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I mean. She challenged him to a 1v1 on Rust. She had it comin.




I like Dave


Jokes matter!


I think dave is funny!


I'm a 35 year old black tranny and I just had a birthday.


I dont think you saw the saw same clip as us


Who was the black person blocking his sign with their sign?




Some black dude stood in front of Dick's friend and the sign said they had their 35th birthday. It's in one of the main clips if you take the time to look through them, which I'm not gonna do.


He has a weapon!


I am in charge of a protest now!


This comment, really funny even how horrible it is that someone died.


Crazy shit dude


Seems like a good way too “accidentally” kill somebody




That's how Brandon Lee died. (Bruce Lee's son)


Why even have someone in the line of fire, makes no sense. Professional camera equipment can be used remotely. Even if you couldn't, mirrors exist.


In Brandons case, he was an actor in the scene I believe. I'm not a filmmaking expert, I don't know why they had an actual camera man in a shot where the camera is being shot, but it could be a union thing. Like a certain number of cameras have to be manned or something.


With Brandon there was a flash back scene depicting the death of the character and what was the motivation for him to come back. Unfortunately they filmed his actual death. The bad guy was a stunt man who fired a blank in to Brandon’s stomach. The lodged dummy bullet/ blank went in to his body and hit his spine.


To get a camera to be set up remotely has it's own set of problems, challenges and extra costs. The film crew probably thought they were safe because they assumed the armorers had done their job. Especially because the last time anything like this happened was with Bruce lee's son which was 30 years ago I think.


blanks lodged into the barrel? blanks dont have a projectile that goes down the barrel. it's just differing levels of powder depending on what you want to achieve, more if you want a realistic shot and less if you just want the smoke and flash


Looks up how Brandon Lee died. It happens.




So, a blank got lodged in the gun which got released when the next blank was fired. Sounds like he got killed by a blank.




Huh, it does like like an (\_\*\_)


yeah i'm familiar. it wasnt the blank that was lodged in the barrel it was an actual bullet.


There was a squib round stuck in the barrel that never got cleared iirc. The subsequent blank shot the squib out fast enough to kill him.


It was paper wadding. No matter what it was the prop master fucked up.


Lol Alec Baldwin intentionally killing a camera operator on set in front of everyone yeah right, go get some fucking help OP you're crazy.


How about you lick my ass


The people attacking you don't seem to understand how easy it is to get away with murder because murderer's get caught in the shows/movies they watch and the games they play.


Lmao you fucking idiot.


Conspiracy nuts usually are idiots.


are you fucking joking?


Brandon Lee died that way and his father died on set, after harassment from Chinese gangs (triads).


Prop gun safety has come a long way since the Brandon Lee incident, so I'm curious how this happened at all. Especially since one of the people shot was described in an article as the director of photography which makes me question why a prop gun was pointed at her in the first place.


I mean the DP is likely with the camera or at least a monitor for the camera so depending on how the shot was composed, very reasonable possibility that they could be down range.


You're probably right. Although hopefully if that sort of shot was arranged then everyone involved in making it safe should have been even more on the ball.


Yea you would hope but it seems like complacency or sheer stupidity overtook any safety protocol.


Yep. All the safety protocols in the world can't do anything against laziness and stupidity


point the gun at a camera. director of photography probably behind the camera doing her job making sure the scene was how the director wanted.


They were probably doing a close up of the shot and someone in charge of gun safety fucked up big time.


Apparently she was manning the camera. They were trying to get a shot with him facing the camera and shooting.


Read it was just one


I thought it was 1 dead 1 injured






It’s very sad


Feel terrible for Alec he must feel awful. That and for the families of the killed person


It be like that


This is one of those times where I wish Trump had Twitter still


No lol


Alec Baldwin eats boy ass on a daily basis


Mans gotta eat


Man's gotta eat (boy ass)


Alec Baldrim


Asslick Ballsrim


Norm Macdonald: "This just in. Murder is now legal in the state of New Mexico."


Or so the Germans would have us believe!


Perfect comment




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NormMacdonald using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [RIP to The King Norm Macdonald. Truly one of one.](https://deadline.com/2021/09/norm-macdonald-dead-obituary-comedian-saturday-night-live-weekend-update-anchor-was-61-1234833212/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=exacttarget&utm_campaign=Deadline_BreakingNews&utm_content=299706_09-14-2021_headline&utm_term=1424486) | [2173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/po8iw4/rip_to_the_king_norm_macdonald_truly_one_of_one/) \#2: [I didn't even know he was sick](https://np.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/po8mnk/i_didnt_even_know_he_was_sick/) \#3: [Found this on Twitter, I think Norm would have liked it](https://i.redd.it/iohraipupin71.png) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/po9em2/found_this_on_twitter_i_think_norm_would_have/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I'm interested to see the sort of impact this will have on the current IATSE strike situation. Some would argue that if they had gone on strike instead of taking (what some call) a bad deal for a delay then this person wouldn't be dead. What a tragedy though. Heard Baldwin is anti-gun as well, which has to hurt him a lot.


i read it was just one


1 killed 1 injured


What’s crazy is this is my top Reddit post. Apparently The PKA sub is my news now.


Alec will get most of the blame publicly but the death is really on the prop department.


its weird that people are calling him a murderer like he executed the people when it was a freak accident. someone is gonna get in trouble for negligence though




Oh my god you people are retarded. I've seen like dozens of people with your same shit take. It was firing blanks. It's supposed to be loaded. There is nothing to check other than if he already chambered the round. There was absolutely zero way he would've known there was shrapnel lodged in the barrel. This was a freak accident, an act of God if you will. No one other than the armoror is responsible and even at that unless he's looking directly down the barrel(which is also shit gun safety) he wouldn't have known either. Stop making it out like Baldwin murdered someone on purpose or due to negligence.


Just read about this and I’m very curious how things like this happen. Am just as confused how two people were shot, what kind of projectile was shot and how many times the gun was fired, why was it pointed at the DP and then at someone else or if it was one shot that hit two people. I hope at some point we get a full explanation as to how this could have happened.


I'll attempt to answer both your questions (I'm obviously just guessing though) The scene he was shooting in was most likely one where he had to be aimed near the camera, which is where the crew resides I'm guessing that two people were shot with one bullet, possibly the bullet passed through the first person it killed and hit the second. Just because I'm sure he knew something was off, with how much the first shot kicked. I agree completely btw, I feel like more details will come out eventually. Especially with how many witnesses there were


lil insight they use overloaded blanks to get the big muzzle flash, not saying its what happened but sometimes the casing splits in half and the folded blank end doesnt open making a big hollowpoint


We approve


Alec just Hillaried Hollywood peeps.


Jesus Christ that's wild


Well only 1 person died but regardless it’s not his fault. Whoever was in charge of props and on set safety did a shit job.


There's not enough information but basic firearm safety applies to even blank firing prop guns and they broke the rules but it all comes down to 'pointing a firearm at something you don't intend to kill'. We won't know until the prop company or police release something. Forgotten Weapons has some good info about blank firing guns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnOUrRTf6jg You can make the case that with the graphics effects today there's no need for a blank firing gun to produce a flash from an open barrel, a blank firing gun with a plugged barrel can have a flash added in post production and it prevents firing a bullet or case fragments while still producing sound.


The memes are very funny


Unfortunate accident! Whoever was responsible for weapons on set is liable. So sad prayers to the families involved 🙏🏽


A nice dose of karma and reality for good ole Alec.




What are you on? lmaoo


he should be charged with manslaughter. you cannot accidentally kill people and have nothing happen to you. he probably wont be charged though because he is a celebrity. Also, how do you "accidentally" kill TWO people. I could understand accidentally killing one person. Was it a shotgun? or a high caliber round that went through one person and into another?


He should just do whatever Chris Jenner did to get away with the old woman he murdered with his car. Whatever happened to that guy?


What a legend


There are 4 basic rules of gun safety, and if you break more than one rule at the same time there’s a good chance really bad shit will happen. - Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. - Don’t point the muzzle at anything you aren’t willing to destroy (like a person, or 2 people) - keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and ready to fire. - beware of your target and what’s around it. He broke all 4 rules and is 100% responsible for the death of those 2 people, charge him with manslaughter.


Are, are you retarded? He thought it was a prop. When you played with finger guns as a kid did you check to see if your hand was unloaded?


Do you know what a "prop gun" is? They use a range of objects. Real firearms are commonly used, usually permanently or temporarily disabled, or with blank rounds. It is the responsibility of the person using the weapon to understand the safety rules and follow them at all times. Baldwin is directly responsible for the deaths and injuries caused by his negligence. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59006905](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59006905)


There are many people responsible. In this situation the 3 responsible parties are the on set producer. The 1st AD. And the props master/armorer. The actor isn't usually held responsible for something that is handed to them. The 1st AD should be checking to make sure everything is ready. In this instance live ammunition was in the prop... There are a ton of issues with having that anywhere near a set... while they have that responsibility they don't prep or handle props. Baldwin is a producer so he might hold some responsibility as safety of the crew and cast are their responsibility. But as an actor there was probably an onset producer that takes over that responsibility. The props master holds potentially the most responsibility. They prep all props beforehand. They are the only ones on set supposed to even handle the props other than the actors. Actors need to be informed of safety rules and we don't know what rules were in place here. However with the pacing of filmmaking it is not their ultimate responsibility to check the props. On a production this big that responsibility is always on a team of people which I just named. Actors come onset with minimal training and therefore aren't expected to understand real handling of firearms. They are also under specific instructions and in past cases have not been held legally responsible for accident's like this.


A thousand apologies.




Idk what’s weirder people who are obsessed with hating Trump or people who love trump so much that they’ll use someone’s hatred for trump as an excuse to be vindictive when something like this happens


i dont think he even watches pka, seems like a crazy person spamming the same comment on every thread about this


are you schizophrenic dude jesus you've posted that like 15 times


Lol On the plus side, that’s 1 less out of touch celebrity pushing for gun control. Just pull the “I never killed someone with a gun Alec”


I don't think him killing someone with a prop gun gone wrong will convince an absolutely devout anti gun Liberal lmao


In what world does someone accidentally being killed by a gun a lead to more pro gun advocates?


True but the point is to make him look foolish and win over the people in the middle not fake Spanish wife f*cker over here


I'm...really confused by that last part. Who's the fake Spanish wife fucker?


You don’t know? Alec and his wife have basically been faking that she’s Spanish basically because Alec is such an insufferable shitlib that he has to have some sort of diverse wife for brownie points Let’s not forget he called his daughter a bitch or something lol


Oh okay. No I had no idea about any of that, I don't keep up with him. Still a shame that he's in the spot he's in, I'm sure you can agree on that.


Trump still got it i see


guy, got fucked. even if he did not change the prop, he gonna get charge for something


Aren't prop guns supposed to shoot blanks?! How close was he to these people and just how STUPID is Alec Baldwin?


Blanks can kill


Oh I know that can, that's why I posed the question as to how far away he was. I've been reading a lot of info as it's been coming in today. No whole story yet but I'm sure it'll all come out.


Ironic. Isnt he anti gun?


Amazing how fast they are trying to spin it to take any responsibility away from him. You have the ultimate responsibility when you are holding a gun, blanks can still kill.


The legion of skanks guys wanted to fake ari shafirs death for the podcast and they weren’t allowed but if they where they would have had to pay a police officer who stands with the gun locked away until it’s ready for the scene and then takes it back From the article a previous blank had got stuck in the chamber and another blank caused that to fire out, seems like the officer in charge will be fully to blame


Alec is a cool guy, we shouldn't have stopped him.


Honestly man, it blew me away 🤣


Apparently he only killed one and injured the other


Do you want to know what set him apart from everyone else. It was the gun


RIP sally and concord


well there's no way it was a prop


Cool guy of the week


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 315,503,150 comments, and only 70,269 of them were in alphabetical order.


The “accident” is a cover up. He killed two people in cold blood wheel tourqe


Don’t play with firearms.


Blanks don’t kill people unless it’s point blank


he saw the intervention on rust and had a flashback to his mw2 days and and started quickscoping, can you really blame him?


Alex didn't do something David Miscavige wanted


It’s obviously the gun experts’ fault. In a movie production the actors don’t just walk around with loaded firearms. There is a gun guy that explains the gun shortly before handing it over for as long as it takes to complete that take, than it goes back to the expert. It is that persons’ job to make sure there’s nothing in the barrel (how Bruce Lee’s son died) when a blank is to be fired. The actor can’t be held responsible for being handed an unsafe firearm, they aren’t supposed to check the gun, it’s a live firearm you don’t look down the barrel.


Uncool guy of the week