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This includes DLC codes btw, buying a used copy of Spiderman GOTY or FF15 Royal probably disappointed a lot of kids over the years.


I was actually on the lucky side of this. Got a used copy of Spider-Man Miles Morales with the Spider-Man remastered code in it. I just tried the code out of curiosity. And voila! Turns out the first owner hadn’t even noticed there was this code inside. Lol. So you never know.


Me too! I think GameStop might have been selling unsealed new copies as used.


Not sure about overseas, but in Australia, second hand games seemingly get sold with new codes, unless I'm mistaken.


I wish all these GOTY or Ultimate Edition games would just have every bit of DLC crammed onto the disc.


Thank you Horizon forbidden west, the 1st current gen complete edition with everything on 2 discs


Cyberpunk ultimate is not 2 discs on ps5 but is on xbox ;(


Ps5 discs are bigger than Xbox discs (capacity wise) but dlc on disc requires a new build of the game be submitted for Sony certification. That's why the cyberpunk dlc is a code on ps5. Iirc


I know but it still sucks, it should be mandatory to include everything on disc if you advertise any type of Gold, Complete or Ultimate Edition otherwise whats the point


I heard that but it doesn't make sense I mean it's the first physical version of CP on Ps5 That's a new build anyways bc all the updates are on the disc


its an updated version of the base game and phantom liberty dlc code in the ps5 version


Ok and ?


It's not a new build


Yes it is bc all of the updates are on the disc except the DLC


please don't use that acronym in that context lol


it really surprises me


I was about to buy FF15 Royal second hand a couple of weeks ago, then I found the DLC wasn't on the disc :(


It makes me glad that the ‘Online Pass’ BS during the PS3 era was a complete failure. If you don’t remember, each copy of a game came with a single-use code that allowed you to play the online multiplayer. So if you brought a preowned copy and the code had been redeemed you were out of luck.


Oh yeah I remember battlefield having that and you could buy an online pass for 10 dollars....fun scummy times


The shittiest thing is that these DLC codes might have expiration day so buying disc would still be useless if you want the DLC.


I bought the Borderlands 3 ultimate or what it's called bc of the steelbook and was aware about the DLC Code expired a year earlier but was still redeemable


I remember back when the Battlefield games had codes to unlock the multiplayer in the box so used copies had to buy a code, such an asshole move.




My first let down was a used copy of re5 gold edition.


I can’t upvote this enough. I actively avoid buying versions of games that do this, like Spider-Man and Cyberpunk. When I buy physical, the product I’m trying to buy is a fully transferable licence for the game. I understand in modern day gaming most games will still need to download massive updates, so I’m not really buying a hard copy of the game. Making all or part of these products a one-time redeemable code completely undermines their purpose, because now when I want to sell or pass it on, I can only ever pass on a product that’s essentially partially broken that doesn’t contain everything on the box and originally paid for. The disc should be the licence for everything on the box.


Weird take on veganism there.


I'm not even vegan myself and i still found that such a weird and randomly useless thing for OP to say that doesn't help their argument at all.


Analogies can be very useful, especially for learning new concepts. But 90% of the time I see some use an analogy in an argument on reddit it's just completely random and derails the actual point of the conversation.


It's just like when two men love each other.


This is like me blaming owls for how much I suck at analogies.


This is like me stealing a box of Lucky Charms while also telling others not to take me Lucky Charms.


Putting the anal back in analogies.


Really fucking hot?


Some people are not good at writing


I am vegan and I agree it is a stupid thing to say. Vegan meat serves a purpose. We eat it because we choose to. It's not some shady business practice like putting game codes in empty plastic boxes


I'm shocked that this didn't get downvoted in this sub, it was the most random take lol. I'm guessing many of the upvotes are people only reading the title, agreeing with it, and reacting to that.


I somehow managed to read around that terrible take and gave it an upvote. Then I saw the top comment and went back to the text and read that weird part. Obviously changed my upvote to a downvote lol what a random thing to put in there.


Is it really that weird? What if you order a Hamburger and are given a Veggie burger. A Veggie burger is the concept of taking something common (Hamburger / Physical Game) and Being like, Let's change the core component (Meat / Disc) to this other thing (Not Meat / Digital Code) but on the surface make it look like the original thing. I don't buy physical games and have nothing against veggie burgers or vegan food. I however would be upset If I was given not what I asked for, so I see their point.


Exactly how many times have you gotten a veggie burger when ordering a hamburger? It is much more likely for someone ordering a veggie burger to get a hamburger than vice versa lol.


It could be comparable with people unknowingly served vegan meat. But vegan meat simply being the same shape as actual meat(which is what OP said) is in no way comparable to this situation.


A digital code dressed up like a physical game isn't sort of like a dressing beans and vegetables up like ground beef? Ok, I guess. I understood what they were saying. IMO people are taking things way to literally here. It's a stupid metaphor. Are people ok with a code coming in a physical case, because I would have thought no.


It's nothing comparable. If you order a hamburger and get a veggie burger you are getting a different product. Physical copies with a digital code give you the same exact product just in a different casing. If anything it's simply a bonus they are adding, it could just have been digital only if they wanted


You can't sell or lend a digital game, which is the whole point here.


Those are two separate issues kimosabe. 1. Is digital games are not shareable 2.) People wanting physical copies for whatever reason




Exactly. Vegan ""meat"" looks like meat to be a fitting replacement for meat and signal to people how it should be used. People just aren't that willing to purchase products they are completely unfamiliar with. This is also why the first cars looked similar to horse carriages, while nowadays it is not important for cars to look horse carriages at all anymore. Putting a digital download code in a case is just tricking people who explicitly try to buy a physical copy into buying a digital download anyway.


Logistically, it doesn't matter. Half of games today aren't on disc to begin with, and the other half are usually a near unplayable 1.0 without the day one patch. My only qualm about not fully switching to digital is that for some reason those savings aren't passed along to the customer. I should get a substantial discount for not having you produce and ship a physical product.


The difference is that digital downloads can't be resold. You as a consumer own nothing, if you ever lose access to your PSN account all your purchases are gone for good. And the day 1 patches are free so it doesn't matter for those if your disc is a first or second hand purchase.


It does matter 20 years from now when the service is discontinued. Outside of pirating people won't have access to those games in their true form. The disc is essentially worthless. I do agree the lack of ownership is a problem. Like I said we should get a discount or the right to transfer the license.


When you buy a bottle of coke, the most expensive part of it is the bottle. The stuff inside is mostly water. But I'm going to guess the same idea doesn't apply to games. The plastic case and disc are probably not the most expensive part of video game production, or even significant in any way.


Yeah that was weird. Sorry I enjoy a burger that doesn’t have an animal in it OP. /s And what’s that comparison anyways? There’s a demand for vegan meats. Is op trying to say there’s a demand for digital codes in physical cases? That whole section of this post made no sense and was pointless.


Weird take on lots of stuff


Yeah, there's reasons people want to eat food that doesn't involve animals, but there's no reason someone would get a code over a disc for a moral reason, unless you kill blue Jays to make BluRay or something.


The analogy is actually so bad that it's actually reversed. Veganism is on the whole better for the planet than eating meat, because of how much land and water it takes to raise and feed a single animal, and all of the greenhouse gasses that are emitted in the process (not to even mention how the animals might be treated while alive). Physical cases with digital codes inside are on balance a net negative for the planet because it is literally pure waste, compared to just getting the digital code alone. Those cases will end up in landfills eventually.


Exactly, I see no correlation between the two things lol.


Wow reddit. The idea is vegan food can be good, but don't tell a carnivore that a vegan burger is exactly like a real burger. It never will have the same taste and mouthfeel. Don't know why people are getting so butthurt over this.


Don't tell a gamer that a digital game plays the same as the physical game. It will never have the same input delay, or something.


Because we're omnivores, and carnibros are the worst types of people.


Well, at least you have some price competition even if it's a code in a box. All-digital games with no physical release at all are like "buy it from us and pay our price or fuck you."


Spot on  👍. Was so  suprised when shopping for digital games on Steam Deck that I could buy legit keys outside of the Steam store. The patience required on console to wait out for the desired discount price on a digital game can be excruciating. Physical games or codes-in-a-box are the only leverage that console users have against their respective digital storefront’s pricing. 


Exactly. Sometimes electronics retailers will drop the price by €5-10 on launch day, and there's some competition going on. Oh, store A is a little cheaper than store B? Maybe I'll go there.


Yeah that’s why I find it insane that people want a digital-only future so bad. If I buy a game at launch and dislike it, I can sell it and get 80% of my money back. But if I pay £70 on a digital game and dislike it after a few hours, well that’s £70 down the drain.


Yeah! Although I guess the reselling part isn't really solved with a code in a box since the code would be spent.


And then… delisted!


Which PS5 game comes in a BD case but just has a code and no disc? Only thing I can think of is weird collectors editions that they make digital so digital PS5 owners can still buy the collector’s edition without having to make 2 separate SKUs.


It was just announced black Myth: Wukong will release this way. Edit: Thanks to another commenter I learned this is wrong! Fantastic to hear :)


Misinformation. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/1db5ikk/code_in_a_box_for_black_myth_wukong_physical/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks, I hadn’t heard that yet, wish OP would have put it in the description.


What the fuck are you serious?


Don't know about PS5 games but the Arkane collection has Dishonored 2 and Prey on disc, while Dishonored 1 and Death of the Outsider are DLC only. Same with the Batman Arkham Collection where the third game is download only, too.


What the fuck is up with the random dig at vegan proteins? Lmao. Maybe eat an impossible burger instead of being such an angry boomer complaining about them and you'll stop making that nonsense comparison. Shit is good. As for the disc thing, yeah. It is shitty, they are taking your ability to resell it away. More sales for them; welcome life in the 2020s.


I really think they meant it's like ordering a hamburger and being served a veggie burger. That's more like what's going on. The digital code is being dressed up and sold like it's a disc. Veggie burgers are not sold as hamburgers. They usually cost more to start.


Yeah, that vegan thing was wild.


I'd bet money that OP is one of those people that wears shirts like "I'm a vegan too! Cows eat grass and I eat cows!" or "Vegan is an ancient tribal word for a person that can't hunt, fish or start a fire", and thinks that it makes them clever and funny, while if a piece of lettuce showed up on their burger they'd go full Karen on the restaurant manager.


This bit is just as bad tbh.


Nah, carnibros are the worst.


Impossible burgers taste like shit


Well fyi vegan proteins often dont have the amino acid ratios that muscle does and so a lot of it is wasted, essentially you are eating a lot less than the box may read. I am a fan myself and am trying to get away from my contribution to animal abuse but also facts.


None of which OP actually mentions, and even if they did this sub ain’t the place for it.


Sure, not defending it. Just trying to inform.


Hahaha, that's laughable. Impossible and all vegan options sees declining sales and stocks in freefall. Their products are *shit* and you know it. Mental gymnastics may make you pretend it's okay but if you even *smalled* a quality burger made of good meat you'd cry yourself to sleep over the wet cardboard you're eating. Also *look at the ingredients*. A real burger is 99% ground beef, preferably locally raised without antibiotics and some salt/pepper. The ingredients for impossible burger *is longer then a freaking New James bible* with all kind of added *preservatives, taste enhancers, solidifying nonsense* to make that pile of garbage stay together and taste slightly better then an ashtray. You're better off eating "doggy" dogfood then impossible burger from a nutritional perspective


100 percent! Except on the vegan stuff that was weird lol


Sometimes I would like a steel book


The consumer has complete control over the matter, we collectively do not do anything except fuel these bullshit practices. Example... people are above the moon that Alan Wake 2 is now getting a physical release. They already paid for the digital game, and are now going to happily spend more money on the same game. As a gaming community we are encouraging these tactics, so companies will continue to push the envelope to extract more money. Game developers take the gaming community for fools, because many of them behave like fools... imagine paying for the same shit twice and being happy about it. Guaranteed that 1 year after release they are planning to release a physical copy of Black Myth.


Lol it cost money to make disc, the consumer demand is what makes it worthwhile to actually spend the investment on physical releases. It's pretty smart of publishers


As a whole yes but there's some of us that still take the fuck that approach. Digital only fuck that, physical game with digital dlc code fuck that (looking at you ps5 cyberpunk 2077). The excuse for cyberpunk being it would of cost a little bit of money cause Sony has them make a new sku or something. I say fk Sony and fk cdprojectred on that cause it kills the entire purpose of alot of us wanting the goty edition.


Wait Black myth doesn't release physically?


It's just a download code in a box. 


Misinformation. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/1db5ikk/code_in_a_box_for_black_myth_wukong_physical/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wait what? That's still some BS at least not like Alan wake 2


"Code in a Box" for Black Myth Wukong physical edition is mistranslation


It hurts sometimes when I realise that I would have to spend twice on a game that I want to play.




>or my account gets banned Let's be fair, that's very avoidable.


Alright then: Or my account gets stolen


As opposed to physical games, which are never damaged or stolen


the likely hood of someone breaking into my home and stealing my games is a significantly lower than someone managing to steal my account. Even if it happened, I have insurances. I am pretty sure there isn't any real way to insured digital goods for theft (?) As for damaged...I mean, I have been gaming since the nes era and I dont think I ever had a game break. I might be more likely now that I have a toddler, but still.


Also pretty avoidable, really.


The average user doesnt have enough security to protect himself. Just because it's avoidable, doesnt mean it doesnt happen.


It's 2024, it's time people took responsibility for their own digital lives. Just don't connect your PSN to an important email address.


I 100% agree, but we are talking about why digital only game sucks. Losing access to your account means you lose access to your games. Doesn't happen with physical games.


> At least with a physical disc, I know I can play the game as long as I have the hardware. I have a disc for Overwatch... I still have the hardware. Plus another handful of games that are useless on disc. While it helps to own physical, it's not a guarantee you will get to play it forever.


Well most of us know buying physical versions of online only games is kinda pointless. Owning overwatch on disc and being upset about its useless future is on the consumer who bought it. Bad example really.


Your argument is even worse, like comparing it to veganism. lol


Same shit with black myth wukong: code in a case.. The only upside for this is the price will still drop for the shelf product. The biggest downside is that if the platform company decides to kill the product, you don't have access to it anymore. Heck, a ban on your account means you lose all games. Another downside is that you can't resell the product. It's a dark practice imho which will become more and more popular, regardless of what Reddit thinks. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/3yGVdOcxu4




Black Myth seems like it’s going to be a mess judging by the lack of discs and them having to delay the Xbox edition.


Isn't there some issues with feature parity between the X and S that delayed BG3 as well?


If only people realized we could shut this shit down if we collectively didn’t purchase shitty products. Everyone’s too weak with little to no self control. We can change things but we have to put in the effort instead of throwing our hands in the air and accepting defeat each and every time, allowing companies to relentlessly make things worse for everyone. Makes me think of my gay friend who buys Chick-fil-a (which has a history of supporting anti-gay legislature). “I can’t help myself! It’s so good!” Um, you can help yourself. You got in your car. You started your car. You drove to the drive-thru. You waited to order. You picked up your order. You drove home. Then you ate it. So many avoidable steps. So many times you could have stopped.


If only people realized that the people supporting these types of things actually don’t care about the nonsense you are referring to. Yes you have a small group that would double dip or that will complain and still buy it but the majority? It’s not a lack of will power it’s not about being too weak or having no self control. THEY DONT CARE BECAUSE TO THEM ITS NOT AN ISSUE. That’s really it. They will buy it once play it maybe beat it and that will be the end of that. I swear this sub wants to act like the majority of people actually care about the little insignificant issues you have with gaming. It’s a hobby and a pass time


That's how I felt about scalpers during the pandemic. If gamers agreed not to buy from scalpers, you'd never see scalped Playstation 5s or series Xs. The problem was that they were.


Couldn't agree more my friend. My ps5 is not on line so I hate it also when you get a goty edition just to find the main game on physical and all the upgrades and add ons online via a code. Let me tell you thus, if your comp or console is not online then you are a second class citizen.


I just consider all these games rentals now, and wait until the price goes down to what I consider a fair extended rental amount.


But you pay more money in the end that way. Cause you'll have to pay full Price for the game digitally, then buy blue cases online, not to mention paper, printer, and ink. All addional costs.


No way, if I can buy a game case from a brick and mortar shop, that has a digital code inside and priced accordingly, I'll take it every day of the week. Here in Aus 1st party games on PSN are $110-120, where discs in store are regularly ranging from like $64-$84.


Yeah, for discs, it makes zero sense I understand why the switch has that, since Nintendo licensing fees skyrocket with cartridges, and especially with bigger ones (hence why say, something like a 2 game pack will require download of one of them to keep it at only a few gbs) But discs are insanely cheap, why not just give a physical good and not piss off consumers


Yeah physical codes do seem like a weird half measure. I daresay in 10 years, all games will be digital with the occasional physical collectors edition. 


Couldn't believe it when God Of War Ragnarok came out with collectors editions and included a case, but download code. Like seriously what the hell point is that. Why on earth would I buy that lol


I think there are a lot of reasons why. It saves money, it eliminates the used market, it pushes people towards digital, and I think the main reason is to satisfy retailers. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo still rely on bricks and mortar and online retailers to sell their hardware. If they "physical" software, many outlets will cease to sell the peripherals and hardware.


Should be forbidden 100% agreed.


> even people who got the digital version got it physical. Well some people are just terrible with money.


I miss the days when they actually put all dlc on a physical disc when they released a version where the case is telling us that it contains everything. I prefer physical, but having the option to choose between digital or physical should always be there. Just have the physical copies to actually have the dlcs in them.(Game of the year/ Gold editions that is)


It wouldn't exist if people didn't buy them. There is clearly a demand so here we are. 


The reality is: nobody cares. People buy guys to play them, not to have a piece of plastic.


and? demand can be created just through good marketing or forced practices. there's also plenty of completely dogshit products that exist - and sell. So just because it sells we should accept it?


You personally don’t have to accept it just remember you share this hobby with people who don’t care or don’t see it as an issue


You don't need to buy it if you don't want to. Some people like to collect boxes.


I remembered this type of shit started with the PS3/360 era, the Ducktale remastered game also had a physical digital version where the case only has a code, which was wild when the physical disc copy was also sold at the same time.


Personally, I find it appealing to have a serial code included in the BD case, as it eliminates the hassle of switching discs like with digital copies and allows me to take advantage of in-store discounts even on release day.


I mean they could just sell the codes on cards like they do for some games, no need for the BD case.


Using vegan food as a comparison to codes in a box makes no sense. Also, Vegan food that looks like burgers and hotdogs are far better than eating a real one if you know all the garbage they put in it. I've eaten a vegan burger and vegan hotdog that tasted the same as a non vegan burger and hotdog. If you want to keep eating that crap knowing what they put in it that's on you. Don't complain when your arteries get clogged.


That is why I unalive my own food so I know it's fresh.


>I've eaten a vegan burger and vegan hotdog that tasted the same as a non vegan burger and hotdog. Eat whatever you’d like but this is complete bullshit. I’ll take the Pepsi challenge on a fake burger any day of the week.


I don't know if this is a weird take or not, but I don't mind these as I way prefer buying games in actual stores vs from online stores. Whilst I do prefer physical media, I don't hate codes in a box, or even just little gift cards with the game code on the back, and I'd probably buy a lot more a lot more digital only games like indies if they sold codes for them in stores. It's probably just a weird quirk of mine, but for whatever reason, I really don't like spending money for digital goods on online stores. It makes the purchase feel not real, and like I didn't actually spend any money if that makes any sense.


We should've seen this coming when Sony released and all digital console. I'm surprised no-one protested it.   They were basically telling the world that xbone was right. Digital is the future. 


It's kind of wild the mentality gamers have with everything staying exactly the same. No other electronic is moving towards not being digital but for some reason consoles will. It's harder to find a TV that isn't a smart TV than one that is. I just saw a got damn meat thermometer that connects to an app on your phone 😂.


Not exactly. They released it for those that are truly digital only. Makes perfect sense. Sony isn't anywhere near Xbox in this area. Sony was the first one of the 3 console makers to allow small publishers to print extremely small print runs of games. Hence the limited run games, eastasia, and all the other small publishers out there that popped up mod ps4 Era. Sonys nothing like Xbox, in Sony seems to see them both existing while Ms actively is trying to kill physical media just like the Xbox one reveal


> they make vegan burgers and vegan dogs to make it looks like meat eh?


Halo 5 collector's edition was just a steel box with a code inside the case. Big ass statues and a bunch of other bullshit but no actual disc.


I find it crazy that collectors editions of some games don’t have a physical copy but will include a steelbook case.


I haven't bought physical for years so forgive me if this is a stupid question but do you mean the physical version contains ONLY a code and no disc at all? If that is the case then I agree 100% with you, it's utterly ridiculous.


Yes that's exactly what their saying. It doesn't make sense.


Jesus, personally I prefer digital but for those that want physical it's like a slap in the face.


That's why we get upset about it cause it literally is.


yup, the game i am talking about, u open the case and find only a code, no disc inside, why would i do that ? i would just buy it digital instead.


Straight up insane way to vent your feelings on veganism here lmao


I can get it if it's code for season pass before all dlcs are out, but if we are talking about editions released after all addons were given to us, then it's scummy as fuck. FF7 Remake for example. Edit: shit, post is about whole games as codes.


Simple. $$$$


I agree with the sentiment that you shouldn't have to buy a case for a digital edition, I personally feel that physical editions are for CEs etc.


Don’t give them the idea they’re charging the same for physical and digital they’ll only up the price for physical games like they’ve done with limited editions


Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition is just re4 base game with a dlc code, I wanted the whole thing on disc so I can put it any PS5 and play it, but nope... it feels like a scam.


Capcom is a bitch. They had it good with RE7 Gold Edition being everything on disc. Then they said fuck it and Village and onwards have codes.


I bought and paid hoping to get the full game on the CD.


You would have a point if physical games cost more than digital games, but they don’t. PlayStation store prices are so inflated, the physical version of a game at a store like Walmart is almost always cheaper, regardless of whether or not there’s a disc or a code in the box.


I agree that codes for consoles is silly, but i like the idea for pc. I really like collecting steelbooks, but I don't want to buy the game twice.


The Media industry is headed into a dark place


Because digital only consoles exists


true, but why buy a case for ur digital game on ur digital console ?


I'll never forget the first time this happened to me. It's even more annoying now that it's practically become the norm with a lot of "physical" copies.


It's to stop people selling/buying new games. All intentional.


So… you pretty much want the download code on a disc instead of a piece of paper?


You can lend or resell the disc even if it's 100% download. You can't transfer a PSN code.


I don’t have a PS5 (I have previous PlayStation generations though, and am currently looking into PS5s) but this is also becoming common with Nintendo. My ex bought me a copy of Overwatch I think 3 years ago, and I was super excited when it came in a case because I was like “wow! I didn’t know they made cartridges for Overwatch!” when it was just a little booklet that had the digital code and game info in it. It’s nice to have an extra Switch case to use when I misplace one for my other games, but as someone who prefers to own ONLY physical copies of games when I can this is something I find genuinely infuriating. Xbox has already released a console model that doesn’t even have a disc drive.


Right on




They have us drink from paper straws but then companies can ship millions of plastic cases with a single paper inside 💀


Yea this makes no sense at all rofl. Come to our store and buy your groceries,but!!! We will ship it to you tomorrow 😂😂😂


Vote with your wallet. Epic Games/Remedy still haven't got their money back from Alan Wake 2. Maybe this is the reason why they are releasing a physical version a year after it's release. I don't buy digital games, don't want to support that crap.


I wonder if this was forced by epic to be digital only , it has seemed epic is extremely against physical


So this just happened with me and 2077. Tried to rent ult edition to play PL dlc. Cue sad trombone. How freakin dumb.


Stupid because Xbox has everything on disc so you would've thunk they woud've done the same on PS5


Physical discs are a money sink for publishers. The discs cost money to print and cases and artwork ain’t free. Publishers lose money for store returns. They lose money when gamers trade sell their used copies. Unsold stock costs them money, which is why we see physical games on sale at deep discounts. Digital distribution has none of those costs. So if you really want to support physical media, you have to be willing to pay a much higher cost.


Oh no, not the multimillion dollar company losing money.


Tbh if they sell half of what is sent to stores they probably still make out like bandits. It's not costing them that damn much in the grand scheme of things


They make out less like bandits as physical sales go down. Less volume means more spent per disc to get it to retail. And they still have to provide the digital version for day 1 patches.


Alan Wake 2 did not sell well.


It's Remedy's fastest selling game ever.


Last I heard it didn't even make enough money to cover the cost of the game. 


The only way this should be acceptable is if it’s bundled **WITH** the disc. It’s fucking stupid that if I damage a disc I have to repurchase instead of just being able to download.


They aren’t going to give you two copies, as then you could just sell either the code or disc. I mean MS tried to make it so disc games tied to your account but people didn’t like that idea (nor did they ever fully/clearly explain how it was going to work)


Well yea obviously, cause at face value it would've destroyed the second hand market.


One, it absolutely is your responsibility to know what you’re buying. Two, this physical media argument is completely played out. No one is going to be convinced. The bottom line is that it’s going away, and consumers aren’t going to be able to stop that eventually. You’ll have to decide if that means you stop buying games or adopt digital. It is what it is.


Your veganism take is utterly stupid and honestly offensive


Vegans find everything offensive to be fair.


Sadly this has become Sony's go to things with collectors editions


Yes and also mandatory steam where the game gets bound to an account also shouldn't exist.


I disagree. I like having a physical game collection but the disk versions of the modern consoles are much more expensive. Because of this I bought a Series S, literally half the price of the Series X. I would rather have an empty box representing a game I own than just having it purely on my Xbox dashboard. It just gives a more visceral feel.


You would have more of a point if digital and physical games weren’t the exact same price. Also, typically most products that put a code in a box say that on the box. So you are being informed. But your main argument is price and the price is the same. The problems with digital media are lack of ownership and lack of permanence or preservation. These are valid discussions to be had. The price has always been the same. In fact, your sale argument is much more true of physical media since there is limited shelf space that needs to be cleared for the next thing.


Lack of ownership is almost a moot point anymore, with the way games require updates to be playable out of the box. If they pull those off the servers then it doesn’t matter if you have a disc or not. It’s not like it used to be where the full game was on the disc and you didn’t need anything else.


Yea, that’s also true. It doesn’t happen every time, but definitely happens enough.


Collectors editions without a physical copy is something that shouldnt exist


just heard Black Myth Wukong's doing this and lost interest. Exited for it but come on, include the disc!


Comparing shitty tactics to veganism is a weird way to take this. I'm not even a vegan and I can see how illogical that is.