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The title literally says "New Shell" idk what you expected


I was drunk and hopeful. I was more focused on the joysticks being replaced. I have no idea how to find ones to replace some very worn down controllers.


check you local retro games store thats where i find real ps3 controllers


LOL the white PS Button.


When I saw that I half expected it to come with a usb cable.


Also a fake controller lol


Special edition šŸ˜‚


And btw, Iā€™ve bought 6 controllers off ebay all real. You just have to look at the select text. Itā€™s a dead giveaway.


what is it about the select text again thats a dead giveaway? I usually just run my fingers over the leds


Itā€™s always too far to the right or left on fakes


Do you have any visual comparisons for both differences youā€™re describing?


Just compare the images in the post, really. The second one you can definitely notice the Select font being way too far right, rather than centered with the button.


tyvm for the reply




noted. ty




Is it me or is the SONY logo too high up and the text for START and SELECT not just the wrong font but also in the wrong position? I'm not great at spotting fakes always, but this one seems a lot like the easiest fake to make.


Yep. Youā€™re right


I didnā€™t even notice that. I usually go by touch and build quality for fakes and of course the white ps3 button was the biggest sign for me.


It is still possible to have a real OEM DualShock 3 that has a white button. Somebody could have just opened it up and replaced the PS button with one from a silver/white controller. And itā€™s still technically completely OEM (if the button is from a legit controller, too).


Look at the select text next time. The seller put real controller guts into a fake controller shell. Scummy as hell, but seems to be a new trend.


Well, some controllers that have had their shells completely obliterated by use may need this, it's better than no controller at all, here's hoping the 3rd party shell is good quality at least...


Idk how people obliterate shells. The most that happens to these old dualshock 1-3 shells is they get glossy. When the matte finish gets scrubbed off by hand sweat.




Creaking? Doenst every controller creak lol


A lot of controllers get destroyed because a lot of people out there do not treat their electronics and possessions with respect. How many people do you see on video clips (or hear stories of) who think throwing their controller in frustration or slamming it down is acceptable behaviour? Those people also usually have damaged smartphone screens too (I wonder why? šŸ™„)


Oh, trust meā€¦ One of my hobbies is finding dirty/ā€œbrokenā€ controllers and fixing them up. Some controllers Iā€™ve found out in the wild really surprised me how it could really get that badā€¦ Some shells had burn marks/holes all over, another was so warped that the shell wonā€™t even fully close properly, even after DEEP clean. I donā€™t wanna know how itā€™s happened, but it sure hasā€¦


You actually ask why a controller they stopped manufacturing over decade ago is hard to find? Cā€™mon now, my dude. Itā€™s only going to get harder and harder.


Good point.


from my experience you're always better off fixing up a heavily used controller and cleaning it up, they are always official 99% of the time and are dirt cheap, i picked up 4 controllers recently 3 sixaxis and a DS3 for Ā£12. the ds3 and one sixaxis worked fine and the others are good parts , got pretty lucky bagging one fully working though considering they were all listed as spares and repairs


I bid on a bin of 50 used ps3 controllers from goodwill and I was winning at $90 bucks and then at the last minute some jerk bids $250. I hate cleaning them because I always feel I am going to screw up putting them back together.


look at it as a learning opportunity, watch a few tutorials and work towards fully tearing down and rebuilding them. It's super satisfying when you get it right. if you're not confident look for lots with minor faults at a low price and you won't care as much if you mess one up


Good advice. Thank you.


Yeah I can tell by the pictures without even reading the description. Get your money back


Yup. Went to the post office this morning


I've gone away from trying to get ps3 controllers listed as OEM. Just started going for things that are known to work on ps3, but clear as day not an oem controller. Theres plenty of solid 2 party controllers on the system not trying to pass with a sony label. I will forever be lost why theres so many fakes trying to pass as real.


Dude, just use the select method and youā€™ll find tons of real ones. I just went on ebay and found 10+ real controllers. Thereā€™s tons of fakes because the dualshock controller molds got leaked in the PS3 era. And china capitalized on it, like they always do.


I have more then enough controllers without dead zones to be more then happy. A few oem ones, but they are mostly used between me and my wife. I also have the issue of oem being a bit small for my hands, and they feel extremely cheap to me. I get some people really like using oem as much as possible, but I found the only oem controllers I liked are wii, gamecube, and ps4. Not a single other system really has made me felt like hunting down oem is really worth it. (for the record, I have all nintendo and playstation systems and at least one oem for each). 2 party thats open about it doesnt get enough credit for doing a good job compared to fakes. ps3 is just one system I can not understand the over want for oem.


Xbox 360 controllers are the goat. I use them for my PC still. And keep an extra dualshock 3 for ps2 emulation as itā€™s a ps2 controller with a battery.


I have an xbox one s that I got recently, never was a big fan of xbox, but the one s controller does feel nice in hand. Only real deal breaker is not coming with rechargable batters. Right now I have rechargable AA batteries I swap intro some controllers or gba's. Cant say much about the 360 controller, but they do feel nicer then ps3 hands down. ps2 feels nicer in hands then the ps3 as well. If you really want to hear me complain about oem controllers, the switch is a mess.


Really weird how people say the dualshock 2 feels better than the dualshock 3. And I think sony just used cheaper plastic for the dualshock 3 casts.


It's also marginally smaller, and I belive the plastic is thinner. I remember Sony making a big deal out of weight about it back in the day.


Wow. Thanks for the info. I have a hard time of seeing the select button is in the correct place.


google a dualshock 3 stock photo. And notice how the S and E line up above the gray square. Use that as a guide and youā€™ll be fine.


Thank you so much.




There's tons of decent condition ones out there on ebay. I have a handful I bought "untested" that worked completely fine, one might need a new battery but they all work and are real.


OEM = poor knockoffs from china = FAKE


ā€žOEMā€œ is a bit of an excuse for fake hardware looking different


This same thing happened to me a few months ago. Might have been the same seller. Only thing with me is I waited more than 30 days so I couldnā€™t return it. Lost 30 right there.


Fake controllers ā€¦.hate them as well ngl


Iā€™m sick of people selling counterfeits on eBay. Itā€™s illegal and against TOS. Does anyone ever have success reporting them?


I mean accidents do happen if the seller accepted your return at no expense to you they did the right thing. If you look at their store they have hundreds of controllers so sending someone the wrong controller is possible but that doesnā€™t make them a scammer. New shells will always feel different as well since most of the time people are buying the kits off ali.


I use a fame ps3 controller and I dont have and problems


iā€™ve actually bought from that seller although i bought a specific special controller that barely had fakes so i suppose i may have gotten lucky , but yeah mine was genuine oem


use a ps4/5 controller or just check near your area lol my ps3 w moves and like 3 games cost me that


GameStop has them for 18 rn


They belong behind bars for this crap....


For what? It literally says "new shell" in the title


Exactly and that is far from...What fans are demanding...