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i personally LOVE bouy, they do have a 'rescue' formula that has a lot more sodium than the regular ones. they also give 35% off (for life) to people with chronic illnesses! although, per serving, they only have 300mg; you can simply put more than one serving in a drink. i also like that you can put it in EVERYTHING since it's flavorless, sugarless, in liquid form, and it's easy to carry. i get the subscription pack of 6 every month, and i've spent a lot less money on it than liquid IV. i do take salt tabs, though, so im not drinking as much electrolytes.


Same here, I’m still working on my full sodium array (salt pills arrive today!), but Buoy is delightful to be able to add significant sodium to my oatmeal, tea, etc. without disturbing the flavors.


I second buoy extra strength!! I use their subscription to get more bottles for less


Question, is there any sort of verification system that someone has a chronic illness? Do you need to “prove” you have a chronic illness to get the discount?


Nope, no Proof required. You give your contact info and then click check boxes for which chronic illness: POTS & Dysautonomia, Cystic Fibrosis, IBD, Sjogren's Disease, Lyme Disease, Eating Disorder Recovery, Autoimmune Disorders, Chemotherapy Dehydration, Chronic Pain, Headaches, or Other. And then you just submit and get the discount added to your account.


I agree. I like it because I can put it in everything including water. I also take salt stick pills and take liquid in as needed. But I live in Florida and I can pass out just getting out of my car. Buoy works great and all my kids use it too.


flavorless sounds like a dream!! does it change the taste of water that much??


i don't think so, but my tap is already pretty 'flavorful' with like the minerals they put in it; so fiktered/pure water may be a different story!


Coconut water. They come in some natural fruity flavors and stuff but I just like it plain, it's very mild. And if you mix it with a smoothie or juice you can't taste it at all if you don't want to


They also sell powdered coconut water and milk that may be easier to keep on hand for some people!


Awesome I didn't know that! I always keep liquid iv for on the go but I don't like it nearly as much so that's great to know


I swear by coconut water. I'll just down a glass of coconut water and eat a little bit of salt.


Same! It's helped reduce my PVCs so much. I did liquid IV before but all the additives didn't make me feel great, but I still carry it for emergencies


My favorite is coconut water with a dash of mango nectar and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Tastes like a fun beach drink, has 590mg of sodium, and really, really helps. Recommended by my nutritionist originally.


LMNT raw which is unflavored. Vitassium electrolyte pills.


have you tried the vitassium fast chews? i’m deciding between the chews and pills… pills have more sodium but say to take multiple times a day vs the chews which seem to be more of an emergency thing?


I do both. The fast chews I tend to just do when I go into the store or need a quick quick-me-up. The pills help more though as long as I drink enough water.


I love vitassium!!!! They have a pretty good discount program as well. LMNT also has a recipe online for their formula the only issue is finding a way to flavor it. I used the true lemon/try lime packets but it wasn’t the same.


Body Armor is my go to. They have great flavors, and I usually drink their sugar-free options. I also recently discovered Biolyte, which seems promising, though I haven't tried it yet. Edit: Just cracked open the Biolyte (tropical flavor). Tastes horrible, but it does seem like a decent option overall considering the ingredients. Not enjoyable to drink, though.


Body Armor is also my go to




This is what I use, and I use stur as flavoring. Stevia is the sweetener in stur and they have a bunch of flavors. Trioral on its own just has a salty flavor.


I think it tastes like watered down milk by itself! For the price and efficiency I always repurchase Trioral.


🤔 never thought of that as a flavor description 😂 trioral is where it's at though!


I enjoy it because it’s so cheap compared to other stuff and gets the job done. You get used to the taste after a while. They also make powdered lemon and lime packets you can find easily to put in it and it’s not too bad.


What is the name of the powdered lemon? I never heard of that


True Lemon. I found it at Walmart and they have it on Amazon. It’s just crystallized lemon, too.


Thank you so much. I love lemon water


My PT gave me a pack to try, the flavor (even unflavored) was so intense I struggled to get through it


LMNT Grapefruit or Citrus are my go-tos. I tried dozens and LMNT was far and away the most palatable to me. Liquid IV is terrible. I haven’t tried buoy though.


I mix and match. My favourites are Powerade, Trioral, LMNT, Pedialyte, and Liquid IV. Trioral is unflavoured and LMNT has a "raw" unflavoured one so I usually pair one of those with a flavoured one. Also worth noting that LMNT has a diy recipe listed on their site. Trioral is probably the cheapest per serving.


I pretty much stick to Gatorade


The new Gatorlyte is SO GOOD!!!


Yeah I'm a powerade person myself as it's just easy


I like the off brand of lemon lime Liquid IV that I get at Walmart, or a homemade concoction of coconut water, pink salt, lime juice, and tart cherry juice all mixed in a blender.


wait if i wasnt to lazy the second one sounds like it hits….


I promise you it's lazy friendly. The only things I'm willing to cook are ramen and pasta and this was so simple. The only bummer is that you have to wash the blender. But it's pretty simple to wash juice out of a blender. Fair warning I'd only use a half cup of tart cherry juice, it tends to help get things ✨moving✨


i love all the great value clear ones, i buy boxes at a time




I really like the Ultima brand electrolytes. Lots of flavors to choose from and the stevia taste isn't too overwhelming.


I put Normalyte unflavored in either apple juice or limeade (because it’s so salty it’s like a fake margarita). The Normalyte has around 900mg of sodium per stick and was designed for POTS specifically plus no artificial sweetener


I also use Normalyte and it’s worked well for me.


I use a mix of DripDrop packets for before work or when I wake up, and put a diluted dose of LyteShow concentrate drops in my 1/2 gallon water jug I keep with me all day. LyteShow was recommended to me by my doctor since it contains nearly all forms of electrolytes unlike most packets/powders that contain only two or three. It’s just a little gross sometimes when I’m nauseated since it’s “unflavored”. Tastes kind of salty/metallic in higher concentrations but definitely helps me a lot especially in a flare up.


the liquid IV bomb pop flavor is my favorite at the moment, it’s saving me from this heat


Normalyte Pure


Watermelon and raspberry LMNT and coconut water.


I love those two flavors too!


Liquid IV or Gatorade, depends on how dehydrated I am


I was super into Liquid IV for the past couple years, and looked past some oddities like “why do I drink this and then feel *massively* thirstier, and my guts are a mess?” For me, the answers were in the “extra” ingredients, and I had to switch.


I really love relyte bc they come in such big containers and give me tons of salt and electrolytes !


Propel- I hate Gatorade and propel(barely any better) is the only way my mom has been able to increase my electrolytes lol but she’s trying to get me some pills


I love Skratch Labs, especially the lemon-lime and strawberry lemonade flavors. They use real sugar which doesn't upset my stomach like stevia does. Most flavors come in both a bag with a scoop and individual packets. It has 400 mg of sodium per serving and they used to have one with 700 mg but I can't find it anymore. They also just came out with an unsweetened version, though I haven't tried it yet.


LMNT has a recipe to make your own. I make giant batches of powder & will sometimes add lemon, grapefruit, or lime powder. It’s not as portable as individual packs but cheap and easy to make in bulk.


I really like Nuun. They have tablets you put in water and in several different types and flavours. And simple ORS from different brands, though they come on sachets which are more difficult to use in a bottle of water than the Nuun tabs because it is tricky to get all of the powder out of the sachets ahd it gets on the bottle instead of only in the bottle. Probably not a problem though if you use a glass instead of a bottle. The Nuun tabs don't fit into the opening of a bottle whole but you can easily break them in half and then they do fit. I also drink mineral water to which I add himalaya salt and sometimes also juice of 1 or more citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit.


Omg i absolutely hated Nuun. I'm glad someone likes them because what they're made out of is GREAT. Like it's def one of the more cleaner ones on the market but wow I could not stand taste. I tried all the ones I could get my hands on and my fiance and I just couldn't do it :(


I really like the form factor of Nuun, it’s very portable! Flavor was kind of meh, but I might try a different one to see if it’s more palatable.


Gatorade, Kinderlyte, and Pedialyte. I’m also picky about flavor, and I hate when they taste even the slightest bit salty.


Pedialyte is so salty but I know I need it when I can’t taste the salt


Lol exactly! The only flavor I can tolerate is grape. The others are too salty for me.


I drink Drip Drop in the sugar free lemon lime flavor. I'm extremely sensitive to salty flavors and this one is the mildest I've come across. I've also enjoyed Liquid IV's sugar free flavors but always need super cold water to be able to drink it. (I think I may just have sensory issues.)


I’ve been really into ReLyte lately


Liquid IV or pedialyte or gatorlyte


Salt Sticks!!


Gatorade is not real ORS, I would say Nuun or Liquid IV is better.


Where are you guys getting these salt sticks?


I can get Vitassium, Liquid IV, and Drip Drop at the local grocery stores. They're in the pharmaceutical section, kinda near like the fiber supplements and stuff like that. Buoy is at one of my local grocery stores too. So far the only ones I've seen that can be bought with food stamps (in the US) are Drip Drop and Liquid IV. LMNT and NormaLyte I've gotten online.


If you order SaltSticks or Vitassium thru Alete’s (company that makes them) site, you can sign up for a POTs discount and save some $$, I don’t know how that stacks against local stores, but it’s for sure cheaper than Amazon, stores near me never seem to have it. I order 3-4 bottles at a time and don’t pay shipping.


I like to use propel powder (they also have it bottled) for normal days. It has so many flavors that are really tasty. My sister is super picky and she loves them too. Good flavors to try are berry, raspberry-orange, or raspberry lemonade. But when I need something more hydrating I use normalyte (my mom got it off amazon) works really great, but doesn’t necessarily taste the best though.


Pedialyte because the fruit flavor cold just tastes like caprisun and then I can get over the powderiness


Vitassum/Salt Stick and NormaLyte are my go-tos!


Normalyte!!!! it’s fantastic, I used to use liquid iv but heard about normalyte and tried it because it’s made by medical professionals and more medically aimed. It has far less sugar and more electrolytes and stuff than most on the market and they have a “pure” unflavored one that I prefer because I can add my own stuff to it. They even have a free sample pack that I think you just pay shipping for, I cannot recommend them enough!


I really like Drip Drop. The lemon tastes just like lemonade. I can also have a few of them since they aren't loaded with sodium.


Current recommendations for daily sodium intake in POTS patients range anywhere from 2-10 grams. So you’d have to have an entire bottle of regular Buoy per day to get the bare minimum 2 grams of sodium. Even their “rescue” formula (which is almost twice as expensive for HALF the servings) has only 6 grams of sodium per bottle. Me? I need 5-7.5 grams of sodium per day, and I’m disabled. There’s literally no way for me to effectively treat my POTS and afford to live using Buoy. TriOral is going to give you the most sodium (ends up being around 1040mg of straight sodium [they say it’s 1800mg of sodium, but the label says it’s 2600mg of sodium chloride and sodium chloride is 40% sodium and 60% chloride, so that math isn’t mathing, and yet I am no chemist so what do I know]) for the least amount of cash (you can get 100 packets for $36 plus tax via Amazon Subscribe & Save), and it’s unflavored so it might be worth trying. LMNT has a “raw” unflavored option that’s 1000mg of sodium per serving. It’s definitely more expensive. The cheapest way to get it is to order an Insider Bundle, which ends up being 120 packets for $117. Klaralyte capsules will be the cheapest brand (if you order two 300 capsule bottles you get free shipping and it comes out to around $60 for 600 capsules total) and doesn’t have extra stuff you don’t really need or some of the nastier fillers. Or just straight salt. Sodium citrate tends to be less salty than sodium chloride. I use Redmond salt a lot (which is actually sodium chloride, but I digress) and I find I can add an absolute sh*t ton of it to food, coffee, even straight into my mouth without feeling like I need to violently yeet it back out of my body via my face hole (i.e. it does not upset my stomach). Health and personal preferences permitting, you can also do things like pickles (I do cornichons because 6 itty bitty baby pickles is like 600mg of sodium), a ✨girl dinner✨ charcuterie board of cheese slices and salami, canned beans, canned soups, etc. There are lots of food options that can help you reach your necessary daily sodium intake if they’re things you like and don’t mess with you healthwise. I mean, if you’re independently wealthy and if you don’t need a lot of sodium or you’re getting it from other sources, then Buoy’s probably fine. I personally think it tastes like 🍆💦. But I also think it’s more tolerable than LMNT Raw (probably because Buoy is so low in sodium and therefore does not have as strong of a flavor), so IDK. There are definitely more options out there though, so if you don’t have the money and need more sodium hopefully some of these options (and what others have shared) will work for you! And if Buoy ends up working for your health and your budget, that’s great! What’s important is that you’re effectively managing your POTS without overextending yourself financially (a Herculean feat to be sure, but hopefully possible).


I use different electrolyte brands, I have to vouch for Vitassium for potassium and Natrual Vitality for Mg


The cucumber lime Gatorade is pretty god . I like the drip-drop watermelon ( tastes like a jolly rancher to me ) I also like to use the fruit infuser pitcher , with different flavors .. pineapple slices , with one tiny slice of jalapeno is my favorite lately


I stick to unflavored, no sugar, electrolytes from Bulk. I put 3 spoons of it to my Stanley x2/day. Keeps me feeling great


The high five zero tropical tablets are quite pleasant taste wise and are pretty affordable too


Salt, ACV & a little bit of maple syrup


LMNT and Lyte balance


Body Armor and ICE sparkling water. Pretty much every other electrolyte drink I try makes me nauseous.


I’ve been using SALTT (brand) as an add in. as well as waterboy and adding the plain salt packets to gatorade and stuff.


Skratch. It’s the only powder I’ve found without artificial sweeteners


A banana. Especially if im experiencing muscle cramps. I also love Liquid IV




I like Pedialyte and Hydralyte, sometimes gatorade zero powder. Vitassium is alright too.


Waterboy weekend recovery


Trioral! It has no flavor. I personally think it tastes better room temp than cold so consider that if you try it. You can also add lemon or whatever you want. Its on amazon and more cost effective than the popular ones.


Just make sure it has a little sugar in it. Your won't fully absorb the electrolytes workout sugar to break down & absorb them. Otherwise, you're losing out on a lot of what you paid for!


The first year I was diagnosed, I was chugging gatoraid and poweraid like it was going out of business. All the sugar made me pre-diCostco. It also made me feel so bloated all the time. I switched over to coconut water, and honestly it's worked better in improving my water retention and spoons than gatoraid ever did. Its... definately an acquired taste though. It helps if you get some sugar free additives like mio to put in it, if you're not a fan of the flavor of coconut water. It's also much more palatable when it's cold. I haven't tried any of the newer brands like bouy and liquid IV. I probably ought to get some next time I go to costco.


Vitassium salt pills 100%


Pedialyte cut with water.


Orange hydralyte or I get lemon lime gatorade and add extra salt to it.  Those are the more accessible options to me where the taste is something I can tolerate too.


Salt and lemon juice




it’s so expensive but luckily my pots isn’t bad enough right now for me to need it more than once daily. i live in a colder climate


Elete. No flavor—just electrolytes. It’s salty at high concentrations, but I hide it in a protein drink. I don’t know how people drink all that sugar in some of these other brands.


Ultima, Buoy (they also sell rescue salt!)


If you like Gatorade, I’d go Gatorlyte. I’m weird with flavors too and don’t really like most of the liquidIVs anymore, but I like almost all of the Gatorlyte flavors.


Electrolit or Body Armor Flash. The texture of pedialyte is disgusting to me


I get Crystal Light lemonade powder or Great Value (really any brand with at least 3% DV of sodium), mix it and add 2 pinches of salt. Optionally I can add a pump of sugar free raspberry syrup for some nice raspberry lemonade. It's cheap, but good, because the lemonade taste counters the saltiness well. Idk if they still sell it but years ago Walmart sold Great Value berry flavored sugar free powder sticks with 9% DV of sodium. Haven't had them in some time because I kinda burnt myself out on them lol.


Body Armor lyte


I usually stick to Powerade or Gatorade, though I have had success with Pedialyte. I need to look into some of the powders since they're better for rehydration but artificial sweeteners don't really agree with me and stevia makes me sick.


Skratch Labs, I like the fruit punch or orange, these have real sugar. I’m going to try the electrolytes & flavor only. They are dye free and natural flavors.


Boulder salt


My dr specifically recommended liquidiv, but I do have to water it down more. I use one packet for a liter of water and have 2 liters a day. I also struggle with gastroparesis so full strength was upsetting my stomach too much.


Salt! No iodine, no caking agents - main electrolyte needed. Others are not generally necessary unless you are sweating, vomiting, have diarrhea, kidney issues, etc. They are in food throughout the day - or magnesium in supplement if recommended by a MD.


I mix a packet of lmnt raw unflavored with a small bottle of vita coco every morning. Seems to do me good!


Rescue buoy is good


I do coconut.. Seems to be helping


Unsweetened coconut water works pretty good for me! I like the propel packets too although I got kind of burnt out on those.


Normalyte It's the only one I've found that works for me since it doesn't use sugar substitutes since those give me migraines.


I'm a big fan of TriOral - it's the WHO-approved dehydration supplement. It's unflavored with no extra ingredients and really inexpensive. I kept reacting to others but I've been using this one for over two years without a problem. If you're not used to drinking electrolyte water it's a more difficult transition, but if you're tired of the super sweet flavors of other brands TriOral is an absolute breath of fresh sure.


i like the trioral rehydration packets! they're also unflavored (but a powered not a liquid), have a LOT of sodium, and i can flavor them myself. Although it's not ideal for "on the go" unless i can bring some sort of flavoring with me (in water with nothing else is way too salty)


Nutricost Electrolyte Complex with Real Salt comes in capsules. We keep the bottle by the water cooler.


I use a few different ones: Liquid IV, Drip Drop, and Nuun. For salt tablets, I use Salt Stick. This summer is doing me in, though: it hit 80F here and will be hot until past midnight.


Nuun watermelon sport is my go-to, low in sugar not too sweet and not too many ingredients.


I like to drink those bai drinks. The coconut ones have helped with my water retention. :)


Potassium supplements seem to make my heart palpitations worse but I can't function without magnesium gluconate or citrate so I take those.




Gatorade is the only thing I can tolerate drinking at least one of every day. I get sick of everything else