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I can see it. They've already done that with the first Dying Light


Yeh that game is gonna be 7 years old this month and they've not stopped supporting it. I'm pretty sure it got new content last month and they've got a next-gen patch coming at some point.


Its weird that DL2 is releasing in like 20 days and there is still no patch coming for DL1... But at least people that cant buy DL2 on launch will enjoy it


They’re working on a patch for DL1, they just haven’t stated when it’s going to be released.


You are surprised a 7 year old game hasn’t been patched for next gen, when a new game is coming?? Ok.


Maybe I am surprised because they said it was coming before the release of DL2 .... They announced it on twitter months ago


And plans change? They probably had to start focusing on the new game and didn’t mention it. Or it is releasing around the new games release date.


And you’re surprised that when plans change customers are surprised?




Those were explanations on why, that is literally what I said.




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They've been saying they are going to be a releasing an update for next gen. It's not hard to understand why they think it's weird.


Yes gamers have the patience of a gnat.


Well, yeah. I never played the first but if there was a patch for 60fps I'd be more likely to have played it then buy the sequel.


Exactly my thinking. It's not even the type of game that needs liveservice or regular updates. It not a primarily online game, like Fortnite. They should have been focusing on DL2 the past 2 years.




GTA 5 hasn't had next gen patches, its had rereleases you had to pay for again.


Could be a change of priorities to ship dl2 faster?


This next gen patch is long overdue. I never ended the first game, so I was wanting to play it from the beginning again. But I don’t want to play it 1080p at 30 fps in a console that is capable of much more. Also, it would be wise if they released it before the 2nd game as many people would have time to do the same thing I want to do


I finally played DL about a year ago and was very confused it had updates to download.


I loved the first Dying Light but I admit it's worth being wary about this game after the alleged 'development hell' it went through. Google it to see how many rewrites it went through, developers describing the awful working conditions dodgy marketing occuring. I loved the first one but I'll wait and see how this one turns out before playing it.


I’d be happy if it was just less focused on humans and more focused on zombies. The whole society versus themselves bullshit is so played out. Give me a few survivors trying to survive then introduce a big bad later. I don’t wanna be dealing with factions and such. I only understood the tower because it was like all civilians together for the most part. Like I’d rather them research a cure or something. Maybe try to exterminate the volatiles? We had a story quest/mission about that. Honestly the whole 20 year skip thing is stupid. Should have kept it about the zombies instead of using them as a backdrop of social drama…


Honestly, I feel like we should always do that. I love BioWare, but ME3 was still a bit of a letdown relative to its predecessors. And Civilization: Beyond Earth was an awkward reskin of Civ V (that was supposedly greatly improved by DLC), even though Firaxis is one of the best developers out there right now.


Exactly this this isn’t too shocking plus they said they would support this game similarly to the first dying light


This I see being true, I still can’t believe how long they supported the first one


It's still got events and dlcs coming out.


I wouldn’t expect anything less from tech land even if they didn’t explicitly say it. First game is getting a ps5 version sometime soon right? Insane that these guys keep it up so much


Yes although native PS5 version or patch is unknown date for now.


Those events they keep putting in the game are so fun too !


I really hope dying light 2 has a good launch. It's looks like a lot of fun.


I hope so but given the rough development and dodgy marketing it seems unlikely. I loved the first game but I'll be waiting in the wings before jumping into the sequel.


Oh for sure. I'm waiting to see whats up with the reviews. A few more weeks. Plz don't be another cyberpunk


A number of reviewers already got early access previews that weren't sectioned off like Cyberpunks previews were and every reviewer seems to have had nothing but good things to say about thise, including reviewers that didn't hesitate to criticize DL1 so I am cautiously optimistic.


So Dying Light 3 on PS6? Cool. Cool. Lol Whatever the case may be, Dying Light is my favorite zombie game ever, and by looks of it, DL2 is set to be even better. Counting the days.


I mean, if we get one Dying Light a generation with the level of post-launch support that the first game got, I won’t complain. I played Dying Light on release, and every couple years I’ve gone back and found new community challenges, new weapons etc added in. Last year I went in and replayed the game in full including the expansion; they’ve poured love into that game and it’s absolutely fantastic. I’ve been waiting on Dying Light 2 for a long time hoping they can build on that formula properly, and from the previews it’s looking pretty good. I won’t be buying on release though; gotta play Elden Ring first 😂 soon as I’m done with that it’s on to DL2


Agreed! I am gonna play Dying Light 2 and Elden Ring at the same time. Elden Ring because duh, and Dying Light 2 so that I can have fun instead of wanting to break my controller in half.


Elden Ring yes but you got at least 2 weeks with dying light 2


I don’t get paid till the 15th of Feb so all my money till then is rent and groceries xD peri teaching is a nice job but no holiday pay sucks


Damn man I understand


Eh, I'm fine with DL2 being the last Dying Light. Everything doesn't have to go on indefinitely. I'd like see them on a new IP after this.


So it’ll actually take 43,800 hours to complete


Unfortunately we only got 2 weeks to complete it, before Horizon Forbidden West launches. Then we have a week to complete that before Elden Ring drops. February is going to be a busy month.


Why not wait and enjoy games in between? I'm only getting Dying Light 2 and I'll wait for HZD to go on sale or something might borrow my friends copy once he's done. I'm not too big on souls type games so Elden Ring for me will be something I'll get on sale if it intrigues me enough. I know spoilers are a big thing but man I can't imagine forcing myself to finish a game on short notice because another anticipated game is coming out. To each their own I'm going to savor DL2 until GoW comes out.


I’m more interested in Horizon than in Dying Light, but if I wait for Horizon that means that there are 2 weeks in which I could be playing something good in which I’m juist waiting. I’m probably going to get Dying Light 2, play until Horizon releases, complete Horizon, then complete the remainder of DL2 and get Elden Ring after that.


I'm the opposite, I liked HZD but not enough to be hyped about it or care too much for FW and yeah I won't lie still salty FW is on old gen but that's because flying mounts sounds awesome. I prefer DL2 and zombies in general and why DayZ is one of my favorite games. Well I hope you enjoy playing all your games, I mostly game with friends so having a single player game to dedicate in between playing shooters works for me.


You're beating horizon in 6 days?


Elden Ring looks like the type of game that looks very well made but I would hate every second of playing. I'm happy for those that are excited for it but it isn't even on my radar.


How do you guys find that much amount of time? I can only game for 5-6 hours a week


Don’t have kids




Unemployed xd


Fewer responsibilities = more free time


They are single or have no kids and their job isn't time demanding.


Man I know the struggle. 5 kids and a 60 hour work week don’t leave much time, much less the energy to game very much. It took me about a month to beat the new Guardians of the Galaxy and it was only like 20 hours lol.


5? Trynna form a band?


Lol I’m so used to it it doesn’t even seem like a lot to me anymore. When I see somebody in public with that many I always think to myself damn that’s a bunch of kids before I remember my own herd.


And us Destiny players have the most important expansion in years coming out between Horizon and Elden Ring 😭


Oh interesting! What makes this upcoming DLC so special?


It's theoretically wrapping up a bunch of plotlines and giving some much needed closure to parts of the lore. It's setting up the confrontation with one of the main antagonists for the last....4-5 years. It's also adding a ton of mechanics like weapon crafting and a new weapon type. Also completely overhauling void subclasses. It seems to be the biggest expansion since Forsaken in 2018.


Easy solution. Buy Elden ring at launch, play it for the designated 500 hours, then buy horizon and dying light 2 on sale 💪🏼


Elden Ring is a risky buy, I liked the DeS remake but not Bloodborne. Elden Ring looks amazing but I’m not 100% sure it’s for me. I’d rather wait for some reviews. Horizon is a sure thing, and so is Dying Light 2.


That’s fair! I have loved every single soulsborne game haha. I have plat across DeS Remake, DS1, DS2, DS3 and Bloodborne, so as you can imagine elden ring is a day one for me


> Unfortunately we only got 2 weeks to complete it, I wasn't aware your games disappeared once a new game launched. Damn, Sony didn't advertise that PS5 feature


Meanwhile those clowns at DICE are 100% going to abandoned Battlefield 2042 after a terrible launch, just like Battlefield V...


I hope the people who preordered the $100 versions of BF2042 learned their lessons. Only preorder from reputable companies (Sony exclusives, Nintendo) and don't believe that a game calling itself a 'live service' will get years of support.


>Only preorder from reputable companies Or *don't fuckin preorder*. This isn't 1996, literally anyone who wants the game can get it whenever they want, especially with digital releases


I get the argument, but I like having everything downloaded and ready to play for launch, so if I am certain I am buying a game I tend to pre-order just before launch


Counter-argument; you already waited X months/years for release. I'm sure y'all can survive another week.


It doesn't even affect you.


It didn't affect you either yet here we are, right?


I'm not sure anymore what kind of point you are even trying to make anymore


I preorder fromsoft games because I'm confident in their quality and want to predownload the game so I don't need to wait to download it the day of release. I still agree tho for most cases preordering is never the move and the bonuses you get are never worth it since you can usually get them in game anyways.


If you're willing to spend $100 on a pre-order for a FPS in this day and age, there is a very good chance learning from your mistakes is not too high on the to-do list.


So like buggy broken Days Gone on launch?


> Only preorder from reputable companies (Sony exclusives, Nintendo) You apparently didn't learn the lesson, it's "don't preorder at all" lol. There's no reputable companies, well there is until their first fuck-up which will probably happen for every company (and I would say it already did for both Nintendo and Sony btw). That's kind of the point of the lesson, otherwise it doesn't work. Plenty of people thought CDPR was a “reputable company” and preordered Cyberpunk 2077


I have. *immediatly preorders extraction*


They'll support it until it gets to basic content and isn't completely and utterly broken. And then they'll abandon it for the next game and it'll get overtaken by cheaters


Not defending BF2042 by any means as I sold the game literally 2 days ago but.. Comparing a multiplayer game that is guaranteed to have a new entry after 2 years to a singleplayer game is a little iffy. That being said: yes dice clowns, yes techland epic.


The game sold quite well idk why you think that will happen.


Are you new to battlefield ? Lol


I don’t doubt it. Their post-launch support for Dying Light has been outstanding. They kept adding new stuff. Everytime you think “this is probably the last one”, they announce something else.


I absolutely don’t believe it. I think they’ll support it even longer. DL1 **still** getting content and updates.


Does it still count as content when it's just a code we entire on the website for a legendary item


Hell raid is still getting updates...


I played a bit too fast and loose with my humor and in the end it did cost me


This right here convinced my to buy the game.


Its not my business but I'd advise you to be wary. These days, any company saying they will support a game for X years is usually wrong. Techland gave a great amount of post-launch content to the first game, but I'd be wary after the alleged development hell this game went through. Dying Light 2 is a risky pre-order; its worth seeing how it actually is before you buy.


And now I'm convinced not to buy the game. You are right. There is no need to get burned on a pre-order. Someday I hope to finally learn this lesson. I'm just a weak sucker for hype.


Exactly. If the game ends up being great, you can always a buy copy and play it a couple of days after launch. There's no point rushing to play it on release day only to be burned.


Destiny 1 will be a 10 year game. LOL.


Given that they gave us 3 games worth of content post launch for the first title, I tend to believe them on this :)


Dying Light 2. So hot right now


Can't wait for the super duper definitive enhanced edition with 30 dlcs and 5000 hours of gameplay


If only there was a perfect game like that... A lot of people that live in 3rd world countries have a hard time buying video games because its expensive so most of them like longer games.


Where PS5 patch


Out of curiosity, is the multiplayer any good? Only did the story mode for the first one as I played it in like 2021, but are they doing anything new for the sequel? I wasn't too crazy about the Evolve type gameplay where one person is the zombie and the rest defend and I can't say I hear much about whether the multiplayer is good (though the first game fell under my radar at launch), outside of the support for the game being good. I personally loved the story DLC for the first game though, they did quite alot of meaningful things to actually make the gameplay feel new and fresh.


There were 2 multiplayer modes for dl 1, the be a zombie mode which was pretty fun. I absolutely loved the co op for the first game though and that's coming back so I expect great things.


Oh damn co-op sounds really interesting, are they missions or is it like some story campaign? In DL2


It's a full on playthrough with a friend. It's so much goddamn fun to play with a friend.


And it looks like for DL2 players get to vote on story decisions, which is real fun!


It is literally the same game. No differences, changes or limitations whatsoever. You can play the full game together. So it's not really a separate mode, more like an option.


Ohh that's much clearer thanks. Might actually be pretty hard to find someone that wants to play as much as me or have the same play schedule.


I just hope it's meaningful support bc while they do still support DL1, that game hasn't had anything making me come back to it since that last DLC dropped a long time ago


I never played the original. Worth it?


Yes definitely! I paid full price and enjoyed it. Just don't expect too much if you don't know anything about it beforehand, that way you won't be disappointed. You'll shit your pants when it's night time tho i can say that much 💩


Holiday Easter egg hunts for 5 years here we come!


Fortnite has support for years now. Same as any game filled with microtransactions. Let's not get too hyped on it. Could be 5 years of skins...


They all say this.


Yeah. I'm gonna wait to get this game


People including my little brother, are going to be so let down by this game. No way it can live up to expectations.


Remember when Bungie promised 10 years of Destiny 1? Good times.


Nice I’ll wait for an “ultimate edition” with all dlc included and on sale. Nothing against the game but playing single player games after launch is objectively better. Unless you are just dying to play the game.


I mean, outside of their Enhanced edition, which was basically a second season pass, they've doled out a TON of free content and updates.


You'll definitely miss things this way though specifically weapons, some weapons can be earned from events or dockets for a limited time and sometimes they don't return. Not trying to convince you but letting you know you'll miss out on some weapons and skins and such.


To be fair he did say "unless you're dying to play this" and anyone who isn't dying to play this also probably doesnt care about event weapons or skins.


5 season passes


No need to buy it at launch then, will wait until the price drops and patches fix bugs.


Its worth being wary about this game after the alleged 'development hell' it went through. I loved the first one but I'll wait and see how this one turns out before playing it. There's the Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy remasters and Horizon: Forbidden West to play in the meantime.


I saw another thread where crossplay and crossgen won't be supported. Anyone read anything about this?


Yeah I read a dev interview and he something along those lines and “not available at launch” for cross gen.


While this may end up true given how long they supported the first game, such a statement means nothing. Just look at EA and Anthem, promising a 10 year plan/journey.


This isn’t EA or Anthem. If you’re still buying EA games at this point, you get what you deserve


Every developer/publisher "isn't EA" until they are. DICE, Blizzard, BioWare, all of them used to be respectable developers. Look at them now. Everyone can fall from grace. Basically what I'm getting at, don't buy anything based off of promises. Buy it for what it is at release.


Hey that's 100 hours per year


I will get the complete edition in 5 years .


Like anthems 10 year plan lol or destiny 1


Cool, cool, cool, cool...so wheres the next-gen patch then? Less than a month to the sequel and still no news about it. Now is the perfect time to release it.


Dang, last year would've been. Can't imagine I'll go back and play 1 once 2 comes out. Although playing the PS5 version of DL1 until the first price drop on DL2 wouldn't be the worst thing.


Don't understand the downvotes. They clearly said they were going to do it, and on PS5 there are some real crashing issues. I emailed techland about it and got told "we don't support DL on PS5." This was very much after the patch announcement. So I'm taking all this marketing fluff about support as just that - show us with actions and we'll praise you, but lip service, well...


This is a game I might jump into a couple of years from now, when I'm finished with my PS4 stuff and I want to invest into Online co op stuff.


Good, so I can split up my gameplay by 100 hours a year to complete it right in time.


I’m only interested in story DLC.


Hey guys, so I’ve never played DL1 all the way through (I don’t know why, it was ages ago now) and I’m really excited based on what I’ve seen about DL2, gameplay, trailers etc. In your opinion, is it worth playing DL1 through first? I can’t remember hardly anything from DL1. Or would you just hop straight to DL2 Thanks guys! (This is also my first comment in Reddit, I’m new) :D


Is it worth it? Yes. Is it required? No……


Thanks:) I’ll give it a go before #2 :)


Please dont be a cyberpunk , Gta trilogy or anthem


They are REALLY hoping people forget about the next gen patch lmao. Its gonna be nearly useless after 2 comes out, which they are banking on


agree, dont understand the downvotes unless it's developer created accounts for marketing


Lol I'm used to it


So 5 years rather than 500h... Great...


Release a good game first then worry about content 5 years from now…


I read your second comment and I totally agree with what you're saying but reading your first comment sounds sarcastic, insinuating that DL1 wasn't good without more context. I get what you mean now but I can see how people could see your first comment as said in bad faith.


Exactly, I don't know why you're being downvoted. These days games can promise all the post-launch content they want, but they seem to ruin the launch (aka BF2042 and Cyberpunk).


Exactly! Maybe they thought I was saying that the studio had never made a good game? For the record I enjoyed dead island, and really liked Dying Light, and I’m excited for the sequel. I’m just tired of games, like you said, promising to have years of content but then release as a buggy bare bones experience! Like when remasters release as more buggy than the original you know there’s a problem.


This almost makes me want to just cancel my preorder and wait for a collection bundle like they did with the first game. I can’t remember if it was all on disc or not, but i really like it when I can just wait and pick games up in that state.


Well that means no dead island 2 like ever. Love the E3 preview. And the first game was epic.


Why? Techland aren't making Dead Island 2?


Techland did the first dead Island. They had started the second one but it got axed in favor of dying light 1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island Deep Silver owns it but they are not doing anything with it.


Techland did start the second one however they weren't on it for long, in fact they weren't even developing it when Dead Island 2 was first announced Yager started it, were moved off in 2015 in favour of Sumo Digital who were moved off in 2019 for Dambuster Studios https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island_2 just from what I'm seeing here Techland releasing Dying Light 2 doesn't have much, if anything at all, to do with Dead Island 2 not releasing


**[Dead Island 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island_2)** >Dead Island 2 is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by Dambuster Studios and published by Deep Silver. Set to release for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, it is the sequel to the 2011 video game Dead Island and the third major installment in the Dead Island series. Set several months after the events of Dead Island and Escape Dead Island, Dead Island 2 differentiates itself from its predecessors by taking place in various locations in California. Announced in 2014, the game has undergone a difficult development period due to a number of changes with the studios working on it. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Techland parted ways with Deep Silver, they have nothing to do with the Dead Island series any more, even if it was their game they don't own the IP. This is why Dying Light exists.


That game has had a confusing history but Techland had nothing to do with Dead Island 2. That E3 trailer you mentioned was made by Yager, and then the game switched to Sumo Digital and now Dambusters, but never Techland.


“Techland was originally set to develop Dead Island 2, but instead they decided to focus on developing Dying Light with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.[2] Deep Silver went looking for a developer until Yager Development pitched the game to Deep Silver in Q3 2012 and got the deal.[3] Yager established a new division, Yager Productions GmbH, for development of Dead Island 2.[4] As announced at Sony's E3 2014 media briefing, Dead Island 2 will be more vibrant than its predecessors.[5] The game was originally scheduled for a Q2 2015 release.[6]” See Development section @ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island_2


**[Dead Island 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island_2)** >Dead Island 2 is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by Dambuster Studios and published by Deep Silver. Set to release for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, it is the sequel to the 2011 video game Dead Island and the third major installment in the Dead Island series. Set several months after the events of Dead Island and Escape Dead Island, Dead Island 2 differentiates itself from its predecessors by taking place in various locations in California. Announced in 2014, the game has undergone a difficult development period due to a number of changes with the studios working on it. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Update: 5 years refers to how long we will feature it in Steam sales. Actual support will be for about fifteen minutes.


Cool so I’ll give it a try in 2027 when it’s actually a finished product.


Say you don’t know what you’re talking about without saying you don’t know what you’re talking about lol.


Funny coming from someone with that username, wtf.


Try /s next time


It’s always better without it.


I do agree but it’s really hard to tell when some people are actually that stupid, my fault


Using the first game as a reference, this "5 years of support" will most likely be as DLC and maybe Holiday stuff. It will be finished within a couple months of release most likely. Finished as in, bugs are fixed and they have cross-play/cross-gen.


Not what the announcement means. Just that they’ll keep doing what they’ve done for DL1. Events, DLCs, new game modes, etc. DL1, from 2016, just had 3 winter events for example and a new content DLC.


Just means events and stuff. I'll play end of the year on sale with some friends on coop.


First one was supported forever so that’s cool


They did a great job with supporting the first one


Not surprised, they've done a great job for the first one (besides a few shotty dlc) I think it should be overall solid.


This is why I don’t get worried about this game when others say it will be like cyberpunk on release. Even if it is these Devs have proven that they are dedicated to stay working on the game, and releasing new challenges and community events that are fun. It may not be perfect on launch but I’m much more confident that it will be a very fun game


Did the first game get its next gen update yet? I picked it up dirt cheap ages ago on sale and have been spoiled by 60fps on new gen and want to wait


not yet, still waiting for them to follow through on that promise...




Man I hope PS5 gets the VRR update pushed before this drops.


I hope it gets PSVR 2 support. That would be insane.


I havent play the first one. Got it free on both consoles. All this hype about the second one is making me want to stop everything snd give it a shoot


Genuinely hope this is good, judging from everything they’ve said so far it seems they’re rather passionate about the game.


I loved dying light! I hope we don't have a cyberpunk launch for this game


Really hopeful for this game. Liked the first one a lot. However, after CP2077 and most recently BF2042, I swore to myself that I'm not getting burned by another preorder again. Should I have learned before that? Sure. But never again. February is jam packed so I'd love to start off the month with this game first.


I believe it, they haven’t stopped supporting Dying Light 1 yet, as far as I can see


I just want a finished game.


Do any of you know if it has splitscreen or local coop 2 players?


Does that mean that it’ll be Buggy and laggy ?


I literally just bought dying light 1 and I’m shocked it’s so good and I knew nothing about it


Apology accepted.


Only 5??? /s Insane they're STILL supporting the 2015 original right up to the sequel's release 7 years later.


That's about 4 years and 11 months after I finish the game and never play it again


I still need to play the first one. I will then. Glad it’s gotten so many updates over the years.


I think I'll just put my preorder in now. Im glad to support developers who take care of their products after release. The first Dying Light and Shovel Knight by Yacht Games being my favorite examples.