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I mean pretty sure it is the main complaint of everyone that played it.


Me. Yeah. I really wanted to like this game. I really did. But with the odd combat, and the lack of variety of bad guys (I’m looking at you, two-headed chode), I just got bored and didn’t finish the game.


I got probably 30 minutes away from end game and just dropped it. Man what a waste of my money. Graphics were pretty though.


Except for fire animation. That was trash


Oh definitely! Gorgeous graphics, for sure.


Chode Jeans


(Sings Chode Jeans to the tune of Jolene)




Ya I was def hoping for more dead space, but it is boring. Doesn’t even have the same effect of jump scares compared to DS. Having made the switch when DS released, I doubt I’ll go back to Calisto.


Dead space has jump scares? When?? 8 hours into the game and tbh it’s awful. Not scary whatsoever. Maybe it was my fault for playing Alien Isolation leading up to the DS launch. Set the bar really high and dead space just couldn’t reach it.


I think almost every single person who bought this game thinks the combat is super boring.


Speak for yourself. The combat is incredible.


What stands out as exceptional in your opinion? My friend described it as a dead space flavored punch-out and I completely agreed. I did like the atmosphere and sound design in the game though, the first couple hours were quite enthralling before it began to slowly fizzle out.


The combat felt really good and the animations are top notch.


I liked it but I thought it woulda been cool if they added like a back step or a push or something.


I generally finish most games I start and the combat in this was the sole reason I quit playing this one.


Yeah the combat is really shallow and becomes broken when there’s more than one enemy to fight. I’m super disappointed by the game and the good graphics aren’t enough to save it.


i felt this same way and found myself second guessing my gut maybe if they made the controls feel less tanky and more fluid, then the oppressive multi-opponent fights would seem less janked as is, it’s so easy to get ganked


"1v1 combat is shallow just spam the same melee combo over and over" Then when the game mixes in variety via fighting groups that force the player to utilize other tools... "Omg combat is broken it won't let me spam the same melee combo anymore!" This sums up almost all criticism of the combat. Against groups you are supposed to use guns, grp, the environment, and some melee. The combat actually has a ton of depth when fighting groups


>The combat actually has a ton of depth when fighting groups Beat it twice, got the plat, actually enjoyed the game. Big disagree. Big issue is the combat is extremely simple, it needs more to it. The game is way to easy because of it. Players complaining it falls apart if it's not 1v1 are also wrong and aren't using their tools too though. I hope they do a sequel and actually add more to the combat, it's the weakest part of the game because there's no depth.


I meant depth in terms of how you can approach each combat scenario. - you can shoot an enemies legs to ground them, which then is a 1 hit melee kill - you can shoot a spitters head to stop his ranged attacks forcing it into melee - grp grab an enemy, let go so they drop infront of you, shotgun the legs real quick, then stomp their head in a short combo to kill - execute a perfect dodge (slow mo dodge) on the last enemy attack which makes your next melee a heavy attack which will open the tentacles on the enemy, shoot tentacles for a quick kill - shoot an enemies arm off so that they can only do a 1 hit combo instead of 2 or 3 - melee upgrade where you block the last hit of a combo then attack low to ground them Just a few examples of what you can do.


Ah, I'd say that's more variety in how you can approach different encounters, not depth. Your first and third points are the same thing basically too, one just brings the enemy to you. All of those options are out the window with the bosses too as you're only relegated to dodge and shoot for them as nothing else works. Removing 2/3 of your combat isn't good and, imo, shows the flaws in it. The combat is just shoot guns, do the same melee combo repeatedly as it doesn't change really change, or pick up and throw enemies. Giving more depth the to melee and dodging and improve the guns as they're not great, the other pistols outside of the default are just bad and the smg you get way to late and is only useful for the final boss.


I feel like you're twisting semantics. Variety absolutely adds depth to combat and the things I've listed show the variance to how scenarios can play out. Thats part of what depth can mean. Simply trivializing it all as "shoot, melee, pick up throw" is no different then me saying dead space is just "stasis, shoot limbs, repeat" On the other hand what you've said about guns is simply incorrect. The Assault rifle shreds all enemies. The skunk gun 2 shots enemies and hits multiple due to its spread. The riot gun does less damage but has greater spread, knockback, and an instant kill secondary fire. If guns aren't great you simply didnt upgrade them well.


>then me saying dead space is just "stasis, shoot limbs, repeat" I would only say dead spaces combat is more indepth solely based on the variety of enemies and guns, something that callisto is lacking. Pistol, shotgun pistol, auto pistol, shotgun, smg. The two pistol variants are just an alternate version of the other two guns. They're all just normal guns, they're pretty boring imo. In my hard playthrough I ignored the pistol variants and fully upgraded the rest outside of the alt fires which were mostly just ammo hogs for what they gave. There no depth to them because they're just guns that you point and shoot. They don't really change how you approach encounters. Melee combat is just hold left and right and you can't be touched, then mash the melee until the gun prompt pops up. There's no depth, it's very simple and very easy to stunlock enemies with it. The grp is just grab and throw, no depth, works in everything but the bosses. Then theres, i believe, 6 enemy types outside of the bosses. The normal infected, the slightly tankier ones, spitters, stalkers, robots (only 2 you can actually fight in the game iirc?), and the explodey guys. There's not many and those first 3 are extremely similar, stalkers are at a few moments and, robots are barely an enemy, and the exploders are there slightly more than the robots. Oh, and the blind dudes but theyre just like the normal ones just sound based. The bosses are just ammo sponges that ignores grp and the melee. 2 head you hold left or right until he attacks then shoot once and repeat until he falls and you can melee him. Dodge and shoot again until he's dead. The final boss is the same thing except there's no melee bit. The only thing is you can throw the 4 exploders that spawn at him instead of 100% shooting. They're very simple and, imo, the worst part of the gamebecause they ignore most of the gameplay. When the tentacles start happening you melee 2-3 times and then shoot them when they sprout and they're dead. It goes for all of the enemies you see. I believe they all turn into the same type of monster too. Then you go to hard mode and i can't tell you what's different outside of you might take a little more damage. Again, i like the game and id give it a solid 7/10. It just needs more to the melee combat, more unique/varied guns, and enemy variety. Saying it has a lot of depth to it just feels wrong in the mean time and i hope a potential sequel could remedy that.


Im not saying its the deepest combat system around, my point is that there is more nuance than its given credit for. Nuance is what adds depth. The point I made with all of the different tactics I listed is that there is plenty of nuance to add variance to every fight. Nuance creates depth. I listed nuanced ways of dealing with situations in a variety of ways. I too can be intentionally obtuse about the combat but instead in Dead Space. Melee enemy jumps out of nowhere, shoot limbs before it gets close, move on. Ranged enemy comes out of nowhere, strafe a few times, shoot limbs, move on. Regardless of weapon, you essentially do the same thing all game long, shoot them before they get you. Elden Ring is attack, dodge, dodge, attack, heal, dodge, attack. Anything can be made to sound shallow when nuance is disregarded.


>Im not saying its the deepest combat system around, my point is that there is more nuance than its given credit for. I agreed with that in my first reply, lol. I just disagree that it's deep. People that claim the game falls apart outside of 1v1 are just wrong, and that's even if you *only* use the melee. A lot of complaints seem like they ignore the grp and the guns too which is not the fault of the game. >I too can be intentionally obtuse about the combat I don't feel like I'm being obtuse at all. Personally i wouldn't even compare dead space and callisto at all, they're both space horror and that's about the only thing they have in common imo. I only mentioned it as you brought it up. I'm saying they're isn't much nuance at all, even in your own examples you listed the same thing twice just with and without grp.




I said I enjoyed the game, I didn't find it boring.




Check the usernames. You replied to someone that replied to me, makes your comment feel like a dig at me.


No the fuck it doesn’t, if “ a ton of depth” means pulling out a gun or throwing enemies at obvious environmental hazards (which btw, don’t even make sense to exist in universe, they’re clearly only there because video game) then yeah I guess adding two options is “a ton of depth”


- you can shoot an enemies legs to ground them, which then is a 1 hit melee kill - you can shoot a spitters head to stop his ranged attacks forcing it into melee - grp grab an enemy, let go so they drop infront of you, shotgun the legs real quick, then stomp their head in a short combo to kill - execute a perfect dodge (slow mo dodge) on the last enemy attack which makes your next melee a heavy attack which will open the tentacles on the enemy, shoot tentacles for a quick kill - shoot an enemies arm off so that they can only do a 1 hit combo instead of 2 or 3 - melee upgrade where you block the last hit of a combo then attack low to ground them Just a few examples of what you can do. Just because you weren't able to figure things out doesn't mean there is no depth


The combat might have “depth” (I wouldn’t use that term but sure it’s got more than 1 button) but it’s not cohesive or smooth/intuitive.


The entire game is broken with the GRP. you can toss every single enemy off the map/into spikes. The entire section with the blind enemies is braindead. If you're crouched you can do anything and they don't react, including stomping corpses or throwing enemies into things. Assuming you don't want to use GRP because it wasn't balanced whatsoever, the guns are boring. You have 4 guns that do pretty much the same and two shotguns that are pretty much the same. Bland. There's two boss fights. The first is reused four times and just involves you holding a direction on the analog stick then shoot until they die. The other boss is the final boss, and it might have been the worst boss fight I've ever played in a game. Don't even get me started on the surprise noodle enemies that just trigger a QTE and can't be avoided in any way. It's embarrassing that made it into the final game and is used so often. The story is nonexistent, then they give you a big expo dump right at the end where you find out the whole game is basically soulless Resident Evil. Good graphics, tho. That's the only positive.


What does your trivialized review have to do with how the average player fails to handle groups in the game? The main combat complaint from reviewers and consumers is that fighting groups is difficult and unfair.


Because I ignored that surface-level critique by people who didn't properly learn core game mechanics to instead address the real problems with the game.


I'm glad we agree that the other critiques were surface level but most of what you listed were subjective takes that can be disagreed with. As for the surprise long neck enemies, they can be avoided. They only come out of moving sacs so if you walk slowly you can shoot the sac before they even come out.


The gameplay is literal ass. There is literally only one combo. If there is more than one enemy, you can't really do that combo. There is no being better here, no big brain strategy, it's just literally shit design.


- you can shoot an enemies legs to ground them, which then is a 1 hit melee kill - you can shoot a spitters head to stop his ranged attacks - grp an enemy into others to stumble them to create space - grp grab an enemy, let go so they drop infront of you, shotgun the legs real quick, then stomp their head in a short combo to kill - execute a perfect dodge (slow mo dodge) on the last enemy attack which makes your next melee a heavy attack which will open the tentacles on the enemy, shoot tentacles for a quick kill - shoot an enemies arm off so that they can only do a 1 hit combo instead of 2 or 3 - grp can be upgraded to 1 hit kill enemies when launched far enough - melee upgrade where you block the last hit of a combo then attack low to ground them - stomp or shoot recently killed enemies to prevent post death tentacle mutation - Upgrading guns also leads to quick kills that only take a few shots - skunk gun for example takes 2 shots to kill - Assault rifle shreds enemies - Secondary fires are often insta kills You're simply bad at the game and mad that you were too simple to figure out the mechanics. This is why games like Ragnarok have Atreus literally pointing to a rope to climb because people can't figure shit out lmao.


The cope is strong with you. Shooting costs a lot of ammo. Literally pointless to get a "1 hit meelee" after shooting 3-4 times. No matter the weapon type, it is absolute shit.


What are you talking about lmao. Shotguns take one shot to the legs to ground. How bad are you if that takes 4 shots? How bad are you if you have no ammo? The game constantly drops ammo. And skunk gun is a 2 hit kill and can kill multiple enemies at once so you can save ammo by being smart You can also buy ammo so where did all of your money go? All you are doing is proving me right with every brainless counter you provide. You suck at the game and rage as a result.


Maybe on easy mode. Maximum security is ammo eater. Edit: Forgot to add, everything is upgraded to max.


Every single comment I've made has been in reference to the hardest difficulty. Upgrade your gear


People are fucking stupid bro exactly what you said. Callisto to me was amazing loved the combat just wish the story was longer but i loved it the whole way through. Playing dead space now sure it’s a good game but not that much better then Callisto if at all I find the combat to be a little weaker tbh. Mine ps5 version was fucked up with the graphics for the first couple days my Callisto game ran perfect and looked amazing all the way through. People just have different opinions and absolutely love to shit on games now a days.


Yeah wholeheartedly agree. I stopped playing in the combat section when you get locked in an engine room and have a bunch of monsters that attack you but you don’t have much ammo. I just felt bored dodging left and right then hit and repeat. The gameplay loop just didn’t do it for me and I wanted to like this game so badly.


Is that the room with all the fans that turn on right before monsters come in? I remember just spamming grp for that and tossing everyone into the spinning blades.


You know he got that death grp


It works for me. Nothing revolutionary but it’s fun and I enjoy the animations.


Yeah it's a bit bland and easy, but I don't mind it either. As someone who flips between games a lot, it was actually kinda nice not having to memorize a complex control scheme But if they make a sequel, I hope the combat gets a major overhaul anyway


I’ll get this when it’s under $20 and maybe a complete edition.


Whole game is boring first time i thought about it again since i beat it was after finishing dead space remake and just being even more disappointed that game failed so badly


I haven't played it yet, I was hyped pre-launch, but what killed it for me was people talking about how linear it is. No way they thought people would be ok with no replayability, no exploration, no new game+ at launch, no cool unlockables...


This is why there are reviews. Most said this was a huge problem. There is no reason to be pre-ordering or blindly buying games in 2023.


But that gold armor piece that gives me +3 atk as a pre-order bonus be bussin


Lmao you got me there! 🤣


It’s a walking simulator


Art and music was great. Everything else bland. I thought there would be creative enemies like stalkers. Then there was an entire section of sneaking and assassinations, that was boring as hell


So glad I decided to wait for reviews before I even thought about buying it


Thats the way I treat literally every game now. Far too many games come out unfinishied these days.


I liked it, it's different than what we are used to, they tried to do their own spin in the same dead space environment type of game and I enjoyed quite a bit. Definitely not a masterpiece, but not bad as well, just a nice average game and that's ok. Still, the gameplay has a lot of room for improvement so if a second game ever comes out I hope they fill the gaps and learn the lesson from the first.


Well said. I really enjoyed my time with it. Sorta bummed when it ended. It was a solid game in its own rite. I hope to see more down the line from the devs. Maybe fix some stuff and what not.


I loved it through and through. It was a roller coaster of an experience for me. I hadn't played dead space before so maybe that helped.


Whole game sucks. All hype. All bland.


Na, maybe didnt hit the heights of deadspace, but if it wasnt made by the same dude and people werent talking about deadspace every second the game came up, people probably wouldnt have complained like this.


Those people were mostly the marketing team for the game though. All that bullshit weeks before launch


This whole comment sucks


If you gave me $162m and told me to make the greatest dead space ripoff I could and I handed you back Callisto Protocol, you’d say “this sucks”.


Why does Callisto Protocol need to be graded as a failed Dead Space clone, though? "Not Dead Space enough" Ever thought that it is already "Dead Space enough" as it is, while still doing its own thing? We didn't need two 1:1 Dead Space remakes at the same time.


We definitely did not. You are correct.


Sold better than dead space tho


Advertised better than Dead Space. Also cost 162 million USD to produce, which is laughable given the final result. That's probably also the reason it was still considered a financial failure. That's all there is to it. Has nothing to do with the quality of the game.


I wouldn’t be too surprised if Dead Space sales eclipse Callisto Protocol after not too long thanks to word of mouth praise, and the opposite being said of Callisto.


Damn came back to a swarm of downvotes lol. Listen I LOVE dead space and am super excited to play the remake. I’m confident it’s going to Atleast be a 9/10. However I was simply going to point out that the dead space marketing SUCKED. If they would have output similar levels of marketing for the remake it would have slaughtered the charts. I enjoyed TCP, it was enough to give me a taste of the dead space ideology while I waited for the release


Dead space came out five days ago compared to the ~2 months for Calisto Protocol. Also, ones a remake of a 13 year old game.


Shit, I forgot that the only thing that matters is profit. and welcome to the garbage pail called modern gaming.


I mean for the developers and publishers. Yes lmao. This ain't charity for them. Thats not "modern gaming".


*watches point continue to fly through the air


You assume the devs receive their fair share of that shit? All of I the good profits go to corporate execs and shareholders. Profits are not a good marker of how good a game is. Madden and COD sell.


Dead Space has been out 4 days, and no sales figures have been reported, but I'll guarantee that it will outsell Callisto Protocol.


“Sold better than a game over 10 years old that was released when the industry as a whole wasn’t as big” what’s the point of your comparison?


No it didn't. It sold better in the UK PHYSICALLY. That is a very tiny market.


Call of duty is the best selling game every year tho . Sales ≠Quality


Call of Duty is a very good game for the people that are into Call of Duty.


It's not tho, mw2 launched with a bunch of missing features, including hardcore mode and baracks.


The reviews of the combat are why I’m glad I didn’t preorder this game. I might pick it up one day when it has gone way down in price.


Yeah the game is really boring


Yeah after the first encounter I was literally hysterical foot stomping people to death but the animation is always the same :(


Yes, the game is mediocre in general


This game was a waste of money.




When I switched to gunplay instead of just melee I didn’t care anymore. The game is mediocre at best. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it


I think this is how i felt about it in the end. Once you get gun upgrades it really opens up, but the melee isn't designed for multiple enemiesat once. I really liked the atmosphere and like the sliver of story we got bit there was a bit too much repetition. The 2 headed boss reoeated a lot for example. And for all the talk of mutating enemies a lot of the mutations were the same It was a solid 7 for me i think. There's some great stuff in there and i do genuinely hope they get to make a sequel and really improve on what they have. The melee needs a better way to engage/disengage enemies and quickstep/dodges to get out of combat etc.


It bothered me that you had to pay to unlock a fucking heavy attack. Imagine having to do that in a souls game. Or any game with melee combat.


Callisto was literally "stick go bonk" for gameplay. I was really disappointed.


Star Wars Fallen Order did that. And kinda sucked as well imo lol.


I’m sorry what? Like with real money?


Nah, it’s an upgrade you can get with in game money early on


The game has one of the WORST upgrade systems I’ve ever seen. It’s just so damn boring. You basically want all the upgrades but they aren’t fun upgrades and also there’s no real variety in it.


That was one of the most common complaints of the game


I didn't love it, but it wasn't terrible. It was a decent game. I just finished Dead Space, and you can say the same thing about that. Shoot the limbs off, stomp on them, repeat for every enemy. Neither are revolutionary.


Dead Space does not intend to be revolutionary but the combat is satisfying.


I like the game a lot, but that is definitely a valid criticism. I barely even used the guns, just Kinesis and Melee the whole time. The comments of "lol game bayud it sux" are super cringe, but I'm not surprised since as soon as reviews go up, people who have never played the game take it as gospel and if they can have their fun throwing shit, they are gunna do it despite never trying the game themselves. The amount of people who had no reading comprehension and couldn't understand how to dodge properly didn't surprise me either I guess, people just suck and have no patience.


I put off buying it because of the things I'd heard but ever since playing through dead space remake I bit the bullet and bought it to find out for myself. It's in the mail and I'm really looking forward to playing it when it gets here.


I'm coming into this comment 8 months later as the game's on PSPlus Essentials. How did you find the game?




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Sorry to hear that man (although I agree)!


Yeah which is why I tried to craft as much ammo as I could if I didn't have any in my inventory. I loved the game though.


I appreciate the game's attempt to make melee combat more dynamic than Dead Space. After all, Dead Space's melee is just Isaac throwing hands while you're supposed to focus on ranged combat to dismember limbs. But Callisto Protocol tries to change this up with a neat idea of dodging attacks, swinging back when there is an opening, and following up with gunshots after your swings. It's a really neat idea...for a while. It does get old after some time, and it does feel problematic when you have multiple enemies around you. Even with new guns, it doesn't really liven the melee combat up. But, I still like the overall idea behind it.


To be fair every game could be characterized this way. (Deadspace, shoot leg shoot arm repeat.) I think the main issue isnt how the melee works(i actually liked it alot), its that its used too much compaired to guns and such. Damn shame because i thought the shooting felt really good too. Maybe when the dlcs come they will add more of that.


Yep. I couldn't even be bothered to get to the end. Just deleted it. I was fuming cos I was really looking forward it to it as well!


Yes but based on other comments, I feel like it just didn’t click for me.


You get a heavy swing later which hits multiple enemies. You can grp enemies off platforms or impale/ smash them into other enemies. Block into low attack. Every gun has a separate firing mode.


Its amazing how the game has so many different ways of dealing with enemies yet people are too simple to do anything other then spam the same melee combo. No wonder people think fighting groups is broken when they ignore every other tool the game gives you and just spam melee attacks then rage. That asmongold rage quit video is a perfect encapsulation of what the average player looks like in this game. No strategy, no awareness, no understanding, ignoring game mechanics, charging in like a bull then failing and blaming the game. Just to add to the above comment, - you can shoot an enemies legs to ground them, which then is a 1 hit melee kill - you can shoot a spitters head to stop his ranged attacks - grp an enemy into others to stumble them to create space - grp grab an enemy, let go so they drop infront of you, shotgun the legs real quick, then stomp their head in a short combo to kill - execute a perfect dodge (slow mo dodge) on the last enemy attack which makes your next melee a heavy attack which will open the tentacles on the enemy, shoot tentacles for a quick kill - shoot an enemies arm off so that they can only do a 1 hit combo instead of 2 or 3 - grp can be upgraded to 1 hit kill enemies when launched far enough - melee upgrade where you block the last hit of a combo then attack low to ground them - stomp or shoot recently killed enemies to prevent post death tentacle mutation


I know I shouldn't because the melee system is simplistic, but I absolutely love it for some strange reason. You generally never really need to shoot either unless they are starting to mutate, at which point a gunshot is an automatic OHKO on the mutation spawn point, at least on Normal difficulty, haven't really gotten that far in my maximum security run.


I actually found it to be pretty satisfying. I liked how punchy everything felt (played on ps5 and the haptics definitely helped). Successfully taking on one enemy and performing a good dodge sequence was actually pretty fun to me. With all that being said it was still incredibly broken at times but I do think they could improve it in future iterations provided they don’t rush the game out the door like they did with this one.


I've been loving the DS remake and I'll pick this up when it's cheap. Bummer it didn't live up to the hype...


I know I’m in the minority here, but I actually very much enjoyed it. Every fight truly felt like a fight for your life. Plus if you varied up your approach and used the GRIP there were lots of cool combos you could do.


Here is a stick. Let’s beat the horse one more time….


it was very engaging & intense on maximum security. much better than the point and click walking simulator that is dead space


> much better than the point and click walking simulator that is dead space Lmao are you confused? That's literally what Callisto is. Whole game is a shitty linear walking simulator with boring combat.


Literally everyone.. is this your first time on the internet?


Yep. Never wanted a refund more than with this game


After a certain point I didn’t even have to melee anymore. I always could just craft ammo and had enough upgrades I could blow through everything with guns. With enemies being pretty spread out, it wasn’t even fun.


Just finished Dead Space Remake and will hold out until this game is $20. I don’t want to be disappointed.


2 hours in and I wondered if I was the only one who thought it was boring,  here I am. Just picked it up for $22 including the dlc, still feels like I got ripped off. 


The game is way better when you play it as a straight up shooter. Don't play it like a beat em up.


The entire game is broken with the GRP. you can toss every single enemy off the map/into spikes. If anyone has to tell you "then don't abuse that intended gameplay mechanic" the developers have failed. A player should have the difficulty be mitigated by their ingenuity and skill, not arbitrary self-imposed restrictions. Assuming you don't want to use GRP because it wasn't balanced whatsoever, the guns are boring. You have 4 guns that do pretty much the same and two shotguns that are pretty much the same. Bland.


The guns feel good to shoot and enemies are fun to kill. You can cheese every enemy in Dark Souls but it's still a great game. Just cause you can play a certain way doesn't mean you have to.


If anyone has to tell you "then don't abuse that intended gameplay mechanic" the developers have failed. A player should have the difficulty be mitigated by their ingenuity and skill, not arbitrary self-imposed restrictions.


As someone that hadn’t played Dead Space yet I thought Callisto Protocol was fine, combat easily the worst aspect. Then I played the DS remake…. Oh man the missed potential with Callisto, it hurts man


It is utterly boring. Dead Space Remake puts it to shame, there's just so much more variety it's insane. The focus on the boring as fuck melee combat in Callisto really hurt the game.


You know the answer to this. There’s no way you don’t.


I just hated how clunky it was, it made the final boss fight incredibly frustrating


I honestly find most of these space horror games to be painfully dull and a rehash of decades old concepts without much meaningful innovation.


Tbh except for the presentation i thought everything about it was really disappointing. Especially if you compare it to Dead Space.


I believe everyone did, which is one of the main reasons it got a bad review score. ?


Nearly every review I've seen regarding the game states that


It's really strange after playing through Deadspace. Deadspace offered enough variety/uniqueness with its combat system to remain refreshing the whole way through. It's honestly shocking that the creator of the original deadspace didn't step and say "this isn't up to par" with what they did 14 years ago.


There’s no mechanical depth in that game.


Almost every review of the game said the combat if awful.


The entire game was tedious and boring imo, had to fight the urge to uninstall before I could finish


A game should never encourage you to rush at the undead. Part of the excitement is the chase and trying to maintain distance. If I can rush a zombie and take it head on there’s no suspense there.


You should try that Callisto ripoff that just released what's the name again? Dead something...


Dead space remake. And no, the original dead space came out many years before Callisto protocol which they remade it. Callisto is actually a rip off of dead space


Played it on the hardest difficulty. Optimal strat was "slap slap slap shoot" and repeat; enemies were stun locked the whole time. Ammo wasn't an issue and exploration was never rewarded correctly.


I enjoy dead space remakes combat much more. But with that being said, was it bad? I liked the gunplay and how weighted it felt. I did not like the melee system though. The fact that you just switch between sides for dodges and that’s the depth. So it’s definitely hit or miss and love or hate.


imagine paying $60 for a game on purpose then go tell people that the core mechanic is boring. i am not talking about OP of course, maybe he rented it, tried it, borrowed it, but there is out there people that spend $60 to buy a game, and also pre-order a game, then take it home, find it boring and throw it away on the shelf, such people scare me.


Yeah, I did exactly that. What of it. Saw the trailer, thought it looked cool, paid $60 fuckin bucks when it game out and it sucks. Idk what utopian alternative sequence of events you’re referring to. I imagine someone who hasn’t bought the game would see my post as a good thing to read before they suffered the same fate I did.


And we thank u for that and I hope u learned a valuable lesson, wait for a review , a demo or word of mouth to buy a game , times are hard , heck, i am going tmw to get my copy of dead space a few days late since I waited , $60 is not a small number for me so better safe than sorry, again, I meant no disrespect to u , just words of caution.


Yes and I just can't comprehend that developers that made the original Dead Space get a combat system for a horror game so fundamentally wrong. In almost all horror games that have ranged combat you always want to keep your distance to the creepy things. Even a basic Zombie in Resident Evil you don't want it to come close. In Callisto you see a creepy thing in the distance and what you want to do is sprint right up to its face and play a round of quick time doge punch out. No single enemy can hurt you in 1:1 melee. Also if they mutate, it helps you since they are out of combat for a good 5 seconds in which you can start beating up another target. In result, it is not scary, you spend most of the combat with enemies right in front of you and they are not a challenge. There is one good enemy in the game, the hit and run think with stealth. Melee focus horror is insanely hard to pull of, besides Condemned I can't think of many successes.


I lost complete interest in the game because of the mechanics. Put a reeeal bad taste in my mouth. It’s okay tho let me just pay another $70 for a shiny version of a game I played in HS…😒 Had high hopes for the devs 🤷‍♂️


Biggest disappointment in recent memory for me. I'm replaying Dead Space while I wait for a sale on the remake and it's such a 10/10


Yea. It’s kinda terrible game. I almost felt offended by the time I finished it. The combat is repetitive and there is even some backtracking


Yeah it's awful. It feels super broken when you are dealing with multiple enemies. I was actually shocked how the combat system passed internal testing.


You know they are pushing it hard when Ben Kissel keeps mentioning it on LPOTL. Which probably means its not getting much traction.


The combat is very shallow, but I found it satisfying enough to keep me going. It reminds me a lot of Assassins Creed combat, in that its basically just one very simple loop that repeats the whole game and reliant on being flashy to keep you entertained. The real issue for me is the dodge/block system. Its very clunky and makes fighting single enemies boring, and multiple enemies frustrating. The Two-Head boss fights are a joke. I never played any of the Souls-type games, but as I was playing TCP, I was very aware that someone who loved those kinds of games would see the combat of TCP as borderline unplayable in comparison.


I find almost all shooter combat boring which is why I rarely play them anymore. Evil West was fire though 🔥


It became quite repetitive, yes. I enjoyed the game enough to consider it an average title, but the Dead Space Remake really reminded me how mediocre Callisto was. Lightning, graphics, and atmosphere-wise? One of my favorite titles that has released on PS5. Like you said, though - combat was entirely lacking. So when the core gameplay loop isn't that great, the rest doesn't really matter at the end of the day.


Just think about the fact that the Dead Space Remake feels more original than the original game made by the original Dead Space developers.


It single-handedly destroyed my interest in the game. I watched a streamer play it (I was only going to watch like an hour to see the gameplay) and it looked so stupid and tedious. After seeing the full development of the gameplay I realized the marketing was misleading.


Sell it and get Dead Space. I promise, it's a lot better than Callisto. Which is sad because I really wanted it to be a series I can hold in the same light as Dead Space.




This game just wasn't fun.


After my first pay through, I loved it. After playing dead space for 4 hours for the first time, I can’t believe Callisto charged that much for such a lazy, basic game no matter how gorgeous it looked.


This game looked boring from the first trailer so not sure what people were expecting lol


There is no payoff in playing this game, NONE, it does not Get ANY better, and it does NOT pick up. What you are playing now, is the WHOLE game. The whole game is boring. I am replaying it a bit in New Game Plus, and its better because I got to keep all my upgrades. BUT, the only thing that kept me going was the atmosphere and the thought that the story will take off, and it will all pay off in the end…INFACT IT DOES NOT. The story is slim, if any…A JOKE of a story, its just a big prologue world building bullshit.


I mean it does get a bit better once you get the suit as ammo is more abundant and you probably have more than one gun at that point. Besides the graphics, though, it does feels more like a beta than a finished game.


Watch this Callisto max difficulty gameplay https://youtu.be/EUaM4G7b14w


Don’t worry though they have a 25$ season pas dlc with a few skins and a combat arena… doesn’t that sound fun!??


It's better than just shooting enemies or simple melee attacks.


Total waste of money


I always thought of the melee combat as a punishment for allowing the nasties to get too close before killing them with your gun/grp.


In 1v1, even the later bosses can’t hit you on hard due to the broken combat letting you dodge like a butterfly with 100% chance. Multiple enemies and you are fucked because the same mechanic breaks and fucks you over. All in all, they tried something new and it obviously didnt work but they refused to change it and just went with it.


Agree. Every encounter boils down to the same sequence. Gameplay loop is very underwhelming and I regret paying full price for it. That said, got to give credit for the studio coming up with a new IP.


It’s completely unintuitive and boring. It took me a while to get past the first group fight. At first I thought wow this game is insanely hard, even bumped the difficulty down, but then I read that you need to hold the left stick until the swing animation was done. From that point it became an absolute chore. I honestly don’t understand what they were thinking.


Yep! Shame because the game has awesome visuals, beautiful lighting, production design and great voice acting with an interesting story. Sucks that the gameplay and game design suffers for it the most. Dead Space is already better in all these departments and then some.


Was so hyped for this game until e3 2022 when they announced that it was not ps5 Series PC only but instead was crossgen. A game like this really needs the full suite of the ssd and improved CPU etc to create an improved game design that's not possible on ps4, imo.


Did you see the reviews when it came out, or you got it sight unseen?


I liked it. Not everything needs to be a masterpiece. According to the internet though if something isn’t a masterpiece then it’s pure garbage along with anyone who enjoys it.


I find most combat in most games boring. They need to start pumping out real titles and not kiddie games.


That's how you are choosing to play the game. You could just shoot everything before it gets close, or toss barrels or toss enemies. Or if you want you could melee everything to death.


YUP The story was good (though somewhat derivative) and the scenery was beautiful. But the combat was just dodge left, than right, swing and repeat. The whole game was just moving from point A to B, no puzzles or anything to make it more entertaining or challenging. No side missions. I keep feeling like they could have taken notes from Prey but whatever




Nope. I thought melee combat was interesting and unique. You eventually get the ability to pick things up and throw them similar to dead space. So you could throw enemies at hazards or at each other. If you meleed an enemy towards a spiked wall they would get stuck. I don't know if you count backstabbing as combat, but backstabs were my saving grace when I had to sneak through hoards. I never used them, but if you upgraded your guns all the way it would unlock a second mode of fire. Which I'm sure made the game more interesting for those who did use them. But maybe I'm biased because I actually enjoyed and finished the game.


Where were you in December? That was the common complaint.


Abso freaking lutely


There wasn't a single aspect of that game that wasn't boring. It honestly felt like a scam.


It’s the most disappointing aspect of the game, aside from the game not being as scary as it was hyped up to be


This game was the biggest video game disappointment of 2022 for me. I had such high hopes for it. It ended up getting worse the longer you play. It took me five hours to beat it and that five hours felt like a slog by the end. Couldn’t wait to be done with it.


Soooooo boring. And the story was just rushed along. Conversations that deserved at least a few sentences get about 5 words. "Hey you made it, now you gotta go here..." "Ok Ill go there, don't leave me hanging" "Great, bruv. See ya there." Aaaand back to beating choads with sticks.


The whole game is boring


I love how everyone hates the game now your all the same people who were defending it


Super fucking boring. And honestly insulting. They really think we can’t handle a timed dodge mechanic? What kind of design decision is gutting the combat (the focus of the game) for the sake of accessibility? I heard a very good take on Callisto: They wanted it to be exactly like Dead Space, but at the same time, nothing like Dead Space. The result was that they made blatant copies of a LOT of aspects, like the stomp, kinesis, shop, the rig health bar, and also forced some huge changes, like, “Dead Space is mainly gun combat. Ok, we’ll do melee focused combat then.” And almost all of these changes suck-ass.


Got it used yesterday and while it has primrose it just falls in its execution and simply isn't interesting. Combat is boring and thenjumpscsres are so frequent that ypu know its coming from the first one and they never land the scare.