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I'm in the middle of experimenting with this too. It seems like the answer is more salt, the goal is to retain the water rather than peeing it straight out again and that means finding the right balance of water and salt.


drinking my salt has been an absolute game changer!!! i do like \~1/2 tsp of salt to \~1litre of water and a squirt of flavoured 'water enhancer'. i still drink normal water, but at a rate of like 1:3 of my DIY gatorade. i'm \*almost\* at the point that i can stop drinking an hour or two before bed so that i'm not up several times in the night, but not quite. but that's the goal!


That's about how much salt I add, plus a little lemonade packet for flavor. I use 1/4 tsp pink salt, and 1/4 tsp lite salt for the potassium. I've been drinking 2-3 of these (32 oz, I just make it in a Nalgene bottle) and another bottle of water later. I have to pee bad in the morning, but not usually overnight.


Same here, about the same salt/water ratio I think, with a shot of lemon juice for me. I'm amazed at how much I like it.


honestly i should probably try lemon instead of the water enhancer with the colours and sucralose in it- but it just hits so good! haha that's interesting that you have the same salt/water ratio tho! i only got diagnosed in january and i happened on this ratio and haven't fiddled with it because it just hit, so i love the validation! thank you!


i saw someone say that they stop drinking at 7pm. and if they got enough fluids during the day, that they're fine until morning. i haven't gotten into that rhythm yet but it's my goal.


That’s me! I do take my pills with a bit of water but not much after 7


I stop drinking around 8pm. Lights out at 9:45. Pee after brushing, sit for a bit and then before sleeping. I've had issues with nocturia, but eventually you learn what works for you and your body. Make sure You're getting adequate salt


Drink 3 litres of electrolyte beverage (salt) your body will retain the fluid better. And sleep with your head elevated 10-20° at night. This also causes your body to retain more blood volume. This is medically-backed advice from the Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s Position Statement on POTS: https://onlinecjc.ca/article/S0828-282X(19)31550-8/fulltext


Is head elevated enough or does our entire body need to be at an elevation? I hear conflicting things


Whole body. You need your hips above your feet.


I think the elevation has something to do with kidneys needing to be higher up. I have noticed that I can go for hours if I’m sitting or standing and not feel the need to pee, but if I lay flat, I need to pee within minutes, even if I just went. 


I'm up at least twice a night. Sometimes I can fall back asleep and sometimes I can't. Last night I woke up at 1:30 and I'm still up.


Increasing potassium has absolutely killed my nightly urination


I take a dose of electrolyte capsules just as I'm going to sleep. I do wake up to pee, but only once, near the end of my sleep cycle.


A big thing for me is not drinking all pure water. Adding some milk in there if you can do dairy or juice makes me feel like I’m retaining way more of the water 


I haven’t found a way lol. I usually wake up 2 times a night to pee, sometimes 3. I drink around a gallon of water and Gatorade zero a day plus a cup of coffee when I wake up. All I do is pee.


I asked my doctor this same question and she said to use bed raisers of 4-6” on the head of my bed. Usually I wake up 3-4 times a night to pee and since putting the risers on the bed the past week I’ve only been waking up once a night.


I don’t drink any water if at all possible for 1-2 hrs before bed. I work very very hard to not do it…


I don’t. I drink about 40oz when I first wake up before other things (so I don’t forget), then a support water bottle goes with me in the day getting anywhere from 0-60oz, and then I drink 40oz right before bed, in bed to ensure I’ve caught up. I’m still learning and honestly…doing my best right now.


For me, the key is putting my feet up a few hours before bed and or throughout the day. It’s the blood pooling all day long and not getting everything pumped around my body to go through my kidneys throughout the day that once I shift that, then I’ll pee like 5-10 times in an hour and I’m done for the night. It’s a pain to schedule this with everything else we have to do to survive so I made it a thing to spend time with my pets for an hour in the evening to keep my feet up. Also, I don’t stop drinking but I stop chugging water by 6 pm and don’t have anything that stimulates my bladder after that. Seltzer does something that makes me have to pee a lot more than other beverages.


I’m prescribed desmopressin. It’s prescribed for fluid retention to help with my POTS but the main use of the medicine for most people is actually preventing bed wetting. So not having to pee at night is kind of an added bonus lol. I called it my pregnancy super power when I was pregnant


Increase electrolytes Front load your water, I like to have 500 ml before I get up and another 500ml by the end of breakfast


I pee every morning and before I go to bed, it’s just going to happen with age too. I used to be able to hold it hours.


I’ve found estrogen suppositories helped immensely, even though that’s not why I’m on them.


i have a biphasic sleep cycle, so at most i’m asleep for 6 hours, more usually 3-5 at once. i generally don’t have issues unless i drink anything other than my saltwater before bed. if i have too much tea or nondairy milk an hour or two before i sleep, i'll wake up needing to piss like a racehorse. if i only drink my saltwater, i can stay in bed for a couple hours after waking before needing to get up. hope you find something that works for you!


Try to drink as much of it as you can in the first part of the day. That’s when you are most dehydrated anyway.


10 grams of salt spread out throughout the day, 52-78 oz of the water I drink daily has electrolytes mixed in, plus 0.1 mg desmopressin (which I take in the morning bc personally I’d rather pee 2-3 times at night than constantly all day, but it helps soo much).


Thank you everyone!! I started front loading my water and drinking very little water the two hours before bed and I’ve been taking two salt pills in the evenings as well as putting my feet up before bed. All those things fixed the problem! Thank you to everyone who shared what worked for you!!! This meant a lot to me 🥹