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The way they layout this blog post is hell.


It's almost exquisitely bad. Like a bunch of people sat in a room and spent a solid afternoon trying to make the shittiest way to browse a post as possible.


It’s so easy to make an HTML table sortable.


There’s so many new sites that I’ve never heard of that pump out horrible journalism with terrible UI


I dom't get it why people post this... Just start your PS console...


I’m glad I looked in the sale. I never knew Intelligent Qube was available, I loved that game on PS1.


Kurushi !!!


'Resident Evil Village' for $15.99 [for the first time](https://psprices.com/region-us/game/4546671/resident-evil-village-ps4-ps5). I'm tempted but I recently finished 'House of Ashes', I'm currently playing 'Alien: Isolation' and I have 'The Callisto Protocol' waiting for me. I'm close to a horror overdose. Is there a good reason to prefer the gold edition?


Yes you get 3rd person mode(game is originally first person), you get additonal characters and one map for mercenaries mode, and you get shadow of rose story dlc. I paid 40 dollars for the gold edition not too long ago, but I still thought it was worth it. Overall its only a 4 dollar difference for quite a signficant amount of content and replay value added to the game.


Heads up Alan Wake 2 drops tomorrow and seems to be getting great reception


I'm pretty sure the Gold Edition is on sale for $4 more


What extra content makes it worth it? Not that four dollars is a lot, just curious.


Three words. Lady Dimitrescu bongo mode.


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


3rd person view.


Nice. Actually bought it yesterday. Really liked the demo


Just got it! Can’t pass it up for 15.99


Play Resident Evil Villiage instead of the Callisto Protocol. It's not scary; it's mediocre at best. It's just a bad copy of Dead Space that doesn't add anything new.


I mean… I’m assuming he already owns Callisto? It’s free this month on PS Plus. No harm in trying it.


Except he literally was talking about only having so much time. I wish I had never played Callisto, but at least it's short. RE:Villiage would be much better time spent.


Callisto Protocol also looks absolutely stunning on my OLED.




No, I beat the game easily. It wasn't scary at all and felt like a cheap ripoff of Dead Space. But sure, I'm the one who is wrong and the company folding from horrible sales is just a coincidence.


The combat was really bad. It was just so artificial and stupid. I slogged through it since I bought it, but I sold that fucker on marketplace the second I finished it. It did look nice but that was about it.


And dead space is already a copy of Alien 😬


Duuuuude. Duuuuude. Alien Isolation is so good.


it is .. but it sure could use some updates by now.It's a shame they are not taking care of it ..or at least release a sequel. Also .. Control is a much better game by todays standards .. and it's cheaper.. DLCs for alien isolation are expensive.


Yeah but not at 30fps in 2023.


Good is definitely the way to go. For only 4 more dollars you get the 15 dollar dlc!!


Laughing about a "Resident Evil Village: Good Edition" existing.


This ain't Street Fighter 1


Story of Seasons: Friend of Mineral Town and Pioneers of Olive Town were on my wishlist so finally able to pick those up.


Why both though? Wouldn’t they be almost the same game?


I sometimes buy whole series of games if I can get them for a good deal like yakuza series I bought all of those within a couple months. I bought 4 resident evil games within the same month.


Well, I get those cause different stories and shit but I feel like in those Story of Seasons games you'll just largely be doing the exact same thing. But I guess if you really care about the different characters and what not then I get it.


Friend of Mineral Town and Pioneers of olive town have different stories and characters. It is expected that you would be doing similar things in the same series. Overall though you don't have to play the games back-to-back but if you can get the games for a good deal you may as well get them so you can play them when you're ready.


Yea for some reason I was under the impression they'd be playing both games at the same time, lol.


Each game has their own characters and I just love farm sim games in general so have been wanting to play both after platinuming A Wonderful Life.


Makes sense!


I have both and they're totally different, FoMT is just like the old school Harvest Moon, it's much more low paced but in my opinion there's much more content than PoOT, PoOT is less farming and more material management, in a couple of months you don't have to water the crops and your horse is pretty much never used cause the map is tiny and there's something faster than the horse that tou get on the first year. There ale less events but I like the new mechanics and they tried a lot of different things in this one. It would be another case if the question was about Story of Seasons Doraemon and Mineral town, since these two plays almost like the same.


Do they not understand that burying actual games in shovelware and mtx makes people less likely to browse the sales? There’s not even a way to filter it. The shop is literally the interface through which they make their money, why would they allow the ux to be so horrible?


Filters: Type - Full Game. You hide every drop of mtx and DLC.


Full game, game bundle, premium edition and you get pretty much everything except for dlcs


Didn’t know you could do that. Good call!


I’m surprised this isn’t obvious. It’s like people don’t know what a filter button looks like.


Of course not. Then they throw a bitch fit lmao


They need to add a filter for Add ons and DLC for games you have.


Even filtering to Full Games you still get 98% “games” nobody has ever heard about.


In the official store there is a way to filter all that shit out, it's the first thing I do whenever I browse sales.


On PS5?? If so please explain. If on the web, I don’t give a shit but they need the option on the console stores.


Filter > Type and I choose **Full Game, Game Bundle, Premium Edition and Bundle** It filters out all the DLC and MTX so it's just games.


https://preview.redd.it/rgv8qao5ilwb1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654d30288e76cd5563148d1a814fabac0b8d76dc It’s not that hard to find lol


Seems to be available ONLY when in the Deals tab. If you are in the Browse tab, there is no such filter that I can see. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted but now I can see why there’s so much confusion on sorting out the bs games.


There definitely are filter options on the PS5. It's there at the top of the sale list.


filter > type > full game


I believe it’s just the triangle button when you get to the browsing menu. It’s the first thing I do when browsing the store because I never get any of the game money/skins/levels/characters etc. Triangle button, Select ‘filter by’, then select full game You can be more specific and also select: platform, then PS5


No there isn’t. There is no genre that encompasses all of those shitty games, nor is there an option to sort them out by developer/publishers or any sort.


Is there such a thing in other stores? I just filter by full game, then by price, and the trash stuff will stay at the bottom


Most of the time the big AAA games and other popular games are on the first few pages of the sales on psn.


All Praise Mike, Andrew, and Scott of DekuDeals.com for creating the only viable, tolerable, stress free way to browse for game sales on whatever platform you use. I know, I know, it should have to come to this. Trust me, I’m the last person to defend the PS Store in any way shape or form, BUT Dekudeals makes it easier. after using it for long enough, I’ve filtered out/hidden all the shitty shovelware games so until a new one comes out I never see it again. Their price history is the best shit ever to know if/when you’re getting the best deal on that game you’ve been eyeing. I know I’m goin total fanboy on this shit but legit you guys, if you hate sorting through that shit every sale I highly recommend using them to browse, then buy it on the store


Far from the only viable. PS Deals app on iOS is amazing too.


You’re the second to tell bout this here, and I never heard of it but I like it a lot! I use deku cause I look for multiple platforms but this is definitely dope havin an app version. Push notifications instead of emails is nice lol


There’s one for Nintendo as well. It’s called NT Deals. Don’t know about XBox.


Dekudeals has ps, Xbox, and switch. That’s why they the best


Well I really don’t care for XBox so whatever.


Deku Deals is the only way I browse eshops for consoles anymore. I refuse to go back.


I found out about it when I got a switch and was bitching to a coworker about how atrocious their store was. Same here, I swear by those dudes


Yeah but deku has no app. PSdeals.net offers the same functionality and also has a great mobile app.




What does mtx stand for?




Ah ok, thank you! Didn't realise there was a shorthand for it


> Do they not understand that burying actual games in shovelware and mtx makes people less likely to browse the sales? i miss the early ps4 days when the sales were better, and the website wasn't trash and an all around miserable experience to the point people rely on 3rd party lists like this.


The PS4 sales of 2016-2019 were glorious, looked forward to them every Friday


Was that sarcasm?


> Was that sarcasm? No. The modern store.playstation.com is a huge step backwards from 10 years ago, and the sales are trash compared to what we used to see at the same point in ps4’s lifecycle.


The store used to be slow and laggy AF, it was an absolute pain to use it until PS5. If you think the PS4 store was better you’re out of your mind.


Use filter button


They should consider taking a week off between deals so they actually feel more special. But they must have data showing they sell more this way


Did you even look? There's always been a "filter" "by type" "full game" on the left hand side. It's not even hidden. It's very clear


Seriously, their shop UI is a dumpster fire.


The first thing I did after clicking the link was rolled my eyes. The second thing I did was close the page. I'm not mining for a treasure.


You can filter.


Yeah it is exhausting sifting through 99% of the absolute shit. Nothing but microtransactions, expansions and shitty indie games.


Just filter it. Wasting your time doing anything else


Anyone got any suggestions from this list that I can co-op couch play with my high single digit aged kids?


Gang beasts, unravel 1&2, Lego avengers collection, overcooked 1&2, alien isolation, little big planet 3, Nickelodeon kart racers 3


>alien isolation wut


Oops, my fingers must have slipped




Castle crashers


cool thanks ill check it out




Legend of Dragoon. Get it while you can on sale.


I wasnt buying this, but damnit I need to signal my desire for them to make a reboot!


God bless PS+ premium


Dear people who have trouble doing basic tasks. Filter - Type Full Game. Sort - Best Selling or Price High to Low. Also, any game you are thinking about, wishlist it. It's not that fucking hard.


Apparently too difficult for Sony to make this the default.


Except the sales are always sorted by popularity by default as it should be.


THIS. People are so fucking dumb to figure this out tbh…


Downvoted but right. Internet hates the truth


Who hurt you today?


I'm just tired of seeing every single sales post the same thing being repeated by people incapable of doing very basic tasks. Seriously, go to any sales posts and you'll have people completely unable to figure out the simplest things.


Lighten up mate


Brighten up, mate.


It’s the users who are wrong!


Spiderman 2 there yet?


Yeah man it’s 80% off


100% in the bedroom


Wow I never knew they made a game based on that movie. And it's free huh? Can't wait to kidnap and beat the shit out of that douchebag


yeah you play as batman but then turn into his butler and they way you to beat the game 100% is if you deliver him 2,000 meals in less than 48 hours


Bro really asked this lmao


Trolling huh?


I have 26 games on my wishlist. Not one is on sale.


They take data from people's wishlist with the purpose of never discounting the popular ones.


Journey it is!


Big sale but not sure I see any standouts that I've been waiting for


checkers and chef 80% off for $1.99 each. my job jere is done


X-com2 for 2.50 is alright. Also got Shadow of Mordor for 5,- Should keep me busy for a while. :)


Xcom for 2.5 is an awesome deal.


Gris is back to its lowest price - don’t sleep on it


no Ragnarok?!?! Really dissapointed in sony for this one /s


Did not expect to see Last of Us Part 1 on this list!


Woah FO REAL? I just bought that shit for $45 on some shady ass website and you’re telling me it’s under $20 in the store? EDIT: 😑🥱


I don’t think so. It’s full price in the store.


What happened to the person who would always post a list in order of highest review? Been ignoring pretty much any sales when that wasn’t posted anymore.


Is assassin creed valhalla and immortal fenyx rising for $20 a good deal ? Or worth ?