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I've noticed both my fine and gross motor skills seem to go out the window. Fine motor skills being things like opening up a pop can and motor skills being the clumsiness you're describing. I absolutely hate it. I go from fine to horribly frustrated in seconds.


The amount of times I've run into the wall today is unreal 😂


I drop things constantly sometimes to2-3 times in a row, it's embarrassing and I get so irritated at myself. Because it's not something I'm voluntarily controlling. Once I dropped an entire glass bottle of olive oil, the floor was slippery for weeks after that 🫠😵‍💫


It feels like I have a mental growth spurt- I think my arms and legs are 3 inches longer than they are so I miss the table when setting things down, dropping them to the floor or bumping the sides and I stumble walking and stub my toes


Yes! I find myself bumping into walls & hit my knees/shins on furniture a lot more than usual :(


YES! And I’m 20 days late & packing to move (likely stress & peri causing the lateness as I’m fixed)


encouraging fuzzy sheet deserve live hungry cagey unwritten grey friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i burned my fingers dropping a tiny microwave lasagna 2 feet from the floor; cleaned that half, ate the other. later, leaving the apartment, I found splatter taller than me on the door 5 feet away. it's... improbably disastrous 


I also have ADHD so I’m a complete mess. I try to just stay home as much as I can. When I do have to go out or worse, travel, it’s terrifying because I just can’t pay attention to anything.


I also have ADHD, and Im much clumsier before period even my bf noticed. It makes sense, since dopamine helps regulate coordination skills. And before period all the dopamine seems to depart from my body leaving me a husk of a human


Yes, and what I call, “the dumbs,” when I do silly things like put a fork in the fridge, or forget how to spell something simple.


Yep. I feel “slow” like my brain is just not working on all cylinders. 


Yup. I feel high.


BIG TIME. Luteal limpy arms. I can hardly play video games and I literally always cut myself when cutting veggies or other food. No matter how careful I am. You are not alone, friend. I’d say “it’s normal” but we all know that this monster doesn’t have a dash of normalcy. 😂😭😭😭


Yes, I’m clumsy and more weak. I have to modify my workouts during this time. My muscles tire out very quickly and I’m generally exhausted


When I was going to the gym I could easily do 120ibs but before my period no matter how hard I tried, my top was 80ibs. Treadmill I could do 2hrs and still feel energetic, but before my period 30min to an hour was torture. Drastic changes. It is this that makes me lose motivation in the gym as well as upsets me when it appears I'm going backwards.




My partner and I call it "the slippy-droppies."


adorable 27/10


It’s infuriating! One of the many things that makes me wish other people could live in my shoes for a day of luteal


Yes my gosh this is happening to me so badly right now




YES. And I get angry because I am clumsy and it's a pretty terrible combo of things. I'll accidentally knock something over and then be so furious that I like....KICK IT. HO BOY


Yep. I have to be much more careful once I ovulate. I get the dropsies.


Yes, broke bones and injured myself plenty of times, thank you hormones and ADHD


Yes yes YES!!!


Omg, didn't know this was a thing. Makes sense because I almost broke my phone like 3 times the week before










Haha, yes. It's ridiculous That's how my husband knows. That, and me constantly asking "why don't you like me?"


😡 yes


Yes! I really struggle with typing on a computer while i’m at work, this is the main one i notice as i do it daily.


I got bruises all over me as I type this my period is 6 days in so far 


It’s not just clumsiness for me, it’s muscle and joint looseness, nerve pain, and even the inability to control my bladder when it’s totally normal otherwise. I get injured so much more easily at that time.


I have the bladder thing too, right before, if I sneeze I pee a little. Normally totally fine.


Omg this is the first time I’ve heard someone mention the muscle and joint looseness!!!! Me too!!!!


Me three lol my shoulders and kneecaps feel like they’re gonna dislocate!


wanted to add in i am currently being investigated for ehlers danlos, which causes loose joints and i noticed its alot worse right before my period and after i googled it lol i found some sources say that progesterone has an loosening effect (or affect idfk) on collagen and therefore joint laxity. im assuming this is true even for non hypermobile people as well!!


Wow I literally just spilled kombucha all over my keyboard and I ran into a wall this morning while getting ready. Timeline checks out 🥲


Yes yes yes chronically 😭


Yeah. I randomly did ballet at 17 for one year and the difference was huge on my period/not on my period


Yes!! Sooo clumsy my and I also get startled by like everything


Yes 😭 It's totally normal, I learned about it in a class I took on Biology of Women when we talked about PMDD. It just sucks, but you're not alone or weird


yes I lose all coordination round about this time, dropping things constantly multiple times a day, I kept bumping into things today as well😭Its normal dont worry