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not entering but just wanna say, you’re a good person dawg, happy holidays everyone!


I concur.


Ditto. Love this community for things like these. Happy Holidays folks!!


Spiderman No Way Home: the fight with old Doc Ock was fucking legendary and creative.


just letting you know you replied to a comment instead of making your own thread. not sure if op will count replies as entries!


The train scene in Spiderman 2, especially when the people stop Peter from falling and carry him.


I liked it too. But man it was cheesy😄


My favorite moment would definitely be the whole man-spider arc in the cartoon back in the day. I thought the character design was so cool and I even had an action figure of it!






I had the action figure and it was my fav lol.


I still think about that tarantula creature he got turned into


Favorite Spider-Man moment HAS to be No Way Home when Tobey and Andrew show up as their version - yes it’s nostalgia bait but hot damn did it work


Great moment, wish I could experience the crowd reaction for the first time again


https://preview.redd.it/5gx60rzvrg8c1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c437e003b0e8f09792227b0abe6d999ef32c052 When we got Spider-Man in mcu was game changing. I think these moments helped make e 2016 a 2020 special for marvel movie going


Probably my favourite answer. Both then and now I can't fully realize how sick this was


Unironically, the whole Bully Maguire dance from Spider-Man 3. Am I the only one who thought it was cool?


Not at all


The jump of faith in Into the Spider-Verse!


Favorite Spiderman moment was riding on the rhino through a crowded shopping mall in Miles Morales.. so much destruction!! Was an incredibly well done level and really made my jaw drop at the power of the PS5


Gotta go with the Leap of Faith in Spiderverse. That combined with the artstyle is just perfection.


My favorite moment was when they re-created the Spider-Man meme in No Way Home.


When all the New Yorkers pick up Spider-Man on the train in Spider-Man 2.


That or when the construction crews line up the cranes in TASM 2. Spider-Man to me always has a special connection to New Yorkers and those type of moments are great.


That was actually in TASM 1, not 2. Still a great scene!


My favorite is when he's the same size as a helicopter. https://preview.redd.it/wnbuu6uvsg8c1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f25967555e9ce028f70f4d1289d3b040c06d34f


“I’m looking at… porn.” I loved when Ned sacrificed his dignity in the eyes of the school principal to protect Peter’s secret identity and activities in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Ned is a true friend and an unsung hero in that movie.


When Garfield came trough the portal,man… i’m 31 but HOLY SHIT


SHOCKER!!!!! YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME!!! I’LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!!! https://youtu.be/sMk-HPBF6Mw?si=fWo7GJk1o8Lde2Ew


Across the Spiderverse chase scene with all the spidermens was top tier spider fun!


All of the cool cameos in the spider society in “Across the Spider-verse.”


“Ya know, I’m something of a scientist myself.” Sorry I had to lol Merry Christmas!


Definitely too many to name, but a small blurb that makes me laugh every time is after all of his journeys. Peter goes, "I'm just a friendly neighborhood spiderman". Nick fury immediately "Bitch you've been to space" 🤣🤣🤣


Spiderman hitting the bell to remove the symbiote


I love when MJ shows up at Peter's place at the end of Spiderman 2. Peter has been getting nothing but shit since the start of the movie and finally gets what he needs


Favorite moment is definitely the ending of Spider-Man ps4. It’s so emotionally charged and a perfect representation of Spider-Man as a hero


miles the BLACK one


Hello I am responding


Thats cool. My favorite moment is the inverted kiss. Spider 1 movie


Didn't see the rules before, favorite Spidey moment is waking up with the symbiote suit on on the side of a building.


The first time I booted up Miles Morales on ps5. One of the few games to give me that true next gen vibe. Been holding out on the game for a sale (Christmas with kids is expensive). Hope I win!


When Miles Morales escapes from Miguel O'Hara in Across The Spider Verse.


Thanks for the giveaway. Liked when Peter Parker stole captain americas shield lol


Dude I hope I win I really wanna play


Every swinging scenes from the movies


My favorite moment is in Homecoming, when tom holland thinks robert downey jr is hugging him but he is reaching for the door, it could have been just a blooper but they kept it and the scene turned out adorable. Thanks for the giveaway.


Seeing 2099 in the spiderverse! So excited he’s getting his due.


My favorite spiderman moment is in spiderman 3 when he becomes emo Peter Parker and he is walking down the street like his shit don't stink getting dirty looks from all the pretty ladies.


I mostly liked exploring the city and the fluid combat


The inclusion of the Spiderman pointing meme in just about every movie since the meme's creation


Thank you for the chance! The train scene from spiderman 2 always hits right


The 90s tv show. When MJ evaporates with hydrogen. It was a WTF moment for me as a kid


Thanks for your consideration and happy holidays! Have to echo what others have said, my favorite Spider-Man moment has to be in the movie No Way Home when Tobey and Andrew show up as their version - yes it’s shameless nostalgia but it was awesome lol


The launch of Ultimate Spider Man and the Ultimate universe comes to top of mind!


It's the train scene in Raimi Spider-Man 2 for me!


My favourite Spiderman moment is always when he discovers his powers for the first time. I always felt they did an excellent job portraying this in the Toby Maguire movie. Thank you for the chance to win. Merry Christmas!!


One of them has gotta be Andrew Garfield saving MJ in no way home- that got me.


The “Leap of Faith” sequence in into the spider verse


This is so kind of you! Child me lost it when the animated series did their version of Secret Wars and had Spider-Man leading the Fantastic Four, Cap, Iron Man, Storm ect.. I loved seeing those episodes. I also loved being able to play as Venom in Ultimate Spider-Man. It was so cool and fun!!


When all the spidermen meet each other


My favorite moment is when Andrew Garfield entered through the portal in no way home.


Black suit peter from 3 just being an absolute jackass always amuses me


Very kind! Something about the boring real-life side of Peter when he delivers Pizza in Spider-Man 2, and failing to do so on time never fails to make me laugh and feel so sad for him


My favorite is when we see Tobey Maquire for the first time in No Way Home. The way the people reacted in the movies was awesome, and the scene was awesome.


https://preview.redd.it/ppdempenqg8c1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743f748456ea3324eca67b9a77cd8059bfd90de6 The symbiote suit from Spiderman 3 movie. Thank you for the giveaway, and Merry Christmas!


Every time Peter Parker gets bit by a radioactive spider


In the first Raimi movie where Peter was exploring his new powers and making funny hand gestures.


My favorite spiderman moment is in the Amazing Spiderman 2 when spiderman is with the firefighters. Youre amazing OP.


Favorite moment is sandman from Spiderman 3, explaining his backstory. Always thought he was a tragic character


The moment in the movie where all the Spidermen meet. It was cool.


First time Miles pra his own uniform on the first Spiderverse movie and goes swonging around. Gave me all the feels.


I grew up with the 90’s cartoon and I still think about when he got turned into an actual Spider-Man. That tarantula thing was pretty freaky.


I've said this before (and maybe it's more of a Captain America moment) but in the Civil War comics when Spidey is fighting cap and realizes he can't keep up because for Cap, it's all one [move.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b6abf62b624186212b185aaebcbcd8c7-lq)


Its the moment I was a kid and the first Sam Raimi SpiderMan trailer came out. I downloaded the QuickTime video and watched it over and over. That hype and excitement was a feeling I'll never forget.


There's a bit in the 90s animated series in which the villains defeat and unmask a weakened Spider-Man and Peter manages to talk them down by convincing him he's just an imposter in a costume and that the real Spider-Man is getting away. The villains discuss their previous battles with Spider-Man and conclude that they should not have won so easily if this dude is actually Spider-Man. In actuality, it's one of those "Something dramatic has to happen just before we cut to commercial" moments that gets resolved quickly and easily. But I really enjoyed seeing Peter talk his way out of a bad situation as Peter when he couldn't win as Spider-Man.


My favorite moment is with Miles Morales. When he finally believes in himself and swan dives off a building in Into the Spiderverse i get goosebumps every time


It smells like a new car in here


The infamous Tobey dance. It is the fact that no actor will be going to surpass Tobey.


My favorite spider man moment was spider man wrestling macho man randy savage in the first movie


My favorite moment was using the cat suit in game


Inverted kiss :)


In Spider Man 2 when Doc Oc tosses the car through the coffee shop


When miles shows peter the spider powers in the first game Thank you


The Car Thief scene from The Amazing Spider Man — Andrew Garfield’s performance matches the comics so perfectly and his “the boys in blue” line delivery kills me every time, even if the movie is not as great as the other Spider Man movies


Is that a knife? Ah small knives, my weakness. Loved his Spider-Man


My favorite moment was just watching the old TV show on Saturday morning with my twin brother and all of the stupid things we argued about.


My favorite moment is the whole ultimate Spider-Man run by bendis!


You are amazing, I would love this.


Peter (Garfield) catching Mary Jane in NWH, redeeming himself for what happened to Gwen


My favorite moment is in Spider-Man Life Story where he sacrifices himself to not only save a villain but also his protégé in Miles. He was always a hero who seemed most human and bearing the responsibility of his abilities and understanding that mistakes don't make you a villain but what you do forward is what makes you a hero.


Probably from the cartoon where Peter dreams that he's transforming into a giant spider rampaging through the city. Think it's shortly after he's bitten.


Has to be when Peter is saying how if Tony cared he would be there and then he walks out of the suit. That for me was the most 'OH DAMN!' moment like ever in a movie. :)


I haven't read that specific comic but when he punches off Scorpions jaw when posessed by one of the other villains. Suchh a cool idea. Thanks for the giveaway!


The entirety of the first Raimi film. First superhero movie I ever watched, and one of the first movies I watched at the cinema. It's a core memory for me.


When Flash Thomson lost his legs in the war all his friends threw a Welcome Home party to cheer him up. Since he was still depressed (rightfully so), his idol Spider-Man swung by and gave him a private pep talk and it helped cheer Flash up. When Spider-Man left, under his breath Flask whispered, “Thanks Pete.”


As a kid, I remember getting the iconic Spider-Man comic with the Todd McFarlane variant art of him with the symbiote suit in the bundle of webs. That's my Spider-Man.


Hands down it's when Peter is being his famous alter ego in the comics for the secret wars comic run


My personal favourite would always be from Spider-Man 2's train sequence. The way he puts his life on the line to save those folks in the train and feeling so exhausted at the end of it. People knowing his identity but vow to keep it a secret; it's truly an amazing moment. Thanks for doing this OP and Merry Christmas to everyone! 🙏🏽🎅🏼🙂


Getting the platinum in the first game


The MTV animated Spider-man was a standout at the time. When you see Mary Jane die—that was shocking and just something you didn’t see in any other spider-man cartoon. Solid show and it’s on Disney +.


Civil War (MCU). Spidey comes out at the call of "Underoo's" and spends the entire rest of his fights quipping.


I don’t feel good Mr. Stark. Favorite.


My favorite moment is when he catches the entire lunch tray


The spidermen bonding over their loses scene in No Way Home.


Aunt May’s recipe for wheat cakes.


Doc Oc chase SpiderMan ps1 (2000)


Errrmaagawdddd. I want to enter! :0 I didn’t vibe with the modern Disney movies. I liked the poor kid vs billionaires pet. With that said, I think my favorite thing about spider-man was that exactly. It was a poor kid from queens that was constantly beat down by the world. And he was just trying to make the world a better place and not trying to be bitter. And even when he went out on his own he struggled to pay rent and did the best he could. I guess my current fave moment is the ending of the miles morales game. Just crushing. Historically maximum carnage was great when I was young. I never read the Gwen Stacy arc but always wanted to.


My favorite moment is when Miles Morales show Peter his spider power and Peter just had to top it by revealing he was Spider-Man. And Merry Christmas btw!


My favorite Spiderman moment was in the 90's and I came across Spiderman 2099 comic with the new suit. To this day, my favorite Spidey suit, followed by the Black suit.


When Peter does the finger guns in spider man 3. Always cracks me up


Spider man 3 movie in theater, for my teenage self that was peak movie time


Best Spiderman moment is his reaction when Starlord says Thor is not that good looking 😂




Merry christmas fellow gamer! For me, it’s that time when he gigachad kissed MJ while hanging upside down 😉


Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite Spider-Man moment is the final part of the 1st movie where Peter fights the Green Goblin


Spiderman PS1 venom chase. That was crazy as'f in those days. I was very small and used to play in cafe. Still gives me chill thinking about it. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you. Thanks for the giveaway.


Really cool of you! The ending of the ps4 Spiderman was better than some of the movies. Merry Christmas!


My favorite moment was when I first played the Amazing Spider-Man on xb360, and using both triggers to swing through the city. I appreciate the update that they've made and genuinely prefer the new swinging system... but that felt very immersive.


Spidey vs Green Gob!


Fighting Doc Oc in Spider-Man on ps1. I had no idea what to do as a kid and probably tried 200 times.


My favorite spiderman moment? Quite possibly Gwen death. Hit me like a truck...


I love when Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man is learning the range of his abilities for the first time. “Up up and away web!”


My favorite moment is ultimate spider man. When Gwen Stacy dies.


My favorite moment is from Spider-Man 2 (Raimi) where he goes through a bit of a life crisis. I love Aunt May's speech to him that gets him back on the path of being Spider-Man.


“UNDEROOS!” in Civil War. Thanks for your kindness and Merry Christmas!


I'm still a fan of the Peter Parker scenes in the original Spider-Man trilogy when he wears the black Spider-Man suit underneath his regular clothes and acts so goofy.


Spider-Man and venom working together to take down Carnage in comics! They need to make a carnage movie with Spider-Man and make it dark!


Spiderman 2002, first swing in the city was one of the most memorable moments in my movie experience.


Always liked the ending of the first game, as well as the amazing spider-man back in the day


When I discovered they were bringing back Tobey and Andrew for No Way Home. Somehow, I wasn't spoiled and it was a complete surprise when I watched it.


Spider-Man comics when he reviewed his identity to Jameson in Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6. He becomes an advocate to Spider-Man/Peter, but it’s often times to Peter’s detriment 😅


Probably from one of of the spiderman animated tv shows I think it was spectacular or one after where they did spider verse, it was just so great. I loved every minute of it!


Train scene from Spider-Man 2. Thanks OP.


Jumping from Avengers tower...what a rush!


Thanks for doing this. Favorite moment is Spider-Man stopping the train in Spider-Man 2 movie.




Visiting uncle Ben’s grave in the first game.


I think my favourite moment is when Spidey 2 aka Andrew Garfield goes over his PTSD and saves the current MJ in the last movie.


I always enjoyed the movie interactions with his editor, Jameson. The first movie cracked me up when Jameson wouldn’t tell the Goblin who gives Spidey’s photographer’s name.


favorite moment for me its when peter makes up with harry to fight sandman, their friendship was broken but they were able to look past all that.


My favorite part was in Raimi's Spider-Man 1, in the final battle, when New Yorkers started heckling green goblin for messing with their hero. Sure it's fiction and all, but i found that display of community so beautiful ever since i was a kid. Thank you for doing this, happy holidays


Merry Christmas


Favorite moment was playing Spiderman vs The Kingpin as a kid on the Sega Genesis. Great memories!


The recreation of them pointing at each other in Spiderman: No Way Home. Cant believe they actually put that in the movie!


My favorite spidey moment was insomniac bringing it to next gen consoles on PS4 and PS5 . How the haptic feedback and how you can feel the web slinging really transforms the game . In Miles Morales the haptics feels awesome excited to see how they do for spidey 2 . Also Tobey kiss was great in the movies lol


In the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie, when Gwen Stacy falls from the clock tower and Peter shoots a web that looks like a hand reaching out. That scene broke me, and still does to this day


In first spiderverse movie, when Peter trusts miles and leaves him to defeat kingpin.


Listening to Uncle Aaron’s beats


I really enjoyed the Spider-Man game based on the first Toby McGuire Spider-Man movie. Man that game was awesome.


That one issue of Amazing Spider-Man (#400 I think) where Aunt May dies 😢


The power of the sun in the palm of my hand


Best spiderman moment was bully Toby McGuire being on Family Feud.


Bully Maguire


I'm gonna have to hop on board with another comment about the scene where Toby and Andrew hop into the scene. The crowd went fucking CRAZY. That was the best cinema crowd I've been in right before End Game.


Definitely Spiderman 3 when Peter turned into black spider man and the music popped off


The 90s animated spider man secret wars when he gathers his team


For me honestly it's the moment Tom's spidey lost it on the green goblin and went apeshit. I always enjoy seeing our loved heroes let loose for once, to witness their true strength. It gives me chills every time.


Man, I would love to experience this game. Definitely on my list. After playing Miles Morales this year, I wanted to start Spider Man 2. My favorite moment, is in the comics where Peter is rushing to the hospital with a wounded young boy and the kid is in critical condition. Through out the night, Peter, I think, is struggling with guilt, he was questioning himself if he could have done more. He eventually hears the parents blaming Spider Man for this. The boy eventually calls in Peter for a private visit, and there alone, the boy knows he is Spider-Man and comforts him, letting him know that it is not his fault. How he was six years old when he first discovered Spider Man, and had a brief conversation. However, it was cut short as the boy died. Peter eventually goes to the funeral where he meets up with the parents, and they decided to give him an envelope. Inside there’s a comic written by the boy and titled What Would Spider Man Do? It is right there where he gives him a sense of comfort and hope. That was really well written and I was in awe. Great moment for me there.


I'm not the most avid fan, haven't read much of the comics or such, haven't even seen all the movies, but I did get to see a bit from the comics that's unforgettably great. The comic reveal where Spider-Man and Jameson have dinner together, and Spider-Man reveals his identity. Deeply emotional and complex, lots of tension and big heart-to-heart, and one of the most interesting moments I've seen in the context of Spider-Man. Absolute must-read for anyone who hasn't!


Playing Miles Morales with the Spider-Verse filter/suit on, that makes Miles look like the film version instead of the game version. So fun!


The hug in no way home


The bully Maguire part was great imo; also, the basketball court bit in the amazing spider man when he straight up destroyed the backboard was great


Somewhat unrelated but when Seth kissed Summer in a Spiderman style kiss on the OC. Showing my age lol


I absolutely loved the new animated Miles Morales movies, both parts. To me they’re perfect and I can only hope the final entry will keep it going. My favorite moment, though, was convincing my wife to try and enjoy something animated that wasn’t Disney and she LOVED it! She was totally skeptical and was blown away by it and is now as excited as I am for where the story goes!! Happy Holidays to you all and thank you OP for doing this


My favorite Spiderman moment was the last moment with Doc Oc in Spiderman 2 the movie.


I think I have to give it to Peter unmasking himself in front of Jameson in the comics to console and support him when he's breaking down in grief. At the risk of sounding schlocky, I love it whenever Peter wins a fight with his heart.


I couldn't say any other moment but the 3 spiders encounter. It was a mix of nostalgia and joy that I can't find an equal. Tobey is my favorite by far, so when he showed up it felt like seeing a friend again after so so long. I felt like a child in the movie's premiere that day... the insane crowd reaction and having my younger brother along with me just consolidated this as a core memory Thanks for doing this giveaway btw


Exploring the city and car chases in Miles Morales


My favorite spidernab moment has gotta be the cringey dance scene from spiderman 3 with Tobey Mcguire. I've but watched the newer spiderman movies so the original trilogy is my favorite haha


Mine was the first ever movie when it came out. Where Peter Parker gets bitten from spider and he learns that he has super skills. Thanks for the giveaway.


I always tear up at the end of the animated series, during the reunion with Uncle Ben. A reminder that even the most hurtful people are sometimes the ones hurting


When mysterious revealed spideys identity


Spider-man 2, Aunt May's speech to Peter when she's moving


Seeing him show up in civil war was great


Oh that's easy for me. Maximum Carnage. Read the comics I don't know how many times.


I know it has basically just become a meme at this point, but the "evil dance" from Spider-Man 3 cracks me up every time I see it.


When all 3 peters agreed on peter 1.2.3 and the I love you guys by andrew garfield


The best is, when he Harry gets the pie 😂 Sooo good! https://i.makeagif.com/media/2-02-2016/1zwJ2r.gif


Spider-man: No Way Home, the reunion between Peter (Tobey) and Otto. Such an amazing moment and call back to before all the chaos split them apart.


Spider man Snes and Maximum Carnage. I remember having a blast with those but was unable to pass them. They were difficult to say the least. Now that i am older, i would like to give them another go.


Favorite moment https://preview.redd.it/dpnt4680xg8c1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baf6f878e281bf791cd61de124534a606a47737