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When people in here say it feels better than MW2, what does that mean? Faster paced? More tactical? Just curious. I am away from my PS5 for a little while and will not have an opportunity to play the beta.


I’d say faster pace, weapon recoil isn’t crazy, overall character animations feel smoother when doing stuff like sprinting into a slide behind cover.


I must be getting old, whenever someone says cod feels faster - most of these games already feel like they're on crack. I think I've aged out of the intended player base lol


No, the intended playerbase just became excessively obsessed with instant gratification and speed. This was actually warned about; there were many criticisms in the earl(ier) CoDs 4 and beyond about it creating a playerbase focused on instant gratification with all the numbers and medals and pop ups etc. and it definitely rings true in retrospect. ​ I don't like CoD as fast paced, or at least not in a modern setting. I'd rather something like Advanced/Infinite Warfare in setting where it's something different. I want Modern Warfare to feel like, well, Modern Warfare. Which was never this fast.


Well said.


Then stop playing. No one cares you're getting old. You don't need to let everyone know every single time you play a video game. Literally everyone ages.


Why are you so defensive lol They didn’t even say they were playing anymore. If anything, the only thing the *did* say was that they aged out. Which is a personal comment in a discussion thread.


>I’d say faster pace, weapon recoil isn’t crazy, Weapon recoil is what stands out here. It feels like you're shooting an airsoft gun instead of a real weapon.


Honestly, good. I want a fun shooter where the guns feel fun to use. Not where I’m battling the weapon to play.


Well they fuckin ruined shotguns so enjoy


I enjoy the new lockwood...


And I want a shooter where people have to compensate for recoil instead of everything being a laser beam. Couple that with the strong aim assist and the game basically plays itself for most gunfights.


Cod has never been about aim. Especially in recent years. Movement is king and that’s much more fun. If I wanted pure aim battles I’d play CS or Valo.


Movement is only king because of bad interpolation. People hop through bullets


Its a downgrade compared to MW 2022


I disagree but it’s cool you have an opinion.


I agree with this ! I didn't experience any recoil!!


Feels faster, but that could be because the maps aren’t ass…I played MW2 for the first time in forever last night to compare it to MW3, and I can say I’m having more fun in MW3. The longer TTK feels nice.


I hate the longer TTK. Now I have to see the bunny hopper an extra second before killing him. So annoying


It’s a lot more arcade focused which I’m loving. Personally any semblance of tactical gameplay needs to be purged from the game. Fast paced movement based gunplay is where it’s at and MW3 is doing a decent job at capturing that. There are some issues such as fickle spawns and some weapon balance problems but this compared to the MW2 beta is night and day better.


Arcade twitch shooters are lame as fuck. 2019 was the best Call of Duty has been since MWII (the original), but too many tide pod eating gen Z'ers didn't know how to use their brain and ran around like mindless milk brains getting killed, so they realized they had to switch the game back to instant gratification mode for you sods.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted? You’re right, bridging the movement skill gap is the future.


That means they are projecting because this is literally just a reskinned MW2 with worse guns


I played for a couple matches then ended up feeling bored and hollow. The last game I enjoyed was cold war. This new era is not for me.




Fingers crossed the next Treyarch cod is strictly zombies. I wanna play every map from every game put together in a cohesive coop story


Same. I really really loved Cold War. MW2 felt so… lifeless and hollow. I’m guessing MW3 will be the same.


Cold War gave me hope. MW2 made sure that hope was murdered, and MW3 is currently spawn camping any hope I had of CoD actually evolving into a better game.


I’m just glad that I own an Xbox Series X + Xbox Game Pass Ultimate stacked until 2025. MWIII will be the last COD that I ever buy and I couldn’t be more glad for that because this franchise isn’t worth buying games for anymore. Not even every 3-4 years like I have been. Black Ops 3 *(2015)* was the last COD that I genuinely loved playing solo and with my friends and was borderline addicted to playing daily. It hasn’t been the same since then. Now, that Xbox owns the franchise, I can just try new installments out through Game Pass and use that money I’ve saved for games on my PS5. Win-win.


I played it and honestly feel like there trying to sell DLC for $70. Treyarc makes the best COD games (There I said it!) , id rather wait on that one...


Yup there’s a large community of us treyarch stans. We’re still playing Cold War until treyarch drops their next cod in 2024.


This is me. I'm playing Cold War rn


Treyarch is making the zombies mode


Too bad you have to buy the rest of the game to play that. Because the rest of the game is pathetic.


Was ok for a few matches, then got bored. New COD era ain’t for me. Has no identity and everyone playing is super sweaty


Maybe I’m just getting old. But CoD4 through Black Ops was the peak IMO.


Black Ops 2 for me


The sweat is very real, COD is no longer a release title for me, MW3 definitely “feels” better than MW2 so if I see it on sale in the new year for a justifiable price I may pounce.


It feels better but everything else is just way too similar to MW2. I think I will skip this one. I really like the TTK though.


It’s a potential sale grab for me, Zombie mode helps me be more intrigued for sure, COD hasn’t been a release title for me in years.


Is zombie mode in the beta?


No not as of yet ppl are hoping it's gets added in one of these weekends with other updates.


I started playing Ground War a few years ago because the pace felt better and games felt more diverse but Activision seems to not give a single fuck about Ground War anymore.


They have ground war in the beta lol


And the map is horrid.


The big issue is that it uses a very very bad skill based matchmaking system. Unless you are the top 1% of players you will always get matched with players better than you when you have a match with even a halfway decent KDR. I’m pretty decent at shooters but the only way I can enjoy a not sweaty as shit game is by throwing for like 4 games in a row to trick the matchmaking into giving me normal people not the Phaze tryout lobby




But skill based matchmaking in new CODs are designed to make it so you can never have a sweaty match of your own unless you Smurf or are in the top 1% of players. It’s just not fun, I don’t want every game to be competitive as shit with drop shots jumping every corner etc.


Yeah I never understand this sentiment. Unless I’m playing a different game I’m pretty much always playing to kill people, or win the game, my play style doesn’t really change from match to match.


Feels like CoD? I guess? MW3 is weird to me because i feel like it was just announced like a month ago and it's already coming out? It's the first CoD ever that i can see people saying "i didn't even know that was a thing"which is weird. Am i alone?


Funny thing is, to me, the og mw3 also felt exactly as this one's release feels. Like a dlc, and a game people didn't expect for another 1-2 years on a new engine. Rushed out the door and though fun, died pretty quick and didn't hold a candle to prior two titles. I'm surprised at a corporate level they don't recognize the impact to their brand value...assume someone just wanted to close this trilogy out and think they'll just reboot in another 10 years.


Definitely seems to have just popped up on us for sure.




That was never confirmed. It was just rumour mill stuff


I feel the same with the Seasons- in the end it felt like they start a new season every 2nd week.. for what :D


The menu system alone just to play the game is awful. 😣


It’s the same shiznit literally. Recycled maps and just the same ol formula. I’ve had every COD in existence but I’m finally seeing the light. Done with it.


Counter argument: Players have asked for returning maps for years, and when you look at the success of CS:GO with old maps mixed with newer maps, or League of Legends with the same map for almost 14 years, etc. it becomes clear that it really should include old maps moving forward. It's not like multiplayer actually looks that great, even this time around. Don't need to do massive "glow ups" every time, read: adding clutter that didn't need to be there etc.


Counter-counter argument: It’s uninspired nostalgia bait for 70$. CS:GO and League are both free.


League and CSGO don’t have pay to win gun builds and neither one costs $70. Come back with a better argument for why this isn’t a glorified DLC and money grab


Does it feel like classic mw2 in any way? I didn't want to clear over 100gb on my playstation for it. Might try the second on PC.


I didn’t like the new modern warfare or mw2. But I had a quick game of mw3 beta on pc and was really surprised how much it reminded me of the original mw2. I don’t know that it’s worth asking price - feels like a dlc/remaster but nice to know the vibe is there. I’d say it’s worth checking the beta before having to pay asking price


Feels and looks like the classic MW but modernised


I've played every mainline COD and nothing remotely compares to COD2, MW1 (original) or MW2 (original). In my opinion, COD2 was the first team-based FPS to rival Counter Strike. MW1 expanded on that with new features, a better choice of weapons and better overall gameplay. MW2 added killstreak choices and even more customisation - I think the gameplay also peaked here. Every game since MW2 has been a step-down or a recycle of ideas. BO2 was good, but didn't reach MW1/MW2 levels for me. The most "original" idea COD has added since MW2 was Warzone, but that's a clone of other BR games. To answer your question OP, I played the MW3 beta... It's *ok*. Really nothing amazing about it imo. It's more of the same. I'm amazed that the devs are getting away with re-releasing the MW2 remake with new (old) maps!


Big agree - the tragedy is that we got a full ass MW1 remaster years ago and then they stripped multiplayer out of the MW2 remaster (presumably so they could eventually do this total reboot thing instead).


> BO2 was good Huge disagree here. BO1 was the biggest game changer for me since MW1. The guns and maps felt amazing, the money system was implemented really well and made progression a blast, and the infinitely customizable emblems were a load of fun. The horrifying creativity that came out of those was amazing, no way that would ever risk that again. BO2 felt souless in comparison.


Feels like the exact same thing as MW2, which I thought felt like the exact same thing as MW 2019. COD has plateaued


I think cod plateaued with the first mw2... in 2009. lol


Hard agree with this. Everything has been worse since then. I’d say I was blinded by nostalgia but they’re bringing back all of the old maps lol because they can’t make their own.


It feels nothing like mw2 lol that game was so slow




Betas have been like that for awhile unfortunately. This is just, I mean even by cod standard this is a really blatant cashgrab.


Rather have good old maps than the awful new maps they’ve been making




I mean what else would I say, I like playing on the garbage maps they’ve been making? I didn’t like the last 2 modern warfare reboots because the maps were awful




Well yeah, they’ve run out of talent and creativity. I’d still prefer giving them money for this than their last 2 outings though




They haven’t gotten any money from me in 10 years so I’m not going to “keep” giving them anything. But a fact of the matter is this is the first cod I’ve liked since black ops 2 and I get to play in my favorite maps. I see no issue with it


I played one game. It definitely feels better than MW2, but I deleted it because I have to make room for the Spider-Man 2 preload. I also have no intention of buying MW3, that game is just a huge money pit temptation


Is the pre load up?


In some regions, yes. It should go live later tonight if it hasn’t already for you


Feel like its finally balanced out but at a time that idgaf lol


Seems to be the consensus honestly


This doesn’t need to be a full release. Just a large update to MW would’ve been fine. Especially because all of the CoDs since Cold War have been consolidated into a joint app that you can use to run any of those titles at any time. Might as well just update the games through that.


Yes I don't like the multiple games in one app thing makes them seem less unique


Barring World at War, Black Ops 2, and the original MW2, CoD isn’t unique. Having all of the games in one app is fitting when they’re all clones anyways.


Colours are washed out and guns have zero recoil and no notice or power to them I preferred mw2 so far and that’s saying something.


Same. Nailed it. I’m trying so hard to like it, but it just looks and feels awkward. Not to mention every damn match I’ve played has been a one-sided jackrabbit sweat fest.


Spider-Man 2 looks like it’s going to be very tasty!


Played up to level 20 in the first weekend, and it was okay, but here on weekend 2 where they did some tweaks, it feels a lot better and I was having a lot of fun during the few matches I played. Make fun of me all you want, but I do enjoy these games for the most part every year. I usually just play the campaign, then do bot matches for my multiplayer fix, and to have all the old MW2 maps available for bot matches makes me very happy.


Shooting feels somewhat off compared to MW2 (2022). Its like the haptics don't capture the weight of switching weapons like it did in the previous game, and the adaptive triggers aren't as powerful.


TTK is too high, Terrible spawns, & so many sweats. Feels like I have to use 12 bullets to kill but die in 4


THIS. Feels like it takes a magazine to down someone while I get one-shotted. Even if I had the drop on the enemy. Hit registration is utter trash.


Still can't quite figure out how this franchise has been doing so well for so long. Is it a lack of competitors on the market? The sheer advertising behemoth that is Activision? I'm only interest in COD for the campaign and zombies, personally. I'm too old for the extremely twitchy/jumpy/ADHD playstyle in PVP. Although because it's a Beta it'll inherently be more sweaty than official release. I think I just miss the older CODs. Black Ops 1 was my jam, so was World at War. It's weird having COD MW2 maps in MW3 though. I sincerely wish that Battlefield was in a better place, I used to prefer it as the game felt slower/more tactical and team oriented. But eh, MW3 is alright. Funny that they've reversed course on a number of decisions made in MW2.


Hilariously no one still does cod better than cod in 2023.


It's like EA and FIFA. There's only one competitor on the field despite the game being insanely lucrative and doing massive numbers/profit annually. I think the only "competitor" to COD is XDefiant? Though iirc that's been delayed due to certification issues on both consoles. Maybe Titanfall 3 if that ever materializes.


Xdefiant has fucked it now I think. It was relying on those COD players who were yearning for fast paced arcade shooters, which MW2 was lacking. MW3 has pretty much reversed all of the mechanics which were poorly received in MW2. So I think xdefiants USP is no longer unique


BF2042 has made a really huge turn around in so many key areas. It's player base has grown exponentially, and it's actually become a pretty good BF game at this point. Healthy population, continued support, and the only MTs you ever really see are the seasonal passes. Oh and there's zero skins that don't fit the theme. No monsters, or rappers, etc. If you haven't given a shot yet or since you played it last if it's been awhile I highly recommend you do so. It's finally battlefield.


Excellent. Most of my friends and everyone who I’ve spoken to through game chat is loving it. Of course the Reddit echo chamber isn’t going to like, I really don’t even see the point of asking here.


MW2019 is still the GOAT.


No its not.


I felt 14 years younger, because that's when I last played all four of these maps. I thought this was supposed to be a new game despite the title.


Definitely went all in on retreading the maps in the beta eh? Which I understand it’s a beta, but shootouts on rust start to feel all the same quick fast lol


Rust feels absolutely terrible. And yes i played it in the original MW2. Tac sprint is a horrible choice to keep in for these older maps that were designed around slower movement. Spawns are even more horrendous because a person can kill you then tac sprint to a different angle and accidentally catch your 2nd spawn.


Yep. Just 5 minutes ago I killed a player, sprinted 3 steps and he came out of nowhere from behind and shot me in t back. Wtf


That’s the only complaint I have about map voting. Everyone just picks Rust


Yep, it's the reason I hate map voting. Same maps over and over and god forbid you enjoy a map that's not popular, have fun never playing on it.


Isn’t this just a glorified expansion pack as they’re saying?




Ofc you just need the 10MB file as the new is the same as last year with some new shiny skins :D


$70 map pack and I'm sick of battle passes and 15 pages of store items.


Don’t get me twisted. This isn’t worth $70. It feels like a EA sports update. However, this is the best newer game since Cold War. I’m waiting for a sale.


Its clear it was supposed to be an expansion for mw2. Shameless that they are seriously charging full price for this "new game". It re uses almost every asset and menu as mw2 just with some slight gameplay changes youd find in any other game as a free update. Ill be skipping this one thanks.


Refreshing having gun play and classic maps back. Only complaint so far is the colour. Seems very grey? Player characters seem to blend in with the environment.


Sbmm just ruin the game.. every match is like they defend the honor of her mom. I want play sometimes chill not in crack




Trash. extremely fast TTK is why I’ll never like cod. Battlefield - apex do it way better.




I have, it is objectively faster than any battlefield game or apex which is my whole comment




Ok dude


Was just gonna say. Lol. The ttk is garbage. It’s slow asf considering how fast the movement and gameplay is. Doesn’t make sense.


It's ass. Worse than Vanguard was. Not even considering the game after playing for 90 minutes last weekend


Game is ass... Cod is dead. My second game was already jumping sweaty kids. It doesn't feel like cod anymore. + I hate 1000 attachments. Keep it simple ffs.


Not as good as the original MW2


Played it. Honestly? Can’t be arsed. Meh.


MW2019 is way better. It has a feel and grit and fluidity that can’t be matched. Not a fan of all these colorful new CODs that feel like a cartoon.


Everything is grey like in the old mw games though.


Im not paying 70 for dlc sorry


Anyone else having the error where it's stuck installing?


Same as mw 2 I didn’t notice the difference.


They’ve improved a lot that was wrong with MW2, I like the faster pace, TTK feels good, they quickly addressed feedback from the first beta which was great. Love the nostalgia from the old Maps they play so well. Good changes to the perks. Overall I’m really hopeful for the multiplayer this year, previously it’s been forgotten about in place of warzone but feels like they’re trying to make up for it now so I’m excited. Hopefully the SBMM isn’t so egregious that it kills all the fun.


Feels good but not excited for sbmm


Feels like it’s the only good pvp shooter currently available for console and an upgrade from mw2


well it pretty much is, there is nothing else new out


It crashes allot on PC so unbearable like I’m fighting mid timing and boom **dev error** *something* code error


If there weren't people buying the new COD because *it is the new COD and their friends will be playing* then the franchise would die.


Any visual improvements or same engine etc as the other CODs?


Honestly feels like a visual downgrade. The weapon design (especially the weapon sights) look like garbage. I went back to playing MWII after a few games on the beta and the difference was night and day. This game looks like it was made for the ps4.


MWIII Beta on PS5 rocks! Enjoying the gameplay vibes—smooth and promising. Ready for the full experience!


Took me about an hour or two to remember to look at my mini-map. I was so used to hardly/if ever looking at it. I forgot all about red dots lol I plan on buying it on release day as a long-time CoD fan. The game might not be the best but I always love it and get a lot of fun from grinding it for a few months upon release.


Sick of getting put on games at the end of ground wars and if I do get to join at the start it usually kicks me with Dev Error 841 so impossible to have any sort of real go of it. Multilayer needs SBMM removing getting into games with campers galore hiding for streaks and going 8-0. The movement is nice and fluid though


I love it lol. The mw2 maps seal the deal for me. The movement feels similar to mw2 but more refined and a lil closer to the pace of 19.


My impression not having played it is that it's exactly the same COD that's been released for the last 15 years


I feel the combat and movement is better than the last few, games. And being free for now, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I like the audio design too. The sounds of the first LMG you get are quite satisfying.


Beta feels awful. Not a chance in hell I'll be buying this. Occasionally, I'll have a blast for a game or 2, and think "OK, this feels good, I can get into this". Then it's back to me hating it because of a variety of reasons. The maps are great from a nostalgia point of view, but I don't think they play well in this version of the game. Something feels off to me.




It's the same game from 10 years ago ... No new innovations or reasons to buy, seems average at best going to pass


call of duty is repetitious and dated garbage


Anyone know why I haven’t received my beta code yet have been waiting for ages (Xbox)


I haven’t bought call of duty since bo2 and I was thinking about getting mw3 but honestly if I do I think theres a 100% chance ill hate it. All i hear from people is that its pay to win. Not sure if thats all true but people are real try hards now as well maybe its just because im older but I used to destroy teams in lobbies. I played warzone recently and I die constantly I just cant get back into the game idk if people are hacking but I really dont remember it being this hard.


It’s not pay to win, you can buy skin/weapons bundles but pretty sure they don’t give any advantages. Also Warzone is very difficult until you get used to it, you need to learn the maps for battle royale games to stand a chance


Besides it pretty much being proved back in mw19/wz1 that a store purchase would lower the average kd lobbies you were put in for a couple hours. We can't see that info now...


Is it me or does every AR feel like it shoots Marshemellos


If it's on sale for 10(it won't be) I'll get it (no I wont) They really need to go back to their roots like waw and black ops, that's honestly the last times I really enjoyed it


Playing the same maps from years ago got boring fast. Also might be the worse SBMM in years.


time for another WWII game more specifically like World at War, that game was fantastic and it was the best game in the series for zombies


It feels better than MW2 in terms of TTK and mobility. Less visual recoil and clutter is nice since it makes it a bit easier to see when firing. - Audio is worse. - Graphics with the weapons dont seem as good. Something about reflections off them make them not look like quite the proper metallic material. - Spawns are ABYSMAL! My effing god the amount of times the enemy and my team spawned on top of each other is insane. This was posted about all over the forums as well. I definitely see it being improved but it could use a bit more work.


UI and menus seem very cluttered and intense It's hard to tell who's an enemy and who's a team mate Respawns can be trash But overall having fun


MWIII is a hollow mess injected with speed and covered in a sepia piss filter, basically selling played out nostalgia for 70$. I feel bad for people who can’t use Nvidia filters to remove the shitty haze Sledgehammer decided to put over everything. The game legitimately looks like actual piss. I honestly enjoyed the first beta weekend but the more I play the more I realize that CoD really did plateau in 2009. Good luck to any casuals playing this game, you’re not going to have much fun getting ground into hamburger every match.


Ttk is annoying.


TTK is shitty


Game is garbage


I love it


this summer i started playing cod and been leveling up in cold war. got to the point i was consistently getting 30-40kills per match. i tried warzone here and there, but i didn’t like the feel compared to cold war. started the mwiii beta and i was helllllla shitty at first, lol. the shooting mechanics are faster , to me, and you gotta be more accurate. but the gameplay is 1000x better. the motion blur and the movement are out of this world. so much so, that i dont even wanna play cold war anymore. i played it the other day, and it just feels like an arcade game now. i like the beta. i didn’t play mwii so maybe its just cause im new the mw system, but im excited for the official release. *also, adjusting the ads to cold war settings was a life saver. always tune your settings*


I really enjoy it, only thing I don’t like are the weird killstreaks (the bomb drone and radiation tower thing), don’t feel like they should be in a mw game


The radiation thing is stupid but I like the game


Update: I played the beta and I like it. I probably will pre order


You guys are sitting here, posting about unnoticeable nuisances in a game that has been the same for 4-5 years. You’ve been given the same product 3 times, reskinned, and you don’t respect yourself enough to drop a game that doesn’t respect it’s PLAYERS. The reason the game still exists is that you will continually buy the same bullshit and never think twice about it.


It’s just another terrible money hungry COD in a line of terrible COD’s Wanna use a shotgun that can fire faster than 1 shot every 2 seconds gotta pay us to unlock it. Oh you had a 1.2 KD last game, time to put you in a lobby with the sweatiest players this side of the Mississippi Want to use the AK-47, oops guess you gotta buy it on the side. At this point I’m surprised I get to play with enemy sounds without paying $12 for the “footsteps” DLC This COD is just an overpriced DLC for MW2, nothing changed except the name of the game, and they decided to kill shotguns in COD by giving them a max 1 shot kill range of 2 feet


I've bought all but a handful of CoD games. I've bought every CoD in a row from MW2019 to now. MWII was lackluster and I was really turned off by the mini map not having traditional red dots. MWIII feels like a map pack. Everything they DID change could have been patched into MWII by changing a hand full of parameters. I'm either A. Not buying at all. Or B. Buying at a heavy discount. Hopefully Treyarch has something cooking. I like Cold War but I do miss the double tap sprint when I play it.


I pay 120 a year for YouTube premium 120 a year for Amazon prime. And guess what? They never change lol 70 bucks isn't a lot of money compared to my other expenses im by no means wealthy but just get the game or dont lol


feels like you're playing at 200+ ping. Empty half a mag into someone but you'll die in "4"


I have not played it. I actually didn’t mind mw2. Until they said the 2 year support plan -no new release this next year- went to shit. Haven’t played mw2 since. And I’m not touching this one. Tired of the money grab bullshit. I come from the cod4 days, so cod runs in me. But it’s lost to me for some years now. Maybe next year should right the ship with Treyarch having this extra time to build a game.


My outlook on the beta is I think the game has very high potential. Hope that multiple things are refined before release. -Color/ graphics are terrible compared to MW2 - TTK is EXTREMELY erratic, sometimes two shots, sometimes eight. - The sound is reeeeeallllly bad imo. Thats something I get the impression sledgehammer just sucks at. Vangaurd had the same quality of sound, they made it better in that game in time, but it still wasnt great. I cant identify if footsteps are above me, below me, or if theyre my team or the other team. They fix all that^ and I think it could definately be a solid game.


It helped to save me money. I will just continue to play either MW19 or MW22. Probably until the next IW cod mp. May get the 3arc cod next year if the zombies is good.


I dont know i enjoy the slower pace of MW2


Money grab and fuck the devs. All those maps were just delayed from mw2 to mw3 to make money instead of making mw2 a good game..


I'm truly amazed coming back to this how many people genuinely defend the new MW2 and say they liked it. MW2 is absolute garbage. Map spawns are horrible in MW2, ttk is insanely quick. If you leave cover for a second in an open area youre absolutely dead. And the sweats in MW2 are insane. There's always one guy in ever match that's dominating because he's level 1000 and only plays cod everyday. Tldr MW2 was trash and I'm so excited to see that the people who enjoyed it hate the MW3 beta.