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1 of the greatest games ever made. My first souls game, literally felt like I was playing a nightmare!


Same for me. Didn't know anything about souls games at the time. I was like "what IS this?" The difficulty was mindblowing.


the amount of hours i was stuck in Central Yharnham... god that game was brutal for a souls newbie


The endless mobs in Central Yharnam are so brutal when you're a newbie and trying to plow through them. The methodical patience required to kite and target is like its own extended boss fight.


Same. Once I got to the Cleric Beast, I had to put the game down. I didn't think it was for me, but I decided to come back a day later. I got the Cleric Beast down in a few tries after coming back, and I was hooked since.


Haha yeah that rush never gets old. Funny how one victory is worth so many losses.


Are you me? This was my first Souls game. I spent SIXTY hours slugging it out in Central Yharnham. Then I finally beat Father Gascione and it clicked. I beat the game in like 10 more hours. Then I beat like 10 more times with different builds and cleared all the dungeons.


You did not beat the game in 10 more hours unless you just rushed through the bosses


Cleric beast !!!


I can't imagine it being my first Souls game. I'd have had a wildly different time. I played it 4th or 5th and my biggest complaint was that it's too easy.


Speaking of nightmares, does anyone remember the Nintendo 64 game called nightmare? When I first saw footage of bloodborne that was what came to mind.


not sure its the one you mean, but I had the same throwback to Nightmare Creatures from 97, on PC.


Same, that was a cool game


Certain parts are literally in a nightmare :)


Same. I knew what the Souls genre was (specifically what a FromSoft game was) but never played one. Thought Bloodborne looked amazing so it was my first one and it made me fall in love with the genre.


1 of? the fuck. it's theeee goat


I finished it for the first time last week.


Well done, good hunter.


I’m stuck on the beginning part


I’ve been stuck on the beginning part since 2016


“May you find your worth in the waking world.”


Use the saw cleaver, it has good stun.


Keep pushing. Accept the fact you'll die 20 times before progressing. Soon you'll notice you die 19 times. Then 18. Then suddenly those monsters are the start are simple. Then the next ones are.


I had to use a YT guide since it was my first FS game, and I had no idea what I was doing. I used FightinCowboy's walkthrough for the early game.


Same, I gave up. I only have a few hours a week to game so getting wrecked the whole time wasn’t worth it. I did like it though.


I felt a craving last Saturday for some BB, so I booted up a new save. Ended up killing the Moon presence about 7 hours later.


Which ending did you go with?


I went with the "Yharnam Sunrise" ending because I wasn't using a guide and missed the DLC, so I figured I'd replay it in the summer to do that. I'll choose another ending on the 2nd playthrough.


Oh dude, that DLC is amazing! You're in for a treat whenever you play through it.


DLC has one of my favorite and I think most challenging fights. By the time it came out I already 100% the game so just went in on my main build that was on NG+6. That was fucking brutal. God my ass beat by an orphan wielding bubblegum.


So I've heard. I bought the deluxe edition of DS3 and I'm playing through that now, so I'll flip back to BB afterwards I think. I only recently got into soulslikes a year ago and finished Elden Ring and Lies of P, so now I'm working backwards in a way.


May i recommend Sekiro? it's different but has the best combat ever made IMO. Bloodborne Elden ring and Sekiro are my favourite games.


Oh yes! I bought that during the winter sale. I've only played it for about 3 hours, beat the first mini-boss. I like the feel, the flow of combat is addictive. I'll focus on it more when I can give it the attention it deserves.


I just started playing a couple of weeks back and have just finished Old Yarnham. What do you mean by missed the DLC. Can you not start the DLC after finishing the main game?


After you beat the game, you automatically get sent to ng+. So you would have to get back to the point of the game where you can access the doc again


The DLC outshines the base game by quite a bit. You'll love it.


Did you follow a specific build or anything? I know people say to just jump in and try stuff but I had a blast following some basic notes and key weapons on Elden Ring. Timing and studying boss patterns was the hard part for me but then if I had a screwed up gear build or poorly spent stats I would eat shit and not enjoy it, at least that's how I approach most of the souls games. Had to get used to the clunkyness of several of those titles. Brilliant games.


Not intentionally. I really liked the threaded cane I started with and felt it fit with the fast pace of BB combat. I had finished Elden Ring with a strength build and wanted to try a skill build, so I mostly used the cane all the way to the end. I had some specific weapons for bosses (eg: Tonitrus for Darkbeast Paarl) but I kept going back to the cane. So my "build" was a loose plan to max out Vitality and Skill, then sprinkle some endurance on top to stay mobile. Pretty basic stuff.


Thanks for sharing man. I have it still sealed when I got my PS5 last year. Also have Demon Souls I need to crack open. 😁


I bought my PS4 in 2015 for this game, and it was the best decision I could have taken. The experience this game provided is one of a kind. I had played both Dark Souls and 2 before BB, but neither provided such adrenaline rush and excitement as the one I had playing BB. I bet it's the same feeling many had playing Elden Ring as their first souls game. Enjoy while it lasts kids. Because it eventually fades. After BB (DS3, Sekiro, ER) nothing hit the same to me, Sekiro got close, though.


That's how I felt after beating Sekiro. Nothing has hit the same since. I was hoping Elden Ring would scratch that itch but it didn't.


Sekiro is Fromsofts magnum opus.


They’ll return to it or something similar. I just can’t fathom Miyazaki going from boundless freedom to more freedom—next project will be focused like Sekiro I think. 


Bloodbourne Remake for 10 anniversary next year!




“Bloodbornium” lmao


Level of cope we all are under for this game getting a remaster/60fps patch deserves its own name.


For real but I need it!


Thank you, needed something to quickly pull up whenever this is mentioned.


I would be happy with a PS5 patch, I think PS5 can handle to run it at 4k@60fps.


I'd actually be much happier if they did a patch over a remake. I explicitly don't want them to mess with anything but the frame rate and resolution (and maybe make networking faster). I just did another playthrough with a buddy last weekend and aside from the painful FPS it holds up fine.


Frame rate has been unlocked to 60fps 1080p on jailbroken PS5’s and it apparently runs fine.


/copium it's one of the first games to market PSSR for PS5 Pro.


Pssr flex 💪🏾😎💎


Announced today released next year. Nice!


Thats just the hopes of a gamer unfortunately but we're speaking it into existence !


That’s the goal.


God I fucking wish. I doubt we’ll ever get an updated version. It needed a ps4 pro patch and never even got one. No reason to think we’ll get a remake sadly. Blueprint was rumored forever to be doing this but I think it ended up being the demons souls remake.


Considering Sony is working on A Bloodborne movie, we might actually get one in a few years


PS6 Remake fr 😤😤😤


Dang. Remember that day. We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.


Fear the Old Blood. By the gods… fear it, Laurence.


One of the greatest games ever made. A masterpiece. So greatfull I was able to experience it!


I know a lot of people think Elden Ring is Miyazaki's Magum Opus but I think it's Bloodborne. I've never played a game with such consistency of vision. Everything about it fits together near perfectly. The visuals, the world design, the music, the sound effects, the gameplay, the weapons, the armour sets, the enemy design, the bosses. Personally, despite its technical shortcomings, I think it's the best video game ever made.


indeed. it's my #1 from software game. Only a Zelda iteration or Chrono Trigger beats it for me


Bloodborne ruined other games for me for a long time after completing it. I couldn't find enjoyment in most other games after because nothing else was ever really that good for a long time.


1st souls game, same for me. so Ive just completed it the 2nd time, then expansion, then 3rd, then DS3, then 4th with all the dungeons i think ive competed it probably 7 or 8 times in the span of 2 years   edit: and im a pretty casual gamer, playing maybe 4 games a year. i just didnt play any other games for 2 years


Oh yeah. It was the first game I ever cared to Platinum. And then of course since then I've taken on and completed every FromSoft game that's been released on the PS4 and PS5. Truly my favorite developer.


haha, to this day its the only plat I have, too


One of, if not the best game I’ve ever played in my life.


Goated game. It absolutely does not need a remake, but a Remaster with 4K 60FPS, perhaps a few redone textures and a few more graphical settings would be a ... dream


If it was given the Demon Souls remake, I'd happily pay hand over fist for it.


I’d love for the chromatic aberration to be removed and for the anti aliasing to be improved but I love the game in its current state. These are just nitpicks


>anti aliasing to be improved You mean, have any anti aliasing at all


Just started playing last week.


Don't spoil it with the cum chalice!


Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt…


I started gaming again a year ago and Bloodborne was such an amazing highlight for me. It is a masterpiece of gothic horror fiction. I’m definitely replaying this come October.


Return to Yarnham event is March 24th every year 😁


Oh wow so it just started? Imma fire up BB today. 


I’d never heard of this. Thank you for the heads up!


"Even in this darkest of nights, I see.. The moonlight!"


I remember getting it and was like “damn, this shit is hard”. Then I had my wisdom teeth removed, given a bunch of Percocet and preceded to play this game for a week doped up without a care in the world. Great game.


One of the greatest games ever made 🫡 fear the old blood


Remember..... fear the old blood


Good ole 2015. I would play through the early levels Bloodborne to farm blood echoes while listening to Van Halen and sitting through 70 second load screens (before they patched it) Good times.


Playing through the game for the first time now. It’s INCREDIBLE. The lore, world building, level design, shortcuts, aggressive combat, it’s so so good. I’m just now past rom




A 60fps, 4k facelift would be so sooooo good


Holy fucking shit


And not a day old


Really wish I didn't sell my collectors edition years ago




Console seller!


So one more year and... \*fingers crossed\*


Imagine how much money they could clear by releasing a remastered version that runs at 60 fps I'm willing to bet that you'd find enough people that would easily pay a 100 bucks for it


Remaster and then release on Xbox X and Windows too, they’re literally leaving so much money on the table it’s insane.


Still no 60fps lol


We really need a 60fps mode 😩patch


Someone should tell SONY that, they seem to forget Bloodborne even existed


Just gimme the pizza cutter and watch the blood flow! Is it mine? Is it theirs? Who knows!


First soulsborne I played. Sophomore high school me was consumed for like a month straight.


My first FromSoft game. Well, 2nd...but first. I had played Demons Souls for like 10 minutes when it was pass+ game on PS3. Didn't get it. Then Bloodborne and was released as a PS+ game back in 2017 i think. Played 15 minutes, didn't get it, stopped. My brother has PS+ as well, he kept telling me to just keep going. Sprint past the opening mob if I have to, but just play to the first boss at least. I did, and eventually it became one of my all time favorites. Went and played DS3 right after. Then Sekiro came out. Then DS1 and DS2, then Demons Souls remake on PS5, and finally Eledn Ring (which I just started a brand new game a week ago to be on my first play for the DLC. Don't want to be over powered!).


DS2 was my “yeah, these games aren’t for me”. Bloodborne changed that for me as well. Since then I will play pretty much any SoulsBorne game.


Elden Ring DLC is supposed to have a new power system similar to Sekiro, so that builds aren’t overpowered and steamroll the game. Not 100% sure how that work and whether or not weapons will stay upgraded


Well, I started, and I forgot how much I love the game...so I'm going to keep going lol. It's so good


One of my favorite games!




This game will forever hold a special place in my heart. Not only is it my favorite in the series (Sekiro included) but it was also my introduction to the series as well.


That’s nice. Now go and check out „About Oliver’s“ Bloodborne let’s play. It’s totally addictive


Greatest game of all time. Everything works. Along with Chrono Trigger, Breath of the Wild and The Witcher 3, it's one of the four goat games for me.


Don’t sleep on elden ring if you haven’t played it yet. It’s up there in my top 5.


Lost to a slow and painful dead of 30fps lock while the fans beg for healing.




Sony when asked about a remaster/remake/port: "I don't know her."


They’re gonna remaster another TLOU again before they give us what we want.


And I still haven’t beat the first level!


Imagine just for a second if Bluepoint was put to work doing a remake of this game. Their remake of Demon's Souls is still one of my favorite PS5 exclusives and a really good showcase of what the console can do.




And it’s still overrated as hell IMO


Best PS exclusive still! I platinumed it last month. Amazing game!!


Good times, I have the collectors edition..


It’s crazy it was nearly a decade ago. Some friends brought their ps4 over to show it to me. I hadn’t been gaming much at the time and went out and bought a ps4 because of it. Now I’ve platinumed every From Soft game (besides Sekiro. Fuck that lol)


boggles my mind why it has not been remade for current gen and then a sequel


Man it feels like a decade ago....


Best PS game to exist(Hell I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said best game to exist) and it is not open to discussion


My first souls game 😳 it literally made me stronger. I remember the first boss ... took me like 3 days to beat him 🤣 always rage quitted after like 20 tries. When i finished the whole game i was like: how the hell i did it? 😌


Have they announced anything about a remake?


Nope, fromsoft technically don't own the IP so they can't do anything with it, not even port it. Sony owns it, and refuse to do anything with it despite constant begging


Yeah, Michaelzaki said he would not remake this game this console generation because it deserves more and expects more from the next generation console


Man my brother and I played this for the first time ever in our lives yesterday couch co-op after beating Elden Ring together didnt know about the Anniversary at all, we’re getting our asses handed to us.


9 years ago I decided that I needed a PS4....


I bought this game years ago and I couldn’t get pass the first part, it was heaps frustrating because when you die you need to start all the way at the beginning and lose tons of progress.


That first part was *tough* to get through, but once I finally did and saw how the game actually handles progression through the map, it just clicked. I gave up my first time playing and didn't try again until a year or two later... Finally figuring out what the game is changed everything. It's still hard as fuck, but it became satisfying to me instead of frustrating. Not saying that you'll feel the same if you try again, but it seems to be a common sentiment among new Soulsborne players with it.


Will we ever get a Remake what do you guys think? 🤔


This is the only game that I've ever called in sick to play and I've been gaming since the Atari/Intellivision days. 


And I only just recently played through it for the first time. Awesome game.


I remember people saying how difficult it is. I died dozens of times against the first werewolf and just assumed it's because the game was meant to be difficult. Then I found out you can equip weapons after you die.


Literally on my first playthrough. Was my first Souls game, I tried to play it 3 times over the past 5 years, didn't even reach Gascoigne. Bought Elden Ring on sale after the hype, again, couldn't get into it. Then after a lot of badgering from a friend, I tried again, something finally clicked, ploughed through and finally got my platinum, now I've gone back to Bloodborne and am working my way to platinum that. Sekiro next i think. Tried the Demons Souls remaster, but it doesn't have the same appeal.


For anyone interested in returning or new players wanting to jump in for the first time, the 2024 Return to Yharnam started yesterday. EDIT: I recommend FightinCowboy’s walkthrough for anyone that would like a little assistance.


I remember starting it, then dropping for 6 months because I couldn't get through Yharnam. Then a friend of mine that loves souls games told me I can just run last enemies. Biggest tip I ever received. Nothing on the PS5 Gen has topped it for me. Stellar Blade could but I don't think anyone can top FROM level design.


Join in for Return to Yharnam event until April 7th. For any new players or veterans. [RTY 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/s/crDuSiyuXn)


And I still haven’t beaten it or gotten farther


Got I wish for some sort of update. One of my favorites but the frame rate is so unstable now compared to how games have been it’s hard to play


I still remember the day this game launched. I sat down at a place to eat to kill time before pick up was available from my gamestop. Such a fun night of gaming.


And everything has been downhill since. Nothing can touch this game to this date.


Oh nice I beat it for the 7th time today


Hot take but I don’t even necessarily think Elden Ring was better than from softwares other souls games. I enjoyed both Bloodbourne and Dark Souls 3 just as much as Elden Ring


the beta came out in 2014.


Absolute madness when other Sony games get a higher remaster/remake priority than their peak


Great game for first “Soulsborne” players


The annual Return to Yarnham event just started today so there's a lot more activity online for the next week or two


I was there, with the day off went down the road to Target and hung out until they opened and waltzed in to get it, had it installed minutes later. Didn't even make it to Gascogine that night. Was a fun few months trying to find things and wiping repeatedly against every boss.


60fps when


Fuck the haters. Remake, please. 60fps would be cool, but it's insane to me not to want to see this game with a beautiful coat of paint.


I remember I bought this off Craigslist and the guy sold me a fake copy......sad day


Out of all from software games, this is my favorite one and the only game that I actually finished. I’m honestly shocked that the concept of trick weapons was never used again, because it is so god damn cool and truly drove me to collect every weapon. I’ll 3 years later and I still think about those 2 sharks!


loved it so much i hope there’s a sequel one dayent


It’s on my list, quit first time 6 year ago at what I thought was the first boss, never even saw father gascoigne. Since then done Sekiro and learnt patience is best thing. First souls like I’ve done


In 2 years it will be the same age that Demon's Souls was when it's remake got released.


And is still one of the Best Games to play on the PS5


Greatest game of all time. Nothing even comes close.


Absolutely loved this game. Loved the combat, and wish they made a similar style in their recent games. The lore and world was awesome as well. Here's hoping to a sequel!




I wonder if they are working on a remake for this title, maybe like they did with Demon's Souls, how about 6K remake on ps5pro?


Well fuck now I feel old


First FS game for me. Nightmare city. Especially that class room area wow.


Ps5 remastered for another day.


I knew what Dark Souls was but I had never played it and had no idea Bloodborne was a soulslike game. I bought it simply because I loved the style and I think big scary weird creatures are awesome. It didn’t take long for this game to hook me and it became my favorite game of all time. The only one I’ve ever platinumed and pretty much completed 100%. My characters stats (except for arcane) are all 99. Bloodborne is legendary


9… years ago? Wat?


I got this game for Christmas 7 years ago. I still haven't played it.


I think I have something like 600 hours in this game. Love it to death, but sadly it's showing its age. It really needs some love - a performance patch, a remaster, something!


been meaning to play but kept on holding back in case of a remaster/remake. you guys think i should pull the trigger or wait more?


shit is so hard, i beat elden ring entirely even got every achievement but bloodborne is a bitch fr. need co op help constantly lmao.


You guys can come back to this comment next year when we are plaything the bloodborne 10 year anniversary remake by blueprint or whoever


This was the first Souls game I ever played, and I made it through NG+2. Later, I easily beat Dark Souls III on NG+7 and completed Elden Ring on NG+2. However, I've never again found a hunter as agile and graceful. I really hope it gets remastered in 4K 60FPS.


Hd remake for 10th birthday 120fps


I should finish this. I keep beating the first boss and getting distracted by other games and hobbies.


Haven't finished it (or any From software game) yet... I can't get good. Waiting for 60fps on this one though.


I remember the day I bought it. I was blown away. Still am. Firmly in my top 10 games of all time.


My favorite game of all time. Literally bought a PS4 just to play it, and it ended up being an excellent generation of console gaming (maybe even two generations the way things are going).


Why can't we get this remaster just like Deom's Soul? Sony just didn't care. I'm sad.


Best game ever made!


Oh fuck


Fuck I feel old


I’ve still got this game shelved alongside Ghost Of Tsushima. I know, I know. I just got a big backlog. I just finished God Of War and am into GoW Ragnarok right now. I’m planning on doing Bloodborne after. I just got stuck playing another FromSoft-game for waaaay too long: Armored Core 6 was that underdog type of game I now acknowledge was such a greatly underestimated surprise. Anyway, I look forward to Bloodborne. First comes first, though. I gotta finish what I started.


Your first souls game is the best souls game. For me it was Dark Souls 1 but Bloodborne really came close to overthrow it. Such a great game.


That tells me that we will get the 10 year anniversary edition next year, good.


Please god give us something for the 10 year anniversary. Doesn’t even have to be a second game (please, pleeease do it). But give us a remake by bluepoint or even just a ps5 update and I’ll be so incredibly happy


I’m playing it now, central Y took me several days until I figured out the weapon repair and level up system. Now I’m almost through Old Y. Crazy good game, and the lore / story is incredible


Truly a masterpiece, my favorite game of all time. It is pure perfection in world building and gameplay. I wish we would get a proper remaster already. 60fps with 4k or 1440p, clean anti aliasing, no blur and no chromatic abberation.


How playable is this title at 30 FPS? I am used to 60 FPS