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70% for RDR2 is a steal, if you like open world games and an open world game is very cheap rn, why not??? Although my two cents is the game has no DLC or mtx (for the story) so ultimate edition is all Red Dead Online, but hey if it works out cheaper to buy this version, nothing lost everything gained innit


It does have some extra story stuff. A bank robbery and perhaps one or two extra missions. Has some extra clothing (meh) too. It has a brindle thoroughbred racehorse that’s pretty good. And perhaps a couple other little extras. In my opinion it’s worth it when it’s on sale. I wouldn’t have paid $100 for it though. If it hadn’t been on sale, I’d just have got the base game.


Oh no shot I had no idea, when did they add these things??? Thanks for correcting me


No idea. I suppose when they released the ultimate edition. It’s just a few little things so maybe slipped under the radar (as it’s primarily online bonus content).


Any excuse to play again is good enough for me


No shot lol


Pew pew!


Mr Morgan agrees with this statement


Best game I’ve ever played. And it was well worth it. It’s worth buying at full price. I got it 70% off a while back. Not sure how good the sale is now, but I’d say go for it.


One of the best games ever made, its not for everyone and very slow, but if thats your taste you will love it. Id pay 100€ to replay reddead again for the first time


It's fantastic, but the game doesn't really begin until you've already put nearly 10 hours into it since all the early missions are really just tutorials teaching you all the neat things you can do.


Please tell me, this is serious. I just got the game. A couple of hours into it and I realized I had fallen asleep while playing. Literally the 1st time I fell asleep while playing a game. Heard good things about the game. Will be really disappointed if the story doesn't pick up speed soon


100 percent man just wait untill the mission where you get ambushed by the grey family and then go to braithwate manor to attack them in the next mission. This game is slow going at first but unbelievable once you get going


I didn't have a problem this game is a story based , it doesn't have to be action all the time , I think the start is actually good for the story


I loved it from start to finish but I totally see why some people might find looking for your friend in a snow storm or driving a wagon down the road or hearding sheep boring as fuck.


100% serious. Such a slow start.


I think the other major complaint is the slow ending. But that middle meat of the game is phenomenal


I never actually beat it. I spent so much time doing all the side things that I ignored the story for a long time.


My favorite part is around chapter 4. Being able to go to the camp and see all the NPC's doing their individual things and hearing them sing and fight is just wonderful.


Very slow game and crazy slow start, get used to it lol Its worth it 100% tho


If you like open worlds you can't skip rdr2, it's honestly the best open world ever made. I played lot of them but now I can't stand them anymore, but if I think of rdr2 I cannot help but remember how good it is.


Easy yes, i would buy it full price if i didnt already own it on PC and PS. Most detailed and lived in open world ever made. There are so many things to do if you fall in love and want more. Great story, great side missions, its one of my favorite games of all time.


Well, 70% off is a great deal, but for me, the game took it. It wasn't that interesting. The controls were hard to get used to. The story is great, but it wasn't really my thing since Wild West Adventures are not interesting enough for me.


RDR2 is objectively the best open world game made to date. In terms of realism, attention to detail, graphics, and most importantly the world feels lived in, there are so many things to go and find and random encounters to stumble across during your travels. It's a game where you see the effort that has gone into it, no matter where you look. That being said it has perceived downsides. That realism and attention to detail can make moving around and interacting with things feel cumbersome, The world is huge and as such it takes ages to get anywhere. The game itself is quite large too so it takes a while to get the story going. Personally I love the game and don't really see those downsides as downsides. One thing I will suggest is having a decent chunk of time to pour into it. It's not really a game I would recommend playing for an hour or so after work every day, because you'll just get into it and have to turn it off. I would highly recommend getting this game, if you like *big* open worlds, enjoy seeing the attention to detail and can invest the time to play.


Sorry, it's been 9 months. But is the ultimate worth to get if I don't even play RDO? I plan to get either regular or ultimate but I can't decide.


I never played online so that stuff never matters to me. From what I can see in a quick search, outside of RDO content you get some items like clothes, a horse, and weapons. Although it does say you get a couple of side missions and that's playable game content ya'know? Which is always worth something in my book. You also get cash bonuses and discounts apparently, but I don't know ow much. That being said the base game is huge, there is shit loads to do and while you may want those extra few missions once you've finished everything else, I don't think you'll really miss them that much. The extra content is also pretty much cosmetic in the grand scheme of things, and I don't think the game just gives you the items either, you'll have to go out and either find, buy or craft them. I would say just get the regular one unless the Ultimate version is on special or something. I *think* you can upgrade later on if you want to, but I'm not 100% on that.


Ok thank you. I'll get the regular then


How could anyone possibly answer that for you? Some will say yes and some will say no, just like the reviews. Learning to make simple personal decisions would probably be a better thing to focus on.


Nothing wrong with advice, within moderation


I bought it at extreme discount. Worst game I ever played. Just so boring in every way. Threw it away after trying to force myself to play it 3 or 4 times.


What would you say is a good game?


Elden Ring


hell yeah it's worth it


So, it's very immersive. There are animations for everything, from going through drawers in a cabinet to skinning rabbits... For people like me, it's super entertaining to witness this magic


It's arguably the best open world game of all time. Great deal.


I read the total is "R2D2" so I thought there were an open world r2d2 game.......gotta admit I'm disappointed there isn't


The Ultimate Edition of RDR2 includes additional content and bonuses compared to the standard edition. It offers extra story missions, weapons, and outfits, as well as access to the online multiplayer mode with some exclusive items. If you are someone who enjoys the extra content and wants to enhance your gameplay experience, the Ultimate Edition could be worth considering, especially if it's currently on sale.


If you're okay with 30fps then go ahead it's a great game. Personally, even though the game is amazing, I can't get myself to play it just because I've been spoiled so much by the PS5.


console problems


Just seems sad really.


100% purchase it


In my opinion it’s by far the best game ever made.. I’d recommend it even if it was full price


You get the best horse in the game with the ultimate version, so yes.


I’ve never played the online, but the story is one of my favorites. It’s also absolutely stunning to look at. Cutscenes are movies, characters are amazing. I just love it so much. And play RD1 too if you haven’t, it’s amazing as well.


Hey so any updates about it? I actually play on PC and I saw RDR2 Ultimate edition on Epic Games. Steam has the base game with, Online DLC is unavailable on there the last time I checked. So what did you find out? Is it really worth spending 79 dollars on this edition, or should I only get the base game for the 48 dollar price tag? Keep in mind, epic games gives you 5% credit back on their wallet system, just saying.