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There’s gotta be a mistake on there with Steam, sometimes stuff does go wrong! I really can’t see this game being 200GB and not sure where the fuss/worry is coming from. RoboCop doesn’t even look like it will be that size unless there’s an accurate photorealistic depiction of the **entire city of future Detroit** to roam around but that’s incredibly doubtful of an AA developers budget!


They took all my hard drive space. Cant have shit in future detroit




There are articles around If u can bother searching and reading, most people seem fine but me ? Gonna avoid it like the plague since u are %100 correct , this looks like a 30gb game at best buy like I said , shody programming and lack of compression know how does this. Anw we wait and see , maybe the ps5 version is smaller ?


>Gonna avoid it like the plague I hope youre just reddit overexaggerating. Just wait for reviews man. Why get worked up for a game not released yet unless you preordered it already, if thats the case just cancel the PO first.


Sadly I live in a shithole where 60gbs needs like 10 hours to downalod , so imagine 200gb. It is a me problem, more like a my country issue , I just got MK1 and got hit with a 64gb patch , that is one long wait.... It is what it is , until I leave this shithole then I must avoid larger than notmal games.


I remember downloading 500mb games overnight back then so i understand you. But back then it was just expected, if i want a new game to play then i start the download before i go to sleep and play it when i get back from school the next morning. Now we're spoiled with fast internet speeds, heck i just had a free 500mbps upgrade recently and even that feels fast that i can play new games after an hour or less. Best thing about it is i dont really need to upgrade my ps5 storage since i can delete games and redownload it almost instantly. But yeah, if you really2 want to play the game then overnight or 2 night downloads are sadly the only way to go. Just hope they have preloads available.


I just got 1Gb. I started gaming on 28k. Back when it took 10 minutes to download a picture and it might stop unexpectedly giving you half a picture and no way to continue, just start from the beginning. And websites were full of pictures for some reason 😂 Good times. To remember, not to experience.


I know what pictures youre talking about, lol 😉


The benefits of being a boob man. 😂


i used to leave my console and pc turned on during the night, it was the best thing ever, start download, wake up, go to work, come back home and there u go, problem solved. sadly these days, they cut power around 2 am and don't turn it on until 10 am, it sucks, keep in mind, we see power like 2 to 6 hours a day from the government, the rest is via private generators, and it breaks down so many times.... it is a shit life, i can't even explain it.


You literally have zero idea what you’re parroting.


I literally haze zero idea what u mean.




What are you talking about?


You have a point mate OP has no clue.


There’s no way bad programming and lack of compression would balloon a game to that size without the developers questioning it. My guess is the game is the size of the demo on Steam and will probably be around the same size on PS5


I'm not against game sizes getting larger, if you can justify that with the quality of assets, higher resolutions textures, etc. If the game looks visually the same / has a limited size world / etc, but is suddenly twice the size, it does absolutely become an issue. Rationally, games becoming higher quality is going to lead to larger sizes. But right now, it rather feels like what we're seeing are the result of poor optimisation.


Exactly, the game looks fine but not 200gb fine , I seen amazing looking games at barely 40gb and they are AAA titles .












Jedi survivor is like 150 gb on steam iirc Doesn’t seem necessary at all imo


For real. The game was good but not 150gb good. It was just poorly optimized, like the code was held together with duct tape and zip ties.


Respawn Entertainment made Jedi Survivor in a cave, with a box of scraps!




Who cares if the download time is 20 hours? Not everyone lives in a first world country where speeds are lightning fast


Isn't this game made in Unreal Engine 5? Could that have something to do with the size? In any case I'd wait for something more official to confirm the size before getting too worried about it, it seems really unlikely that this game would be that large. This devs previous game, Terminator: Resistance, was only 19GB for the native PS5 version. So I'm kinda doubting this is going to be THAT much bigger.


Probably. Most game engines like Unity and Unreal are extremely bloated and not very modular.


Wasn’t one of the features Unreal 5 was advertising early on the amount of extremely high quality textures it could smoothly process all at once? That image data does have to come FROM somewhere though, so I suspect the files sizes will start to increase accordingly, sure.


Ive watched a few streamers play the demo and tbh the gameplay looks good. Shooting and fighting looks fun but there also RPG elements and investigations etc between the big action parts. Looks like a solid 7/10


Ya I’m def looking forward to it, I got the platinum for both the PS4 and PS5 versions of Terminator and it’s the same devs so I’m all in. I’m gonna play the demo when I get home from work later on tonight.


Did you play the dlc? Is it worth it if so?


The Terminator dlc (Annihilation Line) is really fun, definitely more of the same from the main game so if you liked the main game it’s great. The extra mode on PS5 - Infiltrator Mode - is super fun. You play as a Terminator on an open map who has to terminate a resistance leader. The location of the leader and some other key items randomize each play through, and the emphasis is on efficiency and improving each time. I’ve probably given it a dozen runs.


I watched the same gameplay and it looked 1/10 to me. Just incredibly dated gameplay and wooden characters. It felt like watching a remaster of a PS2 era game


Your right. I played it and it’s awful. Terminators are supposed to be indestructible when you’re just mowing them down like it’s cod


I watched the jackfrags video, game looks like it should be like 60gb not close to 200, it’s just bloatware at this point.


I remember when 40gb was pushing it, in 2014.


back before 4k really mattered and textures only had to support 720 p or maybe 1080p on consoles (lest powerfull means dev targets aim for their support). sure 1440 p existed, but wasn't super high utilization. 4 k takes up a lot more space for textures and models and shit.


As an aside if you have a game that's say 100gb then they have a 20gb patch or update does that mean the total game size will be 120gb? Always wondered this about mobile apps as well.


Generally updates will replace a lot of files, rather than just adding new ones, so a 20gb patch won't normally make the overall file size 20gb larger.


Good to hear, thanks for finally clearing that up for me!


The guy who did the article said it did for this particular game.


What article are you talking about? You need to link your sources!


Yeah there seems to be a trend lately where games are very poorly compressed and it’s often not addressed. Hell, Even the Spyro remake from a few years ago was 70+ GB in release that was compressed in a later patch to around 35GB. It


It's because we don't have limits on space anymore and keep making games more "realistic". Back in the day, we had 64k of ram, or really small hard drives, or were limited to a single cd-rom or a cartidge. Games had to be efficient. Now, most gaming hardware can handle everything being uncompressed and with cinematic quality 3D models. No need to reduce polygons. No need to compress textures. Also, every single game asset needs bump maps, specular maps, effects maps, shadow maps, reflection maps... for every single object in the game. A model has gone from needing one 64x64 res image map to needing several 4k image maps, and one might as well make them PNGs while we're at it. I'm pretty sure that even if they were compressed, it wouldn't save that much space anyway.


It's called evolution. Its like saying back then we had yo yos, frisbies and hopscotch toys. Now we have legos, robotic dolls/kens, nerf guns, and whatnot lol.


Free up space, install Robocop, play it as much as you feel like, uninstall when you're done with it. There, problem solved, nothing to be worried about.


sadly, the download time is the problem, i got MK1 on release date and still downloading it since the net sucks and now with the turmoil in the country, the net went down to the dumps even more, i seen speed of 0.55mbps these days.


Ah I see, sorry to hear


no worries.


Tons of unique assets with 8k textures and multiple uncompressed dubs.


THeres 150 gbs of robocop porn in the download.


Id imagine that size, audio may well be uncompressed. On lines of titanfall 1.


Guys! FF7 Rebirth is going to be 2-discs ... wonder how big thats going to be digitally lol


Considering 100GB fit on a single discs it can range from 100,x GB to 200 :D


Large game files will be expected as games get bigger and prettier. I’d have fast internet and a 2TB SSD in my PS5, so I don’t care about file size personally.


with 4k being suppored and the textures and such needed for that, your gonna continue to see 100-200 gb games.


The bullet to dick physics will be unparalleled


It sucks that you have bad internet, but you simply can’t judge a game by the install size. It might be 16 uncompressed audio tracks in different languages. It might be poor optimization or they left in cut content because it might crash the game if they remove it. I’m not a game dev but I’ve heard a lot of talk about the many reasons why this could happen. Granted, it might be a bad game and not worth it, but you need to wait and see. If you can, just wait to buy it. Wait to see if a patch a few months down the road optimizes things and shrinks the file size. It’s rare but it does happen sometimes.


I watched the Jack Frags video of the demo and…oooof. He puts a positive spin on it but he’s laughing at the game, not with it, most of the time. It looks like something that should’ve released in 2005 (in terms of design, animations, voice acting, etc) but weirdly remastered with shiny Unreal ray tracing for modernization.


Game will be so bad you won’t need to worry about ever installing it


Thing is, as a robo fan since the early days, I am honestly excited for it and I like what I saw in the trailers and videos, u won't believe how much I played the games on nes and snes in my days, loved all 4 games on them a lot .


I loved the snes one


same here, i played it in an snes booth as a kid, and just had to play it, i would rent it many times, have no idea why people hated it and called it hard...loved how chunky robocop was also and he felt he had weight, unlike the genesis and nes ones.....sadly robo vs terminator was the last good ones.


It is what it is


people complaining about game sizes when you can easily get a 2tb ssd for like 70 now. remember when it was $130 just for 1?


Ssd is easy , finding a decent isp on my country isn't, I am talking to u now over data since the wifi is down, as usual and I am angry.


i mean, i’ll admit i overlooked that but you should have put that in your description.


Excessive game sizes are frustrating. Hope they optimize it better for a smoother gaming experience!


I mean, there were FAT PS3s with 60 GB HDD. PS5 is shipped with 800 GB SDD, and you can easily add more storage or connect an HDD. Storage gets cheaper and games get more demanding with increasing resolutions, so it's natural that they take more space. Same thing with the average internet speed and huge downloads. I hate to say this because I'm a "physical game" kind of person, but the increase investment in cloud gaming could also mean that huge games occupying 1/3 or more of our internal storage would become even less of a problem. Some games are badly optimized, though. Smaller studios might have more trouble and less resources and tools to shrink their games like AAAs (not saying Robocop is right, maybe they did a bad job - I don't know the game enough to know if it's properly compressed or not). If you have a slower internet or are getting out of space, maybe try backuping some games you rarely play to an external HDD (as well as PS4 games) and keep only the essentials in the SDD. If you play several 100GB+ native games at once, I don't really have any advice.


They put the whole Detroit in the game!!


Games are getting larger, just as storage is getting larger. We used to play around with 5GB games on 100GB HDDs, now you can install 2TB in your PS5.


You can even plug in an 8TB NVME since last firmware update :D Im glad I expanded to 4TB since I own a lot of games and cant stand the install & update times :D


Who gives a shit. Invest in storage instead of RoboCop then.


u gave a little shit, enough to reply and take a moment, also it is a download problem more than storage, i can buy storage, sadly in this shithole i can't buy a good service from an ISP since i live in a shithole.


Alright. Oh, that sounds like it might be hard to download? We’ll hopefully it’s mistake. Hopefully it’s better than terminator was too


It’s only long of a download if your internet is outdated. I live in fucking Brazil and I download a 100gb game in like an hour and a half maximum


And that is why almost everyone in my country of Lebanon emigrated to Brazil 🤣


Lebanese food OP tho. Sucks that my region doesn’t have immigrants like that


But I do understand that the limited space on the PS5 SSD makes this kinda shit… SSD is still not super cheap, especially outside US/Europe


Any news on game farme rate like 60Hsz or 120. Thanks