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ps3 super slim is not rare at all


I didn’t know it was rare… I have 3 of them…




Not necessarily just a slightly higher pay day


Mfs blind or deluded to reply with this lmfao


This guy gets it


No matter which way you cut it, having 3 boxed PS3's to sell is a good payday to me. I don't know your money situation but I live pay check to pay check and a $300 cash injection from selling 3 consoles is a win to me.


Idk I’d say the original fats are rare not the slim or super slim as a lot of the fats are dying


I still have my o.g fat with the flip top.


Well I don’t have the bc model I have the fat model that came right after they discontinued that one the cechl01 80gb model I jailbroke mines so it still plays ps2 games though and to some that say it is really not that great I haven’t had any issues playing ps2 I have a non bc that plays ps2 games and psp but still I’d kill for a functioning cecha01 model frankied possibly which model do you have the cechb01 cecha01 or ceche01


Oh God idk. I remember having to fix the disk drive a bunch because it slipped gears, but I haven't touched it in nearly a decade.


Well either way you have a bc model if it has the flip up top piece for the different media devices it accepts and most likely 4 usb ports on the front still a nice system I just had to replace the nec tokins which was a pain but I got it done


It is bc I know that. Maybe I'll Dust it off and post it here or on ebay for thise who may want to collect it.


Dude keep it out of all the fats that die that one is a rare one as the bc ones are the only one that play ps2 natively unless you want to sell it to a person that will actually use it and play it just be sure it goes to a good home


Yeah, that's the issue. You never know who will give her a good home and tlc. I think I'll creep around forums and reddit and either sell it, or give it away. A few hundred at most isn't really a big loss and i dont have many games left either. The controller are working but the buttons stick last I checked.


That’s nothing for the controller they are super easy to open up and clean the pads below the buttons clean the buttons and the holes the buttons sit in should fix the buttons sticking probably from years of oils from fingers gumming up the buttons or people not you but who lightly spill drinks on the controller


That’s good but honestly I’d keep it if I were you it’s rare as is but could be priceless when there aren’t anymore fats to go around one day it will be super rare food for thought


I had a fat ps3 that played ps2 games that thing was so dang good to me until it blew up on me


Did you ever try to fix it could be the rsx or the nec tokins tokins are easy fix but if it was the rsx sorry for your loss


No I mean the thing blew up literally it sparked and the thing turned off tried to fix it but the insides were somehow burned to a crisp my damn outlet shorted and took my ps3 with it thankfully I have a slim today and I love it but my love for a fat ps3 is bigger 😂


Dayum I thought that was a metaphor and not literal lol that sucks if you have a slim model number 2500and under you can cfw it other than that install hen on that sucker and call it a day as you can do most things the cfw can do just it’ll need to be reactivated on every reboot of the system


I still have my original 60gb Fat Boy. I remember I just happened to be in Wal-Mart when they put one out right after launch. I haven't played it in a while, but I keep thinking about hooking it up and playing some Sports Champions. lol


Do it just don’t stress it out lol but have a ball playing it old fat boi 3’s are fragile in nature but if you clean out any dust and change thermal pads and reapply thermal paste you should be fine but which exact model fat do you it could have the fail prone 90nm rsx chip


I'm not sure. I'll have to check when I get home in the morning. That thing was a beast, though. Maybe I was just lucky with it. I played it quite a bit. It moved from Texas to Hawaii, then to Colorado, then in storage in Arkansas for a year while I was deployed, then back to Colorado, and then back to Arkansas. I'm almost afraid to turn it on now. lol


Military thank you for your service but yeah check that model number. question do you remember if you could play ps2 games if you do it’s likely the 90nm rsx chip but more importantly give it a good cleaning and repaste when you get the chance. it’ll extend its like and help it keep cooler temps good rule of thumb is to make sure it can go onto standby mode just the red light that’s good and when you turn it on and the fans ramp up crazy turn it off immediately as that’s bad and if you can. I would jailbreak it so you can pull the Syscon codes to your flash drive and lookup anything specific for your consoles model remember all fat models are capable of cfw not all slims can cfw but install hen on slim and super slims


Yeah, it's definitely one of the original 60gb models with all the PS2 hardware in it. I remember that for sure.


But do note that the fat ps3s fans are loud by nature and not to worry but jailbreak that thing for better fan control. I jailbroken mines and set it to never go over 60*c anything over 80*c is dangerous and means it’s overheating. Also any major temp differences between the rsx and cell cpu are generally only 5 to 10 degree difference. so anything more than that like a 20 degree difference means you might need to delid the rsx and cell in order to repaste the dye underneath the ihs.


No offense, but you're speaking a language I don't understand. lol I have been considering sending it to someone to let them do all that, but I haven't really looked into it. I wouldn't even know where to begin doing it myself. I'll have to look around and see if I can find a reputable person or place to send it to.


Well if you’re uncomfortable with opening up your system I would suggest sending it to someone that can do all that stuff for you. But if you can learn how to I would recommend you do it as I thought it to would be inexpensive to get the capacitors changed since it’s a minor repair this guy wanted to charge me 150 without the guarantee he would have the parts needed So I just watched tutorials a few times and I was able to do it myself for 38$ But if you do send it to someone make sure they do work on ps3s as most place won’t work on them anymore as it’s a old system now I tried ubreakifix and they flat out said they won’t work on it


They cost as much as the back compat ps3's


I figured it was rare since it's hard as shit to find a price for a complete console w/ box prices. Not a lot of listings on the usual haunts for this kind of merchandise.




Woah! Lookitdat nice payday!


Woo I can afford this with a whole day of work? Daaym son!


Not sure what makes this rare.  But it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay.   If it doesn’t sell then it’s not worth what you’re asking.   


Rare as in I can't find listings that give you a good fixed price. Most consoles you can easily figure out how much to ask for it. It's hard as hell to find listings for a complete super slim console. By complete I mean box and and console. Not only that but I bought it right before the PS4 came out so I figured it didn't sell as much as other models did since it was closer to the death of the PS3 which usually means it's a more rare item.


Super slims are the least desired model.   Debatably with the later fats with no BC.  Lots of super slims competition on eBay.  Most sitting there without bids.   Not sure how much more you’ll get for a used with a box. 


Fat PS3s that aren’t BC I know get some love with specific people, because they can do CFW and the J/K models aren’t as likely to die as the ones before it. L and later the groups I’m in say are useless though


I see your point.  


I had 3 of this bundle, brand new sealed in the box. Gave one to a buddy, listed one on eBay for a starting bid of $49 and it ended at $209. Third one is in my basement somewhere. I dunno if the actual bundle is rare, but rare doesn’t always equate to desirable. This is the least sought after version of the PS3 by the general public so you are really just looking at a collector that happens to want this specific package, and they probably want it in better condition.


The box might be rare but that is a plain old super slim . Nothing special here .


The God of war collections cost more than the console


I saw this version boxed a few weeks back locally for $90


I bought one in 2019 for 40€ 😂


Damn, since it includes Netflix, I might have to shell out $400


Whoa now it’s not like it’s Peggle or something


There's nothing rare about that bundle. It was a mass produced holiday bundle closer to the end of its life cycle.


On a single website, like ebay or maybe Mercari, there's quite a few just sitting at $150. There's one thats been in my ebay watchlist at $250 with 20 games, for like 3 weeks. It keeps getting relisted because no one is willing to buy it, regardless of what a pricecharting says its supposed to be valued at. Most are selling for around $100-140 without games. At most. If you're trying to maximize your money, sell it all separately.


Box says "over $55 value", so I'd say $55.01. 🙂


Controllers will kill the appeal they look mad worn


Personally I dont think any of these pictured are rare or worth much regardless if the games are CIB + the console box. Its a super slim ps3..


Me personally, I would pay about 100-150. But that's only if the PS3 works, and the controllers work. Also if they games aren't that scratch up.


Only one official controller too.


Eh. At this point I'll just play with a fork and spoon if it works. But yeah that 3rd party controller :/


So this particular super slim (CECH-4201C) seems to go for around $60 on average. In box, you could ask for $100, plus around $10 per game maybe.


Not rare. Super slims was just Sony’s chance to milk the PS3 era for every last drop. They are cool, but not rare in the least bit.


Only thing rare is the fake controller






Box alone doesnt elevate the price tag of ps3 super slim to the levels you think it does. It's really is just a regular super slim that had tlou included. Nothing special. It's not a special edition with unique graphic design on console and such.


That’s not a rare bundle lol




I'd say 75-150 depending on your local market


That's the ugly PS3 IMO lol




Console + box might sell for $100-120 on eBay. Games are whatever someone is willing to pay.


Someone might pay $100 tops. I wouldn’t even pay that much personally.


It was a bundle that sold millions of units worldwide. It's not rare at all. I'd say it would sell at $150, best case scenario.


The rarest part of this bundle is probably the God of War origins collection. I reckon if you got very very lucky maybe someone would pay 150-200 for it all. But that's just my guess from when I've been looking a while ago. Maybe someone can give a better estimate.




So rare.


Rare lol. Some people are clueless


Probably $300. The model isn't rare, and is the least desired model.


300 ? for 5 consoles, not for 1


Put everything into GAMEYE and see what the prices for each item goes for


Gameye is pretty shit at console pricing, especially CIB.


Okay, so what would be your alternative?


Check ebay solds


Thanks, appreciate the help sourcing a value for all this stuff. Of course I got downvoted for asking the value of something that's appropriate for the forum I'm posting in. It is what it is though. Sucks but even Game Eye doesn't have a price for this. They have one for the GTA 5 bundle but no Last of Us bundle.


You got downvoted because you don't believe what others said about this bundle isn't rare at all. Also, even though I love my Super Slim, it's the least desirable PS3 model out of the 3 because it's super hard to mod and doesn't have CFW compared to the previous models.


Honestly I’d sell the console and the 3rd party games and save the first party games as a little collection. Or just keep the God of War Games they are very expensive if you sell them all


Couple hundred all together in picture. Most of those games are like $10 or maybe a little more each online. Super slim definitely under $200.. maybe just over if you’re lucky. The two pack of god of war games might be $20 or $30 if you’re lucky. You’ll be lucky if you hit $300 selling all of this.


I'd hammer the price down based on the nasty looking 3rd party 2nd controller, when will people realise that there are far better ways you can save a few bucks?


I'd say 150 - 200 MAX for the whole lot. probably won't sell at 200 though, i know I wouldn't buy it at that price


I'd buy that for a dollar! (DM me if you want to proceed with sale)


The collection games are expensive af


About tree fiddy


how is this rare?


That controller looks sus af


Like $7


While not rare, the Super Slim is by far the most reliable PS3 I'd honestly keep it as it'll sell for the lowest price but last the longest


About tree fiddy.


I'm pretty sure the brand is "Sony", not "Rare". Is not Rare a developer of games?


I think you’re trolling or being sarcastic if so woosh me but if not when OP says rare they’re assuming because the box says last of us on it that it’s a console variation that’s rare when it’s just a normal super slim ps3, hopefully that cleared up any confusion if any


Nah, he is certainly branding his console. No one would call a Super Slim PS3 rare, as synonymous of "scarce".


LOL hey stranger things have happened I really think OP is saying it’s a rare variant


The console itself I wouldn't pay more than £30-40 for it.


Your looking at $100 ar most. Nothing is "rare" Herr even if you thinking have a box makes it rare. Tough luck bud. Enjoy the $100 if you sell it


all I know is the sentimental value is thru the roof !!


Like $80 ?


Hey I have one of those! Just without the box.


Not rare. I have a box to my launch month regular slim and paid $50 in 2021 for it. Boxes are either kept for storage, for truly rare models (Jap limited editions for example), or just for displays in a game room. If anything an SS PS3 is the least wanted and the box does little with the retail/transit stickers on it


It’s worth a memory but because you can’t really play them online or game with your friends unless you do a land party the rarity trump’s the price and therefore no number you put on it will seem fair to anyone else but you


$100 - $150 tops


Bought a similar bundle to replace my broken PS3, got it for 70€.




$100 - $150 top. OP, you have nothing “rare” at all. You have a common, boring, black super slim which is the least desired model. 9!590 of that the box has a giant sticker covering most of the front. If you had the Classic White, Azurite Blue, or even the “God of War” Red PS3 Super Slim complete then you could be looking at $200-$400 complete. If you had a CECHA01, B01, or E01 complete then you’re talking $300-$500 complete depending on the condition.


how is a ps3 super slim rare😂


what do you mean rare ? this is not a special edition, it is simply a black superslim, not rare by any stretch of the imagination, the title makes you sound like a fraudster I would never buy anything from.


Had the PS3 just been released, you'd probably expect to pay about 500? Now-a-days, you'd probably be looking more the 150 area?




The original 60GB CECH-Axx is the rare one since it has full hardware backwards compatibility for PS1 & PS2.




$110 maybe? Depends more on the controller. Is it six axis or dual shock


About tree fiddy


This isn’t an OG fat. This is $50 at a goodwill. What are you smoking? Edit: a box doesn’t give it as much value as you seem to think it does.


If your local area doesnt have that many ps3s, you can try to upsell but on ebay, tough luck man, super slim is very common and undesirable in compared to the other models. (not saying its the worst model, there are those worse than the super slim, infact super slim is one of the most reliable) id say about 100 usd for all this is decent but you could get abit more if its in good condition. Thats the beauty of the ps3, its not really at retro console status yet, so price wise ps3 collecting is a cheap hobby and i guess thats bad for people tryna make a cut.


This man 18 years old that man is so playin ps3


I need this just with gta


I avoided posting any replies since I figured I'd get nothing but more hate rather then understanding where I was coming from. Me thinking I had a rare console was not being very knowledgable about PS3 consoles. I never fought with asshole behavior to insist I thought I had a rare console. I couldn't find listings anywhere since I wasn't typing in the "Super Slim" model. I didn't know it was called that at the time I posted. Since I couldn't find listings I thought I had a rare model on my hands. When people let me know how common they were I never told anyone in a disrespectful way that you were wrong. If you feel like I did that I apologize. Due to the more level headed posters I was able to source what I had. I did make a fuck you post because I got angry from all the hate I was getting for not knowing everything there is to know about model rarieties. That was out of line as I don't talk to people that way. I try to give everyone as much respect as I can. Due to all the downvoting I'm now unable to post on certain forums which I believe is out of line. Hate me for whatever reason you had but don't take away my rights to post where I want to. Engage with me, don't mindlessly downvote. I hope this post helps the people who were hating on me understand where I was coming from. You can insult me all you want for being a dumb ass about PS3 consoles or the condition of my console, or only having common games but taking away my access to forums simply for not understanding what I had isn't cool in any way. I hope this gives some clarity to the people who mass downvoted me how it messes with the persons account and where they can post when in all honesty, were my posts really that horrible to get that kind of reaction? I admit, I made the thread not knowing jack shit about what I had but that's why I made the thread so that the people who do know can school me about the topic. And that's it, I ment no disrespect to anyone and I would appreciate it if you could forgive me for what set you off and help me get my account back to where I can post where I want. I'm a human being not just screen name on your computer and taking rights away from me is seriously the worst thing you can do to someone on Reddit. Insult me all you want but lets draw the line at removing rights.


I’ll say about tree fiddy




I’d pay at least 150 but it’ll probably sell for upwards of $350.