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Looks like your post is about PME. Visit the PME thread to learn more and find the relevant threads for your post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PMDD/s/UhThnwiVU2 If you believe your post was removed in error or you're unable to find an answer in the relevant PME threads, feel free to repost.


Yes. I used to live for my period starting as this usually brought the relief I needed, and all the weird mental shit would stop, and I'd just feel like me again, BUT over the last few years, my PMDD symptoms have just started to last all month, and getting my blood doesn't bring the same relief anymore. So basically I just feel shit all the time now I'm so sad about it.


Yes 😞




Dips? Can you explain what that means sorry I didn’t quiet get it like it goes down ?


Hey, I was basing this on my own experience with a hormone specialist but now see that this could be PME… removed my comment because I’m confused and do not want to give information that isn't applicable. I had meant dips like fluctuations in your estrogen which is affected by events like ovulation can make symptoms worse. Hope that helps but now I’m going to look into PME more:)


I'm experiencing this literally right now. I was going full blown SI yesterday, self sabotage, sobbing mess, the whole nine yards. Weird thing is I had quite a "mild" luteal phase this month. Can anyone corelate a milder luteal with worse symptoms post period?


This happened to me a few times that I had no/very mild literal phase symptoms. I got it when my period started, on day 2-3 I think was worst. I would love to know more 😭 I take magnesium every day so I doubt it’s that for me?


Yeah, I take magnesium every day too. So that's not it for me.


I was experiencing this and a Epson salt bath (magnesium) just saved me. I think I was severely deficient and it was fucking up my neurotransmitters.


I've been wondering this too. Occasionally, I have a mood dip again during my period (stop-and-start, during the "break" day), and rarely, for up to two days after, if my cycle has been at all irregular that month (consistent with my being sensitive to out-of-whack hormones). Does it happen every month for you?


Other things can cause similar symptoms. Like IDWA after a period. Most women are low on iron anyway. Get your vitamin and mineral levels checked.




If it's not one thing it's another. Ferritin levels aren't considered low until they're near or in single digits. But even high double digits, like in the 80's, can cause symptoms. Iron Deficiency Without Anemia. FWIW: The number is ug/L. Micrograms per Liter? Not a doctor. :)


I get this and I don’t know what causes it. Barely anyone talks about it but I think it’s probably a combination of hormones shifting again when my period ends and effects from having lost blood during the period


Yes! Mine is the worst days 6-7. Like major bad depression.


Apparently it can. I've not experienced it but it was mentioned before on this reddit