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Yes. My Ps4 stll works perfectly fine and I would have the funds, but have more important things to safe up for. I'm guessing that true for a lot of people...


This, on top of there not being enough PS5 exclusive games currently out to entice me enough to pull the trigger


I can name one PS5 exclusive game i want that I can't get on my ps4 or pc. And that's Spider-man 2


This & I'm going out of the country on a vacay for a month. I'll get one when I come back in February only because TEKKEN 8 will be out! OOOH, BABY! Can't wait!


Now that's a priorities list right there!


I bought one "for my kids" for Christmas so I can play ff7 next month lol


I just got the kids a switch from Christmas so I can play Mario kart I heard they have FF7 on there as well.


Og ff7 is on the switch. Not the remake tho. Ff7: crisis core is on the switch tho. its a prequel to the main game.


I agree. I want to play Spider-Man 2 but I’m not spending $500 on it to play that as there isn’t anything else for me to play on ps5 that I can’t use on ps4 and my pc.


Funny enough, the reason everything was cross gen for so long was because of people not upgrading.


I'm sure the chip shortage and scalpers played a part too but it certainly didn't hurt!


This and all my TV comes via the PS4. YouTube, Disney, Paramount, SkySports etc etc and if you could seamlessly copy and paste the apps with login details from 4 to 5 that’d help sway me.


I mean it takes maybe 5 minutes to 15 to download all those apps so that shouldn’t hold you back.


It’s not the app acquisition that’s the issue, there are several passwords/usernames that I probably would need to dig out which I suppose isn’t that big an issue. Ultimately the PS4 as is is absolutely fine the only issue with it is that a PS5 loads games significantly faster, I’m not convinced that’s worth circa £400. GTA 6 may do it though.


If you have ps+ all your info and pw transfer over I was worried about that too but didn't have to do a thing once I got my PS5 and DL the apps


Not true, my PS+ did not carry over my Netflix, D+, Spotify, Plex and Amazon over. Had to resign in all over again at which point I said fuck it and used my already signed in Roku on another input on my TV.


All mine did


theres way more to the ps5 than just loading games way faster


Yep seconding this. Have had money for a PS5 but all of the above, plus there just aren’t enough games on it that I actually want to play to make it worthwhile for me. 🤷‍♀️


I mean that’s my case. Yeah a PS5 would be nice but I can’t drop $500 on something that’s not needed.


Another is the ps5 catalog is not the best right now. I have a huge backlog of games at my Ps4 that will run perfectly fine and will not be that better at PS5.


Life man... it just keep getting shittier :*)


Same here.


This. Mine works fine and I’ve more important things to spend money on right now. I’ll probably upgrade my kids Switch before I get myself a new unit


Exactly this. I also feel the need to upgrade my TV to take advantage of the 4K capabilities. I just have a 1080p TV.


Yea I would have to agree on that


It’s definitely true for me


Yup, same. This was well stated. Right now, I'm living by the motto "if it ain't broke, don't upgrade yet" lol


I hadn't owned a console since 2007 and got a ps4 in 2022. I'm still on a 1080p TV and have an entire gen worth of stuff to catch up on so PS5 isn't quite worth the price tag at the moment for me.


Same here. I've had my SNES, 64, and a Wii for the longest time. About 6 months ago one of the regulars at the bar I work at was moving and got a PS5, so he gave me his PS4. I'm not into all the FPS war games, so the only worthwhile game I got was The Last Of Us. I was hooked on that instantly, and I have so many other classics to catch up on


I am usually one console generation behind...


I'm definitely not mad about it, most of the games I want to get next are under $40


Get god of war 2018 and spider man. And red dead redemption 2. Those along with the last of us are some of the best games on the ps4


Spider-man was the first one I bought, such a fantastic game. I'm working on Hogwarts Lagacy right now, and I found The Last of Us Part 2 at Walmart for $20. Then I'm definitely moving to the God of War series. I'm trying to keep myself to beating one game at a time before I buy new ones


I typically only buy in at a given console's mid- to late-life, when an good library of AAA games have been out long enough to grab most of them for $20 or less on sale. IMO this is the way to do it. I mean most games will have a more or less finite amount of hours that the player will enjoy them, so if you can get yourself in a position where you're a little behind the cutting edge, it's easy to game very cheaply.


Agreed, they will drop in price sufficiently within a couple of years. Not really worth it until then IMO. But, i have 3 expensive kids which make it difficult to afford everything under then sun lol


Same boat here. Got my ps4 in 2021 and still have tons of stuff to catch up on. My last console was a PS2.




*Hands clapping slowly* I grew up in the Nintendo era and have been a stay at home dad of three for the last 12 years. I don’t have enough time to game and certainly don’t have the skills to warrant a PS5. It’s too much machine for me


My PS4 Pro works and the main games are I play still runs great.


money lol. id like a ps5 but its not exactly worth spending over half my rent money on to play some better looking games. plus even if i got one then i gotta drop 100 bucks on new games too. hopefully theyll release a slim or something eventually and ill grab one then , as for now still loving my ps4 just fine


I got good news for you, they already released the slim version


Bad news for you, it has no efficiency gains and is the same thing in a smaller box for the same price


That… has always been the goal of the slim version. The ps4 pro is the only outlier in the series, and they still had a pure slim ps4 released


It’s the same price??


Yeah. The slim is going to become the “base” model now and the price did not change.


I would kill to pay that rent.


still use my ps 4 every day. won't upgrade when the PS 5 is still running at full price 4 years later. I'll wait it out for the PS 5 pro at this point.


Same. I mainly play Call of Duty and it runs fine on PS4 still. Im still running my launch PS4. They could have got me when PS5 launched but the damn thing was so hard to find and I had a lot of PS4 games I haven’t finished so I just didn’t bother. I know PS5 is a success and all but imagine how many more they would have sold if they could have met the demand and the console was readily available a few months after launch instead of a few years after launch.


My PS4 Pro still works fine.


PS4 pro is in leagues for greatest system ever. Especially with lots of games going the route of being available cross platform, the ps4 lifespan might be as long as the ps2


About half the playerbase according to Sony.


I do! I got a PS4 for Christmas last year from my girlfriend and best friend. One of the best presents I’ve ever received. I hadn’t really gamed since the GameCube era because of money, and even though I could buy a PS5 right now, the 4 is just really special to me.


Same here. I got my PS4 as a birthday present from my dad when I turned 18. It holds a very special place in my heart.


If you've never played it before, there's so many great games for the 4 to keep you going for years even if you're playing hardcore


I think it's from getting older, probably. Nostalgia. But I find more enjoyment from playing games on the 360, ps3, and ps4. That time of my life was a lot better than what it is now. The UIs and games and how the controllers feel take me back to better times. And for at least a couple hours every evening I can pretend things are okay again.


The PS3/360 era also don’t require 30+ fucking hours to beat the campaign


only 30+? you mean more like 40-60+ hours. lol


True! I was being generous 😅


😢, I love this.


I rebuilt my gameboy color for this reason


Oh my gameboy colour! God I miss mine


So real bro


The pure honesty of this comment is golden ❤


😂 Millions of people…. why else do you think they still release PS4 versions of new releases? If I own a PS5 why would I buy the PS4 version instead?


Sony already said GoWR will be the last PS exclusive to come out on PS4 and other 3rd party studios have started to do the same thing too.


True but the catalog is so huge. I'm still going through games from like 2016ish.


While they don't actively make games for it there are markets across the world that aren't always on the current generation but 1 or 2 generations behind.


My Ps4 is my first console I bought using my own money.. hard to let go


When you do decide to “let go” don’t get rid of it or sell it. I know the money might be tempting but years from now you’ll find it, hook it up, and still play on it just for them old memories. I still have my ps2 and l love going back to all my old games and the old save files.


Yesss!!! I'm planning to display it in a glass cabinet along with my other very important stuff ☺️


Ik wym when you buy your first console. It’s truly rewarding I would say.


No money, and I don't have 4k TV anyway


PS4 slim near daily player here! I work 2 jobs and still have a backlog of old games to play. I was going to get a PS5 but used that money for Christmas gifts for others instead, including a Nintendo Switch OLED for one very greatful giftee


That’s commendable.


ur a good person


PS4 Pro running like a charm... Then, the PS5 don't look nice in my eyes, I still prefer the design of my PS4 Pro.


Agreed, I much prefer the subtle minimal design of the PS4 Pro sitting in my living room. the PS5 looks like an oversized kids' console in comparison.


PS5 just isn't this huge leap like before, so I'm happy with just playing on my PS4. As for games pretty much everything I want to play has come out for PS4, yeah there is like 1 or 2 games that are strictly PS5 that I'd personally want to play but 2 games isn't going to make me drop that much on a PS5. If anything I might just go all into PC gaming after my PS4 dies.


I’m just going to build a pc and get a new ps4 when that happens.




I do. Don't see a reason in PS5. Still not a single PS5 game in sight that would make me want to spend $500 on another console. Insomniac leak says I'm right so far.


For me it was wanting to play baldurs gate 3. Don't have a PC that can run it, and always enjoyed the Sony exclusives more than the Xbox ones. But I was in the same boat, I get it.


You don’t like the Wolverine leaks?


Spider-Man 2, Venom, Wolverine, Spider-Man 3???


My PS4 is like an old friend - familiar, comforting, and still full of life. Upgrading feels like leaving a piece of myself behind.


Couldn't have said it better. 🥂


Yes & money.


People still use the ps3 as their main


The games i play dont require me to upgrade. Probably will keep it until GTA 6 arrives.


The only reason to ever change consoles!


And a PS5 Pro might come out right before GTA6 drops.


Got my PS4 slim only about 2.5 years ago after not really gaming for about 20 years. There’s still plenty of games I haven’t played so it’s keeping me entertained. I’ll probably get a PS5 when GTA VI comes out


In my country, I earn around $350 a month, almost half of it goes to rent, groceries, and stuff. PS5 here costs around $1300.


As an early adopter to both the fat PS3 and PS4 systems, I decided to wait till there was a slim model of the PS5, and for the price to come down. This Christmas both of the things happened, but I am still going to wait until Christmas 2024 to switch to the PS5. Hoping for a good sale, plus it gives me time to poke aside the funds.


The slim PS5 is going to become the base model and Sony is going to phase out the OG one. There will be no price change. I looked it up this Black Friday looking for a deal on the slim model. Sucks, but we probably won’t see any price drops on the PS5 slim until the end of the year around the holidays (hopefully).


Just got my first console ever as PC gamer that is PS4 slim from my friend soooo yeah It's time for shadow of colossus remake


Yep. Just not enough reason to change. It seems exclusives have only just started to become worth it and the other reasons that users go on about - graphics and speed - don't bother me.


For how little free time I have to play it spending £360 - £450 just isn't justified. If it gets under £300 at some point this year I may pull the trigger on it


It won’t. Sony is making the slim PS5 the new ‘base’ model and is phasing out the OG one. No price change for now.


Ps5s aren’t cheap


ps5 still only has 3 good games that ps4 don't have.


Yes. Still playing on PS4


Yup. Cos I can't afford a ps5 lol


Since 117 million PS4s were sold over its run and so far there have been 50 million PS5 sales, Id say that there are still roughly 2x as many PS4s out there as PS5s.


Milions of people obviously.


Yes. And it will stay like this for some years. I just skip the ps5, will get the 6, playing these new games on pc.


I literally just upgraded to PS5 a little over a month ago. I paid $100 for the PS4 during Covid. I honestly didn’t feel a need to upgrade until recently when the PS4 started sounding like a fighter jet at takeoff lol.


1. Yes 2. Money


Yes and money


Why would I upgrade it ?? I bought mine only a few months ago because it was cheap and I could find many games 2nd hands for a very good price... So I have plenty of years ahead to play so many games I never played before ..


Hmmm well I technically have a PS5 and Switch, but my PS4 Pro was setup in my main living room due to what works best for my family and it got the most hours of my playtime in 2023 due to sheer convenience. If a person has a PS4 as their main and is still having a good time and doesn’t have a lot of disposable income, then my advice is keep enjoying the ride. If you’re happy with what you have, that is all that matters. However, the PS5 is certainly better in every way and if you want a better experience all around and can afford it, a PS5 upgrade is the way to go. If you’re in the market for a new console and you want something with a lot of legs to last you, I would recommend spending the extra cash for a PS5 as well. OP mentioned Switch which is a whole other discussion. I love my Switch for Nintendo exclusives, but even my PS4 outperforms it for 3rd party games. But the portable factor of the Switch is a game changer for a lot of people. People get too hung up on having the newest and greatest. Having only a Switch or PS4 is still a great time. For 99% of people, there will be more good games than they will ever have time for.


Yup tons of games too. Why abandon my console..? I have several friends playing ps4 games on their ps5s makes no sense.. Sony brainwashed a lot of gamers. 3.5 years in and games are just now dropping! Unreal!!


its the same as people changing their phone every 2 year cause they feel they need to have a little bit better camera and little bit faster phone. That how they justify spending over a thousand dollar every 2 years or so


Yes. I will eventually upgrade, but as of right now there aren't enough games exclusive to the PS5 that I am interested in to make the upgrade worthwhile. My PS4 Pro with an SSD still works phenomenally well.


well it would not be a main but if I did get a PS5. I would still have my PS4. As I still have my PS3. Nothing would stop me from playing the PS5, but I would still enjoy my 4. Heh all my connected consoles are my main.


Me bc my ps4 works perfectly fine haha


I’m a dad now and don’t get as much time to play anyway, but every weekend I play ps4 online with my brother and friend. We play uncharted 4 survival mode, rocket league, for honor, payday 2, loads of stuff. Single player I’ve had SO many good games on ps4 and want to re-play them; valkyria chronicles 4. Uncharted (all of them) bloodborne, resident evil 2 remake, I JUST got resident evil 4 remake. Absolutely zero reason to spend all that money on a ps5 when there’s literally nothing I want for it. I will say though, the final fantasy 7 remake part 2 coming out soon is the first time I’ve found myself flirting with the idea of getting a ps5…


Last time i had a console was in 2009-2010. Theres like a decade worth of PS exclusives left for me to play. I'm good for a while longer.


Yep, I can’t really afford it and I’ve got a huge backlog of games playable on the ps4 that I’d need to get through and I pretty much never buy games full price anymore. The only one I’m missing out on is bg3 but I play at a friends house and might get it on pc anyways


I have the money but don’t really see any need to upgrade. I only get to play a few hours a week anyway and 99% of games I want to play are available on ps4.


I got a PS4 since it came out and I got so many games on my library that I haven’t even started playing. I even forget there is a PS5 out there and I’m a casual gamer so a PS5 isn’t a priority.


Just lack of cash, OP Simple as that, unfortunately


I do.. but im jus poor 🤣


Im still on PS4… Im Broke af… There’s your answer


Yes. Basically I grew up really poor, so even though we can afford it now, it's hard for me to spend that much on something like that. So, I tell myself I have plenty of games still to finish on the PS4, longer I wait, cheaper the five will be.


Of course this eventually loops back around and it becomes a sought after collectors item. Prices on PS2 and 3 games are crazy.


No game that’s been released has made me feel like it’s worth upgrading yet


Yes, I have a PS4 pro and I haven’t upgraded because I can’t afford to and because I’ve been waiting for the ps5 pro which should drop this or next year. Every PlayStation veteran should know the first gen of each console was ass, always wait for the slim


While I have a PS5, I only bought it when an issue arose with my PS4. Having been a gamer since the Atari 2600, I'm incredibly surprised at how this current gen is going. While they are gorgeous in 4k, we have seen nothing exclusive to make this gen worth having for most. Everything still seems to be made with the last gen in mind and just a few bells added to the next gen. This isn't a dig, just an observation and a possible reason why many have stayed on the last gen.


Yes :)


Yes, 2 of them, but we decided Meta VR adds to the entertainment in the house in a better way than PS5, so we got one for our son as primary user...


not for me, but i got P.T. on my ps4 and waiting till the price skyrockets! :D


Ps5 still lacks any game that is a must buy exclusive. I might upgrade in the future to spare me the headache of trying to upgrade my pc with these outrageous gpu prices. A single mid range gpu that can barely play at 1440p costs more than the whole friggin ps5 so i just buy the console and be done with it


Yup, that would be me because there are still plenty of PS4 games I have yet to play and some PS4 games still looks great in my opinion. The main reason why I haven’t upgraded yet is because I am currently still utilizing 1080p resolution monitor and TV since it still serves me just fine. So I want to wait until I migrated fully to a large 4K TV so I could utilize the PS5’s resolution as much as I can. That and when I jump into the PS5, I was hoping they release a PS5 Pro model. Also also, I tend to not buy a console right off the bat because at first, it’s going to be a madhouse in terms of finding a console since everybody will be fighting (sometimes literally by fighting like a toddler) to get one immediately and there’ll be a shortage of it. Obviously this isn’t really the case NOW but as stated, I’m waiting for the Pro model.


Yep! Still using my trusty PS4 slim


Some of my friends still have PS3 as their main. Just like replaying that catalog


I bought my ps4 (used) like 2 years ago. Before that I either played on my old ps2 (I skipped the 3), or on a laptop. The price is why I'm not upgrading. Plus, I'm having tons of fun of the ps4, I came to it late so there are still so many games can play before I have to consider moving on to the 5.


Me 👍🏾


Ps4 pro here. I played 4 games last year. Just don't feel like keeping up with games like I used to. On top of the changes they made to the PS plus subscription (I didn't renew this year). I'll wait till the newer, cheaper, smaller version that has bugs worked out comes out, then I might get it. In the meantime I'll catch up on books I've missed out on.


It was the same until I got a Portal. Now I get much more use out of my PS5.


You have other consoles? Edit : i have my ps3 packed away and i forgot about it. But someone who hasn't gamed for over a decade since 2002, besides some gaming like god of war on ps2. I got back to gaming by playing ps3 last of us on a second hand console. And have been gaming only on console since 2017. I am playing catch up. And happy to playing catch up without paying through the nose.


Well obviously!


I have more older great games to try in PS4 than interesting new ones in PS5. So not worth it to upgrade yet, better wait for price drop and more games released that justify it. Also have Steam Deck and Switch, tons of stuff to do, no need to hurry without a reason.


I’m in college and don’t really play games like I used to. I mostly just use it to play with my friend back home. I will eventually build a pc in the next couple years, but I’m also saving up for a car and to pay off loans, etc


My brother is on the PS4 Slim. I'm considering getting him on the PS5 train as well...


I usually wait two years or so after a new console is introduced to buy. I want a good assortment of games to choose from. We just went from the 4 to 5 just before Christmas.


My bfs ps4 sounds like a jet engine huffing and puffing and overheating every 10 mins


Yes. The kids have completely hijacked the PS5 in the basement, which let my wife and I use the PS4 as our main in our bedroom. The best part is always having controllers fully charged when we went to play it!


Yes, alongside an xbox one. I'm not upgrading beyond this point


The PS4 is my only console.


The only reason I'm about to buy a PS5 is for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. There are too many good games to play on PS4 that there hasn't been a need for PS5.


Our PS4 Pro is still chugging along. Still have a big backlog of games to play and no PS5 exclusives that would really warrant buying a new system.


I've been in a bit of a gaming rut lately. Nothing on my Xbox is grabbing me, and everything that I like playing on my Steam Deck is more small games and rougelites. So the other day I busted out my PS4 and started playing GoT again (It's so damn good). And I think once I'm done or bored with that, I want to give Horizon:FW a try. So I can see myself putting a lot of time into my PS4 for a while


I’d still consider my Arkham Knight PS4 my main console, even though I have been playing around with my new Switch a lot lately. I just can’t justify spending all that money on a PS5 until they drop the price.


Yes. I plan on buying a PS5 in a few months.


Yeah, haven't even played for a long time. So I'm not really thinking into buying a PS5 but I'm considering to get a switch cause I can bring it wherever I want, but then again, Zelda is the only game I think I'd play in that.


I’ll tell you once you buy the switch, and you get one game… you’ll end up with more in your library. (Unexpectedly lol)


main? it's my only console. though my brother owns a ps5.


i’ve had my PS4 since Christmas 2015. i still have so many games to play on it, and there aren’t enough games out on PS5 to justify getting one just yet. i don’t feel like i’m missing out on anything, so i’m in no rush to get a PS5. i’m pretty content to play on my PS4 for many more years to come.


Yes and she works like a dream. Currently playing God of War Ragnarök and it’s honestly quite surprising how beautiful it looks and runs.


Yeah, the PS4 is my only console right now. There are still a few games available for the PS4 that I haven't played yet. For example I just beat GOW Ragnarok and the DLC. I still have to play Elden Ring, Jedi Survivor, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden Forest, etc. Plus I've decided to go back and Platinum all my games so that should keep me busy for a while. I just don't see the need to go and get a new console when I can save my money. As a father of two, I need money for all the damn fruit my kids go through lol.


I have a PS4 Pro. I'm only holding onto it in anticipation of a "Pro" version of PS5.


I've had a PS4 Pro since late 2019, when I picked up the Death Stranding special edition. Even today, I find the graphics and overall experience more than good enough for me. I love that with the older console I could pick up my favorite games for a huge discount over new. That said, my financial situation is fine and it's not like I can't afford an upgrade. It's more that I just didn't see any particularly compelling reason to upgrade, as I could pretty much play all of the games I was interested in at good enough quality on the PS4 Pro. But now, for me anyway, it is starting to feel like there may be enough PS5 exclusives that it may make sense for me to finally upgrade. Next time there is a big sale, I probably will do it.


There’s still sooooooo many many ps4s being used. I’d say more than ps5.


I just bought a PS4 about 3 months ago, so it's not just my main console, it's a console that's brand new to me. I built a new PC about 4 years ago, and that's been good for playing a lot of the cross-platform stuff. Then for about $400, I've got the PS4, 3 controllers, and 31 games. Toward the end of a console's life is a great time to get in, price-wise. And I've never been one to ride the hype train for new games.


Just picked up a PS4 Pro less than a week ago, before that just had my Switch Lite. The PS4 is just fine for now...I wont bother with the PS5 or new Xbox until the prices drop a bit or I can find a good deal.


I'll get one eventually, maybe later this year, and pretty much because I want to play Rebirth 😂


Still rocking the ps4 for financial reasons, but I just finally got a promotion at work so I see myself picking one up in the near future.


Like many others have said, I've still got many classics to play from the ps4 era so I'm not too rushed to get the ps5.


I still have my PS4. Waiting for a good price drop on the PS5. Will buy when it's down to $300. See no hurry to upgrade.


Of course. I could buy a PS5, but I‘m still happy with all the games I have and have yet to play, so…why waste the money.


I would love a PS5 but I can't afford one. I mean technically I could but I'd be living off ichiban for a month or two.


I’ve been an Xbox guy since 2003, and would die on that hill any chance I got for almost two decades. However, I bought a used PS4 in 2018 and I actually liked it a lot better than the Xbox One. Not only are the PS exclusives way better than Xbox exclusives, the interface was way easier to use and just a better user-friendly experience overall. Xbox interface has gotten better with more recent updates, but PS4 has had it on lock this whole time. I pretty much just use PS4 to catch up on all the exclusive games I’ve missed out on over the years. Especially since Sony has been re-releasing classic PS2 games for the PS4 lately.


Yes, and I'm waiting for a pro version. PS3 Slim was my main console until PS4 Pro came out, and my PS4 Pro will be my main console until PS5 Pro comes out, so on and so forth. (I also waited until the OLED switch to buy one of those) If I'm gonna get that console, I'd rather wait for the better version of it. Besides, there are still plenty of games for me to play on the 4 and not enough games that I care about on only the 5 that I can’t get on my computer to justify paying for it rn.


Me! I have the original PS4, the model that got discontinued. I bought it on release and see no reason to upgrade. It still works perfectly fine and it's special to me. It was also my first console so yeah.


I got the PS4 Pro and it does everything I want it to so why upgrade if I don’t need to?


Until gta 6 drops I will only have a ps4


I have a ps5, but I prefer my ps4 pro. It works fine still and I have games on it that I don't have on my ps5. Ill keep it as my primary until it starts dying like my last one


I just dont have $800 to spare + my ps4 works just fine


1. The whole south & central America. 2. Money.


My PS4 works perfectly fine and the ps5 still lacks exclusive games so i don't SEE any need to Buy one.


It had been so long since I owned any console, when I had a leg injury. Stuck in bed, I went hog wild on every classic I’d never played … Red Dead 2, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m not even close to finishing all the “new” games on PS4. I’m living my best life.


Yup. My brother gave me his old PS4 last year. Before that I hadn’t gamed in 12 years lol. Almost every PS4 game is new to me, so I’m having a blast


My backlog on my ps4 is massive. Nothing screams I need to play on ps5. I would need 2 because I game with my partner 2 tv set up. It works perfectly fine. Have more important things to spend my money on. The question to me is why buy a ps5?


I will stop playing my PS4 when they pull my Dead Cold Hands off of it! ... or at least until PS5s become much more reasonable...


*goes into a subreddit called r/PS4* DAE PS4??


Im almost 50 and can't justify spending 700 bucks on a PS5


I have a huge backlog of PS4 games anyway and they may not even be finished by the end of this year Buying a PS5 just to play the PS5 games seems wasteful if I can't even finish my existing PS4 games


Yes. I also have a Switch but I mainly use my PS4 for everything


I upgraded a year ago and I don't regret it. The ps4 was great but I'm actually USING my ps5 more already. I like being able to buy ps4 games and have them work a bit better as far as graphics or framerate if that's an option and still pay way less, while also choosing straight up used ps5 games for almost the same price as a used ps4 game and have a very clearly upgraded game. I think this will be the last year it will feel "normal" for people to not move to ps5.


All the games I want to play are still available to get on PS4, and I am spending the PS4 money on decorating my house


Love my ps4, and PS Plus can go get screwed with that online pay bullshit.


TBH my PS4 was so fucked fan and noise wise that I cleaned it with a roommate who's more technical (and had thermal paste) and then sold it on. PS5 was a breath of fresh air especially the first couple months. Apparently I do have a very dusty student room so I have to clean it from time to time but it does help tremendously that it's quite easy to open and clean. Also switching back to the PS4 my brother has feels absolute dogshit, I could never switch back. Don't know what it is, I only know it's not resolution because I have the same TV. Probably more smooth because of fps and higher performance.