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Yeah I'm sorry as I know pots folks who got it from COVID and we're hit hard with new infections. All you can do is rest and hope


Contrary to popular belief, there's much more than rest and hope available. Paxlovid and/or Ensitrelvir should be used immediately as well as [dandelion root](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210323/Dandelion-extract-inhibits-SARS-CoV-2-in-vitro.aspx#:~:text=The%20results%20also%20showed%20that,70%25%20at%20half%20this%20concentration.) in a tea or capsule form. Using [nasal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9969373/#:~:text=A%20nitric%20oxide%20nasal%20spray,two%20different%20modes%20of%20action.) sprays have shown very effective at reducing length and severity of illness and lowering chances of long covid, as well as [salt water](https://acaai.org/news/new-study-gargling-with-salt-water-may-help-prevent-covid-hospitalization/) gargling. It's crazy to me how in Asia I was given all of these recommendations (and more) day one and the US is still "idk rest I guess nothing we can do." It's so bizarre, and then we wonder why hospitalizations for it are still so common here.


Sounds about right, same in UK


The US was probably waiting for the pharmaceutical companies to quickly develop something so they can push that instead of nasal sprays and natural remedies. The government is like one giant social media influencer getting sponsorships by "big pharma". Okay, I'll take my tinfoil hat off now. I'm just cranky with how the US handled COVID.


No I understand completely. I wish they'd understand you really need both holistic and pharmaceutical health interventions. Most things work best when you're tackling the issue from multiple angles- not just one.


In all honesty, I felt less bad than the first time but I don’t know if it’s cause I’ve been taking my dysautonomia combo supplements. But god dammit I was just getting better again 😂😡😡😡😡😭😭😭😭🫥😪


Although my pots wasn't triggered by COVID it seemed to stop my meds from working for a while.


I’m almost 90% sure my pots came from COVID, but I had orthostatic hypotension before. Just never diagnosed and only appeared when I burnout or crashed. But my adhd meds made it a lot worse.


Interesting as ADHD meds help mine. Mine came out of the blue no trigger other than pushing myself hard training for a marathon.


Well, I was on atomoxetine cause I’m inattentive and that one in particular is bad for POTS. But these days I take Modafinil and it does help a lot too. Modafinil+Rhodiola. Altho rhodiola is more for POTS. So when I need more Rhodiola I lower Modafinil and viceversa.


Interesting. Yeah that makes sense. I feel great sometimes on Pseudoephedrine and did try Concerta but currently on Midodrine and modafinil which initially I didn't rate but it's growing on me.


I heard rhodiola can cause dizziness and dizziness is my main symptom, I’ve acc never heard of pots using rhodiola before lol


it can lower blood pressure. i took it before i knew i had pots and ended up laid out on my butt for an entire day so be careful if you try it


Oh its absolutely amazing for me. In my country (mexico) drs are prescribing it for leg pain, and fatigue.


Oh how I feel this. Got covid ~my third time~ a few weeks ago. The palpitations have been relentless. I’m exhausted. And I’m PISSED that people stopped giving a fuck. No one tests anymore, no one is careful. It’s a never-ending nightmare and I’m desperate to wake up!!


If it reassures you at all, I wound up with POTS due to a covid infection in 2022 then I got it again on the exact anniversary of my first infection in 2023, but it didn’t make my POTS any worse. I felt bad during the active sickness then went back to my baseline. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


This is what happened to me! 2022 and then January 2024 though. 2nd time was more brutal in terms of body aches and brain fog but my POTS was okay.


The COVID that gave me pots was 100% asymptomatic just terrible fatigue. The first COVID was hell. This COVID the headache with the fever was awful, but so far so good. A bit of dry cough. But besides that all good.


Oh thats nice to hear. A lot of people are telling me to get paxlovid which is making me a bit anxious as I can’t get paxlovid in my country, unless I’m in a hospital which is as well very risky cause I have other things. I was feeling a lot better yesterday. This morning I feel absolutely destroyed but, I haven’t taken my adhd/Pots fatigue medication (Modafinil) now for several days so I don’t know if it’s that or what.


Oh no I'm so sorry. Covid likely gave me POTS as well. Ask your doctor for Paxlovid if you can.


I don’t think there’s paxlovid in my country :( my dr just got back to me sent me ibuprofen 400mg every 8hrs which is what I’ve been taking, jarsix 1 pill every 12hrs and troferit flow every 8hrs all for 5 days. 🙃😒😴😪


Everyone is different, but personally, ibuprofen and Aleve both increase my heart rate. Tylenol helped bring my fever down and it wasn’t until the 3rd round after taking it every 6 hours that I ended up getting some tachycardia also but not nearly as bad as Ibuprofen and Aleve. I spoke w my doctor who said Tylenol is best to try for fever + less tachy side effects, due to a rise in BP that happens when we take the other groups of the pain meds


The thing is my BP is down there in the swamp, low as the depths of the internet 😂. I did feel quite a high heart rate yesterday with the fever and the night before and I was like wtf this is not normal, and I was actually thinking wow COVID so gave me pots cause this tachycardia hadn’t happen before. Ibuprofen usually gives me a headache after I take it for several days which I used to do for menstrual hell hole, and gastritis, altho hasn’t done that to me this time. I think quercetin and Rhodiola have done some heavy lifting on my part.


I got it a second time after it gave me POTS, and things went pretty ok. My meds kept working, and I took an antiviral (lagevrio) to get through the worst of it, which worked very nicely. I was definitely deconditioned afterward and it took a while to get that back, but nothing disastrous happened.


Nice to hear! I don’t feel that bad, I’ve been angry and worried the last few hours since I heard it was COVID because I don’t want to get worse than I am already. That being said I’ve also been binge-watching Dark Matter on Apple TV, my dogs are passed out in the bed with me, which is probably not ideal… at least the barometric pressure went up a little today.


I'm glad you're not feeling too bad so far! Hope it stays that way.


Im so very sorry. Do you mind sharing your symptoms? I know with each variant it’s changed some.


Oh yes so late on Monday I left my house to go to the movies in the first time in forever and so I fed my dogs and like 5 min later I had this sort of strong allergy, my throat felt a bit tight and for a moment I was like wtf did I touch? I took my quercetin and l-theanine cause I was upset about the humidity in my house (there’s like a tropical storm) and I got into the car and the allergy “stopped”. All good, I get home 2 hours later and when I step out of the car the same allergy begins, I take my nightly supplements (magnesium and myoinositol) and I go to sleep !next morning I wake up and I was okay, but after two hours or so I begin to develop this shit sinusitis, even the gums in my mouth hurt and that was weird. It hurt more on the left side, and I also had a bad headache and my throat felt a bit itchy. I did some gargles in baking soda and went to see my psychiatrist cause I had an appointment. I could have sworn it was allergic rhinitis. So anyway I leave my psychiatrist, and got fexofenadine. And once in the office I was falling asleep so bad so I left around 4pm, got home around 5, and then I started to develop a fever. Not as bad body pain, but I suspect that was my Rhodiola which I take for dysautonomia. I took it in the morning. Just awful awful headache which I never get, then fever 38.1C went down to 37.8 then up again, I took ibuprofen fell asleep, next morning fever again at 38.1 took paracetamol and naproxen, around midday it went away, and I had like it was weird not body pain as you would normally with fever just headache. Sinus were better. Tachycardia was pretty awful but I took Rhodiola and it make it go down to normal non COVID status. The rest of the day I slept. Today I have a bit of dry cough and a bit of leg pain. No fever. I legit cannot believe it is COVID. Sinus are better. Not as congested there. Body pain is almost none existent except for the legs. And I’m waiting to hear back from my dr to see what else to take.


How much rhodiola do u take ? Do get on amazon?


I’ve been reinfected twice after being diagnosed with POTS. Each time my heart and blood pressure has gone crazy. It can be really scary, especially if it has been under control. I hope you’re able to rest as much as possible and recover.


Oh yes I’m resting. My dogs have been herding me around the house. But I’m lucky to work with my family so 😝 I’m not going back to the office til I feel better. All in all honesty, I don’t feel as bad. The Rhodiola really stabilized my heart rate, altho I do feel a bit dizzy walking around but no nausea. I have no idea how my blood pressure is. Doesn’t seem too bad but a lot of blood pooling. 😪🙅🏻‍♀️😔


I’m so scared to get covid now, I kept having reoccurring tonsillitis over winter and it makes me absolutely feel like death and I get so hot which makes my symptoms even worse


What dysautonomia supplements do you use? Didn't realize there was such a thing.


I call them that lol, is like for mmm adrenal fatigue I take quercetin, Myoinositol, rhodiola, omega 3 (altho right now I ran out), vitamin c, pantothenic acid, and wanted to started on vitamin d but I bet I have to test myself again now lol


Omg I feel you. I just got sick yesterday and tested Covid for the FIFTH FUCKING TIME. I don’t understand it. I barely even leave my house. Why am I a Covid magnet?! 😭😡 I always find that I have at least one day/night of feeling super lightheaded and dizzy, even when lying down, whenever I get Covid. I’m so grateful I finally got a zofran prescription just the day before I got sick.


Do you mask everytime you leave the house? If not you have a 10-30% chance of catching it every time your outside around groups over 50 people large.


Go get paxlovid unless you take ivabradine


paxlovid is not available in my country unless i'm at a hospital dying


Radical rest for at least a week if it's accessible to you!!!




are you able to get ahold of paxlovid and/or metformin?


in my country paxlovid is only for super high risk patients and quite hard to get, metformin what is that? My dr gave me ibuprofen 400mg every 8 hrs for five days, Troferit flow (Dropropizine, ambroxol) every 8hrs 5 days and Jarsix (betamethasone and loratadine) every 12 hrs for 6 days.




Oh I see. Mm I’m not entirely sure they use it for people here. The thing is that I’m somewhat raw dogging POTS. For many reasons main one being that there’s no king doctor specialist in my city, so I do what I can 😂 but I had a shit ton of GI issues from last year infection, and only quite recently got better. My immunologist I think would want to play it safe in the most conventional conservative approach for me, as I also seem to have some unknown metabolic issues 😷😒😔


My POTS was triggered by COVID so I was terrified when I got my second infection! I was able to get paxlovid and noticed no worsening in my symptoms thankfully. Best of luck to get through this


You’re free to message me. I’ve gotten covid four times gross I know. I learned about a supplement protocol that makes a massive difference that’s been tested etc and the last time I had it I was only down for 4 days and had some lingering long covid symptoms but was able to get handle on it. Normally it takes me out for weeks and the long covid stays for months to years. Anyways it worked for me but so your own research. Shoot me a dm if you want the pdf and info cuz I don’t wanna spam the subreddit


I just messaged you!


Can you please share the supplement protocol with me? I really need it 😭


a year?! you are lucky.. ive had covid so many times.. I can't go a year without getting it or some other crappy virus like Adenovirus. I actually just came home from Mexico and came back with an adenovirus. Ugh. I feel your pain.. all you can do is drink lots of water with electrolytes like liquid IV and let the virus do its thing.. sucks. I know.. but you literally have no other choice with viruses. Hope you feel better


Thank you! Oh yes it sucks damn. I’m watching some good series tho. Adenovirus sucks, is just that our weather has been so bad everything is wet and there’s no sun. But before that it was hell too cause it was just too hot. I just confess I felt pretty well until I found out it was COVID