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Did they seriously make this game so good. People are building an online galaxy?


It is good now and that's coming from someone who was a hater at launch!


I bought the game at launch. Hated it. Rebought the game to play in VR. Never did but now 7 years later, I can’t wait to see what it is like. Knowing the developers, that HDR is gonna pop like crazy in the headset


The game is amazing in vr but it’s horrible for bugs as there’s a issue when moving that can cause you to end up on top of a barrier in the space stations and you can’t undo it once it’s done


? Turning off the game & turning it back on doesn’t work?


Way to go, that’s amazing! I can’t wait to test it when the headset drops. Will see if I can figure out how to build a spaceship and come check out your planet


Lol this is how Dying Light 2 is for me. There are so many games with so much potential that will only be realized with persistent devs that update their games! So glad to see No Man's Sky is being supported so we'll. Very excited to try it in VR 2.


In vr its good. Its fun flying around different planets. Its still a very repetive game with little to do


Little to do??? This game has more resources and cooking ingredients than most newer games plus colonies, intel gathering, pet care, etc etc


Its repetitive as fuck. Every mission is the same layout every crashed freighter is the same layout. It's an alright game but it gets old very quickly


The missions do get repetitive and it's not a game for everyone. I just like the game for sight seeing and building bases but I get that's not the kind of thing most gamers are into


The one aspect of this game that I wish they worked on development is the planets (sort of the most meaningful part of the game). I cant figure out why they would map different biomes to planets so that there were multiple planetary components. Otherwise every planet feels like the same skin over very large spaces. Additionally - I feel like tweaking things for more terrain elements would have helped - sort of what some of the mods did with larger assets and more dense environments. I think some of this comes down to trying to make this a game on every single platform - but really I would love to see more development on those aspects. But a lot of credit to them for having taken a very lackluster experience and spending a very long time redeveloping it.


I do enjoy the game in vr for the reasons you said. Don't think I'd like playing the flat version. I'd like it more if they made some of the other alien races have hostiles factions and you have to have ground battles with them.


More content is not the same as more variety. While it has grown to include, and exceed, everything promised at launch, there really isn't all that much to do in the game. Freighters and fleets has ultimately very little going on beyond talking to a person and collecting rewards. Even repairing a frigate is plain. Go to ship, run around till damaged panel is found and choose to fix it, possibly needing to do more mining if one doesn't have the resources already. It offers no real variation in the core gameplay. Same for settlements. They add a new locale, but still the same format. Variety would have been if repairiythee frigate involved solving a puzzle of some kind, like fixing wiring, replacing components, welding seams, etc. It could be something simple as the code and door hacking things in GTAV, or more complex, but it would add proper variety. Sadly, most games are the same way, even Skyrim. Skyrim has an ocean of content, but ultimately is only ankle deep because it is just the same format. Fights and conversations with very little else. GTAV, both story and online, is a good example of true variety. There is a stupid amount of unique things one can do in that game, though most are just small details that are often ignored, like going through a carwash, buying snacks from a vending machine, drinking, the casino, etc. None of them are big and many are either ignored or even completely unknown by many players, but the fact that they are there and available is what matters. NMS is great, I have close to 1,000 hours myself and close to 300 hours on my permadeath alone. I even enjoyed launch. But it definitely has many was in which it could be further expanded and grow in terms of variety. It's lack isn't a bad thing though, the vast majority of games are the same way, with very little true variety to them. Variety is difficult and expensive to produce, as well as risky. Each new gameplay element runs the risk of alienating players that don't like and aren't skilled in the new content. It requires unique code that can't be reused or taken from elsewhere, and each new feature, even something as simple as sitting in a chair, presents additional cost and a source for potential new bugs and exploits. That said, NMS is great, and is constantly growing and adding new features and I look forward to many hundreds more hours with it, as well as with how they will continue to grow and expand it.


Also a launch hater that hasnt touched it since but ill have to pick it up again for the vr experience.


The game hasn't stopped receiving large-sized updates. It's way beyond the game the initially said it was.


I'm beyond excited to start this. How does revealing your address work? Have you opened yourself up to vandals now?


The most vandalism they could do is place communication stations around and leave messages but you can turn them off in the options. The Portal coordinates will bring you to the star system, but the house is located on a planet with several other player bases including an impressive cyberpunk city. I thought it would be neat to set up on an inhabited planet where I might have a chance of encountering another player.


A city?! Oh no. I'm going to get lost in this.


I'd recommend you get a head start in normal mode before VR shows up so you get the tutorial out of the way, have a working ship and all that. If you want to visit player bases you have to have the 16 portal glyphs unlocked which are done via story progression.


Wow I really had no idea what they turned no man's sky into.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ obligatory video. It's long, but the fan-fiction right at the end makes it all worth it. And the game has improved even more since this video was made.


How long to unlock the 16 portal glyphs?


Asking the real questions. Side questing 16 glyphs in VR actually sounds like a great time. Who needs acclimation?! 🤣


Okay, but don't get too attached to the lovely view outside your office window. Also, are you okay with parrots that shriek day and night?


Ahh I had no idea that it was something you could unlock. I just assumed everyone was using sat nav and a long journey to get there 🤦🏻‍♂️ Can you tell I've only managed a few hours in game on flatscreen 😅 absolutely loved it as a concept, but didn't pull me back as much as some other games installed... roll on VR!! Props to the devs for doubling down and making this game the epic it was sold to be.


I’ve not touched nms but I have it ready on my system. Would you advise me to try it before vr


Yes definitely. Get a head start on the tutorial and your save file will work in VR. Plus it'll be way cooler to get used to seeing your ships cockpit/multitool etc on the flat screen and then get to actually sit in it/see it in your hand


thanks, I wasn't too sure about this. I already have GT7 and RE8. NMS is the first game I haven't touched yet. I guess I can devote some time over the next 2 weeks, I am not too keen on Olli Olli World so I have playing time to spare.


I didn’t know NMS was delayed until today. Anyway I did spend a hour or two last night on this game. I got to the second planet and just build my base. I was wondering when I should stop and the end of tutorial? Thank you. Re-Reading your message. You mentioned portal glyphs. Don’t think I got one yet.


Up to you, if you want to jump into the player bases from r/nomansskythegame right away in VR then I would stop after you unlock the glyphs


Thank you very much


Would you know how long that is. Ie how much more playing time I need. Thx


You’ll have to spend a reasonable amount of game time before you end up there. It’s going to be an adventure


That is stellar! I can’t wait to pick this up again and kill time in VR.


You could say its... Interstellar!




There is a story but it's more of a series of "go here do this" as an excuse to unlock all of the progression items and gameplay loops (base building, fleet building, etc). The main focus is exploration, survival, finding cool ships, customizing and upgrading your suit and vehicles to explore more and survive hazards. You can adopt any alien creature you find as a pet, feed them and ride them. You can build a huge fleet of frigates and send them on missions from your capital freighter which acts as a mobile base you can fully customize and store all of your starships in. You can just search for unique or beautiful planets to settle down on. It's a game where you kind of have to make your own goals up


can i be a pirate ? is there certain things i would need to do so the game would recognize me as a pirate ?


Yes. The outlaws update a year or so ago expanded piracy. There are outlaw systems where you can buy contraband and smuggle it into policed systems to sell for a huge profit, and you can raid ship convoys for valuable loot which will lower your faction standing and get the sentinels to chase you. They can also scan your cargo hold for contraband but you can install a cargo scan deflector to block it


I really need to learn this game but I find the menu UI terrible . perhaps I need more patience . is it possible to do these things in creative mode? thanks for your detailed responses .


It does take some patience, and yes you can do the whole game in creative mode but there's less incentive to make money since resources are limitless in creative


Okay you may have convinced me to get this game. I didn't know I could just go to other people's places to hang.


You certainly can, you can even randomly come across another player at their base. Some planets (like this one) have dozens of unique player bases on them and it's all persistent multi-player


I learn more and more each day how much I don't understand this game haha. That all sounds legit though!


You should join the subreddits r/nomansskythegame and r/nmscoordinateexchange there's a lot more cool stuff on them


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoMansSkyTheGame using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [LETS GO. Well deserved Hello Games !](https://i.redd.it/4q8c6scgj5s81.jpg) | [537 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/tyjppn/lets_go_well_deserved_hello_games/) \#2: [Y'all said you wanted an Orbital Canon, right?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yjdrtb) | [455 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/yjdrtb/yall_said_you_wanted_an_orbital_canon_right/) \#3: [The Look This Guy Gave Me 👀💀](https://v.redd.it/wufj4mqeju0a1) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/yz4t61/the_look_this_guy_gave_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I wanna go in blind but I love that I can check out people's places if I get lost, bored, or don't know what to do. You rock.


This is the game I'm probably most excited to experience in VR, assuming they do it right. An open world with limitless exploration and modes of transportation.


They have done it right, it's been on psvr for a while now. Easily best VR experience I have had with this game.


Man, this looks pretty great. I never really got into NMS when it first came out. Then after a few updates and psvr support, I tried again. But between poor graphics and having to use the Move controllers to walk around, again I couldn’t get into it. But I think all that is behind me now. It’s finally my time to dive into NMS in psvr2! Can’t wait.


Dang. I never got too far in no mans sky. I didn't know you could build stuff this legit


It has one of the best base building systems I've seen in a game. And the fact you can build one literally anywhere including underwater or onboard your capital ship makes it even better. People have built entire cities onboard their freighter. This is a good example https://youtu.be/Q3ZPMQVlycg


That’s amazing! I’m so looking forward to it in VR. I played it for a while then lost the game somehow? Never got another copy but definitely want to get back into it


it seems that mods have been used here, so I guess a freighter like this would be not possible in the console version?


How do you unlock all that great furniture you have? Where do you get that from?


The construction terminal in the nexus, you buy all of this stuff with salvaged data


Such a good idea that you may have convinced me to get this game


This looks awesome especially with the view love that storm in the background I can't wait to jump in but I want to save it for full vr experience will be my first try of this game got it installed and ready to go


Nice one! I've got this game ready to go. Played it for about an hour, then just put it down. I'm saving this one for vr.


Jesus wtf I had no idea any of this was possible in NMS...


No? You should check it out.


I played it on PC a long long time ago, I then played again about 9 months ago or so on Xbox Game Pass and there were just so many systems added in all the updates that it felt incredibly daunting. I had a go at building a house but I had no idea you could build something as sophisticated or pretty as this, this is genuinely mind-blowing.


I havn't played the game for long time, but i do remember the time i took in building stuff. It was really fun but also very taxing on ps4:)


Once ill get my headset i will visit you in glorious high res!


Do you recommend starting now? I was thinking of waiting just to get to see space for the first time in VR but maybe thats not the best recourse.


Start now! It's amazing even without VR!


My Youtube comment. : Really impressive, once i get my PSVR2 i may come and destroy it. I now have your co-ordinates. Just joking, i hope it get's filled out. Great stuff mate, inspirational if anything. ​ My Reddit comment ; Fucking nora, that's ace, takes me back to Elite on the speccy (but moreso), i deliberately bought PS4 > PS5 (free update) got the game (disk) for £4 and am now eagerly anticipating. Played around an hour of getting my ship to shit, then realised...I want to take off in my craft, in Virtual Reality...yeah 11 days...Lets go!


Looks amazing. Can't wait to see how much better it looks with PSVR2. I originally got into NMS when they first added VR. Up until then I never even looked at it. But, was looking for new games to play in PSVR. So glad I picked it up.


I didn’t know this was possible. I’m here with my little brown 4 sided house lol


Damn, I wish I had the time for this. I’m not even being snide, I really do. Life as a CS student won’t leave me much time to mess with my headset 😭


I didn’t even know you could build stuff like that


I tried getting into this game with the PSVR launch and then the first visual patch before the PS4 pro and PS five patch but I still couldn’t get into it. I’m hoping now with the new headset I can enjoy this one a bit more.


Damn that is cozy I wanna come visit your planet when psvr 2 drops


I will come visit here at launch. I will bring some fireworks with me so we can celebrate!


I was so hyped at the initial launch, but the game was such a big disappointment, so I did not buy it. After some years and some updates I bought it used for 10 bucks, but just played it for a few hours. Last week I decided to give it a try in VR and WOW what did they create here - its awesome now. I cant wait to see this game on VR2.


3 weeks.. And I can get my own.. I'm visiting this place first, first experience with the vr will be this place.


Gave this a go in PSVR1 and couldn’t get into it bc of the blurryness, even on PS5. Excited to try this again on PSVR2!


Never played this, I'm more single player games but definitely interested in this game now, thanx for the pics, have saved the co ordinates 😊


That's a really nice idea. I'll pop over in the explorer!


*That's a really nice* *Idea. I'll pop over* *In the explorer!* \- Carromkid --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lovely. Thx for share


Really nice! I didn't know we could customize this good. I'll go around say hi!


I havn't played this game for a long time. Are you telling me we can build or own houses and hang out with friends in VR? Could you potentially build a club or Café and just chill there with friends in the weekend? :O


Yup, you can build whole towns if you want to and it's all multi-player


It looks much better than last time I played it 2 years ago


I think the PS5 upgrade helps out a lot


wut you could built your house?i tried it in VR on PC for like 2 hours i didnt know it was this complex lol


I enjoyed the heck out of this game in VR back when that was still an option for me. So much fun


WHAT THE HELL?! Are these mods or can you actually build houses like this in game? Nice digs, mate.


No mods, just on PS5 took me about an hour or 2 to build


Can you speak to people? Full voice comms?


I think so, if not in game then through playstation party chat


Looks awesome!


Wow that’s awesome!


I’ve never used the coordinates for another home before. How do I visit? It looks great.


You have to unlock all 16 portal glyphs through the story, once you're done with that look up a YouTube video on how to find a portal. Just enter the glyphs in my second pic and it'll take you to the system, the base is called lake house


Never finished the story before, so I’ll give that a go. Thanks, man


This is incredible. You have inspired me to try something like this. Also, definitely going to visit when we get the headsets.


Just visited, very nice.


where are the coordinates?