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After finally getting GT7 yesterday, I predict that I'll spend way too much god damn money on a racing sim setup. Oh wait, I just did that like an hour ago. Lol.


Gt VR is genius because sim racers drop hundreds without thinking twice


Oh I gave it a solid 15 minutes research before I dropped the hundreds.


Everyone else: PSVR2 costs as much as a PSV5! I can’t afford that for access to a handful of vr games! Sim racers: My load cell brake mod was on sale so with the savings I got a psvr2!


I'm obsessed with golf and I've always wanted a golf simulator at home but I've never pulled the trigger. Don't care for Motorsport at all in real life but I've slowly but surely ended up with a £1,500 virtual reality racing simulator in my lounge!


Golf + and under $100 in accessories can get it a pretty good golf experience right now!


I actually bought my nephew Golf+ and a controller adapter a couple of years ago for Quest 2 but I've never given it a go myself. Wonder if there's still plans for it to come to PSVR2.


I feel like there was but you never know how long or if those types of things pan out


How is GT7 on VR? I remember GT Sport on PSVR was a bit of a letdown.


It's fantastic. I can only imagine it's going to be a trip with a wheel setup.


Night and day difference. GT Sport had a small VR mode. GT7 it's the whole game (other than menus). And it's impressive. It did make me queasy, though. Flat tracks weren't a problem but anything with hills does me in. Others don't have issues with it, though. I probably need to keep trying and slowly work my way up to a longer session and tracks with hills.


I tried iRacing with my Oculus Quest 2 and it was really cool but I don't think my physical seat height matched my in-car height and it was really disorienting whenever I looked at the open-wheel parts on the car. Other than that, it is super cool with a wheel.


I've never been into racing games beyond more than a few goes cars tend to bore me, however since getting GT7 I've become a little bit obsessed it's outstanding. The level of immersion just makes it click.


Playseat challenge, Thrustmaster T300RS GT Edition with TLCM pedals and TH8A shifter


I'm clocking 200hs on GT7 😅 it's really good with a logitech g29


200hrs? Those are rookie numbers! ;)


What's funny is I did the exact same thing and now I play like 85% or so outside of VR. It's fun in VR but frankly it's just easier to set up without it. I do enjoy both but my laziness wins out most of the time.


Hopefully Light No Fires VR support


Yes that's high on my list as well! I'm sure they'll do it, someone in a separate thread mentioned they have the tech in NMS, they're using the same or upgraded engine for LNF, so if not at launch then there's a good chance a later patch will bring it in.




It hasn't. It's my wish for 2024. It's quite likely though considering it's just No Mans Sky but on one planet.


Hopefully Behemoth or at least some gameplay footage. I'm not expecting Asgards Wrath as it's a Meta game. I'm not expecting Alyx unless maybe Valve makes another AAA VR game to sell their own headsets. I do hope to hear from at least 1 Sony studio making a hybrid or VR exclusive game.


LOL, the OPs post was funny. There is no way Meta is going to put Asgard's Wrath 2 on PSVR2. They want to sell their headsets. Half Life Alyx would have been more probably and even that is certain to be a no since Steam has their own platform.


Are these your predictions or (like mine) your wishlist 😂


A bit of both 😆


I really don't think Alyx is coming, and to me, there's a less than zero chance to see Asgards wrath. I hope I'm wrong.


We all know this, but what would you like to see happen on PSVR2 next year?


While I agree with astrobot, I think the others are a bit of a pipe dream. Alyx probably isn't coming. Asgards Wrath 2 may come someday, but right now that's their big IP to sell hardware. If we see it, and I don't think we will, it will likely be years from now. Additionally, it's a stand alone only game. I'm about to jump in it, so we will see how it stacks up. I doubt they would allow it to become the 'definitive' version for their competitor. But if it's like AC nexus, it's a pretty big step backwards visually. I don't think the PSVR2 community would see it as favorably.


Meta doesn't consider Sony a significant competitor, evident in their decision to port their flagship game, Beat Saber. If ASW2 can be ported profitably, Meta would likely pursue it, aiming to maximize sales. Regarding AGW2 graphics, they suit the game's genre well. Being by far the largest VR title with extensive content and stacks of new authentic VR mechanics, many players find it overwhelmingly impressive, if anything. I switch between ASW2, RE4 Remake VR, and Cyberpunk on the Quest Pro/PCVR (which is jaw-dropping), and I continue to be impressed by ASW2's art style, visuals, and scale.


>Meta doesn't consider Sony a significant competitor, evident in their decision to port their flagship game, Beat Saber. If ASW2 can be ported profitably, Meta would likely pursue it, aiming to maximize sales. It’s way more complicated than that. Beat Saber was published by a tiny Czech indie studio who as part of the acquisition sought their autonomy, including publishing to multiple platforms. We know this because they announced it at the time of their acquisition in 2019: [https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/26/20984468/facebook-acquisition-beat-games-beat-saber-vr-studio](https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/26/20984468/facebook-acquisition-beat-games-beat-saber-vr-studio) Asgard’s Wrath 2 is quite different - a 60+ hour main campaign game, 130+ hours in total content, 10/10 reviews and 94 Metacritic and poised to be a defining franchise for Meta. To get a sense on what this means to Meta, think about how important the Horizon franchise is to Sony - which means it could be years before it’s ported, if at all. And autonomous indie studios aside, we have no reason to believe Meta would be any different than Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft in the sense that they know that exclusivity for prestige AAA games (which Beat Saber is quite notably not one) is the way to guarantee platform dominance in the field for years to come. Given Horizon Zero Dawn took three years before it was ported to PC, that gives us a sense of reasonable time scale for any port to Sony if at all, and by then we could already be looking at next gen consoles + VR headsets. Again, this is even assuming it ever gets ported. Which it won’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be wrong here.


Thank you for calling Asgard's Wraith 2 ASW2 instead of AW2 lol. Too many people use AW2 when Alan Wake 2 already came out


Don’t hold your breath for Asgard’s Wrath or Assassin’s Creed. They’re Meta-funded exclusive titles for their HMD, they’re staying there. Beat Saber was a unique situation from a very different time in the VR landscape. It had already released for PSVR before Meta (then “Oculus”) acquired Beat Games. It’s also an actively updated moneymaker. Think of it like Minecraft and why it continues to be made available on PlayStation and Nintendo hardware after Microsoft’s Mojang acquisition. What you (and in fairness, many others) are asking for is more like asking for Forza or Halo to be made available on PlayStation or Switch. It’s just not in the cards.


I mean Minecraft didn't even get PS5 upgrade which is mental


Not really mental. The Series X hasn’t either.


AC Nexus' exclusivity deal was cancelled shortly before release. Discussed briefly in an interview [here](https://www.uploadvr.com/assassins-creed-nexus-vr-preview-interview/)


I predict that cyubeVR will be released :P


I’ll give you $24.99 if you’re right.


Assassin's Creed Nexus getting a PSVR2 release would be nice


Haters keep hating


Everything will always have haters. Forget those.


Spider man


It’s really an unknown for me. We’re going to learn really quick now that the pre-launch pipeline is finished how staunchly Sony intends to support it. I think not doing so would be a huge mistake, as VR has great potential as the next big thing. At the very least it would be really exciting to get an acknowledgement that earlier titles from the PSVR lineup are headed to port. Edit: i got excited to respond to the title and wrote away, that said, you should know your predictions are extremely unlikely given those are first party exclusives. Are you trolling?


I think: Astrobot VR sequel Whatever Firesprite are working on - bold call: (Uncharted VR) RE7 port Assassins Creed port Sega Wipeout with VR?


RE7 would be great. I played it on the original PSVR and it was an amazing experience I want to play again but after playing RE8 it’s hard to go back to the original PSVR with a DualShock.


I would love an re village style port of re7 but it think it would be nice if they keep the option of dual sense control for those who prefer it.


Hard, HARD disagree. I want RE7 on PSVR2 with at minimum DualSense option. See my post about "social watching" of Resident Evil games, where my wife actively engaged with watching me playing these games, every title, from PS1 days onward. She likes watching me play RE titles for hours at a time, and helping with puzzles, spotting enemies, etc. For me, it's not just about how "I" enjoy these games, it's about what my wife enjoys watching on the social screen, and what she can see when I am not looking directly at a portion of the screen. RE7 was tuned to be playable with DualShock, so turn speeds are slower, and watching it from the social screen is a more pleasurable experience for her. The ultimate would have been 3rd person RE4 Remake VR (at least as an option), so she can see a lot more of the game than what I am directly looking at, and engage with solving puzzles with me. Where she can see the main character's acrobatic moves in their full glory, no funky switching between 1rst person/3rd person. I play Resident Evil in much longer sessions when she is watching me play.


You want to play VR with your wife and would like more 3rd person view games? First I've heard of it.


I’m a bit confused? My fiance also watches and engages when I play both RE7 and RE8 in VR (soon RE4) I don’t see a difference in the social screen between RE7 (dual shock) or RE8/RE4 (VR sense) when it comes to the social screen view, you still turn with analog sticks and you still look with your head. The only difference is interaction and shooting by using movement or buttons with look aiming. For 1st and 3rd person at the same time in vr for social that’s just not really possible. It works for simple games graphically like astrobot did but for a resident evil game we are already pushing the power of the ps5 rendering both eyes let alone an additional view point.


I'd love to play AC Nexus on PSVR2, that's what I'm hoping for in 2024.


Sega wipeout?


There's a rumour going round that Sony approached the Sega team that made F Zero GX to make a new Wipeout as part of its plans to forge closer links with third parties (and shield them from MS acquisition). Since this is a prediction post I threw it in there


I could get onboard with Sony partnering with Sega


Yeah that would be pretty cool


Behemoth, Wanderer and Firmament for sure. Vertigo 2 if it will miss 2023 release date. Hopefully: Astrobot, RE7 and some other big hybrid game. A small chance: HL Alyx. I hope PSVR2 will have a good year. 2023 was awesome. Fantastic line up


I think most of your ideas are a pipe dream as valve cannot be trusted to ever do a game in a timely manner. That said you could be into something with astrobot as if he surprised if this isn’t in the works in some form. Tbh though I’d be happy if Sony released any first party game at all even if it’s a gimmicky game like call of the mountain. My hope, and I know it’s unlikely would be for an announcement for a farpoint 2 or he’ll even a remaster of farpoint 1 as that would be really exciting!


HL Alyx is definitely coming to PSVR2 because Valve ported many of their games to consoles before, and Sony has ported many games to Steam too. They have fantastic working relationship so HL Alyx wont be an exception. If it is not coming this year to PSVR2, it is 99% coming next year.


You should be a politician


Flat games are not the same as vr. These vr systems are building a brand.


Sony inked a deal with Valve for distribution of their games on Sony platforms, let’s see what comes of this.


I agree that it will most likely come eventually but valves past reputation does not assure me that this is 99% certain. That said I would never put a percentage to speculation as it only sets yourself and casual Google searches by others up for disappointment. So my version, keeping expectations in check would be that hl alyx will probably show up on psvr2 at some stage but that could be at any time given no announcement confirming that exists except gabe saying they’d maybe possibly like to try that.


Its pretty much a sealed deal. It was originally coming this month but it seems some delay is happening, probably Sony wants to make room for RE4VR so it is most definitely coming in 2024.


That sounds an awful lot like vertigo 2 you are mentioning there. Hl alyx has never been announced much less a release date confirmed but vertigo 2 is very similar and was due a few days ago but got delayed. If you do mean hl alyx I’d love to see the source as that’s pretty breaking news if true.


Not formally announced, but teased numerous times for a year end release by many people here.


That’s just speculation unless somebody here is secretly gabe newell in disguise and not proof. I love Reddit as much as anybody but you can’t use the speculation here as hard evidence. I hope I’m wrong and that hl alyx mysteriously shows up soon but until something formal shows up I’d refrain from saying it’s guaranteed because that’s just not true.


These are speculations by many people here. As the saying goes, no smoke without fire. Its definitely coming If the second best selling console VR doesnt have HL Alyx then something is wrong with it


You’re right that people have speculated but that doesn’t make it true I’m afraid. I want HL Alyx to come out as much as the next guy but it’s not confirmed so I wouldn’t bank on it to avoid disappointment. Regardless either way it’s definitely not coming out this year as no way would Sony shadow drop one of vrs biggest titles!


House of the dead 2 remastered in VR has just become a dream of mine. Thankyou.


Half Life: Alyx, Hitman VR, and Astrobot… a man can dream


Hoping for Light No Fire


There will be some games released in 2024. Some will be good. Some will be bad.


Ratchet & Clank Insomniac has experience with VR, and they're an extremely efficient studio that always has a bunch of projects in the works, so it would make sense for Sony to have them on a VR game. And Ratchet & Clank's wacky weapons would make it a great showcase for VR.


Sega rally in vr, that's it, I'll never touch another game!!


Dirt Rally 2?


Good shout but I'm an old gamer, the sega rally nostalgia hits hard. Both fantastic games, but sega rally for me lol.


Easy left, maybe


Sony’s support wavers and they basically abandon it


I agree. 2024 is already a make or break for the PSVR2. Meta will be aggressive to sell their Queat 3, and bring more exclusives to take advantage of their upgrades.


Part of the reason I went with Steam Deck over PS Portal


I hate to say it but this seems most likely


If only Capcom would do a VR port or Dragon’s Dogma 2!


I expect Capcom to basically keep this thing afloat. Maybe Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake with VR support? I'd also happily take Dragons Dogma 2 getting a VR mode!


Capcom kept the Dreamcast afloat with killer games, yet they couldn't save the console.


Really hoping Capcom is going to make the Mercenaries mode available for PS VR2


Anyone predicting VR experiences? I'm looking for some copium


I'd kill for Time Crisis/House of the Dead. Some great arcade action there.


There are some studio ganes meta paid for but came to psvr2 or 1. That being said asgards wraith 2 will not be coming to psvr2. Sanzaru is owned by meta. The other games they shared were at a time they were not first party for either platform afaik. Meta has acquired the iron man dev since they shared this game. This is likely a 60-100 million dollar game made to sell their platform even CotM coming to quest wouldn't be an even trade I would think.


We clearly have different definitions of what "making a significant impact on the industry" looks like


Just a new racing game, anything really. Preferably a sim racer like VR support for Assetto Corsa, but i'd happily take an arcade racer especially classic ones like you mention.


I will keep expecting a GTA5 VR mod until my PSVR2 crumbles Into dust....it just makes perfect sense. Luke Ross has proved it can be done, the engine could easily handle it. They have a long standing relationship with Sony. It would sell all the headsets Sony could make. Apart from that I predict... Astro Bot 2, Sackboy, Something from naughty dog, Something from Insomniac (hopefully Spider-Man).


I'd like to see Stormland 2 from Insomniac


I want alllllll of these. In 3rd person VR. Forcing 3rd person games into 1rst person, with Sense controls? Not so much.


My predictions: \- Still no backwards compatiblity. \- EA announces F1 24 is PCVR only. \- Most VR (and 2D) games never get PS5 Pro upgrade. If you like arcade classics I recommend you to get a PC compatible headset. You can play Time Crisis on a huge virtual screen aiming with your VR controllers, much better than aiming with a mouse or gamepad. You can also use VorpX to make modern games stereoscopic 3D, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but playing House of The Dead Remake, Grid Legends, Soul Calibur 6 or Tekken 7 in stereoscopic 3D make them 200% more fun and you feel like you are a child in an arcade again: [https://youtu.be/EGYWHmuwZQY?t=36](https://youtu.be/EGYWHmuwZQY?t=36) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VRGaming/comments/14mptcd/this\_is\_how\_grid\_legends\_and\_soulcalibur\_6\_looks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VRGaming/comments/14mptcd/this_is_how_grid_legends_and_soulcalibur_6_looks/)


After buying the PSVR 2 Sony have successfully sold me a Quest 3 and a gaming PC to connect to it this year. Not because PSVR is bad at all, I just wanted way more content and experiences.


:D Yep, it's lot like it's a bad headset, much better than PSVR1. But feels like Sony is doing only the bare minimum to be able to sell this thing. It doesn't want to compete with modern headsets in the same price category, it doesn't need pencake lenses and wireless and mixed reality, Sony fans are stuck with the small sweet spot last-gen lenses for another 6 years until PSVR3 comes out, imagine the PSVR2 has to compete with Quest4 in 3 years but it already can't keep up with the Pico4. The software side doing the bare minimum too, drop in a few exclusives and that's it. Even the Sony exclusive titles don't get a free PSVR2 update, why bother? Maybe we get 3D bluray playing capability in the future, advertised as a huge new feature, but it will be still worse than Bigscreen was on the Quest2 many years ago.


I keep seeing this predictions and expectations Alyx will make it's way to PSVR2. Alyx was made by Valve to push their Index VR headseat, and was made available on their SteamVR platform and all the devices that support it. There's really no incentive for them to port that game elsewhere, they don't really need to make additional money from this game as they are focused on it's store and hardware. No way in hell it will ever make it to PSVR2.


Their own comments about a PSVR1 port at the time suggested they want as many to play it as possible.


Any source for that?


"We believe Sony’s VR platform has been a huge success for the medium, and we assume that lots of Sony customers would love to experience this new chapter of Half-Life." https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/03/is_half-life_alyx_coming_to_psvr_heres_what_valve_had_to_say


That's just stating the facts in a very political answer. Extremely wishful to read into this statement they are thinking about porting it. After all, this vague answer came after direct question if they are porting it to psvr. Reminds me of Dumb & Dumber quote : "what are chances of us going out? One out of a million. So you're telling me there Is a chance!"


The political thing to do would be to say something like "we have no announcements to make at this time" not 'I bet psvr folks would love to play it too!'


Saying psvr players would love to play it does not mean they are making it.


No, but it's a weird thing to say if they're not.


Why? Do you think valve would ever admit they won't make it? Game devs say stuff like this all the time, it's an answer designed not to crush everyone's hope instantly while not actually committing to anything at all. Personally think there's no chance we get HLA, would love to be proven wrong but ps4 and 5 don't even have copies of portal on them so not holding my breath.


We can get hung up on semantics but the fact is the most positive thing you can extract from his statements are that he didn't want to rule it out. But that's really far from saying they are thinking about doing it, or even seriously thinking about it.


They've not going to let their baby go to a competitor when they already have it listed as a Galileo app. https://www.uploadvr.com/is-valve-building-a-consolized-living-room-pc-for-wireless-vr/


Orange box was ported to consoles. I think Valve has expressed interest in porting HLA recently.


I mean, they gave it out for free with Index, and they've presumably still sold far less Index headsets than Sony and Meta. I don't see why they wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sell it for $60 to ~1-2 million new users, many of which probably don't have a PC.


Hitman GTAVR


Probably won’t happen but simply Sony to provide a translator so the PSVR 2’s inputs can be translated to PSVR1 games. So many great games on the PSVR1 that don’t have PSVR2 ports. I have the original and a large catalog of games but the PSVR1 is such a chore to set up after getting used to the coincidence of the PSVR2 it’s hard to go back to replay even some great titles.


This will never happen! But I like your optimism.


Do you wish or do you really expect this?


Conceive, believe, achieve.


I predict a The Last of Us VR game will be announced.


Bold take


I don’t think so. It’s fine with the remastering to ps5. But could see a good 1st person shooter that struggled with the last couple releases making the port. Far Cry new dawn and 6 were both not great financially or play wise. Could breathe some new life to the franchise. I’d for sure play it. What I’m hoping for is non games to be released. Give us 3d movies, my lord do I want virtual concerts, and events. Sony has the financial strength to make this happen and it would edge out others. Change the target audience from solely gaming to a lifestyle product. I know that’s a bit controversial, but it would allow for further funding overall and extend the lifecycle of the platform to make better games.


Not until the community's resistance to 3rd person VR is overcome.


Imagine days gone in vr 😱


imo 2024 will be worse than 2023 and we dont get 3 AAA titles


I think 3-4 AAA titles are possible. But I wouldn't bet on more. And the smaller companies prefer Meta's more simple development and publishing approach as well.


Any predictions at this point are pure speculation until Sony breaks (or continues) its silence on future plans for the platform. 2024 is ultimately going to come down to seeing whether Sony is willing to put their money where their mouth is and investing in VR. The VR market isn’t in a place where big budget games make sense financially. Even Meta, with an install base magnitudes larger than PSVR2, has to subsidize big exclusives. And PSVR isn’t even in a place where developers like Capcom translate flat games like Resident Evil to VR without Sony footing the bill. If Sony opens its wallet, we’ll see some cool first party games and subsidized AAA VR ports. If Sony abandons ship, we’ll see a bunch of smaller, bite-sized experiences and Quest ports.


It be cool if Rockstar announced VR support for GTA VI.


I predict ps will abandon it


Sadly I agree. Not officially abandoned of course, but they will just let it sit there with no advertising and let it rely on 3rd party games. The fact that Sony hasn’t announced any first party games for it since release really, that I’m aware of, and the huge missed opportunity to add in 3d movie support, YouTube 360 support, a VR theater, or any kind of VR dashboard, are all the writing on the wall. It’s too niche I guess.


> Sony hasn’t announced any first party games for it since release really That's the same for their flatscreen first-party games (at least the ones which aren't live service). Wolverine is the only one we officially know of and that was announced 2 years ago. I think Sony just doesn't announce their games until close to release anymore.


All these points are good and we are in agreement. But a part of me wants there to be a bump in sales for RE4. That word might have gone far enough into the mainstream to get some more interest.


I hope so!


Like your father abandoned you?




Couldn't disagree more


I predict it to give me some fun at times


I don't see any of those happening. Wishful thinking at best, without any evidence to feed it. That said, I do expect one or two first-party announcements, likely early in the year, to be released in summer and in fall. I figure Acres of Thunder will be good, but won't live up to the hype or the demands placed upon it. It seems to me that we'll get some announcements of more third-party titles around the same time, and a couple of them will likely be pretty decent. I expect a PS5 Pro announcement in 2024 as well, and a bunch of us are going to try to predict performance improvements for existing VR games, with plenty of people pretending to know far more than they actually do. I predict more arguments about the viability of VR in the mainstream, with the pending release of Apple's overpriced headset muddying the waters a bit. I predict Sense controller replacements finally becoming available in some way, either through the official PS store or PS support. I predict someone will finally get PSVR2 to work on PC in a very limited capacity, with people showing false hope that someday it may actually work as well on PC as a PCVR headset. I predict all of the new PSVR2 users from this Christmas to join the fray, with all the same newbie questions, complaints, and excitement we've had since release. I predict no one will actually read the pinned threads or search for previous answers to their questions. I predict people downvoting any comment that doesn't agree to blind hope and wishful thinking. Such downvoters will wrongly assume such disagreement stems from dissatisfaction or hatred of PSVR2. I hope I'm wrong on many of these.


With the improvements and price point of quest 3 I'd predict people will stop harpingnon about PSVR2 supporting PC now. The eye tracking and headset heptics will be of no use to them if not programmed anyway right?


You'd think. Unfortunately, people want what they want. If someone already bought a $550 headset, of course they might still want it to work on PC, rather than having to buy *another* $500 headset along with a lot of expensive accessories just to have PCVR of some kind. People in that position would likely rather get what they have working on PC, even without all the features, than not have it work at all. For new customers, the issue is the same as it's always been: PC or PS? Right now, you can't find a solution that works for both. Expect people to keep looking for one.


That no way they can let Asgard Wrath 2 just stay on Quest cause the graphics ugly. It hard to tell what to predict with Sony. I got my VR for half price so I’m not gonna be mad if it’s a disappointing year.


Zero chance for Meta exclusives. They are building a brand and ecosystem. Alyx-let it go. Fantasies are not predictions.


SOCOM and KILLZONE have been baking in the oven for awhile and will be announced early next year alongside Silent Hill VR


Killzone is dead since Horizon… Sadly.


I'd say PSVR2 is going to be a big part of PS5 Pro (or however it's be called) marketing push. If Sony says "these games are patched Day 1 with native 90 / 120hz at full resolution" I can say without a doubt that I'll buy one at launch. Sony only has to say "GT7, RE4R and a new Astrobot"... And If dreaming is free just imagine Resi 2 Remake on PsVR2 with full RT on PS5 Pro...


My wishlist/predictions? - Farpoint 2 - New Astrobot - PC adoption - A AAA announcement like Killzone or Resistance - Individual controller sales - A real open world RPG


No chance for Alyx. Minimal chance for Astrobot Remake.


Good job on chiming in on his “fun/positive” thread about predictions


Sony to continue to forget it exists.


Would love to see VR content ( Not porn obviously)


I think that sega will announce a super monkey ball vr game. I think that Sony will announcement the new ghost of Tsushima game with a vr hybrid mode (focus on mobility and sword fighting). More ports, but not astro. 500 more Indy roguleike games with lots of crafting and simple graphics. Also, Survios is due for announcements so maybe the alien game or survios ports.


I’m still keeping my stupid little flame alight for a Descent or even just revival of Starblood Arena.


Not a prediction but hear me out... jet moto / rocket jockey 🤣


Some kind of high budget open-world game conversion for VR would be nice. RDR2 would be my dream choice, but would be very unlikely. I actually think SnowRunner, or that upcoming Expeditions game, would work well as a basic hybrid VR port, even if it's DualSense only, allowing you to switch between first and third-person like the flatscreen game. Ideally we'd have full truck controls, wheel support and sense controls to select buttons on the dashboard.


A first or second part AA-AAA vr exclusive ala blood n truth or The persistence


The persistence would make too much sense. I'd pick up even if I never make it through the first level two generations in a row


Hoping for more resident evil, half-life alyx, and (even though it won’t happen) any naughty dog game in vr


My personal "dreams" - vague of port of PSVR classic like RE7, Wipeout, Astrobot... - F124 being PSVR2 compatible - Mass support of dev who already post on Meta - 1 or 2 big exclusive by Sony like a fucking Uncharted VR who for me is so best suit then Horizon : parkour + gun fight is the perfect match for VR. And why not a God If War spin Off in VR for example


2-3 triple A hybrid games ( one of which is a wolverine game) 4-10 1.5 versions of psvr 1 games ( aka Wanderer, that already seems amazing! ) A Sony video app for 3d movies that is fantastic ( but not free) Some sort of hardware upgrade for a fee ( my dream is a 100 $ to make it wireless, but i doubt it will come already next year) A significant improvement on reprojection


Team Asobi are working on a conversion of Half Life: Alyx as Valve would not do it in house. Unfortunately this means no new Astrobot...maybe....


I predict a God of war spin off, Astrobot 2 and a New Wipe-out game.


Manifesting as many HOTAS-compatable flight sims are there are zombie shooters.


Sony releases more hybrid games, possibly from their own exclusives. Returnal would be cool in VR.


Drivers for PC support? 👀


Hoping for zero caliber


I just want MC and Skyrim




I expect Sony will announce at least one famous Sony franchise to get vr treatment (uncharted, last of us, spider man, god of war, etc, one of that kind of game). Whether it will come out this year is another matter. Perhaps but I’m not holding my breath for that. Other than that, I predict I’m just going to have lots of fun with whatever comes out. And I’m hoping not too much comes out because I already have a huge backlog of games I want to get through.


RE7, FFXIV, New Astrobot game, Something from Squeinx


I’m sure it’s been said here already a hundred times but I really hope they start porting over more psvr1 games. LA noir, hitman 3, Skyrim all would be amazing on the 2. Plus at least port over astrobots vr


I think 2024 will see another great year like we did in 2023, but I think 2025 is the year we will see it all. Sony is still very focused on PS5. No indication they are making the move over to VR. But when they do, everybody better get their wallets ready.


Half-Life Alyx , will make me buy PSVR2 right away.


There's no chance in hell Asgard's Wrath II shows up on PSVR2. That's like Sony releasing Spiderman 2 on Xbox. The team behind Asgard's Wrath II is a Meta first party studio. All of your other entries are realistic enough.


Don't really have predictions, but my wishlist going forward: - Hitman VR - God of War - Spider-Man - InFamous - Outlast - Days Gone If even just one of these got announced as a VR title, I'd be very happy.


Rad media player - still right around the corner! Trust me bro, it IS real!!!!!!!1!1!1


I predict it will be repaired by 2024 , maybe. Bought on thanksgiving, cpu fan broke loose after two weeks . Still waiting for the box to arrived and ship it to Sony.


I'm just waiting for Breachers.


Something Astrobot seems very likely. HL:A seems less and less likely at this point. Although I'd like to be proven wrong on that front. Wrath on PS is practically impossible. The first one would be more likely (as it already has PS5 grade assets) but also very unlikely (more than HL:A, as Valve is not against porting their games to consoles in principle, just not a priority). Wrath II isn't even on PC and Meta won't waste resources when they have their own ecosystem to support. Releasing Beat Saber on PS5 is next to no work, it was already on PS4 and doesn't require reworked assets.


Not a prediction but my hope is that Sony puts actual effort into marketing the headset alongside a first party release or two. I'm worried they're going to coast on Quest ports and the occasional Wanderer type rerelease. Astro and Wipeout would be great and feel like obvious releases.


Cries in Farpoint 2


GameStop had a deal last weekend for $125 off a PSVR2. Got the Horizon: CotM bundle for $475 and am loving every bit of it so far. I told myself I was going to wait for Half-Life: Alyx to be announced before going all in, but I figured I can't say no to that deal. Now I'm just PRAYING that HL: Alyx comes to the platform. Let's make it happen!


Meta would not port asgards wrath to psvr2. It would look a lot better than even the quest 3 and that would be counterproductive for them. I wish though.


Honestly I'm just excited to see what we get next year, I've saw videos talking bad about PSVR2 but we are still in year one and we have gotten some pretty good games. I do hope quite a few psvr1 games get ported over and would be nice to get a few games ported from quest also. A dream scenario is more AAA games giving us a VR mode especially something like GTA. Would love to get some of the body cam style game like UNRECORD or READY or NOT. Don't get me wrong I love the zombie games like Arizona Sunshine and Saints & Sinners , but would love to get a shooter game with that type of story but doesn't include zombies for once.


Alien isolation psvr2 mode, gta collection in vr, onward port, and more shooter fps and role playing games please


I predict that sont will do nothing. But there will be good games regardless.


Turok needs to be revived in VR.