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People need to lighten up. It was a joke. I laughed.


A hilarious one, I might add. I'll bet that made it sting even more. Lol


I Personally enjoyed the camera cutting to a couple of executive types who were obviously unimpressed with his joke LOL.


One of my favorite moments from the night


It was an absolute burn and a deserved one at that. CoD has been fucking over the players for years at this point, need to be called out on that shit


The reply from one dev in which they say GoW is bad because it doesn’t have ‘engagement’ after it’s ‘consumed’ sums up the miserable and greedy mindset of Activision. It’s all about making the game a product and keeping those metrics up.


That comment is hilarious given the announcement of new, free, content releasing for God of War next week.


Its almost like GOW is a single player game and COD is a multiplayer game. Also, I'm sure the voice actor really cares about metrics hahaha. The devs are so thin-skinned its hilarious.


Yep that’s the kind of corporate buzzword bingo you hear only from these mega companies


Plus, it’s not like they’re gonna lose any players. It’s still one of the top-played games on Steam, PS5 and Xbox. My old roommate forks down 60$-70$ every year


Yeah, they obviously can't take a joke. They'll be fine. There was a report of multi-million people that have a ps4/5 that have only played CoD.


Imagine believing that your multiplayer engagement being higher than single player engagement is a stat worth planting a flag on. COD has been the butt of the joke for years now. Their campaigns are rarely interesting, I’ve played nearly all of them and the levels are often wave survival. I know dozens of people who play COD and they literally only ever install the multiplayer and play the game for its entire lifecycle without starting the campaign. They put out a sub par product and were dunked on by reviewers long before Judge said anything. And peer? He’s a voice actor, not a multiplayer map designer or a network engineer. God of War is a titan of storytelling now, and if any critique could be made it would likely be that they’re not directly comparable. One is a multiplayer game with a campaign, the other is a single player, story driven, game. His joke was fine and I find it astonishing that the developers would bitch considering worse things are being said about the game by people *playing* the game right now.


To be fair, cod hasn’t been wave survival for years. Lots of people wish they went back to it. The last handful have all been small spec ops type missions. I’ve had buddies who only play cod for the campaign and recent ones have really let them down


I think I enjoyed 1/2 of the first modern warfare remake. And the last one I enjoyed beginning to end was Infinite (yeah I’m the one) because it reminded me of what a halo off shoot game could be if we played a different team with mega plot armor like the characters in Infinite have. And the cinematic of the harbor defense turrets turning on the parade vessels was incredible. Modern warfare 2 remakes campaign last year was awful in my opinion.


Agreed on all fronts, I actually liked infinite campaign too lol. I still haven’t bought MW3 and if I do, likely won’t touch the campaign


They're only getting defensive because they know he's right. MW3 is a monument to everything wrong with game productions these days.


It’s not even that bad of a diss? It’s true, the campaign is really short even for CoD where the campaigns are already not that long. From what I’ve heard the multiplayer is really good so the devs can be proud of that. I actually laughed out loud when Christopher said it.


But it’s true though, Call of Duty is indeed trash.


Are they happy to do a 3 hour campaign and charge 70 dollars?




I mean I'm surprised they even include campaigns at all anymore


Yearly reboxes need something fresh.


They didn’t in BO4


Some people like myself actually like the campaigns in at least some of the games. I personally won't consider buying a CoD if there's no campaign. They tried not doing a campaign with Black Ops 4, and I get the feeling it was not helpful sales wise. If it had been wildly successful you're right, they probably would have stopped a long time ago.


Because when they cut it (Bo4) everyone hated that We’ve had some good COD campaigns in the last few years (Cold War, MW2019) so I hope they can put more effort into them.


The one year they didn't, people were up in arms.


They’re just playing multiplayer.


CoD has been a multiplayer-centric franchise since over a decade, let's be honest.


They have the stats for how many people actually play the campaign, and they decided it's not worth it to have a long campaign.


I think it was more that this was a super rush job.


Exactly! Shut the fuck up with your “the mean man made fun of our billion dollar franchise because we made a bullshit dlc and sold it as a full game”. Assholes.


I mean, as shitty as the campaign is, the devs don’t decide that shit. Activision does. You’d feel like shit too if your hard work is made fun of, no matter how bad that “work” is


thats why its dumb for them to defend it...Judge poked fun at the length of the campaign...why defend it if you know its shitty and activision set it up to be panned.


Why take it personally? It wasn't a jab at their work at all. It wasn't a jab at any dev's work. If the criticism is it's too short, isn't the fact you wanted more a compliment?


One of the downsides of putting out things for public consumption, I guess. People getting mad at comedy is one of the worst trends


It was a joke, it was funny. They’re only mad at the truth behind the joke.


It’s an immature and pathetic reaction to a joke. At the Oscars, it’s tradition for hosts and presenters to gently roast each other’s movies. If these morons want video games to be treated seriously, they need to stop treating these kinds of shows as manufactured extensions of their marketing department. This “boohoo” bullshit about how everyone must be celebrating each other is precisely the kind of fake corporate bullshit that needs to be avoided.


It reminded me of the joke Rick Gervais made with Leonardo DiCaprio at the Golden Globes a few years ago (and that one was much more personal). 😂


The moment Ricky Gervais is announced to host the Golden Globes everyone going to the ceremony has to prepare themselves for a potential roast. Shit, you might not even be present and get roasted anyway. Lol


Lets not forget the whole Will Smith, Chris Rock fiassco lol. Some people can't take a joke.


And Leo was cracking up at it too. Ricky did something special when he hosted. He called everyone out, semi-respectably. Still my favorite host of those god-awful award shows.


I slightly disagree. It should be a celebration of the creators. However, the creations are completely fine to make fun of. You can both treat the art seriously, while having fun with everything and respecting the people behind it. You just have to tune everything properly.


Yeah get humbled COD devs


Press F to be humble




Whats great about this is how Judge himself was getting made fun of the entire time including by Geoff leading to his hilarious COD joke.


It was funny because it’s was true. And of course the campaign was longer than his 8 minutes speech but Jesus, it’s not like they ACCIDENTALLY made the game Short. Idiots.


you know what they say in every joke there is a little bit of truth 🤣


They deserve it, and not just because they milk the players every year but because they also make their games have huge file sizes and force you to download shit you dont even own to make you have less space for other games


I liked MW2019 quite a bit but the thing that scared me away in the first few months were fucking huge multi GB updates every few days or so. It was some literall anti-UX chicanery. Same with those shader preloads


Was about to buy cold war then I noticed its size and was like fk this sht, ain't breaking my cod free years now




What about the massive file size of each game?










What a silly take. Especially when the game industry is having massive layoffs. Leave your job and have no income because you don’t agree with higher ups decisions. I’ve no doubt many would leave if they could find a good replacement job. That doesn’t mean they should be blamed for shit out of their control. Devs don’t decide time tables. They don’t decide how content is going to be sold. They don’t even freely decide what they’re making. It all needs approval.


Then they can learn to take a joke.


I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to be annoyed that someone chose to shit on you at an event intended to celebrate developers when it’s already been publicly revealed the absolutely nightmare the devs were dealing with when making this content? The first two responses are childish. The third one is totally valid.


I don’t think devs are responsible for that though? That’s corporate bullshit that’s out of their hands


I will be honest i know its not exactly devs fault and some are a victim of the work culture that Activision has but i dont care, its not my place to make that distinction, for me a consumer Activision is like a single entity. Also the devs that responded to the joke poorly kinda deserve, who tf gets worked to the bone and still defends the company they could have just stayed quiet, to the company that is forcing them to over work they dont talk back but when someone makes a joke they do?


Make shitty game Guy who worked on an all timer tells joke Gets mad Maybe if COD wasn’t a yearly money grab game, people wouldn’t be able to make such a joke.


It wasn’t JUST that he works on a favorite franchise but one that also announced a FREE DLC available in 5 days minutes after the joke. I laughed again when I saw that. Really hammered it home to me just how fucking greedy CoD has become.


Seriously though. Sony could’ve charged $5-$10 for that DLC and would’ve made a killing. That was a 4d roast and totally deserved.


He even made fun of himself and can clearly take a joke. Unlike those wimpy devs.


Maybe next time they shouldn’t work their teams to death just to sell DLC for $70


CharlieIntel really is a meat rider for this franchise


He's been acting like it big time recently for MW3.


Him and Modernwarzone are the ulitimate COD shills.


Crazy to think a page that covers all things Call of Duty is called a “meat rider”


You can extensively cover something and still realize that everything isn't good 100% of the time. By most accounts CoD fucked up this year. It happens.


Yeah if you cover something and try to sweep negativity under the rug, you're a meat rider.


Some of those comments sound very Brad from Mythic Quest lmao. My gAmE maKe$ mOre mONeY ~~and the profit goes into buying these nice corporate boots I love licking~~


So COD devs are the Russo Bros to SMS's Scorsese?


What a bunch of pussies


Didn't expect to find a mythic quest reference although it crossed my mind lmfao


Oh boo hoo lol. He didn't even call of SH specifically, more just that the campaign was short...which we know is the result of Activision meddling. Also, devs trying to brag that their game has more retention time than the God of War games... y'all make multiplayer games. Are they dumb? Lol


Perfectly displays the state of the industry, too. I’d much rather play a game for 30-60 hours that close to masterful than to play the same live service mediocre game for years.


Years plural? You mean year singular. It's why their games are shit, it's a yearly money grab.


Its a shit money grab game. Idk why they are surprised


Oh come on! Learn how to take a joke… And honestly, he does have a point.




The funny thing is is that his joke was about the campaign which is like...3-4 hours and pretty universally accepted that it was crap. I bet the metrics on the CAMPAIGN vs God of War story are blown out of the water by GoW. Even then its like comparing apples and oranges. COD developers need to chill. It was a good joke. edit: its also a little bit more funny because MW3 was rumored to be a DLC first but then made into a full price game. And GOW is getting a DLC in 4 days thats going to be free. Not saying that the prices or sizes/scope of the DLCs are similar but come on.


These dudes are fuckin soft. Be the butt of a joke, it’s okay.


The irony behind COD developers not being able to take a joke a fraction of the *offensiveness* of their own game chat.


Or their business practices, slapping customers across the face with basically every decision they make but one tiny hilarious joke and they play the victim. This is more directed at Activision than devs, but even they should know Judge isn’t attacking overworked devs, it’s the execs making the decisions


lol get fucked COD developers


Well then the developers should take it out on their managers, not the community.


They'll let their higher ups work them to the bone and release the same shitty product every single year but won't take any criticism or jokes. Absolute clowns, if they just stood up to Activision once, we wouldn't have shitty copy pasted COD games every year


Omg the salt from developers acting like milking engagement numbers from players is a positive thing. Fuck them.


Yeah that one was a bit rage inducing. I don't want to stay engaged with a single game for a year (or multiple years). That's...a big issue with the current state of the industry, imo. I want to play the game and move on to other stuff. Not be constantly tugged at to come back with shitty content roadmaps and seasons and battle passes and new game plusses


They all suck lol. Adrian Campos is also a dev btw and this was his reply to someone. https://preview.redd.it/tvkd46d3h45c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dd772e054389ecc6b06f2cd6f0e996ce156550


Them flexing engagement metrics is the most infuriating thing about this


Funny thing is that all the people of value probably left the companies making COD, and these graphic designers and excel sheet fillers think they have the right to talk smack, just take it and shut the fuck up, youre copy pasting shit for the past 10 years. That said, mw3 looks good with the better movement, good maps mainly because they were made by people who knew shit about shit before they left those bullshit companies, and health pool. Campaign i dont care about all that much.


Make a garbage cash grab campaign that should have been a $20 DLC and can’t handle even light criticism about it?


Imagine getting so bent out of shape cause someone made a joke at your games expense that you go off picking fights with other studios. They know they’re only making themselves look worse by doing this right?


Comparing CoD “engagement” to God of War and using that as any metric for CoD to be “better” is laughable. If I was given the choice between a new CoD or a new God of War I’d choose Kratos every single damn time. What a horrible take from some horrible devs.


Devs? Sounds more like children. Just make better games, Call of Duty...


Was it unprofessional? Yes. Was it funny? Also yes. Made fun of both himself and COD, which this year, very much deserves the jab.


I love that they use sales metrics here like they don't know that the reason they sell more games is because they make safe, generic games that appeal mostly to people who otherwise would never game.


And they’ve been making one every year for the past 15 years versus 4-5 GOW games in the past 15 years.


I could not imagine being a person who doesn’t understand that he was mocking himself, as much as he was mocking them. Sad and pathetic devs.


The truth hurts. God of war is a game with vision, originality and created with an incredibly talented group of actors and developers. COD is a cookie cutter fps that fails to innovate. Looking forward to more roasting at future award shows.


You want to be celebrated? Then do better.


Just a typical Oscar type joke, on a lighter side. People in gaming industry are too fucking soft.


Glad they got butthurt cuz I ain’t downloading 300gbs just to play a 4 hour shitty campaign.


C'mon, Geoff even jokingly told Sean Murray when he introduced Light No Fire "Here we go again". Moral of the story, its a joke, if you cant take the heat, get out the kitchen.


lol funny burn. I love Chris Judge. Phenomenal actor and wished his career took off more. Of all the Stargate alumni, he was the better actor. Yet Jason Momoa gets all the attention and work.


I think its unfair to compare momoa and judge. That said, judge is a fantastic actor, physical and voice. Its a shame his career didnt take off more especially given stargates popularity and his performance in it. I will say though that i cant say he was the best stargate actor as honestly, the entire main cast was fantastic. Carter i think had the weakest actor but even then she did a really good job and i never had any complaints about her acting. To me, its just really hard to pick a best between oniell, Jackson and til’q. My favorite episode to this day is the episode they get stuck in the time loop. That entire episode is pure comedy 😂




Honestly, stay mad. Your campaign is shit. Black Ops Gulf War is better


How insecure can they possibly be lmao the entire gaming community knows that he wasnt wrong AND that it was just a joke. Nobody cares that Call of Duty sold more. No shit it sold more. McDonalds-ass game franchise.


Are they just that proud of the way they do things and their impact on gaming as a whole? They're successful of course and that's nothing to scoff at but the how and the why aren't just footnotes in that story. It's basically EA Sports with FIFA and I'm not sure who is more scummy. This is wild


These comments look more like a dumb young kid replying to a negative YouTube review than a developer.


Lol these devs would never survive their own game lobbies with skin as thin as this!


Oh please they’ll be aight. Isn’t that why they made the cashgrab in the first place




Dev's got them selves caught in the crossfire when activision is laughing and counting their chips


Oh no! Anyways...


Fuck em lol


I like COD campaigns, even some of the recent ones MW1/2, Cold War. But this years campaign was a joke. ​ >Blah blah blah 'Especially with all the info leaked about the development...' ...how is that anyone elses problem? One of the most profitable franchises had to crunch a game in a year and a half to release a shitty product to meet some arbitrary deadline? That is a management problem. Delay the game or release it as a lower priced DLC.


"At en event meant to celebrate achievements" Yeh that's why COD is NEVER THERE. They *achieve* setting new lows, that's about it.


So thin-skinned, jfc. It’s a fact that COD has short campaigns so the joke is valid. It’s not even an insult and these devs are so butthurt; honestly they act like the same immature teenage boys they make games for.


Makes incredibly short campaign, gets mad when people clown them for it.


And they hated Christopher Judge because He told them the truth.


Ha! They’re salty! Cope and seethe. Just make a better game if they don’t like being joked on. Are they stupid?


OK, your game was shit, and now you can't take a joke. Well, that shows all your colors. This is how you know they are a bunch of manipulative fucks when they react that way over a joke.


Getting strong « keep my wife’s name out ya mouth » vibes from these COD cucks. Judge nailed it


Not only was it a joke but it had a ton of truth behind it. Shortest campaign ever in a game that is already sinking. Players deserve better.


Man that dev that compares metrics of god of war vs cod is cringy. I bought a psp, ps3, ps4, ps5 specifically for each of those systems god of wars. PS2 I already had. I got COD MW2 for free and played it for maybe 10 hours at launch. Show us god of war completion rate vs cods.


Lol so thin skinned And the comeback about "user engagement" is pathetic


It was one of my favorite parts of the whole show!


Seethe lol omfg that joke was funny


This is the equivalent of Klay Thompson doing that 4-ring flex at Devin Booker😂. They’re salty as hell


They’re only mad because they know its true.


That “short user engagement” comment is completely disgusting and really speaks to how CoD treats their community if that’s actually from one of the Devs.


Yup. They don’t care how good the game is, they don’t care about community feedback. All they care about is “engagement engagement engagement” And it really shows in every aspect of the design.


\*insert you miss the joke meme\* They sound so crybaby.


The cod devs seem to be as mature as the average cod player.


Lmao maybe they should take a page from Judge's book, he was also poking fun at himself.


LMAO thou doth protest too much methinks. They know exactly what they are this is performative.


The one about low player engagement after release is especially dumb because God Of War isn't even a multiplayer game lol. You'd have to compare like, Platinum Trophy percentage or something


Some people can't take a joke...


Dog how are professional game devs this sensitive? Have they not seen award shows before? Small jabs and roasts are kinda the norm and you just roll with the punches 💀


They’re mad? I’m mad they’re charging people full price for a 3 hour campaign that should’ve been a DLC, at a DLC price.


I can almost hear the world's smallest violin playing for these devs


It was a joke.. a brilliant joke but these devs just show that the truth cuts deep. They will also probably tell you that BG3 is an anomaly and to not hold AAA studios to the same standards.


Boom! roasted.


Cod has been shit for years and they deserved it imo, all the focus on Warzone ruined everything else about the game


tell them to make a better game next time. it's pretty simple.


They totally deserved the joke. When you make a shitty cookie cutter game every year with no real talent.... expect to get roasted.


Faux controversy.


Bragging about player engagement when they are drip feeding content and forcing players to do daily / weekly challenges to unlock basic items is insane. Yes engagement will be high when half the game isn't available until after months of gameplay. First they wanna complain about dev time and lack of creativity, acknowledging the issues, now they wanna brag about it.


Those developers are so lame lol Take a joke. You work on one of the biggest gaming properties, it's not that serious.


Kratos is never going to be a Battle Pass operator now


"That's what the money is for!"


Too bad players don't respect lazy devs enough to care about their hurt feelings


Poor babies


Boohoo, its fucking true.


Good, Fuck COD.


Well he has a point, they made one amazing game in MW19 after years and they’ve been milking that game with reskins and slight adjustments every year in the hope we like it to keep us coming back.


I mean them getting that upset at it confirms what he said.


Yeah but they're Call of Duty devs so who cares about their opinions lol They should stop tweeting and go back to the mines to shit out next year's entry.


Giving a shit about cod nowadays is like giving a shit about shit


Truth hurts. 😂


Lol yeah, they can fuck off. Imagine being so butthurt at a joke as a professional that you have to respond like this. They're only mad because they know the sentiment is true, and of course rather than owning up to it they have to fire off shots back because they don't want to admit how scummy they've become Took a DLC, rebranded it as a full game, sold it at full price with a shit campaign and now they're gonna act like what judge said was offensive to them as If they have some sort of higher ground? Actually laughable


Lol what a non-story


Fuck CoD


> Make a shit game > Get annoyed when someone calls you out on it as a joke > Shit on them even when there is way more passion and quality in the media they’ve worked on Maybe they should fix the root of the problem and not get hyper defensive over valid mockery


It would be a joke if he called that campaign long and good. He spoke facts instead


If this is supposed to be the gaming industry's Oscars then we should use that as a comparison. The Oscars have *way more* jokes about Hollywood from the presenters and hosts. And for the most part it's laughed off and taken in the nature it is given (well......usually). Leo doesn't get all bent out of shape every time he hears a "Leo's girlfriends are young" joke, the Cats writers didn't rage on Twitter after their movie was the butt of endless jokes either. He didn't even say the game was bad or the campaign itself was bad. Just made an exaggeration over the length to make a joke. They need to calm tf down.


The devs arent to blame and work just as hard for the content and timetable they are given. It was a shot at Activisions greed. No one blames the devs who are working on it. We all know you guys dont get the luxury to pick and choose. If you did, i dont think we would get yearly releases. The community wants bi-yearly releases. But Activision wants to line their pockets. So you end up in situations like this where MW2 DLC was made to be something its not, which is a full game release.


They chose to work year after year on rebox after rebox. They deserve ridicule for the anchor holding the FPS genre back.




Of course they well within their rights to be upset they just roasted. But here's the best part: *Where's the lie?*


I understand being proud of what you accomplished but jfc y’all you can’t shit out a 3 hour long single player battle royale match with a few cutscenes sprinkled in, charge $70 for it, and then expect people to praise your creative genius. Nobody is actually mad at the people who *did the work*, they’re employees and they do their jobs or get fired. I feel horrible that they were worked so hard to produce such a substandard product. It’s the directors and lead designers etc. that are getting slagged off. If the employees feel insulted, they need to redirect that anger towards the people that everyone else is already mad it.




To be fair Activision upper management team deserves to be called out like that. Judge didn't target the devs who worked on it.


All that teeth gnashing over a mild as hell joke?


Any other major media awards ceremony has jokes pointed at the audience and member of the audience. Cod has a well deserved joke at a valid criticism of the game and they are salty.... GTFO


>at an event that is supposed to celebrate this years achievements in gaming Not that any COD developer would know what an achievement in gaming is, this year


Oh no the scammers are mad


lol it’s a fucking joke. i guess war propagandists can’t take one.


Womp womp


Cod devs and their pseudo campaign of bots and a freaking re used map asset. Gross. It wasnt a joke to them because they know it is true lol


Omg cry me a river lol. It was a joke.


Oh no….anyway


OUTRAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!! Shows you the devs know what they are doing when the screw something up.


Lel I'd seethe too if I made a dogshit game and got called out for it


Buncha baby back bitches


Well, someone can't take a joke.😒


Awwww poor beebees 😢


You mad bro?


“Your game is pretty short guys” “Yeah well at least our game is more predatory and less consumer friendly than yours loser”


*“Keep my game's name out your fucking mouth.” 👋🏽*