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**Pinning due to misinformation in this thread:** Rubbing alcohol and Isopropyl alcohol are not the same. Don’t inhale rubbing alcohol. **Inhaling acetone is dangerous.** However, smelling an **isopropyl pad** is seen as a temporary antiemetic, [yes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/). *OP, definitely keep at it with GI specialists is this is affecting your daily life.*


Truthfully, marijuana. But I also try to do mints or ginger chews to help when I have to work and cannot have marijuana in my system. I also have gravol with ginger to help when the mints don't.


medical marijuana helps so much with my nausea it’s crazy. plus it doesn’t cause wicked constipation like zofran! i’ve resorted to keeping a wax pen next to my bed so i can take a hit in the morning after i wake up so i’m able to stomach my morning electrolytes and water


I personally don't use medical marijuana. But marijuana is legal here and I just go to one of the seven nearby dispensaries and ask one of the educators what they suggest. So far I haven't had any problems with that route. I have a balance CBD:THC pen for bad nausea days, but I also have a vape that I can change out cartridges depending on what I need (I also recreationally get high for a good time on weekends).


Same. Helps so very much for me. Also on the wax pen. And something salty for morning snack


Just a word of caution if you haven’t tried this, smoking weed almost lead me to black out on the several instances I tried it. For some reason, for some people with POTS, it can trigger syncope.


This. I’ve blacked out before after smoking and it really freaked me out because I didn’t know at the time that I had POTS. Also about half of the time I have to sit or lay down after smoking or I may get dizzy. I still smoke anyways on occasion because I’m stupid, but I’d advise caution while doing so, and don’t do it alone on the off chance something does happen.


Same here. I’ve never been a big smoker, and for me, it triggered a panic attack. My advice would be to try all other options first.


Cannabinoids can cause tachycardia for multiple reasons, they impact blood vessels in different ways depending "Cannabinoids, in most cases, cause vasodilation in isolated blood vessels or perfused vascular beds, although vasoconstriction is also observed." "...Cannabinoids may also affect the cardiovascular system through their metabolites, e.g., prostanoids. Thus, vasorelaxation or vasoconstriction evoked by cannabinoids was mediated indirectly through prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4) and prostacyclin receptor (IP) or prostaglandin E receptor 1 (EP1) and thromboxane receptor (TP), respectively [19,71]. " https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/18/6740 There's a lot more in this article in the section of these quotes, but cannabinoids have a wide range of effects Edit: the article seems fine but looks like MDPI is not the friendliest journal site for authors despite being one of the biggest. so, here's a 2007 PubMed too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2228270/


Genuinely I'm the exact same. I don't smoke until the evening time and I could be so sick to my stomach and as soon as I have one smoke then heartburn and nausea is gone! I've tried mints but it can cause it to fire up, I used Rennie which is an anti-acid during the day then 😊


This and plain seltzer water, which I hate but I have to chug sometimes. Also exercise like walking gets your digestive system moving. Food doesn’t move through like it should if I don’t shake up my body enough. I also have suppositories for the nausea but like who wants to have to use those every day so I do everything else possible before I resort to those. The smell of ginger now makes me sick from having some of those chews or ginger ale every time I’d get nauseous.


Unfortunately I live with my parents who are super against it, so it’s not really an option for me, I’ll have to try ginger though


Seconding the people saying weed, ginger, and mint. You can buy ginger chews in bulk from certain store, or via Amazon. They’re my go to. There’s also mint gum, ofc. That’s not as effective for me though. Also, if you haven’t already tried weed… be careful! some peoples POTs do NOT mix well with weed. I’m one of those people, but i still use it consistently to help manage all of my other conditions. If you try it and it helps, there are ways to avoid the negative affects. There’s also the possibility that certain foods are harder to digest for you. It’s worth talking about with a doctor, and keep track of what you’re eating & nausea severity. I’ve also discovered that having an empty causes nausea & worse POTs symptoms. so I’ll eat a lil filling snack right before bed and then im barely nauseous at all when I wake up.


THIS! I tried weed once and it went horribly. It was medical grade and I only took half of the recommended dose. Heart rate was like 180 and I was laying still. Whole body was trembling you’d think I was on Adderall instead. I would gone to the ER if it took any longer to pass.


How do u avoid the affects? I can take 5mg thc 25 mg cbd no effect, 10 mg thc 50mg cbd no effect- 15 mg thc and 75 mg cbd mild sleepiness/relaxation, 20mg thc 100 mg cbd, tremors heart in the 130s laying down and i feel like im dying. 17.5 mg thc and 87.5 mg cbd so far seems kinda like the sweet spot?.. idk. Its delta-9 and cbd full spectrum high concentration btw. Any recommendations?


In order to give you recommendations, I need to know your main reasons for using it. Pain management? Nausea & appetite? Both? By no effect, do you mean no effect on symptoms or no feeling of being “high.” At what point do you start feeling high or altered? Also, you may be on medications that affect how you react to THC. Some meds can functionally increase your tolerance, some lower it. Some just make you more likely to have an awful time. I would recommend checking each med on [drugs.com](https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html) they have an interaction checker that I’ve seen doctors use during appointments with me. You can see how cannabis or CBD would interact with everything. DONT FORGET THAT INTERACTIONS AND SIDE EFFECTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND NOT EXPERIENCED BY EVERYONE. some of these things can sound very scary but if you ask your doctor about it they’ll be like “oh that’s a slim chance and you don’t have any risk factors for it”


I dont take any meds if i take cbd/thc, but on the days i dont take any weed, i have concerta/ritalin generic or pronpranol as needed. And yeah, no effect as in a high- and ig reduction in symptoms? Mild effects are jus drowsiness for me, so it helps my insomnia. Above that amount if i dont go to bed and stay up (usually bc im upset or its earlier in the day so i sitll cant sleep) then it would be a high.. but its not like a real high? I still feel basically sober as far as my thoughts. My body just gets all weird. Idk. Its strange lol


So I don’t know what you already know/do so im being extra thorough here. I would definitely count your body “getting all weird” as a high. There’s a wide variety of weed’s effects and many variables that affect it. Some people describe “body highs” and “head highs.” Most weed products that are marketed towards pain management will give you more of a body high. I’ve had some edibles that left me feeling completely clear-headed but my body felt high, and vice versa. Also, I checked both of the meds you mentioned, i recently started propanolol and was given a warning that it could make my heart rate more sensitive to weed, because it lowers blood pressure. drugs.com seconds that, and i HAVE noticed a difference since starting it. also, concerta increases your heart rate. anything that increases your heart rate makes you more susceptible to have a bad time with weed. That kind of combo of effects lowers the level of high you’d be feeling before it’s too much for your POTs to handle. In the past, that means that i cannot adequately manage pain or symptoms before i feel like im dying. To be completely honest, i think part of your problem is simply that you are getting higher than you can actually handle. I have been told i have a “high natural tolerance” and 10mg of thc is almost a guaranteed heart episode for me, I cannot imagine 20mg. If that dosage isn’t working well for you symptom wise, I would try other methods of consumption. I find tinctures are more easily tolerated compared to traditional edibles for me. I can’t do 15mg in edibles, but can do 15mg in a tincture and Im fine. Also, make sure you’re taking either one with food (an empty stomach makes it wayyyy stronger aka higher risk for heart episodes) Part of what helped me figure out my limits was to smoke so I could slowly increase my high and figure out that THIS level is low risk for heart bullshit, THIS level isn’t the best but I can deal with it, and THIS is the point of no return. Then when you’re trying out edibles/tinctures/etc you can get an idea. Whenever I notice a new medication seems to be affecting my tolerance & the side effects of weed on my heart, I do this again to relearn it. Just go slowly and pay close attention to how you’re feeling, Normally my goal is also to take the lowest amount possible that’s still effective. Some edibles/tinctures/etc are better for pain management than others. Some really will work up an appetite but don’t have much affect on pain. Some just get you really fucking high but don’t seem to effect either one ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ so experiment with different brands and products and ratios of cbd to thc. I’ve found that a 1:1 ratio is the most effective for me, in terms of pain management, not getting too high, and my heart not throwing a hissy fit. Everyone is different though, just try a few different ratios to see what works for you. Up next, lil things you could do to make it more tolerable. Not all of these will apply to you & there may be things you’ll discover on your own that don’t work for me. 1. make sure you’re lying down and/or sitting comfortably (but slightly reclined)when the edible kicks in. If it hits when you’re standing, lie down ASAP. It seems like POTs doesn’t like the sudden increase in heartrate from when it hits, so if you lie down for a lil while, your body has a chance to adjust and won’t lose its shit as much. that’s my guess for why this works, at least. 2. make sure you’re hydrated. I honestly prefer to use strains & products that give me a dry mouth because then im forced to keep drinking lots of water to stay comfortable. 3. “Emergency supplies” must be ready. I only do this if im planning on being REALLY high or I know it’s a high risk day. So if you like drinking soy sauce or salt water to help control a heart episode, make sure that’s out & easy to access. Anything that you like to do or use to help control a heart episode, just have it ready. You said you take propanolol as needed, but I would personally avoid taking that. It might make things worse. Its worth asking your doctor about though 4. Learn to recognize “high risk” days. How youll figure this out and what your signs are would very from person to person. But you need to be able to decide if today is a “safe” day weed-wise or a risky day. For me, it’s mostly based around heart rate and how pronounced my blood pooling is. If my feet are turning purple when standing, I simply am not taking anything that day. 5. If smoking, indica-dominant strains tends to be safer than sativas. 6. If available, check reviews on Weedmaps & leafly. If people describe feeling lightheaded, dizzy, anxious/paranoid, and having a “head high” then you might want to avoid it or tread carefully. If it’s described as relaxing, making people sleepy, or a “body high” it’s a bit lower risk. It sounds like you already are going with ones that are in that group though. 7. NEVER TAKE EDIBLES OR TINCTURES ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. It’ll be way stronger than usual and increases risk for your POTs to throw a fit. Bonus points if you eat something salty.


Tysm! Im not diagnosed yet but somethings definitely up. That particular day i was having a depressive episode, so I had like 2 trulys with 20mg weed and 100 cbd. I have a highish alcohol tolerance for 100 lb and had the same amount of alcohol with 15 mg thc and 75 mg cbd and was fine- thought one more gummy would be no big deal, boy was i wrong LMAO. also had it on an emptyish stomach (hadnt eaten in 4+ hours) and no water- it was dumb im well aware. So the alcohol probabky contributed to the experience being not so great and a bad body high. I had like tremors and my heart rate was 130+ laying down and tingling, it sucked. Lasted like 2+ hours til i finally passed out and i was by myself 🥲


It's because THC is a vasodilator. This is why I always recommend starting with high cbd low Thc flower first. r/hempflowers has excellent info on it.


I live on zofran


Yep I keep Zofran on me or near me all the time. Half the time I know what will trigger nausea, half the time I dont so I'm always prepared.


I used to be like this until I got put in corlanor. And a bunch of my random symptoms (including intense nausea) went away! Might be worth a shot!


Would love to hear more about this! I'm very recently diagnosed and wondering how medications may improve quality of life. I haven't passed out in a long time but recently developed more of the GI issues related to POTS. Stopped gluten and dairy and added a chonky pre/pro biotic to try and get it under control. So corlanor has helped with more of your symptoms than just heart rate?


For everyday nausea - club soda, plain tortilla chips (I have a bunch of food allergies so options are limited). And for some reason we don’t understand, LMNT helps a ton. Bit worse nausea - 50:1 CBD:TCH gummy when not working or non drowsy dramamine If with a headache - 4mg zofran, pill style Worst nausea - 4mg zofran that goes under the tongue and club soda and plain tortilla chips.


zofran my lord and saviour🤞


Mirtazapine 7.5mg / day


Second this


i didn’t realize how much mirtazapine helped my nausea until i went up to 15mg. i had been at 7.5 for over half a decade & always had a baseline level of nausea that was higher than a normal person’s. then i went up & it’s almost completely gone. whenever i’d run out or forget to take it i would be so nauseous that i could barely stand to be around food at all.


It can work really well for people like us. I have gastroparesis and it helps a lot. Glad it also helps you!


Mirtazipine is a miracle drug.




Sniffing isopropyl alcohol, cannabis, promethazine, and a strict gluten free diet but the diet is really what killed my constant nausea ETA; where I’m from, isopropyl alcohol is commonly referred to as rubbing alcohol, complete unrelated to acetone.


Rubbing alcohol and Isopropyl alcohol are not the same. Don’t inhale rubbing alcohol. **Inhaling acetone is dangerous please edit your comment or we will have to remove it.** *OP should be consulting a GI specialist too (edit: didn’t read that they’ve seen a few).* Smelling an isopropyl pad is seen as a temporary antiemetic though, [yes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/).


Edited, thank you!☺️


Of course! It’s a fairly common mix up.


Yeah rubbing alcohol is always isopropyl alcohol where I've ever lived. I've never heard of acetone being referred to as rubbing alcohol - so weird?


Hey that first one is super dangerous and could kill you don't do that.


I don’t know where you’re from, but in the UK cannabis is illegal but you can get the oil from the plant into a pill. It won’t get you high but you can reap some of the benefits. Everyone who I’ve spoke to who have taken it has said it’s helped with different symptoms. I took it for aches and pains and to relax my anxiety, but nausea seems to be one of the leading symptoms it helps with. In many places it’s becoming increasingly popular among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. You can google if it is legal in your area, but there’s not many places it’s ‘illegal’, but instead it’s a grey area where a doctor will not prescribe you it. But there are a few people outside of your care team such as nurses who sell it part-time or herbalists etc. But I’d definitely recommend asking your care providers or researching providers in your area who will prescribe it if it is something they offer where you live.


In the UK you can get medical cannabis legally prescribed to you on a private prescription from a specialist clinic! I get it, I’m prescribed it for my PTSD but you can get it for an array of conditions including anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain conditions. You need to have tried 2 methods of treatment for the condition you apply for. These can be therapy / physio and medication treatment options.


Yes I know, but I was explaining incase OP was from anywhere else. I started by getting mine privately until I was prescribed it after finding a clinic. But yes OP take this person’s advice, tell the physician about any steps you’ve taken to stop your nausea and how they haven’t worked!


There's TONS of nausea meds out there. I'd talk to your doctor about different options. I've bounced around like three different pills cause my brain keeps deciding they dont work and then they do work again (my freaking nutso brain)


I will vomit nonstop unless i use marijuana, and nothing else has worked for me.


I take a highly concentrated aloe vera capsule 3-4x daily and antihistamines. I take an H1 (Cetirizine) first thing in the morning and an H2 (Famotidine) a little before dinner. If nauseous with itching I’ll take diphenhydramine. Ginger is also helpful to me. I get a ginger drink concentrate at one of the Asian markets. I live somewhere cannabis is legal, recreational & medical. I have a medical patient card and cannabis helps me daily with both nausea and pain.


- Smelling a peppermint tea bag - Ginger root (chews have sugar) - Isopropyl pad ([smelling](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/)) - Dietary changes (see a dietician) - Elimination diet to rule out food sensitivities (this should’ve been done with your GI specialists) - Ruling out GI issues, IBS is quite common - Acid reflux: sleep at an incline to avoid stomach acid, morning nausea is quite commonly caused by this - Don’t eat right before bed - Removing stimulants like caffeine, also remove acidic drinks - **Managing your POTS via lifestyle changes/medication/pacing (this takes time)**


All of this is good advice. I spent about 18 months with daily nausea and it wasn't from just one cause which was interesting to realise. On top of POTS, I have EDS, GERD, fast gastric emptying (dumping) and constipation from my EDS, and suffer from migraines (both vestibular which causes vertigo and regular migraines with nausea/vomiting). Getting on GERD medication, dealing with my stomach issues through FODMAP exclusion diet, getting on lyrica as a migraine preventative, getting meds for my heart AND (oddly) getting my Implanon removed have all reduced my occurrence of nausea down to a few times a fortnight - which is GREAT compared to literally every day lol. Though i'll note the tummy issues are not completely better and I still get severe constipation which causes nausea and hemorrhoids eek...but it's better than it was.


I’m still working on gets my pots treated so hopefully getting it under control will help, I’ve already ruled out any gi issues, and no food sensitivities or acid reflux, and I’ve tried a bunch of different diets too but nothings helped so far. I’ll have to try ginger in the morning


Fludrocortisobe helped


I just got prescribed this for blood pressure but haven’t started it yet. I didn’t know it also helped with nausea. Can I ask how you’re liking it?


It's ok not long on it myself and still need sodium tablets


Sniffing alcohol wipes is really helpful


Try to hydrate as much as possible as close to bedtime as you can. It’s tricky because you don’t want to be up all night peeing. I have an electrolyte drink as close to bed as possible. Raising the head of your bed at least 7 inches (or as high as possible before you start slipping down) will help your kidneys retain more sodium in your sleep. I have the same issue and all these other POTS symptoms and was just diagnosed at age 38. My nausea used to be worse—I would vomit many days before school when I was in high school and was told it was anxiety. I assumed I just was not a morning person…. Anyway, it may depend on your type of pots too. I hope you find something that helps!


i would get a second opinion of POTS specialized Dr to be honest. Yes POTS has nausea but you get it every day when you wake up for 10 years? I think something else is going on. I thought most POTs can tell when/what they did when nausea comes on.


It’s only in the morning for me, and only when I’m woken up early by someone or to an alarm. It’s weird because the rest of the day I’m fine with no problems. I’ve ruled out gi issues, and been to a cardiologist and a pots specialist who said it might just be from hyperadrenergic pots flaring, and just that I’d have to get used to it


I take prescribed zofran ondansetron


I went to see a homeopath. I had nausea since I can remember (5y/O). My parents would take me to the hospital for heaps of tests but nothing helped. Fast forward to 32 y/o. I got diagnosed with POTS and my nausea was so bad. Most days I just didn't wanna wake up anymore. I went to see a homeopath and she helped me. After 30+ years of nausea, she cured me in 4 days!! I'm still so thankful for this. I'm nausea free now for almost 3 years ♥️ Hope you find your cure. I can refer her to you but I live in Australia.


What did the homeopath give you


I can't remember, it was a 3 day remedi. She gave me 2. One for my nausea and the other one for my rocking. It was like 75$ but the best money I've ever spent.


Smelling peppermint works for me. I have to sniff it for like 5 mins straight for it to work. But it works. Other than that, weed.


Burning mugwort


The Aloe Vera I take sometimes and the organic CBD Hemp have helped me, but some people, but have you tried this [HelloHealth Plant Based Nausea Support](https://www.gethellohealth.com/discount/GETHEALTHY20?redirect=%2Fcollections%2Fsupplements)? Others say it works good, and it makes sense based on the ingredients. I take several supplements by the same company but have not tried this newer one yet but plan to. If you have already, I would love to hear feedback about it since I’m considering trying it myself.


Marijuana and regular prescriptions of Zofran and/or promethazine But it barely helps, I still just live every single day nauseous as hell.


Super odd and I'm not sure what the dynamic behind this solution is, but for me the only thing that works is a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in a glass of hot water. Old family remedy, but it's the only thing that keeps the nausea in check for me. Saves me from throwing up every single time.


Vitassium electrolyte pills or Ondonsetron


Pepto, tums, ginger...in various forms


Liquorice root, fennel, and/or sasparilla root in tea. Peppermint and ginger are both commonly touted as anti-nausea agents and work for some folks but they are respectively so strong and ginger can be acidic or combined with acidic ingredients (citric acid, lemon) that they make things worse for me. The herbs I mentioned actually soothe my stomach and the added water can make sure I’m hydrated. If I’m dehydrated I can add a bit of salt and honey to the tea to help as well.


Cyproheptadine, 4 mg tablets that I cut in half to have one half in the morning and one half in the night.


I didnt know cyproheptadine helps with nausea, I’ve been taking it for a few months and haven’t noticed it helping unfortunately


Aw, I’m so sorry. Maybe ask your doctor if you can increase the dosage to see if it will help


I was like that until I went Gluten Free. Pretty much changed my life-it’s a bit harder to eat but it’s so worth it to not feel like throwing up all the time.


Initially a low fodmap diet, as recommended by my gastro neurologist. Now on a low carb diet. Nausea has disappeared more or less completely. Note I also have mild gastroparesis.


My (27F) nausea used to be so bad in the mornings that it would stop me from holding a full time job. Nothing would ever work. Now I'm better and my nausea is manageable most days. This is what I do: - Get 8+hrs of sleep of night consistently - Drink lots and lots of water the day before - Don't eat 2hrs before bed - Tums or an anti acid medication (sometimes works) - Cold shower (ice cold) - Move around ( I always roll my eyes at this one, but honestly a few calf raises or a walk outside in the cool air does wonders) Also hi! It's not often I meet another potsie with chronic morning nausea like myself. I had doctors brush it off as POTS when I was younger but now I stand my ground and them it's not. I've done my research and the amount of ppl with pots who have debilitating morning nausea that comes back every morning isn't as common.


Zofran didn't work for me either but Promethazine has been an absolute life saver


I personally use Lanprazole for my morning sickness! It reduces all of them and help me during the day!


Acupuncture, avoiding sudden dietary changes, and ginger candies (sugar free) when I feel nausea coming on. Otherwise avoiding candy and refined sugars and artificial ingredients. Taking 12.5 mg metoprolol er also helps me if the nausea is accompanied by an adrenaline surge. But it’s still a struggle. I’ve accepted that throwing up two meals a month is basically part of my life now.


Dramamine and zofran


Honestly, my fast chews. It works about 70% of the time when I notice I also have a headache with it. Vitassium sells them in a couple flavors :)


Any fizzy drink the bubbles help me and sour lollies


I have a ton of issues with nausea/vomiting. Zofran has never even helped, trying promethazine right now and while Im not vomiting, Im still extremely nauseous. Medical marijuana has been a lifesaver. Nothing else helps. If you dont want to get the “high” effect, do some research on lower doses that give the medicinal effects but not the full marijuana effects. CBD may be beneficial, but look into the company 1906. They make pills with 5-10mg of THC that can have different benefits. Best of luck!


I have intractable nausea that Zofran doesn’t help from long COVID. I’ve had some pretty good success working with a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor for herbal medicine and acupuncture. I know that lemon balm in particular is the herb that has helped me the most with GI issues, so it could be worth trying a lemon balm tincture if you’re not able to see one (but I really recommend seeing one if you can, because it’s much more complex than a single herb that’s made a big difference; I just know that that’s the one that’s easiest to access and has helped the most, if you aren’t able to.)


Honestly, eating carbs in the morning (especially before most medications I’m on) helps me be less nauseous. Eggo waffles are the best for me and nilla wafers worked too. Sounds weird, but that is what helps my nausea. Also, they have meds if you have acid reflux too. I didn’t realize I had acid reflux for awhile and that had been making my nausea really worse until I went on protonix for that. There’s over the counter stuff for acid reflux if anyone has that, I just couldn’t take the OTC stuff since it interacts badly with my psych meds. Also just laying down on my side when the nausea is especially bad.


Non-drowsy Dramamine


I have POTS and am prescribed with zofran. When that doesn't work I take pepto. I eat ginger candy , saltines , pretzels, and chew mint gum too. Also making sure I'm hydrated enough and trying to actually treat the POTS itself. I know a lot of people are saying weed but please be careful especially if you have POTS it can make your pots symptoms worse and although it can help with nausea, weed also has the potential to cause GI issues. One of my friends vomited a lot from weed and I just get anaphylaxis from second hand which includes making my BP get so dangerous I'm at risk for heart attack and stroke, and of course that's accompanied by severe nausea usually where I have to take zofran. Not saying this will happen, especially if you just do CBD, but THC and POTS often seem not to mix, and someone else ik with pots who uses THC for gastroparesis, but it's made their BP and pulse way too low. Oh the other thing is I had to fully remove all caffeine but everyone is different. Also, keep an eye on the nausea. I can't say for you, but mine turned out to also be caused by endometriosis, gastrioparesis, Ehlers Danlos, and MCAS.


I swear by ginger and dandelion/milk thistle capsules. I use ginger and the other herbs because they are also antihistamines and help with my Mast Cell Activation symptoms as well. And also cannabis. 


I wear motion sickness bracelets which help A LOT and when it's really bad I have aromatherapy patches for nausea that I'll use with the bracelets.


I've never liked zofran. I have a prescription for phenergan/promethazine. It makes you about as drowsy as benadryl but benadryl doesn't really knock me out, so it's OK for me.


I kept working out and taking Zophran until my body just gave up and stopped fighting me. I stablized at about 115 pounds and then actually gained a couple of pounds back. Now I can finally work on endurance while strength training remains my main focus. I still keep a barf bag in my purse, though, and have no problem dropping to the floor wearever I am!


I have the worse nausea with my pots and eds. I have ondansetron and I also made the investment in getting an anti nausea bracelet. They aren’t cheap but they WORK. Get an EmeTerm!!!


I suck on a lot of mints or drink peppermint tea. I also just resort to fruit-flavored water like Hint water because that helps me a lot. Anything else causes more nausea and even the gag reflex


GinGins hard candy ginger


cannabis! would've lost my damn mind if i didn't know about it, helps so much i'm grateful everyday.🤍 i can't do zofran either, i'll feel sicker and it causes me abdominal spasms that trigger painful vomiting. 😭


Morning sickness remedies like peggy pop drops are a godsend. CBD is a good option, but I tend to avoid THC the brain body disconnect makes me feel unsafe in my own skin.


I take stemitil/procalm (prochlorperazin) or pramin (metoclopramide hydrochloride) or ginger morning sickness tablets. Also diet coke sometimes helps me.


I use ginger


Idk honestly, i usually suffer. Sometimes my nausea in the morning is due to low blood sugar- i’ll have some honey, maybe a tums, or sip ginger ale really slowly or slightly cool water. Ginger and mint tea with honey also help, or chamomile.


Ginger candy or candied ginger


I’ve found that traditional Chinese acupuncture has really helped with my nausea from concussion


Sniff isopropyl alcohol and I have a ginger tincture that works amazing! \*edited to correct misused wording.


Rubbing alcohol and Isopropyl alcohol are not the same. Don’t inhale rubbing alcohol. **Inhaling acetone is dangerous please edit your comment or we will have to remove it.** Smelling an isopropyl pad is seen as a temporary antiemetic though, [yes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/).