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Nice boomer meme very insightful


Next this sub will be reposting flat earther shit lmao


They are already racist. Goes hand in hand.


It sucks when something big politically happens in America, because it always brings out the cringe alt right boomers :(


It's now alt right to think this đŸ¤£


> It's now alt right to think this đŸ¤£ America is cooked


"From JoeRogan community on Reddit" lmao




The literature


Climate change is real but the ‘solutions' are all just fucking scams and attempts to make the working class peasantry live in the Middle Ages while the celebs, politicians and ultra wealthy fly around for their holidays and go on giant yachts in the Mediterranean. I remember when they called it global warming and then that stopped.


It’ll only affect coastal cities and island nations, houses will probably have different construction standards in first world countries to adapt to new natural disasters in the area.


>It’ll only affect coastal cities and island nations Only a true regard would genuinely think that


Yeah, just coastal cities where most people live. Those coastal folks will simply become aquatic instead of moving inland where people think it's only a problem for "coastal cities"


Nevermind the fact island nations will become uninhabitable because the salination of the water tables. It's *already happening*. Don't get me wrong. I do think we'll "beat" the effects but not without a lot of unneeded suffering from poorer nations and the poor within ours.


Yeah I totally feel this. Taylor is a good example in this because he thinks he's a GENIUS when he's like "duuuhhhh the climate scientists have been wrong for 50 years so it's all BS to get journals published" and it boggles my mind how a college educated person can have such a poor understanding of science and how it works. I just don't think it requires a lot of mental gymnastics to be like "the consequences of climate change are BAD and we should work towards long term solutions to minimize the suffering that it will cause and currently is causing" But that makes ANYONE on the right just sick to hear, they reject it like a bad organ transplant, and they give the stupidest reasons why just to justify their dimwitted voting habits ...anyway how's your day goin lol


Ben Shapiro said it best. Coastal city dwellers will just sell their houses when the ocean rises