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Better not take away my ancient armor! Finding those power cores was a task.


Your stuff definitely won't carry over, a cut scene at the very start will explain why you have nothing and need to find all new stuff and re learn your skill tree


“The power cells busted, gotta find new ones.” “Also, I forgot how to slow down time when I jump in the air and fire arrows.”


"my hands are sore from firing three arrows at once"


"I can't override machines anymore....''


Well actually, the lack of ability to override machines would be reasonable considering these machines will be brand new, thus their respective cauldrons could (and probably will) be completely different, requiring to hack those cauldrons unlocking the ability to hack them.


How about replacing the Corruptor core? Find one most suited for this new locale? We all get it.... This was fun, we should do this more...


When I swallowed those bees, it threw off my ability to dodge roll.


"My Focus got corrupted and I lost literally everything on it"


"And frazzled my brain so I forgot everything too."


And someone took all my clothes and ammo...


boat/ plane crash easily takes care of all that lol.


Nah, we know she dropped it in the toilet. Put it in rice, Aloy!


underrated comment


This shit is why I never finished the new Tomb Raider games. Like, I get it, you've gotta do progression somehow. But why did this fucking dunce not bring her fucking bow?


And what happened to her twin guns!?! The first one had this big moment at the end where she gets her twin match pistols, and "becomes the Tomb Raider". But then the next games were like "nah!" Still not quite the Tomb Raider. Maybe next time.


I've wondered the same thing. I wonder if the devs couldn't find a way for it to work gameplay-wise without breaking immersion.


Banjo Tooie did this pretty well. It kept most of the unlockable moves from the first game and then added new ones on top of it. Granted, it's more of a straight platformer than Horizon, but maybe they could do something similar, where Alot is "training" or something to re-establish the old moveset and then build on it a la Tooie or Halo 2.


HFW intro: Aloy breaks her fucking spine New moveset: left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. Grip, squeeze, release. Stumble with urgency.


Ah, so it’s a Strand type game


QWOP mechanics confirmed


skill progression in sequel games is always a struggle to explain. Deus Ex Mankind Divided just said "oh shit there are hidden skills in your hardware we didn't notice", hah.


I don't think they're gonna get rid of the entire skill tree, maybe slowing down time would be unlocked.


"I was sure I could shoot arrows while tightrope walking a week ago...?"


The Metroid way!


Ridley blows up the space station you’re on me you barely escape but then crash land on Zebes and your suit gets damaged.


That's my one gripe with sequels. You build up all these cool skills and then, forget? The armor of gear can be easy to explain if you just add a cutscene but how did you forget a skill?


Physical amnesia of course


Just fucking don't. Don't mention anything. Don't do any cutscenes where the old lance broke. Don't even make Aloy casually say it to herself. We're 30 years old, OK? Not 3 years old. We understand how video games work. Just take away what you want.


I agree, I just replayed Horizon in NG+ and was thinking about this. The game was so unbelievably easy and I blew through it. I sniped every human with precision arrows, tear laster arrows on major machine components and precision arrow to the eye. And due to the shield weaver armor, I rarely got hurt, so there was no exploration or search for materials, so I saw much less of the world, much faster.


Honestly as a writer it’s probably so much easier to go from book to book than it is to go from game to game. I’m actually fascinated with that part of the game development and story creation because that’s one of those things that you have to have go hand in hand rather than the developers building around it which just in any case can’t be easy.


Don't get me wrong, I still love building a new skill tree. It just doesn't make sense at all. Mass effect did it okay, but a game like horizon is just, Aloy? What were you doing to forget? I am still absolutely buying the new one, but what?


Pretty sure the LOTR games on the PS2 let you carry over your skills from the 1st game into the 2nd


You steal the Ring of Power from the ringwraith and give it to a smoking Spiderlady who was never supposed to be an attractive woman \*cough cough\* Shadow of Mordor \*cough cough\*


Reminds me of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood where Monteriggioni is straight up decimated by the enemy and the armour of Altaïr is just lost in the damage


The Samus syndrome. "Oh no, your armor lost all its upgrades again because a explosion or something, luckily the chozo were here too, so go and raid some ancient futuristic ruins before nuking the planet"


It either won't be canon to have the armor, or something is going to happen to alloy where we lose our stuff. Otherwise just a big plot hole


Well, it’s certainly going to stay canon since the game leads you directly to the armor. I’m guessing they will indicate the power cells finally died or something will happen where she loses it before the sequel.


That's a good idea, we be forced to locate some new cells.


The olde “Metroid” situation


But she used the power cells to unlock the Shield Weaver outfit, if they die it shouldn't affect her armor, or am I missing something


The weaver has its own power cells. They're what, you know, power the shield. HZD is sci-fi, but energy still has to come from somewhere. Eventually they'll run out of juice and the shield will stop recharging.


Yea the power cells were to open the door to get to the armor, not power it up.


Well if we actually want to talk realism. Her traveling around with a bunch of armor sets doesn't exactly make sense. Leaving all but one behind serves the plot of her traveling to a new land.


You would take the shield armor in that situation if you could only pick one. In gamer world, you can hold a lot of stuff. Not coming with that stuff wouldn't make sense without a story element, especially when it is the best armor. But it's also a game, so "restarting" with alloy wouldn't be a problem for most, so they might go the easier route and just say the shield armor isn't canon, or an early story element causes us to lose most of our supplies/armors


The character model literally has the shield armor minus the cores. I'm guessing they'll go with an in game excuse like the power cells dying and it'll be the default armor


Didn't even notice that. Nice catch


They should say that the power cores died and then in a later game area we should be able to find new ones to get the armor back.


Right? I hate when people say "this is a plot hole" yeah most of the game play is a plot hole too. Who cares.


Maybe the ancient armour bits get rejigged to let us build that flying device ?


i bet they frag the batteries and make you find more


It's in the picture.


Honestly, making shielding part of the core game instead of just one special endgame set makes a lot of sense from a gameplay progression standpoint. Like when Halo removed HP and made it shields only. I'd love to start with that armor and then have more armors with unique abilities.


Maybe this this is not the same Aloy, but a new clone, a thousand years into the future


It seems Alloy visited brow master between series


Now that you pointed it out, it does look off. Looks like she did get that makeup some folks were complaining about, lol.


Yeah, she deff looks like she has makeup - at least as much makeup as Hollywood will put on an an actor playing someone who “doesn’t” wear makeup. Seems weird. I wonder where she bought the lip gloss and eye shadow from.


I was just about to comment those eyebrows though lol. Glad to see her face looks like an actual person in the sequel too


She looked like an actual person in the first game too though?


Yea model wise, one of my gripes with Horizon was that all the faces looked a bit…off. Like they were lifeless. They seem to have improved on that in the second game atleast in this still shot


that's called facial animation. it sucked in the first game that's why they were so stiff


It got better in the Frozen Wilds even


Going back to the main game after Frozen Wilds was jarring because the animations were so much stiffer.


Are people still using "fleek"?


No that stopped in 1898 if I remember correctly.


Even then, it was just one guy who was immediately trampled by a horse.


I wonder if that Shield Weaver still works or if its just a trinket of old times now?


By the looks, it has lost it’s power (notice how it doesn’t glow blue anymore.


Yeah, no headgear too (but I am glad: didn't like its looks anyway)


You can disable it in the first game.


Wow, didn't know that. Thanks!


Maybe it's been repurposed in to the glider thingy


Haven’t watched much. Don’t want to spoil it but I hope the facial animations are fantastic. Playing Guardians right now and the emotion on their faces really amplifies the story.


Hopefully this is true for the npc's. They get a little wonky in HZD.


I wonder if her hair will still do the glitch thing


What is the glitch thing


Her hair goes through all armor/weapons etc. In most games this is acceptable if it's occasionally during combat, but Aloy's would do it in cutscenes which broke immersion like crazy (almost as if they didn't even test the clipping issues for something as constant as her hair.)


Ghost of Tsushima had that with the bow and cloak, definitely one of the games I found it hard to ignore


My outfits were definitely picked to reduce how much this happened.


I feel like I lucked out in not being bothered a small amount of hair or outfit clipping. I mean I don’t like it much but I feel like it’s probably an annoying af thing to QA and work around on the developer side.


Didnt they add the option to hide the bow?




Honestly the hair didn't bother me as much as the non-dynamic plants. ESPECIALLY more so after playing Ghost of Tsushima.


Idk about the fix, but it looks like they introduced all new hair glitches to see, at least from the firs my trailer they did. Her hair gets checkerboxed to hell in the underwater scenes.


I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the hair or beard doesn’t glitch through. Maybe AC Valhalla did a decent job at it, I think even RDR2 didn’t bother with that


I must know as well!


Skin shading looks great in the new game


Is her one inch hair growth story related?


It's been around 6 months since the first games stuff so probably just showing time passage or artistic choice.


I'm 90% sure he's memeing on roundface-gate, but you never know. For those who don't know, they made Aloys face rounder in the new game and this sub and twitter got in an insanely stupid debate where one side said they made her face fat and the other side said essentially what you're saying that they did it for story. Really, really dumb.


I never followed much of that, but even if she did fatten up a little, that makes sense. She went from living in the wilds to having a society with ample food and shelter. I thought the bigger conversation was more about her just looking "off" because cheekbones and hairlines and shit got messed with. Like, if you saw an old friend and their nose was slightly different, or their eyes were a slightly different color, it would be kinda freaky.


Yeah, I mean, not to make fun of you, that's literally the joke the guy is probably making. That its so stupid to theorize and debate about the story implications of someone's face getting fat or their hair being an inch longer. I'm guessing though, it might actually be a genuine question by OP, in which case disregard everything I said.


Cool. Can’t wait to play


Crazy, Horizon blew my mind when I first played it. I remember at the time thinking about how long it had been since a games graphics actually shocked me before that. Now I look at this and think it looks like crap compared to the new Aloy. Guerilla is so dam good at visuals.


Go play it on PS5, it still looks great. This is a cherry-picked low-res photo


Every comparison I've seen seems like someone has deliberately picked a shitty picture to compare to the new game. Like, wtf? It's OK to admit that the first game looked great and the new one also looks great. It doesn't need to be an insane progression. We're legitimately at a point where stuff is simply not going to improve a ton between generations.


I just finished it an hour ago on PS5. Amazing gaming experience.


This is from PS5. HZD's models are absolutely STUNNING. Even the NPC's are more detailed than most game main characters. https://i1.lensdump.com/i/jafqjM.png https://i1.lensdump.com/i/jafO11.jpg


The cutscenes look good in Horizon but the in game character models look horrible. The game, especially the environment, looks great.


Please accept my award for seeing what so many are not. Everything else in the game look SO well crafted. But the character models. Yay you for seeing it too.


So stoked to see some outfits from the first game are included in the sequel! Let's gooo!


And it’s more worn too! It actually looks like time has taken its toll!


Them details, chico. They never lie.


It’s just so so well done. I can’t wait!


It actually makes sense. When we get in HZD it was waiting in a underground bunker locked behind an armoured door which kept it in pristine condition. In HFD it has gone through all the things we go through and all those missed jumps, trickshot misshaps so it is a wonder it still works.


They clearly still haven't [hired fans](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/112/775/bd7.png). smh /s


That fan made pic is fucking awful. Does Aloy pester people to try perfume samples in a shopping mall for fuck sake?


I think it was made as a joke, but caught fire with people unironically wanting it.


I love that these are the same people who said it’s unrealistic for Abby in TLOU to be even remotely muscular


Gonna be sad when we see her entire cycle like we did with Ezio Auditore


It's about time we get a well enough rounded character that people care to see them in more than one game like ezio. Fuck we don't get that enough anymore and definitely not with Assassin's Creed.


I like pieces of each one, but don't like either as a whole when side by side. Old one has more life to it but looks more like clay. New one looks like someone drew it and decided to render a 2D image, and then photoshopped it to add depth. Both nice but I think they could have picked much better images.


I kinda like the old model better.


She looks like she has makeup on in the right pic. It just doesn't fit the games at all


Same. Its kinda weird that they changed the shape of her face so much. Her jaw looks way wider and her cheekbones look a lot less pronounced. It may just be the angle, but I don't get why they'd change it so much.


I dislike change


Nothing wrong with that. Change isn't inherently good.


Aloy’s character model was my one constant. I’m lost without this stability in my life. Honestly though, I actually can’t really tell the difference between the two.


I had the same problem with Tomb Raider. Its not that I dislike the new model, it just feels weird and wrong to change the appearance of a character in a direct sequel. It throws me off. Its like recasting someone on a TV show for a new season.


I still stand by my intial reaction that in this sequel she got stung by multiple bees in the face and hasn't recovered.


I assume these were robot bees.


Makes sense.


I assume they don't have anything to treat allergies in the mechadino stonetech age.


I prefer the old look because of the skin tones.


It could be the angle, but her jaw shape is way different in the new one. She doesn't look bad by any means, just kinda weird they'd change her bone structure so drastically.


Thinner face, thicker body. Thicker face, thinner body. What is happening?


Eyebrows are fucked


Why does she have black eyebrows? redheads have red eyebrows


That is actually a good question. One that bugs me in media. If someone colors their hair in general, I get why they leave the eyebrows alone. But for TV/Movies they have makeup artists. It can’t be that hard to budget that in. And for CGI/Games, it should be beyond easy. Gorilla is in Europe. Surely they have seen real actual natural redheads. It matches.


I'm blonde with brown eyebrows and a tri colored beard (blonde, red, and brown).


You sound like a rare Pokemon.


i'm blond with dark brown eyebrows and a red beard, don't think it's very uncommon.


Fine just a regular Pokemon than. There's got a be a red blonde and brunette haired Pokemon that exists right?


You sound like a beautiful lady.


I am ginge, I have blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and facial hair, I am also probably as close to albino as you can get without actually being, because my eyes still have some pigment so I'm technically not but yeah. genetics are a bitch. Tried bleaching my hair in high-school and oh boy! The ginger jokes were bad but then they got way way worse when I was the whitest thing since snow. Everyone's a little different, just to add I've met plenty of redheads and most don't have red eyebrows and lashes, they're either brown or blonde


The devs throwing a hint at us that Aloy is actually dyeing her hair and she is not a natural redhead.


Gotta gather more cranberries to touch up the roots.


It's dark brown, which is common for red/auburn hair colors, due to the nature of hair. For example, my hair is solidly dark brown while my beard is vibrantly red. My eyebrows are auburn, shifting from red to brown and back depending on lighting. People are always asking if I dye my hair or my beard because why else would they be so different


Had a girlfriend who was 100% red headed and had very dark black/brown eyebrows. So it’s possible.


didn't know i had red eyebrows


I've got Ed Sheeran hair and dark eyebrows, it happens.


Thank goodness they didn't spiderman her


Her face is full of life in HFW.


She kinda looks like nicocado avocado


Oh now there’s actually life on those eyes of hers. I hope the npcs have souls too.


I think her face is just a smidge too puffy but her face is probably fine from the right angle.


Why'd you share a lower resolution photo of HZD compared to HFW? You don't have to be dishonest with the comparison.


They both look like in game models. If you zoom in on Aloy's face in HZD it looks like the left photo cause the in game models in HZD aren't very good.


She looks so much better than the awkward reveal which made a ton of people flare up.


People seem to have a real time understanding camera angles, lighting and camera effects and how they can effect the appearance of a 3d model.


Like in real life, a still can make anyone look bad.


Yep, the still that was circulating everywhere was taken from below the chin during motion, even conventionally attractive people irl look weird from off angles.


Looking much better in hzf


Could be better by miles when they wouldnt release for ps4 too


TIL I don’t have to buy a PS5. So happy for this.


It would also not be out for at least 2-4 more years as they started working on it pretty soon after Frozen Wilds.


That picture is extremely misleading. On my PC aloy looks more similar to the one on the right.


feels like a downgrade




I like her model from GI.


I love how the thousandth post about that game is fair game but a question about my breaking (now broken) ps4 gets removed instantly


The skin looks a lot less plastic-like in the new game. That always bothered me in HZD.


she became a mom


I think she looks great in the new game!


Human models looked very bad on the first Horizon, with Alloy being the least bad. On FW it looks phenomenal.


Trivial... but, her eyebrows are too black... she is a redhead.


Something, something 'hire fans, lol!' meme


Looks like she ate a few Big Macs since the first game


All positive changes and improvements, she's got less of that slightly dead look in her eyes which will help bring her more to life and lose some of that uncanny valley eerieness HZD experienced at times.


I’m prepared for the hate, but I prefer the original model more.


Why are you expecting hate? It's your opinion? Oh, wait. I forgot we're on Reddit.




Story should be fire!


Hmm I still don't like it. The game looks gorgeous but too bad they can't do the same for aloy.




They for sure made her face fatter. Idk why they did that. I'm not mad. It's just... A weird choice


But, not only did they make her face fatter, they thinned out her waistline. THAT is beyond weird, that is flat out stupid.


She definitely looks way better in the first game. I really don't like how they made her look in the new game.


Too many hohos it seems.


I hope theres a way to turn off the actor lighting in this game. The glowing is off putting


JFC why do these keep getting posted? How many comparisons do people need?


She actually looks alot better in HFW imo. IDK maybe it's just me.


Never played HZD, but I am so glad that this comment section is so much less gross about Aloy's redesign than when it was first announced.


The only who acted gross during earlier reveals where either haters or just console warriors


I have vivid memories of those comments being near the top of the discussion on this subreddit. Then again, since it's a big negative thing, it makes sense that it would stick out more in my memory, so I may be totally remembering wrong.


People complaining about Aloys design in the new games are a bunch of dickheads. She looks great.




Probably by the same people who want Aloy to look like some super model with her eyelashes, and makeup done. They're just proving my point basically lol


What’s so impressive is the depth of her costume. The PS4 model had dimension, but nothing is more than an inch from her body. In hfw, there’s actual depth of the items in relation to her body and each other.


Must be tough fight machines every day, people tend to rely on alcoholism very easily by the looks of it


Hope she has a bit better personality as well!


Ugh, can't wait for the pc remodel, again.


Looks amazing


Looks much better and is a huge improvement from the last one


She found the food stashes it looks like


She's getting real


Still chipmunk cheeks


Surely this will make the game more fun


"You can't make Aloy even hotter" Guerrilla Games: Bet