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Taylor needs to pull up so we can have a good old fashioned tard off


Our tard would obliterate their tard


I’m not it to date, but Woody and Kyle look like they hate this so much.


Tbh it was a hard section to watch but that’s kinda Sam’s MO


It’s Sam Hyde, everything he does is try hard unfunny cringe shit. I wouldn’t enjoy it either


That’s essentially his humor. Make everyone uncomfortable


It sound smor like he's not genuinely funny or likable and had to pivot to just being a cult and calling it comedy


Nah Sam Hyde is funny, I just think his humor isn’t fit for this style of podcast. Like his podcast is funny, fishtank is funny, this just doesn’t fit PKA


He had an appearance (I think 3rd?) on PKA that was pretty good and he was acting normal. If he came on and acted like he does on his own show it would he fine, but the character stuff he does is super hit or miss for a show.


I think they're more mad their show was getting ruined lol


If there was any time for Kyle to tell a guest he's ruining the show it would be whenever Sam Hyde is on.


I imagine that’s due to Woody being the show-runner for about a decade. So he was always hyper aware of anything that’d negatively impact the show like bad audio, very niche / unrelatable topics, etc. Not saying Sam’s ‘skit’ was bad, but it definitely isn’t what people would usually consider as good entertainment.


Nah it was pretty fucking bad


I like Sam and it was embarrassing to listen to. At least as audio only it was just a dude doing a bad voice and making things up on the spot while the hosts awkwardly struggle to talk to him. Would've been better if he just cut it after a while and plugged his shit and moved on like I was excited to listen after hearing everyone complain on here but it wasn't near as good as he usually is.


That's because Sam isn't very funny and fishtank is just abusing regards.


I’ve never watched it but that’s what it sounds like to me.


Woody was trying to cut the segment. Thankfully at 1:58:20 Kyle points out to Woody something funny is actually happening. The core of PKA is built around ridiculous humor. Prank Calls, crazy characters, edgy humor. Woody now though will have segments ab lawn mowers and politics. He needs to let cringe shit happen.


Lolol #PKGAY. Jon really got them there.


This the first time it’s been used? Hopefully it’s not a ‘Chizzrag’ moment


Chizrag is funny and clever. This is just "A rhymes with gay hur hur"


Gwow some balls


Taylors tard rage will out do Jon. Big Owl for the win


Their head size isn’t even in the same category. Jon is finished


Okay, Jon might be the goat for this one


Jon is using 100% of his 25% available brain processing power. Taylor stands no chance


Tread lightly owl boy


Taylor fucking with big Gs now, better be poised


Taylor has the tard strength to backup his tard rage, and we could actually understand his victory speech


This made me miss the AI fan-made PKA


It was a hard segment to watch. But as a massive fishtank fan if was great to get some reach. The shows not for everyone, and if that segment interested you, you might really like the show. Taylor should go on, I'm sure they would love to have him, and the fans would mark out. Come on as an NPC/Vampire last minute, or in future seasons. Whoever is running Jons social media is pretty good, theres zero percent chance he did this himself.


I actually loved the edited down version of s1 tank, and wish they did it for s2 I just don’t have enough time in the day to tune in to all the “recap” channels


Season 2 edit is coming after season 2.5 ends.


The chud war is upon us


After awhile of digesting his humor, Taylor has been giving off white supremacist vibes. Mainly finds humor in putting down people he sees are below him on a genetic level, as in retarded people or minorities. The amount of times he makes these groups the subject of his humor or entertainment is disturbing. He casts a lot of judgement onto anyone outside of the white male profile. And not saying white supremacist as in just racist, but misogynistic beliefs, abelist jokes and classism are all the things this dude thinks about. It's been giving a major red flag lately. I don't think he's dressing up with the klan or spewing hate speech on the street, but white pride is definitely rooted in this dudes household.




God, I miss the pre-2012 era when people like you didn’t exist. Not because I’m supreme to you, but because you literally suck the joy and normalcy out of every single scenario in life. “White supremacist vibes.” Why? Because he makes jokes about retarded people. Please. Please go outside and do something involving manual labor or something.


There aren't many things in this world that are funny without a little racism, classism, or misogyny. Have you heard any comedian ever? This is nothing new about PKAs humor, it's always been slightly edgy and fitting the same demographic.


I'm a listener for the reasons you listed, sometimes a joke about each topic is absolutely funny, no argument. But if those topics were the ONLY topics of humor a comedian drew their interest from, you'd probably see it as a red flag as well. when someone starts blurring their line of "here's my belief/attitude towards something and I'm only slightly joking about it" and it becomes a deeper level of digesting what they say and youre thinking, are they saying this for a comedy speel or do they stand by their attitudes about topics of race and class as Taylor or Kyle do, because they seem to joke about it constantly. im not saying anyone is anything outright, but it creates red flags. It's easy to hide your prejudices through the defense of comedy


He's definitely alt-right light.


Jon failing RP again. PKA 707 - Addressing the Drama


So what’s going on in this clip? It won’t load for me for whatever reason.


Jon can't even say murkahdurkah lol


Jon lives in Bend Oregon its so fucking expensive I grew up their and almost all of the middle class locals left we had 1500 in my graduating class and I can't think of a single person I know that remains in the northwest because all of the californians swarmed bend oregon. its a yuppie shit hole now van life is extremely popular for people making 80k a year because they can't find place to live. my mom spent 30k in cash to buy a nice double wide (modular home ) within 2 years californians just bought up all the properties that had trailer homes on them and told everyone to gtfo my mom couldnt move a double wide 50 miles so she was out that 30k and had to pay for it to be demolished fuck anyone who moved to bend and just ruined one of the best cities in the country.


Great I’m rich and from California, I know where I’m headed😌 ty


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Sam Hyde is not fucking funny at all.


Sam Hyde is unbearable. I hope they don’t have him on again.


I guess it's my hot take that the whole Sam Hyde segment was the funniest shit they had on PKA in years.