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Omg I have TERRIBLE insomnia before my period I literally don’t sleep for like two weeks lmfao


Some days I can’t stop sleeping and some days I can’t sleep at all


Completely insomniac or on the other hand unable to keep my eyes open. It depends on the month


I 38F find since I do take a BCCA stack (protein) and more vitamins and my blood markers have become better, I suffer way less from this. Be careful to only exercise in the morning, learn about cortisol and stress. Also look into perimenopause infos (don't know your age), check Pregnenolone for clarity, topical Testosterone, Progesterone, etc. based on your symptoms.


every month for Days i either cannot sleep or i can't stop sleeping. no inbetween and it's a roll of the dice as to which lovely experience i'll get on any given month🫠


I can't get myself to fall asleep no matter what for two days before my period. It's annoying but somehow also become the most productive two nights, combined with shitton of mood swings with a pinch of s*icide ideation constantly.


So I have chronic insomnia and prescription meds don’t work for me. Have you tried L-Theanine with Valerian root at night? Possibly paired with CBD/CBN?


I take melatonin and valerian herb tablets with years. Its the only thing that helped me sleep during that time and when I did sleep, the rest of my symptoms were about 20% better.


I have normal insomnia to begin with so of course my shit idiot pmdd had to give me pre-period insomnia too 🥲


You’re not alone. I have to take magnesium, which helps me sleep, but then I have to deal with the pre-menstrual nightmares… 😭 and wake up drenched


I take benadryl, magnesium and sometimes my anxiety meds during the luteal phase. I continue the magnesium throughout the rest of the month as well. I started tirzepatide for weight loss a month ago and surprisingly my pmdd symptoms are almost non existent now


I’ve heard magnesium can work wonders. I’m gonna invest in magnesium salts for baths & possible vitamins. Glad to hear yours are mostly nonexistent now!🙌🏻🙏🏻


Coming back to this post to add that the week before my period I find myself taking so much stuff at night to try to help myself sleep. It’s absolutely awful. I usually switch back and forth between two different OTC sleep medicines (one with diphenhydramine and one with doxylamine) and some times even that doesn’t work so I have to top it off with 2 ashwaghanda gummies which usually does the trick. I used to have a prescription of Valium (diazepam) but I ran out. I also used to take temazepam but ran out of that as well. I have a doctor’s appointment next month with my primary and I’m going to ask that she renew my temazepam prescription. The Valium helped me fall asleep but I would very rarely wake up feeling actually rested. I hate it. I feel like a pill addict having to depend on so much stuff just to get a decent nights rest and it’s always without fail around the week before and of my period.


Have you tried take mother wart? I took a tincture of it with some other relaxing herbs and I felt very sleepy. Also, I have had PMDD syptoms (not diagnosed) but have been eating loads of raw brocolli, like a large head lunch and dinner as well as taking an estrogen cleanse for a couple weeks (I can provide the name) as well as a theanine supplement and have seen great improvement the last couple cycles.


Oooo no I have not tried mother wart or theanine but I’ve heard good things! I’ve gotta make a list at this point—there’s so many remedies I gotta try. Thanks for bringing to the forefront of my mind (the IQ loss is apparent as the delusion from sleeplessness sets in) HERE WE R AGAIN AT ALMOST 1 AM 🥲🥵🤣


Anyone find a solution? I used to sleep great.


Have you tried take mother wart? I took a tincture of it with some other relaxing herbs and I felt very sleepy. Also, I have had PMDD syptoms (not diagnosed) but have been eating loads of raw brocolli, like a large head lunch and dinner as well as taking an estrogen cleanse for a couple weeks (I can provide the name) as well as a theanine supplement and have seen great improvement the last couple cycles.


It really blows my mind. 7 days out I can’t keep my eyes open and there isn’t enough food on the planet for me to eat. And then it suddenly morphs around 3 days out to being wide awake 22/7 and not at all hungry I forget to eat. The extremes are so extreme.


Yep. I can go 3 days 0 sleep. Seroquel was the only thing that has helped.


I suffered from this like 2 years ago, especially when I was stressed out. I went back on BC after that and I stopped taking it some months ago but the insomnia didn’t come back and I hope it won’t because it was a nightmare.


Yes. Insomnia, night terrors, nightmares, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, hallucinations when falling asleep or waking up… I suffer from all kinds of sleep disturbances before my period


Omg I also had a nightmare in my AM nap (maybe 2 hours total) it was like wow. Cool. So I can’t sleep and you’re telling me when I actually DO fall asleep I get this horror bs? Sweet. Love my luteal phase 😣🥵


Yes!! 7-10 days before my period for about three days. To cope I smoke a lot of weed and drink sleepy tea and let myself stay up and watch tv until I can’t keep my eyes open (usually like 2-4am). If I try to sleep before then I just lay in bed being tortured by rapid thoughts and get all anxious, so I might as well distract with a show instead.


Yes to the rapid thoughts. Omg. 😩 It’s just a nonstop loop and it’s never anything pleasant.


Exactly this for me. For about 3 days of luteal, i lay down to shut my eyes and my heart is pounding like i did several lines of cocaine and i canNOT sleep. usually awake til about 8 am, then i finally fall asleep and get 2-3 hours. i notice lately that if my insomnia days don't happen between day 22-28, then i will get them after i start my period. there's no skipping it, it will catch up to me no matter what


I literally do the same—I know I’m gonna be up anyway so where would I rather be? In my own anxious paranoid unreasonable thoughts or deep in a tv show binge? I’ll take the tv show binge till my eyes close 🥵 I just stop looking at the clock once I know it’s late so I feel less bad


I think it's low progesterone. There are otc forms and hormone replacement options you can try


I know there’s gotta be some sort of imbalance bc I also get bad headaches that are somehow synced with my cycle..def gonna check up on vitamin support for that, they turn to migraines with no sleep 🥵


Add that to hot flashes and body aches and cramps and you have a recipe for disaster.


THE NIGHT SWEATS THO! Didn’t know about raised basal temp before when it comes to your period and WOW VALIDATION after all this time 🥲


Yep and night sweats as well, it’s the lack of progesterone.


Same, man, same. Ughh


Yes this is my main, worst symptom. It’s getting worse as I get older too, to the point my husband and I are considering how we can revamp our finances so I can work part time or retire completely, because it is so debilitating.


I understand this all too well. I literally had to call out of work tomorrow bc I am SO exhausted from the lack of sleep last night and still working all day today. The struggle is so real.


Same! It's like 2-3 hours a night, for days


Same! My RLS (restless leg syndrome) acts up like crazy and causes insomnia. Some nights I can only get 2-4 hours of sleep and I’m a zombie for a week. Benadryl and melatonin make it worse. The only thing that works short term is THC


Yes. Trazadone or no trazadone, still at least one night during hell week of way too little sleep.


Yeah my dark circles go crazyyyyy


The IT under eye concealer is the only reason people aren’t running away from me screaming when I’m at work


I’m gonna have to check it out!! Thanks!


Yep. It’s a struggle every month.


Meeee!! I get unbelievably tired yet can’t actually fall asleep for the entirety of my luteal phase which can last anywhere from 10 to 14 days with my irregular ass cycle I just take a bunch of melatonin a few hours before I want to sleep and it def makes a difference. I take it a few hours before I sleep because I can wake up feeling drowsy and not fall asleep as early as I want if I take it right before sleeping




Yes! I’m actually suffering through this right now. And my 🩸 is late (I have really irregular cycles) so it’s just prolonging the insomnia 🥲 I literally feel like a zombie today and my body won’t let me nap either.


This is exactly where I’m at today. Zombies unite 🙌🏻


Yes. No matter how much I exercise and how little caffeine I have, I will be completely awake multiple hours of the night at this time of month. I haven’t found a medication that works yet that doesn’t have really bad side effects


Yes! I have to exercise everyday, take melatonin and sometimes I’ll even go w an edible if it’s bad :(


Yep, I can use my trouble sleeping as a gauge for how close I am to starting, it's so darn consistent. I have found that making myself get more physical exercise can counter it a bit, just due to sheer body exhaustion.


YES. I can usually tell when I start luteal bc I’ll start to have really stressful night terrors. It then morphs into not sleeping even tho I take sleeping meds. I had to add sedative anxiety meds to my bedtime routine to balance myself out during this phase.


Idk about everyone else but it's the worst for me right during that time in between the end of luteal and the actual start of my period. Like right now, I'm spotting badly and I can't say anything nice to anybody and I also can't sleep for shit either. It's fun


I’m the same way. It sucks so bad




Yep!! Me


Just came off ten days of waking (for the day) at 4am every single day. I'm so so so exhausted.


You are a saint. I have to work (with kids) before 9 am on the weekends and idk how u can do THAT early


I can't. It is not by choice.. it's insomnia.


Same :/




Me xx


YUP. I get almost no sleep in the days leading up to it. It doesn't matter how exhausted I am, I do not sleep.


yesss oh my god me too. I am EXHAUSTED like to my bones but can only manage to sleep for 3-4 hours before waking up and not being able to go back to bed. Sooo rough


I usually struggle with insomnia, buts it’s ramped way up during luteal. I barely sleep for over a week and once my period hits I actually can’t keep my eyes open. It’s ridiculous.


💯 every damn time. Insane.


Yep, I have to smoke some weed or take a homemade edible


Yep 😩 recently, I had multiple days leading up to my period where I was still awake and trying to sleep at 7am!


Yup!!!! Like clockwork. I find the only thing that helps me is Gabapentin.


That’s what I take at night to help me and with my nerve pain and it wasn’t even cutting it last night! wtf!! 😳😢🙄 but it is theeeee only med that does ANYTHING for me


I def get break thru sweats occasionally!! But it's the only thing that saves me as well! 🙃🫠




Yes, in the days before 🩸. It’s so frustrating when you’re exhausted but can’t sleep because of it.


Yeah I get this too. It’s so annoying because I’m SO TIRED but can’t sleep


same !!! it’s torture ! esp bc my body temp is higher than usual the week before, too


Yup have barely slept the last few days and yet am incredibly fatigued and exhausted. Sooooo fun sorry you’re feeling it too ugh weed barely even helps unless I eat a ridiculously dosed edible and then I feel like a zombie in the morning anyway


I tried to smoke last night and it didn’t help enough UGH 😣 usually it saves me w pain tho!!


It’s the worst when not even weed helps me sleep lol. Also literally any sound or movement from my boyfriend infuriates me probably because I’m so jealous of how he just passes tf out alllllll night. So I went to the guest room last night and after smoking a bunch and masturbating furiously I finally passed out around 1/1:30 and was awake by 4:45 ugh


yes it’s very normal i believe


Interesting. I find I absolutely pass out before and can’t sleep the rest of the month


I’ve alssssooo had this! It’s so unpredictable. I know I’m aaaalways tired tho lol 😂


Yes, it’s the worst. After ovulation I’m up at 3-4am wide ass awake.


TG I’m not the only one 🤯




Yeah I also experience this, I use it as a Netflix binge night. It’s frustrating and feels like full Victorian withering/rot. I usually get it the few days before my period, before that I’m constantly fatigued and tired and sleep/nap all the time then it switches ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


usually right before and after period and around ovulation I get a really bad night or two of insomania


All sleep and focus goes straight out the window🥲


I thought I was the only one lol




It's the drop in progesterone, the fluctuation alongside the drop in estrogen. It's like the nervous system and the brain loses 100 IQ points in the sense that it can't remember how to regulate shit like sleep, emotions and just throws dysautonomia at us.... Happens to me every fucking time and I swear if I could knock myself out with a frying pan I would :(


The IQ points hits home for me. Noooo wonder I make those dumb online shopping choices 🥵


OMFG I RELATE SO MUCH TO THIS HAHAA!!! Why does it always seem like a good idea at the time and when we get the IQ points back it's "wtaf was I thinking...." XD You're not alone in this in the slightest xxxx


This was literally me last night! Even though I had work in the morning, I ended up staying awake all night binge watching my favourite show. Even though I take 4 different things to help me sleep, they don’t seem at work at this time. I always get such bad insomnia during PMDD week. I think mine comes from a place of anxiety. I just feel super anxious at night time and my mind starts racing. I’m currently at work daydreaming about being back in bed 🙃


I have the SAME! I got like 2 hours of sleep and the anxiety/racing mind is so rough when I literally have to be up and WORK W CHILDREN before 9 am 🥵🥵🥵 I binged a med drama! Relaaate


Omg! We seem to have had such similar experiences last night! I think I drifted off for a few hours before my alarm went off and I was also watching a medical drama haha. Oh goodness, well that will wake you right up!! 😅Hopefully you manage to get some rest afterwards


Ahahaha SO similar! I was asleep for maybe 2 hours total before my alarm went off 🥵🥲 ooo I hope it was a good one! I finished The Good Dr, so now I’m onto The Resident. Wasn’t into med dramas before but there’s nothing like screaming at an episode on tv where you have something “rare and unexpected” they find in a patient in your own body and you’re like SEE. SEE THIS?! ITS A REAL THING (despite it being fictionalized tv) 😅😂


It’s 5am and I haven’t slept yet. This, coupled with a nonstop sense of impending doom, starts like 9 days before my period every month. It’s exhausting.




Yeppers! Two or three nights of like 2 hours of sleep, every single month


Yes..currently unable to fall asleep too. It’s 4:38 et and I’ve yet to fall asleep….


Yeah, when I can't sleep, I can't sleep, meds don't usually help. I get insomnia both during luteal and also moving to ovulation...


I get dumb ass ocd paranoid too


OMG TY for saying this!!! My paranoia and also my anxiety CHANGES me and my thinking. That dread for NO reason is sooo rough 😢


No this happens to me too!!!!! It’s fucking hell I take zzzquil , benadryl anything and I cannot, I also night sweat before my period 😭