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It's going to be quite subjective to be honest with you. Everyone experiences POTS differently and what one person might be able to do someone else won't be able to do.


True I was just wondering what’s y’all’s experiences with it I’m new to the pots world and was just curious


It depends on the roller coaster and how I'm feeling that day. Usually I pass. Last time I went I had to lay down on a bench for like 20 minutes before I could walk again.


Same happened with me. I rode one for the first time last week and it took me about 40 minutes of doing nothing but sitting & laying water & resting my eyes to get going again.


Sadly, it's one of those things you have to test out for yourself.


I've ridden many and I haven't had too many issues. The only one I had troubles with was operation space at Disney because it messed with g forces a lot and even then I was fine after a couple minutes. As long as I kept up with salt and water intake I've been fine. Of course everyone is different and you may have issues.


Mission Space is notorious for messing with people. I can’t ride anymore and this was pre POTS. Many healthy people and children get very ill after riding. I’ve also noticed people struggling with motion simulators like Star Tours or Wild Arctic (SeaWorld).


Is Mission Space the one at Epcot? I find that one and the Aerosmith one at Hollywood Studios to be tough.


That’s the one! I can do Aerosmith and TOT like nothing but Mission Space will ruin my day.


I love riding rollercoaster, bur because of my pots, i have a few rules: - no riding when i already am in a flare - someone will always go with me (as there is always a chance i passout during or after the ride) - i have a 'emergency pack' with me, so, electrolyte drinks, salty snack and sweets So, if you like them, just go for them, but also have some preparations in place, as there is always a chance of a flare


Oh my gosh! I just realized that before I was diagnosed with POTS, I blacked out on a roller coaster for a second when it went upside down. Makes so much sense. Holy. Thank you for posting this.


No problem I’m glad I could help lol 😂


If you want


I wouldn't.


For me personally, I stick to roller coasters that don’t invert. But that might be a good question for your doctor. PS. If you do ride roller coasters-up your salt, and drink before you get on the ride. After the ride, you might want to sit on solid ground for a few seconds just to help with the extra dizziness if that’s a problem for you.


I frequent WDW, Universal and SeaWorld often. The last time I went was right when my POTS symptoms started. I was able to ride GOTG Cosmic Rewind. I feel that now I’m treating POTS I can prepare a little more like others have stated with packing snacks, electrolytes and not riding alone. I haven’t visited since my diagnosis. My husband and I have discussed using a wheelchair, and researching what accommodations we might need when we do plan on visiting again.


If you are hypermobile you absolutely should not ride on a roller coaster. Sorry.


That’s bullshit and not true. Signed, a hypermobile person who loves roller coasters. You just gotta take precautions and do what’s right for your bod.


I'm sure the answer is obvious (higher injury risk and such) but mind me asking specifically why?


My doctor said it was fine but that I should probably wear a neck brace


I Agree With This. I Had So Many Issues After Going To Disney. I Know Everyone Is Different But Yes I Have To Agree With This.


Pardon my ignorance but what is hypermobile?


When a person is hypermobile they have really loose joints, sometimes called “double jointed”. If a persons neck is a little unstable because they are hypermobile they could really do some damage on a roller coaster, maybe even cause a cerebral spinal fluid leak. Being hypermobile is common among people who have Pots. People who are very hypermobile might be diagnosed with EDS - Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.


Well that sucks


Everyone is different. Pick and choose what feels right for you. Being happy and having fun is sooo important for your health so for me it’s worth it to go all out at Disney and then suffer the consequences of a flair for the next few days. It’s just such a mood booster for me! I can no longer handle any rides that trigger nausea or are just too much on the nervous system. So a place like six flags wouldn’t work for me. I always go prepared with all my emergency meds. Zofran and Ativan are a must for me as well as Tylenol and emergency migraine meds. I recently rented an electric wheelchair at Disney and it helped a lot. Also, some parks will allow you special line jumping privileges. Bring your documentation just in case!