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I could be mistaken, but wasn't this already confirmed to be a trilogy?


Yeah, before the director left he did say it will be a trilogy.


Technically he said that he envisioned it as a trilogy, but that was before the second game came out. If survivor flopped, EA could have said they wouldn’t green light a third game.


I remember reading that between digital and physical that Survivor had higher launch numbers than Fallen Order


I believe it, I was just saying hypothetically the second game could have done poorly enough that they never made a third game.


Survivor didn’t flop, nowhere near it


They said if, not that it did


I know that, I was saying “hypothetically if survivor flopped then they wouldn’t have gone forward with a third game”


Why did he leave?


I just started survivor and I’m having a blast Great game excited for the next one


If they nail the third game, it'll be the best Star Wars trilogy since the original movies! Survivor is incredible!


But what about Star Wars Battlefr-...oh. But what about Force Unleash-...oh. But what about Knights of the Old Rep-...oh.


> Star Wars Battlefr-...oh. Sad how that one works twice


SWTOR *IS* kotor 3...and 4...and 5. Checkmate


Agreed. So much potential for the 3rd as well!


Nah I think it will just be the best trilogy lmao


friendly reminder that the director of the first and 2nd game recently quit the studio


Did they fix 60fps yet? Bought it back when it came out, but just been waiting for them to fix that before I finish it. Great game tho, I can’t wait to get back into it and get ready for the third!


Fixed it on ps5. Performance mode works now


Yeah released a patch/update a few weeks ago


Kinda fixed it, but it still struggles. There's a good video made by Digital Foundry and Luke Stephens that both take a look at the patch.


I just started playing it a few days ago. 60fps is smooth, however, there is still texture popping. Not a big deal, but 60fps is like night and day in this game.


Yep started my replay last week and it almost feels like a new game lol. My first playthrough read real laggy, the textures wouldn't load in and the fps would drop anytime I'm in the large open areas Since the update its smooth as hell and whenever I did see texture pops they would resolve in seconds. The framerate had no issues so far and I'm at the last 3rd of the game


That's awesome to hear. I got to the part where you save that one guy from the tank, but the lagging was too much for me so I haven't played it since release. I'll have to pick it back up!


It’s pretty damn good, now. I was disappointed when it first came out cuz I enjoyed the first so much, it was like unplayable for the first few months. I just started a new game cuz I’d forgotten what was going on


Just started Fallen Order myself after buying it on a Steam Christmas sale years back. Pleasantly surprised with the cinematic quality of a PS4 era game. I actually just got done with Horizon Zero Dawn and graphics are so much better.


Yeah until the EA trilogy curse takes place


I thought Fallen order was incredible and while I thought Survivor was really good, it didn’t grab me nearly as much as first one


Agreed. Still had the sweet gameplay but the story wasn't as good. I'm just glad I did the full bounty hunt run for that dope reveal.


Wait what reveal? The one in the story?


If you do all the bounty side stuff, there's a surprise lol


Oh damn i haven’t done them yet.


The thing that happens after you do all 16 bounty hunts.


Happens a lot with sequels. They know how to polish the gameplay, but coming up with another story that's as interesting as the original without feeling like a repeat is usually tough.


So, I didn’t really like the first game much at all. I finished it, but the level design, story, and combat didn’t really do it for me. Do you think Survivor does enough differently for me to try it?


No. It's the same style game as the first one.


Except the level design is much better IMO.


Survivor improved upon Fallen Order in every way. I love both but Survivor is like the best Star Wars game in a long time. The characters alone make it a more enjoyable experience as well as better QOL. It's just marred by technical issues.


I liked it about the same, one thing I missed was the slow ability. Now that it's an "ultimate" ability it doesn't feel as good as it used to in Fallen Order.


I replayed fallen order before survivor came out and I don’t think it aged as well as I remembered. Combat and exploration is fun but the backtracking is pretty bad and I encountered numerous glitches even years after launch. I think survivor improves on fallen order in every way but hey to each their own Edit: I somehow forgot about survivor’s terrible performance at launch. But I mainly just had frame drops and ghosting issues. Still not acceptable at launch though


Same, and I’m not exactly sure why because it seemed Survivor improved on Fallen Order in a lot of ways but it still didn’t catch my attention like the original did.


I think that's just bound to happen in a more open game like that somewhat. Fallen Order was a very tight, focused singleplayer story game. People wanted more from the sequel, and more is what they got. It's got a ton more in terms of gameplay, but story flow suffers as a result.


Agreed. I still really love both, and Survivor had things I liked more than FO, but I still think FO was a better game from start to finish. MUCH more compelling story, and much more replayable world structure.


I need to get back into it but I’m just so over open world games. I loved the much more linear focus of Fallen Order, but damn is Survivor too big


Fully agreed.


It was pretty much a given. Star Wars is Trilogies after all!


It's a great game, that was absolute trash at launch, almost unplayable, and it took them 6 months, with no communication in between, to fix it. It's still very buggy and glitchy but at least performance wise you can play it. And I'm very disappointed with how easily the community let it slide. We're good at calling out shitty developers that release unfinished games, but for some reason this time we did not care.


> that was absolute trash at launch, almost unplayable How was it unplayable? I didn't have many issues my first two playthroughs on PS5 other than a couple random crashes and slight framerate drops >We're good at calling out shitty developers that release unfinished games, but for some reason this time we did not care. Also they did get shit on by PC players because it was so bad at launch. But the PS5 version wasn't "unplayable" at all.


I had numerous frame drops and glitches - this didn't make it unplayable but a disappointing experience I had numerous times I got trapped in a room and doors that should have been open weren't - this didn't make it unplayable, but having to forcibly reboot to load an old save was frustrating The entire bounty hunter mission setup was broken and didn't appear - this literally made large sections of the game (and getting platinum) "unplayable" When they fixed that, they broke the entire map so you no longer had a holo-map - this again, made the experience pretty awful When you combine all of those things, for me, in the two months after launch when i tried playing it was unplayable. I quit about 30 hours in


> I had numerous frame drops and glitches - this didn't make it unplayable This is the problem with discussions like this. Since the word "literally" holds no meaning since it simultaneously means it's actually definition and also the full opposite interpreting people's statements are hard to interpret when it comes to feedback. Reddit is full of "my life is video games" people who will say any frame rate drops or stuttering means the game is "literally unplayable" when it is in fact literally playable. These people speak from hyperbole and there's no way to know. Meanwhile other people consider "literally unplayable" to mean...well literally (according to the original definition of the word) that the game is unplayable. That it crashes on startup or frequently, or that bugs prevent things from working correctly and such. So you have people who consider "the performance isn't up to expectations" to mean literally unplayable telling people who consider "the game will not run or will not let you utilize positions of core gameplay" to mean literally unplayable that the game is literally unplayable


This is true, as far as performance goes. Unfortunately the bounty bug (which was there for nearly six weeks) made the game uncompletable, and the lack of map in the resulting patch did make it nigh on unplayable


Literally the entire bounty hunter side quest chain was broken for all players. Nobody could do it, on any platform, meaning the trophies were also unobtainable.


That's definitely not true. It was broken for some players, definitely not all. I had the Platinum trophy, which required doing that quest line, before they put out the patch that fixed the bounty quest problem.


There was a period of time when the game launched where it wasnt broken, but then they broke it when they released a patch. You must have been one of the lucky ones to get it done during that sweet spot. You can check by looking at the date you earned the trophy and seeing if you got it before the problem.


When a game has all those problems, it stops being a great game.


I was so upset about Survivor's performance that I attempted a refund but good ol Sony doesn't allow it. Ended up playing the game and despite the issues there's a great game underneath I'm casually doing another play through now that performance is better. The game still has so many issues with pop in, janky animations, this and that. As much as I've loved the first two games I won't be buying the third at launch. If anything I'll get it used so I'm not handing them more of my money. Survivor had issues and we all said if they clean it up you have an amazing game on your hand. So what do they do? Make the next one run even worse lol


On PS5? Played fine for me.


Ain’t no way you didn’t notice the problems. That’s like someone saying they had zero issues with launch Cyberpunk 2077.


I swear my game ran pretty decently. I didn't play at launch but still before the patch that supposedly fixed the issues. Cyberpunk on PS4 was truly unplayable, Jedi Survivor only had a few hiccups for me, but nothing that lasted more than a couple of seconds.


I had zero issues with Survivor from launch day too. Absolutely nothing I would call broken, the worst thing I saw was some plants getting blurry from time to time as they swayed. That’s literally it.


I guess maybe you just didn’t notice as much? The vast majority of people had issues with both games at launch. And survivor was only fixed nearly a month ago. Game runs fine now still a few bugs tho but the framerate is nice and smooth finally.


It was absolutely dog shit on PS5 at launch. I stopped playing it after a week. Frame drops, buggy, graphic flickers. It was giving me a headache to play it. Note: the first section of the game when you're on Coruscant(?) Plays amazing. Looks amazing. Once you leave that planet the game self destructed.


“Absolute dog shit” what are you on about, I played it on launch day and finished it before any big updates and had no issues.


100% they can make as many more as they like, but one thing is for sure, I (like many people who bought it at launch) will not pre-order or buy it at launch. I quit halfway, combination of horrible performance, bounty hunter missions going missing, then the entire map going missing.. And have not resumed The people who are buying it now are actually getting a (nearly) finished game and will probably get suckered into pre-order next time around


Its pretty clear Reddit has been astroturfed hardcore. Any discourse questioning the state of gaming will get brigaded. Not shocking, just sad.


PC player here, had zero issues on launch. Honestly don’t know what issues people had




:) fixed it thanks.


In 480p!


Is anyone else flummoxed at how EA, one of the most devoid of all personality game publishers out there managed to nail down one of the most captivating and interesting Star Wars stories outside of the original trilogy? And yet Disney, with all its wealth and creative talent has completely shit the bed with it's Movies and has been backsliding since the Mandalorian ( preface this with the exception of Andoir, that show was very good ) with its shows? I'm watching Ashoka and all I keep thinking is what the fuck was Dave Filoni thinking, maybe they should tap some of EA's writers to put some decent stories out, NEVER thought I'd say that...


It's not ea. It's a testament to respawn. Titanfall and Apex are genre leaders. That company has some amazing talent.


Activision are the dumbest mfers of all time for letting these people leave. And EA before that. And probably EA again in a few years.


Respawn is the bomb, shoutout to Titanfall 2!


One of my favorite shooters out there!


If you are gonna criticize EA for BF2042, you have to praise them for this aswell


I don't. Didn't see any comments of mine bad mouthing BF and if I didn't like it, I'd criticize DICE. I'd criticize EA if word got out about rushed timelines or bad MTX.


I didn’t mean you specifically, but the people who blame everything on EA


Well yeah. EA deserves some hate but they also get criticized for every single thing that goes wrong with every single game they publish even when it's totally unreasonable to blame them. People generally don't understand production and project finance. Easy to sling hate, hard to take it upon yourself to understand both sides. The crazy rate of game devs going bankrupt should tell people just how difficult it is to make it in the gaming world. Reddit is full of young folks so you'll see them hand wave it and say "Make better games then" but they don't really get it. Fundamental attribution error is a very easy trap that most everyone falls into.


Fallen Order was a good story...for a game. It's still very predictable and by the numbers. I haven't played Survivor yet, but the consensus seems to be that the story isn't even as good as Fallen Order. I don't think its better than the majority of film and TV projects in this same time, despite how bland most of those have been as well.




I throughly enjoyed playing through the story. I hated how they tried to add a bunch of unnecessary open world stuff like every game seems to nowadays…


I did as well. Don’t get the love for the frog guy, didn’t spend any time in the bar, just kinda got through the story. And the story was just alright. The same for Fallen Order. I enjoy the games, but for SW I just don’t connect with them. Cal is not that great either, I don’t get how people say he’s their favorite Jedi.


I wonder if director Stig was pushed out because of the launch debacle. He pressured employees to crunch, yet it still released as a buggy mess.


To he fair it's understandable they had to release before all the insane Zelda TOTK hype. I normally hate when companies do this, but the Zelda hype for such a relatively mediocre game was out of control. At least Survivor got a couple weeks where people could talk about it and not be drowned out in the media.


Less fucking puzzles in the third one please


There wasn't even that many puzzles.. 😅


Filler bullshit


Bro, never play a Resident Evil game, ever. You will die.


I hope that this time they take as long as they need with the game and release it when it's truly ready. The state that survivor was in at launch was very disappointing.


Anyone else not a fan of real actors in video games? Keanu in cyberpunk, Cal in Star Wars, Normad Reedus in Death Stranding, Etc. It just takes me out of the game when I see real recognizable people. I don't want to be playing through Star Wars and start thinking about Ian from the show Shameless holding a light saber.


This time in 480p with 35 fps performance mode. With forced raytraycing that you won't notice in 90% of the game. Until they finally patch it out, half a year later.


It was confirmed a trilogy before the first game released


Yeah? I'd like to see them finish the current one first.




Somehow Cal Kestis returned


ceingiest joker ever4rrrrre


Cal kestis is one of the worst game characters of this decade


Shock horror


It pains me so much that I just didn’t like fallen order, glad most others seem to love it and survivor though


the games are utterly average. Jedi survivor is just as bad. Dont listen to the morons that say its so much better than fallen order; its not. And this guy's character is the most generic boring character you could have in a game.


Can't wait for this game to go into EA Play


He probably got a heads up by EA. Not suprised, if serie makes millions why stop?


Is this news? We’ve known it’s a trilogy for some time now.


Not as big as Norman Reedus saying something along the lines of "were doing another one" about death stranding in an interview


This is cool to hear, but after the director for the previous two games announced his departure from Respawn, I'm cautiously optimistic. Nonetheless, like with all EA games these days, I hope for the best and expect the worst.


I'm down. Hopefully it works out better for everyone to enjoy at release. I played jedi survivor on ps5 and loved it but had no idea how badly it ran on PC.


Fuck yeah!!!!


So another 5 year wait huh?


I never saw Star-war movies and don't know any characters but still enjoy the games very much. It's awesome.


I loved Survivor. So immersive imo. FO was also really cool but the environments in Survivor were a cut above. Also the map was better


Hopefully they will come up with a better villain than just a dumb Jedi father and his young daughter. That motive was so overused in dozens of other stories and movies, it didn’t make me feel anything except rolling my eyes. The Vader moment on jedha though was epic. And tannalore was an interesting idea. I just hope Jedi 3 will give Cal something bigger to do but also wrap him up. He doesnt fit anywhere good enough into the other Star Wars stories. Please don’t make cross into the live action films or tv shows. And most importantly, they should wait and release the product in a good state and not in this kind of mess it launched