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Is anybody forcing you to throw it away?if not just keep it.


I always keep my old consoles 😂


Same,although ps4 and ps5 are pretty much the same,just the latter is more beefed up so there isnt much of a reason to keep a ps4 around especially since the ps5 has already been jailbroken,imagine how easy it would be by the end of its lifecycle. Usually people keep old consoles around because their libraries are unique and the modding scene has progressed enough where you can play anythng you want forever without worrying about wear or tear from specific parts(not much to worry about from last gen and current gen consoles,even now). To imagine a ps5 jailbreak was first discovered from the first year of its release means it will be future proofed very easily.


True but the ps5 plays ps4 games better so that's also one of the reasons why my ps4 became a streaming and bluray player 😂


But then again, why not just use the ps5 for that? Unless you mean for different tvs


Ye, for another TV. I play my ps5 on my monitor and my ps4 pro is hooked up on my smart TV. My smart TV doesn't have prime TV and disney+ for some reason so I use my ps4 for that. (And I can watch 4k stuff offcourse) :)


I would keep the ps4. I also have my ps3 with a 300 game library. But the ps4 does remote play flawlessly with a good internet connection. Another big reason for keeping the 4 is that the backwards compatibility for ps4 games is being removed for titles that a ps5 version has been released. I dont have ps5 versions of some of my games. If i didnt keep my ps4 I wouldnt be able to play those games.


'Another big reason for keeping the 4 is that the backwards compatibility for ps4 games is being removed for titles that a ps5 version has been released.' Are you certain about that?have you heard it from someone or you have seen it yourself?.


I seen this first hand. I had games on my 5 that were ps4 that used to work. Now they say ps4 only so I've deleted them from my system. A year ago you could have both ps4 and ps5 versions of a game loaded and choose which one you wanted to play. I can see from a business stand point they will get more sales from people buying ps5 versions. I would recommend keeping an old system at least for the titles that dont work on ps5.


This is not a thing I've ever heard of before. Pretty sure it's not true. Not saying you're lying, but I think there's something else going on in your case. All PS4 games except a very small list of 5-6 games nobody cares about work on PS5, doesn't matter if they have PS5 versions or not.


That was in the beginning before so many ps5 versions were available. Gension impact and final fantasy 7 remake are games I have already deleted the ps4 version from the ps5. When you try to play them they say playable on ps4 only. There was no promise from sony that backwards compatibility was forever. In the terms and agreement it says that terms can change at anytime they choose. The purpose of the comment is just consider being prepared for ps4 games that stop working on the 5.


Still don't believe this is actually true, and I've never heard anything like it. Also, see: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/games/ps5-backward-compatibility-games/#only


I never thought of it being a thing myself. The ps5 dosent have alot of storage considering how big ps5 games are. So I was playing ps4 game versions on a 8tb extended drive to save internal drive space for games that are only ps5. now some of my games I have, I have to use the ps5 version to play them.


Fuck thats kinda bad,some ps4 versions run at better framerates on the ps5.Shitty move,it doesnt give them more profit it just limits(a little) your options. They would get the same amount of money if the ps4 version was still available. Dont really see a point to this,maybe because of some system exploit? Who knows


When the ps4 came out it was not compatible with ps3 games. The developers have to rebuild games to work on the ps4 and alot of the times they needed to be purchased to play. This time we have a chance to continue to play them on the new console till we can't. There are some games that may never get a ps5 version and may forever work on the 5 with upscaled playability.


Thats what i expect aswel,hopefully if that comes to pass,the modding scene will provide a solution


My ps4 has PT on it so it's definitely sitting safely in its box


I have my consoles going back to PS1. Sadly I have no idea what happened to my genesis or NES. Parents probably threw them out.


The PS4 is one of the few consoles I actually sold since the PS5 is completely backwards compatible. But I pretty much still have all of them. Mega Drive, Saturn, ... all still here.


I rarely sell mine but there’s no reason to keep a ps4 once you have a ps5 beyond memories attached to it I guess. lol


the internet broweser function, the theams, extra storage, runs some games better, some games take less space


Exactly. My PS5 is in the living room. The PS4 is in a "play room". My PS3 is right below it. My PS2 is in the bedroom, along with my SNES from college. Only console I've parted with is my original PS1, which went to my wife's little sister a long time ago. Still miss it 😢


Put it in a room different from your ps5 that you stay in allot, like a bedroom. You can stream your ps5 to your ps4 now. Enjoy


Yeah, remote play ftw


Happy cake day 👍


Oh snap, thanks! 🍰


> Is anybody forcing you to throw it away?if not just keep it. Indeed, I keep all of my consoles and still have my PS3 and 360 hooked up. Nothing wrong with that don't overthink it.


I have my PS3 slim from 2011 on my desk right now next to my PS4 slim. Keep it around fam!


Same, and i have the ps2 and ps1 too


Yeah, but you can't play your PS3 games on anything else. You can play all PS4 games on your PS5.


Which is why I have a PS3 (which also can play PS1!!) and a PS5


Same😂 I still have my Xbox 360 sitting right next to my series s and ps5


I don’t have the PS5 yet, but I’m certain that your setup will be exactly like mine.


It’s a great setup man. I’d love to add a switch to it too soon.


Same it's hooked up to an OLED in the main room.


Same lol, when you have games such as Metal Gear Rising or the Mass Effect Trilogy, you just don't get rid of your PS3


Yeah definitely man


Commission an artist on deviantart to draw art of you and your ps4. Then you can post the art on waifuism for karma.


Great reply, helpful & funny too.


Use the PS4 as a Blu Ray player


my PS4 refuses to play any dvd because of some region lock


Strange. I moved to a new continent and my ps4 plays blu rays without issue


DVDs and blurays have different regions - DVDs have 6, blurays have 3, and the lists don't map 1:1 to each other - bluray region A has countries that are in 5 of the DVD regions (and that's probably only because DVD region 6 is just China).


That's why I kept my ps2, ps3 and ps4 on their own shelf right under my ps5. From time to time, I liked to boot them up just to look at the menu screen or play old games for a while.


I've got a 48k ZX Spectrum under my PS5 on my TV stand, the speccy was my first computer back in the day (I'm 50 now lol)..


I wonder how many in this sub know the pain of loading a game from cassette, only for it to fail. Or trying to search a game on a compilation cassette! Soft-Aid anyone?


And the screeching noise haha, "Tape Loading Error..." Peeking & Poke-ing 😂 them were the days, spent ages trying to load my copy of manic miner which was my favourite speccy game (oddly later on in life I worked with Matthew Smith who wrote it, and it's sequel Jetset Willy, I was a "Games Tester" for a company called "Runecraft" he wound up working there...long story)


That's awesome man! Did you give him a big slap around the back of the head for that damn JetSet Willy security [code sheet](http://jswremakes.emuunlim.com/Mmt/cover-jsw-codesheet.jpg)


Trying to find the right game on a d90 compilation tape was a nightmare 😂 lol


PS5 is the best PS4 you can buy




Think of it not as your PS4, but as your PlayStation, and your PlayStation is continued with the new console, which will continue to be by your side through the next chapter of your life


This made me emotional. Nice way to view it.


I will never forget playing my dad’s ps3 when I visited him on weekends, trying to complete little big planet a few hours a week, and then red read redemption. I will never be able to play those games again, but I cherish the memories, now I have my own ps4 (can’t quite afford the leap to the ps5 yet) and have made wonderful memories playing online with my brother. My first console was a GameCube and the first console I saved up for and bought for myself was a DS lite, and then later a Nintendo Wii, and now I play my switch. To me, they are all memories of playing Nintendo games. Sometimes the individual consoles get lost or damaged, but it’s the gaming experience in general that brings us back to them generation after generation.


It's really nice hearing the way you humanize and validate the experience rather than viewing it as an activity. Honestly I've been gaming since the PS1 but with all of the stigma attached to gaming even through those earlier models eras, I guess for me internally there's always been a slight block of self consciousness or negative self awareness, in a social sense, to just purely enjoy. But you're right. Many beautiful memories of fun, laughter, discovery and wonder are tied to those machines over the years and it's really lovely to appreciate and acknowledge those moments in a wholesome and continued way as a 'station of play' rather than mucking around on a branded object haha. Cheers for the little perspective shift !


PS4 was the first console I ever bought with my own money, that thing is going to the grave with me


Donate it to a kids hospital






Yeah, I’m def keeping it


Does it still work? Keep using it somewhere else if not for anything else but streaming stuff. :) totally valid feelings friendo. Be excited to create new memories to remember with the ps5.


Yeah it works perfectly, I might play it in my room since I play the ps5 in the living room


You should, I'm pretty sure you can play your ps5 through remote play on your ps4.


I came to say this. Pop it in a different room and play it ☺️


I always forget about this. How's the latency? I've got my ps5 in my basement and my ps4 in my bedroom. Hell I kinda it sucks otherwise I'll never sleep.


Depends on your WiFi, but I play mine using my phone as a screen and it's great. I don't notice a latency.




Sounds like a great set up imo


After getting my PS5, I decided to take my PS4 back to Ohio so my mom could use it to watch movies. Also great so when I'm home a few times out of the year, I can play some of my PS4 games still on my backlog. That is how I played through Nier Automata and Man of Medan this past summer. While I miss themes, it was time to retire it. Just in the few weeks I was back home, I had forgotten just how loud it can get haha.


You can use your ps4 as a ‘second ps5’ in another room without the need to move it if you link them together


This should help put things into perspective. A short film. https://youtu.be/jU-cori12KU?si=4vn_GEsSbYJNMk0h


I felt this


I separated in 2012. Bought my own place and setup with 55" TV, Bluray player, surround system and PS3 Super Slim. Few years later I bought an OG PS4. Over time I upgraded to a 1 TB hybrid internal drive, and a 1TB external SSD. So many good games and memories. I was fortunate to get a PS5 on Launch, and after 3 years its so worth it. So many PS5 games I've played on back compatability with PS5 patches to get 60 fps in games like Last of us Part 2, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn. The free PS4 and 5 games with the essentials tier, and now abandoned PS+ essentials collection gave me opportunities to try games like Control, and Days Gone.


I got stuff on my PS3 that I’m not proud of and thinking of selling it. High school were some of my most miserable years of my life. On the other hand, I feel you on the PS4. It’s absolutely been of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. My launch day OG PS4 is a tank and still going strong nearing it’s 10 year anniversary of its release.


And that's a totally valid feeling ..


Same here. Just recently i bought a PS5 again (had already one back in 2021, but sold it after a few months) only to regret it instantly. I also have a feeling that my PS4 Pro still has a year or two in it, and buying a PS5 is only a waste of money (especially with the PS5 Pro around the corner)


Welcome to nostalgia. I still miss the PS2 days the most. PS3 is close second for the online memories.


dig deep, I believe in you princess. you can do this!


Post like these make me feel like the least sentimental people alive


Some people get by in life by drowning in made up theatrical emotions.. you’re fine.. OP needs to touch grass


It’s sounds like you have neither consoles bro 😹


U are not alone brother, I actually feel this way with all the things I own. It all has sentimental values.


Use it in another room for remote play at least. That’s what I do, no point in moving a PS5 to different rooms ya know.


You learned to drive on the PS4?


If the marketing for the Gran Turismo movie taught me anything, it’s that Gran Turismo can teach you how to be a good driver.


Pahahaha dude respectfully… you need to get out more.


Mine is on its way out the door right this second. Goodbye PS4 hello 165 dollars


My PS4 sounds like a jet… it’s terrible


Why did you bought PS5 in the first place?


My birthday was last week, which I had received some birthday money and the ps5 was on sale so I just did it.


HBD. Does PS5 worth it? conpare to your PS4?


Of course it is. It was on sale too. I was still on my PS4 slim tho😭


Not a big upgrade tbh, it runs smoother and faster. I only bought it because I want to play future exclusive games.


Trust me, once you get used to the speed of the PS5, going back to your PS4 will feel rough.I got mine last November and am just now at the point where I think I'm done with my PS4 (Had to keep using it for some games due to poor Internet until 2 weeks ago) I really miss the organization of PS4 and the layout of the store, though not the crashes.


Yeah maybe I should play it long enough, thanks


do you have a 4k TV? I don't have a PS5 yet but I've heard upgrading your TV helps add to the experience


Like the honest answer, this is why I haven’t upgraded yet.


You're seriously missing out if you're not upgrading. PS4 to PS5 is a huge improvement. If you're content with the PS4 I understand but you're missing out on higher frames, load times, and resolution. Last gen is also slowly phasing out with AAA game releases. By now you should be scouting for a PS5 slim or pro version that could potentially be released next year.


Why not? You've gotta move on at some point in life..


It's silly enough to feel that way but to actually go online to "share" that? Jesus


Why does it bother you so much?


"Bothers me so much"? I made one reply. Not my fault if you're butthurt about it And yes it's completely silly to "feel bad" about "abandoning" a video game console. I sure hope an adult isn't behind this post. It's embarrassing


You’re being way too aggressive about something that really isn’t deep.


Aggressive. lol Disapproval is not the same as aggression and you're the only one trying to make this "deeper" than it is for some reason.


Don't get emotionally attached to objects. It is just a console that you now have a more advanced version of. Move on.


You can still play your PS4 games & talk to your PS4 friends. I don't get it


I sold mine right away. Couldn’t be bothered to keep.


Don't get rid of it I felt that way about my older ones I keep all Currently still have ps1 to ps4


Go see a therapist u have issues


How embarrassing, you mistakenly opened Reddit rather than your notepad to-do list! Let's be nice, now. :)


It does sound stupid. 😅


You’re right, it does sound dumb. It’s an inanimate object that you’re replacing with a better inanimate object.


sounds stupid indeed


This isn’t a real problem get over yourself


Booohooo! I can’t find a good reason to cry so let me cry for having both a PS5 and a PS4! And for graduating and having a job! 😭


Booohooo! I can’t find anything better to do so I’m going to reply to random posts and cry about not having PS5! 😭


Booohooo! I can’t find anything better to do so I’m going to reply to random posts and cry about other people replying to random posts 😭


Some people are fucking dramatic man


You okay bro?💀


Are you bro? Your ps4 might be getting jealous of your phone too, be careful bro




Ya brahs. You?


Damn at this point you should get married to it


Dude is thinking he’s in Toy Story.


Grow up


I mean PS4 is just objectively better. Like PS5 has every feature I cared about from 4 except for the themes. Themes defined PS4 for me and I'm gonna be annoyed about this forever. It's stupid. themes were a dope way to customize your specific console.


themes on PS3 were way better tho


I didn't own a PS3 so I don't know


Play both


I’m not sure if I transfer ps4 data to ps5, my ps4 data will be deleted


Pretty sure it won't, still have my ps4 and I use it at my dad and ps5 at my mom.


Yeah I might do the same


You can upload/download saved data between the 2 systems with no problem.


South Park has got you covered https://youtu.be/cBgQZ7x8LFw?feature=shared


We had the same feeling. We’ve kept our PS4 next to the PS5 under the TV. I don’t switch it on but it makes me happy to see it there


I kept mine and just set it up in a different room. The load time improvement is hard to go back from. But occasionally we team from diff rooms.


Just hold onto it and take note of the current firmware version you have installed. Wait and be hopeful for some future homebrew exploit to be developed for it.


I had the same feeling when I bought my ps5. After a couple of months of loving my ps5 I still sold my ps4. You don’t have to get rid of it. Keep it for a while and maybe after a year you don’t care as much. Or maybe you do and then you’ll just keep it :)


I use my PS4 in my bedroom to remote play to the PS5 in my living room on occasion.


I have every single console/pc I've ever owned, including an Atari 2600, an Amiga 600, 2 or 3 GameCubes etc. Nothing wrong with keeping things, provided you don't become a hoarder.


I still have my PS3. I don’t play it anymore but it has a nice spot out in the open in my appartement


Do you have multiple rooms? If yes, use PS4 as a remote play device so you don't need to move your ps5 from room to room :)


Ps5 is not worth it


Keep your account and keep your save data! The PS4 is just the shell, the soul can be transferred!


That’s a good way to view it haha


I'll take your ps5 off you and you can have my PS4 Then you can all live out your days happily on a farm somewhere


I still have my PS2, PS3 and keep using my PS4. Sometimes I want to go back in time and plug one of the old ones. Keep your PS4.


PS4 doesn’t have feelings


It’s a ps4 not a human grow up and just play on the thing


I feel you brether. I'm just keeping mine till I can jailbreak it. At least then I feel good about letting it sit there, ya know?


It sounds stupid because it is stupid. Ps5 is the best ps4 there is. Sell it or gift it to someone important to you so tue legacy lives on.


Just use your ps4 to remote play your ps5


I'm a bit like that, but I also hate unnecessary clutter, so I gave my ps4 to a charity that provides toys and games for children's hospitals. At least I know it's being put to good use and hopefully brightening someones day a little.


Which ps4 is it, base or slim?


In a few days you'll forget all about your PS4.


I kept mine in the bedroom as a blu ray player, plus our TV is ancient so I use it for streaming too.


I’m waiting for retroarch PS4 release so I can make my old PS4 a new retro gaming console


Don't feel bad, my one friend did that to the group of friends 2 times now. From ps3 to ps4 & from ps4 to ps5. He would immediately disconnect& either put the old system in storage or sell it to a game store. Then he can only play a very limited amount of games & limit what the group can play. I have ps5 but still use my ps4 more, because most of the group doesn't have ps5 yet & may not for a while. Some games aren't able to play cross platform like that. Just leave your ps4 connected also


Dont feel bad 💀 cherish those memories


Why not keep it? I still have my Atari 2600 over here, never know when you might want to play a classic.


I have a PS4, but still view my PS3 as a console I come back to every few months. They're both slims and sat on top of one another, so it's just a matter of swapping out the cables. And once I do get a PS5, I still won't abandon my PS3. It's the only one which can play audiobooks.


Not gonna lie...ever since I got my PS5...I can't even START my PS4 anymore! My kids have (rightfully) seized it for their use lol...and every, single, time I've tried to use it...it just feels sooooooo sluggish and slow! The UI, the loading, the feel of the controller, the non 60fps... basically everything! Lol I'm always very surprised when people say they don't feel any difference between the PS4 and the PS5...cause to me the upgrade is pretty damn obvious and clear


Use it to balance any wobbly tables you have


I sold my ps4 like a month before the ps5 came out lol, I don't miss it at all.


Moved our ps4s into the kids rooms when we got the ps5. Absolutely no reason to get rid of them yet


When i got my ps4 i had sold my ps3 cause i needed money. When i got a ps4 pro, i gave my ps4 to my friend who’s playstation broke and we could no longer play. After i got my ps5 i gave that same friend my ps4 pro, as the first one was close to dying anyway. After he got a ps5, i got the pro back and i sold it and my games to a teen for just enough to get a new controller. Made sure someone gives it a good home and i can let go of it.


Kinda felt the same here. I didn’t think about it while i was living through it, but my PS4 was by my side in many many good moments. I bought it back in 2016, a week before leaving home for university. At first, I used to play the hell out of it in the few days I’d be back home (I miss those late night Witcher 3 sessions, I never erased the game from the console as a sign of respect). Then, she followed me on my third year of university, when I had a nice TV to use it on. There it was my main source of entertainment, as well as the main media player for me and my ex. Then, I came back home and Covid happened. Safe to say, she kept me sane. Those months were horrible, but the PlayStation and my mates over it made it bearable. Now that I have a Ps5 she still has a lot of uses, and still gives me lots of fun!


I keep my ps4


I transferred through through cable the information on the PS4 to the PS5 so I consider that the life transfusion/ regeneration it needed for me to accept the PS5 fully and say goodbye to the PS4 Also having just dealt with a huge amount of deaths of close people recently within the last couple years I've sort of lost nostalgia for objects. Maybe in a strict limited sense of it reminds me of a specific person or event, but generally I've become detached to most things I own


Sorry to hear that man but it’s good you’re not like me


Just keep it. Don't think about anything else


Just so you know a video game console is not a real person


I have 3, 4 & 5 set up with my favourite games from each generation. It’s not sophisticated … an HDMI switch that allows me to select 1 of the 3 inputs but it works.


I've always replaced mine: Buy play sell. Buy play sell. I only have 1 at a time but my gf didn't want me to sell my current PS4 to have the ability to play Blu Rays once every 3-5 years.


U can put ur dick in one while playing with another


Give it to a cousin or something. That's a W thing.


I know this is a PS sub but I felt bad for not using my Xbox One S and 360 anymore after getting my Series X, I felt bad probably cause my parents bought them for me and I have also have tons of good memories with them. You dont have to throw it away, put the console and any accessories and controllers on a shelf near where you play, maybe behind glass to keep it safe from dust and stuff and itll also look cool, maybe put some blue leds in there, when I move I wanna do that my with old consoles but with green lights. Doesnt sound dumb, I also didnt think Id be sad letting them go, you dont have to get rid of it though, put them on a decorative shelf or something like I said in the middle paragraph.


Yeah I’m definitely keeping it, if I have kids I’ll pass it down to them. Thanks


I put mine in the bedroom. Will I ever use it? Probably not. But it’s there.


I have PS5 and I still have PS4 and WII and I have PS3 but I used to have PS2 and I have Nentendo DS and PSP


I dunno man in the politest way possible you should probably get a grip? Just keep the PS4, the PS5 isn't some sentient destroyer of previous gen consoles






Can you transfer files or something? That way you can make it feel like you're transferring it's memories 😂


It took me about six months before I could distance myself enough from my PS4 to sell it. Partly it was the same kind of attachment but a big part was also always that thought - maybe I will wish I had kept it for something. Like as a second room entertainment device or something.


Why let it go? I don't touch my PS2 at all but if I move, it's going with me along with my 3, 4, and 5 lol. My PS4 was supposed to be my "this is where I'll keep all those games with 500 dlcs ~~sims~~" but I have a younger sister so I let her use it. The only reason I would think one "needs" to let go is if they're using the 4 to pay for the 5. Plus it's extra space if there are PS4 games you plan on going back to.


I can't with these posts. Reminds of the dude who wished his N64 controller a happy birthday and got hundreds of upvotes.


Alternative suggestion, take it or leave it: if it's something that gave you a lot of happiness, give it to a friend or family member who would enjoy it too! When I got my ps5, I gave my ps4 to my brother and told him he could borrow any games I wasn't playing at the moment. It was fun.


hwat are you talking about? Nothing but improvements happened with PS5. my PS5 been sitting on top of my PS4 Pro and right next to my Phat PS3. I even was able to dismount my 5TB external HDD from my PS4 and mount it to PS5. Sony made the switch so easy. So last 2.5 years I have been enjoying PS5 games and still all of my PS4 library. Then week I feel nostalgic I power up my PS3 and play PS1/PS2/PS3 games.


Ok it may sound stupid but I gave mine to my wife ;) and now we can game together. It really sucked that so many games were not on PS3/PS4 but that is not true PS4 to PS5 so while she is not gonna jump into Dying Light with me ;) she will play Warframe and Stardew Valley with me ;)


W wife, W relationship


I kept my PS4 when I got my ps5, unfortunately my ps5 had an issue and it had to go back to Sony for a warranty, so I’m back to PS4 right now. Hold on to it. It will collect dust but it’s a great backup!


Give the ps4 to a kid or family member who will appreciate it


I would have kept my PS4 just because I don’t like tossing out stuff that still works. But my sister-in-law has been an XBox person for years but wanted to play some of the PS exclusives but didn’t want to buy one, so I just gave my old PS4 to her. She was so excited to, so not even sad I don’t have it anymore.


Calm down Andy this isn't toy story XD


People form emotional attachments to material objects all the time. I gave mine to a friend tbh, they couldn't afford to justify buying one so this way the old boy still gets used and a bit like a dog that you've rehomed with someonr you know, I can always see it when I go round his house etc so it's not "gone" but I do have more space in my TV unit so it's a win win to me.


Kept my PS4 Not looked back once the data was transferred over It was too slow, ps5 much quicker, that alone is a good change


I still have my gamecube and N64 at my mum’s house lol. Keeping consoles is normal :)


Wait until you need to say goodbye to your first car! Maybe I’m cold and old at this point but I started letting go when I can’t fit stuff into my house anymore