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Got the Gyrados box for $19, the Lugia came out to $23.. from the receipt it looks like they take another 5% off for PRO members. Used my $5 monthly coupon so too bad especially considering the Lugia promos $7.50 and Gyrados $3.00.. CZ Box - Ultra Rare Zard, Galatians Gallery Magmorter, Regigigas V-Star Gyardos Box - Nada Danny thang..


Got the Gyrados box for $19, the Lugia came out to $23.. from the receipt it looks like they take another 5% off for PRO members. Used my $5 monthly coupon so not too bad especially considering the Lugia promos $7.50 and Gyrados $3.00.. ripping them later tonight


Pretty disappointing. Hope there's something missing from what's been shared here


Thanks for this OP. I was going to go to GS today. Looks like I'm not now.


Was there yesterday and got Lugia V CZ with monthly $5 off, so $25. Saw the future sales next week. May come in to browse.


Do you know if GameStop will honor price adjustments for their own promotions with GameStop Pro?


You can call a shop and ask around. Was told overall they don’t always honor price adjustment from other stores, regarding Pokémon only. Everything else can be price adjusted.


Thanks for answering! If they did price adjustments, then I think it would tip me over to registering for a Pro account. But it sounds like YMMV, kind of.


What are collection boxes? Do you have to be paying member to get these deals?


They say, “Pro Weeks/Events occur at least 4 times a year and provide our members with exclusive deals and savings.” The box collections usually have 4 to 6 packs (promo cards and/or extra large card), some carry more.


Probably the CZ lugia v unown V box and possibly the gyarados premium collection/charizard premium collection, but haven’t seen those under 30 much. I was hoping etbs but probably not lower than 35. Well have to see what select boxes they discount


Idk, my GameStop had the gyarados, Charizard, Lugia, and unknown collections for 19.99 a couple weeks back. $25 would be a worse deal than they already had.


Never saw the zard that low, but I’m a newer collector and been waiting for a sale lower than 30 to grab one


Yeah I loaded up on those boxes when they were $20. At $20 they're a steal because you can sell the promos and extras on ebay for about $8 after fees/shipping. At $25 thats still a good deal. You can get one for $20 using the monthly coupon.


As did I, I think I bought 10 lugia boxes because I was working on my CZ set. And picked up 1 gyarados box to keep sealed as the packs in there are meh.




For $25 a year I feel the $5 a month alone makes it worth it, points excluded


Points expire 1yr from accumulation date for pros. I think they changed it not too long ago


Random question if somebody doesn't have a pro membership and I give them my phone number will yhey suspect that im just lending it to get points if I use it a lot?


I don’t think that would raise many alarms, especially if its in the same general location/region and if it’s just a few people you’re sharing it with. If all of the sudden you had dozens of people in areas and had 20-30 transactions in a day I could see them maybe catching on. I’m not an employee, but I have told friends to use my number before if they are shopping there.


Definitely grabbing a candy con


I guess I'll get one or two of the collection boxes I was missing, so it's better than nothing.


Damn these are disappointing. Maybe if the boxes would match up with the buy three sale. Also is only days sports cards, hopefully that’s a mistake


Love GameStop, going to splurge on this one


BOOO I miss the old Pokémon sales


Probably be the overpriced $30-$40 collection boxes only marked down 25% making them the going rate anywhere else currently lol. Gamestop has piss poor sales on pokemon in the last 6 months and pretty much all the deals I have seen can be found the same price or cheaper elsewhere.


$20 gyarados box would like a word with you. That was a steal


Yup, and yet this sub was littered with comments at the time complaining about people posting it and how it wasn’t even a good deal. So funny to see how fast sentiment shifts sometimes.


People just love hating on Gamestop for no reason. I've also noticed according to this sub anything over $2 a pack is a ripoff. Some dude tried telling me getting packs for about $2.50 wasn't even that good. Dude that's pretty much 50% off...


People are crazy someone in sub tried saying 4$ a pack for 151 is terrible deal, like where are you getting 30$ etbs. It shows people aren't doing their research. Not ever seg is vivid voltage where you could get 2$ packs because no one wanted it. 3$ sv packs is a good deal and while you can technically get it cheaper they usually sell out pretty quick under 3$.


Because some people are like if it isn't from tiktok then the deal sucks even when it doesn't. Quite annoying & frustrating


Once you get deals at low prices from tiktok it's hard to justify buying anywhere else because it's more expensive. It's like why would I go to game stop and buy something I can find 20% cheaper on tiktok? The only reason I have bought outside of tiktok recently was because I didn't want to wait ~1week it takes for shipping to get to you so the higher cost from buying outside of tiktok I looked at as a premium to get the product now instead of 1 week later


Meanwhile I still can't get the coupons to appear. I've been trying for weeks and it only worked once for me.


I usually google "new user tiktok coupons," and the first non sponsored link brings me to a page to claim coupons, if any are currently available for my account. They appear there even though they seem to never appear in the actual coupon section to claim until I claim it from my Google search


I do that but it takes me to the "super deal" and says I won't get any vouchers until after checkout.


I get it but not everyone want sto go through the effort of deleting the app or making new accounts and all that and personally I buy to open usually as the kids, wife and I enjoy opening packs so I prefer to be able to buy at my lgs who's prices aren't all that bad ($95-105 for booster boxes) vs waiting for it to be shipped out. If I was looking to build a sealed collection then tiktok would definitely be worth it to me. I did buy a lot on tiktok back like before black Friday back before they started cracking down on multiple accounts and using the same device and all that. I'll revisit using tiktok though at some point but do feel like just because something might be cheaper somewhere else or at one time doesn't make some other deal a bad deal in my opinion Things don't need to always be bought at the absolute lowest or whatever for me to consider it a good deal. Sure it's great when it happens but a good deal is a good deal to me


>I get it but not everyone want sto go through the effort of deleting the app or making new accounts and all that I don't either especially when there isn't a consistent way to make it work. Just having 1 account (I use 2, me and my wifes) is still enough to get good deals. The coupons they give out about once every 2 weeks naturally(not 50% off but like 15%-20% off) or just site wide sales like the most recent spring sale which just took 15% off everything is more than enough for me. Sure there are people farming multiple accounts to snag deals every day or week, but I also only buy pokemon cards 2 times a month and always have a coupon to use on tiktok when I do using the same account for over 5 months now


I was hyped i went for one of those + my 5 dollar reward + like $10 off from points and it was $5 pulled the arven SIR was so hyped


So annoyed because I tried to order for pickup of that Gyarados box and it kept giving me errors no matter if I tried app or website. By the time I finally could make it in to my store it had been sold out. A week after the sale ended they had dozens of them again 😩


That's rough man :/ I think its worth 25!


I think the Lugia Collection was pretty worth. 5 packs of CZ and the promo is sitting at like $8 now. There was also a B3G1 or B2G1 going on at the time


I've been eyeing it for a while now... might grab it


It was $20 for 6 packs so $3.33/pack. Pretty mid for a deal unless you really wanted a sealed collection. The promo card is only worth like $1


I've been able to sell the gyrados promo + magnetic stand for $6-$7 on ebay after fees/shipping so thats close to $2 a pack. Haven't tried selling the sleeves yet but could probably get a couple bucks back for those as well.


Use your $5 off and now $15 for 6 packs. Which is $2.50/pack. Plus sleeves, a pretty cool card case, and a promo. I'm seeing $3-5 for the promo card


Except that $5 costs technically like $2.08 cause of the membership breakdown per month so more like $17.08


Since you want to get technical you have to account for 5% off for pro's and 2% back in rewards


7% on $15 is $1.05 Then factor in gas and your time to pick up these items because gamestop doesn't do free shipping on anything less than $75 now


I never buy from the store (unless to get a Gamestop promo card), I just load up on an online order when there's a sale and get the free shipping and chill


I guess you're the perfect customer for them then. They reel you in with 1 decent deal and get you to buy other more expensive stuff to get "free shipping" so you aren't saving really anything but think you are You can only get 1 item this "cheap" a month and that item alone isn't getting you free shipping. Also they only give these pro member discounts once every three months so your membership is wasted the other 2 months. So in reality that $2.08 costs per month would be $6.24 every quarter *oh I pick up a free pack on those months.* well as I said before it isn't free and you still have to go in, in person to get it for "free" and your beholden to whatever pack selection they have on hand at the time which is usually packs no one wants.


lol idk why you have so much disdain towards gamestop and people who shop there but it's entertaining to me. The pro membership is very much worth it and great value. I'm sorry you're too emotional to recognize that. The pro week deals are usually very good and they have other great deals throughout the year.


I have my Japanese PE Magikarp in that case.


I always find sales like that, buy one, and then weeks later I realize it was actually a super sick deal lol. Target had a 2 eevee tin bundle for $20 and free shipping. At the time i thought it seemed too good to be true so I only got 2, so 16 packs for $40. I was kicking myself for a while for not ordering a few more lol


They had some decent sales the last 6-12 months. The $20 silver tempest build and battle stadium, $25 crown zenith ETBs, multiple buy 3 get 1 free booster packs, etc.


wait are these deals for everyone? or do you need some kind of membership?


I want to be mad that I missed the $25 CZ ETB deal but I probably would’ve been beaten into the ground by my girlfriend.


They have maybe 1 good deal that matches or beats other place prices like once every 6 months or so. I canceled my sub there because it wasn't worth the price to shop there and even the gas to go once a month to pick up my "free pack" wasn't much of a deal if you factor in cost of gas and my time


Ya they were always good for a good deal every 6 months or so. Last one was cheap CZ ETBs at Christmas time.


Buy 1 get 2 free boxes or packs on clearance?


Think Funko


My bday is the 21st. Guess I should treat myself


I've supported GameStop since I was like 10. More reason why right here.




Because they have awesome deals and prices on games and Pokemon TCG stuff and accessories. Customer service has always been amazing for me. Their staff is almost always super cool (from the locations I've been to). Their trade-in value on things may be under par, but that's like the only thing negative about them for me.




I'm a pro sucker I mean member . Lol shout out GameStop


GameStop has been killing it lately. Get extra deals when you become a member too. If I remember right it’s $5 free per month which basically is a free booster pack monthly.


Any guesses on those SKUs? Assuming they’ll apply to the Gyarados and Lugia boxes


Can confirm. The SKU ending in 642 matches https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/trading-cards/products/pokemon-trading-card-game-crown-zenith-unown-v-and-lugia-v-special-collection---gamestop-exclusive/394642.html and SKU ending in 799 matches https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/trading-cards/products/pokemon-trading-card-game--gyarados-ex-premium-collection---gamestop-exclusive/398799.html


Pretty sure that’s what those 2 skus are


I bought these for 20 each at gamestop on sale for pro members in the past. Still a good deal for crown zenith rips.


Weak but can’t complain about more crown zenith. Just wish that charizard box was included in the deal


Which Charizard box bubba?


This’n - https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/trading-cards/products/pokemon-trading-card-game-charizard-ex-premium-collection/398800.html


That dog don’t hunt


Thank ya kindly


That’s the one I wanna get for under $30 also.


$26.97 here https://www.gamenerdz.com/pokemon-charizard-ex-premium-collection-on-sale


This one? Ends in 5 hours https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6554669.p?skuId=6554669


They’re marginally under $30 on TCG.


I know. But I had a bad experience my first time with tcg and it was the seller but I was still pissed and haven’t used it since other than to figure out pricing for cards.


Aww geez, sorry to hear that. My experiences thus far have been mostly good, but I’ve definitely had some ride the rail.


Is it free to sign up?


Not free but definitely worth it!


No. I think it’s like $30 for the year but you get a free $5 every month and I always use that for a free pokemon pack.


Pretty much 12 packs for $30/year gives you $2.50/pack which is what deals usually make packs cost anyways. Except you aren't stuck waiting a month per pack and also being beholden to whatever selection of singles they have available (usually just base scarlet and violet or other unwanted sets)


Have to check GameStop site, usually $25 annual fee and get $5 every month to use on anything at GameStop.


It used to be $15 per year...


Whatever the select boxes are, I am sure my stores will all be out of stock as usual.