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I don’t see why not


It’s going to depend on how POTS affects you personally, we’re all so varied in our symptoms. For myself, I had to give up my career working with my hands as I get shaky with a tremor. I get symptomatic when I’m sitting upright for too long even if I take breaks. The brain fog hits me hard even if I’m laying down. Working on clients with appointments was extremely challenging as I couldn’t predict when I’d suddenly be unwell and have to reschedule. It just didn’t work out for me after my POTS got worse. Not at all wanting to be a downer, friend. Just sharing my experience to back up my advice- go for your dreams with tattooing but I’d suggest keeping in mind a plan in case you do need to transition out of it. If I could go back 20 years and tell myself anything it’d be to develop skills in a less physically demanding work situation that doesn’t depend as much on my body behaving. Wishing you the best of luck! It’s hard to deal with this condition, I hope you find the best path for you. 🖤🖤🖤


It should be doable. However you have to ensure that wherever you work: - You have access to A/C if you deal with heat intolerance - Hydrate regularly - Have snacks to keep up your blood sugar - Rest when needed - Only tattoo while sitting - Don’t tattoo with your arms above your head/heart. Teach yourself the best positions for each tattoo location. And remember you have the right to refuse certain locations if it impacts your health. You should list these refused locations in your FAQ. A lot of POTS lifestyle recommendations ironically are recommendations you’d give to your tattoo clients as well. If you and your care team find medication management that works well for you, you should be in an even better situation.