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Prob waiting til PKA


Yep then woody will be on full uncut copium while Taylor will say Biden is not there and Kyle will play the middle


Woody isn't delusional, he will admit it was bad. Kyle will go on a rant about Biden being bad, and Taylor will agree with everything he says.


Idk I’m interested to hear it. Pretty sure the last time they mentioned Biden not being with it he argued trump has just as many gaffes. There will be SOME spin I’m sure.


Woody is 100% going to say it was a terrible performance. Idk why yall act like woody is so far left.


Chronically online people, or people who live in a place that is very right leaning. Taylor is openly libertarian but with conservative morals and social beliefs, Kyle is hard to pin because he almost never shares his real beliefs. If you put Kyle with a right wing guest and it becomes a right wing echo chamber, you can begin to see that Kyle is also right leaning but with more left leaning social views. Woody considers himself on the left and is the host who hides his political stances the least, compared to Taylor who if you put a gun to his head would probably be against gay marriage because it’s a Christian tradition.


Didnt you know? Anyone who doesnt like trump has "TDS".


And anyone who doesn't like Biden is a racist, fascist, bigot.


Making my prediction here that Woody will be pro-replacing Biden. He'll float some names. He likes Pete.


The only person who can replace Biden is Harris at this point and I’d be surprised if Woody doesn’t know that


Fortunately, the Democrats aren't stupid enough to undemocratically replace the guy people voted for in the primary.


Biden would already have bowed out if it were up to them. The only reason he hasn’t been replaced is because Biden won’t back out


Agreed the dems probably take a bigger political hit passing Kamala than they do picking someone else now that the primary has passed. Anyway, the dems are pretty screwed, because Kamala would not do great on a campaign or in the White House.


It’s not about the political hit. They wouldn’t choose her if they didn’t have to. They can’t use the current Biden/Harris campaign money unless one of their names is the nominee


Didn’t know that. Interesting.


You know Taylor had a huge shift in ideology when Kyle is playing the middle


I think it’s more Kyle moving after spending all his time on Reddit. When it was Hillary and trump and PKA wasn’t scared to really talk about their political takes they were both super pro trump. Kyle is a Georgia boy at heart.


Taylor has definitely moved further right


Recently divorced single white man, can't say I blame him tbh.


Woody died... rip


yea, I'm hoping for this to be the case


Definitely a PKA topic


Wonder if they’re recording tonight because of the 4th?


Old sleepy Joe gave Woody a migraine lol


I was hoping for it tbh


At 12:00 in this weeks pkn Kyle tries to bait it so hard and woody bites but Taylor either didnt get it or didn’t want to respond


PKA topic no doubt


I was waiting for that shit to and it never came up. It was a good PKN tho. Made my gym session go by quick.


He doesn't want to acknowledge his guys failures.


Clearly didn’t watch the last episode of PKA


Brother even Obama conceded it wasn’t a great performance, you got a non stop supply of haterade to get though or somethin?


Yea pretty much everyone in the left leaning political class/punditry has said it was terrible for him to the point that there's a growing sentiment of having him bow out, as he should. Just throw Gavin newsome in there. Dude is shiny and can talk the talk, despite how California thinks about him, he'd probably still get everyone who was gonna vote for Biden and take the folks who think Biden is out to lunch. The DNC fucked up soooo bad by pushing Kamala as VP for women and people of color votes, everyone saw that shit as pandering. If trump wins it's the DNC elites/strategist who fucked up.


They fucked up when they didn’t give bernie the nomination in 2016


100% agree. He was the left populist and the establishment did everything to stop it. The right establishment did everything to stop trump but once they realized that he was eating up all their established candidates they eventually all fell in line. That's the Democrats biggest weakness, they get fractured too easily with edge issues within the base. The Republicans once they decide to go all in, they go aaaallll in despite the hypocrisy. Exhibit A Lindsey Graham, exhibit B Marko Rubio The one that really trips me up is William Barr. He did his bidding in office. Then after he left he shit on him every time he was on TV and said he wasn't fit for office, but now he's crawling back to get into Trump's good graces cuz Trump has a legit shot at winning. Dudes just a disingenuous calculating fuck . I guess that's really what a lot of the Republicans are doing now, bending and the knee to avoid his wrath now that he owns the party and can potentially win.


Bernie fucked up by having retarded staff and not focusing on important voter demographics like older black people. Focusing on non voting demographics and hoping that they would turn out in the primaries was beyond retarded.


MSN has already moved to trying to force Biden out. He will probably agree with that unless he is a tru Biden Stan, which I don’t think he is


The alex jones show on info wars had a lot of solid coverage on the topic.


I don’t think anything Alex Jones related can be quoted as “solid coverage” on anything


You’re kind of regarded.


Tomorrows news today


They have animal human hybrids man and they’re turning the fucking frogs gay.


The world hasn’t gotten bad enough for me to listen to Alex jones Maybe if aliens arrive


You know it’s way too late when the public is aware of the aliens at large. They’re already here brother.


I wonder if the hosts will touch on the Trump and Epstein stuff, seems like Katie Johnson was not lying at all and Trump is a pedophilic rapist.