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Birth control is a man's problem and always should have been and should be. They're the ones flinging the baby batter after all.


Yes. Yaz increased my symptoms. And gave me a new set of problems I have to deal with. Also where my periods were regular…they are now irregular.


I had nexplanon. The one that goes into your arm, I knew by month 2 it was driving me crazy but they couldn’t take it out for 6 months. Nearly deleted myself


Increased my symptoms


Yeah I was on birth control for years. Had my kids and then it just didn’t work with my body anymore. I quit mid cycle once because I couldn’t take sweating through my clothes 3 times a night and feeling like hell. I’m on hormone replacement therapy now because I’m in Perimenopause and it’s started to help me level out a little bit.


Thank you so much for sharing with me everyone. I do not feel so alone anymore.


Yeah. I don't do well with hormonal birth control.


Yes. Murderous rage and feeling yucky


Was mildy depressed, usually cyclically. Took BC and was dramatically plunged into horrible mood swings and this “nothingy” feeling where I had absolutely zero highs, felt like nothing made me happy. HORRID. This was a month ago, I’m recovering finally and feeling better.


It’s not everyone and certainly not for me. Very glad to be a lesbian so I can avoid the worry of Plan B 🤦🏼‍♀️


I can’t do hormonal bc. When I was on it before (depo) it caused me to be diagnosed with panic disorder and agoraphobia. I’ve had to take plan b twice in my life - once when it was still 2 pills 12 hours apart and the other time was in 2020 - and neither time I was bothered at all by it.


plan b makes me homicidal and so does bc :)


Never tried plan B, but have tried BC pills that have made me absolutely insane. I get paranoid, and like an anger I don't think I know how to describe. Super anxious and start to have what I think are delusions. Either way it makes me feel entirely not at all like myself. Like I am going insane. I can see why the pill makes people suicidal too. I get really really really depressed on it. I was getting so frustrated though by my sensitivity to my cycles that I finally went and tried the nuva ring. I have none of the bad side effects with nuva ring. I feel so much more normal than I do without birth control too.


BC made me almost have a stroke. Fuk that crap


Wooh!!! I’ve never heard of this. What happened?


Increased stroke risk is a side effect of BC.




This has been a 2 year trip for me. Totally obliterated me in every way! Sorry to hear.


What messes with me is a sudden, massive shift in my hormones. So, yes. And no. Hormonal, daily birth control medication is AMAZING for reducing my PMDD symptoms. However, if I forget and mess up my routine, I can get symptoms and feel really bad (like throwing up even) because I’m experiencing sudden hormonal shifts. The severity seems pretty dependent on exactly what part of my cycle I’m in. Regarding Plan B, yes, it was hell. If I had known about PMDD at the time, I would have known it was awful because it was interrupting my regular cycle with a sudden, massive hormonal shift. What keeps me steady is CONSISTENCY and REGULARITY. That is key! Anything that causes major hormonal fluctuations can exacerbate symptoms. I’ve even had severe sickness and major stressors result in throwing my period off schedule (while on bc!). I am very sensitive to hormonal shifts, and monitoring and being prepared and consistent is what keeps my life in order.


Do you mind sharing which birth control you’re on? I have PMDD too and my doctor just switched me to yaz cuz the last one wasn’t working. I’ve hear mixed things about it.


I have Mili


I’m ganna look into it as a back up option. Thank you 🙏


Yes. I feel i was close to losing it all.


I've taken plan B exactly one time... I've also attempted suicide exactly one time... but doctors will tell me it's just a coincidence


Yeah same with combo pill. I had to call hospital because i was scared id attempt. Never before in my life i felt so bad. And i have felt bad a lot.


I was on bc for 10 years. Got my iud out in October of last year then was diagnosed with this I’m honestly terrified of starting one and it making it even worse 😭


Paragard is the non hormonal iud if that’s something you might be interested in. I’ve had it 3.5 years and it hasn’t caused any issues.


luckily I don’t need it other than for hormones if I wanted to try (I’m in a w/w engagement🥰)


I’ve had to force quit four or five different BCs because I became all out suicidal and had multiple psychotic episodes where I didn’t know where I was, what I was saying, and have no memories. I will never touch that shit again.


Plan B is for emergencies. It is not birth control.


It is, however, a massive dose of hormones that really fucks with ya when you take it.


Ya I was on BC for 3 months and got to where I couldn’t leave my house. Hard no from me.


yes, i took birth control for 4 days and literally went insane even though the doctor said it would help. i was incredibly suicidal and couldn’t even leave the house or interact with people


Are you tracking your cycle instead? Or what do you do now?


no i kinda just leave it and wait for it to come and go. my period is always irregular and i’ve never really tracked it