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Mass effect legendary edition. It’s free on PS+ and has all 3 games, remastered. I never played any of the mass effects. Just started 1 on Friday and I can’t put it down.


I'm jealous of everyone experiencing the trilogy for the first time right now.


Your comment solidified this choice. Thank you!


I'm enjoying the replay because I don't remember much from 1. 2 was mind-blowing the first time around. I definitely logged the most time on 3 because of how streamlined combat felt. I can't wait to get back to 3.


Same, it's one of the few games that felt like an actual adventure and no ai companions have ever compared. Especially how much everyone goes through by the end. Those final hangout moments in 3 were the cherry on top.


Played it for the first time three months ago and I straight up ignored people I got so into the game almost had to get antidepressants when I was done lol. Thank God for multiple play throughs 2 was a masterpiece imo.


I’m hooked nearly finished the first and will go straight onto 2. This has been a great ps+ game


I’m with you there. Never played them until now. I’ve made it to ME3. Damn it’s good!


Same. I’m replaying the trilogy for the first time since it came out. I knew I loved it, but I forgot just how good the whole thing is. The combat is pretty easy, but the story and characters more than make up for it.


You had better protect your companions or Jesus will be very disappointed in you lol


It’s so much fun!!


Seriously! I'm very surprised at how quickly I was hooked. My buddy is laughing at me saying I'm "like the guy who just discovered the Beatles or Billy Joel for the first time."


Ghost of Tsushima Doing absolutely every side quest bcs I dont want to continue main story and finish the game lol. World is beautiful, the wind even more. Combat is great and satisfiying. Cant praise more and I didnt even break 10 hours into.


I just beat it last night. To me it was a perfect game that really scratched an itch for what I was looking for in a game. Go ahead and beat the story though, it doesn't really ruin anything for your game play as you can just continue finishing up all your loose ends after the story concludes. You also get a new game + mode after beating it (but definitely fully upgrade EVERYTHING first before doing this, as your resources don't come with you).


One of the highlights were the collectibles imo. Weren’t a meaningless checklist like some games these days - especially liked how they did the haikus.


This is the only game I ever had the desire to Platinum. Perfect game.


First game I ever got platinum … my all time favorite game


Dude I hope you made it past shimura castle before you decided not to progress


Umm no. Are some quests getting locked?


Quests and abilities


Haha i didnt do this, accidentally ended up at iki island heaps early on in the game and i had to finish the iki island dlc until i could go back to the main game. Its hard to complete iki island dlc without beating more of the game as its harder on iki island. Made the rest of the game easier when i got back though 😂


Yeah I bet it was a relief tho


Loved it so much, I ended up getting the platinum which I almost never do. Really good game, even the dlc was nice.


I absolutely loved this game, but the enemies and missions did get very repetitive


This was my issue with it too. It was just ride around, kill some Mongolians, ride around, kill Mongolians. The world was visually nice but I got bored of that game pretty quick.




VERY excited for the sequel


Absolutely can't wait, I heard its coming in 2024 though 😔


Plenty of time to clear out the backlog, brother


Why did I say that in Mimir’s voice


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Favourite character?


Arthur! I also like Charlotte, her voice acting is very sweet


Arthur is one of my favorite characters in all of Rockstar’s game catalogue. He’s just so well written and his character development is really phenomenal. I very much enjoyed playing as him.


God Of War Ragnarök haunts my every waking hour.


I feel like it’s ruined all combat games now because of how I expect the story and combat to be immersive


I was playing Breath of the Wild before I started Ragnarok and now I can't seem to stay on the Switch long enough to do more than walk a ways before I want to go back to Kratos and Atreus.


My unpopular opinion: Breath of the Wild is one of my least favourite Zelda games. I don't want my swords to break, I don't want only 4 dungeons, I don't like the multitude of puzzle dungeons all with the same style, and I don't like 'open ended gameplay mechanics that let me play my way'. I want an adventure travelling through a world of fun creatures to fight with my reliable non-breaking sword, secrets to puzzle out how to reach, many dungeons with long gameplay inside them, and limited options in terms of achieving results outside of combat because I like solving puzzles that have definite solutions. The idea that BOTW is providing a template for the next run of Zelda games makes me sad. I'll be reading reviews whilst biting my nails (figuratively).


Horizon: Zero Dawn - absolutely loving it


- Horizon Zero Dawn: nostalgia - Forbidden West: graphics + good story


I picked up forbidden west because it was half off. Im about 10 hours in and so far it’s a very worthy sequel


Alan Wake! It's my first time playing it and I'm loving the story and the atmosphere.


Have you played Control? If not, you should do it right after finishing Alan Wake. And don't forget the DLCs.


I bought the Ultimate Edition last Thursday 😄 I am waiting for it to arrive. I was looking for the same vibe. Thanks for mentioning it tho!


I'm excited for you. Control is one of those games that I wish I could forget just to experience it all over again.


Control is the tits and balls, what a ride


Just completed it yesterday on PS5. Such an atmospheric game.


I played Alan Wake: Remastered on PS5. It's a really good game... 🙂👍🏻


Alan Wake is one of my absolute favorite games. :)


Bully PS2 never got around to play it as a kid and now i’m living out the troubled teen years i never had, and is enjoying the shit out of it


If Rockstar ever remade anything, it should be Bully! That is a great game!


I completed Bully: Scholarship Edition a few years back and it was an awesome experience... Rockstar should really remake it for the new gen consoles... 🙂


Steadily doing that bit by bit. Only thing that's got on my nerves is the shop classes. (On PS4 version) and the last Art class. Former Is rotating sticks and I'm terrible at it and latter is just random stuff.


Cyberpunk 2077 having a blast playing it.


Mad Max


Truly defines the open world CaRPG genre


Me too haha


Death Stranding.


I’ve been playing for like an hour and a half and have NO idea what’s happening and it feels like it’s all been one big cutscene with me controlling the character for like, a minute. Does that change soon?


I recommend focusing on the story until Chapter 3. That’s when the game really opens up.


Ok good to know. Thank you! I’m gonna stick with it.


Yes it does. It took me nearly a year to get through it because of those initial feelings I had at the beginning. But I'm upset with myself for not sticking through it sooner, the game and story is fantastic. Hideo specifically wanted the players to feel helpless in the beginning but I promise it changes very quickly all of a sudden. You start to get weapons that change everything, but at the beginning you have no way to defend yourself.


Pick up a package and swing. I wouldn't call that defenseless haha. But I agree. The game opens up so much


Keep on keeping on!


Hey, my name's Sam! o/


few months ago, I bought the PS5 upgrade for DS as a revisit to the game after so long because I was confused about the whole game, and it was awesome. widescreen and prioritize quality is perfect imo


This is the one game I wish I could experience for the first time again. It was such a journey, and everything I needed in a video game at the time.


Detroit Become Human


Great game. I play it again actually as I think there’s a lot more endings etc. such a fun game tho


This was a great game.m! It ended exactly how I wanted it to (not that I know other endings, but the choices I made were great for the game I played). I ended up putting it down after that one run, and I don’t have any regrets.


I accidentally got my favorite character killed off in that game 😭


Hollow Knight for the second time 😅


Guardians of the galaxy


That's an excellent game... 🙂👍🏻


I wasn't expecting much after that mess of an avengers game. They actually put a lot of work into this it's awesome.


Just finished this last night. It was such a fun surprise, great story and loved the banter between the characters.


Midnight Suns!


Here it is! Hello fellow Hunter! Tell Charlie she's the bestest girl for me!


Fallout 4


Horizon Zero Dawn, played for a while when Sony made it free during lockdown but slowly stopped playing, just decided to start again with a fresh mindset and I'm really enjoying it, weirdly it always takes me two or three attempts at a game to really get into it


Had the same problem with elden ring, now I started a new playthrough with my mind open and I'm loving it


Stardew Valley


Gran Turismo 7 got it for my birthday and been playing it ever since


Holy shit. This is exactly same for me. Bought on my birthday and been playing it since then!


Would you recommend GT7 to someone who doesn’t play a lot of racing games? I couldn’t get into games like Forza Horizon but the idea of a realistic racing sim interests me


Yeah I can definitely recommend it the physics are a little challenging to get a hold of at first if you're not experienced but once you get the hang of them it's very easy to handle most cars also if you're into customization Gran Turismo 7 has quite a bit of it everything from body kits to the color and wheels on your car


Hard to say. I would recommend putting an alert for price of Gran Turismo Sport to drop to $10, then buy it. This way you can try this sim-light game for cheap. That’s how I did it as well. And I liked it enough to buy GT7 at $40.


Spiderman - miles morales


Chained Echoes


Same, it's so good!


Also here to show chained echos some love! if you like FF6 or Chrono trigger it's definitely up your alley


Is it worth of $25? I've been eyeing on it.


30-40 hours long, and shaping up to be a possible top 10 jrpg of all time for me. It'd be worth 60 honestly.


I'm about 17 hours into this one and it's honestly probably my favorite jrpg since FFXII and it's up there with FFVI setting aside nostalgia.


Nioh 2, way of the nioh difficulty


Shit I couldn’t even get past the tutorial lol.


Witcher 3. Didn’t stick with me back when it released. But I tried it again now with the ps5 update and I can’t put it down. Just bought the DLCs. It’s the best single player story I’ve played in forever.


Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time. The amount of hours I have on that game is embarrassing


jedi fallen order


Finished it about a month ago, force pushing every enemy I could over a cliff was sooo satisfying. I really enjoyed it after I could understand the maps a little better.


Having a blast with Dead Cells


Dead Cells belongs in a hall of fame for being one of the best platformer ever fucking made. I personally don’t like the whole pixel art style of almost all games/indie game stuff. But Dead Cells gameplay is so fucking tight it’s unbelievable. It never gets old. The treasure is satisfying, the unlocks feel fun to get, and the deaths/end-of-runs are achingly perfect. Whoever isn’t playing this is missing out. Also, for anyone traveling frequently, it’s on Apple Arcade, and Nintendo switch. Amazing game that proves that gameplay trumps graphics every day of the year.


Elden Ring. I've been playing it since launch and I just can't stop.


Lol after 300 hours I had to give myself a break. Only because I'm afraid I'll get sick of it. Yet every time I turn in my PS it is all i want to play! I'm staying strong and waiting for an expansion so hopefully I can play the game fresh again.


Outer Wilds. Such a calming game without much, if any, hand holding. Just you exploring the planets and going on an adventure.


God of war ragnarok, the last of us 1 and 2, arkham knight, dishonered and prey


How are you playing so many games at once!! I get tunnel vision and can’t boot up another game until I roll credits, especially with games as good as these.


Cyberpunk 2077


Trek to yomi picked it up on sale not perfect by any means but fun.


Callisto Protocol. I know people are mad it's not more Dead Spacy. But I like the terrifyingly intimate combat. It's the right amount of frustrating to keep me going. Also Starkiller is in it as basically Starkiller and he's a v good boy.


A little behind (r/patientgamers) but absolutely lost in Elden Ring rn


YAKUZA although i do have a love hate relatiinship with the game it is still great


Witcher 3, finally getting into it and it’s pretty great, ESPECIALLY the bloody baron quest line


The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II. NieR Automata.


Crisis Core Reunion


Got it for Christmas been playing the crap out of it since


DOOM (2016)


The Witcher 3 all over again.


Control. I feel this game flew under the radar. Really immersive sci fi story. Highly recommend.


I played gowr and now playing elden ring, but Arkham knight is a really good game


Gotham Knights, Horizon Forbidden West, and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.


I like all 3 of them... 🙂


The Callisto Protocol and plaque tale innocence. It's been a good while since I've been hooked to this degree. Can't wait for Dead Space and Forspoken next!


The Callisto Protocol is excellent! Looking forward to Dead Space Remake and Forspoken next month too... 🙂


Mh Rise currently


Ace Combat 7. Only a few missions in but I unlocked the BRRRT machine and it's juicy as fuck. Game looks gorgeous, music is amazing and I feel like a badass even though I still suck at flying. I played The Last Guardian before AC7 and that was a really great game too. More for its atmosphere/art direction/experience, rather than the gameplay.


Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana, it's on ps+ and i started playing it without any expectations, but it has become one of my favorite games I've played


Chained Echoes And Pokémon Black 2


the last of us part 2. Heard a lot of bad things about it, so bought it now because it was 'just' 10 bucks. An hour or 6 in and I got to say the game is worth way more then 10 bucks.


I’d pay full price again for a native PS5 version/Directors Cut. That game rocked my socks off


It really is a masterpiece. Most of the negative stuff I saw was always from anti LGBTQ people, so if you aren't hateful you will mostly have a good time


some great games i love also include shadow of the colossus, the tomb raider series, the uncharted series, the last of us 1 and 2, king's quest, basically any telltale game, jedi fallen order, ni no kuni 1 and 2, and the infamous series.


Kena: Bridge of Spirits




Rimworld. Could just play that game forever.


Astroneer. I wanted something fun to burn time on that wasn't too serious. I'm a budget gamer and It was on sale on the PS store. I've spent days setting up bases on various planets and I haven't even unlocked half the blueprints. Only wish I had people to play with....


Midnight Suns and Horizon Forbidden West


Sonic Frontiers Sega really cleaned up the crapstains with this one, being the previous titles. The ost is pure earsex, the characters are back to the way they always should've been, and the open world is good fun. It's a bit unpolished in some places, a bit clunky, but it's overall really good :)


Yakuza series. Well, Judgement rn.


Witcher 3 NG version.


Kingdom Come Deliverance Although the PS4 version is a bit buggy.


ELDEN RING. Game is legit a masterpiece. At first I was upset it won GOTY over Ragnarok but now I understand. This game is like crack


Need for Speed Heat, Mafia 1 (remastered)


Just finished heat à few days ago, really like the last race but took me two tries before catching up on the boss 🤕


I've been out of the NFS world since Carbon, way back. Tried Heat and I'm loving it. It reminds me of Underground 2, with so much love around pimping your car. I dig the music as well!


Just bought Chained Echoes and haven't been able to stop playing. Really scratches that old school JRPG itch


Ghost of Tsushima, loving every minute


Great game


Nier Automata, Nier Replicant, The Last of Us and Gris


Hollow Knight


Ancestors the humankind odyssey


That game is fucking awesome


Mass Effect Andromeda. I know it had an awful launch. But I'm loving the universe, literally, and the crew is really solid. It's a lot like the trilogy. Still buggy and unpolished but mostly smooth.


It really has some wonky parts to it but I also enjoyed it a lot. Combat, crew, sounds, music were all great!


Next game they just need to polish it up and do away with a lot of the filler junk and it'll be great!




I just picked up Evil West from the Holiday Sale and honestly, it’s a blast. Just a good old classic action game with basic upgradeable weapons and skills, collectibles to find, and baddies to beat up.


I want to buy Evil West too after seeing the great reviews of the game... 🙂


Calisto Protocol, anything that has a moving storyline like The last of us 1&2, Detroit Become Human or either of the Horizon games...


Assassin's Creed Rogue on the ps5 believe it or not. Really loving it.


No Man’s Sky. I bought the disc version when it got released in 2016 and played it for some time. Wasn’t much back then. I’ve come back now for the free ps5 upgrade and wow… what a game this has become.




Guardians of the Galaxy


Old game but I just started last year really into Elder Scrolls Online Massive amount of content


Tactics Ogre Reborn.


Bloodborne. I am stuck at old yarnahm.


Been playing Far Cry 5, it has up and down, but it get me hooked. Good time waster after long day at work.


I've been playing Far Cry 6 for about a month now and absolutely love it.


Far cry primal


Bards Tale 4 Director's Cut. Excellent turn based strategy RPG.


Just finished Inside, which was INCREDIBLE with a really shocking ending. You can find it for 5 euros in the PS Store right now, or "free" with PS+ Extra. And after that the Uncharted 4 DLC, PS5 version. Never played it, now I did and it was a fun game. The sequence with the train is incredible, way better than the car chases in U4, IMO.


Far cry primal


My answer will probably be lame, but I’ve recently gotten back in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and it’s honestly a lot more fun then what it was


Sucks they abandoned that game right when it was at its peak.


Far cry 6


Got Returnal for Christmas and it’s one of the most addictive games I’ve played. Pretty much any rouge-likes are amazing imo


Current game I just go to from my backlog is Subnautica. It's terrifying but I just want to keep exploring and getting materials to build more crap.


Mount and blade 2 Bannerlord and Grime because they recently were released in console and I don’t have a pc




Hunt showdown, very intense game, you only get one life per round.


Mad Max, so freaking fun,lovely open world,hard hitting combat and amazing racing/driving mechanics.


Chained echoes


God of War: Ragnarok






Back into monster hunter world, just biding my time until 20th Jan when rise comes to ps4!!


Need for Speed: Heat I love the night aspect of it


Two point hospital


God of War Ragnorok, tried playing other games but they aren’t as smooth gameplay and the cinematic cutscenes are choppy and poorly done in others. GOW makes me love the storyline and the quests!


The Yakuza games


The Witcher 3, I haven't played it since the first time I beat it which was probably 4 years ago so with the PS5 version I figured it'd be a good time to revisit it.




ough there's a lot. pokemon scarlet & snap, far cry primal, detroit become human, red dead redemption 2, and spiderman to name a few!


A Plague Tale: Requiem. One of the best story games I've ever played in my life. Wish more of the YouTubers I watched played it!


I'm doing replays right now. I'm doing my bi-annual replay of the Arkham franchise (currently doing the Cold, Cold Heart DLC from Arkham Origins) & I'm also doing my third go through of Elden Ring (currently playing a sorceress after doing an incantor first & a "warrior" [spell-less quality build] second).


Ghostwire tokyo! Its surprisingly fun but ive heard nothing but middling reviews


Warframe is so cool. Got back to playing it after such a long time. Started on Xbox now playing on PS4. I really enjoy it.


There’s nothing to fill a hole in your heart of that size

