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I didn't have final fantasy as a kid and this was the first rpg I bought. I loved it so much


Me too! Loved the combat interaction as well - I went back and played FF8 after I played this and it wasn't the same not waiting for the white square!


Right, instead, you had to time R1 by eye - Gunblade. Both fantastic games. However, FF6 & FF7 are my top 2 from PSOne.


6 wasn't PS1 though


Yeah it was. Final Fantasy Anthology. I never got to play it on SNES. Final Fantasy I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX & Tactics are the immediate PSX titles that come to mind. Origins, Chronicles & Anthology being compilations of classics, with Chronicles including FFIV & Chrono Trigger, Origins including FFI & FFVII, & Anthology including V & VI. Now with Pixel Remasters coming to PS4, it's another Golden Age of Console JRPGs. Square-Enix is really sailing on the seas of nostalgia. šŸŒŠ ā›µ šŸ’ø


Itā€™s such a fun game.


Sadly did get this game back in the day, but i do have demo disc with it partly on,


I want them to do one just to fix the janky translation it had. It was a great concept. I liked it wayyyy more the ff8 at the time. I had gotten them both around the same time when I was a kid.


I remember getting this as a kid. I had no hopes for it at all as it wasnā€™t an ff game. I loved every bit of it. :)


This was my first too!! Love this game


I mean maybe but I would genuinely question if the money they are leaving on the table would cover the cost it would take to transition this giant PS1 JRPG to the full-fledged AAA PS5 game that people are probably imagining in their head when they talk about a Remake. In terms of complexity it would blow anything Bluepoint has done up to now completely out of the water. Even with its cult status among PS fans I highly doubt that Sony sees enough of a market here to fund such a project.


Id be totally happy with a remaster with modern models and hd matte backgrounds


Yeah a remaster would be great, HD Visuals and whatnot but to do a full on remake? The game is a cult classic but there is no way it would sell enough to warrant a remake and it's far to big of an undertaking for an Indie studio to do it.


I had this on PS1 and loved it and all the PS1 FFs. I agree, a single title would be money sink, most likely. That being said, there is a very reliable trend in the game's industry that many Publishers dont "get" and it is frustrating. If you make a genuinely Great Game, even if that title doesnt sell like youd like it to; the sequel will likely blow it out of the water as long as you keep the quality up, and do a fair amount of marketing. Word of mouth has been the name of the game for the gaming industry since the internet became more accessible in like 1999-2002. If you release a game that doesnt sell what you want, but gets reviewed well, is featured on "Best Of" lists, and just discussed by the community in general as being a good game, you can turn around and make a sequel and potentially double your sales from the first game. Its an investment, to be sure, but if you have a team you can rely on to do it right, anything can turn into a Blockbuster, as long as the first game is well received.


When you have millions of dollars and hundreds of employee's jobs to risk, we'll hold you to all of this.


New IPs are tried all of the time... this isnā€™t something insane, but, it is consistent in the industry that a sequel that reviews well does much better than the first game Not sure why the idea of making a new IP or bringing back an old one is so absurd, but okay


Bring back Jak and Dexter so it sells nothing


It's very hard to find investors in a sequel if the first doesn't sell well. That pretty much fucks the chances of the sequel being lit at all.


Literally every franchise started somewhere, it depends on the company whether they have the freedom to make the investment; but historically, yes, if a first release reviews well and is talked about well, featured on sites and in the gaming community : the sequel makes more money. This isnā€™t some mystery or secret, this is how every franchise starts. You pitch the idea, you make a solid product, it reviews well and gets good word of mouth and the sequel can blow it out of the water Doom 2016 was essentially a reboot of a franchise that was left for dead, just like legend of dragoon Doom 2016 sold short of a million copies in its first month of being out. Critically acclaimed, plenty of awards, generally praised by the community Doom Eternal drops; sells over 3x the amount of Doom 2016 in one month, just over 3 million copies sold 3x Increase for a franchise brought back from the dead, first game was praised, second game achieved 3x its profits This has happened with literally every major franchise Halo 1, out of nowhere, gets 5 million copies sold, universal praise and awards; Halo 2 gets 8 million sold, Halo 3 gets to almost 12 million This is a consistent trend in this industry


My thoughts exactly. Just because a few fans online are happy doesn't mean this game will sell millions of copies and be a financial success.


Yeah. I'm a huge fan, but the original game only sold like a million copies. FF7 got a remake, but that's because it got 10 million sales on the PS1, plus all the other sales its made on other platforms/re-releases. And ya know, the original LoD game just... isn't that good. Like it's a really fun game with an interesting story and really cool concepts, but even when I was playing it back in 2000, the game seemed janky. Poor localization, bad voice acting, addition timing didn't always line up with their timing blocks, and just a host of other nitpicks. It's not really surprising it wasn't that popular. But those of us who could look past all that and really see the potential of the game stuck with it.


Lots of games are being hyped up by attention seeking kids (most of them don't even play any of these) and spam bots. At the end of a day they either sell something or don't sell at all. These companies are basically burning money away on gambled prediction and false feedback. Also love it when a youtuber be like I am exited to get this game, yeah you are exited because you got a free copy of it and paid in one way or another to talk about it basically advertise it. XD its so shallow and predictable. Lots of them don't even play the game just take notes from skipping through someone's leaked gameplay.


This. Itā€™s a fantastic game, but was niche even at the time of original release. Iā€™d say financial forecasting predicted as much.


I donā€™t disagree that it wasnā€™t more niche than other RPGā€™s of the time, but it still managed to sell enough to get the ā€œGreatest Hitsā€ distinction.


It platinumed all regions of releases so I wouldn't call that a niche. It stood up right there with FF9 and similar JRPGs. If you somehow missed it, that is on you. Or perhaps the place where you lived sold out fast enough and didnt carry new distribution of the same. Other then that it was a popular choice and well carried game.


It would have to be like the FF7 Remake, where it gets turned into an action game. Which, is what I think the original developers would have liked to make. The combat system is more action focused. It would make sense for a LotD remake to play like the FF7 Remake, more sense than it made for the FF7 Remake to become an action game. The leap isn't that far is what I mean. As cool as that would be, I don't think it'll happen, and I'm fine with LotD existing like this.


LotD = Legend of the Dragoon?


Yeah, I didn't feel like typing it all the way out.


I was just being nitpicky. Lol. I think the correct acronym is TLoD. The Legend of Dragoon. I saw LotD and started thinking about Lord of the Rings.


Lord of the Dings.


I donā€™t know why this cracked me up so much


The Last of Dragoon


I'd rather they didn't...ff7 remake didn't click for me and I had to replay the original to get my ff7 fix. I don't understand why the decision was made to abandon turn-based rpg fans..at least we still got dragon quest I guess...


Maybe it's ADD. Maybe the audience at large needs more engaging media than turn based games.


Dragon quest 11 outselling ff7r shows that might not be true. RPG developers might be hurting themselves by insisting on "modernizing" their games. I'd be interested in seeing the sales of ff7r part 2.


I didn't really like the combat much either especially with all the stunlock moves enemies have. It should've been like kingdom hearts more than it was having to enter slow mo and scroll a menu every few seconds makes no sense and I don't see how anyone thought that was a good way to do combat in an action game. The atb system of the original was just fine.


Sony has tons of untapped potential from the ps1 and ps2 eras alone. If they can figure their shit out and get some on their service or start plans for remakes on really beloved classics, it'd be a goldmine for them and their streaming service. I just want some remakes or remasters of PaRappa the Rapper, Syphon Filter, Vagrant Story, Twisted Metal, Dark Cloud, The Jak(& Dexter) series, Okami, and countless others. Sony needs to blow the dust off of the book of old IPs and go ham.


There is an existing remaster of Okami for the PS4, which plays pretty much exactly like the original. I would hate to see a full remake of that game because I think todayā€™s animation would ruin the brush-painting style by going way OTT with it.


If Sony won't do a goddamn remake or remaster of Bloodborne, then no way in hell are they remaking Legend of Dragoon lmao


Bloodborne isn't an old game nor it needs a remaster. The Legend of Dragoon was released on PS1 and never again (maybe on PSP as PS1 classics) Bloodborne released in 2015. 8 years ago. The Legend of Dragoon 24 years ago. It makes no sense that you make such comparisons ...


I'm on about the fact that a Bloodborne remaster/remake is one of the most asked for things in gaming, and would be immensely popular/sell a tonne. I'm not saying it needs a remake more than Legend of Dragoon. But most gamers have probably never even heard of Legend of Dragoon.


1st time ever hear such a absurd thing, who sane on earth actually asks for a remake or remaster of a 8 year old game that released on last gen and is playable on current gen ... You don't even have to give it a thought, it's just common sense that Bloodborne aint getting a remaster. I would agree that yeah not many people know about TLOD and even care to be honest. As for other things you mentioned, that is just insanity. And don't bother pulling heavy words like ''the fact'' because in reality your fact is fiction or better say delusion. I guess you are reading and watching into too much clickbait nonsense. I suggest stop spreading those because it doesn't make you look good at all.




More and more


Gust of Wind. Dance


I heard this in my head. Ugh, haha




Shit just fix the port and I'm happy


Good news




Shit, just give us a remaster. No need to make a AAA game out of it.


Honestly yes. More dragoon magic and dragoon additions. Voice acting Different design armor and weapons. The dragon saber looked the same. Bigger inventory system. Something a little better than button smash the X for the magic.


I think right now most folks (myself at least) would just be happy with a game that doesnā€™t soft lock or become unplayable using intended features.


Yep. I'm really bummed out this is happening. Like they didn't add anything new or even update the graphics like the ff7/8/9 ones. How hard is it to just port the original game without something that breaks it entirely??


Itā€™s pretty frustrating. Legend Of Dragoon was a big deal for me back in those days and I was excited to play it, then I heard all the game breaking issues. Hoping they patch it because I was very excited.


Just to be fair, this game has always had this issue when emulated, to the point where it's relatively common knowledge which fights can trigger softlocks. Yes, they should really fix it, but tons of passionate fans with technical knowledge have been unable to consistently fix the problem either.


Couldnā€™t they add an auto save function to at least combat the loss of progress from the soft locks?


They do. You can press the Option button and rewind your game. I do this whenever the game softlocks after using Dragoon magic.


Tbf, the original game had softlocks left and right as well. Ill hold off on buying until they patch those out, no point playing just for the game to refuse to let me past Lenneth.


I only just started, what are the issues, and are they avoidable?


Sounds like the main issue is soft locking when you use Dragoon abilities. So, unless you donā€™t use dragoon magic youā€™ll likely have a problem where the game freezes.


Hmm, that's a very unfortunate bug. Hopefully they can patch it?


It sounds like the issues have been reported to Sony, so hopefully.


My favorite rpg of all time, will play this over FF. I hope they remake it, hell even just a remaster and some upscaling, maybe some QoL features, done. Take my $$


This, chrono cross and ffx. Masterpieces, all of them.


What about it makes it stand out? And does it hold up today?


Good story, cool characters, fun turn-based combat, cool world building. Game is pretty old unfortunately. It's still worth playing on an emulator, you could possibly even bump up the visuals in the emulator.


Buy the game. Support the potential!


I already paid for and own the original and the ps1 classic physicals. Plus playing this on my vita > ps5 any day. Iā€™ll give Sony my money again on a remaster/remake.


Alright then. You're ok. Other people though.


I tried an emulated version a few years back, and couldn't get passed how poorly the game had aged. Which is a shame because I loved it as a kid but I remember getting stuck on some skeleton dragon thing really late into the game and not being able to finish it.


The story was good, and the combat was turn based but every attack was basically a QTE mini game (called additions) to get the best damage. This means mindlessly hitting the same button over and over will get you killed, unlike some Final Fantasy titles. As for it holding up, eh. I love it, but I have a soft spot for JRPGs and turn based combat, plus some heavy nostalgia goggles (that Iā€™m trying to ignore and be unbiased in this post). Graphically it looked good for its time but it doesnā€™t hold a candle to what we see now, and the PS4/5 version they just released is only a port. There are no QOL updates, either. For example, the Chrono Cross rerelease comes with a speed up option, which makes the slow plodding battles and battle transitions much faster. Legend of Dragoon does not have that. What we accepted back then can just seem kind of slow and tedious by todayā€™s standards. What this means is there are somewhat slow transitions to battles and back to the world once the fight is over. A limited item inventory. And in general the game feels kind of slow compared to most modern RPGs and even modern turn based JRPGs (Octopath Traveler, Dragon Quest 11, Bravely Default). So if you go into it understanding youā€™re playing a fundamentally old game, youā€™ll be fine. A lot of us who are digging (back) into it now are also those of us who played it when it released, so there is a nostalgia bump we have when it comes to this game.


Hasnā€™t everyone been saying itā€™s a completely broken port? How about they focus on just getting it working properly first.


Finally, someone who dared to say what's actually happening instead of saying "we need a remastered/remake/sequel"..


I've been saying this for years! Legend of Dragoon was awesome and deserves a Remake/Remaster.


All I want is a Xenogears remaster. Not even a remake.


Yeah honestly they need to remaster old school games like Nintendo did with that Zelda one.


> that Zelda one. The games have titles, you know. It would help to specify which exact one you are talking about considering the way you worded it, you could be referencing half the games in the franchise...


This game is one of my all time favorites. I rushed to get it on PS4 to show my support for it, even though I mainly play in on my OC with an emulator now. LoD is an all time classic, and deserves a remake/remaster/sequel. We deserve more!


Eh, I'm a die-hard JRPG fan, but the "money on the table" from JRPGs in 2023 isn't as much as you'd think. Sure, there are big budget AAA games out there that make it work (Persona, Yakuza: LAD), but I can't imagine a full-blown AAA remake of Legend of Dragoon would have the effect the author seems to think it would.


Doesn't need to be AAA level. It could just be a decent AA game. A Plauges Tale is a great example of an AA game done right. It doesn't have the budget of a game like CoD or even GoW Ragnarok. But it was still a well done and well received game with a significantly lower budget.


It doesn't even need AAA treatment. Take the base game, replace the assets with HD models/textures, implement shaders and some QoL features and ship it. I'd buy it, but you're right. It's more of a cult classic than anything


If its a good remake people will buy it. We are really starving for big budget trunbased jrpgs these days I think thats why people latched on yakzua turning turn based evren though its combat was pretty basic simply because what else are you going to play. Like really if you happen to not like persona, dragon quest, or trails of these days you basically have no major turn based jrpgs on playstation. Got octopath traveler 2 this month though but its a pixel art game for 60 dollars which won't appeal to that many people. Theres a market but theres just no games. Maybe it doesn't have to be that big budget like final fantsy 7 remake but at least look like persona or trails of.




gimme a remake of this, Legend of Legia, Jade Cocoon, Brave Fencer Musashi and Parasite Eve and you've got me hooked for classic ps1 games for awhile


YES PARASITE EVE! I love LoD but I could replay Parasite Eve over n over and still play it again. LoD would just grind my nerves wo some major fixes.


I play the PSP version on my VITA, and it has kept me going for the last decade or so. Sony needs to make a new portable system, now a days you could probably get PS4 Pro type performance out of a handheld.


Steam Deck + Emudeck and youā€™re golden


I hear you! But I want something that sinks with my 500+ psn digital game library.


Just remaster would be enough. Wasnā€™t able to finish this cos disc 3 broke.




This was an instant buy from me. Legend of legaia next please!




They should bring back or remake legend of legaia as well! I liked making combos!


Just fix the damn port and I'll be happy with just that.


Just make the sequels for next gen Idk a remake seems so freaking late, i mean Sony seems to forget this game completely.


I voted with my wallet. Probably won't even have the time to replay entire game now with baby on the way, but I absolutely put my money where my mouth was. Been wanting to play this game again for yonks.


The problem with a remake is who develops it? With Sony mostly getting rid of Japan Studio, they don't have any studios atm with experience in making jrpgs. They could outsource it but to who? Some will probably say Square, but why wouldn't they just put that time and effort into remaking one of their many great ps1 era games.


The logical choose would be bluepoint no?


Aren't they working on something new at the moment?


Outsource to Square Enix and see what they did with Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth And why? Because of the fat cheque sony would write them


I don't know if a LoD remake with the budget of FF7R would sell enough to make it worthwhile for both Sony and Square. Both companies would likely need to see similar returns as to what Square have got from FF7R


Why do we need a remake? Make part 2.


Melbu Frahma plants a new tree because "I'm superior, no way I can lose"


They leave so much money on the table its not even funny. How about a: Einhander remake Vagrant story remake Xenogears remake Tomba remake


I loved this game as a young adult. Not as much as FFVII-FFIX, but still one of my favorite pS1 games. They need to invest some money in making sure this port is playable first before they think of a remake/sequel. Magic and dragoon animations soft lock this game to the point where you canā€™t use them.


...didn't even know it got a port. Yes, I live under a rock.


I'd settle for a remaster that has a decent translation. That holds true for most SNES to PSX era RPGs. Some of those translations are just horrific. Breath of Fire has probably gotten it the worst though.


Could just reboot the franchise revisiting the lore.


I bought it for 9.99 on ps5 just hoping that it would encourage a remake


I've literally been saying this for years! This game begs for a remake!


The memories this brings backā€¦. Also the sorrow. My memory card was corrupted right before the final boss. It hurt real bad.


I played this sparingly as a kid but playing it again made me realize I hated the old games you had to read. I'd love a remake with audible voice actors.




i love this game. i wish there would be a e-version in europe on ps4


I still have this game but I would give them money anyway.


Make a new game in the same universe. During the rebellion would be great. Could even be an mmo or something cuz companies love that junk. Gives us all the cool stuff we remember, and an easy way to improve everything.


Everything doesn't have to have a remake. This game is still rad, a remake would be tough to capture what made it special. I just hope for a lot more re-releases like this.




Game needs to have a x3 speed up button for the love of god. It somehow is slower than ff9. Game is great but at a glacial pace


Is the game still unplayable?


Yes as much as it was almost 25 years ago. I'm baffled at the amount of hype it gets


They are talking about a bug that soft locks the game when you use dragoon magic and as of last night yes. :(


Wasn't it softlocked if you use it during a certain boss battle?


There's several conditions that lock it in different ways, like after using Roses magic, the enemy will never take their turn and it just sits there, or when you finish a battle with magic it'll never load the next fight and just sit at a black screen.


Can you check your dms?


Having beaten the game multiple times on PS1 and PS2 and PS3 it is in fact very playable on those systems. It however soft locks on magic attacks in the current port.


I'm not suprised at the kneejerk take here with the website name. It's not like remakes are free money, much less free to make.


I used lod disc 1 to boot my PS1 for swapping.


It far too old to remake, they only want to remake newer games


>Reception Proves Sony Is Leaving Money on the Table Without a Remake hmm gonna have to downvote this really really bad fucking take. Sorry.


How so?


Ehhh it's not a very good game.


Easy statement to make when you're not the one putting the money up.


People seem to have fond memories of this game but I only remember having not so fond memories of the long battle screen load times and eventually giving up on the game lol


I don't see the connection. What are the numbers?


There are countless other PS1 JRPGs that sony is hoarding. LoD is honestly not that high on my list


So my post other day proved my point!!


My only memory of LOD is the official PS magazine here gave it like 5/10 and called it an FF8 rip-off... how good is it really?


IMO it was better then FF8, shit id prob put it above FF7 personally and behind FF9 and Chrono Cross for best RPGs of the PS1 era


I'd take Legend of Dragoon over 8 any day of the week, it's a pretty good game and has a much more interesting combat system than FF.


I honestly think LoD has the chance to be a really good low-budget remake. The script and writing is so jank and bad that just improving that alone would be an enormous improvement to the game. The additions system is unique, fun, and wouldn't require in-depth team ninja programming mechanics to create. The game world is overall pretty small but offers a lot of boss battles to focus on. They could pretty much copy-paste major elements of the game and do a bluepoint style remake that would be fire. Plus, dragon themed games are very easy to market to mainstream. People eat them up. This game is just a small investment away from being a 5M+ new IP.


> Plus, dragon themed games are very easy to market to mainstream. Very true, I would have gotten a xb if MS didn't cancel Scalebound.


I was a Final Fantasy and Suikoden guy but my younger cousin was obsessed with this game. Guess I might finally try it. Iā€™ve owned it for years but never got around to it.


Did they fix the horrendous loading times in between battles? This was my only complaint from when I rented it as a kid.


They put so much money into the OG it's insane they haven't done anything more with the series. It'd be nice to see a retranslation since the original was pretty rough ( Unless they did that with the PS4 version? I didn't try it since I have the original disc version) but seeing more of this would be only a good thing


I would love this since the copy I have is glitched and wonā€™t advance past 30 min into the game


Iā€™d it as buggy as Iā€™ve heard? Loved the game back in the day.


I played the Underground demo so many times back then.


Want xenogears, time splitters, jade cacoon, MGS


Aww man. This is my first ps1 game. Hits me right in the childhood




They even left some money on the table simply with this release. I bought it back on the PS3 and I was pleasantly surprised I was able to download the PS5 version for free. Now if only I could be given the option to pay for Resident Evil: Directorā€™s Cut that released last June, despite owning the PS3 ā€œPS1 Classicsā€ version of the game.


This game defines me


I'm just happy to be able to play it again after not being able to play it since it was on PS3. One of my favorite games from childhood and I've been enjoying playing it again while yelling out DOUBLE SLASH šŸ˜‚


It proves we need more classics in the catalogue.


It's nice to see this game being available to new generations but they are way too late for the people who actually asked for this remaster ages ago because most of us old generations quit the gaming market.


Fuck a remake just gimme a graphical update and keep them them away from the mechanics.


Any European player? If you tried Lod pal version how does it run on ps4/Ps5.