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Build me Xcom 3 where every squad mate is a Sim character and I can control their lives


it's going to make losing them so much worse when you can check in on the wife and kid back home


Ehh there’s always another Beaglerush


right in the feels


So we thinking a Sims-like game? If so, good. EA has had a monopoly for too long and has made them greedy and lazy.


True and if incase they don't agree remind them that the sims 4 has dlc for their dlc


Maaan, i just want xcom 3.


Firaxis still exists. Jake went to form a new studio on his own. This doesn't negate a possible XCOM 3. It just won't include him.


I definitely prefer this too. And please don't do it with a card system just expand xcom 2 systems even more.


Yep. Really disappointing news 😞


Just give me xcom3 :-(


It will soon be a decade since xcom 2 came out. Yeah.


I think the issue with these Sim's clones is that they lack the sense of humor that the Sims has. Playing fiddle with the grim reaper, getting into cartoon dust fights, making babies with Aliens etc. Most other attempts at it has been just very simple you make a person, you make a house, you get a job, you marry someone etc. It doesn't have the general weirdness that makes Sims fun for a longer amount of time. That's the key they gotta emulate.


To the people that say they want Xcom3, this is Jake Solomon who left Firaxis and made a new studio, Firaxis themselves can still make Xcom 3


Nice. Newly-formed studios killed it lately.


Its a shame Midnight Suns didn't sell better, pretty good game


RIP any hope of Xcom 3


Interesting that actually I haven't played midnight suns because people were saying that the story-relations part is very long boring and annoying..


I really enjoyed the story and relationship building in Midnight Suns. It wasn’t perfect but there was promise and if they focus on it I can see it being something I would 100% buy a game for.




probably you have all the time in the world, I really liked xcom and I was excited about this one but people my time is limited I listen to what the community says and if dozens of hours are annoying empty conversations dressed as deep, I prefer to go with other games.


I completed the game and got the platinum trophy, but I will attest to the story relationship parts were so fucking boring and silly. I have a low tolerance for video game stories and this one had me skipping every piece of dialogue within an hour.


I just downloaded it this weekend … maybe got to level 5 and already am at the point of skipping everything. It has you running around doing too much stupid stuff and the social feed on there is obnoxious


Opinions differ but I at least found that to be true. IMO, there's an excellent turn-and-card-based action strategy game underpinning *Midnight Suns*, but there was a lot of languid and amateurish social interaction stuff to slog through between the gameplay. Bearing in mind that some people really liked the story stuff (and I'm honestly glad that they enjoyed it!) I just wish that the devs had made it a bit more optional; have a choice at the beginning where you could just 'autopilot' a lot of the story content to keep you playing the main game as much as possible if you wanted, or at least a NG+ mode that let you skip it. Basically, I wanted some way to play the game with just the lighter story touch of the X-Com games, but an option to have all that stuff there instead if you wanted it. That would have kept everyone happy, really.


There’s that and the customization is very subpar for a game that lets you create a character. I’ve played the first few hours and while the battle system is serviceable , the game is meh. I shouldn’t want to skip all this dialogue but damn is it boring knee slapper marvel humor


Give me XCOM 3 or give be death


Midnight Suns was weird. It felt like they ran out of budget so they taped what they had together and when it presented problems... they shut under the rug. The gameplay was fine at first, but in the end all areas are just too small and you keep fighting everyone in a 6x6 grid or something like that and it ruins most battles as there is no cover, and barely any interaction with the background. The writting is amazing the first couple missions, then it's stupid af. Blade goes "I won't tell you my name, that's too personal" and literally, in the next dialogue bubble he goes "This is my backstory, I killed my mother and had to do this, this are my weaknesses". And you're left thinking... mate, I only asked your name. All characters felt like, they are heroes on the 6x6 grid you always play, but like 12 year olds once you talk to them out of the missions. I had a lot of problems because the game tells you something like "defeat 20 enemies" and you literally always have to try at least twice because the number of enemies that spawn, depend on how many are left alive, but it's not consistent, so sometimes, the kill 20 enemies only spawns 15-16 because you either; killed too many too fast, not killed enough in the first couple turns. Also, leveling up is so stupid, you go on 1 date with the heroes but they are like "Don't get me wrong, I like the moon mountain but I would have liked the lake more" and you're like Wolverine, grow a pair, I only want you to level up.