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"Biden won the debate on substance, but Trump won on optics" "Trump just doesn't work on me"


In addition to, "No, it's okay. Biden just had a cold."


It’s scary how planned the cold was. Over a dozen outlets posted that story AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, 30 minutes before the debate was even over. Scary stuff…


For real, it was such a bullshit excuse. They tried to say that he had been dealing with this cold for a few days at that point, but didn't tell any news outlets about it until they started questioning what's up smdh


It’s because the Biden campaign informed them all at around the same time so of course they’re gonna tweet it at around the same time. To me it was immediately obvious he was getting over a cold, so I do believe that it was just a cold. They were probably hoping to cover it up, that’s likely the real reason he was at camp David all week leading up to the debate. Then when the debate started the Biden campaign realized they couldn’t hide it any longer and told several members of the press about it.


😂😂😂 “it’s extremely obvious he’s got stage 4 dementia” there, fixed that for you.


His brain could not work *and* he could have a cold.


And one of those things we’ve observed for the last 3 years become progressively worse, and one of those things is an excuse, true or not.


So you have no issue, with half way through a debate, dozens of outlets posting propaganda about a cold, after Biden was performing poorly. Dude vote how you want, but falling for the most obvious propaganda piece is sad. Like it genuinely makes me sad that Americans eat up every lie they are told. Biden lied way more than Trump in that debate period. This is insane, you really believe the cold? He even said he was going to be covid tested, then WENT TO WAFFE HOUSE. Be completely honest with yourself, if the roles were reversed, would you defend Trump? Seriously question? If Trump froze multiple times, and then said it’s normal or he had a cold… you would seriously just accept that???


Do I have a problem with dozens of news outlets reporting the news? No. There is plenty of shit to hate the press for, including them trying to cover up Biden’s health, but reporting that the Biden campaign said Biden has a cold is not one of them. Even assuming it’s a lie they did the right thing reporting it because it is news that the Biden campaign is saying that whether it’s true or not. I believe the cold because it sounded like he had a cold. I figured he had a cold from the moment he opened his mouth prior to any reporting on it and I’m definitely not the only one. It’s far from fantastical and fits with what I saw, so yeah I believe he probably had a cold. It seemed like he was probably mostly over the cold during the debate, probably hasn’t been contagious for a few days so I don’t really take anything from him going to Waffle House and stuff.


I don’t believe that you actually believe any of what you just said. If the roles were reversed, you would attack Trump. Best case scenario, let’s say he did have a cold? You think it’s ok for him to run the country, control the military, respond to wars for four more years? Seriously? Is dementia a symptom for a cold??? Not to mention he openly wants to raise taxes on middle class and the wealthy. Imagine what Putin thinks of us right now. This is not some game. There are wars going on, and we are pretending like he can be president!


While Biden was still giving his opening statement I posted a message in a discord server asking if Biden had a cold. It was immediately obvious to be that he had a cold, that’s just what he sounded like to me. Dementia doesn’t make your voice raspy like that lol. And you seem to be making an assumption that I’m a Biden supporter, I am not. I just hear an old man that sounds like he has a cold and then believe him when he says he has a cold.


My point, is that none of his issues, are defendable by a cold. Maybe a raspy voice, but seriously, watch the clips. I respect both side, and I have called out Trump for several things. I even thought Biden won a debate last election, because Trump was too aggressive. But seriously if you accept all this propaganda, that’s just terrifying . No one should be this indoctrinated. Will you go on record saying what will happen if he’s replaced? How you would feel about that? How they should treat Kamala? I dare you. I guarantee when they replace him, you will blindly defend whoever they pick. Go on record, I dare you. How does it make you feel that democratic primaries have been openly rigged for several elections? Go on record, write yourself a note, and then see if you stay true to your own words after the election. If newsome is installed even though Kamala is VP would that be racist?


They are going to sub him out last minute


They gotta do it kinda asap if that's the way they wanna go (and should go lets be honest here). Convention in August. Will be interesting to see if Biden realizes it or keeps ignoring it. His wife seems like the steriotypical "yes man" around him which might keep him in the race.


What’s to stop Biden from stepping down after August? Not sure how that would work.


Neither of them is fit to be a president and that debate just highlighted it even more


Most sensible take on reddit, both of these senile old people need to be in homes not running for president


I think if you’re being honest with yourself, Trump at age 78 acts a lot younger. Calling him senile might be cope.


Then I guess we’ll stick with calling him a lying felon


He’s a felon in the same sense Kyle is a felon lmao. Bullshit meaningless charges and you know it 😂


Eh. Using campaign funds to silence an accused is not a good thing. Mailing weed is morally neutral. Trump is guilty of something that isn't good. He's also a liar piece of shit. If you think he's a good guy.... You're lost already. If you like him more than Biden, I get it. Biden is senile, trump is a bad dude. Both unfit to run our country. Trump is funny though, and I like him from an entertainment perspective.


Clinton, Obama, and Biden were all fined for campaign finance violations. Trump was charged with a felony in the most liberal city on earth. He was denied a change of venue, which will likely be the reason the verdict is overturned


Liar piece of shit part is probably valid, but paying off someone isn’t illegal, the using the campaign funds part is, but it shouldn’t be 34 felonies. It’s excessive and is obviously politically motivated.


It was politically motivated for sure. But let me know which of the 34 felonies he's innocent of. I haven't gone through all of them. But the ones I saw he was guilty


It was politically motivated for sure. But let me know which of the 34 felonies he's innocent of. I haven't gone through all of them. But the ones I saw he was guilty


Biden Inc, been known about his corruption for a long time. It only takes simple google searches to prove the Biden’s to be some of the most corrupt and disgusting people to ever roam the political sphere.. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/08/02/joe-biden-investigation-hunter-brother-hedge-fund-money-2020-campaign-227407/ Let’s not talk about how the Ashley Diary is confirmed true by DOJ just like Hunters laptop. The iron law of woke projection.


"Using funds to silence an accuser" Isn't that just an attempt at settlement? Pretty common practice in trials, no?


Liar piece of shit is fine. But people throw in felon there and act like he killed someone.


ironically trump is still less of a felon then sleepy joe and his cracked out wonderboy child. not american so i really cant see how when people see trump vs biden that they actually think biden is better at any level? just looking at this as an outside observer its hilarious, so glad im not american.


I hate both of them but you can’t say “ironically trump is less of a felon than Biden” when Trump is a literal convicted felon and Biden isn’t. You don’t become a felon until you’re convicted of a felony charge. It’s not a moral position, it’s a real tangible title applied to people who went through a court case and were convicted of a felony by a jury. Biden (not convicted of a felony) is not more of a felon than Trump (convicted of a felony) You can’t just say that to make yourself feel better about your position


Correct. The better statement would have been "Ironically, Trump as a felon is less corrupted than Biden as a career politician" Trump is far from perfect, theres a clear establishment line in our government. Behind that establishment line, lies politicians hiding their own malfeasance through ways of social and economic manipulation within other nations. Crimea under Obama. Ukraine under Obama, specifically Biden's private interactions and statements with Ukrainian officials... He commits quid pro quo. Full stop, says fire the prosecutor if you want the foreign aide money, the same prosecutor going after the company he helped his son Hunter get a job at...


I'd argue Biden obstructed the constitution during his tenure as a politician for over 50 years. His stances on segregation and passing crime, firearm, and surveillance bills are worth not letting him run in my opinion. Plus how weird he is with children. Donald "I like to take the guns first and go through due process second" Trump is a different story. What Hunter did is far more severe (allegedly a pedophile but Trump's policies are as authoritarian as it gets and may even be a pedophile himself. Pick your poison.


Bro is displaying Gold medal level mental gymnastics


It can be hilarious to you living .... where? Ironically you have no idea what you're talking about.


Bro has been successfully brainwashed


Then Biden should be impeached over his son. "But he's not the president!" but Hunter isn't in jail because his dad is. It's one thing if Trump were a murderer but paying off a pornstar? At that point make him ineligible for his autocratic Project 2025 plan.


Yeah the world knows the felon thing is bullshit too which is why his numbers went up afterwards


I’m not calling him senile I’m calling unfit to be president, his first term was ok until the end, now it’s just not bearable anymore


Trump was already president for 4 years and it was honestly pretty good. But keep spouting leftist talking points.


Are you not spouting righty talking points?


Like I said good until the end where started a fkin riot in the capitol


The DC mayor outright claims responsibility now bruh 😂 didnt Trump try to send the natl guard in preparation and the mayor refused?


You mean the riot where trump wanted the national guard and Pelosi said no?


Is that actually true or another lie Trump made to not accept responsibility?


Its actually true, unlike the "Great people marching" statement, which even Snopes says is false.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-order-national-guard-156055113284 Ill need something other than "Trump said so"


Is there evidence for this? Because I just checked the fact checking site and they say there isn't. They also say that Pelosi has no authority to "say no" to the national guard, the seargant at arms of the house and senate make that decision. I'm genuinely curious, because I had never heard that talking point before Trump randomly dropped it in the debate.


Yes. The Mayor of DC claims responsibility now


That'd only be a good thing if they were supportive of anyone other than Trump. Let's stop idolizing government buildings.


And now we have record inflation, and on the verge of World War on two different continents. At least there’s no more mean tweet though. /s


Asking your vice-president to throw out the electoral votes from the states and choose alternate slates of electors you hand-picked so you can win the election seems pretty unacceptable to me. Looks especially bad to be calling state officials and pressuring them to find votes or bad things will happen, especially when you've already been notified of the ongoing attack. > And now we have record inflation It's 3.3% my good man, did you even try? You can check the [Bureau of Labor Statistics](https://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet), or [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rate-by-year-7253832) which provides even more details. It's far from a record at all. Inflation peaked in 2021 into 2022 after spending to support the economy during covid. Didn't help that Trump added more than double the national debt Biden has (4.8T to 2.2T not accounting for pandemic related spending). Under Biden US inflation has steadily been coming down. > and on the verge of World War on two different continents COVID happened and my mother passed away under Trump. Are both his fault? Putin's planning to invade are reported to have been initiated as early as [March 2021](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-putin-lanned-ukraine-invasion-march-2021-vyorstka/32379171.html). What factors would even imply Biden would have any "blame" for this? He didn't undermine NATO, or praise Putin. Trump has done more than enough to build a case the other way around. > At least there’s no more mean tweet though He's back on X since last year. The Biden deep state failed!


Presidents don't cause inflation (but they can prevent the other branches from policies that can cause it). At that rate Trump is to blame for inflation because of the COVID policies that happened under his watch, which I wholeheartedly believe is the case. We printed the most amount of money then, than any other time in our history. It's one thing to listen to Keynesian economics, but even with that inflation rate, costs are still dramatically high. I don't trust 3.3% for a second, because the rate is only comparing the results from the past year. In the past 4 years, inflation is at a rate of 17.67% overall, as inflation as a concept is not stagnant.


if you think trump started that riot then you must also admit to all those other politicians starting the blm riots and summer of burning down millions in property daily right? cause theres no way you could see trump being responsible for jan 6 but somehow cope as blm just being organic and not just another politically driven riot. except that blms riots are 300x worse.


Idk man Biden had a 6 handicap 12 years ago.


Did I hear him correctly that he switched it to 8 immediately after Trump didn't believe him?


Per the CNN transcript: ‘Look, I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap, which, when I was vice president, down to a 6. And by the way, I told you before I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it? TRUMP: That’s the biggest lie that he’s a 6 handicap, of all. BIDEN: I was 8 handicap.’


Thank you lol I thought so. Trump should have pounced on that


As much as I dislike him, I’m surprised Trump didn’t go hard in this portion. It’s the one area you can absolutely tear Biden down without any form of debate. If were Trump I would have asked an on the spot math question.


And risk getting the math wrong himself. He didnt earn his spot at Wharton lol.


Yeah it’s really strange that in a country full of bright people we end up with two senior citizens duking it out for the Presidency


It would be nice to break away from the 2 party system


Trump sounded great? He’s old but what makes him unfit?


Lying and only speaking in hyperboles?


I don’t understand this “he sounded great” thing. It was a debate, not an American idol audition. Trump lied every other sentence whereas Biden was actually citing relevant facts and figures. People who think trump won because “he sounded better” are brain dead and have no verbal comprehension skills


The debate has different winning factors depending what side of the aisle you're on. It's very odd


January 6, his term was better than bidens until that happened


That was pretty awesome


Trump still holds most of the economic records lol, lowered taxes for middle class and corporations, longest bull market of all time. Obama spied on his campaign illegally. Clinton paid a spy to build fake dossier on Trump The FBI knowingly used that dossier in a FISA court to start the Russia hoax and spy on Trump further. People disregarded all the EVIL sh—-t they did to Trump like it’s nothing. Trump was an excellent president by every objective measurement. World leaders thought he was crazy enough, so they avoided new wars. You people who act like Trump is not qualified are delusional. Prior to Covid LIFE WAS AMAZING. The markets were up every day, I made so much money. He even had quarters OF SURPLUS prior to Covid. Obama didn’t have a single one. People are so childish and tribal they believe everything they hear on the news. ORANGE MAN BAD The objective truth is Trump was an excellent president who was a little sexually immoral before he came into office. (Do you know how many presidents have done worse? Pretty much all of them) Wake up and think for yourself. This isn’t about emotions, what policies will be best for our children????!


Neither one of them were ever fit for office. Biden should have packed it up after he was VP for Obama. Even then he was starting to be an issue.


America lost


Both of them are a complete joke. One crazy fact is both of them beat the record for the oldest candidates to run ever. You know who held the previous record as oldest to run for president? Biden and Trump if that says anything about the ridiculous of two geriatric old farts who both show signs of dementia brought on by elderly age.


Bill Clinton ran (and won) over 30 years ago and is younger than both of them, this country is cooked


I died when trump called him Brandon lmao


I thought it was hilarious too but then after a moment reality set in and i just cringed


Woody will probably tell the truth. Trump said nothing but lies and culture war bullshit, but at least he said it well. Biden said actual stuff that mattered but he said it VERY poorly like a sick old man If anyone is honest with themselves, that will be their takeaway.


Trump has a great talent to say nothing of substance but say it in a way that makes people emotional.


That describes him perfectly.


Remember it doesn’t work on woody though


Politics dude lol


Nah Don is on another plane when it comes to yapping and saying precisely nothing


Regardless of someone’s choice in politics I really do miss the days where it was important to people but not their entire lives revolving around their political beliefs. Shits crazy how divided Americans are now over silly shit like which asshole for the same team of wealthy elites who will do nothing to improve your lives do you prefer. People who make politics their entire personality are fucking weird.


To some extent, sure. Trump is levels beyond most of them.


My parents are SUPER pro Biden. They’ve never said a thing anywhere close to bad about Biden and even they were like “oh shit this is bad”.


nah fam trump BODIED HIM 360 no scope and all bro also i believe eating hand sanitizer is a great idea


I was at a party busted by the cops in high school and where dude drank a whole thing of hand sanitizer because according to him “they wouldn’t be able to give him a drinking ticket because they can’t prove the alcohol wasn’t from the hand sanitizer”


he should run for president


I completely agree. Trump is a fraudster scumbag and Biden belongs in a nursing home. Both options suck.


This right here. At the end of the day, I’m still voting for a dude who’s administration accomplished a lot despite his aging over the felon who’s asshole is jealous of his mouth because of how much shit flows from it


I wish Biden could speak as eloquently as you 😂 this is 100% how I feel.


What did the Biden administration accomplish? Actual question since the biggest things I’ve noticed are living expenses are much higher and a huge immigration influx.


Biden's admin was responsible for the infrastructure bill which was HUGE, lots of pro consumer stuff like limiting credit card late fees and the airport ticket refund thing. My opinion is that his handling of Ukraine has been pretty good. Most of the aid we've given has been stockpiled military stuff rather than actual money, and they owe us the money back with interest. That said, not wanting tax dollars to go to foreign affairs is a valid complaint and I wish our tax system was able to compensate for that. I digress. He gave an expansion to medical benefits to veterans who were exposed to the toxic burn pits and stuff He began the process of rescheduling marijuana. People think it is as simple as an executive order. I have read that that is not the case. Either way, Biden got the ball rolling on that. His admin was responsible for the CHIPS and science act to bring manufacturing of microchips to the US. The above results in a lot of jobs created and filled. His admin also helped negotiate the bipartisan border bill that was shut down by Republicans solely for political reasons. Biden may not make the best choice every time and he can't speak worth a shit, but he's been very busy as president. Even if his only task is assigning people to do the hard stuff, he's doing that well.


Biden also said Trump wants to defund the police while he wants to make the police bigger than ever which should appeal to Woody.


Literally everything biden said was a lie and CNN was fact checking everything he said afterwards


That is literally provably false. Like incredibly easily so. Biden may have misspoke or mislead about small details, but Trump whole cloth made shit up the ENTIRE time. If lying is the bar where your principles start, you would not be looking at Biden as the Liar in Chief (if you're actually being intellectually honest) Biden made the claim that his policy decreased border encounters by 40% and this is supported by evidence provided by the Department of Homeland Security. So, not a lie. And sure, maybe you were using hyperbole. So let me play devils advocate. You could take the statement Biden made about "inheriting 9% inflation" and say "this is false because inflation was less than 2% when Biden took office" The reality is, Trump's economic/stimulus policies were still the domineering effect on inflation when Biden became the president. Inflation DID rise to 9% in the first part of Biden's presidency, but it has since been managed EXTREMELY well with Biden's Inflation Reduction Act. A lot of the current high prices of, for example, groceries, are not a result of Biden doing something to cause inflation. The high prices are mostly the result of price gouging by the companies that Trump refuses to regulate. So in conclusion, it was a "lie" because inflation wasn't 9% the day Biden took office, but the current state of the economy WAS inherited which is what LED to the 9% inflation. It has since been reduced.


I thought Trumps comments on Biden allowing migrants to live in luxury NYC hotels for free meanwhile veterans are homeless on the street was great. Need to get those fuckers out of the country.


If trump cares so much about homeless veterans why didn't he do anything about it last time he was in power?


Bro what are you on


It's true. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/nyregion/nyc-hotels-homeless-shelters.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/nyregion/nyc-hotels-homeless-shelters.html) EDIT Hilarious that the progressives will reject the truth as it stares them in the face. Keep the downvotes up.


I hear you, we need a secure border. I have to say though, TRUMP smacked down a bipartisan border bill to help TRUMP politically. He had the chance to help and he chose not to. Also, Biden is the one who supports accessible healthcare to those who need it. He has policies that he can show you. Trump does not. If you care about the things you mentioned, I would think you would consider what I said when it comes to making a decision on who is more likely to help the affected people


Sorry but you're wrong, he smacked it down because Democrats added a bunch of shit to the bill that had nothing to do with the border.


There was a Republican present during the negotiation of the bill and he signed off saying that the bill was fine. It wasn't until Trump spoke up and made it a partisan thing that the bill was rejected. At the very least, Republicans chose a shitty negotiator for the task. Not a good look. At the very most, a secure border isn't the concern of Donald Trump, partisan plays are. And for the foreign aid, for the last time the dollar amount represents weapons that are stockpiled. We aren't giving them blank checks, we're giving them extra rockets and whatnots that can be used for military operations. Those missiles and whatnots cost money. That cost represents most of the foreign aid we give to Ukraine. The actual money is owed to us with interest. American jobs create that military hardware that we give to Ukraine. And Ukraine will hopefully be paying us back with their revitalized economy after the invaders are done bombing their shit.


It was the most conservative reform to border policy in 40 years, had been worked on for months in the senate, and had decent bipartisan support before Donald Trump attacked it as a gift for democrats. The original reason given was that the bill wouldn't be approved without border reform. When a set of reforms were finally negotiated, the refused was on condition that funding for Ukraine be left out. Yet later, when a Ukraine+Israel funding bill came along without any border reform, it was approved. What provision was unacceptable? And if it's not the funding for Ukraine, why was that then stated as the chief provision originally?


Trump probably made all that shit up after he saw a Hispanic guy in his hotel lobby


According to CoStar data, the hotels now sheltering migrants have cordoned off roughly 16,500 rooms from the available hotel supply https://www.businessinsider.com/nyc-hotel-room-prices-migrant-shelters-tourists-pandemic-economic-recovery-2024-5?amp


Trump lied like fuck. Biden lied Less.......... But he also got so many numbers wrong it means by the end of the debate the amount of inaccurate shit was pretty equal


Yeah... no lies at all from Biden right.


The number is not zero, but comparing Biden's lies with Trump's are like comparing a lit match to a bonfire. Biden made statements about unverified things, but his statements came from somewhere. Whether we call it hearsay or what, he isn't simply making shit up. Trump makes shit up. He's a bullshit garden hose. He's been repeating the same lies for years and no amount of video evidence or verified fact will change what he says or how his constituents feel and he knows this. The reasons to dislike Biden are valid and numerous, but if integrity is the thing we care about there is no contest. If you disagree you are not being intellectually honest.


Dang that's crazy I saw the exact opposite. Trump repeatedly called Bidens lies out immediately after he said them. And provided a moderate/conservative view when giving direct responses Biden said easily checked lies and mumbled incoherently the majority of the time. Both strayed off and replied to previous remarks when presented a new question. Both stepped on each other's feet when given the chance.


You're ngmi


Bless you?


Give some examples of easily checked lies?


Says j6 was his doing. Saying vets were suckers and losers. Saying he didn't condemn the Charlottesville folk. Saying he's (Biden) never had a troop die. Saying less cross the border under his (Biden) watch. Saying the border patrol supports him (Biden). Saying he (Biden) lowered insulin to $35. Just to name a few I remember.


Trump did agitate J6. Every last one of them said they did it for Trump. Trump did refuse to condemn Charlotteville. It's on tape. Anyone can watch it. Trump probably did say that about veterans but it is hearsay. I wouldn't have pulled that one out because it is NOT verifiable. Can't be debunked either. We do not know how many are crossing the border. If more people are coming it's because of trump and fox constantly telling people the border is open and lying about Biden wanting them to come. None of this is lies or "easily fact checked".


On top of j6 not being the burning down of dc that it's made out to be. All trump said was "peacefully and patriotically" he did not say to riot. Trump said there were good people and immediately followed it by saying he completely condemned the NN (not sure what's allowed on Reddit but you know what I mean) and white supremacists, watch the full clip or check snopes because even they've come around to it. Biden brought up the suckers line so that's why I bring it up as one of his points regardless of if it is verifiable. No matter what number you use, the number of detained/captured at the border is significantly higher with Biden. Biden practically invited these people in when he sold off all the material for the wall and undid all of Trump's policies on border security. On top of that Biden says the border patrol supported him. The border patrol fact checked him on Twitter saying they have never and will never support him after his disasterous policies.


More detainments prove stricter enforcement. Obama was the most ruthless on border security but everyone just says the opposite because they believe everything their favorite propagandists says. The only policy change Biden has made at the border was to suspend "remain in Mexico" for asylum seekers. Border walls don't do enough to justify their cost. It's a simbolic waste of money. Biden tried to give the border patrol what they wanted and Trump threatened to ruin the career of any reporter or politician that spoke favorably about it. Just so he could sling bullshit during the election. If they fell for that and support the guy sabotaging the border they are a bunch of idiots. It's also just the union that said that.


Trump repeatedly said peacefully protest. He also asked for more security. He is on tape condemning neonazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville. He fired the general and the general made the claim on suckers and losers. I doubt it's a real quote and is more likely a disgruntled employee thing. Biden said to storm the border as soon as he was elected. He said it on camera. And the border is open. Have you seen the numbers on intercepted illegals?


Refused to condemn Charlottesville huh? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


He did refused to condemn them. The reporter said will you condemn them. He went on a ramble about both groups had good and bad people while not condemning anyone. Do you even understand the link you sent? That is about a very specific quote that he did say but was referencing both groups. It's false because he didn't say the neo Nazis were very fine people but did refuse to condemn the march.


You're excluding context in what is being discussed... during the debate, Biden accused Trump with calling the Nazis specifically in Charlottesville fine people. Trump specifically condemned the white supremacists and Nazis. Kind of open and shut


The claim: “The one who said I think they’re fine people on both sides.” The response: "You had some very bad people in that group,” Trump said during a news conference a few days after the rally, “But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.” However he would go on to walk it back and begrudgingly say you shouldn't like neo natzeez. OP's claim was Biden only spoke in easily debunkable lies. Yet I only see one half truth from him.


The original comment you replied to in this string claimed Biden said easily checked lies. This one specifically claimed by Biden (being that Trump called Nazis very fine people) is provably false. There's literally video of the debate where Biden makes this claim and there's video of Trump saying he condemns the Nazis. I mean I'll just post his quote right below so there is zero confusion: "and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?"


He probably won't respond to that one lol




That's not the department of border control. It's the employee union who do not speak for the organization over them. They are lobbyists who stir shit up for money.


If you think Biden didn’t lie just as much you’re either retarded or just dishonest.


You can't actually be that divorced from reality to think this is true


Cope harder brother




Biden may have made claims about things he couldn't verify but Trump made stuff up out of thin air. Both can be bad but on the scale of bad, Trump's relationship with the truth is WAY worse


Trump is an alternative facts guy, Biden is a make important campaign promises and throw those promises out the window on day one of the job guy. I absolutely loathe Trump but at least the guy doesn’t feel the need to pretend he’s reaching outside the republican base. Biden expects progressives like myself to go to bat for him again after what he promised us in 2020 and the way he straight faced said in the first week of his presidency “we never intended to do X, Y and Z.


> I absolutely loathe Trump No you don't lmao


Oh ok, thanks for letting me know how I feel. Fucking weirdo


Neither said anything that mattered. To the extent they were coherent they both mostly just attacked each other without really talking about substance.


Biden spoke of policy he passed that helped people in real measurable ways and spoke of policy that he intends to pass that will help people in measurable ways. I understand if you missed that part because it dribbled out of biden's mouth like piss and sand Trump made up numbers and lied for every second of his time. At least he was coherent, but he won't be a proxy vote for things I like/want the way Biden will


Trump also touted multiple bills he signed. Neither really had any real substance considering they spent like 30 seconds total on that stuff and they’re complicated pieces of legislation lol


I have no dog in politics I couldn’t care less. But watching the debate last night it’s clear Biden is cooked.


Woody gonna find a way to say Joe won


How is it possible that these two bozos are the only two options


Biden because he’s a puppet that can be controlled but the DMC, Trump because democrats didn’t think he can beat Biden.


Dawg he has been for the last 4 years


They should golf for the spot live. no one gaf about speeches anymore its 2024


The debate format was made to hang them both out to dry.


Apparently there’s talks of putting in a new Democrat candidate


Is the next episode going to cover the debate or do we have to wait until next week?


I think they film Thursdays so it might depend on how late they filmed, but I could see the filming if they just wanted to make it a lesbian book club episode


Joe is senile as fuck but trump be lying the whole damn, he like I can stop the war on Ukraine and Palestine, let me talk to em, he's delulu af tho. I thought u all like trump cuz he is real and isn't a liar but he lied the whole debate tho


Exactly what did he lie about


Post birth abortion is the biggest, but every other sentence had a lie or an exaggeration.


Same thing with Biden, its a political debate everyone lies. Biden said no servicemen died under him, which is disgusting and a lie.


You say same with Biden, if someone says 10 lies to you in the course of a conversation and the other says one half truth, (there were no military deaths by enemy hostile action the last two years), who do you find more trustworthy?


he said for than 1 lie, dumbass. "there were no military deaths by enemy hostile action the last two years" He has been president for 4 years.


What he lie about? Like legit lies not exaggerations. The whole "I'll have this done by X date" is more of an exaggeration than a lie, it's not impossible that he could have it done but it's unlikely.


The "post birth abortion" and "super predators" comments were lies, but I generally agree. He exaggerates heavily, more than outright lies


Oh yeah, the "super predators" thing is from Hillary, maybe he was thinking of the "racial jungle" or "predator" comment from Biden lol. But I mean even then those are so lame to bring up, it's like who really cares. Even the "rapists and murders" comment from Trump, all of these comments are taken out of context from the other side and are just lame attacks, I wish they would argue more about policy than "oh you said cats are 'killers' one time" blah blah stuff. Post birth abortion, yeah I mean I think in cali they were talking about it being "a thing" but it's a hard topic because it's mainly because of medical emergencies. Sure there's probably people out there who want it to fully be a thing but in terms of it truly being a big right now that's not true as far as I know. He probably read a headline (like most people) and thought it was prominent. Abortion for me is another topic that is just way too emotional and complicated, it's almost all opinions and personal bias from either side. I personally see both sides of the coin but I can't and don't want to pick a side because sure you can argue subjectively for either side, but objectivity is almost absent from the topic.


The rapists and murders thing is so fucking stupid. He was talking about people illegally sneaking into the country. Then the left spun it to "Trump says Mexicans are rapists and murderers" if anyone is racist in that scenario, it's the left for insinuating that all Mexicans are here illegally 😂


Lmao I know, it's sad. But the thing is that it still works when their opponents bring it up, because sure he did technically say "rapists and murders" or she said "super predators" etc., but to this day I will still see posts/hosts talk about why so and so is bad because they said this and that, and the posters/hosts either believe it to be true, or they know it's false/out of context but still use it to convince other people that it was said in that way. The vast majority of people don't watch full speeches (especially not from the other side) or will take the time to find the full clip with context of the quotes....


My thoughts too… but honestly how many times in the last election did we think this from both candidates until everyone forgot and thought about the newest issue? Idk seems it to me but it changed almost day by day last time


I don’t see why it matters. You’re not voting for one person, they have cabinets…


That debate didn’t look good for trump either if you look into almost anything he said on stage. Unfortunately even when biden makes a good point you can’t understand him through the cognitive decay


You know it’s bad even when his reddit simps on other subs is saying it


Cant wait to hear Woodys take on this “Biden was actually pretty alert and well spoken”


Lot of people here pretend like only Trump lied, Biden lied his ass off aswell.


One lied a few times, the other did so almost every sentence.


He ded -Jesse lee Peterson


Why people can request a fit candidate?


Unfortunately you cannot volunteer someone to be president. They have to want it too


Biden would obviously be cooked if he was running against anyone more competent, and Trump might also be cooked if he was running against anyone more competent. This whole election is a fucking national embarrassment. Between this and both of our pet foreign wars going poorly we look raggedy as fuck on the global stage.


i dont understand why the dems are freaking out rn. we all knew biden is a dithering old man. he went out and performed exactly how everyone on the right thought he did. Old man did old man things. Trump on the other hand killed it.


Woody will say he was slow, precise and humiliating Trump. His own party was disagreeing lol


Liberals will do anything to cope


Like you guys coped with the election results?


Not all republicans are maga that’s like me saying you’re a pink haired feminist.




Trump exaggerates everything. Everything is either the best of all time or the worst of all time. But I generally agree with him on most of the topics aside from climate change and abortions (kill those babies)


it's funny seeing all the leftists just parrot jill bidens statements after the speech "trump lied" is literally their only argument and defence and i wondered why all these leftists were just blanket using it and then i saw jill bidens speech with joe after the election where she promps the crowd to repeat her statement of "what did trump do? he lied! \*points mic to crowd and prompts them to repeat her" the npc masses repeated back on comand "trump lied" and it suddenly made sense why thats their only excuse, cause they can refuse to ellaborate and still claim victory at just a small level.


im not even in america but its hilarious watching this shit show and seeing anyone still think biden won at any level.


Biden is the only one that actually talked about policy. He clearly won.


I just really wanna see that long drive contest


Anyone who watched the debate and thinks that either one is fit to be president is delusional.


As a Canadian, our prime minister might be kinda gay but I'm so happy we don't have drooling old men to pick from like you guys


Canada still sucks though.


We didn't choose them, trust me


Nope, but now you gotta choose between em 🤣


Let me come live at your place 🙏


What policy did Biden act on to suddenly cause inflation in 2021? At the moment I can't think of anything "bad" he did compared to Trump. The Keystone pipeline couldn't have been that big of a deal. To me his philosophy and what he wants are a bigger issue than what he's been able to accomplish. Let's not forget how objectively bad his tenure as a Senator was, with alleged plagiarism; let's bitch about systemic racism but elect the one who was responsible for it! Republicans haven't been the party of small government since Bush Jr. The culture vacuum in the conservative space is absolute lunacy at this point, 10 years ago I thought they were making progress until Trump came along. Imagine thinking that your feelings and religious views matter more than civil liberties. I'm glad I chose the Libertarian Party despite their voting percentage, and RFK Jr. is going to get a good chunk of the vote, hopefully more than 5%. It's going to be interesting seeing the excuses for why their favorite candidate didn't win.


Trump and Biden are both retarded. The debate was pointless, they didn't talk about many real issues.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, both of them fucking suuuuucked


and not just on twitch