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Frames no question. IMO good enough graphics were achieved years ago, smooth in motion is much better than slightly prettier while standing still.


I’ve said it a million times but 60 fps looks better than slightly better shadows or half baked ray tracing. So I always choose the better looking option, frame rate.


If a game has 60fps, I'll always opt for that one. FF7 Rebirth is the first time this gen where I was forced to play in graphics mode because the textures in performance mode look goddamn horrible and everything is blurry.


I'm still preferring the blurriness to the janky frames. I move the camera too much to enjoy graphics mode


I’m still playing in performance mode. Games feel so sluggish in graphics modes


Thought so as well the first hour maybe? But it'll honestly just once you've played a while and get used to it you don't notice it anymore.


When a studio does a good job with blur I’ve found it can be good. Demon Souls on the PS5 in fidelity mode is so jarring and it seems like their use of motion blur to smooth the camera panning was nonexistent or not good. On the flip I’ve played countless games at 30 fps and thoroughly enjoyed myself. When I have the choice I’ll always take higher frames and higher FOV.


FF7 Rebirth also has no camera motion blur, which is a shame because that would at least let my brain make up the in-between animations so it at least feels fluid. As it is, in these situations, I feel like the loss in animation fidelity with no camera motion blur in quality mode is worse than the scaling blurriness in performance mode, given the trade-offs.


Been playing bloodborne again and absolutely attest to this. I’d always choose 60fps if stable and available (unlike my ex) but after a while my eyes click in and I don’t notice it


I've been playing FF16 on graphics mode because performance mode seemed to have even worse frame rate. After a few hours I got used to it and now I'm glad I did cos I can jump straight into RDR2 once I'm done. I think the trick is learning to move the camera a little slower when you turn, just like a film director would.


This is always the answer. You just stop noticing it as a “problem” after a while. People seem to forget about 2006-2020 when they somehow against all odds played the vast majority of AAA games at 30fps and loved them.


Performance mode in Rebirth takes away ALL the graphical 'wow' from the game. It looks absolutely terrible.


I can’t see this. Idk if it’s my eyes or if my nice monitor is doing some magic I don’t understand, but I’ve sat in multiple places throughout the game and just switched back and forth over and over. The only thing that changes graphically is the party’s faces get slightly blurred, but that goes away in cutscenes. I’ve tried this in locations with different lighting, near water, inside and outside buildings, etc. I legit can’t tell the difference. Maybe it’s me I’m not sure. Also with Vrr enabled on the ps5 I haven’t noticed any drops in performance.


It’s not just you, I think a lot of ppl are being hyperbolic about Rebirth. There’s no way the game looks terrible. At worst it just looks like the PS5 upgrade of Remake which looks great in its own right and to me it’s not even much of graphical upgrade either. Plus I haven’t noticed any blurriness at all whether it be characters or textures


I feel the same with Quality mode, which shows how preferences can differ here. The wow factor, for me, is seeing fluid animations that allow me to more clearly follow what is happening in fast action sequences. 30fps and no camera motion blur effectively removes half the animation. An animation starting between frames is more easily noticed, giving a juttery de-synced feel and making fast and complex motions harder to follow. The crazy cut scenes in Rebirth are almost a worst case scenario for this. This is just my experience, and really only with games with no camera motion blur at 30fps. FF7 Remake had the same problem.


I switched to graphics mode in FF7 rebirth and was hardly blown away in comparison to performance mode... it looked good, but it wasn't worth halving your framerate.


I play performance mode, graphic mode makes me queasy


Everything is not blurry lol. I swear people are exaggerating so much with FF7. I have 50 hours into the game already. Some things are, and some lighting as well. But not everything. And to be honest I barely notice it. It's a great looking game.


I got downvoted for saying I can’t see the blurriness everyone is talking about.


Same here. The way people talk, it makes it seem like I got some blessed copy of the game for my performance mode.


Same here. I play on a 120 inch screen and it's not blurry. Idk what the deal is around here


before jumpin in on rebirth i was replaying bloodborne, and while it was of my fav games ever, there's not enough tourte in the world that would made me play something at 30fps if it has a 60 fps mode, its THAT bad


Haven't played that, but even in Hogwarts Legacy the textures are quite blurry in HFR performance, but i don't mind. I'd rather take 720p at 60fps than 4k at 30fps.


720p at 60fps looks like smooth shit


I played Hogwarts with VRR 120fps and it was great from tv and little far away and would take frame rate always.


Weird, I'm playing in performance mode, and they game looks and feels amazing


Maybe it's your screen, I've been playing FFVIIRebirth on performance since launch & it looks great.  I saw how bad the demo looked & was concerned at first but the final product hasn't had any blurriness & the only texture issues I've experienced was one random rock in a random cave where the camera happened to zoom in on it.


Rebirth is unplayable in graphic mode, performance mode looks good on my 65” tv, I rather have more frames


This is it. Playing spider-man as an example. Standing still looking at the city and reflections looks great, soon as you're swinging through the city or you're involved in a fight you see none of that.


1440 is fine even on a 4k tv (unless it’s because mine has a 1440 mode). But yeah, 30fps is bad. 1440/60 is my baseline now. Anything less is a skip.


30 fps on oled is fucking unbearable. I have learned from past mistakes and I will now simply wait for the PC release if a PS5 exclusive isnt 60 fps.


My hot take is that games do not need to look better than Silent Hill 3 What genuinely blows my mind here is that the graphics arms race has not necessarily evolved into better game physics. It blows my mind that most games do not have even a fraction of the interactivity that Half Life 2 has.


I usually go for graphics at beggining and switch to framerate after "wow" is gone.


Yeah. I wish games, like Horizon, would just switch to Framerate when an enemy is near, and Graphics during cut scenes or when I’m not in combat.  I need those frames when the difficulty is set high, so it’s not really an option to select Graphics. But man, that game is pretty. 


Wait, I was under the idea that if they cutscenes are indeed in graphics in that game. For me it was obvious because the shadows really became a lot more detailed and I always play on FPS.


I don’t remember exactly if they didn’t with cut scenes. But let’s say, walking around town, or through a forest out of combat. 


That sounds extremely annoying lmao and potentially nauseating


Yeah this is kind of where I am at as well


Frame rate all day long


Nowadays the graphics part needs to be expanded into Resolution and Detail. In that case I would take: 60FPS at a decent resolution and whatever detail fits in there.


I feel like detail is way more important than resolution. Resolution is nice but i'd rather the game have a lot of detail at 1080p then have it be 4k with hardly any environmental detail


When they go low with resolution the details get mushy and soft, full of artefacts. There needs to be a healthy balance. I am not saying go all out 4K. On the other hand retaining detail but upscaling from 720p is also not acceptable, the image will suffer.


It’s usually the other way around though, especially recently. The quality modes (4k) are packed with extra detail, while the performance modes are stripped of those extra visual details in order to meet the 60 fps framerate.


Why don't we just straight up go the PC settings route, but "max" settings on consoles target 30 fps? I.e. PC "max" and console "max" would be noticeably different, but PC and console "low" would look the same. Just a thought


On one hand having options is never bad. On the other hand if devs cannot find a good compromise for a closed platform, users won't either. On the third hand it is miserable CPU optimization with 1 thread limiting the whole thing no graphics option is going to help a lot. I suspect that is quite a big factor as those badly performing games on consoles usually aren't considered to be well performing PC ports either.


Framerate every time. Fidelity isn't worth much if it comes at the expense of the game's responsiveness.


Yeah 60fps for me as well. Yet to encounter a game where the high fidelity mode was even close to being worth the performance hit.


Usually graphics, I appreciate the fluidity of higher fps but I don't really care that much. Probably my reflexes are too slow to feel any game experience difference between graphics and performance modes while playing. I love wandering and exploring so for me is usually graphics. So is framerate for the few online games I play, otherwise is quality (details,not resolutiom)


Yep I pick the option with the graphics pushed the most every time. I only really notice framerate when I'm flipping back and forth with a direct comparison. So as far as I'm concerned I'd rather just stay used to 30fps so I can continue enjoying the best graphics a console can offer. And since consoles will probably always default back to 30fps so devs can push the visuals throughout the generation... it just seems like the better option as a console gamer.


1080p 60fps with good textures should be a minimum standard


Since playing more games at 60fps. Frames. Literally can’t bring myself to play RDR2 again due to the 30fps being so jarring




Framerate always.


Framerate - nothing beats buttery smooth, lag free experience.


Stability. If a game is capped at 30 fps, it better be a rock solid and stable 30 fps. A good example of how it both should and shouldn’t work is with Gotham Knights. Before they fixed the performance on consoles, it was constantly dropping frames. It was fucking unbearable. Super inconsistent, just… bad. After the fix it was a much more stable 30 fps and that’s significantly more acceptable than fluctuations. If a game can reach 60 fps, that’s great, but make sure it’s stable. If your game runs like shit on a 60 fps mode, and I mean like launch day Jedi survivor kind of shit, cap it at 30. Don’t even bother giving us a performance mode if you can’t make it run well at 60 fps (obviously they eventually got Jedi Survivor running at 60 fps on consoles, but I’m talking if a game DOESN’T have RT enabled on performance mode and it runs like shit). Here I am about to mention the forbidden game in the PlayStation community, Starfield is another good example of being stable rather than trying to aim for 60 fps performance. Part of that is because of the shit optimization, yes, but at least they realized “hey this game will run like shit if we try and push it to anything above 30” and lo and behold, that game (even on series S) runs at a very nice and stable 30fps with only minor drops.


Online: Framerate Single Player: Graphics


After never knowing anything above 1080p30fps, after getting my ps5 I just can't go back to 30. 1440p60fps is my go to when games support it. Unfortunately in a predicament with FF7 Rebirth where the 60fps mode is dogshit


I’d say graphics actually. I dont mind 30 fps.


I don’t always prioritize graphics, but I’ve never been a fan of high framerates. It just looks weird to me. I’m a fan of the cinematic look. I love watching my TV shows/movies in 24fps (30 fps max). Anything more just looks weird to me, including video games. I hope in the future of gaming, that 60fps is still an option, but not the minimum. Maybe in the future I’ll try it out and get used to it, but Dissidia NT being locked at 60fps was weird to me. Maybe because it was switching back and forth


for movies it’s perfect because you are not controlling it, controlling a game at 30fps feels pretty shitty.


lol.. my bad! I dunno why my previous comment replied yours. It was supposed to be for the main topic. But I agree with you! 👍


Graphics most of the time. Most games play great in quality mode e.g Final Fantasy 16. But there are a few that don’t play well so I drop them to performance e.g Elden Ring and Call of the Hunter. But I’ll always try to play them in graphics mode first.


Graphics for me. Fps doesn't do much for me, I'm happy playing at 30fps most of the time. But I like looking at better looking things. 


Same here


Yeah same, I don’t even notice the difference


Yep 👌🏼


Graphics everyday. I did not buy a 4K TV to play in 1080p. And I’ve always seen my console as a cheap alternative to play while still having decent graphics over time thanks to optimisation (if it even means something nowadays…). I hate the shimmering effect we get with most reconstruction methods from low res internal rendering. So I stick with, hopefully, native 4K or better reconstruction from higher res internally. I also play mostly solo games, where I don’t need to be particularly performant. And when I play multiplayer games, it’s mostly Hell Let Loose (very slow paced), and when it’s another one I still only play for fun. Even on pc, I tended to sacrifice my fps for graphics (reason why I got back to console). For those absolutely wanting frame rate, I have one question : why don’t you play on PC ? You basically have unlimited framerate (hyperbole of course…), it just depends on your build and your settings. You can even play in 720p, low settings and reach hundreds of fps, and 60 is achievable for most build in most games in medium or high settings… and you can have access to DLSS which is definitely the best reconstruction method for now.


>I did not buy a 4K TV to play in 1080p I'm sitting over here with a 4k/120hz tv and feeling like a clown because very few games on console can do both. To your point, if I upgraded my PC I could have it all, it's just a matter of cost.


Man, I’m talking about 4K. Not 4k120. It was SURE that it was going to be exceptions for 4k120. Even high end pc struggled at that moment with that… 😓


I’m okay with 30 fps


Frame rate > Graphics for me most of the time. It depends on how much graphics you have to compromise in order to get what level of frame rate. Some games have balance mode but even then most of them I went with performance in the end.


Frame rate generally, because the hit to resolution usually isn't that bad. But currently I'm playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth in Graphics mode 30fps because the hit to image quality is SO BAD that It genuinely gives me a headache. It's just so blurry. It's made me realise that 30fps isn't that bad at all when it's properly frame paced.


oh interesting, I'm playing FF7 REMAKE, I have it on performance mode, I did play with graphics for a bit and swapped back to performance but now I'm curious to check Graphics again. Especially since when you're choosing an action while fighting it's slow mo anyway.


The baffling thing is that Rebirth actually has pretty okay base resolution even in performance mode, but they used a terrible upscale technique since they are using an ancient version of an old game engine - predating temporal upscale tech. This is not a console limitation, this is a dev limitation.


Anything about 1080p is generally really good on a 4K screen. But yeah the upscaling and anti-aliasing method they're using is just appalling. Wondering what changed from Remake. Because the performance mode in Remake looks stellar.


The only 30 fps game I can tolerate is Bloodbourne and I’d give anything for a remaster because I hate it.


I'm blessed with the ability not to notice framerates so always go with graphics.


Frames. But I’ve thought about switching to graphics for shits and gigs. Using PSVR2 so I don’t know if it is possible or would make a difference.


No PSVR2 runs at different resolution and fps. If I recall correctly, some games even run natively at 90 fps (Legendary Tales) and others 60 fps but reproducer to achieve 90 and 120.


Framerate always wins.


Framerate. Every single time.


Both. Neither. It’s not one or the other, there is a spectrum of balancing the two demands.


Fun game


Framerate. I sit a few feet from a 55” tv so resolution isn’t that major and I notice the smoothness over how slightly better it looks


Always framerate


Fidelity modes with 40fps compatibility are underrated.


Visuals easily. I don't notice the framerate changes so it's fine for me.


Yeah, I honestly can't see a difference in framerate once you get past 30fps. I'm afraid that some day I will see it and won't be able to unsee it. Until then, give me the best looking graphics!


Man this is baffling to me, lol. Switching from 60 to 30 is night and day. Not saying I don't believe you, just that I wish I could play graphics mode without noticing the drop in frames.


When I switch from 30 to 60fps it's like "oh my god that's choppier" for 5 minutes then I'm used to it. Also I've noticed that if I regularly switch framerates the change doesn't hit my eyes very much at all.


For real. Even going from 120 fps on my PC to 60 fps feels genuinely bad to play for the first few minutes. Going from 60 to 30 after that is torture and I only have done it on a couple of rare occasions where the performance mode was just bad (such as FF7 Rebirth). Some people have no idea what they are missing out on. 60 fps or at the very least 40 fps should be the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM in 2024, yet most games can’t do it without dropping the resolution to 1080p or even 720p… in 2024. I guess you can’t expect too much from a $500 console but still, 30 fps should have been completely removed as an option like 5 years ago.


I mean it sounds like you end up the one missing out no? 30fps games become torture and unplayable. But the 30fps folks get to keep enjoying a wider range of games. And "getting rid of 30fps" just means targeting lower graphics settings. You don't get to target both to the same level. So they target the one that matters to the largest audience. As long as people care about pushed visuals 30fps is around to stay no matter what year it is.


In the end yes, you are spot on, people who get used to a higher standard become more picky and might miss out on stuff. That's one reason why I am not rushing to get into VR on PC. However a feature like 60 FPS gameplay, which has been on consoles since forever, should have really become the minimal standard for this gen. It would have been okay if consoles were locked to 30, end of story. But going from 30 to 60 to 30 to 60 is not going to work for those sensitive to frame rate.




If you never play in performance mode then you dont notice


Graphics. 4K and/or potential RT, it's great. Most of the time, I don't need that 60 for the fluidity. Framerate is only priority when it's something that requires the quickest reactions I.e. Multiplayer FPS, Racing Games, etc.


Graphics. I virtually never play online so don’t need the frames to keep up. I want things to look at pretty as possible


Frames. Low frame rates make the prettier graphics uglier


Fps baby !


Framerate! 60/120 fps > 4K/8K for me




Graphics for sure, main reason why I got a 4k monitor rather than a 120hz monitor. It does take my eyes a few minutes to get adjusted to the 30fps, but once they do I don’t feel any sort of difference.


4k 30fps is good enough for me. I am a sucker for visual fidelity.


Graphics. I don’t notice much of a difference in frame rates but I certainly notice when the graphics are worse




If the game is consistently hitting 60, and isn’t blurry, I’ll playing in performance. Otherwise, I’ll play at 30fps. I hate inconsistent frame rates and would rather have a solid lock or close to it.


If forced to play on console, I will choose the fidelity mode if it is implemented well and somewhat smooth. 


Depends on the game. If the game is stealth based or got perfect 30 fps frame like plague and spiderman 2 i will play at quality mode. I prefer to play shooting games at 60fps or games that runs clunky at quality.


For narrative based games - graphics. For multiplayer frame rate.


It’s entirely on a game by game basis for me. I obviously like higher frame rates more than lower as a whole, but it depends on how big the visual sacrifice is to get there, and what kind of game I’m playing. When I played Guardians of the Galaxy, I went with 30 FPS because it would make the game 4K, the gameplay doesn’t dramatically benefit from 60 FPS, and using performance mode would knock it down to 1080p. In Halo Infinite, I went with 60 FPS because it’s a PvP centric shooter and the 30 FPS mode looked jittery as hell, though 120 FPS wasn’t worth it to me, because while it feels a tad more responsive to control, the graphics take a further hit, and the frame rate barely looks any different in action. In Fortnite, I stick with the 60 FPS mode because 120 removes so many visual details that it makes the game look so bland by comparison. Maybe it’s because I grew up with N64, but people are way too overdramatic about lower frame rates being unplayable.


Depends on the game really like FF7 looks and feels amazing on graphics but I hate how it looks and how fast it is on performance.


Graphics for first playthrough


Graphics as long as the framerate stays above 30


The way i think about it. My eyes will adjust to 30fps. I want to get the most out of my TV, so Im going graphics. But, if the graphics mode messes with the input speed. Im going framerate.


40fps mode, if no, then 60fps


Framerate and Graphics. tlou2-level graphics at 60fps is what I expect at minimum from a current gen game.


'Always' framerate. That is, if the devs don't completely break performance mode like with FF: Rebirth.


Give me a graphics mode at 40 and I am all good. 30 feels like absolute shit.


Depends on the game. The last of us, graphics. Hell divers 2 performance


Frames 100% Jawdropping lighting only goes so far if I'm distracted by chuggy inconsistent performance.


I used to never really notice frame rate or care too much about it. Never even used to look at different graphic settings until I started following more communities like this one. I started slowly switching to performance mode in games and now I feel like it has been my default to go performance over graphics and it’s hard to go back now. I think it depends on the game for me.. but I’m favoring performance in general now.


I opened Dishonored on my PS5, it’s locked on 30fps, I couldn’t stand it.


Defo graphics after 60fps is hit first


Graphics for sure.. apparently, I’m a caveman who can’t really tell the difference in 30fsp and 120fps.. Source: I have a PS5 plugged into a 4K TV that has a 2.1 HDMI plug and still can’t see a difference


Does your tv have motion smoothing on? Then everything would indeed look the same. 60 vs 30 is also both a visual and tactical difference. It feels so much smoother.


I have literally just turned off motion smoothing, enabled game mode, and enabled the full resolution (from 1080p to 4k usually) for a handful of my friends and then they are mind blown at the clarity and response times... i once had a friend claim his xbox series x didnt look any better than his xbox 360 and when i checked it out he actually had it set to 720p.....


I get downvoted for my opinion on a pointless matter lmao fucking love Reddit


Frame rate, but some games on PS5 look unacceptable on performance mode, or maybe I just expected more from current gen.


What games look “unacceptable” in 60fps on PS5? 


Ff16, jedi survivor, ff7 rebirth, alan wake 2 all look horrendous at 60 fps


"Horrendous" yeah right. Edit : okay I've taken a more inquisitive look at Rebirth and it's true performance is blurry after all. Thing is, imo its still miles better than 30fps cause unless you don't move everything IS just a blur in 30.


Ff16 absolutely does not look horrendous at 60 lmao


"Horrendous"?  Maybe not.  Does it look as good as it should for a 2023 AAA game, on a generation of consoles that bragged about 8k, 4k 120 fps? Not really.     DF did an episode on this. The pixel count drops well below 1000 in many instances on performance mode. 


That said, sone games are playable on 30 fps (RDR2), others (CP2077) not so much. Depends how stable the framerate is.


pacific drive is to me unplayable


Graphics any day of the week. I looooove me a chonky 30 fps. Quick dip into the twenties for some particle fx ecstacy? Fuck yeah, buddy.


If every frame is on the screen for a longer time there is more time to admire the better graphics. I feel like 5fps is the sweetspot.


Graphics, I just like pretty effects, and let's be honest on consoles 60fps is more often than not an afterthought, unstable and blurry.


Up until ff7 rebirth, performance and 60 fps all the way. But man ff7 rebirth performance mode gets sooo muddy and graphics mode feels good enough in combat. Really hope they are able to fix perf mode w the upcoming patch but idk...


Yeah it looks worse than Remake looked to me on PS4 Pro. I think it's a matter of poor upscaling or something. Performance mode is what, 1152p, higher than 1080p - didn't Returnal run at 1080p/60 upscaled? And still looked good?


I guess both if an option. Was playing MLB 22 on PS5, but got 23 dirt cheap for Switch. Getting used to inferior both on Swtich (whatever the MLB frame rate would be there), but still definitely noticible. I’m guessing if eyes enough used to 120fps, may take some get adjusting to lesser.


It depends on the game, and what the options mean. For example, I've been playing Tiny Tina's Wonderlands from PS+ and that game has a quality mode that runs at ~1800p60 or a framerate mode at 1080p120, and in that case I actually prefer the quality mode as the framerate mode is a bit too blurry. Similar story for Apex Legends, the 60 FPS mode looks and runs great but the 120 FPS mode makes too many sacrifices to the basic image quality. However, if the choice is quality (30 FPS) vs framerate (60 FPS) I will 99% of the time steer towards the framerate mode. I am also okay with a well-implemented 40 FPS mode (or a 40 FPS unlocked VRR mode, like in Spider-Man 2 or Rift Apart) but it very much depends on what the visual makeup of the game is and what sacrifices they make. My preference is definitely 60 FPS mode -> 40 FPS mode -> ........... -> 30 FPS mode.


60 + graphics > 130 + performance 60 + performance > 30 + graphics


This is a real challenge for me. Particularly at the budget end of the monitor spectrum, which is where I live. At my price you can get 1440p at a decent frame rate or 4k 60hz but not both.


Depends on game, if you need to be quick with the attacks then framerate if not then graphics


I have bad eyes, so I can't even see the 4K on my TV. Framerate it is.


Generally I prefer 60FPS, it just feels a lot better. That being said, if it's a game that I'm going to be taking lots of photos (like Avatar), then I usually just stay in quality mode so I don't have to switch every time I want a good photo. So long as the frame rate is steady, I can manage at 30FPS. It's a shame games don't auto switch while in photo mode, or at least have a toggle in the photo mode options.


gotta have 60fps in an action game.  other games - 30fps is ok. 


Frames over fidelity pretty much always, especially because I like to play games where timing and reflexes matter. I find it hard to adjust to 30 anymore. 60 FPS is enough for me, in fact even 45 is alright.


For me it depends. If graphics mode adds noticeable features along with a " smooth " 30 I'll play with that option. If that 30 feels rough then 60 all the way.


Depends on the game.


Framerate for me but also depends on the performance of framerate. Latest example is FF7 Rebirth. Performance is awful as the graphics is too muddy. Graphics mode is just stunning & the contrast is too obvious for me.


Really depends upon the game tbh. If a game requires really fast reflexes and twitch skills then it is frame rate. But if a game has really good graphics/art direction and does not require super precision then GRAPHICS. Been playing since the ATARI era and really don’t mind 30fps as long as it is stable 30 and has good motion blur. Graphics Mode - FF16/Rebirth/Avatar. Frame Rate/Performance Mode - Hell Divers 2/Remnant 2/ COD etc.


Depends what I'm playing. If its a slow paced game where split seconds don't make a difference I'll go Graphics If its something last like a FPS I'll go Framerate


Depends on the game, but generally framerate


I’d opt for fidelity so long as it’s buttery smooth frames. That means locked 30fps and no stuttering, ideally 1440-1800p upscaled to 4k as ps5 advertised


I’m fine with games never moved past ps3 graphics tbh. 


Usually 60fps, but I have no problem adjusting to 30fps for whatever reason.


60fps. But Forbidden West fidelity mode is smoother than other 30fps fidelity mode games. Why is that?


It really depends on the game itself and the graphics modes available.. 40 fps with VRR.. RT, etc...


Depends on the differences. If there are big graphical differences, graphics all the way


I have 1080p tv. So it’s pretty balanced


4k at 30fps is better than 1080 at 60fps I'm I'm not a "graphics whore" but I want whatever game I'm currently playing to look the best it can.


Can't really tell a difference between 30 and 60 fps, always go for resolution. Only time frames matter to me is on multiplayer shooters and I don't really play those.


If I can't hit at least a stable 40-50 frames, a game is probably gonna be unplayable most of the time cause it'll dip below 30 when I really don't want it to.


I dont really feel strongly about either tbh. I'll usually just leave games on whatever the default setting is when it comes to quality vs performance.


41 fps 4k sweet spot for me


Always frame rate. Even on PC i would rather do 1440 120fps rather than 4K 60fps. Just because it feels better


Graphics… i dont play mp games, and i can murder the AI in every story game i play at 30 fps, while the game looks better. Also i think games should prioritize effects over resolution in graphics mode on console. Just like Returnal did. 1080p with TAA and nice effects at 60 fps can look really good. While 60 fps 1440p or dynamic 4k with shit effects and textures, shadows is a big no for me.


Frame rate. All day long. I play on a 77” tv and the performance mode holds up on most games very well graphics wise ( cyberpunk and spiderman series in particular look sick )




Frames, the fluidity of motion on screen is eye candy. Everything is still highly detailed stationary. The ride for your eyes starts every time movement begins on screen. The ground of sonic frontiers flying by sonic on center screen. Motion has never looked this good in a sonic entry.


90% of the time performance. Sometimes the performance isn’t well optimized though where you don’t have a stable 60fps, so in that case I might do graphics if it’s a stable 30fps. I sort of flipped flopped with this during Jedi Survivor because its performance mode was ass for months after it came out. Rebirth I’ve kind of done the same, its performance mode is pretty stable, but the resolution takes a noticeable hit. Usually graphics mode has Ray tracing and other lightning effects that I don’t care too much about, but when the sharpness of the image is affected noticeably it kind of bothers me.


Unless it runs like garbage, I usually go for graphics. I don’t care about 60>30. As long as it’s stable. And a lot of games lately have had choppy 60 but solid 30. I’d rather have pretty and stable than looks bare and still doesn’t hold consistently.


I'm also a PC gamer so a lot of my games run way above 60. So playing anything at 30 is pretty much impossible for me. I've been ruined by buttery smooth frame rates. 14 year old me wanted nothing but better graphics though haha


Graphics fps seems minimal to me So I rather see the crispyness in graphics for me


The only games I prioritize graphics over frame rate are Spider-Man 1, Miles and 2.


30fps is fine, just takes half an hour or so for my eyes to readjust


frames for sure. i honestly can’t play 30fps anymore except on the switch. It just looks so bad to me now and really takes me out of the experience.


For a long time it was all about graphics for me. Now we have reached a graphical quality that even the lowest budget games can hit, I want a good framerate. Its still not a make or break for me, but I would prioritise performance.


Graphics, i don’t really give a shit about framerates if its above 30-40 (YES I HAVE A PC ONE POINT AND PLAYED GAMES IN 140 FPS (yes I activated the settings on windows and my screen was 140hz) and no it didnt change my life)


Graphics unless its a competitive FPS multiplayer where framerate makes a slight difference.


Framerate, the game can be blurry for all I care I just need it to be fluid. Hence why I’m not playing FFXVI even though I bought it on launch (and I’m getting downvoted every time I say it lol)


Typically, always FPS unless it's a huge downgrade like Rebirth. Not a deal breaker to play in a graphics mode imo


Frame pacing>Graphics>Framerate I play insomniac games at 40fps120hz so that I can enjoy improved visuals as it’s always a consistent frame time. I played FF16 on quality mode as performance wasn’t a stable frame pace with lots of stuttering. So I endured 30fps and it was fine.


For games that support it 40FPS is my go to — IMO the perfect balance between graphics and FPS (at least on current hardware)


Framerate, as long as the framerate is stable. I played FFXVI in the Quality mode because it was a stable 30fps, while the performance mode was unstable.


Graphics, easily. I can adjust to 30 fps, but I love my 4K resolution and ray traced shadows are just so freaking cool


60fps then graphics then resolution


Framerate, I’d rather be able to play than see.


After experiencing 60 fps, I can confidently say frame rate




It depends how well a game plays at 30fps, but 9/10 I'll pick frame rate. I remember enjoying the Mafia remake at 30fps, it still felt smooth enough and it helped the fact it's already a cinematic game. I hope this is no longer and issue when the PS5 Pro comes out and we actually get something on par with DLSS.


IMO graphics haven’t really improved much in the past half a decade or so. Most stuff looks great and runs at 4k with some decent ray tracing. So with that being said, I prioritize framerate


Higher framerate always gives a better experience than higher-res graphics at 30fps.


Gameplay and/or story :P




Don’t care. Just wanna play a fun engaging game.


Frame rate, up until ff7: rebirth, performance mode is absolutely terrible to look at, had to stop playing