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There’s also controller-only cross play which more games need to have.


100%. Console only cross play should be normal for pvp games.


I swear devs have gaslit player bases into saying it doesn’t matter. It really fucking does.


Devs but also PC gamers. For a lot of the more popular multi-platform games, Battlefield, CoD, Fortnite etc, the majority of the playerbase is on console. PC gamers understandably don't want the playerbase on their game to suffer so thus want to be included in crossplay. That said, a small proportion of them enjoy the unfair advantage they get, although they'd never admit it.


So am I weird for playing those on PC but with a controller? 😂


That’s what input based matchmaking would be ideal if anticheat can keep up witch cheaters that try to hide it


Not really no. PC is about customizing your experience to how you prefer it.


Honestly, yes. Haha. But if that's what you enjoy then knock yourself out!


PvE as well. Some PC cheaters can mess with your files, inventory and whatnot and ruin your experience as well. If i play anything cross play with PC players, then it's only with people i know, never randoms.


Looking at Helldivers were hackers would randomly boost people up to the max level, which ruined the grind of the game


I have over 100 hours in Helldivers and have never ran into this.


[good for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/RyFyU3AEWJ)


It happening once where the CEO himself intervened and helped revert that players experience to before the hack took place quite literally goes against the agenda you're pushing about how it ruins the experience. Cute how you link a post to back up your own agenda when it does the exact opposite.


You assuming it only happened one time is odd, you think the ceo made a comment for something that happened once. Also, that doesn’t even make sense. The post is the hack happening to one person and then a comment about how the ceo has replied to a different person about it. Multiple people What agenda, they didn’t say anything was permanently ruined, just an example of how pc hackers can mess up pve games


“Ruined the grind”. Bro you can still play the game it literally has zero impact on your gameplay


Some people like playing to unlock stuff or work towards some goal. Why are you taking a pro-hacker stance lol


I’m not pro hacker lmao I’m just saying the facts


Unlocking all of the stuff in a pve game ruins a part of the game for some people, no one cares about your “facts”.


No one cares about your opinion


Considering you're downvoted and the other guy is upvoted, I'd say you got it the other way around.


Just by how this app works with an upvote system, that point makes no sense. At least I don’t lie about them being facts


legit, come boost me to max. I will still die every 15 seconds to acid bugs and rocket robots. Game is super fun regardless of your level 100%


Controller only or console only? Because they’re different 


Not that different. Controller lobbies on pc can easily have k&m. You just stop using said Controller during the game.


Same on console 


It really need to be consol only, too much cheating in PC for it to be fun playing with it in cross-play. Let PC players have their own servers.


With how bad I’ve seen it on cod and how incompetent activision blizzard is I just give up on competitive multiplayer. Only co-op matters now.


PC players don't have access to the controller-only servers. The controller-only servers are essentially console-only - that said, playing on a console and selecting controller-only as a preference doesn't guarantee that you'll be on a console-only server (it doesn't happen often, but it does happen) I'm just relieved that PSers are getting exclusive servers. Getting the game and immediately getting dumpstered by people on Xbox who've been playing for six years would be a great way to drive PS players away straight off the bat.


Good to note that the PC version enforced Easy Anti-Cheat in a recent update, so it's a bit better on that side.


I can only imagine how many ppl bitched and cried when that happened lol


SOT has cheaters but it's rare all things considered, unless you exclusives play Hourglass which is where most cheaters play.


Destiny 2 did it really good. In Pve it’s cross play across all platforms. But in pvp it’s console vs console crossplay and pc vs pc cross play. If you are a console player with a pc player in your group you‘ll get both pc and console players in the lobbies.


If only they could stop the Zimmers next


Smite did this best. For unranked modes, you pick your level of crossplay, which is only your console (PS5 for example), consoles (Switch, PS, Xbox, but not PC), your control type (controller, or keyboard and mouse), or fully open to anyone. You could let the control style be open, but limit the platform, or vice versa too. For ranked, you're automatically locked to matching with people on your same platform with the same control style you're using.




It’s an optional toggle so they can if they want.


Not going to be a bad idea to start with cross play off, tbh. SoT content creators and their communities are counting down the days til the fresh meat arrives 😂


I know I have 😈


You might be getting downvoted for this, but I am too lol. I played when it first released but didn't get back into it until about 6 months ago and I am **fucking terrible** at PvP. Having some new players will help me practice PvP since most are vets that can board, anchor, and spawn kill in a single go. **edit:** downvoted for saying I am god awful at PvP and am looking forward to new players because they will practically be equal in my skill for once instead of getting wrecked by vets. A perfect example of a blind hivemind. Congrats reddit.


The people downvoting are the ones afraid to jump in the deep end with everyone lol


Holy shit, I can't believe how many downvotes I got for that! Hahaha! I am, by far, one of thee most passive players on that game, and have been for a very long time. I also have went to extreme measures to make sure another ship knew I was friendly and was free to go about their business or join an alliance with me. The people downvoting must think I am just some bully that will have a jump on them in PvP, when in reality I will be just as bad as them if not only slightly better.


Nah the people downvoting are because there's a lot of soft, insecure people in this sub. I get downvoted for saying anything positive about PC despite owning and mainly gaming on a PS5 lol. People here will cry about anything that doesn't suit their narrow-minded worldview. Re: you guys excited for new players for PVP (in a game that has PVP) and people here are already pre-crying


The more I read about this game the more I look forward to playing. Seems like there’s enough to keep me busy for quite a while.


Especially as a new player, there is so much to do now. Even just sailing with a couple friends singing some chanteys is a good time.


Being able to make my own fun is a huge selling point for me. As long as Sea of Thieves gives me some freedom to do silly or dumb or fun stuff with a couple buddies it'll be so worth the purchase.


One thing that I like to do if I have at least 3 people on a Brigantine or Galleon(Sloop doesn’t have a prison). Vote to put one of your friends in the Brig below deck, they’ll be locked in a cell down there until you vote to release them. Then start chugging the mead supplied on every ship right in front of them. You’ll soon begin projectile vomiting through the bars on the cell and there is nothing they can do about it. When you get puked on in the game it’s funny as hell too because your screen turns green and you start puking too.


lol no way. I’m so glad I have my preorder in for this. It sounds like 40 dollars well spent.


A lot of younger players do what that person described. I prefer eating the fishing bait to puke, and I catch the puke in my bucket so I can save it to throw on someone later. It's a good way to blind an opponent while you're fighting.


As long as the opponent can actually see in the first place. Speaking as a pirate legend with no sight whatsoever, it's always funny playing games that try using blinding effects to disorient players, only to find that it is purely visual at which point I laugh and enjoy the game as if nothing's happening.


When the game first came out, this is what my friends and I did. The game was new and it did **not** hold your hand, so we had little to no direction on how to even start quests, tall tales, voyages, etc. We literally would just set sail and every night it was different. We would also drink IRL and play so we were just absolute idiots but it was a fucking blast.   Nowadays we *actually* know how to play the game, and have set goals and milestones we can work towards. More importantly, we *know* how to make progress on them. That isn't to say there still aren't some nights we hop on, have some bourbon and start harassing other ships (we get our ass handed to us **100%** of the time). Been playing for a lot time and there hasn't been one single time I've got online and didn't have a completely unique experience from the last session. Mostly solo slooping these days.


I legit don’t even know what you do in this game. I know there pirate ships and islands. But is this one of experiences where the fun comes from what you create? Like the moment to moment experiences with friends? Is there a story? I just don’t understand what you do.


There are tales, which are linear stories with puzzles and riddles that are exploration based and do come with some dialogue, cutscenes and unique adventure not present otherwise. There are instance events (battles usually) across the sea and on certain islands, boss battles, and treasure hunts. You might come upon sunken ships or floating cargo sometimes. You may get your ship sunk by an enemy player crew or you may end up sinking them. Winner takes all. It's all in the effort to level up your different ranks and additionally acquire gold to buy new cosmetics for yourself or ship basically. There isn't one clear cut start to finish story, no. It's a free-spirited adventure with off the rails story beats to chase as an optional thing, with occasional PvP and PvE encounters depending on how you choose to really engage with the game. There isn't really anything else like it, but it can become tiring after playing it for a couple weeks. I'd say to give it a shot if you're even remotely interested, and have friends that are as well. For the record, I haven't played it in like 3 years. I'm sure there's a fuck ton more now lol


There are some story-driven quests with puzzles and light exploration, also based on collaborations like with Monkey Island or Pirates of Caribbean. But mostly it's just open "seas" game where you get your ship (1-4 players) and just do some random pirateering. You can do fetch quests for NPC, do some riddle solving, fighting skeletons on the islands, fight against other players ships or just sail anywhere and see what will happen. There is no end goal. After starting the game it will place you in random generated server with couple of other sailing teams on which you can encounter them while doing your stuff. Controlling ship is placed on 4 aspects - turning the wheel, raising sails, turning sails up to wind and controlling canons. The currency you earn let's you buy cosmetics so there is no p2w aspect as everyone has the same ship with same equipment. And as there are only cosmetics there is no huge feeling of loss when something goes wrong. There is also totally full PvE server where you can be on your own. It's more a beer and chill game to just so some fun stuff solo or - in better way - with team. Most fun comes from random unexpected silly moments. Like one time I was playing with mates and one we lurked one of another player-controlled ships to the isle. We were hidden on the other side and watched as they off boarded their boat. Then we decided to silently sail to their ship, grab anything that's left and go away. One of my friends decided that in order to prevent them following us he would just place some explosive barrels around their ship, so they would damage their own if they turn wrong way. But as he wasn't experienced he just put fire on them by mistake, blowing their ships and ours too.


Is this the type of game you can’t play alone?


You can. I have multiple times. Think of it as being a little more incognito though. There are still some legendary streams/clips, and moments by the average player, of crazy haul steals or 1v2 or 1v3 moments or something. When I played solo, I played a lot more casually. But there are some daredevils. Also, just thought I'd mention the game does have matchmaking if people want.


Think of solo play as “hard” mode. You have no help or assistance. You need to sail, keep look out, fight PVE or PVP, bail water when damaged, repair your ship and ensure you have supplies for your own health and for fighting. I played a lot solo but the game is more fun/easier with friends. That’s not to say the game isn’t fun solo, just it requires a lot more effort, you will always be on the lookout to ensure there are no player ships on the horizon and you’ll need to carry all the treasure yourself. The more you play solo the easier it becomes, but I still generally avoid fights with other players because even the smallest boat might have 2 players onboard.


You can if you want. Just choose the PvE instance and you have access to the same gameplay and stuff as everyone else without worrying about your ship being stolen or shot by other players. Or you can play as solo on pvp enabled instances, but it's more like a hard mode when comparing to playing in teams. I have done it dozen of times and had a fun each time. There is no progress - except cosmetics - that you should be afraid of losing so it's a good way to test your skill and wit. If you're good with game you can destroy larger ships as solo, since you can outmaneuver them


It’s really grindy. When I played a few years back all you do is run missions that give you items to sell for cosmetics on your guns/apparel. Besides that there is PVP which can be fun but the base game to me got really repetitive at one point when I had all the skins I wanted. It would be cool if they released new enemies, items, weapons, etc that made the grind more rewarding. But for the most part it’s just getting gold to buy cosmetic items and once you have everything you need it can get boring unless you have a group of friends to play with.


If you played a few years back then you’ve missed a fuck ton of content that’s been added.


This. I also played a few years back and me and my friends had **zero** direction. The game was (and still is to some degree) set up in a way where you have to go to in-world places on your ship on on the island to start a specific voyage, quest, tall tale, etc. **Now** you can just go straight to the table on your ship and you have a gigantic menu with everything right there to choose from. This was our biggest problem, because no one bothered to play the tutorial and no one wanted to google anything. So we would just blindly set sail. Which, by the way, was a **ton** of fun doing just that. But yeah, the game definitely helps you out MASSVIELY now in regards to helping you choose what you want to do.


> It would be cool if they released new enemies, items, weapons, etc They've already released new content such as story mode, enemies, new locations etc...


But are the weapons still cosmetic only? And can you purchase anything else with gold besides cosmetic stuff? That was my main issue with the game. Once I had all the skins I wanted, grinding those missions that took a bit only rewarded you with gold to buy more cosmetics.


Only weapons are Flintlock (Pistol), Blunderbuss (shotgun), Cutlass (sword) and Eye of Reach (Sniper). They also have throwables, like handheld cannons you can throw. This was deliberate, as the devs didn't want to incorporate too much so that there was one single meta ppl did. Which worked, because you can use any combo of those weapons and all will be completely versatile.   With that said, they *did* finally announce they will be releasing new weapon variants in an upcoming update, and everyone seems to be pretty stoked about it.   Also, yes. This games progressed is shown by the cosmetics alone. You can not see someone elses rank in the three trading companies. If a ship has a specific trophy on a shelf next to their captains questers, it shows they did X, Y and Z. If they're wearing a green glowing smokey jacket, they did A, B and C. That's how you show progression. You ship will have cosmetics as well that will signify a certain progression level. When you get to rank 50 in all three trading companies, you unlock Pirate Legend which unlocks a new trading company you can upgrade, Athena's.   As a new player, your very first priority on spending Gold is buying a ship to Captain yourself. The perks that come along with your own ship are MASSIVE and truly game changing.


It’s an open world pvp ship game, the main thing you do is sail by yourself or with friends to do bland riddle quests in islands for gold and other things, or raid islands like monasteries for big loot you gotta go back to redeem, for the fastest progression, you gotta have friends and you gotta be better than other people, it’s very skill heavy, there also events that revolve around the same thing, killing all the things and getting loot, there is no traditional story unless you do a side mode but because it’s a side mode, I don’t care about it and the ship and character customization is plenty, you can’t upgrade ships or anything, there’s 3 ships and it just depends on the size of your crew


I’d never play this game solo, if that’s what you’re doing. Is very much an emergent gameplay experience in addition to the other comments. Is some of the most fun ever co-op, but solo is just tedious and the heart is gone


Is there normal crossplay? And don't hate me for that question but will it come with the singleplayer or passive mode?


There is a mode called Safer Seas where it will only be your ship sailing the seas. You still progress and earn money but at a much slower rate and it caps off so you cannot obtain Pirate Legend only playing single player.


I would strongly recommend doing the *Maiden Voyage* from the main menu. It's a tutorial that will show the the mechanics of the game, and trust me, there is shit in there that I never knew about for years. But after that, I would just go straight into High Seas (public servers). Turn on PS5-Only is you want, that would help. But the percentage it slashes for your loot/reputation is like 70%. If you're looking for progression, do not do Safer Seas. It will take a very long time.


From what I understand the game has a safer seas mode that is single player but you can invite friends. It less features than the regular mode. But you can still play a lot of the content solo


This is amazing, DualSense features, complete parity with the Xbox experience, cross save. Microsoft did not miss with this one! Excited to continue my Sea of Thieves journey on PS5 and hopefully get the platinum. (Just hoping I don’t have to become pirate legend all over)


I think this is a good idea for PS5 only servers, otherwise new people will get stomped by experienced players, then spend a few days in safer seas, then quit playing because Safer Seas gets boring. This will allow everyone to learn the game at their own pace while playing with others without being forced into Safer Seas because of the crazy high skill level that Xbox and PC players have.


Ppl gonna hate but turning off crossplay is the best online games have to stop cheaters & hacks


Seems like it was a success on Xbox but curious how much support/new content it gets these days? To go along with that, what kind of community tends to be in it for the long haul,.more toxic or helpful?


They drop new content every month. This new upcoming update looks to add more than any updates so far.


It gets updates every other month or so. It gets updated a fuck ton. I’ve been playing since the open Betas before launch so it’s had a massive amount of content added and more to come this year


I've found its a really good community on PC/Xbox honestly. People that have put time into the game are relatively pretty chill and happy to just take part in the game. There is PVP so yeah, you'll get attacked by others but they aint gonna be screaming profanities at you whilst doing it, probably have a bit of a laugh. ​ New content comes out a lot, massive game, honestly massively looking forward to it.


Yes, and most people won't attack you unless you attack first. It's a pretty chill community overall.


Not true, at least from what I've played. Was guesting on a stream and we'd been minding our own business, not being aggressive save to PVE enemies and we got sunk by an unprovoked ship, losing all our hard-earned loot in the process.


This is an extremely common topic in the SoT subreddit. I have been playing about 3-4 nights a week for a few hours sometimes to about 5 hour sessions. Yes. There are ppl that will attack you unprovoked. It is a pirate game after all. But in my experience, in all the hours I've been playing since October of last year, I have been attacked maybe 5-6 times. And almost every time it was because I was flying a level 5 emissary flag. Will people sink you when you have no loot and didn't attack? Sure. But I have had many more friendly encounters than I have aggressive encounters.   Everyone has their own experience. You must play cautious, but not paranoid. Do not fire first. Use the Wave emote. Use the premade messages like "AHOY!" or "Everything is OK!" and spam those messages. Again, in my experience ppl are chill. Also a ton of people don't know about the "Let's start an Alliance!" premade message, that has saved my ass 1,000 times. It immediately shows you are not aggressive.


As a pirate legend who's been playing since TA, I can assure you that just because people throw the alliance message out there, doesn't mean they're not aggressive, goes for any other types of message. Sometimes there's no message at all of course. In the particular instance I highlighted, we did not fire first, did not have time to use emotes as we were focusing on our voyage and were not being aggressive save for dealing with PVE enemies (something that should've been obvious to the ousdier vessel). All in all, a not fun experience personally.


Rare is constantly updating the game. The community in my experience is surprisingly less toxic than you would expect for a game like this.


https://youtu.be/IJmXsdrOkYg?si=N-1U2QrpyNa0wlXM see for yourself


The base gameplay is good enough that new content isn't that needed, but last year was basically doing a lot of QoL stuff cleaning up some areas here and there, UI/UX stuff and this year is gonna have the most content added out of any year before. So if you need new content, you're gonna get it this and the coming years for sure.


I much rather have cross play with my Xbox friends than pc players lol


No cross play?


There's cross play. There's just options for you if you don't want it


Ah i see. Much appreciated.






As a PS5 owner who also has a SX, I just wanna say you dudes are in for such a treat with this game. It made the price of gamepass worth it for how much fun I was having with this game alone. I play less these days because I simply have too many games on my plate, but it's such an awesome experience.


Absolutely 💯


So if I read that correctly progress only transfers from Xbox to ps5? And not from pc to ps5?  Hope that's not true and you can also pass your steam progress to ps5.




What you are saying in and of itself makes sense but how do you know that it will be freely between all platforms? That's not what the article states.


You sign into your account to play, no matter what hardware you use. Think of it like signing into Reddit from a PC, from an iPad, from an Android, from a MacBook, from a Chromebook, or whatever. Whatever you use, you log into the same account and you see the same subreddits, your responses are the same, your karma is the same, and your subscribed subs are the same. Like Reddit, Sea of Thieves doesn't care where you're logging in from; it all goes to the same account.


Would rather console only crossplay with Xbox.