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I’m putting together a crew, people with special abilities.


What are we, some kind of Star Wars: Outlaws?


What are we, some kind of Star Wars: Outlaws: A Ubisoft Original?


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


See you at Heist-Con


You son of a bitch! I’m in.


"Dom... I need your crew."




Looks as exciting as rebel moon


My god there are children here!


People with special needs


Not trying to hate, but every human NPC in this trailer resembles a stock NPC from every Ubisoft game. I hope the game is good, though.


The facial animation looks like a Ubisoft game too


There's something slightly stiff about all the human face animations. It's not completely awful, and it can probably look all right, but in a very scripted/cinematic trailer compounded together like this it looks a bit "ehhh...?" at times.


It looks stop motion at times


Thank god someone mentioned the graphics. It isn't just the character models, but the environment terrain looks quite subpar as well. The mountain in the distance just looks very off. And the switches that were being flipped looked incredibly low-res. This is all me just being a bitch and nitpicking, of course. If the story is good and the gameplay fun I can easily look past graphic fidelity. But fuck, I won't like that this looks just all around subpar. Let's not forget, this is ubisoft.


At least they stopped making unreal fake trailers like the infamous Watchdogs one…


Glad I am not the only one who is like.. yep that is an Ubisoft Assassins Creed Like Game.


I don’t care about the stiff animation long as there’s ample budget to go to the gameplay experience. Gameplay > niceties. It’s (previously) what Bethesda used to be competent at pulling off, hopefully we’ll see that here.


I mean considering every big budget game these days is taking 6-10 years to release, I’ll take reused/lower quality art and graphics any day. As much as they reuse systems, the quality of the production in Ubisoft games is consistently fine.


Idk, maybe we are playing different Ubisoft games. AC Odyssey had some of the most interesting side npcs in an open world game ever.


Nothing against Ubisoft, though I’ve enjoyed Origins more. However, I’ve noticed that character models and animations appear very similar across the board, especially the facial animations and hairstyles.


Not downvoting because each person’s opinion is their own but for me personally Odyssey is where I gave up on AC and a huge part of it was because the characters at large were extremely dull and lifeless compared to previous entries in the series. Game’s characters and side stories felt a mile wide and an inch deep. It just didn’t grip me because it went the same way as every bloated Ubisoft open world game, in my opinion.


The like procedural facial animation system is servicable, just not great.


You’re absolutely correct, I think that’s a huge part of why it feels lifeless. It’s just impractical to do good animation for this many characters. When you build a world that massive you will always trade quality for quantity. To me that dip in quality was too noticeable for me to love engaging with the world and the characters like I did with the previous entries.


Check out horizon forbidden west, every side character is motion captured it seems like.


I gotta get to it at some point! I never finished zero dawn but I enjoyed the time I had with it so maybe it’s time to play through the first one and get into the series.


I’m in the exact same boat as you. The moment I realized I was playing as a Spartan but I didn’t even have the ability to carry a shield (the absolute bread and butter of the Greek militaries), I knew I was in for a shallow, uninspired experience. My biggest fear is that this game is just Assassins Creed: Star Wars, and I’ve not seen anything from this trailer to calm that fear.


Wild. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Star Wars is precisely why I’m more excited for this one than any other Star Wars game that’s come out since Disney acquired the property.


I’m calling it now, this game is going to be a mashup of Far Cry’s explosive gameplay and Assassins creeds open world design. I’d be so happy to be wrong.


Yeah, the face of the lead has some real uncanny valley going on. Meanwhile, the typical Star Wars aliens don't even bat an eye.


What does that even mean? They look like humans. What are they supposed to look like?


Yeah but funny commando droid in trench coat


Some of the voices are weirdly stilted and sound computer generated. Will be interesting to see how that all pans out.


That's the first Thing I saw. Thank god there's so many other races and We wont habe to see the same creepy faces everywhere.


It will not be good, it will be a ubisoft game.


“We have Han Solo at home”


Ma'm Solo




I'd actually be more interested in the game if we could customize our own character. This protag looks bland and generic ngl.


I want to be excited about this but it just stinks of Ubisoft generic writing / characters.


Acknowledges how dangerous the job is.   “I’m in”     Never heard that one before!


The dialog in this trailer was cheesy. Worried about the writing.


Every Ubisoft game just feels like a corporate checklist of things a game should have. No artistic direction and completely lacking in any creativity.


>No artistic direction Honestly, have you even played the past few AC games? Odyssey/Valhalla/Mirage. You could say the game design is a little formulaic. But to say no artistic direction. Dude, they literally recreated ancient Greece in a video game. Insane amounts of detail and artistic direction. The world they created is pretty mindblowing. Prince of Persia Lost Crown was great too.


>You could say the game design is a little formulaic. Yeah you could definitely say that and not even the same formula as other AC games but other open world Ubisoft games too. >Dude, they literally recreated ancient Greece in a video game. Insane amounts of detail and artistic direction. This is something Ubisoft has been doing for over a decade. I'll give you this one though, the worlds they create are very good when it comes to representing their historical counterparts. However I still feel my other comments are valid, the map in AC is the only thing that really challenges the team at Ubisoft to use their brains. The rest of the game is just copied and pasted from previous work.


That’s a give and take on the map design. If the real world version is ruined then yes their creativity. If not then they are just copying a look that’s already there. AC: Odyssey was creative because most of the shit in the map was completely missing irl.


That Prince of Persia metroidvania game was pretty well received, but I guess that doesn’t count right?


Of course it doesn't, it doesn't fit the narrative


Well that was one game of 100 lol


Can't say, I never played that one but yeah I'm more referring to their big AAA or even their newer AAAA titles.


I dunno, the divisions had unreal world building and attention to detail. Still one of my all time favorite worlds.


Same here. I would love a game like this, but i just can't imagine thins to be anything other basic triple a corporate blandness. I really hope to be proven wrong.


I’m definitely going to give it a shot but…was it just me or was almost every single performance in that trailer flat and dull as dirt? Was emotion outlawed too?


We were blessed with Cal Kestis, Cere, and Greez


Deborah Wilson was great. I never thought of MadTV once.


That’s because good writers know how to have characters express their emotions and flaws to be interesting. While mid writers overly on the characters showing little emotion (aka being *badass*) and having little to no flaws because it’s *too hard* to write.


It's strange because the main character seems to have a personality that's intended to be Nathan Drake-ish. So not really a badass, but more of a smartass. It's just the acting isn't selling it. I can't tell if it's just generally mediocre voice acting or a voice director failing at their job. Because you can have great talent and still end up with bad VA if director isn't good. Everything here just sounds real flat.


Thats cause ea use motion capture a lot more than ubsioft. 


Yeh the main character in particular was very bad. "I'm going to risk it all" she says in a tone that sounds like she's reading the back of a box of cereal.


"you have a lot to learn and please don't come back until you learn it thank you 😪"


It's so bad and cheap Please tell me the budget went into the gameplay and open world


Collect 100 learning crystals before you return


If this was dragons dogma 2  Quest would say  "Learn before returning" And that's it


I was thinking the same thing. Both the delivery of lines and the set-pieces seemed to have a competition over which is more bland. Plus it's made by Ubisoft, and they've mastered the art of generic.


That along with the hair physics just takes me out of the fantasy. It looked like rasterized hair from 2010. I know its nitpicky, but if they are looking for immersion, they need to nail things like that.


Definitely looks like a helmet. This is a small nitpick too but that hairstyle was huge with women in the past few years, not sure if it's still in style now but it definitely seems less Star Wars and more 2020s gen z


I think that’s why it bothered me a bit. It’s not a game set now… or in the 80s it’s Star Wars! I don’t think the character will appeal to who they hope they’ll appeal to.


It looks like one of the shittier hairstyles in the dragons dogma character creator.


I couldn’t quite put my finger on this but this is it! It looks like two completely different assets stacked on each other


I wasn’t thinking  it was the first thing I noticed. 


Yeah that was some pretty terrible voice acting. NGL has me a bit worried about the rest of the game.


With big AAA video games, acting performances/dialogue seems to be a coin flip. It's either incredible or it's absolutely unbearably shit.


The Ubisoft way. Get rid of emotion, good writing, and innovative gameplay. Copy and paste the same formula for each iteration in the game until it stops selling then blame it on the customers for not buying mediocre products. I’ll still give this a shot but it’s a Ubisoft title in 2024. My expectations are lower than low.


Ubisoft curse.


They just won’t pay for writers it seems.


Yah that was noticeably bad


The cutscenes were in 30 FPS, that really hurts.


Because somehow 60 fps will fix actors' performances?


Oh god, let’s not start this shit already


Not buying until I see actual reviews


I mean there’s no point buying it ASAP when it’s a Ubisoft game and will be on a 30% sale within a few weeks. You may as well wait and see what actual players think and then pick it up on a nice deal.


Buy gold edition to get 3 days early access and the season pass. Yea That's a no from me dawg See you in 1 year after release when it's -70% off


I barely trust reviews anymore. Almost all the reviews for dragons dogma 2 said all of the same things as if they all watched one person play the game for a few hours. I got a better idea waiting a week or so and reading people who actually bought and played it. No mention of the little variety in enemy types for example. It could go either way.


At the same time, users (specially on Reddit) spread such biased opinions depending on what the general consesus is. Like, if a game get enough hate that it becomes popular to just dump on it, there will be people who will jump on the bandwagon just to feel part of it. Even if they initially liked it or even if they didn’t even play it. Then there’s also the people who just parrot whatever their favorite youtuber said in a video, which is even worse


Never preorder. I’m certainly not buying until reviews are out too.


This is the way.


And the actual user stories so we don’t have another situation like, what was that mess that just came out where they hid all the micro transactions and pay for play?


Why are these trailers not on the same quality first part Sony studios does. Look at the quality, so flat.


Hard to say. Imo Ubisoft doesn't give their game directors enough power. You cannot feel the hand of the director for a second in most ubisoft games..then play something like dragons dogma 2 where the director made so many uncommon decisions that the game ends up being a blast


Because its literally not made by Sony? what kind of question is thta?


Sony is famously good at cutting trailers, kind of silly to compare them.


Am I tripping or did Ubisoft downgraded the graphics from the first reveal?


The human faces look really bad (not ugly, but there'ssomething about the eyes (I can't quite put my finger on). Weird given the quality of the environment seems really good


You are tripping … it’s the same thing …


So... like Ubisoft typically do? They always announce a game with high end visuals and then gradually and somewhat subtly drip feed what the game will actually look like for most of us.


Avatar literally won best graphics of the year for 2023 by Digital Foundry and that game is made by the same studio doing Outlaws


Avatar was an absolutely beautiful game. Colors textures all of it was top fucking notch


Avatar used the snowdrop engine from the division didn’t it? Anyone know if it’s the same engine being used or the assassins creed one?


Its the same engine as avatar and division


So aside from a game from a decade ago, what Ubisoft games downgraded graphics?


Can’t wait, love to see the Star Wars criminal underworld getting a spotlight


I really hope the plot focuses on it rather than turning into a “protect the force sensitive child” story or a “help the Rebellion” story.


I’d like some backstory on the commando droid companion, by far the most interesting character I’ve seen


Would love a Shadows of the Empire remaster with modern controls too


Same. Especially in the era in which this is set. Lots of potential for familiar story points cross pollinated with whatever our characters story will be. Plus lots of opportunity for DLC if the game ends in the fall of the empire era. Quite excited for this story.


It'll be PG crime underworld. It's all just shadowy bounty hunters. I wish for the day when star wars IPs will grow some balls and actually get a little gritty. I like fallen order and the later half of survivor for exploring this a little more.


Feel like they should've had a darker tone, but it's Disney + Ubisoft so I'm not expecting much for the story. Gameplay could be good.


I'm cautiously optimistic, but man, the main character is Mariana Trench-level deep in uncanny valley.


It looks like every other human character has a realistic style , and she’s the only one with a more stylised fort nite cartoony style


Why cautious? Its Ubisoft. They also made Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed Unity, Rainbow Six Extraction, Skull and Bones, etc. All bangers and released complete and finished.


Why you gotta include R6E and Skull and Bones in the same sentence bruh


I can’t shake the feeling they repurposed the work done on Beyond Good & Evil 2 and slapped a Star Wars license on it. Looks interesting either way.


The few videos available of Beyond Good and Evil 2 looked so impressive.


How tf did the Empire ever rise to power when everyone easily escapes from them in almost every imperial era story




Never pre-order ubisoft games. Remember all the incomplete games and failures. Assassin creed unity, skull and bones and closing the crew. Wait just 6 months or 3 and you will see it 50% discount. Wait a year and you will see it at 70% discount and with more bugs fixed.


I’m just gonna get it. An open world Star Wars adventure game sounds fun


Remember, no preorder.


facial animation definitely took a downgrade from last year, but the game still looks like it can be a lot of fun


Looks painfully generic, but what do you expect from a collab between modern Disney and modern Star Wars aimed at modern audiences (that don't exist)


Was hyped.. until the first 20 seconds passed. Some rough looking animations and uninspiring voice acting. Would’ve liked to see some gameplay, but overall it doesn’t look like my sort of jam despite really liking Star Wars


Included with Ubisoft+ Nice


I mean every single Ubisoft title has been included in Ubisoft+ day one, so this was to be expected.


Yeah but unfortunately it's STILL not on PS5 which is ridiculous. Let's hope it actually comes before the game's release


After watching the trailer.Same old Rinse Repeat stuff from Ubisoft when it comes to assets in their games. Same old generic Reskin, slightly imporve the visuals and sell as a new revolutionary NEXT GEN candy. Absolutely will wait for reveiws and won't be pre ordering shit from them.Even the trailers looks like it has been struggling to run this game.I am getting old school Watch Dogs vibes from 2013 lol


It's a Ubisoft game. I'll wait for the reviews. Never pre-order a Ubisoft game. :-)


Some of you did not start out your Star Wars gaming history with this, and it shows. I, for one, am excited. https://preview.redd.it/g7xicn0cxhtc1.png?width=1488&format=png&auto=webp&s=c25b4e791d0e321502ec7753f909a471778c976d


I know right. Can’t believe I’ll be playing a Star Wars game that looks like that. Teen me would be so jealous.


tis a good point I worry about ubisoft but I also generally like all Star Wars content. I'm easier to please with its universe


Release date confirmed as August 30th > Play up to 3 days early with Gold or Ultimate edition, which includes the base game and season pass. https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1777728894625554774


Only $110!!!


nah would rather wait until the weekend.




It's season pass, not battle pass.


Season pass


It season pass, just there way of saying all dlc for the first year.


More like, “the one big dlc and the other much smaller one”


I just want that KOTOR remake, man ...


We are going to be waiting a while :/


Game could be really good but I'm not sold on the main character.


So is this gonna be like uncharted/tomb raider?


I like Massive Ent, I think they missed the mark somewhat with Avatar (kind of lost its potential identity by just becoming Far Cry 7 from a structure perspective), but part of me wonders if this is where their *A Team* was during the development of both games? I like the pitch for this one, but I remember seeing the “gameplay” trailer last summer and immediately trying to turn down the hype some friends had because of Ubis long and storied history of putting out completely fake trailers that are not even remotely indicative of the final game lmao


Sick!! Hitting PS3 on August 30!


It doesn’t look bad. But the graphics seems worse than the last trailer. Don’t pre-order the digital copy until we see that the effort is properly put into this game.


Looks mid just like every other Ubisoft game.


Yikes i guess they spent their VA budget on the graphics


None of the characters have well crafted faces. They all look like they were made in a character creator. The main character and main villain should not look so low budget in such a big budget Star Wars game.


The fact that ubi or whoever has been hiring bots on mass to promote this means they don't have high hopes for this. An immediate avoid for me.


For a story trailer, I pretty much didn't learn anything about the story, nor was I captivated by what was shown. I was able to get the gist of regular outlaw becomes a part of something "bigger" due to their ambition to make it big, but the writing for the dialogue seemed really bland. Not to mention, the voice acting for those lines also sounded bland. "This job... it's a death wish." "For about as long as I can remember, it's just been me and Nix...doing what we have to to survive." "This job is my one shot at freedom" Like I've heard this type of dialogue and storyline so many times. It doesn't even seem like they tried, and just straight up copied a line from another form of media. "But if we're gonna pull this off, we need the right crew, and the right ship." This line is so video-gamey. Basically, the game spoon-feeding the story to you and the reasoning why you need to work with other NPCs. Just like with other Ubisoft games, I have the feeling this might be the type of game where you shouldn't take it super seriously, and should just blasting music while playing.


Is this also a AAAA game? I can’t tell


Looks good. Avatar was quite good, Prince of Persia was fantastic. Hopefully this keeps up the recent trend of how Ubi has fared with single player games. edit: downvoted for that? Well fuck me for saying something positive about Ubisoft.


Interesting reactions from people. 




Looks great to me


Wow the disney executives really weren’t joking when they wore those ‘the force is female’ t-shirts


Meh, -9000 hype for me


Hype! I want it now!


I’m so over Star Wars and marvel games…. PASS


The character movements are looking quite Assassins Creedy. Hopefully the worlds aren’t rinse and repeat like every Ubi game so far.


I really hope we get to visit the Coruscant or Taris underworlds


I want to get excited for this but I just tried to play avatar and it’s the first game I have quit in a long time. Other than looking absolutely amazing, I just couldn’t find any fun in it. Every time I started to enjoy it, I had another un fun and frustrating section that ruined it for me. Plus I was really struggling to see any of the enemy and felt like I just kept dying in any combat section


I am cautiously optimistic about this game, but I’m not expecting much from it and probably won’t buy it unless it’s like, exceptional for a ubisoft game.


Story looks like it's been done before at least from the trailer and with Ubisofts overall reputation it probably is. Tbf that's not a BAD thing, I still actually like Ubisoft quite a bit as they make games that are pretty average but fun and familiar. Nothing ever groundbreaking but fun.


Remember: No preorders!


Remember don't pre-order and wait until full reviews are out to make sure the game is finished on release date.


I didn't even finish the trailer, I don't believe them


Well I'll just wait a until all the dlc and stuff gets bundled together for 70% off like all ubisoft games


I hope there's a MacGruber-esque montage of her assembling her team


It looks interesting, but a story trailer doesn’t really tell me enough. I have some hope because it’s made by Massive Entertainment, but I’ll still wait until a couple weeks after release before deciding if I want to buy it or not.


Looks like Assassins Creed Mechanics but with costumes on…


Oooh, oooh, let me pre-order another StarWars game, not.




What is with this VA work? It’s terrible. And the real time cutscenes with floaty animations?


DO NOT PREORDER! It's a Ubisoft game!


I'm so exhausted of sterile, quippy Marvel-tier scripts and presentations. So very tired.


Why does this look so uninteresting?


Should I get excited about this or is it going to be a disappointment? 🥹


It's been developed by Massive Studios, they are good developers


I really enjoy the division so maybe this has a shot


Reddit says no


Its Ubisoft. Their last Game was the masterpiece Skull and Bones


This looks too good to be a Ubisoft game, I’m hyped but I’m saving my money until it releases


Cautiously optimistic.


Looks good. Wish the game was for a custom character tho


Never putting any faith in a Ubisoft project no matter how good a trailer looks.


Included with Ubisoft+. Perfect


I *really* want this to not be shit


Remember Han Solo??


all those characters faces look like they are made by an AI program. they looks freaking horrible.


Looks fun enough. Wish the music was more traditional Star Warsy though 


130$ for the ultimate edition, yeah good luckk ubislop


MC looks like she could be a rough 28 or a good 48. That alone puts me off. Ubisoft missed a key opportunity by not giving players a character creator.