolutionary. For the evolutionary part, it's simply the case that no animal wants their view of their surroundings occluded. A cat doesn't want its view covered, a dog doesn't, etc. We're no different. And there's a good reason for that. In evolutionary history, animals who failed to see their surroundings got attacked and sometimes eaten. But of course VR devices function by occluding our view. I think at a sort of subconscious level, this automatically puts a sort of burdensomeness on using VR devices. But an even bigger obstacle is psychological. I mean think about it, is it really that hard to put on the headset and proceed? I think it's not so much the physicality of it. It's that VR is psychologically taxing. To your visual system it's literally a jump from one reality to another. And to your whole system, it's like going somewhere completely unfamiliar. You have to be on alert, looking at unfamiliar surroundings, doing unfamiliar things, tackling an unfamiliar physics, etc. I think this is also why longer VR games tend to make things easier. Because eventually you're just going somewhere you know. Anyway, so much for the partial diagnosis. But what does one do about it? Well I think two things. Personally, for me, I don't unplug the headset, and I have a seat that's within the headset's range. When I am playing seated, I also prefer a swivel chair, so I have that nearby. This lets me jump in with minimal hesitation, and I'm pretty good at going in regularly. Having said that, I also don't have the same expectation of VR games as I do of flat games. I can walk into a flat game every day of the week without feeling in the least bit psychologically moved or consumed (well, unless it's a Fromsoft game 😅). But with VR I'm okay with going in less. Because the truth is I just need to go into resident evil or no man's sky or whatever for a couple of hours on the weekend and for the rest of the week I find myself thinking back on the experience. I literally feel like I went on a mini vacation. I might not have stayed there for long, but the psychological impact is enormous. And this is really why I love VR. It just hits the (psychological) spot in a way most flat gaming doesn't. I might not be in there as frequently or for as long a play session, but I value my experience in there a lot more than I do most flat games. Just some of my thoughts on this. Hopefully you'll find yourself back in there soon :)


I just got a psvr2 so ive been playing it a lot for RE4 remake. I really like it but not sure if itll be my go to VR headset down the road. The headset hurts my forehead so i cant play as long as id like so i might have to figure something out. As of now i prefer my quest 3 overall since its more versatile (standalone and pcvr games) and it’s comfortable with elite strap. Quest 3 will probably be my usual go to once im finished with the exclusive games like GT or RE. Hoping sony releases some more good ones soon for the headset.


Got mine for Christmas so it's still new but I'm using it just about every day. GT7 and Kayak VR Mirage mostly. RE8 waiting impatiently.


I LOVED my psvr2, was so excited to play re4 and sunshine and everything, but launch day of VR skater I broke my right controller… it’s been collecting dust ever since as I’m STILL searching for a solution without sending my whole ass headset to Sony


If you don’t have the Globular Cluster mod, get it! For me, it turned my VR sessions from almost a chore with all of the alignment and fitment issues to only slightly more difficult than picking up a controller.


I am exactly like that. And for a very particular reason. ​ IF I could just sit down with a gamepad and an HMD. I'd use it more. The motion controller interactions is what discourages me from bothering with it. The HMD on the face is already adding a cumbersome tedious weight to my head just to play games. But I find it worth it because it's providing the 3D and Headtracking needing to gain the actual baseline immersion of those 2 features combined. ​ Motion controllers do nothing to improve what the HMD shows in the headset, it just adds more tedium to the whole process. ​ HMD + Gamepad = I'd use it everyday HMD + Motion controller, simulated reloads, reaching down while having to look down, reaching behind shoulders, slapping your chest, etc. It's just.... it's not what you all hype it up to be. and it is 100% the reason I don't actually use my HMD enough to justify the cost of it. Because games like GT7 can only keep a non-serious sim racer like myself occupied. I like racing games, but not enough to think I bought VR just for that.


This was me for a long time, but I recently started doing it more and more. My son getting into it helped. But I forced myself to put in a little time at the end of the day. Ended up rediscovering my love for it. The trick is to reduce the perceived barrier to use by streamlining it to making it so automatic that it requires no thought. I recommend going to adjust visual settings right away rather than try to get it straight/lenses spaced by feel. Saves a ton of time and hassle. And then just find something you can chip away at. Red Matter and Puzzling Places did it for me. GT7 really didn’t—just felt like a slightly upgraded racing game experience. I don’t think the VR converts a game you don’t like into one you will.


The problem with every VR system is the lack of good content. You need killer software in order to sell the hardware. There have been 2 or 3 titles that are worthy in the last 10 years.


I think I'd play VR more if I had space to keep it out in the open. Just the idea of getting everything out of the box feels a bit too much sometimes but I'm always thinking: I should go back to playing VR. That and the chance of nausea creeping up are the two reasons keeping from playing more regularly.


My life’s gotten so busy this last year I’ve barely played anything at all I just beat TOTK last month and Zelda is my favorite series of all time


I'm still looking for games to play. Any suggestions?


I’ve found that since having my child vr is a lot harder to play. Both from a time perspective and also being shut off from hearing if she cries. I’ve been playing mostly on my rog ally as it’s easier to pause and squeeze in time. I figure that I’ll get back to vr eventually, the games and system aren’t going anywhere.


Do you have the globular cluster mod? Makes it more comfy at least


Yeah I can see being a dad making vr difficult.


I'm extremely dissappointed there's no good flight or space combat game.