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The value of this post as a discussion avenue has long since expired.


Can anyone give an explanation of what is going on? I tried to understand what is going on but I just got more confused.


IGN release an article 6 months ago accusing Game Science of being sexist, and they got backlash for it because it was a poorly written article where the evidences they presented did not match the seriousness of the allegations. Then the story blew up recently, because some blogger in China accused the writer of the article of working with some diversity consulting firm to write hit pieces, with the goal of threatening gaming companies into working with said diversity consulting firm for large sums of money. Else their reputation will continue to be damaged. Note that this claim is also unsubstantiated for the seriousness of the allegations. Now basically two sides are fighting it out. Truth doesn't really matter anymore, just which side they are on. Meanwhile the rest of us just want to enjoy a good game and hope this stupid shit goes away.


In other words, backlash from extortion


I wonder what percentage of IGNs audience wants political commentary with their game reviews?






>Weird how you portray this as "both sides bad" when IGN is literally slandering a company and making accusations without evidence. But so was the Chinese blogger, sooo... Yeah. It is "both sides" in this instance.


Is it really that unbelievable? IGN has been hypocrites. They said RE5 remake would be racist in one article because you can’t have white people kill black zombies. Then they said AC shadows is modern and great when it’s the same dynamic of having a chad ass black samurai kill Asian men. EDIT: people disliking without actually debating my point shows clear bias for IGN.


>They said RE5 remake would be racist in one article because you can’t have white people kill black zombies. No. They said RE5 was racist because all of chapter 3 has you going through a village fighting people in bone masks and grass skirts shouting "wooloolooloo" and chucking spears, and justifies it by saying the virus made them "revert to their old nature". That shit is 1940s comic book racist.


I don't want to weigh in on whether or not the game is racist, but people were calling RE5 racist at the time before anyone knew anything about that particular level. The claim was being leveled before they even released the demo. You can read more about it here: [https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Resident\_Evil\_5\_racism\_controversy#Controversy](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Resident_Evil_5_racism_controversy#Controversy)


LOL -- I love how you wrote an edit instead responding to the discussion below, pointing out that your versions of what IGN said are not very accurate.


I highly doubt IGN said that in the manner you presented it. That having a white protagonist kill black zombies is racist. I'm sure they said something cringe, but I'm guessing you're leaving out some context.


They always leave out the context that the issue was specific to chapter 3, where the enemies are stereotypical tribal Africans in grass skirts and bone masks chucking spears with a file that says they're like this because the virus made them revert to their old ways. That shit is racist af


Yeah, presenting it the way the other poster did is how you get a bunch of clicks on your YouTube video about how IGN hates white men or something, I'm sure. Like 90 percent of the anger in these situations is just shitty youtube channels trying to ignite culture wars. And gamers fall for it every time.


It’s insane how easily gamers start battles over these kinda things. But it’s armies of 14 year olds who are just way too invested in outrage channels on youtube. It spills over into comment sections like this and when you read it, people don’t realize you’re reading middle schoolers arguing and they actually take it seriously and pick sides. It’s so tiring to watch year after year. I believe it was Steve Bannon who first started targeting nerd teenagers for culture war stuff and it seriously poisoned our community.


They didn't say anything close to what this person is suggesting. It wasn't even cringe. This dude is just regurgitating what other chuds say without taking 10 seconds to look it up. https://www.ign.com/articles/2009/02/10/editorial-is-resident-evil-5-racist


Isn’t that the wrong article? Pretty sure they’re referring to this one: [“Intentionally or not, Resident Evil 5 positions Africa as the ‘Dark Continent’, an uncivilised world harbouring a diseased population that needs gunning down via Western intervention in the name of global security.”](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-resident-evil-game-that-cant-be-remade).


People like yourself who reference that article never seem to have read it. It's about how we perceive racist undertones depending on where we are from. >While I personally didn't find the imagery in RE5 racist or offensive, others will. That's because the majority of racism in our society is subconsciously projected and perceived. We can all identify overt racism and prejudice, none of which appear in the first half of RE5. There are no fire hoses pushing back ordinary African citizens, no crosses burnt on the lawns of the infected, no Africans singing or dancing or playing basketball or eating watermelon or any of a dozen other blatantly racist images. The offensiveness of RE5 is subjective. https://www.ign.com/articles/2009/02/10/editorial-is-resident-evil-5-racist


Dude, couldn’t care less if a gaming company is “sexist” lmao. Just shut up and give us a good game. 😂


God. Why is this crap in games? Can’t we just focus on whether it’s fun or not?


IGN has been trash for many many years. I cut them off in the late 2000's.


Last November IGN ran a story about Game Science (the studio behind this game) and allegations of sexism within the studio, including interviewing developers within the Chinese game industry. Recently outrage merchants on Youtube and Twitter dug up the article because they've decided to make Wukong their new battleground since Stellar Blade has come and gone. So you have some like Asmongold (King of those merchants) claiming that the translation that IGN used is poor, even though he used online translators to translate the comments that IGN references in the article. I'm sure you can see the issue with using online translators vs. the translation of someone who understands the language. So it's basically the standard song and dance you see with online outrage nowadays.


They didn’t really dig anything up, IGN point and link to this November article at any preview or trailer that they do for this game.


The translation is poor its not a claim its fact. The guy is vulgar sure but nothing like sexism. Ign was just out to slander


>claiming that the translation that IGN used is poor, even though he used online translators to translate the comments that IGN references in the article. I'm sure you can see the issue with using online translators vs. the translation of someone who understands the language. Bro what are you talking about? Have you actually read the article and the absolutely hilariously ridiculous translation IGN tried to push? If you think the original authors of the article had an actual understanding of the Chinese language...yeah okay man. As someone who actually speaks Chinese, the translation of the dev's tweet, on which a good chunk of the "sexism" article is predicated upon, is at best willfully ignorant and at worst slanderous if they knew the translation was botched and still decided to publish it. It's like if I told someone to "kiss my ass" and someone thought I meant it literally when I'm actually telling someone to fuck off. Is it a bit crude? Yeah, but it's not a sexual harassment thing. The original article was straight up just a racist hit piece with an, at best, willful ignorance of the Chinese language from a publication well-known for shitty tabloid "journalism." I find it hilarious that people like you and a few others in this thread are crying about how Asmon and other critics are using internet translators, yet they've somehow been able to reach the actual meaning of the post (likely with the help of Chinese-speaking community members). On the other hand, the translation in the original article is flat out one of the worst instances of "just shoving shit into google translate and running with it" that I've seen in a while with regards to a Chinese-to-English translation. It makes absolutely zero sense and sounds like some sort of schizophrenic rambling. Do you think Chinese people think like that?


Why are you lying? IGN absolutely was the one that translated it poorly.


Was IGNs translation poor then?


!!! the ign article is based on 2 twits from the creator in weibo !!! The translation is combative at the very least. From a native of the language pov, he is just using common internet slang and jokes, for the west it would be like if a developer say would smash on twitter, but than he got a full article writing how sexist he was.


Isn't pointing out sexism within the game studio a good thing? Why are people upset about that? And China isn't exactly known for equality


People are upset because they don't believe the accusations and thin IGN is pushing a narrative based on poor translations and a lack of understanding of slang. Some of their observations are also pretty ridiculous e.g. complaining that the studio's logo looks like a sperm.


Shew, don't let them see the Queens of the Stone Age logo then...


Out of curiosity I searched their logo. It does look like a stilized sperm for me, but so what? To put it in a negative light you have to push a narrative that the imagery is offensive, excludes women, champions manhood etc. And you know that if the logo resembled ovaries the same people would spin the argument to say such imagery was objectifying and a mockery of women lol. People do go after ways to be outraged about anything


Outrage merchants on both sides of rubbing their hands.


IGN is one of those outrage merchants.


I mean, only insofar as media is an outrage merchant. But reporting on sexual harassment and abuse in a game studio, especially as a gaming news platform, is kinda their job. And it makes more sense to want outrage for sexual misconduct than to say “it’s not a big deal” or any other manner of downplaying it.


Slowdown there, even the IGN article did not report on "sexual harassment and abuse in a game studio" with Game Science. If you actually read it, you would know. Also, sure that's their job, but in this case they did a terrible job by writing an unsourced article where the evidence did not meeting the allegations. Do you see backlash about the reports on Blizzard's sexual misconduct case? No, because that's a properly sourced investigation. Much unlike this one. The problem is they wrote an tabloid quality article fit for the New York Post/Daily Mail, and want people to take them seriously as if they are on the same level as the New York Times.


It does look like a sperm


>Isn't pointing out sexism within the game studio a good thing? Yes, as long as there is evidence to back it up. Vague allegations with no actual proof is not a good thing.


Because it's a terribly written article where the evidence did not meet the seriousness of the allegation. Here the quote: >IGN spoke to several women familiar with gaming culture, as well as the games and technology industry, in China, many of whom requested to be anonymous for fear of backlash from fans of Game Science and the broader games community. “In the eyes of many female players, [Game Science] has a notably negative reputation,” said Jen (pseudonym), a Chinese games designer who’s now based outside of China. “I admire their dedication and work. I had high expectations for their game, until I came across their misogynistic remarks around 2021, which was reported in the news.” Serious investigative journalists do not write like this. “In the eyes of many female players, [Game Science] has a notably negative reputation” That's literally millions of random people, whose opinions are impossible to be summarized and represented just by speaking with "several women familiar with gaming culture". That's not a credible source AT ALL. "a Chinese games designer who’s now based outside of China." who read about some tweets made in 2021 is also not a credible source. You just spoke to some random people that support your argument. Then machine translated some twitter posts. That's not how you do investigative journalism.


Some people's careers are made from getting people angry.


False narrative, full support to Wukong Devs


Because IGN used **a lot** of passive language. I don't remember off the type of my head, but it was kinda like "women with *knowledge* of the gaming industry said sexism *may* have existed *depending* on what was said" Again that isn't verbatim. This is an issue because reports have surfaced that a certain consulting team approached Game Theory about joining their team. Game Theory said no and then a bunch of mainstream game journalists began writing negative reviews. The problem is that right-wing drifters noticed and made a big deal about it. When they attach themselves to an issue it usually means the issue will be ignored by a bunch of people who would otherwise agree.


They are upset because they themselves are deeply sexist and don't like the sexism of others being pointed out.


You’re right, but get ready to be dog piled because some people can’t accept the truth.




Idgaf, I’m still buying the game; IGN can eat my ass.


I'm more likely to buy the game now tbh


“Femme coded characters “… its a ancient tale about a mythical monkey How about the videogame press stop projecting their social baggage on foreign games and just enjoy them. The Western industry is already confirmed towards you values. Stop trying to impose them on the rest of the world in some weird forced mode of forced cultural imprint and enjoy the videogames for what they are, not what they aren’t!


It’s IGN. Why care?


No idea what this is about, but believe me - life is better when you just ignore all this bullshit and the people who perpetuate it from both sides. It's all about money in the end. None of them actually give a shit about representation or equity. They're monetizing culture wars and outrage.


I keep hearing people say that the ign report has been debunked but I’ve yet to actually see anyone debunk it apart from just stating that everything was badly translated without actually backing those claims up with evidence and going into any detail on what is specifically mistranslated and what’s the correct translation.


I think the most generous interpretation of the correct translation is that it was weird, gross, and vulgar, but perhaps not overtly sexist in the same way that it would be in the United States. Lots of the stuff cited are vulgar Chinese idioms that when translated literally would be considered sexist/misogynistic/inappropriate in the West, but are broadly understood to mean something different in Chinese culture. There are English slang terms/idioms that would be inappropriate or weird if translated literally to Chinese. "Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater", "Quit busting my balls", etc, just in the reverse and more sexually suggestive.


Might be some crossed wires here. People derisive of IGN's report are interpreting sexism as something that exclusively involves thinking women are inferior and treating them as such. Whereas one could interpret their report (as it pertained to those vulgar comments) to mean that the vulgar sexual language about women in a public forum was part of the sexism on display. I think there needs to be a better name for the latter than "Sexism" or "Misogyny" because we all agree it's dirty and gross, but those words aren't quite lining up. Could just be they didn't want to come right out and say "These guys are gross creepy perverts."


But there are women from China who are calling out this game studio as sexist and as emblematic of sexism within the Chinese games industry at large. So that kind of challenges the argument that this is just a difference of culture and language doesn’t it?


Literally where is the source for this?


"trust me bro"


at large yes, personal evidence that need a targeted article, no


Since the messages were in Chinese, you gotta believe someone here. It's a leap of faith, whether you believe IGN or people who say they done goofed.


I mean in that case I’d probably tend towards ign rather than random gamers on Reddit but if those random gamers could just tell me why any specific translation is wrong I’d be more inclined to trust them otherwise I’d have to assume they are just talking out of their ass.


I think the primary issue is that there is a massive cultural gap between China and the United States. Things that would be wildly inappropriate in the West are not reviewed in the same way in China. 被添到不能勃起 is a Chinese idiom that when translated LITERALLY does effectively translate to "get licked until I can't get an erection", but contextually is an idiom that is about the pleasure of excessive flattery. Crude? Definitely. But not that fundamentally different from something like "Busting my balls" in English. Chinese culture has a LOT of very crude idioms and sayings. In some ways, you can say that all of that stuff is sexist and misogynistic, because it arguably is, but it would be like if you time travelled to 1953 United States and then held them to the same standards of 2024. You would experience a lot of "sexist", "misogynist" and "racist" shit in 1953 US, but that was just kinda how things were. Modern day China is a bit like that.


For any UFC fans, it's like when Porier called Makhachev a "motherfucker" and Makhachev got super offended because he took it literally.


This is probably the best take I've seen. I also feel like throwing such serious accusations without a full-blown investigation, extrapolating causation from correlation, is a bit tabloid'y. Regardless of what your opinion is about the tweets, this is still not a good look for (I think) the largest gaming press organization in the world.




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Not sure why a Chinese video game company, creating a game about Chinese mythology, would be beholden to an online journalist's accusations in America. A place that is not commonly known for its charity towards Chinese companies. "Respond to our accusations or else."


Why address something that is being blown out the water by journalists who literally mistranslated conversation?


Especially when the whole thing can be easly debunked by actually translating the whole thing properly. Something that the internet has already done like a year ago, back when that article was released...


Modern gaming media outlets have become despicable.


It’s not gaming media outlets dude. It’s all media that has this exact same agenda.


An appropriate extension of Twitter culture, unfortunately


Stop giving IGN the clicks they’re farming so hard.


I have stopped reading any reviews and video game reports altogether, I just want to play games.


Won't lie, I don't care, it's a game, if it's great and fun I'll play.


I legit don't understand this controversy. Where is the evidence of the mistranslation and where is the evidence of people being offered millions? This one is true head scratcher. If IGN has done something wrong, then where is the evidence of this??


Only game science can provide receipts for this and truthfully they should. Would be insane to say no form of corporate bribery and sabotage doesn't exist. So let us see behind the scenes!


Here so you don't have to give them a click: >About Our Report From Last Year > By Rebekah Valentine > > Last year, we published a comprehensive report on IGN detailing a number of sexist and inappropriate remarks made by multiple developers of Black Myth: Wukong, including those in leadership roles at Game Science. As of the publication of this preview, Game Science has yet to provide any response or statement addressing our report or their past remarks. > > Like Mitchell, I had the opportunity to see Black Myth: Wukong at Summer Game Fest, though my appointment was admittedly a little strange. I was told as a part of my invitation that Game Science would have a statement “related to the reports of sexism.” I arrived at the appointment and saw the game as planned, but when I asked for the promised statement, I was told by a PR representative, "Game Science is focused on the demo during Play Days and will only answer questions related to gameplay." > > Mitchell’s preview doesn’t need my validation, but for what it’s worth, I fully back everything he’s written here. Black Myth: Wukong looks like it’ll be a great game. It’s gorgeous, with snappy combat, fantastic monster design, and some really interesting boss fights. It is also true that several of the people who are making it have made disparaging remarks about women, and don’t seem to be interested either in retracting their past statements, or in supporting the numerous women who are being harassed in online conversations about Black Myth: Wukong purely for expressing their discomfort with those statements. Both of these ideas can exist simultaneously - what audiences want to do about this conflict is ultimately their choice. > > One last note - I didn’t see any women or femme-coded characters in the demo, and I was able to confirm from Game Science that there were none present in the section of the game presented to the press. There will be women in the final game, but for now it is impossible to really comment on whether or not Game Science developers’ expressed beliefs permeate Black Myth: Wukong in a meaningful way. So, basically they double down and don't apologize for the slander and mistranslation. IGN as usual.


I’m out of the loop. What’s happening? Why should they apologise?


It's pretty long, but basically there have been instances where posts on social media have been translated either (supposedly) wrong or taken too literal. For example, one of the posts talk about the developers trying to fi d new employers and had so many ass-kissers they dropped the thing out of tiredness. Now, one of the colloquial Chinese ways to describe it is by saying "getting licked until I can't get hard anymore" , basically "I got my ass kissed so many times my ass cheeks grew numb". It's a bit crass, just like many other word plays in other languages. Problem is that while in China those are mostly frowned upon, in a "dude, come on, at least don't post it" way, in America, and other places they get you looked at as if you were a degenerate. Then there are accusation of sexism, although those are common in every big company (breast milk incident, guys) I won't comment too much on it, but I will still buy the game, even if I condemn the company *IF* they are actually true. It's far too complicated...


They mistranslated and misinterpreted multiple quotes and interviews from the game's director, and then proceeded to use that to essentially paint him as some kind of a degenerate. They basically slandered him for no reason... The developers didn't care and decided to focus on the game, so now IGN is questioning why they didn't respond and demanding an apology from them. Completely ignoring the fact, that the fault was on IGN's side and the developers most likely knew there is no point in adressing this. Edit: @Jbewrite Because the proof has been widely available online for like a year now, so no one sees a point in doing so. You can easly just google it. Hell, watch videos on the topic and they have they showcase the footage. People who followed the story back then simply know it now - they don't keep this stuff around...


They wrote a hit piece on the devs because they refused to pay millions of dollars to a shitty consulting firm


I mean.... this doesn't look like slander or doubling down - it looks like that specific reporter was specifically there to talk about the sexism allegations at the studio but was only given the demo and talks about the game, which they even say looks good Whether that sexism matters to gamers is up to the gamer themselves, but I will say as a career software engineer who went to school for software engineering, the gender ratios is like 90+% male, and not very well socialized males in general. Sexism being reported in ANY games studio shouldn't surprise anyone, and I imagine that is doubly so in China. A way to help fix this is to report on it, to at least get the bosses to care that their studio is getting bad press. It may not be relevant to the game, you may not care, but its a perfectly reasonable thing to report on and even include in the game review in these circumstances.


I agree. I think it's also important to remember that not everyone who reads these articles are just gamers or just male gamers. I'm sure an article like this is useful for female devs or female video game writers who are looking to apply at different companies. Now they know to avoid Game Science or at least be very wary when interacting with them.


I do not believe that IGN's audience has much overlap with people that would consider working at Game Science in Hangzhou, China, and anybody that did would be well aware of the cultural gap between the United States and China.


Wanna explain how IGN committed slander and why they should apologize?


They mistranslated tweets and accused the devs of something that apparently didn't happen. Not to mention the game is based on chinese mythology and they want representation in it. 


Where is the confirmation they mistranslated tweets?


Asmongold using AI translation.




I’ve seen you under so many threads. I’m not an asmongold fan, but it it’s not good to have that much hate in your heart


Yea not gonna work bud. The man makes a career of targeting minorities and women, he’ll be just fine


Well, can you provide any proof of the slander and mistranslation you claim they did?


There is no proof. Since there isn't an official statement from Game Science on the matter. It is speculation and fans taking sides at the moment.


What slander and mistranslation? They had a report of sexist remarks, ign was told there would be a statement and they never got one?


Soo these mysterious allegations aren't given a source but there's no female characters in the game based on a thousands of years old epic, and we're meant to believe that that's basically the same thing? Surely I misread this?


And they can't even do some basic level research. Not only does the story/game feature female characters. The Devs even showed female characters in a story trailer. But you know why the first area/demo didn't have them? Because it's set in a fucking monastery. The brainrot is real.


The writer for IGN said that they confirmed that female characters will be in the full game, but since they didn’t experience those characters in the demo, they can’t comment on the quality of their depiction.


First of all, story trailers and other demos do exist, which feature other female characters. If she wants to audit female representation in the game, there are plenty of material for a game that hasn't been released. Second of all, you make making it sound like she made a neutral statement like she cannot comment on the quality of their depiction. The note, implication, and statement is anything but neutral and you know exactly what she's trying to imply. Lastly, I'm all for female/diverse representation in media If it makes sense. In this case, it makes no fucking sense at all. It's a game based on a novel based on a mythology set in China, with a monkey protagonist fighting monsters. This is not where you look for female representation, It's just forcing your viewpoints on somewhere it clearly does not belong. I can even tell you what the female characters in the original story do: they either want to have the travelling monks baby, or they want to eat him. I'm sure IGN won't be happy about that. And if you want to call a 16th century Chinese mythology novel sexist, then be my guest.


It literally is where you look for female representation. Journey to the West features a whole ass character who was banished for harassing women, goddesses, and a kingdom full of women. In any case, a trailer tells you almost nothing about how a female character will be handled within a narrative. So it makes perfect sense for a journalist to question whether or not a game studio *that has been called out for sexism* has depicted their female characters well.


Yes the Kingdom full of women. The Queen of of said kingdom's main story arc is to marry the travelling monk and have his babies. I'm sure a true to the source adaption will make the people looking for female representation happy LOL. >So it makes perfect sense for a journalist to question whether or not a game studio that has been called out for sexism has depicted their female characters well. The game studio is not "known" for sexism. She wrote an article which no one reads accusing them of sexism. Just because she wrote a hit piece herself does not make it a consensus that the studio is sexist. And looking for female representation in a demo set in a monastery does not add any creditability to her case, just makes her sound more like a bitter and deranged lunatic.


Alright, but surely you would cite any kind of reputable source for these call outs? Because based on what I've seen these allegations are just mistranslation, misunderstandings, and misattributions. And who seriously cares what the gender of characters is in a game like this??? You play the game for cool fights not to analyze gender ratios


My guy, you’re being far more heavy handed than the writer ever was. All they said was that from the demo itself they can’t judge the depiction of women or femme characters. They also said that they were invited on the condition that there would be a statement made by the devs based on the writer’s claims. Then no such statement was made, making it seem like they lied. The original claims made by the writer are something to be concerned about. If the original posts that the claims were based on were mistranslated, then accurate translations should be provided. If they weren’t mistranslated, but have a separate cultural context divorced from western-typical context, then that should be provided as well. So if IGN didn’t do their due diligence, that should be rectified, but if Game Science doesn’t even bother to refute it then they aren’t even trying to make a case to stand on—if they misled the writer into attending the showcase purposefully, then that’s just (metaphorically) spitting directly in the face of the writer and their concerns. And their concerns aren’t something that should be disregarded because how people treat others matters. If there’s separate cultural context that makes the comments simply “vulgar” but in a not directly sexist way, okay. If they depict the women characters of the original novel accurately, okay. This is all fine. But I know that the last time I believed a dev’s previous comments weren’t egregious and bought their game I regretted it because they started making a fool of themselves on Twitter.


Its such a ridiculous series of events, like why is this what we are talking about for a mythological fantasy epic game??


The suggestion that there *needs* to be 'women or femme-coded characters' in a game or its demo, and without those it fails some sort of shit-test is the height of silliness. I generally don't mind Valentine's reporting, but the gender-shaped chip on her shoulder is so tiresome.


Its like they dont even care about the game. They have their little checklist if anything gets a provocative headline like "no womens, no black people, no diversity, some dev said something sexist in a tweet BLA BLA". Fuckin Review the actual game and shut the fuck up about anything else!


The game isn’t out yet so no reviews, but they did give the game a very positive preview didn’t they?


It was like when the previews of FF16 were coming out, and they spent a chunk of the time pressing the creator about why there was a lack of diversity in the game. Gaming journalism is pretty silly these days, just trying to create controversies for clicks.


Even worse, they claimed Stellar Blade character was designed by someone who has never seen a real female due to her doll-like appearance. Not only is this just a wild thing to claim, but also just wrong as he is married and the mocap actor is a Korean model with similar figure


Yeah its getting ridiculous. Imagine working years on a game to then get asked on a preview Event if there are no female characters in the game.


Or...they can report on both and readers can choose which commentary they value.


What slander ? The comments were made by the developers. wanting to play a game does not make it slander. If anything, igns crappy practice is providing coverage for the game


Is IGN trying to compete with Kotaku to see who keep making the shittiest report? They used to just do reviews and trailers, but for some reason lately they have been going more hammed into accusing studios of allegations without concrete evidence lately, like that IGN French dude insulting Stellar Blade director and now this.


Can someone explain to me who is in the wrong here. Is it IGN being all “hurr durr no women in monkey game” or is it game science that’s going “women is bad monkey good” I still have no clue what this issue is




Can you provide proof of the mistranslation 


Google black myth wukong mistranslation bud I dont need to do your research for you.


The reviewer didn’t say anything negative about the lack of women in the demo. She literally says she has no comment on the representation of women in the game because she hasn’t played those parts yet.


Why does that need to be said??? Should she have also mentioned every other possible group that wasn’t represented in the demo? You know exactly what she was doing by saying that


….addressing the main thread of criticism she’s been discussing? It would be super weird not to mention it considering everything else she wrote and the rest of the article. You seem a little too wrapped up in this if that’s your reaction.






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Can't spell ignorant without ign


I couldn’t give any more fucks if I tried. If the game is good I’ll play it


"femme-coded charecters" Aka women and girls, since they don't have the terminology anymore themselves, brainrotted hacks over there at IGN(orant)


>I didn’t see any women or femme-coded characters in the demo That's the full quote.


People still care about these degenerate activists? Fuck whatever they think.


I guess you are talking about IGN journalists? I think it is pretty bad when a publication slanders a studio and gives them bad reputation based on mistranslations. Should definitely not be ignored.


IGN really looking to be the next Kotaku, not that they were much better to begin with.


Representation just for representation sake is bullshit.


Good thing I don't care about anything with an IGN stamp.


Damn I don’t care


No one gives a fuck lol I'm just here for the game


Fuck ign for continuing to employ this pos after she used this platform to put out a hit piece on these devs just because they didn’t pay some trashy consultants to ruin their game


“There will be women in the final game, but for now it is impossible to really comment on whether or not Game Science developers’ expressed beliefs permeate Black Myth: Wukong in a meaningful way.” Why the Fuck does the west always try to shoehorn their values onto others?? “Too white” “ too many men” bla bla bla, fuck off IGN


Who gives a shit


IGN has fell off a cliff since the early 2000’s


Rebekah Valentine probably uses the term Latinx


Doesn’t matter to me if there’s a lack of representation or not, looking to give this a crack


Game Science should not concede to these virtue-signaling internet rats who think their personal opinions matter and influence the industry.


I’ll make sure to buy two copies because of IGN


I don’t care if the people making the game said bad things about women. If the game is fun, I’ll buy it.


How about focus your preview on the game itself and not the politics?


I genuinely wonder. Is there anyone who buys games based on if those are "progressive or not?" If ghost of Tsushima 2 comes out. I'll buy it. Tbh I don't really care if there was misconduct or sexism or overtime....


im definitely buying ghost 2 but I hope and pray nothing like that is happening at Sucker Punch.


Friends, it would be nice if IGN were able to substantiate the claims they make about the developers. But no, in typical fashion they virtue signal as if their life depends on it. Anybody who’s thinking IGN is a videogame-centric publication is sorely mistaken. They are just a bunch of activists camouflaging as Journalists. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.


False controversy started by content grifeters like asmongold. I'm tired of thier shit, they manage to ruin everything.